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Home Explore Tank transporting Drag Mag 2017

Tank transporting Drag Mag 2017

Published by icep, 2016-10-26 06:42:02

Description: Drag Mag No Bleed


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The Russian Adjutant did his best Terry Cavender was born into confuse me and put me off my Keighley, West Yorkshire. After astride but only succeeded in looking 30 year career in the British Armyas if he was some knob from central he then worked in the Ministrycasting in some 1950’s movie. He of Defence for a further 18 years,pretended that he couldn’t under- latterly as a Media Officer for thestand a word of English, but it was Defence School of Transport,patently obvious that he could. the largest driver training schoolHe would address his interpreter in Europe. Terry has written,in Russian, which would then be produced and directed severaltranslated into English. I then replied stage plays, pantomimes, radioback to him through the Interpreter. plays, acted and had the lead roleA long winded process. I could see in a film comedy ‘All Out At Sea’the Adjutant reacting to my replies that won a coveted ‘Golden Bear’before they were translated back award at the Berlin Film Festival.into Russian. It was typically sly and Terry lives in Beverley, East York-Slavonic. I was eventually informed shire, with his wife Maggie.that all of our paperwork was correct Also written by this author:and that we could progress along ‘Tell it like it wasn’t’ (with Brianthe Berlin Corridor, but not until his ‘Harry’ Clacy)Commanding Officer, a Colonel, had (available on Amazon/Kindle)appeared and given us the final nod. Plays:Whilst we were waiting for their ‘Daughter Daughter’ (with BillColonel to appear, all of the British Jordan) ‘Bernadette – The Visions’Military personnel were counted ‘Off With His Head!’several times over, their ID’s checked ‘The Ring King’and rechecked. We waited impa- ‘The Fuhrer Llives On!’tiently for a further 30 or so minutes ‘It all came out in the Wash’ ‘Forgetuntil another Jeep hove into view Me Not’ ‘Waterhouse Lane’containing the Russian Colonel and ‘Yours Until Death’ (Jack the Rip-his driver.” per) ‘Sup It Up’ Countless Pantomimes Produced and Directed the film – ‘Roundagain’ Appeared in the comedy short – ‘All Out At Sea’ 51

The RASC/RCT AssociationRASC/RCT AssociationMembership is open to all those who previously served in the Royal ArmyService Corps and the Royal Corps of Transport. There are 54 Brancheslocated throughout the country, which hold regular meetings and get-to-gethers. These Branches also support local military veteran events, such asparading on Remembrance Sunday. The Waggoner Newsletter is distribut-ed twice a year to all members. The Membership Fee is £6.00 for life.RASC & RCT Officers’ ClubMembership is open to all those officers who previously commissionedinto the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) and the Royal Corps of Trans-port (RCT). The Club organises lunches and dinners throughout the year,and with the Association hold a church service in Aldershot on the Sundaynearest the 15 July, the date on which the RCT was formed in 1965. TheWaggoner Newsletter is distributed twice a year, and the Blue Book everytwo years. Membership subscription is £10.00 per year.For further information contact:The Secretary RASC & RCTRHQ The RLCDettingen HouseThe Princess Royal BarracksDeepcutSurreyGU16 6RWTelephone: 01252 833376Email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Forces Related LinksWeb SitesArmed Forces Rumour SErvic www.blesma.orgBritish Armed Forces www.britisharmedforces.orgCombat Stress Charities Directory War Records 4 Homeless Veterans / RCT Association British Legion Logistics Corps Magazine Antar Transporters British Army 4 Army www.ssafa.orgVeterans UK Pages42 Sqn RCT - AMF(L)617 Tank Transporter Workshops, Hamm, BFPO 103British ArmyJunior Leaders Regt RCT / RAOCJunior Leaders Regt RCT TauntonRASC / RCT / RLC SCRAP BOOKRoyal Corps of Transport MemorabiliaTank TransportersTerms Of 19 77 JLR RCT Norton ManorThe Royal corps of Transport (RCT) 53

What the!! Can you spot what each is????54


Choggy larking around on the vehicle park at Moscow camp.56


From Left – Right:Cpl Williams, 19 Tank Transporter Squadron RLC.Lance Sergeant Johnson Gideon Beharry VC, Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment.Pte Kendall 19 Tank Transporter Squadron RLC. 58

Partying hard, 16 sqn lads in the Antra bar at Fally. // / 59

Lined up at 16’s disbandment parade in Fallyingbostel.60

Harbour truck joys. 61

The Last Post2016 Mark (Scully) Price Collin Maddern Chris Keeping Steve Mulvihill Vic (Mousey) Thomas Steve Garrick Keith Loveday.2015 Bob Allen Ken (Geordie) Rowlands62


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