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Home Explore FINAL CAO Connections Newsletter Summer 2016

FINAL CAO Connections Newsletter Summer 2016

Published by cnattrass, 2016-10-31 16:15:59

Description: FINAL CAO Connections Newsletter Summer 2016

Keywords: connections


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EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTERSUMMER 2016 still ME: Seniors’ Walk and Roll in Services adopts Support of Seniors innovative model of care The Sunnyside Campus was full of RAVE Awards presented activity on Saturday, June 11 for to 56 employees the Sunnyside Foundation’s Annual Fundraiser Walk & Roll. Seniors’ Kris Fletcher wins Douglas Bartholomew- Services staff, residents, tenants, AMCTO award! Saunders, clients and volunteers all got Commissioner of involved in support of this fun filled Community Services, event. and Marilee Mark, Sunnyside Foundation In addition to a 3.5 km walk and 1.5 Chair km wheelchair roll, there was music, dancing, children’s activities, great food and a huge display of classic cars. A fantastic time was had by all and over $42,800 was raised by the Sunnyside Foundation in support of programs and services for seniors. Lindsay Marinovic (left) and Sarah Vanderveen with a Sunnyside resident at Walk and Roll. Sunnyside Golf Tournament Got your golf knickers picked out yet? It’s not too early to start coordinating your team’s wardrobe for the best dressed prize at the popular Sunnyside Foundation Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament will be held on September 12 at Rebel Creek. The Sunnyside Foundation raised over $21,000 in support of programs and services for seniors at last year’s sold out tournament. Reserve your spot today!Registration is $145, which includes green fees, golf cart rental, lunch,dinner and a $35 donation receipt. There will also be team prizes, silentand live auctions, a giant raffle and complimentary massages. EmailAshley Romitz at [email protected] to register. [email protected]

Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services achieves Baby-Friendly Initiative accreditationCongratulations to the Public Health and Emergency For information, contact Grace Bermingham,Services department on achieving Baby-Friendly Manager, Breastfeeding and Positive Parenting atInitiative (BFI) accreditation from the Breastfeeding [email protected] for Canada.BFI is a global campaign developed by the World From left to right; Marg LaSalle, Assessor from theHealth Organization and United Nations Children’s Breastfeeding Committee for Canada presents theEmergency Fund to protect, promote and support BFI plaque to Chair Ken Seiling, Commissionerbreastfeeding and help families make informed Dr. Liana Nolan, and Regional Councillor Sue Foxton.decision related to infant feeding. Becoming BFIaccredited is an important milestone in WaterlooRegion and it recognizes our commitment to helpingmothers and babies achieve optimal health outcomes.The Breastfeeding Committee for Canada officiallypresented the BFI plaque to Regional Council onMay 3rd and celebration events were held on May 4that 99 Regina Street and May 25th at 150 Main Street.This achievement is owed to the combined efforts of allROWPHE staff, management and community partners.Thank you to everyone who has been involved in thisimportant endeavour.still ME: Seniors’ Services adopts innovative model of careStaff in Seniors’ Services are thinking outside the boxwith a new, innovative approach to care for peopleliving with memory loss called still ME. They aregetting to know the person behind the dementia andcreating an engaging environment where residentsand clients feel more comfortable and independentand can do the things that make them happy. Examplesof this can be seen at Sunnyside Home as Seniors’Services starts to adopt the new model of care.The vision is to have staff, families and volunteerswork collaboratively to continually engage residentsand clients, providing opportunities for them to A resident who loves to garden enjoys plantingexperience joy, purpose and something meaningful marigolds in a courtyard do throughout the day, every day. Enriching livesin this way complements the compassionate care, programs and services provided by Seniors’ Services atSunnyside.2 [email protected]

Yoga in the park and Scavenger Hunt Non-Stop Daily promote good health and support the Chicago & United Way CalgaryRegional employees were found active in support of good health and the +250 One-Stop DestinationsUnited Way in June. On June 23, staff participated in Yoga in the Parkat 150 Frederick Street and on June 24, staff participated in a PhotoScavenger Hunt in the City of Waterloo. These events provided a methodfor staff to have fun, stay active, and promoted overall fitness and goodhealth, all while raising money for the United Way – great effort everyone! S10atau.rmd.a–y,4Apu.mgu.s(rtai2n0o,r 2016 shine) AFdRmEisEsionBringdaoFnoaotidonBank Parking $4 per vehicle Meet a pilot, see aircraft or watch a demo – fun for the whole [email protected] 3

The Sunnyside Foundation’s Annual BazaarSaturday, November 5 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. • 247 Franklin Street North, Kitchener• Browse unique and handmade items sold by over 40 vendors.• Indulge in delectable treats at the Sunnyside Auxiliary Bake Sale.• Visit the Fabulous Finds Gift Shop to spruce up your holiday décor.• The Sandhills Café will be open for breakfast and lunch. For more information on becoming a vendor, contact: Janice Klassen, Coordinator, Volunteer at 519-893-8494 extension 6372.New portal tips Personal Employeeand tricks Development Development Planning tips The Region is a big place with over Have you completed your PDP or ePDP yet? 3,000 employees Here are some tips for those of you that haven’t. and seven • Ask for feedback from your supervisor or manager. departments. The • Review and reflect on your strengths and areas for development. employee portal • Determine what actions you can take to build on your brings together people from across strengths, along with one or two areas for development.the organization, building relationships • Create your plan and review it with your supervisor.and sharing valuable information along • Finalize your planthe way.The portal can make your job easier and implement helping you and others to find each • Track your progressother – so post your photo to yourprofile section for all to see! for success, andProfile pictures will show up on your continue with yourinternal posts and will also auto- development!populate into your Region email • Be flexible — youraccount! Tired of that plain old cut-out Plan is a livinghead in your profile? Upload a photo of document. Letyourself to your Commonplace profile content evolve andsection (no pet photos please). change as newFor detailed instructions on how to opportunities andupload your profile photo, visit the priorities emerge.Portal under Communications, PortalTips and Tricks.4 [email protected]

RAVE Awards presented to 56 employees!The Employee Awards for Values Excellence providesrecognition to employees who demonstrate Regionalvalues in their work with colleagues, customers orcommunity partners. More than 180 employees werenominated by their peers for living our Regional values.On April 7, the Region’s fifth Values Awards was heldat Knox Church in Waterloo. This year’s speaker wasJeff Adams - a five-time Paralympian and former CBCreporter. The awards were presented by CAO MikeMurray.The Award Recipients for 2015 are:Value for Innovation: Brennan Kincaid, Michelle Novar, RAVE award winner pose with Mike Murray.Theresa Evans, James Topham, Susan Cressman, KellySproule, Janice Paul, Corrie Bradley, Stella Freiberg,Janice Klassen, Erin Shoup, Laura Sider, Cherie Karn andEric Saunderson.Value for Integrity: Heather Beitz.Value for Collaboration: Sean Berry, Kathleen Sidaway, Matt Pearson, Deanna Dakin, Susan Langley, StanleyMwalwana, Jeff McKenna, Adam Currins, Danielle Seiler, Timothy Van Vliet, Ash Hassanien, Komal Shah, Vickie Quiggand Pam Meyers, Noel Belcourt, Gwen McAlister, Nicole Francoeur, Amber Robertson, Wesley Schroeder, JoanCrocker, Patricia Picard, Jennnifer Murdoch, Mina Bahgat, Vanhthong Vilaysinh, Marie Morrison, Beatrice Ricci,Frances Collier, Georgia Lukina, Kata Ljubojevic, Julie Wheeler, Kelly Buxton, Janice Klassen, Stella Freiberg, JoanneZimmerman, Melissa Clark, Corrie Bradley, Janice Paul and Kelly Sproule.Value for Service: Brandon Roberts and Amy Rivers.Value for Respect: Julie Hill.Heat alert and Regional Cooling Centres 5Environment and Climate Change Canada recently launched a new Heat Warning and InformationSystem for all of Ontario. This new system streamlines the heat warning process and will helpOntarians better understand the personal risks associated with heat events, and ways they canprotect both their own health and their loved ones during heat events.When a Heat Warning is issued for Waterloo Region, Public Health shares this informationwith the public (via media release and Twitter: @ROWPublicHealth) and communicateswith key stakeholders who provide direct service to vulnerable populations as well ascoordinates the opening of Cooling Centres across the region. For more information onHeat Warnings and Cooling Centres and what to do to protect yourself and others duringextreme prolonged heat, go to [email protected]

ON EXHIBIT NOW! STILL STANDINGLearn how a city was pushed to the On exhibit until October 16edge during the First World War – to thepoint of changing its name from Berlin Celebrating 200 years!to Kitchener through a controversial Rare images, familyand high tension referendum. artifacts andWaterloo Region Museum insight into life10 Huron Road, Kitchener at the Schneider519-748-1914 Haus, a fixture in the downtown core. Joseph Schneider Haus 466 Queen Street South, Kitchener 519-742-7752 josephschneiderhaus.comCommunity Services embraces innovation tools The Region’s new tools for innovation Since facilitating their use at the CSD Innovation are catching on in Community extended management meeting, several Services; getting staff excited, divisions are experimenting with the tools, igniting new conversations and including Children’s Services – using them ideas, and helping decisions get numerous times to successfully engage made. Arran Rowles, Manager of over 60 community partners, including Business Supports, introduced the child care providers. The tools were alsotools to the department in April at a meeting with the well received at an Employment and Incomedepartment’s supervisors and managers. Support all-staff meeting in June.“The tools provided a faster, more efficient way The innovation tools are part of the Region’sto identify priorities,” says Arran, who is also a focus on innovation provided by the CAO’smember of the Region’s core team for innovation. Office. They are available on the Portal under“People become highly engaged in the process the Innovation section. Contact Lorie Fiozeand everyone has a voice in decision-making. It’s for more information on how to use the toolshard work but fun at the same time.” and to book a ‘toolkit’ package for your next meeting.6 [email protected]

Refugee resettlement in Waterloo Region Tara Bedard, Manager of Immigration Partnership with the Region of Waterloo was already playing a key role in helping to coordinate a community response to the surge in privately sponsored refugees when the federal government, in one of its’ first official acts in 2015, announced that Canada would immediately work to bring 25,000 Syrian government sponsored refugees to Canada.Tara Bedard, Manager, As of mid-May 2016, over 1,200 SyrianImmigration Partnership newcomers have moved into permanent housing in Waterloo Region, childrenare enrolled in school, numerous immunization clinics have been held aswell as dental and health screenings. By any measure, this initiative hasbeen spectacularly successful. Read the full story on the portal underInnovation, Our Stories. The YouthForce team at the youth job fair on June 11. Kris Fletcher Regional staff in the photo from left to right; Anita Sharratt-Geddes, wins AMCTO Carolyn Vasco, Jonathan Maurer, Kelly Saunders, Lorraine Eisenporth, Mina Fayez-Baghat, Graeme Fisken. award!YouthForce is a joint venture between the Region and communitypartners. “This program is part of a Regional strategy to help break The AMCTO Prestige Awardthe cycle of poverty and create healthy communities and vibrant is presented annually to aneighbourhoods,” said Mina Fayez-Bahgat, Manager of Waterloo current or past AssociationRegion Housing. A group of 25 people between the ages of 14 and 25 member who has beenwill be hired to do various jobs over the summer months this year. Youth nominated by his or herwill also receive learning opportunities, including career planning, peers and selected by aemployment coaching, workplace habits, job searching, resume building, committee of experiencedinterview preparation and financial planning. municipal professionals. Kris Fletcher was presented the [email protected] Prestige Award on June 14 at the annual Gala Dinner, recognizing her commitment to the goals and objectives of the Association and their contribution to the Association, the profession, and their community. Way to go Kris! 7

The Region of Many of our environmental • Since 2011, the CommunityWaterloo was initiatives are also quite innovative. Environmental Fund invested inrecently awarded Innovation is about implementing 80 community projects. For everythe Green Champion new ideas that add value to the dollar the Region has invested,award by the organization and to the community the community has investedFederation of we serve. It can take many forms, another $4.90.Canadian Municipalities (FCM). from modest efficiency gains rightThis prestigious award is presented through to transformational change. • Annual water consumption hasannually to one municipality that decreased five billion liters overhas demonstrated outstanding Here are a few highlights of the the past decade of implementingleadership and commitment many innovative environmental the Water Master Plan. This hasto implementing sustainable achievements that helped us gain reduced 535 tonnes of GHGsdevelopment initiatives. FCM noted this recognition from FCM. and helps ensure a reliable localthat the Region is “a national leader • Over 60 per cent of new water sustainable development anda model for other communities in residential growth is now in built • In 2011, the Region set a targetCanada”. up urban areas, compared to just to stabilize GHG emissions atOur commitment to environmental 15 per cent a decade ago, which 2009 levels by 2019. In 2013 thestewardship has been demonstrated reduces the need to provide more Region surpassed this target andthrough many initiatives and policies municipal infrastructure. set a revised target of 10 per centover the years, perhaps most notably • Between 2000 and 2014, transit reduction below 2009 levels bywith the 2003 Regional Growth ridership rose from 9.9 million 2019 – the equivalent of 25 perManagement Strategy (RGMS). The to 21.6 million annual trips, and cent reduction per capita.RGMS outlines our long-term vision significantly outpaced population growth. • Between 2005 and 2015, the Region built 11 Regional buildingsfor accommodating and shaping to LEED silver standard, savingfuture growth in a sustainable way. an estimated $2.1 million per year after a five-year payback period.Congratulations to everyone involved in these many initiatives over the years. (pthr$oeT2Wci0Uceakeneyeaid)ttcseshdtoRetro Video Dance Party with VJ from MuchMusic!Come out for a fun evening of 80s and 90s music with your colleagues, • Cash barpartner, spouse or friends. • Dress in your favourite retroThursday, August 11, 2016, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.Waterloo Region Museum, 10 Huron Road, Kitchener outfit or come as you are!Tickets available from your CSA or online through • Free parking! (Car pooling(See the Portal under Innovation/Events for a direct link). is encouraged as parking is limited) [email protected]

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