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Home Explore 2018 UK Queenstown Schools Cricket Carnival

2018 UK Queenstown Schools Cricket Carnival

Published by sportsclass, 2017-08-07 11:26:35

Description: 2018 UK Queenstown Schools Cricket Carnival


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2019 Queenstown Schools Cricket Carnival Be part of the ac on at the Queenstown Schools Cricket Carnival. Queenstown, New Zealand, January 2019 (Exact dates to be discussed) -.The 2018 Queenstown Schools Cricket Carnival will be the second edi on of the QueenstownSchools tournament that first took place in Queenstown in January 2017. For the inaugural eventthere were eight teams - seven New Zealand high school and combined Un der 17 teams and onerepresenta ve team from Orange, New South Wales, Australia. The format involved an exci ngcombina on of T20 matches and 110 over \"declara on\" matches which ensured that every minuteof every day there was something to play for.Eligibility Sportstours-uk .

To be eligible, players must be under 17 years of age on 1 May 2018. The organisers may consider excep ons in the interests of ensuring that keen young cricketers get to play cricket and experience the Queenstown vibe.Cricket with an Interna onal FlavourQueenstown is renowned as an tourism resort, and is the jewel in New Zealand's tourism crown. It iswidely regarded as the adventure capital of the world.What is perhaps less well known is that Queenstown has hosted some ten One Day Interna onals atthe spectacular Queenstown Events Centre, widely regarded as one of the most picturesque cricketgrounds in the world.So it is only natural that we have ambi ons of hos ng a Cricket Carnival for high school playerswhich will a ract budding cricketers from around the globe.Not only does this provide a great experience for our home grown kiwi cricketers but it representsan amazing experience for our cricket-mad guests to visit our back yard, play cricket with youngplayers just like them but from a different country, and make lifelong friends.That is what cricket is all about!

FormatThe format of the Carnival involves a series of T20 matches culmina ng in a T20 Final, as well as 110over \"declara on\" matches.The T20 part of the compe on involves a group stage where teams will play the other teams intheir group. Then follows a knock out stage, culmina ng in a T20 Final. In the inaugural Carnival theT20 Final was indeed a closely fought match of high qualityThe 110 over \"declara on\" matches were indeed a success at the inaugural Carnival.Under this format a total of 110 overs are bowled during the day's play. The team ba ng first canbat no more that 60 overs.However if they then fail to bowl the team ba ng second out the match is drawn with points shareddepending on whether the team ba ng second scored eighty percent of the first team's total. Ifthey did, they gain the lion's share of the points.Furthermore, generous points are on offer for any team brave enough to go for an outright win. Thisextra incen ve for outright points worked very well and encouraged enterprising cricket.Whatever stage a game was at there is always something for both teams to play for.

Entry Fee £450.00 pp up to 16 people. above 16 spectators rated apply unsubsidised rates applyWe want to make sure that Interna onal teams travelling to New Zealand have a fantas c tour- thecricket tour of a life me!Because of our links to golf clubs, cafes, wineries, restaurants and the numerous tourist ac vi esand a rac ons around Queenstown, we will be assis ng Global Sports Promo ons to put togethertailored i neraries built around the cricket.We do howev er have to charge each team an entry fee to play in Queenstown Schools CricketCarnival. For Interna onal teams this fee will be discounted, and will be included in the packageorganised for you.Because of Queenstown's popularity however, there is a need for you to commit by no later than 30Jan 2018 in order to have the best chance of securing the accommoda on and travel arrangementsthat you want.Furthermore, all entries are subject to acceptance by Queenstown Schools Cricket Carnivaldepending on whether spaces are s ll available in the compe on.

Umpiring and Scoring There will be at least one official umpire presiding over each match in the Carnival. Scoring is done via CricHQ. This was successfully trialled at the inaugural Carnival, and the feedback was highly posi ve - not just from everyone at the Carnival but even more so from supporters far away who were not able to be there but who wanted to follow every ball. CricHQ provides ball by ball updates, full sta s cs, and even comes up with a Carnival \"Dream team\" of the best performed players overall.

Groups, Tourist Ac vi es and A rac ons Queenstown is far more than just cricket. It is an interna onal resort renowned for its tourist a rac ons, its world class adventure ac vities, nature walks, wineries, restaurants, fly fishing, golf courses and nightlife. Some of these are showcased in the Des na on Queenstown brochure a ached. Sportstours-UK,will be very happy to assist and advise our guests regarding any of these ac vi es while here, and can put together tailored individual and group tour packages if required.

Contact Us Entry Fee £450.00 pp up to 16 people.For more informa on please contact Sportstours-uk email; [email protected]

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