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Home Explore FE Guide 2020

FE Guide 2020

Published by Lincoln College, 2020-01-10 03:41:07

Description: FE Guide 2020


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-MAac2ncoau_genmt2aenntt- Business CFoirnpoarnatcee BUyEr Advisor RETAIL CSEONHCTAEIRARILTPYRISE / Sales Auditor AgEesnttate Entrepreneurship SEEMLPFLOYED - Product - Management T3ra_ine3r HReusmouarcnes PlaSntnriantgegic H-uMmaannaRgeemsoeunrtc-e EMPLOYEE MaOnpageamtinegnt DEVELOPMENT Management 4_4 MGaennaegreaml ent

CATERING & Ourwortkuetdorsinartehechienfdsuswthroy’ve HOSPITALITY Fancy being the next Jamie or Nigella? Our courses are taught by industry-trained chefs, giving you expert guidance on making it in this fast-paced career. We know how important practical, on- We have also launched the first Air & the-job experience is, so you will work Defence College in the UK at Lincoln, in our on-campus Sessions Restaurant backed by the RAF, Thales, Raytheon and which is open to the public. AAR. Here, the catering curriculum is designed by the employers you spend a If you are passionate about food, can work significant amount of time training in the in a busy environment and communicate workplace and take part in industry-set well as part of a team, our courses will challenges. Please request an Air & Defence lead you to a rewarding career in Catering College brochure if you’re interested. and Hospitality. Or visit our website: Our hospitality courses offer great opportunities that could lead to careers as bar managers, cocktail mixologists or master baristas in coffee houses. 52 For advice call 030 030 32435

Catering Levels: Entry, 1, 2, 3 (L, A) Hospitality Levels: Entry, 1, 2, 3 (L, A) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship (Q) Queen's Park Average salaries: Chefs £18,200 A YEAR 11,067 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Cooks £13,520 A YEAR 6,202 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Catering & Bar Managers £21,840 A YEAR 3,355 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017

BUyEr PCashterfy Chef Development SMuapnplayger PrToedsutectr New Product DEVELOPMENT D-iMstrainbaugteiorn- NUtRItIoNIsT &SulpopgliysctihcasBinuWy ine SuppMlyanCahgaeirn Bar Tend - Hotel - Wedding REcEpTIoNIsT COnCIeRgE Manager Planner ChHaleotst Hospitality d Matr e'd Events Waiter Restaurant Co-ordinator - Manager -

MAancacoguernt MaBnargand SalesRepresenative CoCmom-uonrdicianatitoonrs SMaalrekse&ting Se-rCvuicsetoMmaenra-ger Sales Manager PCashterfy bAkEr Sous Cake Decorator Chef ManQaugaelrity Bar Tend catering SalesRepresenative Chocolati Health, Safety & Quality Health & Safety - Head Chef - - Manager -

ChildCare Levels: Entry, 1, 2, 3 (L, N, G, A) Health & Social Care Levels: Entry, 1, 2, 3 (L, N, G, A) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Nursery Nurses £16,120 A YEAR 18,692 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Play Workers £14,560 A YEAR 3,066 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Care Workers & Home Carers £18,720 A YEAR 68,597 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Nursing Auxiliaries £20,800 A YEAR 26,969 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017

SCEARRVEICES If you’re a caring person who enjoys working with adults and children, then a career in Health and Social Care or in Early Years will give you the chance to really make a difference. p Whether you want to be a Nurse, If your future lies in working with Occupational Therapist or Social Worker, children our experienced childcare our courses will give you a route into tutors will give you the skills you need, employment or further study. with a range of full time courses and apprenticeships. Many of our programmes offer the chance to gain valuable experience in With work placements in nurseries a working environment. and primary schools, you will have the practical experience to get a head start in your career. IoatbaholeuwrtasyesfrnkohmnaenawcinvIgewraytsheypoaulsnsiviogneasatgoefe For advice call 030 030 32435

Safeguarding PlayOwforfkiecrer Sen co-ordinator Officer Childcare CP2rroe_vcidh2eer - Child - Psychologist PraCchtiilodncare Family Early years support - educator - MaNnaugresrery worker Youth worker ReCsiadreential Ps2yc_hol2ogist Social Care Devewlooprmkeenrt Safeguarding Officer SOcIoLoGiSt

Earlys PTriemaachry HTeeaachder Years Teaching Teacher d 4_4 NuArsdeult M3in_dw3ife NuCrsheild Health Nutritionist Radiographer OTChcUeprAatIpoiNsatL

COMPUTING Computing Levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (L) Levels: 2, 3 (N) Levels: 3, 4 (A) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Programming & Software Development £35,880 A YEAR 18,379 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 IT Technician £31,200 A YEAR 6,989 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Web Design & Development £29,120 A YEAR 5,320 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017

Get a career in a cutting-edge, fast-paced and ever-evolving industry. Computing is growing across almost all At the end of the course there could be industry sectors, leading to lots of new a job with Team KnowHow, starting on and exciting careers in computing, coding £18,000 a year, an apprenticeship, and game design. Our courses blend or a great line on your CV to say you’ve practical work with theory to give you worked for one of the UK’s biggest firms. an in-depth understanding of different aspects of computing. We have also launched the first Air & Defence College in the UK at Lincoln, An amazing new collaboration with tech- backed by the RAF, Thales, Raytheon and giant Team KnowHow means our Level AAR. Here, the computing curriculum is 2 and 3 Newark based Computing and designed by the employers; you spend a Hardware courses benefit from unique significant amount of time training in the industry links. workplace and take part in industry-set challenges. Please request an Air & Defence Students will study three days a week College brochure if you’re interested. at Newark College. Level 2 students can complete 30 hours work experience at Level 3 students have progression Team KnowHow as part of their course opportunities to BSc Computer Science and the top Level 3 students will be paid within the computing department. by Team KnowHow to work two days a week on IT Hardware repairs at its state- Or visit our website: of-the-art service centre. For advice call 030 030 32435 j

CONSTRUCTION The skills htIehlehpavfmueteulrepearrongerdess here will in Building on the success of our employer-led Construction College at Gainsborough, this approach has now been expanded across all construction trades at Lincoln. Our course are being redesigned and We have big ambitions for the enhanced by local construction employers development of our construction training and supplier firms. We already have the and our aim to see our students working Dulux and Bell Group Academies training on real-life renovation and house building students and staff in painting and projects as they develop their skills. decorating and this year we are opening the Gusto Homes ECOnstruction Centre Our close relationships with employers of Excellence, where trade experts will dramatically increases employment teach our students about eco-friendly opportunities for our students and we and sustainable building materials and also run skills competitions that can lead techniques. to exciting apprenticeship opportunities. Or visit our website: 62 For advice call 030 030 32435

Brickwork Levels: 1, 2 (L, N, G, A) Cabinet Making Levels: 2, 3 (N, A) Carpentry & Joinery Levels: 1, 2 (L, N, G, A) Levels: 3 (L) Certificate in Construction Skills (Multi Trade) Levels: 1 (L) Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) Levels: 3, 4, 5 (L, A) Construction and the Built Environment (Construction) Levels: 3, 4, 5 (L, A) Painting & Decorating Levels: 1, 2 (L, N, A) Levels: 3 (L) Plastering Levels: 1, 2 (L, A) Plumbing Levels: 1, 2, 3 (L, A) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship

Paint SE3melpf_loy3ed Supervisor PDaeicnotrinatgin&g Roofer Wood trades INt4ErIo_R de4SIgNeR Joiner 1Plas_ter1er SItE agEnT Cabinet Mak Supervisor Foreman F-uMrnaikteurr-e wet trades SFpeicinaliisst Shurfeacre Bricklayer PMraonjeacgt Building He-aMlta3hn&a_gSae3rfe-ty Building Controller ARcHItEcT L2Inesctt_ruurcetr2/or Services technical/ Quantity professional Surveyor Estimater CaD DEsIgNeR SuBrvueilydoirng DEsIgN EnGInEeR

Pipe Welder 4_4Building Services IOnisl tRaligler /fitter TechSnicviaicne - Design Engineer - Plumber plumbing SMmuapaienrntveiansoagrne/cer GAs INsTaLlEr & heating Te-cShanleicsa-l Commercial Installer/ Electrician Labour Data IDno3smta_elslt3eicr Electrician Sc4af_fol4ders iEnlsetcatlrliactailons construction ELeCtRIcAl TEsT support services ENgInEeR Rooferer Ground PlaOntperator EHleicgthrwiciaayns Worker

Art & Design Levels: 1, 2 (L) 3, 4 (L, N) Fashion Levels: 2, 3, 4 (L) Media Levels: 2, 3 (L, N) 4, 5, 6 (L) Photography Levels: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (L) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Graphic Designers £26,000 A YEAR 4,217 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Clothing Designers £29,120 A YEAR 3,459 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Artists £28,080 A YEAR 2,065 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017

CREATIVE toAfhatanevdreduemnsyiivgenowrnscitoymc,opnIasnuwlytainntg Do you have a creative flair and an eye for detail? We have impressive studios and well-equipped workshop facilities covering art and design, fashion, graphic design, media production and photography. Our specialist tutors, many of whom have industry experience in fashion houses, design agencies and film companies, will encourage you to develop your own personal style. Our School of Art and Design has just celebrated its 150th birthday, so we have the expertise to help you towards a creative and rewarding career. For advice call 030 030 32435 j

ANImAtOr DWEvEbElODpEsErIgNeR/ GaDmeessigner -MDaerskigentienrgG- rDapehsiigccneormmePrhAcotdioavgelrratpishienrg Multi Film media Maker Commercial PhDotoogcurampehntary Adv- eRretPpiMs-irninagtnaPg rodPuhctoiotn ographer Photographer Set Designer Commercial Wardrobe PFrilomd/uTchtieoantrDee/Tsieglneverisfioorn De-sMigannAaggeenr c-y Photographer Assistant Make-up -EDxhesibigitnioern- Se- lFfrEemelpalnocyeed- / Artist Desigenatre Tehxheaibtirtiicoanl/ restoration/ DIrAERctToR commercial Film Art MusCeounmse/rGvaaltloerry /AMrt aBnaugy Maker Restorer

Illustrator T-hTAAearrrattsptti-Csioost AomtmrtuAnWirtoytrkFeriSPnecaiuAnltpetrrtoi/srtTEaDChesETirgrnanFDspFuoSerrrestenlifegilaEtnunmecDrPerpeERlsAooIygDerNduti/seCtRt Packaging Designer DeJsiegwnell y Industrial design Metal work A- uDteosmigonteivre- Goldsmith SIlVeRsMItH Industrial Designer ArchHCioitsntesoercricvtaaltuiBournilOedfifnicgesr/ CostDumeseigner Stonemason - Fashion and - Textiles Designer Fashion Ph- oFtaosghriaopnh-er FaSshtyiolinst FDaessihginoner PTreixnttilBesasDeedsigner FBausyheiron

Automotive Levels: 1 (L, N, G), 2 (L, N, A), 3 (L, A) Electrical Installations & Electronics Levels: 2, 3, 4, 5 (L, N, A) Extended Diploma in Engineering (Electrical & Mechanical pathways) Levels: 3 (L) Manufacturing Levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (L, A) Mechanical Levels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (L, A) Welding & Fabrication Levels: 2, 3 (L, A) Certificate in Service & Maintenance Engineering Levels: 1 (G) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Vehicle Technician £28,600 A YEAR 18,465 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Electrician £30,680 A YEAR 17,440 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017

ENGINEERING Are you interested in how things work? Working with: If you enjoy practical work and have an eye for detail, our courses can lead to a future in automotive engineering, mechanical or manufacturing engineering, motorsport, welding & fabrication, electrical engineering or electrical installations. Our experienced specialist tutors, who We have also launched the first Air & have spent years working in these Defence College in the UK at Lincoln, industries, will provide you with the backed by the RAF, Thales, Raytheon and skills you need to make it in this fast- AAR. Here, the engineering curriculum paced industry. is designed by the employers; you spend a significant amount of time training in the Our state-of-the-art workshops will set workplace and take part in industry-set you up for the workplace and give you challenges. Please request an Air & Defence access to the kit you’ll be using when you College brochure if you’re interested. land your first job. Or visit our website: Iforneoawnngwiinonretkeerrasinnaagtniondeealsleigcmnturlitccioa-nldsuieslcntiapgnlinicneyaeryr For advice call 030 030 32435

QEunalgityiCnoneterorl CNC MACHinist menegcihnaeneircianlg TOoLmAkEr ProjMectanager robotics PErnogdiunceteiron engineer CaD DEsIgNeR ME2antge_irniea2elrs 3EdnPgriinnteiengr CEonmgipnoesites Studio IT TECHNICIAN 3Lec_tur3er Sounds Engineer Electrical/ SEinmguinlaetieorn electronics engineering Instrumentation/ - Software - AVIoNIcS Control Engineer Design Engineer ENgInEeR

EnvirEonnmgineenetral Recycling Waste - Engineer - Locksmith installation, maintenance & Engineercommissioning Commissioning Fabrication InstEanlglainteioenr TecFhnieicldianS vice Engineer Structural WOielldReigr Welder ewmneegtlaidnlinewegro&irnksgihneget Blacksmith Shipyard Welder

BHEAAIRUT&Y EvI’evreyaonlnovedsaeidwsdilstlosotbufelrdeiyearivnnedegallylyh,.ere For an exciting and varied career, hair Beauty Therapy and beauty is hard to beat! Levels: 1, 2, 3 (L, N, G, A) If you enjoy practical learning and working with people, our courses can Make Up Artistry lead to a future in salon management, barbering, hairdressing, spa treatments or Levels: 3 (L) beauty therapy. Our tutors have salon experience and Hairdressing excellent industry contacts to help you get on the ladder towards a career in hair and Levels: 1, 2, 3 (L, N, G, A) beauty. You will learn in well-equipped hair and beauty salons. Hair & Media Make-up 74 For advice call 030 030 32435 Levels: 2 (L) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Beauticians £16,120 A YEAR 7,986 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Hairdresser £15,080 A YEAR 20,267 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017

AsSsaisltoannt Specialist SAfpriecacniHaalirtiyspte SHaaliordnrsessing Beauty Receptionist SBpreidcaial lHiasitr SeSntyiolriHair Therapist Sales Manager Customer SalesrePrEsEnTaTiVe BDMuesaviennleaopgmeernt Service Manager SMaalrekse&ting CCoom-mourndiicnaattioonrs PDirstoridbuutciotn BMRaANndAgEr

ReviewTutor SAsaslesosnor AQudalvifiicsaotiorn AEwxatredrOnraglaVniesraIitNfiiosenTrrUcToTR raCEoxnipsneurlSttaainlnOotnr gCMoaecnhtor Education Curriculum Development Renatchair SSetsyslioisnts SEEMLPFLOYED SSteyssliiosnts FreeSltaynliscet FreeSlatynlciset hMaeidrisatyling Tv / meDiA / FIlM stYlIsT

Music Levels: 3 (L) Music Performance & Production Levels: 2 (N) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Musicians £30,680 A YEAR 1,865 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017

MUSIC Whether you want to be behind the mic or behind the glass in the studio, our courses offer the perfect grounding to enter the music industry as a performer, musician or sound engineer. You’ll learn all the skills you need to go The Lincoln College music course has on to higher education, or break into the a very high acceptance rate into music music industry, under the watchful eyes colleges such as BIMM, Goldsmiths and of our tutors, who’ve done both. Leeds College of Music. Past students are currently pursuing a multitude of Our courses are designed to suit a wide successful careers including session work, range of musicians from drummers and touring, journalism and production. guitarists, to vocalists and brass players. You will learn about the history of popular You will be based in our own music, the music industry, music theory dedicated performance space which and music production, whilst being has a 180-seater theatre, dressing encouraged to compose and perform in rooms, dance studios, rehearsal genres of your choosing. rooms, recording studio, MAC suite and technical theatre workshop. For advice call 030 030 32435 79

Musical ACcOmPaNiSt - Director - Performance Song MUsIc THeRaPiSt Writer d MMiulsiitcairayn Teacher Music Radio Producer Front oEfngineer RMestoursaiction PA Hire House Monitoring MEinxgininge RAecrotridsting A4udio_Arc4hirist Technology - Engineer - REcOrDeRs mpruosdicuction Sound Designer Engineer AFORLTIESYT Backline Tour Management Technician

M4usic _J our4nali st IndepAendrtaisntt Dj Music self Radio Teacher employed Plugger CFoilmmp/osTeVr/- Library COnDuCtOr d MAnAgEr Publisher Events ABgeonokting Manager Business Pr L-aRbeecl oArgden-t

Violin Foundation Levels: 3 (N) Musical Instrument Craft Foundation Levels: 3 (N) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship

IMNUSSTIRCUAMLENT CRAFT inThtehkentuoiwtnodrtushsethriaryvsetanuwfdfo!rrkeeadlly k Our School of Musical Instrument Craft has a worldwide reputation of excellence. If you have a passion for traditional crafts and enjoy working with wood you will be the perfect candidate for this course in Violin Making. Gain highly specialised craftsmanship by training ‘at the bench’ with tutors that are recognised around the world. For advice call 030 030 32435 q

PERFORMING ARTS & DANCE If a career in theatre, film, or dance is your destiny then our courses are a great launchpad to a successful career. Our Performing Arts courses provide Upon successful completion you may Performing Arts you with the experience and knowledge seek employment within a range to develop a range of performance skills of Performing Arts occupations or Levels: Entry, 2, 3 (L) including acting, dancing and singing. progress onto Higher Education or Drama /Dance Schools. Professional Diploma You will gain practical experience in in Performance musical theatre, dance, classical theatre, Certification is awarded by the modern drama, technical theatre and prestigious UAL Awarding Body, Levels: 4 (L) multi-media performance. widely regarded as the best university for the Creative Arts in Europe. Dance You will take part in several performances during the year, keeping a reflective Levels: 3 (L) journal of your progress, attend workshops with visiting professional Campus Key: actors and learn from various trips to the (L) Lincoln West End and touring professional shows. (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Dancers & Choreographers £35,360 A YEAR 839 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Actors, Entertainers & Presenters £31,200 A YEAR 1,922 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 For advice call 030 030 32435

MDiurseicctaolr ACtOr TV / Film TV & FILM Extra LEaD siNgEr Bprroaedscaesnt/ tRaedrio VOICE OVER Song WMriUterSICAMLusician Agent SMtanaaggeer ERLniiGGGihgNTIeniENrGg Cruise Director DTIHreEcATtoRRe E4nter_tainer4nter DMauntagyer MSTaHtnEaAaggTeRerE BUSINESS Froofnht ouse - THEATRE - WORKSHOP FACILITATOR

D3IRE_CT3OR Workshop Produc Dance Leader Therapist TDeraachmear THEATRE - Backstage - Playwright Theatre Crew SMtanaaggeer Actor Character Voice over PDRAonDCueCeR Danc Musical DIRECTOR Theatre DANCE Performer PeCrafboarrmeter DaTneacecher TDeraachmear Freelance THERAPY / 4_4 TEACHER Choreograph

PRODUCTION ARTS If you want to pursue a career in theatre production, run an events company or produce live performances for top bands, this is the course for you. You’ll learn the underpinning skills Production Arts and knowledge to progress through the levels of theatre production, gaining Levels: 2, 3 (L) great practical experience in industry settings. Campus Key: (L) Lincoln You will work as part of a crew to realise (N) Newark small and large-scale productions, (G) Gainsborough including music gigs, pantomimes, (A) Apprenticeship plays, musicals, exhibitions, public and corporate events. You’ll also gain an understanding of the history of the performing arts business. Certification is awarded by the prestigious UAL Awarding Body, widely regarded as the best university for the Creative Arts in Europe. For advice call 030 030 32435

ResEarchEr E dNietwosr EVMEaNnTaSgement


SPORT Sport Sport inspires and unites people Levels: Entry, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (L, N, A) from all walks of life. FdSc Sports Coaching, Whether you have the talent to be a Education & Development future champion, or would prefer a career in coaching, sports therapy or sports Levels: 5 (L) development, we have a wide range of courses to help you on your journey FdSc Sports Therapy & Injury towards an exciting future. Rehabilitation We have state-of-the-art facilities on campus in our own centre, Deans Sport Levels: 5 (L) and Leisure; with a fully-equipped gym, sports hall, performance laboratory, Campus Key: sports massage suite and climbing room. (L) Lincoln (N) Newark 92 For advice call 030 030 32435 (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Sports Coaches, Instructors & Officials £23,400 A YEAR 4,846 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Fitness Instructors £17,680 A YEAR 2,397 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017

PE Teacher TPerrasionnearl FItMNeASnsAgEr CFiotancehss Dance FITNESS SMpoartns aCegnetrre Gym Instructure Instructor Strength CSotu-dOiordinator Conditioning Coach Sports Centre - Assistant - Ski Instructor OAMucattnidvaoitgoieresr WMAATENRASPGORETRS PE TeacherSMCokuailcltlhis- &Cotaecahchinigng Competitions SpCorotasch Manager Teacher Primary School Dev-OSepflofoircptmesre-nt Specialist

Sports Sports Fundrais Stadium Sponsorship Manager Co-ordinator - Sports - EVENT Marketing MANAGEMENT Health & Officer Safety Officer Steward Event Co-ordinator CSeurvsicte Moamnaegrer Psy-cShpoorlotsg-ist PerfAornmalaynscte SPORTS Physiotherapist SCIENCE Sp ort s Therapist Dietician Co--OSrpodirntast-or SACPTOIVRATTOSR Bid Writer SPORTS ASSOCIAtion Manager DEVELOPMENT

ESDUUPPCOARTITOEND Skills for Independence We offer a wide range of Pre-Entry, Entry Level and Level 1 Levels: Pre-Entry, Entry 3 (L, N) courses that provide support and learning to prepare you for your chosen career. Students will follow an individualised Skills for Catering study programme moving on to further learning, greater independence or employment. Levels: Entry 3, 1 (Q , N) All full time 'Skills for' programmes We also offer a Skills for Independence Skills for Construction will include a future work focus in programme, which allows individuals Catering, Construction, Creative and to develop independent living, decision Levels: Entry 3, 1 (L, N) Performing Arts, Customer Service and making and problem solving skills. Retail, Health and Social Care or Sport Skills for Creative and Performing Arts to develop practical skills in your chosen Supported Internships is an employment- subject area. Functional skills, tutorial, based programme for learners under 25 Levels: Entry 3, 1 (Q) enrichment and personal development years of age with an Education and Health opportunities, employability skills and Care Plan (EHCP). The ultimate aim is Skills for Customer Service work experience will also be included in paid employment, so you will need to and Retail all courses. be ready for work with the appropriate guidance and support. Levels: Entry 3, 1 (L) Skills for Health and Social Care Levels: Entry 3, 1 (L, N) Skills for Sport Levels: Entry 3, 1 (L) Supported Internships Levels: Entry 3, 1 (L) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship (Q) Queen's Park 96 For advice call 030 030 32435

Travel and Tourism Levels: 2, 3 (L,N) Campus Key: (L) Lincoln (N) Newark (G) Gainsborough (A) Apprenticeship Average salaries: Travel Agent £20,800 A YEAR 2,294 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Air Travel Assistants £22,360 A YEAR 1,947 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017 Rail Travel Assistants £26,000 A YEAR 765 REGIONAL JOBS IN 2017

ANDTRAVEL TOURISM anwI’odvrekhaevboefxepemenhyraidoecnnosuocmgresereea.aastmpatzarriintpgs Start a rewarding career in Tourism and the world is your oyster! With so many new places to discover, a career in tourism can be truly exciting. We have a wide range of courses to kick- start your globe-trotting career. Train for a career as a travel rep or air crew – working all over the world, or deal with excited, happy and engaged customers every day booking their holidays as a travel agent. For advice call 030 030 32435 j

Customer Retail Check-in Staff Service Agent Assistant × &AiArilripnoers ts CuOstfofimcs OSfecfuircietry Immigration C4abi_n C4rew - Officer - Housekeeper Leisure Wedding Assistant Planner Receptioni Hospitality/ - Hotel - Events Manager ChHaleotst Events Resort Offices Concierge Co-ordinator Administrator Children’s Rep MPraondaugct Co-Mordairnkaetotirng Tour Operators Tour Guide E4nter_tainm4ent Rep Marketing Travel - Manager - Photographer