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Home Explore OISE CPL TEAL Program


Published by continuinged, 2015-05-04 14:50:28

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TEALTeaching English as an Additional LanguagePreK-12OISE Continuing and Professional LearningWITH OISE I CAN |

TEACHING ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGENativeness does not automatically English speaking education professionalsequate to teaching ability. can have the same language learning impact in their classrooms as native “ All sorts of people are fluent, English speaking education professionals but only a tiny proportion of so long as the appropriate English them are sufficiently aware teaching practices, tools and resources of the structure of the English are provided to them. language that they know how to teach it. ” In 2015-2016, OISE Continuing and Professional Learning is introducing the – David Crystal, British Linguist K-12 Education Professionals Program: Teaching English as an AdditionalOISE Continuing and Professional Language for Non-Native Speakers ofLearning recognizes that, with over 300 English. This program specializes inidentified languages spoken around the preparing education professionals, whoseworld, education professionals, and their native language is not English, to teachstudents, are likely competent speakers English in the K-12 education sector.of at least one home language, other thanEnglish. Additionally, while English maynot be the ‘mother tongue’, non-native EXPERTS IN MULTILINGUAL LEARNING For over 30 years, Canada has been recognized for its expertise in language teaching, learning, and assessment. Many countries look to Canadian models to develop their learning design, to choose language- and intercultural- competence models, to develop curriculum, and to introduce innovative teaching and assessment programs both for facilitating and supporting students and for developing proficiency scales. – CMEC (Council for Ministers of Education in Canada), 2010 Canada: More than 200 First Languages Canada has two official languages: French and English yet Canadians reported more than 200 first languages, with those who have neither French nor English as a first language. Global: English as an Additional Language English as an Additional Language (EAL) are speakers of other languages who are adding English to their language repertoire in order to access the English language curriculum and achieve grade level outcomes.PRE K-12 OISE CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL LEARNING

PROGRAM DETAILS (Closed Enrolment) TEAL FOUNDATIONS„„ 4 week intensive program; 5 days per week 9am-3pm„„ Delivered on-campus at OISE University of Toronto OR on-site at preferred group location„„ Delivers an overview of English Instructional Strategies (Beginner to Advanced), lesson/unit planning preparation techniques review and resources as well as long term strategy planning sessions„„ Certificate of Professional Learning provided to education professionals who successfully complete and participate in all aspects of the program„„ Fees are presented in Canadian dollars and include tuition and course materials„„ Additional fees for consideration include: accommodation, transportation and associated health, travel insurance and health service fees TEAL IMMERSION„„ 12 week intensive program; 5 days per week 9am-3pm„„ Delivered on-campus at OISE University of Toronto OR on-site at preferred group location„„ Delivers a series of English Instructional Strategies (Beginner to Advanced) and applied to both general teaching practices as well as specific areas of Arts, Technology, Special Education; lesson/unit planning preparation/ resources, curriculum planning as well as long term strategy planning sessions„„ Education professionals visit Canadian schools and observe English as an Additional Language strategies in action„„ Emphasis placed upon ‘train the trainer’ where participants of the program prepare a plan of how to transfer their learning to others within their school or district„„ Masters Certificate of Professional Learning provided to education professionals who successfully complete and participate in all aspects of the program„„ Fees are presented in Canadian dollars and include tuition and course materials„„ Additional fees for consideration include: accommodation, transportation and associated health, travel insurance and health service fees PRE K-12 OISE CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL LEARNING