2 • SMOOTH LEATHER • Famaco Famaco Famaco Cream Polish Famaco Dye Cream Famaco Creme Famaco Leather Delicate Revive Clean & Shine Creme De Beaute Famacolor Nourishing leather cream, High pigment dye cream Deep cleansing Raviv’Cuir renovates the colour, buff to and renovation cream. leather balm, Special cleaning lotion, a high shine. 15ml glass jar. nourishes and shines. cleans and shines. 50ml glass jar. Colours: 100. Colours: 48. 125ml bottle. 100ml. See Colour chart Art.no. F13009xx. 00245 6 colours. Art.no. F1335. 00236 Art.no. F1470xx. 00176 Art.no. F1447xx. 00240 Shoe care is a sensory experience: the smell of the care products, the silky sheen on the surface, then the shining gloss. All this transforms a good shoe into a perfect shoe. Famaco Dye Liquid Famaco Stripper Famaco Brilliant Design Paint Magic Decapant Teinture Liquide Solvent colour stripper Brilliant Magic Strong exceptional cover (use with care). High shine finishing liquid. leather dye. 100ml Colours: Black, Brown, 36 Colours Art.no. F1330. 00302 Neutral 30ml bottle 75ml bottle. Art.no. F13012300. 00386 Art.no. F1445. 00277
3 Famaco Being outdoors, exercising – pure enjoyment. Famaco Leather, A well-cared shoe can cope with anything. Care + Shine Puddles, grass, sand – with Woly it’s more than the shoe that comes to life. Lustrant Lanoline Natural lustre No single use plastic polishing spray. 250ml spray. Famaco Shoe Polish Famaco Creme Art.no. F1302. 00353 Delicate Cirage De Luxe Traditional paste polish, Deep cleansing deluxe formula for optimum leather balm, shine. nourishes and shines. Colours: 8. 125ml bottle. 50ml Art.no. F1420xxx. 6 colours. 00200 Art.no. F1447xx. 00280 100ml Art.no. F1421xxx. 00386 Famaco Saddle Soap Famaco Oiled Leather Gel Gel Fa Mat Savon Pour Cuirs Refreshes the character of oiled Cleans and softens sturdy leather. 50ml glass jar. leather. Art.no. F1473. 00189 100ml tub. Art.no. F013112. 00289 Famaco Oiled Leather Famaco Mink Oil Famaco Wax Dubbin - Mink Oil Renovator Huile De Vison Waterproof protector oil, Graisse De Luxe Huile Renovatrice deep penetration to soften, Waterproof protector sturdy leathers (saddles) wax, penetrates the Refreshes the oiled character 125ml bottle. leather to soften Art.no. F013419. 00469 and restore. of both leather, suede & 100ml tin. nubuck, renovates & restores. Art.no. F0143. 00319 250ml spray. Art.no. F1511. 00353 No single use plastic
Famaco4 • SUEDE/NUBUCK • It really is something special to feel the soft, velvety surface. It is good to know that it will stay as velvety, soft and supple – thanks to Famaco's special care. Famaco Eraser Gum Net Famaco Gum Delicate Cleaning block for suede and Gum Douche strong nubuck, rubs away surface stains. Cleaning block for soft suede Art.no. F1441. 00315 and nubuck. Also good for removing sole marks from patent leathers. Art.no. F1442. 00315 Famaco Fade Revive Famaco Vel Vel Suede Raviv Daim Restorer & Fabric Shampoo Suede colour restore, chemical re-activates Vel Vel Intensive Shampoo the leather dye to cleaning the suede prior to intensify original colour. colour restore. 100ml pump spray. 100ml bottle with brush. Art.no. F1331. 00313 Art.no. F1332. 00332 No single use plastic Famaco Suede Renovator Famaco Suede Dust Catcher Renovateur Daim Suede and nubuck colour Gum Daim restorer, handy spray. Cleaning sponge for suede 250ml spray. Colours: 12. collects dust particles like Art.no. F1524xx. 00353 magic, stops discoloration. 75ml bottle version. Art.no. F1440. 00226 Colours: 14. Sponge top. Art.no. F1457. 00288
5 • ALL MATERIALS • Famaco Famaco Universal Famaco Cleaning Famaco Dry Clean Famaco Multi + Cleaner Mousse Fa Det All in one product for all leather Detacheur Universel Mousse Nettoyante Dry clean spray for Suede & types, Cleans dirt, marks and Effectively cleans leather, Nubuck, removes stubborn cleans, renovates and polishes. stubborn stains prior to suede and fabrics. marks and discolouration. 250ml spray. polishing. 125ml pump spray. 250ml spray. 100ml bottle. Art.no. F1503. 00336 Art.no. F1502. 00353 No single use plastic Art.no. F1438. 00358 • KIDS SHOE CARE • Famaco Kids Little Miss Sunshine Protector Protector waterproofing spray. 250ml Spray. Art.no. F1530K. 00353 Famaco Mr Perfect Famaco Kids Mr Men Cleaning Foam Waterproofing Cream Cleaning mousse for all Leather cream to nourish, materials, safe for kids to care and protect. get involved. 75ml sponge top tube. 125ml Pump Art.no. F1480K. 00282 Art.no. F1503K. 00408
Famaco6 • SPECIAL - PROFESSIONAL • Famaco Color Fix Famaco Shoe Famaco Stop Odor Fixing agent to make leather Stretcher Tackles the bacteria of colour fast. foot odour. FA 16 100ml pump spray. 150ml spray. Art.no. F1510. 00378 Active formula softens Art.no. F1506. 00431 leather, intense effect, use in conjunction Famaco Metallic Famaco Reptile with a stretcher. 50ml spray. Special care and shine spray Special spray for delicate reptile Art.no. F1501. 00303 for metallic leathers. skins,softens the skin and 250ml spray. refreshes the natural character. Art.no. F1130. 00353 250 ml spray. Art.no. F1316. 00353 • PATENT • • WAT E R P R O O F I N G • Wind and weather-proof shoes and textiles with regular care by Famaco. Highly-effective waterproofing provides long-lasting protection. Famaco Patent Shine For that all-important ball, for that formal dinner – patent leather is the material for those special Huile Vernis moments in life. A luxury to indulge in. Patent and synthetic leather high shine spray. 250ml spray. Colours: Black, Neutral Art.no. F1451. 00353 Famaco Patent Famaco Protector Conditioner Impermeabilisant Huile Vernis Patent and synthetic Waterproof protector spray, leather conditioner, softens the leather, prevents dirt and oil preventing cracks. 100 ml bottle. penetration. Colours: Black, Neutral Art.no. F1452. 00327 250 ml spray. Art.no. F1530. 00353
7 Famaco www.victordebanke.co.uk No single use plastic
Famaco8 sneakers Sneakers Sport Sneakers Sneakers Shoe Deo Sneakers White Sneakers Insoles Shampoo Express Waterproofer Eliminates odours quick & Active shock absorbing Liquid trainer shampoo fast. Stay fresh formula. This easy application comfort, complete joint cleaner., intense cleaning An intense waterproofing Art.no. F71510. 000284 white liquid with sponge support insoles. Mould to for an instant fix. spray for sneakers without top brings canvas and the contours of the wearer. Suitable to micrfibers & leather sneakers back to Size 3-12 Tex membranes. compromising on a bright finish. Art.no. F1807xx 000715 200ml Brush Top 75ml sponge top bottle. Art.no. F71503. 000328 performance or breathability. Art.no. F1444. 000277 Equips sneakers with a shield against rain, dirt, salt and other unwanted stains. Can be safely applied on Leather, Suede & fabrics.200ml Spray. TEX membrane safe. Art.no. F71531. 000336 No single use plastic Famaco Sport Famaco Sport Famaco Duster Lint free duster, White Express Waterproofer application & polishing cloth. Liquid shoe whitener, all Effective waterproofing for Art.no. F1597. 001700 materials. leather and fabric trainers and 75ml sponge top bottle. sports shoes. Art.no. F1444. 000267 250ml Spray. Art.no. F6064. 000336
9 No single use plastic
ECO Sustainable Shoe Care Famaco Eco Cream Famaco Eco Protect Famaco Eco Clean Famaco Eco Wax Solvent free ecological Pump action solvent free Pump action solvent free Solvent free ecological shoe cream to clean, waterproof protector for cleaning Foam for hard wax high shine, condition, protect and leather, suede, nubuck leather, polish. 7 soften leather. Box and textiles. suede, nubuck 100 ml tin includes Cream & Soft 150ml pump. and textiles. Art no F1420 000780 Cloth. Art No F1695. 000279 150ml pump. 50 ml jar. Art No F1504. 000390 Art no F14311. 000402 Leather All All Leather 1931 Famaco 1931 Famaco 1931 Baume Famaco 1931 Famaco 1931 Lait Precieux Intense Wax Gelee Delicate Creme Sublime The finest deluxe wax Revives smooth leather C8leansing soft milk shine polish, supreme Nourishing conditioner for colours, buff to a high gloss lotion for fine leathers, waxes. the finest delicate leathers, shine, argan oil, carnuba & contains bees wax. 100ml. containing shea butter & bees wax. 100ml Art.no. F14300. 000714 bees wax. Colours: 8. Art.no. F14330. 000925 100ml glass jar. 100ml Art.no. F14320. 000925 Art.no. F14310. 000862 Leather Leather Leather Leather No single use plastic
Famaco Care Kits12 Famaco Smooth Leather Famaco Suede & Nubuck 3 Product assortment, box 3 Product assortment, box. Card Box. Card Box Art.no. F6110000. 001286 Art.no. F6111001. 001371 Famaco Trousse Voyage Famaco Diligence 6 Product assortment, leather case 5 Product assortment, Leather case Tan Red or Black leather case.Black Art.no. F61500. 003429 Art.no. F61400. 04629 Famaco Renoir 8 Product assortment, 2 colour wood case. Art.no. F8872200. 004200 Famaco Cezanne Famaco Dandy 7 Product assortment. 8 Product assortment, leather case. Wood case Assorted options. Leather case Tan or Black Art.no. F0887306. 005143 Art.no. F688712. 005400 www.victordebanke.co.uk
13 Famaco Care Kits Famaco Box XS Famaco Box XL 5 Product assortment. 7 Product assortment. Art.no. F6110000. 001800 Art.no. F6110001. 002057 Famaco Trousse Business 7 Product assortment, leather case.Leather case Tan or Black Art.no. F8851000. 005143 Famaco Rosewood Box Famaco Woodie 9 Product assortment. 7 Product assortment, pencil case. Wood case. Art.no. F6121500. 005143 Art.no. F6120001. 001714 Famaco Mallette 11 Product assortment. Leather case Black Art.no.: F6160002. 005486 Famaco Pied Cireur Famaco Monet Famaco Princesse 8 Product assortment, luxury 12 Product assortment. 16 Product assortment. wood case. Art.no. F6210022. 006000 Art.no. F88737. 008571 Art.no. F88710. 0014571 www.victordebanke.co.uk
Famaco14 SHOECARE Colour Chart www.victordebanke.co.uk
15 • FAMACO SALES MATERIAL • Famaco Care Kits Show your competence in accessories. Now you can pre- sent your whole range attractively. FAMACO FLOOR FAMACO COUNTER FAMACO CREAM Smart display stand that can Small stand for display on a Counter top stand for creams either be placed against a wall or block or table, either be placed and dye cream display 50 & 15ml centre with assembly dual sided. against a wall or centre with glass jars. - assembly dual sided. - Initial order Free Stand - Initial order Free Stand - Initial order Free Stand 72 50ml Cream & 45 x 151 x 24cm - 72 15ml Dye creams Art.no. F09100104 37.5 x 57 x 26cm or Art.no. F09100100 144 of one jar size - 41 x 43 x 14cm Art.no. F09100200 FAMACO TINS FAMACO DISPLAY TREE Counter top tin polish display. Singles not pairs size 9 - Initial order Free Stand Art.no. F033209 36 Tins 100ml Tin polish - 32 x 30.5 x 13.5cm Art.no. F2531502
Tel: 01858 467 467 Email: [email protected] Website: www.victordebanke.co.uk
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