CONTENTSPAGE 6 10 14 College life Facilities Careers Guidance What to expect from your Discover the resources available Guidance Team provides support time at College to you on campus for career planning and decisions 15 16 19 Ofsted Support Career ready Details from our recent Careers advice, counselling Our industry links and programme Ofsted inspection and finance support setup will give you the best start 21 23 24 Location Levels Apprenticeships Find out more about what’s Our guide to understanding Guide to apprenticeship around our Colleges courses and qualifications frameworks and standards 28 30 109 Alumni How to apply Courses Life with Lincoln College doesn’t A step by step process to Discover the courses available stop when your course ends applying online at Lincoln College 114 Open days Join us for one of our open days
SPECIALIST COURSES 32 35 36 Air and Defence College The Care College Policing College Available at Lincoln College, this programme Specialist training in conjunction with major Training in partnership with Lincolnshire Police provides specialist training for RAF and wider care home employers, including the industry and G4S, providing career pathways into police support apprenticeships, along with PCSO and defence sector careers in engineering, ICT recognised Care Certificate qualification. and catering. police officer jobs. 43 39 Gainsborough College LooTk rSaouintinfgor oCurollSegpeescialist The Construction College Gainsborough College is a centre of excellence Operating across Lincoln and Gainsborough for construction and engineering courses Colleges, this programme, which has been designed For engineering it is the home of Made in by construction employers leads to careers in the Gainsborough, a specialist two-year apprenticeship construction industry in brickwork, plumbing, programme for careers in manufacturing in the painting and decorating. The programme included West Lindsey area. the industry recognised health and safety CSCS card. CAhepcpkrenoutitceshouipr Specialist 40 46 Scheme! Risual Microsoft Academy Team KnowHow p Digital apprenticeships for IT Infrastructure In partnership with Team KnowHow at Newark – Technicians, Digital Marketing, Software here students take part in paid work experience while they complete their IT software course at Development and Information Analysts in a state-of-the-art Microsoft Showcase Classroom. Newark College 5lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
COLLEGE time of you GOT THIS lyoooukrs fburtiugrhet
1 THIS ISN’T SIXTH FORMIt’s more like university. You’ll be treated 5 HIGHQUALITYWORKEXPERIENCE like a young professional if you act like You will not just be taking a course with one and our facilities are designed to us – you will be enrolling onto a Study reflect the workplace. Programme, which will further develop your maths and English skills and ensure 2 FREEDOMTOMANAGEYOURTIME you get high quality work experience You will have more freedom to manage with one of the 1,200 local firms we have a your time, you’ll be able to express your relationship with. individuality and you’ll have a more professional working relationship with 6 ACCESSAMAZINGLEISURE&SPORTSFACILITIES your tutors. Our training spaces replicate the workplace and you’ll have access to amazing leisure and 3 SAFEPLACETOSTUDY sports facilities, along with great places to You will be in a safe and inclusive study, relax and eat. environment where our students tell us they are bullied less and accepted for who 7 YEARSOFINDUSTRYEXPERIENCE they are more. Many of your tutors will have years of industry experience to pass on to make 4 GET YOU CAREER-READYThese freedoms are balanced with our aim to sure you are career-ready. get you ready for the career of your choice. 8 SUPPORTYOUNEED If awwneildlwgroerowkpaohrndainrtdgo taocgalreuetechrr.aetrive We also have a team focused on you giving you the financial, emotional, psychological and career development support you need to succeed. 7lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
We are no different to any other business or organisation in that we found 2020, the lockdown and social distancing restrictions hugely challenging. Thankfully our amazing staff and students And in September we opened our rose to those challenges and we managed campuses up to our new intake, with a to shift our entire teaching and learning blended approach, but predominantly operation online in a matter of days. with face-to-face teaching and learning in our Colleges. We continued to teach and train throughout the lockdown period and our Since then we have invested in a new engagement rates were fantastic. virtual learning platform for our students that will make our online teaching even As the restrictions eased we managed more engaging. to safely allow several hundred students back on site to complete essential We don’t know what 2021 will bring, but vocational assessments. we want to reassure you that we have the capability, capacity and experience to keep Cant’ot seweaiyt ou! our students safe in all circumstances.
UNRIVALLEDOurcampusesaredesignedto FACILITIES supportyourlearning,inspireyouto improve and keep you safe and healthy. Our workshops, studios and study zones You’ll also have access to well-stocked, Our sports facilities are second-to-none are equipped to industry standards to modern library facilities with extensive with a high-tech gym and performance replicate real working environments and online research and study tools. You’ll lab, spa pool and steam rooms, outdoor prepare you for your career. be able to book out study areas to work gym, squash and basketball courts and on team projects or just to secure a quiet much more. Many sixth forms now offer technical space for yourself. qualifications in construction and Lincoln College is now also home to engineering, but they cannot match our You can also benefit from workshops Escape Lincoln, the best escape rooms in amazing workshop environments. If you designed to improve your study the City. You’ll be able to play amazing choose us you’ll be using trade-standard and revision skills, use the library games like Sherlock, The Games, machinery and tools in an environment more effectively and learn how to do The Magic Emporium and Contagion that truly reflects the workplace – and that referencing for your assignments. at a discounted rate. means you’ll be ready to hit the ground running when you start your career. We believe in working hard and playing Above all you will be safe at our hard so we have ensured that our Colleges. Health and safety is a top campuses have great leisure facilities priority and our security teams are including canteens, coffee shops and always on hand to reassure and Sessions House, a top restaurant staffed prevent disruption to College life. by our students. 10 lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
OUR FACILITIES ARE EQUIPPED TO INDUSTRY STANDARDS TO REPLICATE REAL WORKING ENVIRONMENTS! hTithtahtemgerasotunasnrtdyyoruuoun’lrnl icnbagereerrwe.ahdeyn to you
CAREERS GUIDANCE The Careers Guidance Team provides support for career planning and decisions. We can help you to make well informed Our fully qualified and experienced careers If you’re not sure whether to apply for a decisions about your progression guidance practitioners provide impartial course at College or if an apprenticeship and future plans. Careers Guidance advice and guidance. They can help with: would suit you better, make an appointments are available throughout ▪ Career planning and career decisions appointment to discuss the options with the year; you don’t even have to be one of our qualified Careers Guidance a student at the College to make an ▪ Course choice Advisers. We will help you to draw up an appointment. We also welcome parents/ action plan of the steps you need to take to carers to join their young person for a ▪ Researching career opportunities achieve your career and education goals. careers guidance interview. ▪ U CAS applications and personal To make an appointment with a statements Careers Guidance Adviser call our Careers and Course Information Office ▪ J ob search and application skills, on 030 030 32435 or email including CV advice [email protected] Our service has achieved the nationally recognised Matrix standard for excellence in the delivery of information, advice and guidance.
OFSTED: GOOD Lincoln College, including its campuses at Newark and Gainsborough, is graded as Ofsted Good. Inspectors said the College was meeting Lincoln College strives to maintain and the needs of local employers, learners improve on its standards and to offer and the wider community, with students the very highest levels of support to its progressing to positive career destinations. students. The College’s mission is to be; ‘employer-led; producing a highly skilled Also the industry expertise of teachers and productive local workforce’. motivated students to make good progress and develop the skills they Being employer-led means we listen need in the workplace. to employers and involve them in the planning and design of our curriculum. The three campuses were assessed by a team of inspectors in March 2018. By doing this we can be confident that the education and training we provide Inspectors also commented that leaders is giving our students the skills and at the Colleges have created a culture knowledge they need to succeed when where staff are “focused on the craft of they start their careers. teaching” and that learners received “very effective support”. 15lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435 q
YOU TOSUCCEED ADDITIONAL LEARNING SUPPORT We offer support to learners with a learning difficulty, disability, medical condition or a mental health difficulty, including: ▪ Hearing and visual impairment ▪ Mental health problems ▪ S pecific learning difficulties related to Dyslexia ▪ Autistic Spectrum Disorder/ Asperger Syndrome ▪ Physical disability ▪ L earning difficulties/emotional and behavioural difficulties To find out more contact the Assessment Team on: (01522) 876225 or [email protected] COUNSELLING AND PASTORAL SUPPORT Support can be provided for any emotional or personal difficulties learners might encounter. Confidential appointments can be arranged with a Counsellor. To find our more contact Student Services on (01522) 876220, or email [email protected] If learners need spiritual guidance, the Chaplains can offer support to people of all faiths and denominations. To find out more please email: [email protected]
We aim to remove any barriers HOME TO COLLEGETRANSPORTSUPPORT ADVANCE LEARNERS LOANS that get in your way when it comes to landing the career of Learners travelling to College to study These are available to FE students aged your dreams. may be eligible for financial assistance. 19+ studying at Level 3 or above. They The Welfare Team can also offer advice help with the cost of course fees. For more MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT about Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Advanced Learner Loan information County Council post 16 transport support. contact us at advancedlearnerloans@ The College has a named Mental Health Contact [email protected] lincolncollege.ac.uk Coordinator who works alongside the for further information. Assessment and Support Team. FURTHER EDUCATION (FE) Our team provides mental health support 19+ FE FEESUPPORT LEARNER SUPPORT FUNDS to students and staff, and also liaises with external agencies Information can be offered about help We can also help with other course- when required. with fees for courses up to and including related costs such as uniform and Level 2, through the Lincoln College Fee equipment, childcare fees, UCAS fees MONEY MATTERS Remission Policy. and travel (subject to eligibility). Email [email protected] Contact [email protected] Financial support is available for eligible Contact [email protected] for further information. full time study programme learners. for further information. Contact [email protected] PROGRESS COACH for further information. FREE COLLEGEMEALS Our Progress Coaches are available 16-18 EXTENDED BURSARY Learners who come to College to further to discuss English and maths, work their education may be able to access free experience, attendance, punctuality, This is worth up to £1,200. To be eligible, meals (subject to eligibility), just as they personal and professional development. learners must be aged 16-18 and either would at a school sixth form. Contact They will also provide advice or discuss a Local Authority Care Leaver, in Local [email protected] for any support needs which you require. Authority Care, in receipt of Income further information. Support or Universal Credit, in receipt of Employment Support Allowance or CHILDCARE SUPPORT Universal Credit and Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence For those students who require Payments. Other rules may apply. childcare whilst they study, there may Contact [email protected] be financial support available (eligibility for further information. criteria apply). Contact [email protected] for further information. 17lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
IRTE’ASDGYETFTOIRNAG CYAORUEER pp We have strong links to around 1,200 regional employers, from FTSE 100 companies to smaller businesses. We are led by those employers in the way Your Study Programme will consist of your Your Study Programme also consists of we design our programmes. We listen to qualification, plus a requirement that you as much high quality work experience them constantly and change to reflect improve your maths and English skills related to your course as possible. their needs. That means you’re better while you are with us. If you didn’t pass prepared for the working world. your GCSE in these subjects you will do a You must take some responsibility for resit or a functional skills exam. If you did making this happen, but we will support Without fail, employers tell us that pass we’ll still work with you to improve you all the way with advice, guidance and more work is needed to improve the your literacy and numeracy even more. practical help. communications skills, confidence and maths skills of new recruits – that’s why We do this to ensure you have a better l we teach Study Programmes – not courses. chance in interviews for the career of your choice. 19lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
I’ve made swsootuamyldaednnyeavtenrescwhhaofvoreilenmdset here who I if I’d One of the main benefits of coming to Lincoln, Newark and Gainsborough Colleges is the fact that they’re on the doorstep of the City and town centres. You’ll have a lot more free time than you’re used to. It’s up to you whether you get a part time job close by or just enjoy yourself and relax. Lincoln is a beautiful, buzzing City with a Newark College is a stones-throw from great mix of heritage and modern living. the Market Place, with similar shopping You’ll be a five-minute walk from top and leisure facilities, great coffee shops, high street shops and great independent places to eat and parks to hang out. traders, coffee shops, restaurants, bars, a multiplex cinema and places to hang out. Gainsborough College is a short walk from the Town Centre and Marshall’s Whatever your passion, from music, Yard with plenty to keep you occupied in film and literature to sport, gaming, downtime. All of our Colleges are easily shopping, beauty or eating, there’s accessible by car, bus or train. something for you. 21lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435 q
Tchyhsitoosiuilclienuufofnonrrmdseuyarrsotetui,aon,ngdbesuhttthouienifldrytioghouuhecl’thpre! Understanding the different levels and qualifications you might study after your GCSEs can be confusing.
ENTRY LEVEL Entry Level Award, Certificate, Diploma Students with either: Functional Skills (English, Maths, ICT) LEVEL1 LEVEL2 LEVEL3 Students with either: Students with either: Students with either: GCSEs GCSEs A Levels (5 x Grades 3-1 or equivalent) (5 x Grades 9-4 or equivalent) (2 x Grades A-E) Award, Certificate, Diploma O Levels AS Levels (Grades A-C) (City & Guilds, CACHE, OCR, (4 x Grades A-E) BTEC/Edexcel/Pearson, UAL) Award, Certificate, Diploma Award, Certificate, Diploma (City & Guilds, CACHE, OCR, NVQ Level 1 BTEC/Edexcel/Pearson, UAL) (City & Guilds, CACHE, OCR, Functional Skills NVQ Level 2 BTEC/Edexcel/Pearson, UAL) Access to Higher Education Diploma LEVEL4 National Certificate/Diploma Intermediate Apprenticeship Foundation Diploma Students with either: (Art & Design) Higher National Functional Skills NVQ Level 3 Certificate (HNC) LEVEL5 Advanced Apprenticeship Extended Diplomas Certificate of Higher Education Students with either: (CertHE) Higher National Diploma LEVEL6 Higher Apprenticeship (HND) Students with either: Professional Diplomas Diploma of Higher Education Degree with Honours (e.g. BA Hons, BSc Hons) (DipHE) Degree Apprenticeship Foundation Degree NVQ Level 4 23lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
The qthueaanlisfdiacmaytioeounlsegvceealtnapstaaiadkedtoeyog!ouree.u..p AALPLPARBEONUTITCESHIPS to Apprenticeships are simple. You start working straight away and study towards a qualification on-the-job. An assessor will visit you in your workplace to support you with training; and for some qualifications you may also need to come into College. Apprenticeships are great if you want IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS: apprenticeship. We will try to match you to get straight into the workplace and to a vacancy before the start of term in start earning some money while you To start an apprenticeship you need to College, but if that’s not possible you will build up the qualifications you need for find a company that’s prepared to employ still have an offer of a College place to fall your career. If your employer supports you as an apprentice. This might not back on in September. you it’s possible to train to the highest always be possible by the start of term degree-level qualifications through after you have finished your GCSEs. Don’t worry, if you still want to be an apprenticeships. apprentice you can still attend special It is a legal requirement to be in full tutorials to help you find a vacancy, work And that means they’re not just for time education, employment or training on your applications and prepare you for young new recruits. For example you before the age of 18, so our advice is to interviews. Our aim will be to find you an might study Level 2 and 3 courses with apply for a full time course that is related apprenticeship while you study. us before hooking up with an employer to the apprenticeship you want to do. and doing a Level 4 or 5 apprenticeship. On your application form tick the box To check the latest vacancies visit that asks you if you are interested in an www.lincolncollege.ac.uk 24 lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
I love having the chance to train in a salon and gain work experience too. I am really enjoying my apprenticeship. Ellie Johnson An apprenticeship was a great way for me to learn a new skill as a mature student. It opens up opportunities for the future. Andrew Wood Apprenticeships are pretty flexible, you get lots of help from tutors. The company I work for are really supportive too. Johnny Watson
LAEPVPERLSENBTYICSEUSBHJIPECT CARE AND SERVICE SECTOR LEVELS BUSINESSANDWORKPLACELEARNING LEVELS Accounting 2, 3, 4 Advanced and Creative Hair 3 Business Administration 3 Beauty Therapist 2, 3 Childcare (Children and 4 Customer Service 2, 3 Young People's Workforce) 3 Dental Nursing 3 Cyber Security 4 Early Years Educator 2 Early Years Practitioner 2 Digital Marketing 3 Hairdressing 2, 3 Health and Social Care 5 HR Consultant/Partner 5 Health and Social Care – 2, 3 Care Leadership and Management 2 HR Support 3 Healthcare Support Service 3 Hospitality Team Leader 5 IT Infrastructure Technician 3 Hospitality Supervisor 3 Learning and Skills Teacher Large Goods Vehicle Driver 2 Teaching Assistant 5, 6 Management (Leadership 2 and Management) Passenger Transport Driver, Bus, Coach and Tram Standard and Coaching Professional 5 Supply Chain Warehouse Operative 2 Team Leading 3 26 lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
CONSTRUCTION LEVELS ENGINEERING LEVELS Bricklaying 2 Electrical Installation (Electrotechnical) 3 Carpentry and Joinery 2, 3 Engineering Fitter 3 Construction in the Built Engineering Manufacturing Technician 4 Environment (Civil Engineering) 3 Engineering Operative 2 Furniture Furnishing and Interiors Engineering Technician 3 Painter and Decorating 2, 3 Fire Emergency and Security Systems 3 Plastering 2 Metal Fabricator 3 Plumbing 2 Motor Vehicle Service and Maintenance Property Maintenance Operative 3 Technician (Light Vehicle) 3 2 27lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
1 3 2 Find out about us Open Days Apply Online Search to find the course you want Look at the ‘Open Days’ section of When you’ve decided on a course or browse our Career Choices to help the website to get dates of when you or apprenticeship fill in your online can come and see us. You can tour you make your mind up. If you’re the campus, chat to tutors and get application.On your application stuck, call for careers advice and you’ll be asked to pick a date to come we’ll make an appointment for you to careers advice here too. in for a Welcome Day. It’s really come and talk to someone. 5 important that you do this. 6 4 Offer of acceptance Welcome Day Check your email You will receive an email offer which Once we’ve processed your We’ll communicate with you you must accept to secure your application you’ll be asked to attend and your parent, guardian or nominated responsible adult College place.We’ll then send you your Welcome Day. On the day via text and email so keep an eye an email to complete the first stage you’ll have a tour, chat to tutors, of your enrolment online. Details have an interview and do some out for these messages. will follow on when you come into basic maths and English tests. Don’t College to collect your student ID. worry you don’t need to prepare for them and the results won’t count against your application – we use them so we know your literacy and numeracy starting level when you come to us. You’ll be made a conditional offer (subject to your GCSE results) on the day. 29lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
32 34 36 38 Air and Care College Policing Construction Defence College College College 42 40 46 48 Made in Risual Microsoft Gainsborough Team KnowHow A Levels and Academy Access to HE 52 56 50 60 Business Catering & Animal & Hospitality Care Services Equine Care 66 70 74 64 Construction Creative Arts Mechanical, Automotive & Computing 82 Electrical Engineering 86 78 Music 88 Musical Hair & Beauty 96 Instrument Craft Performing Arts & Dance 92 Sport 100 102 Production Arts 110 Supported Education Travel & Tourism 106 Career Degrees Uniformed 31 Protective Services q
Lincoln College works in partnership with The Royal Air Force and a raft of top aerospace industry firms to provide this unique training model. Our carefully designed study Core academic study areas like Maths, COURSE INFORMATION: programmes, which now run at Lincoln English and Science will be contextualised College, have been shaped by our industry to the specialism of the College and digital ▪ Studied in Lincoln at the partners, offer a unique blend of academic skills development will be a major priority. Air & Defence College site, education and technical training, infused including practical workshops with an additional focus on leadership, Our Air & Defence College is an amazing at Lincoln College communication and team building. opportunity to pursue a career with the RAF or the wider aerospace industry. ▪ P rogramme includes employability Our students will get involved with It enables students to complete their skills (attitudinal goals) or GCSEs industry-set projects, co-designed by core academic studies, alongside full in English and Maths (dependent employers equipping them to enter their time technical training, creating a clear upon existing qualifications) career of choice, ahead of the game and pathway to an exciting, rewarding future. ready to progress. College students will ▪ Approximately 30 hours per week spend a significant proportion of time Graduates are guaranteed a place on RAF in College / employer-setting experiencing industry environments Basic Recruit Training (subject to RAF entry firsthand through an extensive programme criteria) and will be well equipped to pass ▪ A blend of practical and theory of work experience, and industry experts first time. If students decide not to enter the with a range of assessment methods will join their tutors at College to pass on RAF, they can progress to employment, an their knowledge and expertise. apprenticeship or further study for a career ▪ A minimum of 2 hours per week in the aerospace industry. of personal training to develop physical fitness HOW TO APPLY: ▪ P rogression to Level 3, Find the course on lincolncollege.ac.uk and click the employment or an apprenticeship ‘Apply Now’ button to submit your application form online. ▪ Courses offered: Computing L3, Engineering L2 & 3, Catering L 1, 2 & 3, Hospitality L1 & 2 ( Fast Track Option) 32 lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
THE CARE COLLEGE Be spuaprtpoorftsafafammiliileys that p The Care College, based at Lincoln and Newark Colleges, is a unique training experience which has been designed by our industry partners to give 16 to 19-year-olds the technical knowledge, values and experience needed to build hugely rewarding careers in the care sector. Industry experts from the Orders of This is the only further education care Our Newark College Care College opened St John Care Trust (OSJCT), The Priory, course in the UK that enables students in September and is now working with LinCA, Walnut Care, Home from Home to complete the Care Certificate, a more local industry partners to shape the Care and Wispington House have sought-after industry qualification that learner experience and facilitate students designed an industry-led curriculum traditionally could only be completed gaining their Care Certificate. and provide unique levels of on-the-job once someone had started working in training in care home settings. the sector. This makes our graduates HOW TO APPLY: significantly more employable on Our values-based recruitment process completion of their course. Find the course on reflects industry in selecting intelligent, lincolncollege.ac.uk and click compassionate, empathetic and Our Lincoln Care College has now been the ‘Apply Now’ button to submit practically-minded young students up and running for a year with excellent your application form online. who are suitable to care for and recruitment rates and great outcomes protect some of the most vulnerable for our students, who have spent a people in our communities. significant amount of time with our industry partners. 35lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435 j
POLICCoIllNegGe HOW TO APPLY: Find the course on lincolncollege.ac.uk and click the ‘Apply Now’ button to submit your application form online. The Policing College is the first of its kind in the UK. It offers an exciting opportunity to train for vital roles with Lincolnshire Police and its strategic partner, G4S. The College has been designed to train PTHOILSICCEOSUTRASFFEJPORBEPSAARNEDSASPTPURDEENNTTISCFEOSRHIPS: Level 3 students will also have the school leavers to prepare them for opportunity to progress onto a new apprenticeships and jobs in police support ▪ Emergency Call Handlers Professional Policing Degree which started roles and to provide a pathway for students ▪ Custody Officers in September 2020 (subject to validation to study a Professional Policing Degree and ▪ Police IT Support workers by the University of Derby). join up as police officers. ▪ Police Analysts ▪ Police HR Officers This enables students to study a degree All students will spend a significant ▪ Police Business Administrators that will qualify them to join Lincolnshire amount of time in police environments, Police as a serving Police Officer, subject training with officers and hearing from Many police staff in these roles progress to the Force’s recruitment policies and expert guest speakers from the Police into PCSO and police officer roles. procedures. If appropriate and possible and G4S. our degree students will also serve as All students will complete work Lincolnshire Police Specials. The Study Programme will also have a experience focused on community service, focus on physical fitness, health and in line with the Lincolnshire Police values COURSE INFORMATION: well-being, resilience, problem solving of Policing with PRIDE, which stands and leadership. Students will continue for Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, ▪ C ourses offered: L4, L5 and L6 English and Maths studies to improve Dedication and Empathy. BA (Hons) Professional Policing, their literacy and numeracy. (subject to validation) 36 lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
Lincoln College’s Construction College provides employer-led, career focused education and technical training for 16 to 19-year-olds. Our employer supporters work closely Our carefully designed study Our students will get involved with with us to provide this unique and programmes, which have been shaped industry-set projects, co-designed by innovative model, which is designed by our industry partners, offer a employers - equipping them to enter to create secure career paths for young unique blend of academic education their career of choice, ahead of the game people and address growing skills gaps and technical training, infused and ready to progress. in Lincolnshire. with additional focus on enterprise, communication and team-building. Construction College students will LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATE: spend a significant proportion of time LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA: experiencing industry environments first ▪ Trade options at Gainsborough hand through an extensive programme include Brickwork and ▪ T rade options at Gainsborough of work experience, and industry experts Carpentry & Joinery include Brickwork and Carpentry will join their tutors at College to pass on & Joinery their knowledge and experience. ▪ P rogramme includes employability skills and Functional Skills or ▪ P rogramme includes employability HOW TO APPLY: GCSEs in English and Maths skills and Functional Skills or GCSEs (dependent upon existing in English and Maths (dependent Find the course on qualifications) upon existing qualifications) lincolncollege.ac.uk and click the ‘Apply Now’ button to submit ▪ Approximately 30 hours per week ▪ Approximately 30 hours per week your application form online. in College/Work in College/Work ▪ A blend of practical and ▪ A blend of practical and theory sessions theory sessions ▪ P rogression to Year 2, ▪ P rogression to appropriate employment or an apprenticeship Level 3 programme, employment or an apprenticeship 39lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435 j
ARCISAUDAELMMYICROSOFT Our Digital Academy, run in partnership with Microsoft and Risual Education Ltd, boosts digital skills through apprenticeship training in IT, digital marketing, software development and cyber security. Apprentices train in a custom-designed, The apprenticeships are flexibly designed state-of-the-art Microsoft Showcase to meet employer needs and linked to classroom on Microsoft Surface Pros, industry recognised vendor qualifications with an 84-inch Microsoft Surface Hub (Microsoft MOS, MTA, MCP). used as a teaching aide. SPECIALISMS: The Academy has been launched as a direct response to skills shortages ▪ Level 3 IT Infrastructure Technician identified by Greater Lincolnshire ▪ Level 4 Software Developer employers and will offer secure and ▪ Level 3 Digital Marketer lucrative careers for apprentices of ▪ Cyber Security Specialist all ages. ▪ Information Analyst 40 lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
GCAOLINLESGBEOROUGH A Centre of Excellence for engineering and construction training Gainsborough College works with local Gainsborough College is home to Made employers to secure careers for people in in Gainsborough, which specialises in the construction and engineering sectors apprenticeships and courses designed by major local manufacturing firms. It is Our tutors have all worked in industry also home to the Construction College, and have the knowledge and experience which runs brickwork and carpentry and to help you succeed. joinery courses designed by construction firms to meet their needs. Our workshops have industry standard equipment and we have strong Both of these Centres of Excellence relationships with local employers provide opportunities for students to who help to design our courses, take spend significant amounts of time in the students on work experience and hire workplace with employers – preparing them as apprentices. them for their future careers. 43lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
MGAAINDESBINOROUGH Made in Gainsborough is a unique opportunity to build a career in engineering in Gainsborough through an apprenticeship with some of the town’s best-known firms. Our Made in Gainsborough partners; COURSE DETAIL: In year two the model reverses and AMP Rose, Eminox, Wefco, Regal, apprentices spend four days a week with Trepko, Clean Tech, A Schulman and In year one apprentices will develop their engineering employer and one-day a Hooton Engineering are all looking for their general engineering knowledge, week at College. school-leaver and adult apprentices to predominantly at Gainsborough College work for them. in an environment that reflects real-life At the end of the training programme an industry settings. independent assessment will take place These firms worked with Gainsborough and those who pass will secure regular College to build this new Centre of One day a week will be spent with their jobs on great salaries with their firms. Excellence as they were finding it employer, either at College or in the difficult to fill their job vacancies with workplace. This year is focused on getting SPECIALISMS CAN INCLUDE: highly skilled local people. apprentices career-ready, so they can safely transition into their company ▪ Mechanical Engineering Our apprentices will earn money from workshops. ▪ Manufacturing Engineering day one and successful candidates, who complete their two to three year Level 3 ▪ Fabrication & Welding apprenticeship, will secure a long-term career in engineering. ▪ Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance 44 lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435 j
TEAM KNOWHOW Newark College has teamed up with Team KnowHow to form a unique collaboration, providing young people with paid work experience for Europe’s leading specialist electrical and telecommunications retailer and services company. Top performing Level 3 candidates COURSE DETAIL: SPECIALISMS: are selected and employed by Team KnowHow on a part time basis to carry The purpose of this micro-college, based ▪ Business out IT hardware repairs, while they study at our Newark Campus, is to train highly ▪ Electronic Maintenance for their IT Software qualifications. skilled technicians for Team KnowHow. ▪ Warehousing All Level 3 candidates can undertake The top Level 3 students will be in paid 30 hours work experience with Team employment at the firm’s Newark plant, KnowHow specialists. working two days a week. While at College they will study in the state-of-the Once students graduate they will either art Team KnowHow suite, wear a Team leave fully qualified with a line on their KnowHow uniform and benefit from CV that proves they are a top candidate immersion in an industry environment. for employment, be offered a permanent position with Team KnowHow, or a place These courses offer unrivalled career on an IT apprenticeship with the firm – opportunities in the Newark area and securing a bright future in the IT industry spaces are limited so please express an and enabling them to build their lives in early interest. the Newark area. 46 lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
AACLCEVESELSST&OHE AHimigh pathfyooulrloowwn Is Higher Education the route for you? plafnor success A levels are a great option for those who want to pursue academic learning and go on to Higher Education with a Lincoln College Career Degree (see page 106). For Adults over 19 looking to progress to Higher Education, our Access to HE Pathways may be more appropriate, as they are one year not two, and you can use an Advanced Learner Loan which will be waived once you graduate from your degree. And don’t worry if you haven’t done GCSEs or you don’t quite get the grades you were expecting. We can help you with that too via our Pathway programme or adult evening classes, that will enable you to sit or resit GCSEs to get you onto the A Level courses or Access to HE programme you’re after.
Access to Higher Education AVAILABLE A LEVELS ACCESS TO HE PATHWAYS Levels: 3 (L) Applied Law (BTEC) Healthcare Practitioners Applied Psychology (BTEC) Humanities & Social Sciences A Levels Art Science Biology Teacher Training Levels: 3 (L) Chemistry Core Maths GCSEs Criminology (WJEC) English Language Levels: 2 (L) English Literature Geography Campus Key: History Maths (L) Lincoln Physics (N) Newark Psychology (G) Gainsborough Religious Studies (A) Apprenticeship Sociology Theatre Studies OUR SAUTLOCEVHSETALUSSDTOYUXADFTOENRTOTDSP&HUCANAVIMVEEGBRORSNIIDETIGOEENS. 49lincolncollege.ac.uk For advice call 030 030 32435
Animal Care Levels: 2 (L) Animal Management Levels: 3, 4 (L) Equine Care Levels: 2 (L) Equine Management Levels: 3, 4 (L) Land-Based Studies Levels: 1 (L) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Animal Care Services £16,120 AYEAR 4,708 REGIONALJOBSIN2017 Veterinary Nurses £17,160 AYEAR 852 REGIONALJOBSIN2017
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