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Home Explore News and Views March 2020

News and Views March 2020

Published by antr3000, 2020-04-01 10:17:34

Description: News and Views March 2020 FINAL


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Spring 2020 NEWS & VIEWS “Business Resources during COVID-19” Page 1 “These donations are truly making a difference in the “COVID-19 Calls for Creativity and lives of our team” Resources ” Page 2 Page 8 Member Spotlight ECHO Page 6 SPRING 2020 • i

GREATER SPRINGFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 6434 Brandond Avenue • Suite 208 • Springfield, VA 22150 • 703.866.3500 BOARD OFFICERS BOARD MEMBERS CHAIR Eric Christensen Lauma Wingrove Springfield Town Center CALIBRE Systems, Inc. Suzie Mills VICE CHAIR Honest Soul Yoga Enola Thaboun Andrews Fedederal Credit Union Nicole Reaves NOVA Medical Education Campus TREASURER Dakota Snyder Alex Thalacker Greenspring Fairfax County Economic Development Authority IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR Anna Ryjik Tom Pfeifer New York Life Consistent Voice Communications Meghan Snyder PRESIDENT & CEO Meghan Snyder Communications Kim Clarke Peter van Aartrijk Aartrijk Chandra Kumar Greenspring Lisa McCarthy Brain Injury Services GET INVOLVED IN ONE OF OUR COMMITTEES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Stanley Koussis • 703.647.6430 Dakota Snyder • 703.924.7200 Andrews Federal Credit Union Greenspring LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP Karen Fountain • 703.455.3100 Ray Manfredi • 877.971.8830 Flowers n Ferns Allstate Northern VA - Ray Manfredi Agency MARKETING VETERANS Meghan Snyder • 703.909.2975 Meghan Snyder Communications Suzie Mills • 571.969.6421 Honest Soul Yoga SPRING 2020 • ii

BUSINESS RESOURCES DURING COVID-19 The rate at which everything changed due to COVID-19, a Worldwide Pandemic, is remarkable. The good news is people are coming together in many ways to help. The entire country The latest resources and guidelines for seems united to fight this common enemy. The business and American workers, families and businesses. economic landscape is changing by the minute. Technology is making it possible for people to work remotely covid-19-small-business- or keep their distance from clients while still serving them. guidance-loan-resources Despite this, there are industries and businesses that are suffering. It’s important we continue to offer support as Small Business Administration a community. Please let the Greater Springfield Chamber resources and loan information of Commerce know what we can do to help your business. Additionally, the Chamber, will post special offers or special business practices via social media and the website through April. Please call or email the office with information about The latest information for keeping healthy, and what your company is doing to continue serving customers what to do if you have symptoms of COVID-19 during this time. New resources and information become available daily. Keeping yourself, your family and your business healthy is a Fairfax County offers a website dedicated top priority. Here is a list of helpful links for information: to information and resources. DON’T PANIC TOGETHER Small and Independent business resources and information Federal Government site offering general information about health and wellness as well as impact of the virus in the United States. WE Fight #InThisTogether SPRING 2020 • 1

SPRINGFIELD TODAY, TOMORROW AND BEYOND Greater Springfield Business & Economic Development Summit The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce - in partnership will discuss how these groups, along with the broader com- with Fairfax County Department of Planning + Development, munity, can come together to ensure the Greater Springfield Fairfax County Economic Development Authority, Fairfax area remains competitive in attracting and retaining business. County Department of Economic Initiatives and the Lee District Supervisors office - will gather business and commu- Who should attend? nity leaders, as well as interested members of the public to discuss the state of business and the future economic power • business owners and creative entrepreneurs of southeast Fairfax County’s business sector. • commercial property owners and managers Dr. Terry L. Clower, professor of public policy at George Mason University and director of GMU’s Center for Regional • elected officials and county staff Analysis, will provide opening remarks and update attendees on the economic landscape of the Greater Springfield area • community leaders and Fairfax County in general. • anyone interested in the future of Greater Springfield Victor Hoskins, President and CEO of the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority, along with Supervisor The Summit will provide an opportunity for attendees to Rodney Lusk will discuss their vision as they step into their discuss current trends and challenges and also address any new leadership roles and the opportunities in Springfield. changes being considered for the future. This will also be an opportunity to learn about future plans and opportunities in The Summit will address current trends and challenges facing the community. both business and government leaders. Summit attendees SPRINGFIELD TODAY, WHEN: Thursday, October 1 • 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. TOMORROW AND BEYOND WHERE: Holiday Inn Express Springfield TICKETS: Tickets are $30, available for purchase through Business & Economic Development Summit the Chamber website, GM AT COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT SPRINGFIELD ACTS QUICKLY TO SUPPORT EMPLOYEES WITH JOBS IN JEOPARDY “I’m a general manager at a hotel. We’ve been hit incred- down from the board at the end of last year after taking a ibly hard with cancellations due to COVID-19, so today job with a hotel in Alexandria. In an unexpected twist, sev- I had to tell my team their hours have been drastically cut. eral weeks ago, Walters found herself back in Springfield These bread-winners for their families will struggle over the working for The Courtyard by Marriott, where she is now the next several weeks. I’m learning to navigate unemployment General Manager. enrollment and looking for ways to support them, so I put together an Amazon wish-list with hopes to send everyone Since that first post, the hotel has suffered layoffs. The home with a bag of groceries each week.” hospitality industry as a whole is projecting an astonishing number of jobs will be lost nationwide before this pandemic That was Jessica Walters’ post on her personal Facebook is over. Still, Walters hopes to continue supplying support page on March 12. Walters, is a past board chair of the to those employees from her team whose futures are uncer- Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce. She stepped tain at this time. SPRING 2020 • 2 (continued on page 4)

Young Professionals hosted their February speed networking SIGHTS FROM CHAMBER ACTIVITIES THIS QUARTER mixer at Hilton Springfield. Kim Clarke represented our Chamber at Chamber Day at the Capitol in Richmond March Awake@8 // Silver Diner The Yard House hosted a Ribbon Cutting to commemorate their new all-seasons patio, now with heat lamps and enclosed for wet weather use Janaury Live@5 // Maggiano’s in new private dining room February Awake@8 // Aarondale Retirement The Young Professionals got together for Planet Fitness Grand Opening SYC receives an evening of networking and fun at Dave proceeds & Busters SPRING 2020 • 3

“The support I’m getting for this food drive has exceeded by grandest hopes, and I would love for the community to know how giving everyone is at times like these,” said Walters. “The hospitality industry as a whole is one amaz- ing family. These donations are truly making a difference in the lives of our team at The Courtyard Marriott, Springfield. I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for their contributions.” My heart is so full! Thank you to everyone donating food to my associates during this terrible time when so many have been furloughed. This is my office pantry and only represents about HALF of what you’ve contributed. We are handing out or delivering to our team on a regular basis all because of your generosity. THANK YOU!!!! ~Jessica Walters VISIT A LOCAL FARMERS’ MARKET THIS SEASON Don’t you just love the Spring? Farmers’ markets bring together a diverse population around a shared objective supporting families by buying and serving real food with real flavor. When you shop at a farmers’ market you are supporting local farm- ers, preserving small farms and promoting sustainable agriculture. The food is healthy for you, your family, the local economy and our environment. Visit a local Farmers’ Market this Season. KINGSTOWNE - FRIDAYS FAIRFAX COMMUNITY FARMERS’ MARKET WHEN: May 8 – October 30 WHEN: Saturdays May 9 – October 31 3 PM - 7 PM 8:00 AM–1:00 PM WHERE: In the Giant parking lot, 5870 WHEN: Sundays May 10 – October 25 Kingstowne Towne Center 10:00 AM–2:00 PM BURKE - SATURDAYS WHERE: Main & West Streets, 10500 Page Ave WHEN: April 11 – December 19 8 AM - NOON SPRINGFIELD- SATURDAYS WHEN: May 2 – September 26 WHERE: VRE parking Lot, 5671 Roberts Parkway 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM LORTON - SUNDAYS WHERE: Parking lot on the corner of Loisdale Road WHEN: May 3 – November 22 & Spring Mall Road, Springfield Town Center 9 AM - 1 PM WHERE: VRE parking lot, 8990 Lorton Station Blvd. Springfield Golf & Country Club’s Head Golf Professional, Liz Cooper, received the PGA Player Development Award at the annual PGA Meeting last month. This honor bestows special recognition to a PGA Member who has displayed extraordinary and exemplary contributions and achievements in the area of player development. Cooper’s philosophy is to create a positive atmosphere in which golfers feel welcomed and comfortable. She strives to help golfers improve their skills through programs fit to their skill levels. Her contribution included starting all-girls golf teams at Army Navy Country Club and Springfield Golf & Country Club, and starting the 101ers Ladies Academy, an eight-week class that teaches and improves the skills of women golfers. SPRING 2020 • 4

Embassy Suites by Hilton Springfield is pleased FastSigns Springfield is excited to announce to announce our new sales team. This talented they have new staff and some new equipment group looks forward to serving customers for to help improve their offered services. Stop by their corporate, business and social lodging and sometime to meet them and see the new gear event needs. Congratulations, Mykaylah Coles, and capability enhancements. Sales Coordinator; Khortni Hall, Catering Sales Manager (Corporate & Government); Roxanne For more information: 703.913.5300 Cabotaje, Catering Sales Manager (Social Events); Zoma Ross, Senior Sales Manager (Group OptfinITy CEO, Michael Drobnis, has been Business); Kelly Catherine, Director of Sales (Local selected to participate in the Goldman Sachs Negotiated Rates & Corporate Groups) 10,000 Small Businesses (10KSB) Program. The program offers continuing business edu-  For more information: cation through Babson College, a network dcasves-embassy-suites-springfield of executive mentors, and access to capi- tal through “mission-driven small business In early March, Ethisphere, a global leader in lenders.” defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices, has recognized Allstate as “I am a lifelong learner and understand the one of the 2020 World’s Most Ethical Companies. importance of networking and learning from This is the annual recognition of those who prior- others,” says Drobnis. Although his back- itize ethical behavior as a means to improve the ground includes an MBA, and various certifi- world, while enhancing business performance. cations, Drobnis says the 10KSB opportunity offers something his previous achievements For more information: couldn’t. com/ray-manfredi-springfield-va.html “All of this education was undertaken before This spring, Springfield Youth Club (SYC) started I became CEO of OptfinITy and when you are their first program for children with special needs. the owner of a company, you are concerned Unlimited Potential (UP) is a new pilot program about the business from different angles, so that offers an opportunity for children with spe- participating in the 10KSB program is perfect cial needs to learn the fundamentals of sports in a for me to learn more as a business owner.” safe and fun environment. SYC will offer SOCCER as part of the UP program this spring. Children Of the 9,000 small businesses that have will learn drills and teamwork alongside their entered the program so far, more than two- “Pal” who is assigned to each individual child.  thirds saw an increase in revenue within six months of joining the program, and nearly Please note, due to COVID-19, sports programs are on 80 percent reported revenue growth after 30 hold until further notice, and may not be initiated during months. That’s compared to a national aver- the spring season at all. Check the website for current age of 47 percent among U.S. businesses. updates. For more information: For more information: news_article/show/1069286 SPRING 2020 • 5

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT // ECHO AIDS SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY WITH ALL-VOLUNTEER STAFF Ecumenical Community Helping Others (ECHO) has grown CURRENT NEEDS with Springfield, from its origins in a simple frame house on Old Keen Mill Road to a 7,800 square-foot warehouse with a Sliced Bread Juice (Box or Cans) client services area, food pantry, clothing and housewares (white or wheat) area. For more than 50 years, the organization has made a Box Pasta Coffee/Tea major impact in the local community, helping families during Can Meat times of hardship. Bag Rice Personal Care Items Bag Beans ECHO was formed in May 1968, when representatives from nine Can Tomatoes OTC Cold/Flu/ churches met to discuss how they could best meet the social Pancake Syrup Pain Relief Meds needs of the community on an ecumenical basis. The found- Jelly (Children and Adults) ers agreed from the beginning that ECHO should not be clergy Sugar dominated, be simply organized and operate with what laymen Flour Shaving Cream could do to extend help to community members in need. Instant Potatoes Spaghetti Sauce Deodorant Today, the organization is managed and staffed 100% by vol- Pudding/Jello mix unteers. Their efforts are supported by church congregations Toilet Paper throughout Springfield and Burke. Many local residents also independently provide financial support as well as volunteer Children’s time to ECHO. Toothbrushes The Springfield community, along with many others around Paper Towels the country began to feel the economic impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic. ECHO, with scaled-down staffing, put groceries Cleaning Supplies/ in the hands of 57 families during the third week of March. Wipes/Sanitizer This is almost the same number of families they would typi- cally help with groceries in a one-month period. Community Shampoo donations and community volunteers make this possible. financial obligations such as rent payments, medical and util- “ECHO is truly an example of neighbors helping neighbors ity bills when emergency arises. In addition, ECHO sponsors and right now, our community is pulling together to look an annual Holiday Meal Program for families and a Christmas out for one another,” said Joyce Giuliani, Acting Director of Gift Program for children. Communications. For years, the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce has Last year, the organization commemorated 50 years of help- partnered with ECHO on such programs as the winter out- ing families in Springfield. In recent years, ECHO has helped erwear drive and school supply collection where we call on approximately 1,395 local households annually. Families who our member businesses to make donations or host donation look to ECHO for support are usually experiencing a situa- boxes, so ECHO will have these items to pass along to their clients. tion that puts them in temporary need, such as job loss, illness or ECHO is always looking for donations. At this time, however, medical hardship, housing cost due to COVID-19, there is a large need for food and personal increase or reduced work hours. care items. To make donations, or learn more, visit echo-inc. These families are able to take org. A current list of donations needed is also available there, advantage of supplies such as as well as hours of operation and how to apply for assistance. food, personal care items, toys, baby supplies, paper products, school supplies, clothing and more. ECHO helps clients meet SPRING 2020 • 6

Wegmans was named one of the 2020 FORTUNE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! 100 Best Companies to Work For, according to global research and consulting firm Great Place Fairfield Inn Alexandria West Mark Center to Work and Fortune. The listing was published 6254 Duke Street // Alexandria, VA 22312 early this year, marking the 23rd anniversary of 703.642.34221 // the FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For list. Wegmans has been on the list every year, and mConsult LLC, CPA this year ranks #3. According to the Great Place to 6401 Blarney Stone Court // Springfield, VA 22152 Work, this year’s list is based on survey responses 703.814.0096 // from more than 650,000 employees rating their workplace culture on 60-plus elements. These Arceli Magpayo Brown State included trust in managers, respect, fairness, and Farm Insurance Company camaraderie. The ranking accounted for the expe- 6560 Backlick Road // Suite 207 // riences of all employees across all demographics. Springfield, VA 22150 In celebration of the honor, all Wegman’s locations 703.269.0673 // served cake and clementines to both customers and employees on Feb. 22, 2020. Onelife Burke 9250 Old Keene Mill Road // Burke, VA 22015 For more information: 703.216.7735 // The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce’s Planet Fitness annual Memorial Day observance is Friday, May 6123 Backlick Road // Springfield, VA 22150 22, leading into Memorial Day weekend. For 571.297.4272 // this event, we invite Chamber members and the gyms/springfield-concord-va community to join in recognizing the sacrifices of our Nation’s fallen warriors during a wreath- Batteries plus Bulb laying ceremony from 11:30 a.m. until noon at 6715 E Backlick Road // Springfield, VA 22150 American Legion Post 176 in Springfield. This 571.529.5330 // event is outdoors and is open to the public. The memorial wreath will be displayed at the PDinkens Residential Properties southwest corner of Veterans Bridge throughout of Samson Properties Memorial Day weekend. 6363 Walker Lane // Suite 130 // Springfield, VA 22310 Following the half-hour ceremony attendees 703.623.3476 // are invited inside for lunch at Warrior Café. Menu prices will be charged for lunch, while Andrew Politano Photography LLC providing an opportunity for remembrance, 14701 River Walk Way // Woodbridge, VA 22191 reflection and friendship. 571.526.8178 // Industrious 2461 Eisenhower Avenue // Alexandria, VA 22314 571.210.7100 // washington-dc/alexandria-carlyle-tower SPRING 2020 • 7

COVID-19 CALLS FOR CREATIVITY AND RESOURCES by Meghan Snyder, Meghan Snyder Communications // Peter van Aartrijk, Aartrijk // Tom Pfeifer, Consistent Voice Communication As the World as we know is rapidly, although temporarily, Consider running short-term promotions. changing around us, we must adapt. In recent weeks, there Examples of this might be free shipping or bulk discounts has been information flying at us at an alarming rate. We that you usually would not offer. Now is a good time to offer are all being asked to socially distance ourselves (or more future discount options for referrals or repeat business. If accurately physically distance ourselves—because we need you’re in the service industry, you might consider buy one, to be more social now than ever before) and change our get one offers or free delivery. Also, reminders to tip the daily behaviors in ways many of us have never experienced. servers, delivery drivers or cleaning staff would probably go There is no doubt that COVID-19 will leave a lasting effect a long way with your employees as well. long after the people have returned to work and school. Our kids will be able to tell their kids stories of the time they Host events via social media platforms. got months off school for a pandemic, and our economy will Social media offers many ways to come together as a group probably take significant time to recover. As we all learn to virtually. Consider if your organization can host an event via deal with this new “normal,” a few of the Greater Springfield social media. This might be a demonstration with Q & A, a Chamber of Commerce marketing professionals put their networking opportunity, a class, etc. This would also appeal heads together to offer some advice on alternate business to the need for social interaction during this time. Events practices during this unprecedented event. could range from book club meetings, wine and beer tast- ings, cooking classes, makeup tutorials, etc. Take advantage of technology and social media. Does your business offer a service that requires face-to- Reallocate your marketing dollars and share your news. face interaction? If so, can you perform that service via This might be a good time to look at your marketing dollars. social media or a video call? This might work for gyms, Perhaps you need some of that money shifted into a new yoga instructors, educators, therapists, life and business category. Don’t stop marketing altogether, consider shift- coaches, even athletic practices, etc. ing to social media marketing which is a bit less expensive. Consider creating your own videos and posting them to Sell goods via online and phone orders, complete with social free of charge. Consider becoming a helpful resource curbside pickup and/or delivery. about a topic related to your business. People might remem- Whether you’re a food establishment or a retailer, consider ber this later when they have disposable income to spend. offering goods via phone or online orders. Utilize your staff These efforts could free up dollars for other purposes with- to deliver or greet customers curb-side. Retail outlets might out abandoning marketing altogether. consider putting a “personal shopper” component into place and of course relying on online sales. This is a great time to Share your news. sell and market gift cards. Loyal customers can purchase Find the truly newsworthy stories about your business and now, but use in the future. They can also be sold and even pitch the media. Right now, journalists are focused on the redeemed online. pandemic, but that will change. What stories does your busi- ness have to tell? It’s only a matter of time until the media Host meetings via conference or video call. is looking for some different stories to tell. Maybe you can If your industry requires meeting with clients to get the job even find a spin related to COVID-19 and the new world we done. Utilize the technology we have today, and schedule live in. Solid press coverage, feel-good stories and useful those necessary meetings via phone or video conference. information for readers is a great way to keep your company There are many free services for this. Still want in-person in customer minds. time? Consider meeting at a park where you can stay out- side and comfortable distance from each other. SPRING 2020 • 8

Friday May 15 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! FREE EVENT - REGISTER AT Kona Ice of Annandale and Burke 8538 Terminal Road // Suite l // Lorton, VA 22079 202.643.5113 // BITKO WE ORKPre-RegisterbyMay8for FREE T-SHIRT* & BIKE RAFFLE Woodlawn Press Winery DAY Free refreshments & giveaways 8733-B Cooper Road // Alexandria, VA 22309 while supplies last. 703.395.5109 // Register free at Visit for pit stop locations and times. 2020 #BTWD2020 *T-Shirts available at pit stops to first 20,000 registrants. 120 pit stops throughout D.C., Maryland, and Virginia! Bike to Work Day is funded by DDOT, MDOT, VDOT, and USDOT. ALBAN TIRE CORP. GOLD MEMBERS Retail, Wholesale, Commercial & Fleet Services HILTON Springfield // CALIBRE // Serving the METRO AREA for over 40 years! SILVER MEMBERS We provide all types of Tires including:  Cars, Trucks, Trailers, RV’s, Lawn & Garden, Industrial SPRINGFIELD TOWN CENTER // Mechanical Services Offered:  LEMAY & COMPANY // Alignments, Suspension & Steering, PM Services, A/C Service, Brake Repair, State Safety Inspections BRONZE MEMBERS WWW.ALBANTIRE.COM 7244 BOUDINOT DRIVE Allegra Marketing, Print, Mail // Andrews Federal SPRINGFIELD, VA 22150 Credit Union // Courtyard by Marriott Springfield // 703‐455‐9300 Dan’s Van Lines // Dave & Busters // Embassy Suites // Fairfax Memorial Park & Funeral Home // FVCbank // Yard House SPRING 2020 • 9

THANK YOU TO OUR LONG TIME CHAMBER MEMBERS, AND HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Fairfax County Department of Economic Initiatives 10 years ECHO, Inc. 10 years Wegmans Food Markets - Alexandria 5 years NEWS & VIEWS + Managing Editor Meghan Snyder // Meghan Snyder Communications + Design Lauma Wingrove // CALIBRE Sytems, Inc. + Printing Allegra Marketing · Print · Mail CONNECT WITH US 703.866.3500 [email protected] @ GSCoC @ Greater Springfield (VA) Chamber of Commerce @ GrtrSpringfield S@PRgIrNeGat2e0rs2p0r•in1g0fieldchamberva

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