Humans Body Systems 1
Integumentary System Vocabulary: Key Terms Function: Epidermis: outermost layer of the skin - dermat/o: skin The main function of the Keratinization: process which cells - kerat/o: hard or horny integumentary system is to act as a form and fibrils of keratin and - xer/o: dry external casing for the body, harden - xanth/o: yellow, protecting the structures embedded Melanin: dark pigment in skin and within it. hair yellowish Melanocytes: produce melanin - erythr/o: red Diseases/Disorder: Healthcare Careers: cells - pedicu/o: lice Dermis: layer of dense irregular - onych/o: fingernail or - Skin Cancer: abnormal - Cosmetologist: connective tissue lying deep to the growth of skin cells. person who provides epidermis toenail application of beauty Keratin: insoluble protein that - myc/o: fungus or pus - Albinism: A group of treatment. makes up hair and nails - pil/o: hair inherited disorders Elasticity: ability of a tissue to - lip/o: fat characterized by little or - Dermatologist : return back to original shape after - rhytid/o: wrinkle no melanin production contracting or stretching - albin/o: white medical practitioner Extensibility: ability of skin to - Athlete’s foot: fungal qualified to diagnose stretch due to combination of infection that usually and treat skin disorders collagen and elastic fibers begins between the toes. Hemoglobin: oxygen-pigment in red blood cells that provides the - Herpes: infection that is pink red to color the epidermis caused by a herpes Shaft: A superficial portion of the air simplex virus.
Musculoskeletal System Vocabulary: - my/o: muscle Function: The main function of the Joint: A place where two or more bones meet. Tendon: A tough band tissue made of protein - myel/o: marrow muscular system is allow body that connects a skeletal muscle to a bone movements, maintains posture, and Atp: A molecule that is used a source of - oste/o: bone produces heat. energy by protein in cells. Motor Neuron: A cell that carries electrical - cost/o: ribs Diseases/Disorders: signals from the brain to a skeletal muscle cell. - crani/o: skull ● Arthritis- tenderness of Atrophy: Shrinking or wasting away of tissues the bone Flexation: Decreasing the angle between 2 - -pexy: surgical fixation bones ● Tendonitis- tissue in the Inversion: turning inward - chondr/o: cartilage muscle that is inflamed Dorsiflexion: toes pointed up Inversion: turning upward - arthr/o: joint ● RA: an autoimmune Supination: Act of turning the palm upward. disease that can cause - -plegia: paralysis joint pain and damage throughout your body - kinesi/o: movement ● Osteoarthritis: chronic Healthcare Careers: joint conditions. ● Chiropractor: breaks bones to release pain ● Physical Therapist: movement experts who improve quality of life through prescribed exercises
Nervous System Function: The main Vocabulary: ● Central Nervous System: consists of brain - neur/o: nerve function of the nervous and spinal cord - encephal/o: brain system is to respond to ● Peripheral Nervous System: outside the CNS - myel/o: spinal cord sensory information and and consist mainly of the nerves - ambul/o: walking coordinates body ● Somatic Nervous System: somatic motor - -esthesia: sensation, responses nerve fibers that conduct impulses ● Sensory: carry impulse to the CNS feeling Diseases/Disorders: ● Motor: transmit impulse from CNS - mening/o: membrane ● Alzheimer’s- A progressive ● Sympathetic: thoracic and lumbar part of - psych/o: mind disease that destroys memory spine mobilize body systems during activity - concuss/o: shaken and other important mental ● Parasympathetic: cranial and sacral area, functions. conserve energy together ● Meningitis- inflammation of ● Synapse: mediates information from one brain and spinal cord neuron to the next Healthcare Careers: membranes ● Neurotransmitters: language of the nervous ● Psychiatrist: diagnosis ● Epilepsy- a neurological system and treat people with disorder marked by sudden ● Endorphins: act as natural pain killers mental disorders recurrent episodes of sensory ● Neurosurgeon: treat disturbance disorders of PNS and ● Polio- destroys nerve cells in CNS the spinal cord.
Special Senses Main Function: Vocabulary: The principle function of the - Eyes: - Vision: the faculty or Key Terms: Diseases/Disorders: special sensory receptors is to - irid/o: iris - Glaucoma: a condition of detect environmental stimuli state of being able to - -cusis: increased pressure within the and transduce their energy see hearing eyeball, causing gradual loss into electrical impulses. These - Sight: manage to see - -opia: of sight. are then conveyed along or observe vision - Microphthalmia: birth defects sensory neurons to the central - Tongue: detached condition of a baby’s eye(s) in which nervous system, where they muscular organ in the - ot/o: ear one or both eyes did not are integrated and processed, mouth used for - tympan/o: develop fully. and a response is produced. tasting tympanic - Deafness: the condition of - Taste: the sensation (ear drum) lacking the power of hearing of flavor perceived in - opthalm/o: or having impaired hearing. the mouth eye; vision - Blindness: the state or - Ears: organs that - -metry: to condition of being unable to allow you to hear see. - Hearing: the faculty of perceiving sounds measure Healthcare Careers - Auditory: relating to the sense of hearing - Otolaryngologist: physician who treats diseases - Nose: organ that allows you to smell of the head and neck, both medically and - Smell: faculty or power of perceiving surgically. odors or scents by means of the organs - Ophthalmologist: a specialist in the branch of in the nose. medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders and diseases of the eye.
Cardiovascular System Key Terms: Function: Vocabulary: - cardi/o: heart The main function of the Aorta: largest artery in the - angi/o: blood vessel cardiovascular system is to body - hem/o, hemat/o: blood pump blood and transport it to Endocardium:inner lining - brady: slow body cells, delivering nutrients of heart - tachy: fast and carrying away waste. Endothelium: innermost - thromb/o: clot lining of blood cells - -emia: blood condition Diseases/Disorders: Myocardium: muscular, - leuk/o: white - Stroke: damage to the brain from middle layer of the heart - erythr/o: red Pericardium: double-layer - arteri/o: artery interruption of its blood supply membrane surrounding - Cardiac Arrest: sudden, the heart Healthcare Careers: Pulse: beat of heart Cardiothoracic Surgeon: unexpected loss of heart through walls of arteries MD who specializes in function, breathing, and Vein: carry blood away surgical procedures of consciousness from heart heart and lungs - Arrhythmia: a condition in which Venule: small vein Cardiologist: doctor who the heart beats with an irregular Systole: contraction specializes in study or or abnormal rhythm phase of heartbeat treatment of heart disease - Congenital Heart Disease: an Pulmonary Vein: one of abnormality in the heart that two pairs vessels carrying develops before birth. oxygenated from lungs to heart
Respiratory System Key Terms: Diseases/Disorders: Vocabulary: - bronch/o: bronchi Asthma: Alveoli: tiny air sacs in the lungs. - cyan/o: blue Chronic Obstructive Bronchiole: small tube that - laryng/o: larynx or Pulmonary Disease (COPD): branches from bronchi within the throat Inability to exhale normally lungs - -oxia: oxygen (hypoxia) Pneumonia: Disease caused Bronchus: on the two branches of - oxy-: oxygen by infection in air sacs of the the trachea that enters the lungs - pleur/o: pleura lung Expiration: air is forced out of the - pneum/o: lung or air Cystic Fibrosis: respiratory lungs - pulmon/o: lung disease caused by defective External Respiration: exchange of - thorac/o: chest gene that creates thick gases between the atmosphere and - trache/o: trachea mucus that clogs up tubes the blood and passageways. Internal Respiration: gas exchange Function: between blood and body cells The main function of the Health Care Careers: Inspiration: in taking air into lungs respiratory system is keeping Pulmonologist: Physicians Tidal Volume: normal amount of air blood supplied with fresh trained to treat disease to you breath in under normal oxygen and removes carbon treat diseases and circumstances dioxide from the body. conditions of the chest Vital Capacity: maximum amount Respiratory Therapist: Work of air a person can inhale and with patients who have exhale breathing and other Diffusion: molecules move from cardiopulmonary disorders area of high concentration to area of lower concentration
Urinary System Vocabulary: Renal Capsule: a smooth transparent Key Terms: Function: membrane that adheres to the -Cele: hernia The main function of the urinary external aspect of the kidney. Lysis: loosening or setting system is to eliminate waste Adipose Capsule: fatty mass that free; destruction products and controls water cushions the kidney and helps attach Cyst/o: bladder or cyst balance in the body. to the body wall Nephr/o: kidney Renal Cortex: part of the kidney Ren/o: kidney or kidneys Disease/Disorders: containing the glomeruli and -Uria: urination Bladder Cancer: Cancer in the convoluted tubules. -Pexy: surgical fixation lining of the bladder Renal Medulla: inner tissue layer of -Ectasis:enlargement or Kidney Stones: Solid piece of kidney stretching material that forms in the Apex: highest point, tip Pyel/o: renal pelvis kidney from substances in the Renal Columns: area of tissue which urine. segregate and dip inward between Healthcare Careers: Interstitial Cystitis: Conditions the pyramids Nephrologists: provide that causes discomfort or pain Renal Pelvis: funnel like structure in medical management to in the bladder. the outlet of the kidney which urine patients with kidney disease Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): is discharge in before passing into Urology: provide medical and Damaged kidneys and can’t the ureter surgical management for filter blood properly. Arteriole: small artery disorders of the urinary tract Cortex: outer region of an organ Hilus: indented region of the kidney, where the renal artery, renal vein and ureter enter
Digestive System Vocabulary: Gallbladder: baglike organ that Key Terms: Function: stores bile Cholecyst/o: gallbladder The main function of the Digestive Tract: series of Enter/o: small intestine digestive system is to b break tube-like organs that are joined Col/o, Colon/o: colon down food into nutrition for end to end Hepat/o: liver body cells and eliminates Enzymes: substances that break Gastr/o: stomach leftover waste. down nutrients into smaller Or/o: mouth particles for the body to use -Pepsia: digestion Diseases/Disorders: Incisors: teeth for shredding food Chol/e: bile or gall Gastric Ulcer: open sore in the Saliva: begins chemical digestion Proct/p: rectum stomach lining of carbohydrates Stomach Flu: infection of the Peristalsis: muscle contractions Healthcare Careers: stomach and upper part of the to move food down Digestive Health Nursing: small intestine Chyme: soupy mixture in the trained to understand digestive Colon Cancer: uncontrolled stomach conditions in all of the growth of colon cells causing a Bile: liquid used for digestion individual parts of the digestive tumor to form Esophagus: tube that connects system Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS): the mouth and throat to Gastroenterology: covers the abdominal pain that occurs three stomach entire spectrum of digestive times a month for three months in Rectum: section of the large tract disease and disorders a row intestine
Reproductive System Key Terms: Function: Vocabulary: Cervic/o: neck; cervix The main function of the Cervix: opening of the uterus Salping/o: Fallopian reproductive system is to Corpus Luteum: endocrine tissue tubes produce offspring. To which produces hormones, estrogen, Ov/o: egg produce egg and sperm and progesterone, prepares the Orchid/o: testicles, testes cells, transport and sustain uterine lining for embryo Oophor/o: ovaries these cells and also Endometrium: mucous membrane Men/o: menstruation nurture the developing that lines the uterus Mann/o: breast offspring. Epididymis: structure in male Gynec/o: female reproductive system in which sperm is Colp/o: vegina Disease/Disorders: stored Prostat/o: prostate gland Chlamydia: STI caused by Estrogen: female steroid sex hormone bacteria of genus Chlamydia. that is secreted by the ovary Healthcare careers: Endometriosis: presence of Fallopian Tube: fluid-filled tubes in Urologists: study of surgical endometrial elsewhere than in human females in which an egg and medical diseases of the the lining of the uterus passes through male and female Amenorrhea: absence or Fertilization: cells join to form new reproductive system suppression of normal cell in sexual reproduction Gynecologists: deal with the menstrual flow Gamete: specialized cell involved in health of the female Epididymitis: painful sexual reproduction reproductive system inflammation of the Labia Minora: thin folds of skin epididymis Labia Majora: skin that lie on either side of the vaginal opening
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