!!!!!!!!!\"#!$%&'(%)'!*+,(-.!/01(+23!4!5&&1,!67!8)'09,(!:;<6!=01+>!\"?! ! \"#!$%&'(%)'!*+,(-.!/01(+23! THE VOICE FOR THE UK’S DISTRICT ENERGY SCHEMES The District Energy Area – ecobuild 2018‘The largest gathering of manufacturers of district energy equipment and suppliers of services to the sector ever seen in the UK. ‘Welcome to the October 2017 edition of The UK District Energy Journal, the monthly round up of news and useful information for and by ukDEA members. In this edition: Chairman’s Diary, Consultations, BEIS News, Members’ , Legal and Members’ Product Spotlight , the DE Question Board and much, much more. Copy deadline date for our November 2017 edition: 14th December 2017 Email: [email protected] 1
THE VOICE FOR THE UK’S DISTRICT ENERGY SCHEMESAnother extremely busy month for the Chairmanas reflected in the diary section. Personally I wasvery disappointed that BEIS have decided thatthey cannot launch the next round of the HNIPbefore the end of 2018.This is largely because they believe that they needto procure a delivery body to manage the fund andensure it is put into the market. Whether this delayto wait for this body to be appointed will be worth itor not is yet to be seen, but from my perspectivethe extra year of delay, when even the last type ofapplication could have been run again is very disappointing. Indeed running a HNIP “lite”application is something I personally requested on behalf of the many UKDEA memberswho have spoken to me regarding their frustration over the delays in launching the nextround of the fund.However, the good news is that with the various budgets cuts the fund is still available sowe should all take the positives from that. Although it does mean that there will only be twoyears to spend the remaining fund.A key point to keep in mind is that the Treasury will take the fund back if not spent and it willnot be rolled over (the same as happened to the old Community Energy Program). This isalready clearly demonstrated by the balance of fund remaining after the Pilot Round whichis only £281m, whereas only £24m of the £320M has been awarded. This is because a totalof £39M was allocated to the Pilot Round and as awards were not made to this full amount£15M has already been taken back by the Treasury.To be clear the Treasury has already taken back £15M which could have been spenthelping to fund our district energy projects. Collectively we simply cannot allow thisto happen to the remaining fund. If you want to find out more about how the HNIPworks to ensure this doesn’t happen then please contact us.Turning now to more positive news it is now only nearly four months until the associationsmajor public facing event on our calendar which is the District Energy Area at ecobuild2018. The Information Note which sets out exhibition opportunities has now been issued ashas the one which asks all members to consider the speaking opportunities over the threedays. We really want to engage with as many members possible and we hope that youwill consider what we have set out in those two Information Notes and respond andjoin us at Ecobuild in the District Energy Area. If you want a chat with either the Chairmanor Secretary regarding your involvement in Ecobuild please give us a call or send a mail.Finally a big thank you to those members who joined us this m! onth and welcome into theFamily! 2
New MembersDuring October 2017, the ukDEA was pleased to welcome four new Associate Members tothe association.Dunphy Combustion Ltd Principal Contact: Sharon Kuligowski, Managing DirectorIntroduction statement from Dunphy Combustion Ltd’s website:'Established in 1964, Dunphy Combustion is family owned and managed. The companydesigns,manufactures, installs andmaintains a wide range of combustionequipment, digital control solutions andturnkey prefabricated, packaged boilerhouses.The company’s products and services are exported worldwide and the company has wonseveral of the Queen's Awards for Export and Innovation.Dunphy Combustion Ltd’s engineers have extensive international experience with fossil andbio fuel applications for heat and steam generation, CHP systems, district heating, waste toenergy and wastewater treatment processes.The central manufacturing complex in Rochdale comprises three main buildings whichhouse production, research and development and equipment and fuel testing departments.' www.dunphy.co.ukMinibems Ltd Principal Contact: Sara Budd, Office ManagerIntroduction statement from Minibems Ltd’s website:'Minibems is the UK’s leading provider of cloud based heat networkand district heating controls solutions. Minibems is a cost effective,modular software and hardware technology that deliverssignificantly increased energy efficiency with tangible cost andoperational benefits for complex heating systems and heat networkenvironments. This revolutionary solution breaks the link betweeneconomic growth and the historic corresponding negative impacton the environment.The Minibems platform has been designed from day one as asoftware and hardware solution whose sole purpose is tounderstand the operation of heat networks and district heating systems in real-time, and touse the insight gained to continually dynamically seek optimal efficiency in order to reduceoperating costs and reduce the amount of power required to deliver the necessary heatthereby ultimately minimising both the cost and the impact on the environment. www.minibems.com 3
Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP Principal Contact: Kenneth Addly, Associate DirectorIntroduction statement from Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP:'Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP an award-winning,international law firm. Clients, including over 50Global Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies,rely on our expertise in 70 legal disciplines andhave worked with us in 130 countries. Thoseclients tell us that our firm is distinguished byexceptional personal commitment and a strong focus on helping them to achieve acommercial advantage.As a result, the company has a 92% loyalty rate amongst major clients. Furthermore, thecompany’s distinctive approach has seen BLP receive eight Law Firm of the Year awardssince 2004 and, in 2005, named a top-five 'legal game changer of the last decade' by theFinancial Times.Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP’s leading District Energy practice advises on all areas ofdistrict and community energy projects with a particular focus on development, financingand operation of energy assets and related infrastructure. Clients in this sector range fromsponsors and financiers to utilities, government agencies and tenants.The company provides advice on the full energy pathway from generation, throughdistribution (primary and secondary networks) connection and supply arrangements, andlegacy arrangements and across a range of technologies including gas, biomass and EfW.The company provide a specialist, integrated legal service across all relevant disciplines,including assistance with regulatory accreditations and entitlements, planning, permitting,construction and procurement, supply, operation and offtake.The company also advises in relation to a wide range of funding structures for suchprojects, including corporate and project finance.Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP work closely with its market leading Real Estate and Planningpractices in relation to the integration of District Energy schemes with sustainabledevelopments. This includes dealing with MUSCO/ESCO structures, long term concessionarrangements, estate management companies, heat metering and heat charging and leaseservice charges.Involvement with a broad range of projects and clients across the sector means that thecompany is ideally positioned to provide innovative and commercial solutions to new issueswhen they arise.The company provides pragmatic advice to its clients informed by good market practice anda deep knowledge of the requirements of all project participants.' www.blplaw.com 4
Iona Capital Ltd Principal Contact: Paul Delo, Business Development DirectorAn Introduction Statement from Iona Capital Ltd:'Iona Capital (\"Iona\") was established in 2011as a specialist investment fund manager witha focus on investing in bio-energy andrenewable energy infrastructure projects.The Iona team has managed the successfulimplementation of 20 new Bioenergy powergeneration development projects and manages in the region of £300m of investment fundsfrom capital committed by Institutional Pension Funds via four separate LP funds.The Iona management team combines investment and risk management skills with deepoperator expertise in the energy from waste and renewable energy sector.Iona has achieved a leading position in its sector of the UK investment market and has longterm objectives for further investment support in sustainable energy generation projects andenergy distribution schemes.' www.ionacapital.co.uk New round of updates to full directory listings commencing shortly. Remember thatfantastic advertising opportunities within the Guide - Read more about the guide and opportunities here 5
UK’s DE Knowledge BaseThe ukDEA District Energy LibraryThe ukDEA will be building up its knowledge base during the next few months via theenhancement of the ukDEA District Energy Library.We will very much welcome any useful material you would like to add to this member’sresource. Material that is added will be highlighted each month, guiding members to yourinput and documents. Please send all information for consideration [email protected] begin with, find detailed below a number of documents split into several categories: Biomass Case Studies CHP Tech & Other Useful Tech DECC, OFGEM & other bodies Presentations, Policies, Publications, Etc District Heating Tech & Publications Energy Data Grant Funding Guides and similar Publications Heat Maps Heat Metering IDEA Documents Waste 6
Get Social!Engage with industry colleagues through our social media channels. We value your socialmedia participation through your Tweets, Facebook comments and LinkedIn discussions. 1327 Followers. 5693 Tweets. Twitter followers include many UK and international members and non-members. 7
6693 worldwide professionals in the industry connecting with us. 1937active discussion group members. Join in the discussion NOW!Start your LinkedIn discussions NOW!Regular articles posted. We value your posts and comments. 8
Chairman’s DiaryWritten by Simon Woodward, ukDEA Chairman and Technical DirectorDate: 5th October 2017. Date: 12th October 2017Subject: EUA Network Engineering & Subject: The Heat Networks ForumEquipment Group (NEEG) Meeting. With: BEIS and others from the HeatWith: Peter Day, Manager Utility Networks SectorNetworks, Energy and Utilities Alliance(EUA) Type of Event: ForumType of Event: Presentation in This wasLeamington Spa another of the regularWe have not engaged with this meetingsassociation before and I was invited to where we arespeak at their event which was focusing offered the opportunity to on different aspects comment on BEIS’s proposals for the HNIP. of the utilities As members will have seen from the recent sector. It was a Information Note we were disappointed to find well-received talk that BEIS are not planning to launch the next with lots of round of the HNIP until the end of 2018. Thisquestions from a packed session so a is largely driven by BEIS planning to appointgood chance to spread the word on the an organsiation to manage the HNIP movingsuccess of district energy. forward and the time it will take to do this.Date: 6th October 2017. Date: 13th October 2017.Subject: ecobuild 2018. Subject: Member’s MeetingWith: Trevor With: Frank Martin, Frese District Heating.CrawfordFuturebuild Type Event: Face to face meetingType of Event: Whilst theMeeting. subject of any membersCatch Up meetingsmeeting with cannot beTrevor to run through the details of what reported asFuturebuild will be providing for the they are confidential, all members have theUKDEA at ecobuild 2018. This opportunity to ask for a meeting with thecrystalised into the information note Chairman to discuss the various initiatives ofwhich was subsequently circulated. the UKDEA, the matters reported in the Journal and how the UKDEA can support that member. 9
Date: 17th October 2017 Date: 23rd October 2017Subject: CIBSE Technical Meeting Subject: Ecobuild PlanningWith: CIBSE Southern Area Group With: John Saunders, BEISType of Event: Presentation in Brighton Type of Event: Meeting reference ecobuild 2018. This was an interesting evening event where I A key meeting with BEIS to start to discuss was invited to present to John Saunders what their area at ecobuild the local CIBSE area 2018 will contain and look like. A very group regarding the productive meeting with some interesting ideas ukDEA and district and a second meeting being planned heating, The presentation was well Date: 23rd October 2017 received and thediscussion afterwards was very extensive Subject: BEIS Heat Networks Regulatoryfocusing on CIBSE members experiences Team Catch Upand how to deliver quality schemes With: Neil Davis, BEIS.Date: 19th October 2017 Type of Event: Meeting at BEIS.Subject: Heat Trust committee meeting. This was a useful catch up with Neil DavisWith: Heat Trust committee. following his talk at this years AGM. It is clear that the Viability Tool will be issued forType of Event: Meeting at consultation in early 2018 with the Tool itselfHeat Trust, London. being launched in mid 2018.One of the regular There will need to be amended regulations toHeat Trust Committee allow this tool to be introduced and Imeetings. Whilst the understand that the general feeling withindiscussions during BEIS is that all operators should have twothese meetings are summers to comply with the requirements toconfidential it was a run the Tool and install any meters which ariselively and extensive from this.meeting which discussed a number of keyissues. We also discussed the results from their data gathering exercise and what that means forDate: 19th October statistic in terms of market penetration of2017 district heating to date.Subject: Ecobuild After the meeting I send a spreadsheet to NeilPresentations asking for his comments on the ukDEA’sReview Meeting interpretation of the data arising fromWith: Trevor this process. OnceCrawford, Futurebuild Events we have feedbackLtd/Ecobuild 2018, Magnis Dahlin,, from Neil we willProject Manager, Business Sweden, share withRasmus Leth Traburg , Senior Advisor – members.Energy, Energy Efficiency and Climate ,Royal Danish Embassy. 10
Date: 31st October 2017Subject: Meeting between Simon Woodward, ukDEA and Dan Osgood, BEISWith: Dan Osgood, Heat and Business Energy, BEISType of Event: Meeting at BEIS.As I regularly meet with Dan Osgood at the HNF meetings this was an opportunity to havea frank discussion regarding the state of the industry and the challenges being presented.Whilst it does not replace the regular one to ones with Emma Floyds it did provide anopportunity to illustrate to Dan first hand the types of challenges we are all facing and theconcern that we have with the continued delay to the HNIP and the compression thisresults in terms of expenditure of this fund.Photographs in from Simon Woodward’s attendance at the DBDHannual seminar in Copenhagen on 7th September 2017: 11
ConsultationsScotland's Energy Efficiency Programme: Second Consultation on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District and Communal Heating This is a Second Consultation on Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District and Communal Heating. Based on the evidence and views gathered from stakeholders through the first consultation and other engagement, this consultation document sets out more specific policy proposals for LHEES, and regulation of district and communal heating.Executive SummaryRespond onlineThis follow-up consultation seeks views and further evidence on more specific policyproposals that were developed to support:• a coordinated approach to the local planning and delivery of energy efficiency and heatdecarbonisation programmes within SEEP, we are consulting further on our proposal tocreate a statutory framework for Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies,• appropriately-sited, low carbon, affordable district heating. The Scottish Government isconsulting further on the development of a policy and regulatory system which will seedistrict heating develop in a strategic manner, and provide appropriate conditions on theground to accelerate delivery of district heating and to grow this market.Government Consultation on Streamlining Energy & Carbon Reporting.The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has launched a consultation onStreamlining Energy & Carbon Reporting. The UK Government committed in March 2016 toconsult on a reporting framework for introduction in 2019, alongside its decision to terminatethe CRC scheme following the 2018-19 compliance year.The consultation is asking for views on: 1. Mandatory annual reporting and disclosure of energy and carbon information through Company Accounts; 2. Who these requirements should apply to; 3. Reporting of cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities, e.g. those identified through ESOS audits, and action taken on these; 4. Complementary disclosures; 5. Electronic reporting and guidance.This is a 12-week public consultation which will be closing on the 4 January 2018.Please click here to go to the online consultation. 12
This is a 12-week public consultation The consultation closes at 2345 on 4th Januarywhich will be closing on the 4 January 2018.2018.Please click here to go to the online Read more here:consultation. https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/i ndustrial-heat-recovery-support-programmeIf you have any queries, pleasecommunicate directly with the BEIS Building a market for energy efficiency: callat [email protected] for evidenceIndustrial Heat Recovery Support This call for evidence outlines a range ofProgramme barriers to investment in energy efficiency on both the demand and supply side.Government plans to introduce a supportprogramme to increase industry It invites views about the role of government inconfidence in identifying and investing in overcoming barriers and stimulating theopportunities for recovering and reusing market through more direct interventions.waste heat from industrial processes and Finally, it considers a range of potentialincrease the deployment of recoverable solutions, many of which have been advocatedheat technologies in industry. by businesses and industry representatives. This The list is not exhaustive, and inclusion or will exclusion should not be taken as an indication allow of government policy.industry to re-use heat on-site or sell it to We are gathering evidence on the widest range of options.The purpose of this consultation is to Additional ideas are welcome, as are views• test the proposed design of the about the relative impact of the ideas listed Industrial Heat Recovery Support here, and how they might be implemented to Programme (IHRS) best effect.• gather additional evidence on the Although we focus mainly on the owner enablers and barriers to recovering occupied sector, many of the ideas set out in industrial waste heat, to ensure the the call for evidence could have a positive scheme is appropriately designed and impact across all tenure types, and could also maximises value for money be applicable to micro or small enterprises, especially home-based businesses.• start to identify a potential pipeline of projects from across industry sectors The consultation closes at 2345 on 9th January 2018.This consultation is open to all and wewould especially encourage responses Read more here:from manufacturing/industrial companies, https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/trade associations, technology providers, building-a-market-for-energy-efficiency-call-for-energy service companies and evidenceacademics. 13
TendersUnited Kingdom - Glasgow: District heatingRead more here:https://www.publictenders.net/node/4066509Maintenance services for absorption chillers.One of our members is sourcing a supplier of maintenance services for absorptionchillers. The company has three units, for which it is looking to place an annualmaintenance contract.For some years, the company has used one or other of two companies, both of which havebeen inconsistent in their quality of service.Please contact [email protected] by email should you operate absorption chillersand be interested in this potential opportunity or should you be aware of any companies youwish to put forward as a recommendation. Networking NewsBrighton University MSc.As presented at the AGM the Chairman isworking with the University to develop thebusiness plan to jointly present to BEIS to progress two MSc modules.Linesearch.Continuing discussions with Fionn Wardrop, BusinessDevelopment Manager of LinesearchbeforeUdigLimited as set out at the AGM to establish how anoffering could work for the incorporation of membersburied assets into this system. Industrial Strategy (Manifesto). Following the presentation given at the AGM, the Chairman has been progressing discussions with BEIS and at the last one to one meeting with Emma Floyd covered in the Chairman’s diary,he made a proposal to Emma about how the industry could work together to deliver. Emmais considering and we will feed back to you accordingly. 14
12 BEIS News The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy published the Clean Growth Strategy, which clearly demonstrates the important role that heat networks will play in meeting BEIS’s climate change commitments and transforming the way in which we heat our homes, public sector buildings, and businesses. The Fifth Carbon Budget (2028-32) was passed into law last summer, setting a 57% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 - in line with the Committee on Climate Change’s recommendation. The Clean Growth Strategy is the vehicle that sets out the policies and proposals that will allow the UK to meet its Fourth and Fifth Carbon Budget. It outlines how the UK will achieve clean growth through building a modern growing economy that creates good jobs, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting the environment and climate upon which future generations depend. The Strategy presents three illustrative pathways (see pp 150-151) which helps us to identify low-regrets steps we can take in the next few years common to many versions of the future, avoiding expensive technology lock-in until the optimum route for heat decarbonisation is clearer. These are: • Electricity pathway: an approach that would see electricity as the main source of energy in 2050; • Hydrogen pathway: one that would see hydrogen being used to fuel cars and heat buildings; • Emissions removal pathway: a focus on emissions removal through sustainable biomass power, used in tandem with carbon, capture and storage. ! The role of heat networks in the strategy The Clean Growth Strategy makes clear that heat networks will play a vital role in the long term decarbonisation of heating and demonstrates the need to significantly expand the sector in any of the illustrative scenarios: meeting 17% of heat demand in homes, and up to 24% of heat demand in industrial and public sector buildings. The Heat Networks Investment Project To help deliver this, the Clean Growth Strategy sets out on page 13 and page 79 that funding has been allocated to the Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP) to help create the conditions necessary for a sustainable heat network market to emerge in the 2020s. HNIP will enable the market to grow at the trajectory required to deliver cost effective deployment levels required in Carbon Budget 5 and beyond, from approximately 2% annual growth up to the 10% per year, drive up standards, and deliver substantial carbon savings. This is expected to lever in around £1bn of private and other capital by 2020/21. BEIS will be announcing the timetable for the launch of the main HNIP scheme later this year. !! 15
Creating an effective long-term frameworkWe are clear that further interventions will be necessary to create an effective long-termframework to deliver sustainable and subsidy-free market growth. A key focus of this will beon strengthening consumer protections and reducing risk for investors.The Strategy sets out on page 79 that following the publication of recommendations froman industry task force in late 2017 we will examine in detail the measures required to put inplace a long term market framework.Read more here:https://www.gov.uk/guidance/heat-networks-overviewBEIS recently asked the In addition to grant funding support has theukDEA for feedback on the provision of wider HNDU guidance andfollowing questions: non-funding support also had a significant beneficial impact on the investigation andHas the provision of HNDU development of heat networks in yourfunding had a beneficial impact on the Local Authority area?ability of your LA to explore thepotential for heat networks? Yes please see above. It is not just grant funding but also the hand holding that isA number of our members have accessed essential. Reports form consultants areHNDU funding and advice, without which important but so is the general hand holding tothey would have found it much harder to provide that telephone support/attendance atdevelop schemes. meetings. It is critically important that these LA's have a sounding board/critical friend whoTo what extent would this have they can seek support from during theirprogressed without HNDU grant development process. In fact this particularlyfunding support? element should be increasedWithout this early stage advice and To what extent would this have progressedfunding it is difficult to see how a number with funding support only and withoutof these schemes would have HNDU guidance and support?progressed. The commitment from thegovernment that this showed to internal See point above. Reports on their own will notstakeholders including senior officers and move a scheme on. The reports are highlyCouncillors was invaluable to enable the technical and will present many options.projects to progress. Without the support from HNDU many LA's will be left floundering as to what the real nextDo you see a continuing role/need for steps are. In fact HNDU should considerHNDU funding and if so why, to what expanding its role to offer greater hand holdingextent and over what timeline? to ensure that the LA can move from one stage to the next and the funding put into thisWithout HNDU it is hard to see how many element should be increased to avoid theLA's across the UK will have the direction criticism that consultants reports are producedand support that they need to continue without schemes being progressed. The DEEPthe devleopment of heat networks. Save scheme recently launched by the GLA whichfor a few LA's they are not experts in heat the UKDEA fully supports puts much morenetworks and without the support from the emphasis on this supporting role and far lessHNDU most will simply not progress heat on large studies.networks. years. Due to the nature of heat network projects and the development timescale over which they are created from first studies to a delivered scheme. 16
Aside from any funding support do you Strategy, to drive economic growth andsee a continuing role for HNDU guidance clean up the energy system.and non-financial support to your LAs, ifso why and over what timeframe? Since 1990 the UK’s emissions are down by more than a third while the economy hasYes as set out above, for at least a further 5 grown by two-thirds.years. Due to the nature of heat network Low carbon generation provided more thanprojects and the development timescale half (52%) our electricity this summer,over which they are created from first according to National Grid, while PwCstudies to a delivered scheme. analysis shows the UK decarbonising faster than any other G20 nation.Government confirms up to £557 millionfor new renewable energy projects The Clean Growth Strategy, which will be published this week, will build on thisGovernment confirms up to £557 million for success and ensure Britain remains a globalnext clean electricity auctions for less leader in the move towards a low carbonestablished renewables ahead of the launch economy.of the Clean Growth Strategy.Last auctionsaw cost of offshore wind halved and It will ensure the whole country can benefitsecured enough renewable capacity to from new technologies, jobs and businessespower 3.6 million homes. that are good for consumers, the environment and the economy.UK decarbonising faster than any other G20nation.Energy Minister Richard Harrington Read more here:confirmed (11 October 2017) that up to £557million will be made available for less https://www.gov.uk/government/news/goverestablished renewable electricity projects as nment-confirms-up-to-557-million-for-new-part of the government’s Clean Growth renewable-energy-projectsThe Clear Growth Strategy will support businesses to improve their energyproductivity, by at least 20% by 2030The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has published the CleanGrowth Strategy that sets out the policies and proposals that willallow the UK to meet its Fourth and Fifth Carbon Budget.What does this extensive document mean for our sector?It means two key things: • In all of the future projections for how we will use energy by 2050 district heating is expected to play a significant role. As shown by the table below, 17% of homes will be using district heating and between 17% and 24% of non domestic buildings. • They have undertaken to “examine the measures necessary to create an effective long term market framework for the sector beyond 2020”, i.e. how these percentage penetrations will be achieved.Whilst this is all very positive in that the Carbon Budgets are binding targets there are nospecific targets for how much DE will be delivered by 2050 and as 2050 is some 30 yearsaway plans, nor what exactly they will do and pathways can change!However, the good news is that in this key document for the Government they have set adirection of travel that clearly shows that they expect under any scenario that heat networkswill have a key role to play in heating our homes and businesses in the future. 17
Independent review on cost of energy publishedProfessor Helm CBE puts forward proposals on how to reduce costs in the power system inthe long-term whilst ensuring the UK meets its climate change targets.An independent review into reducing costs in each element of the electricity supplychain has been published https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cost-of-energy-independent-reviewBuilding on the government’s Industrial Strategy Green Paper, Professor Dieter HelmCBE was asked in August to consider the whole electricity supply chain of generation,transmission, distribution and supply.The review follows the plan set out in July by government and Ofgem to upgrade ournetwork to a smarter energy system, and the publication of draft legislation on an energyprice cap to keep families’ energy bills as low as possible.The government remains committed to the ambitious agenda of cutting carbon emissionswhile driving economic growth, as set out in the Clean Growth Strategy, as well as otherrecent announcements, including;• providing up to £557 million for further Contract for Difference auctions for less established renewable technologies, with the next one planned for spring 2019;• putting an end to households being charged unjustifiably high prices for their energy – Parliament will continue to scrutinise the draft legislation designed to place a temporary cap on energy prices and• continuing delivery of reliable and secure electricity supplies through the capacity market.Read more here:!https://www.gov.uk/government/news/independent-review-on-cost-of-energy-published 18
USEFUL LINKSResearch and analysis: Report from waves 1- Open consultation: Non-domestic smart24 of the domestic RHI census of accredited metering: policy proposals and draft legalapplicants text• Open consultation: The Non-domestic • Research and analysis: Smart MeterRenewable Heat Incentive: further proposed Customer Experience Study 2016-18amendments • Official Statistics: Statistical release andNational Statistics: Road fuel prices: 4 data: Smart Meters, Great Britain, quarterSeptember 2017 2 2017• Guidance: Digest of UK Energy Statistics National Statistics: Energy Trends and (DUKES): Archive Prices statistical release: 31 August 2017• Guidance: Renewables obligation and small scale feed-in tariffs: companies awarded compensationHNDU update: Round 7 OpenRound 7 of the Heat Networks Delivery Unit (HNDU) funding is now open. Also availablefrom BEIS are the details of successful local authorities in rounds 1 – 6. See the website forfull details.Map of successful HNDU rounds 1-5 Local Authorities: Round 1 - red. Round 2 - blue. Round 3 - green. Round 4 - yellow. Round 5 - pink 6 NEWS FROM BEIS 19
In Round 7, HNDU can provide grant funding support to local authorities in the developmentstages of heat networks, which include activities from heat mapping to commercialisation, asoutlined below. Please note that activities such as scheme design, financial modelling, anddevelopment of the business case and business model/commercial structure may not strictlyfall within any single stage, and, quite commonly, extend across several of the developmentstages below, depending on project specific circumstances.This is great news for the industry, as it increases the scope of HNDU to include many moremeaningful activities than before.Round 7 is open for applications from the 9th January 2017 until December 2017dependant on budget.If you have any queries regarding the support HNDU can offer to local authorities or how toapply for this support, please email [email protected] information, including announcement of grant awards, can be found at: www.gov.uk/government/publications/heat-networks-funding-stream-application-and-guidance-pack 20
USEFUL BEIS GUIDANCE LINKSTotal energy statistics Green Deal schemes. The detailed reporthttps://www.gov.uk/government/collections/t presents annual updates on in-depth Greenotal-energy-statistics Deal statistics and insulation levels. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/UK energy sector indicators household-energy-efficiency-national-https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/u statisticsk-energy-sector-indicators Energy Trends and Prices statisticalHousehold Energy Efficiency National release: 23 February 2017Statistics Energy production and consumptionThis series presents statistics on the Energy statistics are provided in total and by fuel,Company Obligation (ECO) and Green Deal and provide an analysis of the latest 3(GD). It incorporates changes as set out in months data compared to the same period aresponse to the user consultation of year earlier. Energy price statistics coverNational Statistics on the Green Deal, domestic price indices, prices of road fuelsEnergy Company Obligation and Insulation and petroleum products and comparisons ofstatistics. The headline releases present international road fuel prices.monthly updates of ECO measures andquarterly updates of in-depth ECO statistics. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/sys tem/uploads/attachment_data/file/593411/GEnergy Trends and Prices OV.UK_monthly_trends___prices_announcstatistical release: 23 February ement.pdf2017 Funding for innovative smartEnergy production and consumption energy systemsstatistics are provided in total and by fuel,and provide an analysis of the latest 3 Government funding for innovation in smartmonths data compared to the same period a energy systems and technologiesyear earlier. Energy price statistics cover https://www.gov.uk/guidance/funding-for-domestic price indices, prices of road fuels innovative-smart-energy-systemsand petroleum products and comparisons ofinternational road fuel prices.\"##$%&''((()*+,)-.'*+,/012/1#'-$3+45%'%6%#/2'-$3+45%'4##47\"2/1#854#4'9:3/';<=>??Funding for innovative smart energy systemsGovernment funding for innovation in smart energy systems and technologieshttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/funding-for-innovative-smart-energy-systemsEnergy Companies Obligation: brokeragehttps://www.gov.uk/guidance/energy-companies-obligation-brokerageRenewable Heat Incentive policy overviewhttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/renewable-heat-incentive-policy-overview 21
Ofgem NewsOfgem launches annual ‘State of the Market’ reportOfgem has launched its annual State of the Energy Market report. This gives a detailedassessment of how well the energy market is working for consumers in terms ofcompetition, affordability, decarbonisation, and security of supply.Energy markets are rapidly transforming to meet our need for clean, secure, affordableenergy and changing patterns of consumption. The pace and scale of change is unlikeanything ever seen before in the sector.Ofgem’s report focusses on four areas to understand how well the market is working in theinterests of consumers.• Competition• Affordability• Decarbonisation• Security of supplyOfgem’s CEO, Dermot Nolan comments: “Energy is an essential service and so we want toensure that the markets work in the interest of all consumers. Transparency is crucial ininforming debate and policy development in the energy sector. This annual report shines alight for the public, experts and stakeholders on where the market is, and where it isn’t,working for consumers.It is also a report for us, Ofgem. It will help inform the way we regulate, to protectconsumers now and in the future.”Read more here:https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/ofgem-launches-annual-state-market-reportEnabling innovation in the energy sectorThe energy sector is changing rapidly. Disruptive technologies and new business modelsare already remaking the traditional energy landscape.Ofgem launched the Innovation Link last December to help innovators that want to breakinto the energy markets. The Link offers innovators feedback on the energy regulatoryimplication of their business plans and the possibility of trialling innovative products andservices, without facing full regulation, a service known as our regulatory sandbox.Ofgem shares some insights about our experience of working with innovators and announcethe launch of the second window of the regulatory sandbox, which will be open forexpressions of interest until 27 October 2017.10 months on...Ofgem are encouraged by the level of engagement we have had and the very positivefeedback about the ‘fast, frank feedback’ service. Since last December, we’ve offeredenergy regulation feedback to 97 innovators. 88% of those surveyed told us that the steerwe provided to them was very useful and helped to shape their business model. 22
Ofgem are reaching a wide range of businesses seeking to enter the sector. As you can seein the pie chart below, only 17% of innovators that used the Link are involved in the energysector already.Trends we are seeing in innovation Trialling ideas using the ‘regulatory’ sandboxThe Link provides Ofgem a window intothe innovation within the sector and In parallel to the feedback service, weallows us to learn how regulation may launched a call for expressions of interest in aneed to evolve in future. regulatory sandbox, to allow innovators to trial new business models without facing the fullA number of organisations that used the regulatory requirements for running a businessservice are looking at ways to innovate in in the energy market.the supply of energy to consumers. Thisincludes offering consumers the In our July update, we reported that we were inpossibility to select locally sourced discussion with five innovators that wanted torenewable power or for communities to use the sandbox.collectively own renewable plants orstorage. A number of innovators are These discussions are in their final stages.developing the technology to allow peer- Our experience of trialling the sandbox hasto-peer trading of energy; providing an been extremely valuable. We found that manyopportunity for small-scale power innovators required support in order to identifyproducers, including homes and business the specific regulatory barrier.with solar panels to sell to otherconsumers. Others are developing In many cases, our fast, frank feedbackconcierge type services, which switch approach helped to identify solutions that didconsumers to the best energy deals on not require a sandbox, meaning thattheir behalf. Some innovators are innovators were able to consider market entrydeveloping smart devices designed to sooner and without the need for a trial.optimise consumption and lower bills. Anumber of innovators are developing 23services for electric vehicles owners toallow them pay for their on-the-gocharging needs via their home energyaccount.
Throughout October and by the 3rd of November at the latest, we will meet with those thathave registered to explore their proposals. We will work with innovators on a first-come,first-served basis. Interested innovators should see Ofgem’s website for moreinformation and our detailed guidance.What next?We want our services to be flexible and to respond to the needs and expectations ofinnovators. Innovators have suggested that we share insights about common barriers andsolutions and develop ways to work with innovators after they have ‘exited’ the Link. We willbe developing both of these ideas further.Our ambition in setting up the Link is that it provides the much-needed insights intoinnovation and the regulatory barriers that innovation faces in order to shape the future. Thisled us to holding a roundtable on 13 September to share insights on how blockchaintechnology is being trialled in the energy sector and to discuss the regulatory implications.We will be looking for more ways to share insights and learnings on innovation and itsimplications for regulation.InfographicsInfographic: Promoting a sustainable energy futurehttp://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/infographic-promoting-sustainable-energy-futureInfographic: Energy securityhttps://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/infographic-energy-securityInfographic: The Energy networkhttps://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/infographic-energy-network Innovation LinkOfgem has launched a dedicated service to support businesses looking to offer innovativeproducts and services to the energy sector.As the energy system transforms with new technology, the number of new players in themarket is set to increase dramatically.These people or organisations may not be familiar with energy market rules or where to gofor help.Ofgem’s Innovation Link will provide fast, frank feedback to innovators and help themnavigate the regulatory framework.The service will enable innovators to make more informed choices when developing theirproducts, services and business models. It is available to anyone with an innovativebusiness proposition that has the potential to benefit consumers.The Innovation Link will also bring forward proposals in spring 2017 for a regulatorysandbox.These will let innovators trial promising new products or services in a controlled regulatoryenvironment, while ensuring that the interests of customers are met. This will helpinnovators decide if their idea is viable. 24
Have a look at the ukDEA dates for all forthcoming ukDEA member and industry meetings, conferences, events and other important dates. Any dates you would like added for future newsletter editions? Send to [email protected] ukDEA Members’ EventsThe HEAT is on Aberdeen - SECURE payment for DISTRICT heatingAberdeen - Thursday 14 December 201710:45 – 12:45 GMTFor more details and to register:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/secure-meters-uk-14113926712The HEAT is on Aberdeen - SECURE payment for DISTRICT heatingYou are invited to join Secure Meters UK’s free comprehensive seminar on DistrictHeating and financial security from heating bills.Date: Thursday 14th December 2017Time: 10:45 am – 12:45 pmFeature Speakers: Robert Currall, Associate- Bevan Brittan LLP - provides highquality legal advice to public and private organisations within the districtenergy/heating sector.www.bevanbrittan.comLindsay Hedges, Lanten Metering Services - provide the leading metering, billingand customer management service for Landlords who operate private energynetworks.www.lantenltd.comJim Forbes, Specification Sales Manager, Secure Meters - manufacturesproducts and offer services to monitor and report energy/heat consumption. We atSecure, empower people to make a real difference by reducing the energy theyuse, their impact on the environment and to safeguard energy supplies.www.securemeters.comClick Here to watch a preview for our Heat Network/District Heating Seminars.Register Here 25
ukDEA Supported Event The ukDEA held a very successful soft launch of ecobuild and the District Energy Area in the Summer at the Swedish Embassy. This was followed by the presentation from Trevor Crawford at this year’s AGM on the exact details of what we have planned for 2018.The following information summarises these previous presentations and explains what wehave planned for 2018 and what the offering is to you the members and most importantlywhy you and your organisation should want to be involved !1. What is ecobuild and why should I be interested ?A common problem in our industry is that we work in a “district energy bubble”. We canoften see the same people at similar events and talk about the same projects.Ecobuild is a chance for our sector to bring district energy into the mainstream and engagewith visitors who have either: • Never heard of district energy before. • Never heard of your organisation before. • Are planning a district energy project but don’t know what to do next.The one thing it does do is expose us all to over 25,000 visitors many thousands of whomare seeking more information on what we can offer to them. 2. What is the UKDEA’s previous involvement with ecobuild ? In 2016, we launched the District Energy pavilion in partnership with the ecobuild, and in 2017 we were joined by the Swedish and Danish embassies in a much expanded 1,500m2 feature area. More than 3,000 of the total 25,000 visitors to ecobuild 2017 came specifically to learn about the latest District Energy solutions in 2017, with 400 people attending the District Energy theatre. It is important to note that these 400 visitors to the seminar area were as a result of fairly limited promotion of this area which will significantly increase this year. 26
3. What is planned for this year and who !else is in the District Energy Area? 4. What is different from last year?This year we are really expanding the areainto its own event with over 2,500m2 of floor Both the event and the District Energyspace, featuring 50+ exhibitors. area will be changed from last year in some quite key ways.This means that the District Energy area ofecobuild 2018 will represent the largest The Eventgathering of manufacturers of district energyequipment and suppliers of services to the There will be clear areas for each sectorsector ever seen in the UK. and these are being signposted to visitors before and during the event. Therefore itThe dedicated area will have its own theatre will be very clear where the District Energyas shown below, with a comprehensive area is and that it is a clear feature of theprogramme of exciting talks across all three event.days represent the largest gathering ofmanufacturers of district energy equipment This is illustrated on the high level planand suppliers of services to the sector ever below and addresses the issue thatseen in the UK. visitors felt there was no structure to the event.The dedicated area will have its own theatreas shown below, with a comprehensiveprogramme of exciting talks across all threedays.!Our partners in Business Sweden and theDanish Embassy are both working with usagain this year and both taking significantspace to showcase the expertise in theirrespective countries.We are also joined by BEIS this year in a !much larger area but more on that inQuestion 4. The general layout of the !District Energy area and who has booked todate is shown below:! ! ! 27
What is important for us is that we are Traditional Shell Packages: Starting at £400definitely now a complete DE exhibition per m2, we have four options for shell schemewithin a much larger Expo event. packages, with the inclusion of furniture and lighting available. Stands within District EnergyThe District Energy Area and for ukDEA members are 10% cheaper than the standard exhibiting cost.Some of the key new features andhighlights include: • A three-day seminar programme covering everything from customers, an A to Z of district energy, good design practice and innovation. @ A new, area hosted by BEIS who are currently planning some very interesting stakeholder engagement events as a key part of their 2018 comms plan with a strong feature on how to access the funding opportunities available Space Only: Bring or build your bespoke for new projects.!! stand to ecobuild at the cost of £330 per m2,! 12% less than standard ecobuild rates. • A Product Showcase area for innovative exhibitors to showcase their latest District Energy products and technology to buyers attending the event. • A start up business area for either those organisations just “finding their feet” with a new venture or those from outside the UK wanting to “explore the potential” in the UK market.Coupled with some old favourites such asthe networking lounge with free tea andcoffee throughout the event courtesy ofecobuild.!5. How much does it cost – what arethe options ?As part of its more collaborative and !transparent approach, ecobuild has also !developed a new, flexible pricing structurewhich provides a variety of tailoredpackages to suit the objectives of allDistrict Energy exhibitors at the event.These new packages will ensure thatevery exhibitor can maximise theirpresence at ecobuild 2018 in a cost-effective manner: 28
2x2m2 Pods: Available to first time Speaker Opportunitiesexhibitors, these smaller pods along theEast Wall are fully fitted and branded within A key part of this presence in the Districtthe District, starting at £1600. Energy Area will be the Seminar Area. Across the three days we will be runningWe are conscious that many companies do seminars with three very different topics onnot have resources to attend all three days each day, where members can makeof the event and you may choose one or presentations.two days where you have staff at thesepods and the remaining days your visuals The documents overleaf are an outline of theand marketing collateral can remain (each proposed seminar program. The variouspod will contain a brochure and business sections which start with yellow highlightcard holder). then show below these the ideas for topics that we are seeking members to makeA Product Showcase area for innovative presentations on.exhibitors to showcase their latest DistrictEnergy products and technology to buyers We would also like to ask any of our LAattending the event. This area will contain members to consider whether they haveplinths on which to mount your products. case studies that they could offer for theThese include a brochure and business presentations in the earlier parts of thesecard holder and don’t require you to have a sessions.presence at the event each day. Whilst we must give precedence to our6. What if I don’t want to exhibit – how members together with the Danish andcan I get involved ? Swedish Companies who are exhibiting, we want this year to open the offer of a speakingWe believe that with the range of options slot, subject to space, to all members.we have agreed with ecobuild this yearthere is something to fit all range of budgets We hope that you will rise to the challenge toand interest, but if exhibiting is not for your make a presentation and, where we haveorganisation then please look out for the e- sessions which are over subscribed, ourmail which will be circulated in the coming chairman, Simon Woodward, will review theweeks with a call for presentation for our proposals with our Danish and Swedishseminar area. Colleagues and select those presentations which we feel will offer the best fit to our7. What do I need to do now? session topics and of course best value to our expected visitors.If you think you might like to find out moreabout exhibiting, but either are not ready to We look forward to your response, and asapproach ecobuild or you have some we are now seeking to close this downcreative ideas about how you might like to quickly, so that we can publish the finalbe involved please contact the Chairman seminar program and delegates can startfor an informal chat on registering can we please have [email protected] or 01444 471582 responses by Friday 8th December.or 07970 137180 . In terms of a response , please provide theIf you want to discuss securing your space session in which you wish to speak and thenow then please get in touch with Trevor title and subject for your presentation.Crawford on 020 3011 2548 [email protected] 29
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Members’ SpotlightIona Capital announces the first close ofIona Environmental Infrastructure LP 3Iona Capital ( “Iona”) is pleased to announce the first close of the Iona EnvironmentalInfrastructure LP 3 (the \"Fund\"), a £250m 15 year limited life pooled investment vehicle.It offers investors the opportunity to participate inthe emerging and fast growing asset class ofEnvironmental Infrastructure.Iona specifically targets projects in the Biogas,Biomass, EfW and Energy Efficiency sectors andworks closely with leading UK and internationalindustry participants, project developers and consultants to source projects which it preparesfor investment.Iona’s investment focus is on long term, low risk, infrastructure projects that deliver noncorrelated cash yields to our institutional investors.To date, Iona has led on and successfully completed investments in 20 projects within theBioenergy sector and has identified a range of new projects from 1MWe to 35MWe usingwood and commercial waste in the Biomass sector.Nick Ross, Director, commented:‘We are particularly grateful for the renewed support from our existing Pension FundInvestors and look forward to building on the foundations laid by our previous funds. UKEnvironmental infrastructure is a fast growing sector underpinned by a strong Governmentcommitment to achieve world leading business excellence.’ www.ionacapital.co.uk 31
Members’ Product SpotlightWe are pleased to announce the launch of the ukDEA’s Members’ Product Spotlight. Wewill be featuring new and innovative products in each edition of the UK District EnergyJournal. Send in information on your products (strictly related to district energy) [email protected] Bullet-Proof Choice for District Hiline e-Flex is the entry-level system with aHeating composite PE-Xa service pipe and oxygen diffusion barrier suitable for constant operationA leading district heating pipe at 80°C and 6 bar pressure. The twomanufacturer has launched an innovative reinforced service pipe options, Hilinenew range of flexible pre-insulated pipe FibreFlex and FibreFlex Pro, cleverlysystems with reinforced polymer service incorporate an aramid mesh – a materialpipes that improve thermal efficiency and commonly used in bullet-proof vests - in aprovide higher factors of safety. composite service pipe construction that not only enable the systems to withstand higherWith the ability to increase the operating temperatures and pressures, thantemperature and pressure closer to that of conventional PE-Xa systems, but also, theytraditional steel systems – as high as a have a reduced wall thickness that providesconstant 95°C at 16 bar pressure and additional space for an increased thickness ofwith excursions up to 115°C – a greater insulation. This has the dual benefit of improving thermal performance and making factor the systems more flexible than their PE-Xa- of only counterparts. safety can beintroduced which will give district heatingnetwork owners and operators greaterconfidence in their systems’ reliability,with the added benefit of improvedthermal performance and no risk ofcorrosion.These new reinforced options, known as All Hiline Flex systems can be supplied inHiline FibreFlex and FibreFlex Pro, form a dimensions ranging from 25mm up to 160mmkey part of an update to the existing Hiline OD - with both single and twin service piperange, a system of district heating pipe configurations, delivered to site in continuoussystems offered by the UK’s longest- lengths on coils, to minimise on-site jointingserving pre-insulated pipe manufacturer, and speed-up installation times.CPV Ltd. Hiline e-Flex, Hiline FibreFlex and FibreFlexWith three flexible polymer service pipe Pro pipe options are offered with a completeoptions now available, all feature a range of joints, fittings, valves and accessoriescomposite polymer service pipe that is that ensure not only a speedy installation, butencased inside a highly-efficient bonded a long lifetime of efficient and reliablelayer of polyurethane foam insulation, operation.which in turn is protected by a toughcorrugated outer casing of LDPE. 32
Mark Whettall, CPV’s managing director, commented: “Whilst a traditional steel pre-insulated pipe system can offer reliable performance if installed, operated and maintainedcorrectly, there is always the inherent risk of corrosion and deterioration of the systems’efficiency over time. Alternatively, the Hiline FibreFlex and FibreFlex Pro options provide aperfect complement to conventional pre-insulated steel pipe networks as a hybrid solution,offering greater routing flexibility, reduced installation costs and lower heat losses.“Pre-insulated, flexible polymer pipe systems have, in recent years, become the norm formost smaller district heating networks – largely for their non-corrosive service pipes andsimple installation, but the conventional polymer service pipes such as PE-Xa are workingat the higher end of their safe limits in terms of the typical temperatures and pressuresemployed. “By introducing a service pipe with a reinforced composite construction thatbrings together the advantages of a PE-Xa pipe with outstanding performancecharacteristics of the aramid fibres – a super-strong material that’s renowned for its abilityto withstand heat – we can produce a district heating pipe system that has the very best ofboth worlds and afford system owners with the highest levels of reliability.”With the closed-cell bonded PUR foam insulation having a lambda value of around 0.0210W/mK and a greater thickness permitted by the reduced wall thickness, the level of heatloss from the reinforced FibreFlex and Fibre Flex Pro systems will be significantly lowerthan alternative systems using a conventional polymer service pipe material. Whettallcontinued: “When comparing our FibreFlex pipes to that of typical pre-insulated PEXsystems, the FibreFlex pipes were found to have at least a 17-per-cent lower heat loss. Italso outperforms pre-insulated steel with Series 2 insulation and is comparable to Series 3up to 80mm diameter – which over a system’s operating life extending to decades, theimpact in both financial and environmental terms is huge and can make all the difference toa system’s viability.”For more information: contact CPV’s principal contact, Tony Warr, [email protected] DE Question BoardThe ukDEA has now launched the DE Question Board for the benefit of the ukDEAmembership and would welcome your participation.How it works • The ukDEA send out a bi weekly DE Question Board email requesting ukDEA members to send in their questions - these would need to be district energy industry related. • ukDEA members send in their district energy questions to [email protected] • The ukDEA sends the questions out to the membership bi weekly on a no named basis and awaits responses. • The ukDEA will receive the response to each question and send onto the member who asked the question. All questions posed will be done so on an anonymous basis but we will let the person who asked the question know who you are when we pass the responses to them. It will then be up to the person who asked the question as to whether they make contact with any or all or the people who answered. 33
We do hope that you will engage in this initiative. It builds on the adhoc process of askingquestions that we have used in the past, but formalises it to essentially produce a “ukDEAMember Search Engine” ! If members engage in this initiative it also means that ourSearch engine contains over 450 potential responders the majority of whom are immersedin the industry which we feel is a major member benefit. Whether you answer a question tosupport your fellow members or because you may feel that might be able to sell a product orservice we don’t mind, the main point is that we don’t want sales pitches in response butreal answers for those members who asked, who can then pick up with the member(s) theyfeel best answers/understands the issues.Questions posed to date: • 'A ukDEA member is seeking to understand whether any other members have experience of using solar thermal in conjunction with a DH scheme and would like to discuss further with any members who have experience.' • 'Green Gas Certificates - Betamax of VHS? As a CHP DH operator, a ukDEA member wants to respond to a growing interest among some of its corporate customers to supply them with heat and power generated from grid gas with biomethane certificates. However, there are two green gas certification schemes in the UK, one operated by the ADBA and the other by the REA. The ukDEA member would welcome UKDEA members’ experience of purchasing green gas certificates through either scheme, and in particular their views on the relative merits of each scheme. • 'A ukDEA member wishes to know if any ukDEA members have any experience with \"ice pigging district heating mains\" . If they do, can they recommend a company they could speak to about the operation. The ukDEA member company has some experience in this method of cleaning networks but would like to broaden knowledge of potential service providers.' • ‘A ukDEA member wishes to know the mechanism to be applied to define the rate(s) of VAT that should be applied when raising charges to residential tenants for the heat supplied. The heat consumption charge is fine as they understand that will be 5%. What is confusing in the gas meter element. The bills received have 5% charged on the standing charge for the gas meter which is quite normal and they understand, The question is do their fees as a Heat Metering and Billing agent attract 5% VAT or 20% VAT when they recharge the tenant for their proportion of the Heat Supply? Their interpretation is that this is a standard rated supply as it does not form part of the overall heat supply but is a service that sits separately to the heat supply per se. Were they acting as an ESCO, they would see that they could charge all the elements under the 5% rule as the billing is incorporated within an overall charge.’Please send your responses to [email protected]’ Legal Questions?Members who have any legal questions should send all questions [email protected] A response will then be forwarded from the ukDEA’s legalmembers accordingly. 34
Members’ Job VacanciesWant to work for a company who values excellence in all they do? FVB areoffering this opportunity!Position:Office Manager/Principle Consultant (with districtenergy systems experience) in a new businessventureCompany profile:For almost 50 years, FVB has planned and designed a widerange of district energy infrastructure in Europe, North America, the Middle East andbeyond. Our engineering expertise is firmly rooted in the real world; moving beyondfeasibility studies and conceptual designs, FVB has served as detailed designengineer, construction manager, commissioning engineer on many projects, as well asproviding management consulting services to operating district energy systems toimprove operating results and customer service. Because of FVB’s extensive districtenergy experience, we can move quickly to identify reliable and cost-effectivetechnologies for meeting energy requirements in the study area. Further, ourengineering work is informed by our understanding of the business implications ofdesign decisions.Role:We seek an energetic and highly motivated self-starter to join our London, UK Officeas an Office Manager/ Principle Consultant in our new business venture.As a seller/doer the selected candidate will lead multi-discipline design teams for avariety of project types with varied project delivery methods. The selected candidatewill have demonstrated success in managing large multi-discipline projects and havestrong leadership and people/client skills.Candidate will also have experience serving as a senior consultant, leading, managingand providing guidance of project analyses, preparing plans, and developing innovativesolutions to district energy project challenges. Required education and experience: • B.S. or M.S. in Engineering. M.S. or graduate level technical coursework preferred. The position requires am minimum of then (10) years of experience. • The candidate considered for this position could have a background in a variety of engineering backgrounds including civil, mechanical and heating. • Chartered Engineer (CE).Demonstrated experience in supporting business development activities and definingnew markets and services with strong existing client relationships. 35
Preferred Qualifications:Experience supervising multidiscipline teams with staff of varying experience. Familiaritywith a variety of project and client types. Results driven and highly energetic. Initiative forbusiness development and client service. Strong interpersonal skills. Highly effectiveverbal and written communication plus senior level presentation and negotiation skills.Self- sufficient in current office applications (e.g. MS Office). Highly organized and self-motivated. Critical thinking ability. !!A leading Heat Interface Unit equipment manufacturer, is seeking a Mechanical DesignEngineer to join their team.The purpose of the Mechanical Design Engineer role is to provide technical design supportto the Sales team assisting consultants, developers etc. with the design of communalheating systems.The Mechanical Design Engineer will also be heavily involved in the new productdevelopment programme.As a Mechanical Design Engineer your responsibilities will include the following: 36
Summary of Main Responsibilities and Activities: • Support the Design Team Manager in providing M&E design assistance and or a design service to clients involved in communal heating system design or installation. • Assist in the production of estimates, quotations and design proposals in support of the Sales Team • Arrange quotations updates/ reviews and identify opportunities for up-selling on projects. • Conduct site surveys. • Assist in the development of new products, including project specific bespoke modifications to our standard products, with our Romanian Manufacturing Partner • Coordinate the production and updating of in-house standard drawings, including manufacturing and equipment drawings for the Evinox production facility • Coordinate the updating of design documentation and drawings for projects where applicable. • A))0B?2+.!,C',(+23!D23,&!',2B!0+!)3%,+'!B,,'%+-&!%+!0(>,(!'0!?(0E%>,!&1??0('!2+>!!!!!! !B0(,!%+F>,?'G!',)G+%)23!H+0I3,>-,!2&!(,J1%(,>K! • \"+>,('2H,!)0+'(2)'0(L!%+&'233,(!&%',!E%&%'&!2+>!B,,'%+-&!2&!(,J1%(,>K! • Liaise with the Service and Sales departments on internal technical issues. • Liaise with suppliers regarding technical or equipment queries and requests on bespoke non-standard equipment • Assist the Design Team Leader to coordinate the management and design of projects. • Assist with in-house presentations, external presentations and exhibitions as required. • Any other task as may be required from time to time. • Contribute towards the production of supporting technical sales and support documentation to support the sales, marketing and service departments.Ideal Candidate • Graduate qualified building services engineer with at least two years’ experience, Excellent communication skills both written and verbal • Knowledge of HVAC system design including communal or district heating • Task orientated team player with a “can-do” attitude and approach • A second European language would be an advantageRewardsCompetitive salary and the opportunity to progress within an expanding business in agrowing market.About the CompanyThe company specialises in providing integrated communal heating solutions and acomprehensive support package including energy metering, billing and a revenuemanagement service. Rewards a competitive salary, pension and private health scheme(available after qualifying period). Please contact Mike Shaw for further information and toapply – [email protected] Energy Ltd, Unit 37, Barwell Business Park, Leatherhead RoadChessington, Surrey KT9 2NY. Tel: + 44 (0)1372 722277Fax: + 44 (0)1372 744477, www.evinoxenergy.co.uk, www.evinoxresidential.co.ukwww.evinoxresidential.co.uk 37
Business Development Manager – Key AspectsHeat Networks and District Heating You will need to have an understanding of the following: Data Energy has been in the energy • CIBSE CP1 Code of Practice for Heat industry for 25 Networks years. We run and manage heat • Heat Network (Metering and Billing) networks and Regulations 2014energy supplies nationally for some of thebest-known developers in the UK. One of • Good Industry Practice for Heat networksthe few organisations to haveISO9001,14001 and 18001 we are able to • Heat metering networks and data collectiondeliver the main requirements under theCIBSE CP1 code of practice with • CIBSE Guide M and SFG 20confidence. As a expanding andprogressive IIP accredited employer we • Technical ability to be able to discussare looking for an experienced BDM with aspects of Heat Network operations toexperience in the Heat Network Industry include energy centres and CHP withto complement our team. confidence to clientThe company’s Head Office is located by • Residential Managing AgentsStansted Airport. Many clients are London Location: Near Stansted Airportbased. The company works primarily for Salary: Competitive plus bonusManaging Agent and Developers To Apply:providing key aspects of the Operation You must be living and authorised to work in the UK to apply for this position.and Maintenance of the modern heat A full UK driving licence is essential plusnetworks, covering all areas from plant clear DBS check.maintenance to bill generation. ! Please apply online or send your CV to Sara Ellis at [email protected]: Car, phone, child care voucher Data Energy is an investors in peoplescheme, holiday enXtimtleams enbto: n2u5sd, aylsoypalul!tys accredited organisation and thereforeBank Holidays, actively looks to encourage and develop its staff though investment.bonus, commission bonuses, sicknessinsurance scheme, devaeulotopmeennt.rolme!ntpension, training andDescription and DutiesAs an experienced BDM with a trackrecord in District Heating and HeatNetwork in the Residential ManagedProperty sector you will know many of thedevelopers, managing agents andproperty managers who are involved withthe design and operation of these system.You will be expected to identifyopportunity, process it and delivercommercially sound contract for thecompany that will deliver long termcustomer / client satisfaction for thecompany. 38
Combustion/Plant Engineer – LeicesterENGIE are recruiting for a Combustion / Plant Engineer tobebased in Leicester.This is a permanent full time role working 40 hours perweek. On offer is a competitivesalary plus on call allowance.Read here for more details and to apply. Members’ NewsNew UK partnerships bring isoplus closer to the customers isoplus, one of the world’s largest pre-insulated pipe manufacturers has entered into two new venture partnerships, one with Go Geothermal Ltd and the other with Peak Pipe Systems Ltd. The partnerships between the two companies and isoplus establish a direct distribution hub for flexible pre-insulated products in the UK. Both companies are experienced in the flexible product markets and have substantial stock capacity to supply pre-insulated products directly to the customers on a day-to-day basis.“isoplus constantly strives to improve the delivery time and reduce the overall projectcosts,” Steve Webster, isoplus Operations Manager for the UK said. “We believe that directsupply of this type of material, which needs to be quick and effective, from our newpartners’ distribution centres is exactly what we require to meet the UK’s flexible market.”The facilities both Peak Pipe Systems and Go Geothermal provide will make it possible forisoplus to offer coiling services to supply customers with custom cut and coiled pipesolutions.That way fast and reliable quality service can be ensured from a UK based stock.Peak Pipe Systems Ltd Managing Director Phil Dodds anticipates the collaboration withisoplus to benefit the customers, as the company expands own product offering into the UKutilities market. “We share the same intent - to provide our UK customers with excellentproducts and an unrivalled level of customer service. The establishment of a dedicatedfacility within the Peak operation gives us a hugely flexible capability,” Phil said.As the nature of the market changes, so too do the requirements of a leading distributorsuch as Go Geothermal Ltd.Commenting on the agreement, Tim Williams, Director at Go Geothermal said: “Havingenjoyed substantial growth in flexible pre-insulated pipe sales over the last 5 years, we'redelighted to align ourselves with isoplus, going forward, a European leading player inflexible piping systems.” Steve Webster added that he is \"extremely pleased with the newpartnership ventures between two of the leading companies in the flexible pre- insulatedmarket.” 39
“The combined service provides the Each CPD published by CIBSE Journalflexible UK pre-insulated market with a include questions on the final page. Eachfantastic opportunity to not only offer, but successfully completed module provides 1.5deliver on the promise of a fast, effective CPD hours to CIBSE members.and efficient supply and installation chain. The BPHE CPD can be seen atAt isoplus we pride ourselves on the http://portfolio.cpl.co.uk/CIBSE/201711-quality of our products, hence the reason supplement/20/we are world renowned for that standard.To find partners such as Go Geothermal DMS –Its rewarding to speak your mind& Peak Pipe Systems Ltd, whocomplement the product quality with ukDEAexcellent service reliability, is not only member,unique, but very reassuring for our DMSbusinesses. This coupled together with Ltd, really wants to know about yourthe support from Nick Davies, our UK experiences dealing with DMS Please visitbased Technicalsales manager is excitingnews. I look forward to working with Nick www.dmsltd.com/testimonials and let themand the teams at Go Geothermal Ltd and know.Peak Pipe Systems Ltd to grow thepartnership together.\" Switch2 wins prestigious energy award for decade of customer service excellenceRight-sizing brazed plate heatexchangers by SWEP Switch2 Energy has won theA new CIBSE Continuing Professional Association forDevelopment (CPD) module has just been Decentralisedpublished, which considers the factors Energy (ADE) Customer Engagement Awardinvolved in selecting brazed plate heat of the Decade for its success in focusingexchangers (BPHEs) to ensure the most community and district heating projects aroundeconomical solution for a range residents' needs.of applications. Awards Judge Alan Whitehead MP, Shadow The CPD has been Minister for Business, Energy and Industrial sponsored by SWEP, Strategy (BEIS), said: \"The judges thought which provides the that Switch2 had excelled over the years in largest range of ensuring that their very good products areBPHEs with capacity up to 10MW. SWEP’s understood by customers, and in making thegasket free range each have low maintenance district heating process as smooth ascosts and an optimal LCC (Life Cycle Cost). it can be. They make sure that the customer is happy, that the company delivering the serviceVeolia in 10-year CHP deal with is happy, and that the service is as efficient asUK university possible. Switch2 have been doing this over a long period of time and are worthy winners.\"Source: and to Read More:http://www.decentralized- Kirsty Lambert, Director of Switch2 Energy,energy.com/articles/2017/10/veolia-in-10- said: \"We are incredibly proud to win this award, and to be recognised for our year-chp-deal- contribution to the community and district with-uk- heating sector, not just over the past decade, university.html but over four decades. We design and develop innovative products based on customer need, and work hard to engage with both residents and clients across the 40
our entire team is to provide a fair, transparent and affordable service.\"It's double success for Switch2, which won the ADE Customer Engagement Award in 2016for its pay-as-you-go smart metering partnership with Sheffield City Council. This projecthas enabled residents connected to the city's district heating system to take control of theirenergy usage and budgeting to save an average 38% on their heating bills. Switch2supported its smart metering roll-out with a major community engagement and educationprogramme – to ensure smooth project delivery.The Customer Engagement Award of the Decade was sponsored by Heat Trust, which isleading customer protection for the district heating sector. Judges were seekingorganisations that excel in engaging customers via openness and transparency, and whichgo the extra mile to enable heat users to be part of the system and inspire advocacy indecentralised energy. Other finalists were Eon and Clarke Energy.Earlier this year, Switch2 won the Housing Excellence Supplier of the Year Award for itsachievements in tackling fuel poverty and the needs of vulnerable residents connected toheat networks.Switch2 Energy provides an end-to-end service to the district and community heating sectorsupplying 70,000 residents and 180 clients across 500 heat networks. Services includeequipment supply, metering, billing and pay-as-you-go, through to maintenance, energycentre management and customer services. Its systems and products that arebenchmarked against industry good practice to improve customer service.Further information: www.switch2.co.ukUK’s largest infrastructure investors and pension funds back PassivSystems’portfoliosNewbury-based PassivSystems has, for the second year running, received recognition asthe UK’s number one residential solar PV asset management company, following thepublication of a comprehensive global analyst report. Released last month by Wood Mackenzie, a global research and consulting group, the annual report provides information about major international asset management and O&M companies in the solar PV residential market and ranks them according to market share and generationcapacity. With more than 40 residential solar PV, asset-backed portfolios currently undermanagement in the UK, each varying in size from a few hundred systems to over 10,000,PassivSystems has reaffirmed its position as the preferred choice for residential solar PVasset managers.“Our extensive portfolio is backed by some of the UK’s most prominent infrastructureinvestors and pension funds,” commented Colin Calder, chief executive of PassivSystems.He continued: “We’re seeing a steady conversion of existing portfolios migrating to our‘PassivPro’ platform because of the operational efficiencies it offers. We have moreresidential PV generation capacity and the largest customer base than anyone else. Thiscompetitive advantage enables us to deliver the highest possible value to our investors byproviding higher operating margins and greater capital asset valuations.” 41
Calder continued: “We take over two When complete it will feature seven newmillion meter readings every day from our buildings including residential space, state- of-managed solar PV systems which are the-art offices and a diverse mix of retail.then fed into our energy managementplatform. We can quickly identify assets This 5.25-acre development also features thethat may be underperforming and take iconic Shell building and offers some of theimmediate remedial action by directing best views in London including the Londonour O&M contractors to investigate and fix Eye, Houses of Parliament, Whitehall andany problems which cannot be solved exceptional vistas of the river.without a site visit. This approach ensuresour solar PV assets are working efficientlyand that our investors are constantlyachieving maximum returns on theirinvestments.”Equity releaseAccording to Ofgem, the UK has over Heating & Cooling Interface Units800,000 registered residential solar PVsystems. Around 25% of these are funded Evinox Energy have supplied ModuSat®solar systems whereby homeowners have heating and cooling interface units, includingagreed to rent out their roofs for up to 25 twin plate units for instantaneous heating andyears. PassivSystems’ energy hot water, single plate units for cooling andmanagement software also allows models that feature an integrated hot waterbusinesses in the solar buyback industry storage tank. The Canary Wharf Group plcto offer attractive financial arrangements decided this was the ideal solution as manyto home owners wishing to unlock tax- apartments require both heating and coolingfree lump sums and benefit from early throughout the home.equity release in their rooftop solar PVsystems.District Heating at Southbank PlaceCanary WharfEvinox Energy are delighted to beworking with Canary Wharf Group plc onthe Southbank Place development. Thisoutstanding scheme features a district heating system that incorporates a highly efficientenergy centre, which will reduce thecarbon footprint of the site.The District network will supply residents Smart Connected Controlwith thermal energy for heating, cooling The Interface units at Southbank Placeand the production of domestic hot water. feature our SmartTalk® two-waySouthbank Place is being developed by communication technology, which operatesBraeburn Estates, a joint venture between using the same hard-wired network as theCanary Wharf Group plc and Qatari Diar metering data collection without additional costs.Real Estate Investment Company. 42
This enables all dwellings to be remotely metered, controlled, interrogated and tested, andenables operation and maintenance routines to be run remotely including the diagnosis offaults. The system picks up a range of alarms such as faulty components, faulty meters,high /low system pressure.By using our two-way communication system, any HIU performance check can also becarried out remotely, significantly reducing inconvenience, maintenance time and cost.Credit towards Code for Sustainable HomesEach home also features an Evinox ViewSmart ENE3 controller, which can display all of theinformation required to gain credits for the Code for Sustainable Homes. This includeshistorical consumption data in a graphical format to enable residents to view informationabout their usage and compare different periods. This removes the requirement to install aseparate energy display device to gain credits towards the Code for Sustainable Homes.For further information about our integrated communal & district heating solutions, pleasecontact us by emailing [email protected] or visit www.evinoxenergy.co.uk Veolia inaugurates Spain’s largest district heating scheme – Read More Here: http://www.decentralized- energy.com/articles/2017/10/veolia-inaugurates-spain-s- largest-district-heating-scheme.htmlEneteq are appointed to @EON_CE as provider of 24/7reactive maintenance across all of their UK heatnetworks.Eneteq’s design works are undertaken to conform to EN 13941:2009 Design & installationof pre-insulated bonded pipe systems for district heating.Cenergist leaves Newcastle behind in HQ-tripling Sunderland expansionSource and to Read More: https://bdaily.co.uk/articles/2017/10/12/cenergist-leaves-newcastle-behind-in-hq-tripling-sunderland-expansion 43
Benefits of AMR (Automatic Meter Reading)The most significant benefits to using an Advanced MeteringReading (AMR) system include reduced labour costs, tamperwarning, outage detection and increased effectiveness especiallywhen comparing an AMR system with that of manually recordingMeter readings. Utilities, Retail Providers, Landlords andCustomers can gain from implementing AMR networks into theirapplications.The range of products manufactured by Elvaco that DMS distribute are able to fit mostinstallations with options of Wireless and Wired solutions.The use of AMR allows for greater flexibility when billing customers as data is always readilyavailable. By using a manual system of recording Meter readings, billing periods are moresporadic and less efficient.Primary installations across the UK are being updated with AMR solutions and theSecondary market is starting to standardise on using AMR systems as well.Key aspects of using AMR: • Accurate meter readings • Improved security for equipment as well as tamper detection • Accurate reading profiles for analysis of performance • Energy management through detailed graphs • Less costs for resolving mistakes through manual recording • Clearer ideas of “cost to read” data • Improved billing and tracking of Meter readings and therefore usage.Devices to use:CMeX50 – Wireless M-Bus to GSM device collecting data and transmitting to Email, FTP, HTTPCMe2100 – M-Bus to GSM device collecting data and transmitting to Email, FTP, HTTPCMe3100 – M-Bus to MODBUS device collecting data and transmitting to BMS SystemsCMeX10/11– M-Bus Extenders used alongside the CMe2100 for larger quantities. 44
Iona Capital announces the first close of Iona Environmental Infrastructure LP 3Iona Capital ( “Iona”) has announced the first close of theIona Environmental Infrastructure LP 3 (the \"Fund\"), a£250m 15 year limited life pooled investment vehicle.It offers investors the opportunity to participate in theemerging and fast growing assetclass of Environmental Infrastructure with a particular focus on investments in UK Bioenergyprojects, using proven and low risk technologies backed by long-term supply and offtakecontracts.The Fund is targeting returns of 11-14 % composed of high, stable cash yields with strongdownside protection.Iona specifically targets projects in the Biogas, Biomass, EfW and Energy Efficiency sectorsand works closely with leading UK and international industry participants, project developersand consultants to source long term projects which it prepares for investment.To date, Iona has led on and successfully completed investments in 20 projects within theBioenergy sector.Once an asset becomes operational the Iona Team maintain a hands on approach toensure that the asset performance is optimised.Nick Ross, Director, commented:“We are particularly grateful for the renewed support from our existing Pension FundInvestors and look forward to building on the foundations laid by our previous funds. UKEnvironmental infrastructure is a fast growing sector underpinned by a strong Governmentcommitment to achieve world leading business excellence.”For further information, contact: Iona Capital enquiries:Nick Ross: +44 20 70064 3000 Email: [email protected] Media enquiries: PaulTaylor, Taylor Keogh Communications : + 44 20 8392 8250 Email: [email protected] 45
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