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OISE PRE K-12 Leaflet

Published by continuinged, 2015-11-26 14:50:57

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PRE K-12OISE Continuing and Professional Learning WITH OISE I CAN

#9 #1 OISE: EXPERTISE INEDUCATION REFORMWORLDWIDECANADAWorld Renowned For decades, OISE has been at the forefront of federal and provincial research and in-service for education reform, school improvementIn the subject area of Education, and professional development, including:OISE is ranked Ninth in the worldand First amongst Canadian „„ Advising the Premier of Ontario on setting provincial educationuniversities by the QS World and training direction and prioritiesUniversity Rankings. „„ Conducting research that is aligned to Ministry of EducationSource: 2014 QS World University Ranking policy and relevant to school board staff „„ Educating outstanding teachers who enter the teaching profession well-equipped to teach and inspire learning „„ Providing extensive, on-going professional development to education leaders and professionals across multiple sectorsOISE: Global Expertise EDUCATION AT OISEOISE expertise in education and As a global-leader in research and graduate studies in education,education systems reform has OISE is committed to partnering with schools, communities, thebeen in demand around the world non-profit sector and governments to develop and understandfor decades. For example, a team education and human development.of OISE experts was contracted toevaluate the UK’s previous Labour SOLUTIONS FOR PRE K-12 PROFESSIONALSGovernment’s literacy/numeracyeducation reform initiative. Our PreK-12 learning solutions are specifically designed to help education professionals and organizations serving early childhood,Source: Education Canada (2010) elementary and secondary school education sectors: CREATE & ENABLE CHAMPION IMPLEMENTBehind Create and Enable your team ChampionOntario’s implement and organization educationalEducation System Reform learner, teacher through exceptional technology to and leadership school leadership enable student,OISE expert advisers were strategies to meet classroom andintegral in developing the 2003 the diverse needs practices to institutionalstrategy to transform the public of all students drive systems opportunitieseducation system in Ontario, and transformationcontinue to advise the Premier ofOntario on provincial educationpolicies and priorities.Source: Education Canada (2010)

CANADIAN SUCCESSIN EDUCATION REFORMThe importance of a strong education system for a country’s Education has Impacteconomic growth and success is no longer a matter of debate inpolicy circles. Virtually all governments around the world have Education gives people the powerbeen re-examining their education systems in an effort to better to escape poverty, to influenceposition their countries in the changing global marketplace. decisions that affect their livelihoods, and to leadCanada: Education Systems Leader more secure and fulfilled lives. It equips countries to share inIn global rankings, Canada consistently appears as an education global leader. PISA test results over the last decade revealCanada’s strong results as well as less dispersion among its high Source: UN Special Envoy, Education (2013)and low socio-economic status students than many other countriesaround the world (OECD 2010). The Canadian system is decentral- Canada is a Leaderized; education is the responsibility of its provinces and territories. in Education Systems80 per cent of Canada’s 5 million students are found within theprovinces of Ontario (2 million), Quebec (1 million), Canada has become a worldBritish Columbia (610,000) and Alberta (530,000). leader in its sustained strategy of professionally-driven reform ofOntario: Successful Education Reform its educational system. Students perform well despite their socio-Contributing to Canada’s high global rankings, is the strong economic status, first language, orperformance of Ontario’s schools, due to a comprehensive effort whether they are native Canadiansto improve Ontario’s education system, which began in 2003. or recent immigrants.Specific strategies were created to improve literacy andnumeracy skills among elementary students, and at the secondary Source: OECD, (2010)level, to increase graduation rates and support studentsto successfully complete high school and reach their 21st Century Skillspost-secondary goals. These strategies centred aroundinfrastructure improvements, building capacity and shared Canada is a top performerunderstanding of best practice through extensive professional worldwide in foundationaldevelopment programs for all K-12 education professionals. literacies (Literacy, Numeracy, Scientific Literacy, ICT Literacy) andGood leadership at all levels (ministry, district and school level), competencies (Critical Thinking,coupled with extensive capacity building, was considered Creativity, and Curiosity).fundamental to the success of the reform. By 2013/14, 150,000more elementary students are meeting or beating the provincial Source: WEFUSA New Vision for Education, 2014standard in reading, writing and math compared to 2002/03.83 per cent of Ontario high school students are graduating,representing approximately 115 500 more students whohave graduated than would have if the rate had remained at its2003/04 level.SOURCES: World Bank: ECA Knowledge Brief (2015), (2015), (2015)OISE Continuing and Professional Learning

WITH OISE I CANCONTACT USOISE Continuing and Professional LearningOntario Institute for Studies in EducationUniversity of Toronto5-103 252 Bloor Street WToronto, ON, M55 1V6 [email protected] @OISENews1-416-978-2474 OISE Alumni and

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