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Home Explore SST-CC High School Guide 2019

SST-CC High School Guide 2019

Published by moripova, 2019-01-30 16:38:19

Description: SST-CC High School Guide 2019


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Texas A&M University – Kingsville Dual Enrollment Program “How to Apply” 1. Go to - You must use Google Chrome as your web browser 2. Select the Orange Icon “Dual Enrollment Application Link” 3. Select “First time user account creation” 4. Next you will be asked to create a Login ID and your pin. a. Your Login ID can be up to nine alphanumeric characters (ex. Abc123456). You PIN must be six numbers (ex. 123456). Enter your pin again to verify it and then select “Login.” b. This will be your temporary login informaiton. Once you are determined eligible and officially admitted into the dual enrollment program, you will receive informaiton regarding your new login information via email. 5. Select “Dual Enrollment” from the drop down menu even though it is automatically shown in the box. Then select “Continue” 6. Next Select the entry term from the drop down menu in which you are requesting admission, enter your first and last name, and click “Fill Out Application.” a. Enter your full legal name. The name you add becomes part of your official academic record and in order to correct it requires you to physically come to campus and in most cases bring your original birth certificate. 7. You will be directed to the Application Checklist. Select “Name” and fill out the application. a. Anything marked with a red asterisk ( * ) indicates required information. Page 1 of 2 Texas A&M University - Kingsville does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age or disability.

8. Check to ensure your name information is correct and select “Continue” to proceed to the next section. a. Please remember to use your full legal name. The name you add becomes part of your official academic record and in order to correct it requires you to physically come to campus and in most cases bring your original birth certificate. 9. Next enter your permanent address informaiton. a. You must enter the address, city, state, zip, nation, and phone number then select “Continue” to proceed. 10. Enter your personal information (email, gender, birthdate, ethnic category, and cell phone number) and select “Continue” to proceed. a. This must be the student’s information not the parents/guardians. If the student does not have an email address please type none. 11. Next enter your emergency contact information. a. Choose the relationship that describes your relationshop to the contact and enter the required information for that person. If you want to enter and additional contact, you can do so by selecting “Enter or View another Relative” at the bottom of the page. 12. Select “Lookup High School Code” to search for your current high school. The pages to follow will allow you to search by the high school’s state, country, abd city. If you cannot find your high school on through the lookup page, enter the information yourself. a. Select “Enter or View another High School” to enter informaiton about additional high schools you have attended. Before selecting “Continue”, be sure to fill in your expected graduation date. 13. For Planned Course of Study, please select your major of interest from the drop down menu, and then select “Continue”. 14. Under Additional Information, please select Yes or No to the quesiton “Are you a U.S. Citizen? Then read the statement provided and enter your first and last name in the box located on the right hand side of the screen. a. Just as a reminder, by typing your name, you are certifying that you have read and understand the statement provided and have been granted permission by your parent or legal guardian to submit this application to participate in the dual enrollment program at Texas A&M Univeristy – Kingsville. Also, that you have notified your high school counselor/principal that you have applied. Once complete, select “Continue.” 15. You will now be directed back to the Application Checklist. a. Select “Application is Complete” when you have completed the application. 16. Next you must agree to the Admission Agreement terms, or you will be directed back to the Application menu and your application will not be submitted. 17. Your application is now complete, please print this screen prior to exiting the application and give to your counselor. Once this is done you may exit this screen. If “Not Entered” is displayed under Application Preference, your application is incomplete and has not been submitted. Click on the term to determine what was not completed. You can log back in at any time with your temporary Login ID and password to check on your application status. Please do not submit another application unless instructed to do so by a representative from Texas A&M University – Kingsville. If you wish to submit your undergraduate application at a later date, please do so at 18. Thank you for submitting your application to the Dual Enrollment Program at Texas A&M University – Kingsville. If you have any questions, please contact us as [email protected] Page 2 of 2 Texas A&M University - Kingsville does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age or disability.

□ SUMMER I For University Use Only □ SUMMER II □ Off Campus □ FALL □ On Campus □ SPRING □ Both YEAR _________ Dual Enrollment Registration/Permission Form _________________________ □ □New Student Returning Student University Banner ID# (K# - Returning Students) □ Junior □ □Senior Other _______ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________ Student Name (Last, First, Middle Name or Initial) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) High School Previous College Work Have you completed college coursework at another college or university other than Texas A&M University – Kingsville? If so, an official transcript must be submitted to the University and/or Dual Enrollment Office. □ Currently Attending □ Never Attended □ Yes, but no longer attending [If yes, complete (a)] (a) Name Of Institution(s) (List all you have or are attending): __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION REQUEST (all areas must be filled out) Date Received For University Use Only COURSE NAME COURSE # DAYS START TIME ONLY I, the student, give Texas A&M-Kingsville permission to release my educational records which include, midterm grades, attendance and final grades to the dual enrollment contact(s) at my high school and/or district. In signing this form, the parent/guardian agrees to the enrollment of the student in Texas A&M-Kingsville Dual Credit courses for the academic semester, which may be taught on the High School campus, a campus of Texas A&M- Kingsville, or by electronic means. In addition, the parent/guardian understands that the student may be enrolled in a college course that includes students other than high school students. The dual credit student will be held to the college academic standards and is able to access the same or comparable academic support services. Anyone that signs this form is confirming that they have read the Dual Enrollment Student Guidelines and that they understand and will comply with all dual enrollment and university requirements, policies, procedures, restrictions, and deadlines. Signature of Student Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Completion and submission of this form does not guarantee registration for courses and/or admittance into the Dual Enrollment Program at Texas A&M University-Kingsville and is separate from admission to the university as an undergraduate. I understand that in order to be considered for undergraduate freshman admission once I graduate high school, I must complete an application on and submit a nonrefundable application fee. This Section to be completed by High School I hereby certify that I have reviewed the above student’s high school academic records and determined the mentioned student is eligible to apply for the dual enrollment program at Texas A&M University ‐ Kingsville. In signing this form, I understand that it is my responsibility, as a representative of my school, to review this information and verify the student meets and understands all applicable program and university requirements, policies, procedures, restrictions, and deadlines. Signature of High School Counselor / Principal Name (Printed) Date Texas A&M University – Kingsville does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age or disability. Revised 9-6-18

TSI College Level Scores Reading Level Del Mar College Reading 351+ Writing Level Math Level Dual Credit Registration Form Writing Essay 4 and 340+ or Social Security Number: Fall 2019 Essay 5 and ABE diagnostic of 4+ High School: Last Name: Classes Start: August 26, 2019 Math 350+ DOB: DMC ID # Will you be a Senior during YES HS ID # NO the Fall 2019 Semester? First Name: Middle Name: Student Cell#: Student Email: Parent Cell#: Parent Email: Fall Courses 2019 Course Location (check one) Check one ECP Office 1. Use ONLY at DMC at ISD online ISD SELF PAYS PAY waive lab fees 2. at DMC at ISD online ISD SELF waive PAYS PAY lab fees 3. at DMC at ISD online ISD SELF waive PAYS PAY lab fees 4. at DMC at ISD online ISD SELF waive PAYS PAY lab fees 5. at DMC at ISD online ISD SELF waive PAYS PAY lab fees In signing this application, I agree to abide by the rules and policies governing the Dual Credit Program in the contracted agreement between the Independent School District (ISD) and Del Mar College (DMC). I authorize the release of my grades between the ISD and DMC. Student Signature: Date: Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Deadlines for Fall 2019 Registration Packet Priority Deadline: March 6, 2019 Registration Packet Final Deadline: July 31, 2019 Tuition Payment Deadline: July 17, 2019 by 6:00pm (For students registered on or before July 17, 2019) *Dates and deadlines are subject to change based on DMC policy. Please refer to the DMC webiste to view the academic calendar.* TO BE COMPLETED BY COUNSELOR The student has met all ISD eligibility requirements; this application is approved by: Counselor's Signature: Date: DMC Director of Admissions Signature: Date: FOR ECP OFFICE USE ONLY Student Type: Current New Signed FERPA Document Completed DMC/APPLYTX APP Permanent Residency Card Change of Major Form Verified Test Scores Social Security Card HS Transcript College Transcript Address Correction Form Proof of Meningitis Other ______________________________ DATE SENT TO SEC ___________________ Revised 11/15/18 VP

TSI College Level Scores Reading Level Del Mar College Reading 351+ Writing Level Math Level Dual Credit Registration Form Writing Essay 4 and 340+ or Essay 5 & ABE diagnostic of 4+ Social Security Number: Summer 2019 Math High School: DMC ID # 350+ DOB: YE HS ID # Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Student Cell#: Parent Cell#: Email: Summer I Courses 2019 (include section number) Course Location Check One 1. Online at DMC ISD SELF 2. PAYS PAY Online at DMC ISD SELF Summer II Courses 2019 (include section number) PAYS PAY Course Location Check One 1. Online at DMC ISD SELF PAYS PAY 2. Online at DMC ISD SELF PAYS PAY In signing this application, I agree to abide by the rules and policies governing the Dual Credit Program in the contracted agreement between the Independent School District (ISD) and Del Mar College (DMC). I authorize the release of my grades between the ISD and Del Mar College. Student Signature: Date: Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Dates for Summer I 2019 Dates for Summer II 2019 Registration Packet Priority Deadline: March 6, 2019 Registration Packet Priority Deadline: March 6, 2019 Registration Packet Final Deadline: May 15, 2019 Registration Packet Final Deadline: June 26, 2019 Tuition Payment Deadline: May 21, 2019 Tuition Payment Deadline: July 2, 2018 Classes Begin: May 28, 2019 Classes Begin: July 8, 2019 *Dates and deadlines are subject to change based on DMC policy. Please refer to the DMC webiste to view the academic calendar.* TO BE COMPLETED BY COUNSELOR The student has met all ISD eligibility requirements; this application is approved by: Counselor's Signature: Date: DMC Director of Admissions Signature: Date: FOR ECP OFFICE USE ONLY Student Type: Current New Signed FERPA Document Completed DMC/APPLYTX APP Permanent Residency Card Change of Major Form Verified Test Scores Social Security Card HS Transcript College Transcript Address Correction Form Proof of Meningitis Other ______________________________ DATE SENT TO SEC ___________________ Revised 11/15/18 VP

DUAL CREDIT ASSESSMENT LEVELS CHART LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 DEVELOPMENTAL DEVELOPMENTAL COLLEGE TSI Assessment READING (R2) (R3) ACT (Reading) (R1) 342-350 351+ SAT taken prior to March 2016 (Reading) 19+ SAT taken on or after March 5, 2016 341 and Below 15-18 500+ (Evidence Based Reading and Writing) 0-14 420-499 480+ 200-419 403-479 200-402 WRITING AND ENGLISH (E2) (E3) (E1) Essay 4 and 340+ or TSI Assessment Essay 0-3 and 358 Essay 0-3 and 359+ Essay 5 and ABE and Below Diagnostic of 4+ ACT (English) SAT taken prior to March 2016 (Reading) 0-14 15-18 19+ SAT taken on or after March 5, 2016 200-419 420-499 500+ (Evidence Based Reading and Writing) 200-402 403-479 480+ MATHEMATICS (M0) (M1) (M2) (M3) 346-349 350+ TSI Assessment 335 and Below 336-345 20+ ACT (Mathematics) 16-19 SAT taken prior to March 2016 0-12 13-15 500+ (Mathematics) 460-499 SAT taken on or after March 5, 2016 200-310 311-459 530+ (Mathematics) 487-529 200-329 330-486 EXEMPTIONS FROM ALL OR SOME ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS Exempt from Reading Exempt from and Writing Mathematics ACT taken within 5 years from the testing Must be exempt from ALL parts with a composite of 23+, English date SAT (taken prior to March 2016) taken 19+, AND Mathematics 19+ within 5 years from the testing date SAT (taken on or after March 5, 2016) taken Must be exempt from ALL parts with a score of Reading 500+, within 5 years from the testing date Mathematics 500+, AND a combined total of 1070+ Evidence-Based Reading Mathematics 530+ and Writing (EBRW) 480+ STAAR (EOC) for Dual Credit Level 2 ENGL 2 Level 2 Algebra 1 – 4000+ and HS 4000+ Algebra 2 (Passing Grade) OR Level 2 Algebra 2 4000+ Updated 09/13/17 SS

Students Name: __________________________________________ High School: _____________________________ ___ Texas A&M University – Kingsville Dual Enrollment Online Application (see flyer titled “How to Apply”) □ Student submitted online application on ______________________ (Date) (Final screen printout is attached) □ Student is returning; they do not need to resubmit the application. ___ FERPA Authorization Release Form – Must be completed and signed by the student. (Texas A&M - Kingsville will not accept a copy, fax, or email. Must be original, and completed in blue or black ink only.) □ The FERPA form is complete and the ORIGINAL is attached with the student’s registration packet. □ Student has already submitted a release form and is on file at Texas A&M - Kingsville and does not wish to make any changes. ___ Request for Official College Transcript Form – Must be completed and signed by the student. (Recommended each semester in order to process a request for an official college transcript from our university. Request will be processed after all grades are posted for the semester.) □ The form is complete and the ORIGINAL is attached with the student’s registration packet. ___ Dual Enrollment Registration/Permission Form (Everything must be filled out, questions answered, signed by student, parent, and high school counselor/principal, and must also provide complete registration information – Course Name & Number, Days, and class start time. However, if your student is taking a course on our campus please also include the CRN and Section number.) □ Complete Dual Enrollment Registration/Permission Form is attached. One must be completed for each semester. □ The most recent set of Dual Enrollment Student Guidelines has been provided to the student. ___ Official High School Transcript (Transcript must include high school GPA and all test scores on file for the student that are most commonly seen on an official high school transcript (ACT,SAT, or STAAR EOC). To be considered official the transcript must be signed and be stamped with the high school seal.) □ The student’s official transcript is included in the student’s registration packet. □ Student is returning; they do not need to resubmit their high school transcript. □ Student is retuning, but new test scores were received. The student’s official transcript, including test scores, is attached to the student’s registration packet for review. ___ Official qualifying test scores (Do not write on test scores to be submitted for review) Refer to the TSI Charts for eligibility guidelines. □ The student’s test scores are attached for eligibility review. □ The student recently took a placement test, and will submit the official results as soon as possible. Date of exam:______________ □ The student is returning and previously submitted qualifying test scores. ___Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination (please keep in mind the vaccine is only good for 5 years) □ The student’s valid shot record, which includes the Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine, is attached. □ The student plans to receive the vaccination and will submit updated records at least 10 days prior to the first day of class. □ The student is returning and/or is not physically taking classes on the Texas A&M - Kingsville campus therefore they do not have to submit proof of vaccination (if they are a returning student and are physically taking classes on the Texas A&M – Kingsville campus, but have sat out one semester, they must submit valid shot records) ___ Official College Transcript (To be considered official, the transcript must be in a sealed envelope from that institution) □ The student’s official college transcript is attached. □ The student’s official transcript from their prior college has been requested and will be sent to the University’s Dual Enrollment Office. However, in the meantime, an unofficial copy has been attached. o If the official transcript is not received, the student will not be registered and an Admissions hold will be placed on their account prior to the following semester they wish to participate blocking their registration until that official document is received. □ The student has no prior college coursework of any kind, so an official college transcript is not needed. Note: Submission of application and/or registration form does not guarantee admission to the Dual Enrollment Program and is separate from admission to Texas A&M - Kingsville as an undergraduate. Students interested in enrolling at Texas A&M -Kingsville after high school as an undergraduate student will be required to complete an application on and submit a nonrefundable application fee to be considered for undergraduate freshman admission. Texas A&M University-Kingsville does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age or disability. Revised 9-20-16

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