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CONTENT INDEX Chairman’s Foreward Page 3 COVID -19 Updates Pages 4 to 7 Useful COVID -19 Links Pages 8 to 9 Chairman’s Diary Pages 10 to 11 New Member Page 12 Get Social Pages 13 to 15 BEIS News Pages 16 to 22 Useful BEIS Guidance Links Page 23 Consultations Awaiting Feedback Page 24 Members’ Spotlights Pages 25 to 29 Members’ Product Spotlights Pages 30 to 32 Members’ Job Vacancies Pages 33 to 35 Members’ News Pages 36 to 39 Triple Heat Networks Investment Management Page 40 to 42 Opportunities In Public Procurement Through Contracts Finder Page 43 Cardiff Heat Network Update Page 43 Innovation In Higher Level Skills Page 44 Ofgem News Pages 45 to 46 2
THE VOICE FOR THE UK’S DISTRICT ENERGY SCHEMES Dear Members, Welcome to another month in what has become for us to the “new normal”. Bizarrely I would say that member interaction has never been greater whether by phone, MS Teams or any other of the ways we now find to interact with each other. Therefore a big thanks to all of you who have been involved in this process, whether as a result of COVID issues or our recent many consultation responses. There are certainly interesting times ahead. Now that the dust has settled on the BEIS Market Frameworks consultation we are all clear on what their thinking is. I remain concerned, as do a number of members, that Ofgem is not the appropriate regulator and whatever happens in coming months I remain committed to ensuring that regulation is fair and proportionate and does not burden the sector to an extent that growth is not possible. As per recent mails, a number of sessions have been set up over the coming months to discuss this Market Framework in more detail with BEIS, to which the ukDEA have been invited to attend as a key “umbrella body”. Sessions are also being arranged for us to help shape how the new Green Heat Network Fund/Scheme(GHNF) evolves. It is clear that support mechanisms such as the NDRHI have fallen out of favour with Government, so despite our major concerns we unlikely to see future fiscal support as anything other than the GHNF or similar. We need to consider how we can make this work best for the sector and hopefully remove some of the issues that members have been concerned about with HNIP. Whilst HNIP and the GHNF are very different, in that the GHNF can only support the plant itself and possibly interconnectors, if we can make the process less cumbersome and easier to navigate that surely must be good for all concerned ! The messaging we are receiving from Government across a number of contact points is how we all get the economy working again to deliver growth as we exit lockdown, hence the recent round table questionnaire. I am also aware that MHCLG and the GLA have been in contact with members regarding “accelerated growth funds” of some form or another and I know some members have added district energy schemes to this list so fingers crossed. Finally as we all start to slowly exit lock down I think the new normal for many of us will be working from home. Therefore please stay healthy, mentally and physically and remember to keep taking those breaks as it is very easy to get days which are wall to wall MS Teams with no lunch break ! Stay safe. 3
COVID-19 UPDATES BEIS and have provided the update on the various support mechanisms below. The most notable new one that may be of help to our smaller member is the Bounce Back Loan. We are conscious that there is now a very wide range of support mechanisms available and want to make sure that members understand these and feel able to raise questions on these. Would it be helpful for us to ask BEIS to run a webinar to talk through these various mechanisms and allow you as members to provide direct feedback as to whether these are helping you and what your issues are ? We are conscious that you are all very busy but if you feel this would help please let us know – [email protected] Self-employment Income Support Scheme • The Government has announced the Self-employment Income Support Scheme which will support self-employed individuals (including many professionals working in the heat sector) whose income has been negatively impacted by COVID- 19. The scheme will provide a grant to self-employed individuals or partnerships, worth 80% of their profits up to a cap of £2,500 per month. HMRC will aim to make contact by mid May 2020, and will make payments by early June 2020. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme • For employers and employees in the sector, the Government has published guidance on how to access the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, including a step-by- step guide for employers. Under the Scheme, all UK employers with a PAYE scheme will be able to access support to continue paying part of their employees’ salary. Future Fund • The Future Fund will issue convertible loans to innovative companies that rely on equity investment and are unable to access the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS). Government will issue loans between £125,000 to £5 million for UK based companies, subject to at least equal match funding from private investors. The scheme will be delivered in partnership with the British Business Bank. It will launch in May 2020. Support for small and medium-sized businesses • The Bounce Back Loan will help small and medium-sized businesses to borrow between £2,000 and £50,000. The Government will guarantee 100% of the loan and there won’t be any fees or interest to pay for the first 12 months. The scheme is due to launch on 4th May 2020. • The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) supports small and medium-sized businesses, with an annual turnover of up to £45 million, to access loans, overdrafts, invoice finance and asset finance of up to £5 million for up to 6 years. 4
Support for large businesses • The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) will support large businesses, with an annual turnover of £45 million and above, to access loans of up to £25 million, and up to £50 million for firms with a turnover of more than £250 million. This scheme is currently unavailable. It is expected to launch before the end of April 2020. • Under the COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF), the Bank of England will buy short-term debt from large companies. This scheme will support your company if it’s been affected by a short-term funding squeeze, and allow you to finance your short-term liabilities. It will also support corporate finance markets overall and ease the supply of credit to all firms. For more information, please refer to the Government’s business support website BEIS also thought it would be useful to share more guidance on the Landlord’s responsibilities, especially as there is some confusion in the sector about how Landlords (with heat networks) should be responding and what their tenants should be doing. Do legal responsibilities usually sitting with landlords still apply ? What happens if tenants won’t let the engineer into their home? • Guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities in the private and social rented sectors in the context of Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found here. This guidance states that: • Landlords’ repair obligations have not changed. Tenants have a right to a decent, warm and safe place to live – and it is in the best interests of both tenants and landlords to ensure that properties are kept in good repair and free from hazards. • Good management requires regular review and maintenance of a property, but we understand that planned inspections may be more difficult at this time. However, that is no reason to allow dangerous conditions to persist. • We are encouraging tenants to inform landlords early and engage constructively in the event that they encounter any issues with the condition of the property. Technological solutions such as smartphones can be used to reduce the need for in-person inspections of property issues. • Where reasonable, safe for you and in line with other Government guidance, we recommend that you allow local authorities, landlords or contractors access to your property in order to inspect or remedy urgent health and safety issues. • Urgent health and safety issues are those which will affect your ability to live safely and maintain your mental and physical health in your home. For more guidance on visits to properties to make repairs, refer to the Government’s guidance on social distancing in the workplace during Covid- 19: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/social-distancing-in-the-workplace-during- coronavirus-covid-19-sector-guidance 5
Covid-19: update on testing for key workers The ukDEA has received the latest guidance and information for Employers on testing for Essential Workers and, to help members communicate with their staff a package of materials to be used for engagement: • Coronavirus National Testing Programme – Frequently Asked Questions for Essential Workers – (download here) • Essential Worker Testing Information Pack for Employers (download here) • Essential Worker Testing Instructions – Essential Workers (download here) • 240420 Letter From DHSC to Essential Worker Employers (download here) • Coronavirus Testing of Key Workers - FAQ (download here) • Employer Referral Portal User Guide – Essential Worker (download here) • Guidance on the UK Government Testing Programme in Scotland (download here) • Introductory Note – UK Government Testing Programme (download here) A number of our members staff fall into this category where they are directly involved with keeping district heating systems operational, i.e. a utility. We are advised that the testing portal has now also been rolled out to Scotland and bookings/tests can be accessed via the same portal. Wales are designing their own portal and where required companies should go via the Local Resilience Forums if they need access. We expect Northern Ireland to join the England & Scotland portal soon. We are all aware form the press that these tests has been high. However, BEIS strongly encourage to advise self-isolating staff to get a test if they or someone in their household have symptoms. We are also advised that more allocations become available each day. Full details on how to access testing in all nations and who is eligible can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-getting-tested. If employers need further guidance and support, they can contact DHSC at [email protected]. This pack of resources, as well as a full campaign toolkit including digital and print assets to share and use to communicate are available from the Coronavirus Campaign Resource Centre. As ever if you have questions on these documents, or any aspect of the various support mechanisms or processes relating to COVID19 please do contact us – [email protected] 6
Extended Hours of Working on Construction Sites during COVID19 As you may be aware there has been an announcement related to extended working hours on construction sites. We have sought clarity from BEIS on this as it has been widely covered on the news channels with some of their own interpretation. Their responses is as follows: The statement on extending construction working hours aims to ensure that construction sites can continue working, whilst adhering to important on-site safe working practices. It will also provide flexibility to increase productivity, minimising the risks of development which will be vital to our economic recovery. Local planning authorities will ultimately be responsible for approving applications on extending working hours and will be able to prevent sites from extending their hours if there are reasonable grounds to do so. Additional Information • Local planning authorities should to take a swift approach and look favourably on requests to extend construction working hours temporarily to ensure safe working in line with social distancing guidelines. • The aim is to allow construction work until 9pm, Monday to Saturday. Longer hours may be justified, especially if there are no residential dwellings nearby. • However local planning authorities will maintain discretion, and where there are unreasonable impacts, they will be able to reject proposals to extend construction hours into the late night or on a Sunday. In all cases, sympathetic site management should be demonstrated. • Councils will consider any impacts for neighbouring businesses, residents or uses whe making decisions. For the Written Ministerial Statement see https://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers- statements/written-statement/Lords/2020-05-13/HLW 7
USEFUL COVID -19 LINKS Videos and webinars you can register for, to talk you through the various business support mechanisms https://www.gov.uk/guidance/help-and-support-if-your-business-is-affected-by-coronavirus- covid-19 The “Suppliers Agreement” (download here) that has been reached between BEIS and a number of domestic electricity and gas suppliers, setting out the steps they will take during this crisis to support their customers. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Business and Employers' Bulletin A regular bulletin issued by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy which provides information for employers and businesses on Coronavirus (COVID-19). https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKDECC/subscriber/new?topic_id=UKDECC_155 Public Health England (for safe working) Guidance for employees, employers and businesses in providing advice about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-list-of-guidance#guidance- for-non-clinical-settings Guidance has been updated on social distancing, We hope this clarifies e.g. accessing homes a bit more. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/social-distancing-in-the-workplace-during-coronavirus-covid- 19-sector-guidance Business support (for advice incl. financial support) This website helps you find the right support, advice and information to help with the impact of coronavirus (Covid-19) on your business. https://www.businesssupport.gov.uk/ 8
Summaries of the financial support mechanisms Currently in place. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/financial-support-for-businesses-during- coronavirus-covid-19 https://www.businesssupport.gov.uk/coronavirus-business-support/ Procurement (note for public bodies) This Procurement Policy Note (PPN) sets out information and guidance for public bodies on payment of their suppliers to ensure service continuity during and after the current coronavirus, COVID-19, outbreak. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/procurement-policy-note-0220-supplier-relief- due-to-covid-19 Construction Leadership Council (for construction) The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) and Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) together with industry provide updates on issues of concern to the construction sector, as well as information about the support that is available to firms in the industry. This information is published on the website of the Construction Leadership Council. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/procurement-policy-note-0220-supplier-relief- due-to-covid-19 The Site Operating Procedures as at the 23rd March http://www.constructionleadershipcouncil.co.uk/news/site-operating-procedures-during-covid- 19/ We have also been asked by BEIS to request that businesses to take a pragmatic approach to the prioritisation of their work using their knowledge and expertise of the sector that they operate in – in line with the Public Health England guidance. If a construction site worker is displaying Covid-19 symptoms, no work at all should be carried out, no matter how mild those symptoms may be. See the PHE guidance for non-clinical businesses here and the workers’ guidance HERE 9
Chairman’s Diary Written by Simon Woodward, ukDEA Chairman and Technical Director Date: Various Subject: COVID With: BEIS Type: Weekly and often Daily Catch up calls with BEIS Details: numerous calls with BEIS’s team to discuss COVID issues as set out in the various members’ emails. Date: 1st June Subject: Heat Networks Working Group With: Scottish Government and Various parties Type: MS Teams Details: A meeting to review and discuss the Scottish Heat Bill and the views of the attendees. Thank you to all members who fed into this. Date: 22nd May 2020. Subject: ukDEA/Water UK With: Samuel Larsen Type of Event: Microsoft Teams Meeting Details: A call with Sam to discuss how the two organisations may collaborate together to identify case studies which members could work on with water companies to investigate the potential for using waste sources of heat form water processing sites across the UK. Date: 15th May Subject: HN consumer statement: Monitoring With: ADE/BEIS and Others Type: MS Teams Details: Call to discuss the consumer statement signed by a number of ukDEA members setting out how they will respond to domestic heat consumers during COVID and how the outcomes from this will be monitored. 10
Date: 15th May Subject: Catch Up With: John Saunders Type: MS Teams Details: Regular monthly catch up with John Saunders on key issues. Date: 6th May Subject: CITB Construction Skills With: Eunomia Research & Consulting Type: MS Teams Details: Call to understand the various skills gaps that exist in the sector and how the CITB may work to address these in collaboration with the ukDEA. Date: 20th April 2020 Subject: Call with Minister Kwarteng re Heat Networks and Covid-19 With: Minister Kwarteng, BEIS. Type of Event: Call Details: Detailed in BEIS News section. 11
New Member We are pleased to welcome the following Associate Member to the association: HEAT NETWORK ASSOCIATES LTD Principal Contact: Craig Grobety All enquiries to: [email protected] An Introduction Statement from Heat Network Associates Ltd: ‘Heat Network Associates Ltd, specialise in providing practitioner-led professional services to the Heat Network Industry. Our key services include; • Commercial & Contract Support • Programme Management • Construction Client: Project Management & Supervision • Development & Implementation of DH Specific Quality Systems Our specialist Associates have 10-15 years’ Senior Management experience, providing Governance across; Construction, Commercial and Financial aspects of operational UK Heat Networks. We utilise our collective experience to ensure that compliance and best practice are maintained across the supply chain, particularly as the UK’s Heat Network industry rapidly expands.’ # 12
Get Social! Engage with industry colleagues through our social media channels. We value your social media participation through your Tweets, Facebook comments and LinkedIn discussions. 1421 Followers. 6515 Tweets. Twitter followers include many UK and international members and non-members. 13
Retweets! Remember to use #UKDEA to promote your news! 14
Retweets! Worldwide professionals in the industry connecting with us. 1923 active discussion group members. Join in the discussions HERE NOW! Regular articles posted. We value your posts and comments. 15
BEIS News Please see email below and the document (download here) recently received from the BEIS thanking the ukDEA and it’s members for the work to date in relation to COVID19. The ukDEA Chairman and Secretary would like to personally thank all members for all their work and particularly for their input and response to our many COVID19 related emails. This has been essential to providing the voice for our sector that we need to be heard at these difficult times. ‘Good Afternoon Simon, You may have seen the latest publication this afternoon: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-letter-to-the- energy-sector The Secretary of State is thanking everyone in the energy sector (including heating, cooling and hot water) for their hard work during Covid-19. We would like to extend our thanks and that of the whole Heat Networks team for the hard work you have been doing during this time. I have attached a letter outlining the current difficulties faced by the sector and personal thanks for your continuing effort to continue to support the country. Kind regards, John Saunders. John Saunders, Deputy Director | Heat Networks 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET www.gov.uk/beis | https://twitter.com/beisgovuk ‘ 16
Renewable Heat Incentive and Future Funding Consultation Launch As you will be aware we have been gathering data from you on your RHI projects and the impact of COVID19. The good news is that the latest consultations announced today on the Renewable Heat Incentive and future heat policy shows in part at least the Government has been listening. There are a number of different announcements that they made today, some directly relate to COVID19 and others to providing clarity on the announcements made in the Spring Budget. 1. BEIS have provided a Stakeholder Notice which sets out the following: 3rd Allocation of Tariff Guarantees (TG) for ND RHI • Under the announced 3rd allocation of Tariff Guarantees, plants will now need to have submitted Stage 2 information evidencing financial close prior to the closure of the NDRHI on 31 March 2021. • This will then give plants until 31 March 2022 to submit Stage 3 commissioning evidence, under the standard Tariff Guarantee timeline. • Under this new allocation, payments will begin from the point of commission and end 20 years after the properly made submission of a plant’s Stage 2 information. They advise in their example that for a plant that submits Stage 2 information on 28 February 2021, has a tariff granted on 20 April 2021 and commissions on 28 February 2022, the payment period would begin from 28 February 2021 and this plant would receive nineteen years of payments from the point of commissioning. No NDRHI payments will be made after 31 March 2041. Extension of Commissioning Deadlines for Projects Currently Holding a Tariff Guarantee to at least mid-March 2021 • Currently projects with existing TGs under the 2nd allocation have a commissioning deadline of either 31st January 2021 or 183-days after the commissioning date that they have stated to Ofgem (the scheme administrator) in their application, whichever is earlier. The legislation that BEIS intend to bring forward would push all of these commissioning deadlines back to at least mid-March 2021. In their view this measure would buy all current TG projects a minimum of an additional 6 or 7 weeks to commission, with a significant number being afforded far more additional build time due to commissioning deadlines prior to 31st January 2021. 2. BEIS have launched a consultation setting out the future of the Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (NDRHI). The NDRHI will close to new applications on 31st March 2021. This consultation sets out plans to enact the closure of the scheme as well as future-proof the scheme for existing participants. Responses to this consultation are requested by 7th July 2020. This consultation is principally focused on how the scheme can be ‘future proofed’ for participants that will receive payments far beyond the closure of new applicants for the scheme. That being said, it does offer the opportunity to provide evidence as to why the NDRHI should not close on 31st March 2021. 17
3. BEIS have launched a consultation on Future Support for Low Carbon Heat. This consultation asks questions on the proposed Green Gas Support Scheme to increase the proportion of green gas in the grid and to support heat pump and biomass deployment through new grant funding thought the Green Heat Scheme. Responses to this consultation are requested by 7th July 2020. We hope that this is good news for members and we will be pleased to take any clarification questions and raise these with the BEIS RHI Team. Members Update following call with the Minister of State for Business, Energy and Clean Growth, Kwasi Kwarten We are pleased to report that the Minister of State for Business, Energy and Clean Growth, Kwasi Kwarteng, was keen to reinforce on the call with the Chairman, that the Government is committed to Net Zero Carbon as enshrined in legislation, and is fully supportive of the sector and what we are trying to achieve. Whilst there can be no guarantees, he was keen to stress the support mechanisms that are in place and was keen to see how the sector would thrive and grow post COVID19. Therefore the Chairman’s key take away from the call was this firm commitment from the Minister which he emphasised a number of times. In terms of updates, BEIS have supplied the following updates on funding for the sector and business support mechanisms as a result of our lobbying for further clarity and confirmation. Whilst this doesn’t address the issue of what exactly will happen with the RHI in the short term, we have ensured the issues raised by a number of members on their projects which are using/planning to use the NDRHI have been submitted to the RHI Team at BEIS, so that they fully understand the impact on the sector when briefing the Minister. Thank you to the members who supplied this information and as soon as we have any more news on this we will bring it to you. HNIP HNIP funding rounds • The 5th funding round has now closed for full application on time. The next Investment Committee is planned to convene for funding decisions in May 2020. Please see the Triple Point Heat Networks website for future funding round: https://tp- heatnetworks.org/apply/. • We encourage projects considering applying for HNIP funding to reach out to the Business Development team as early as possible to discuss project support. To discuss an application in more detail and to speak to one of our BDMs, please contact Triple Point by email to [email protected]. HNIP application assessments and subsequent awards There are currently no delays to the application, assessment or funding award process. Funding rounds are going ahead as planned. Where projects are noticing that deadlines are becoming challenging to meet, we encourage them to get in touch with the BDM team at Triple Point as soon as possible: [email protected] 18
HNIP funding • HNIP funding has been confirmed up to March 2022. RHI and Future Support Mechanisms Project development and future support mechanisms • In light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, BEIS are aware that this is causing concern for both current and prospective applicants to the HNIP and RHI schemes. • The Government have backed the heat network sector with over half a billion pounds of announced heat network funding, including the Heat Network Investment Project and our newly announced £270m Green Heat Network Fund providing financial support for heat networks until 2025. • Work is also underway to assess the need for potential mitigating measures that could be implemented for participants and applicants on the Non-Domestic RHI. We would reiterate the announcement included in the Budget that we intend to introduce a third flexible allocation of Tariff Guarantees, which will be available for all technologies that have been eligible for previous allocations. More information on this and the future of the Non-Domestic RHI will be published shortly. Business Support Support for small and medium-sized businesses • The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) supports small and medium-sized businesses, with an annual turnover of up to £45 million, to access loans, overdrafts, invoice finance and asset finance of up to £5 million for up to 6 years. For more information please refer to the Government’s business support website. Support for large businesses • The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) will support large businesses, with an annual turnover of £45 million and above, to access loans of up to £25 million, and up to £50 million for firms with a turnover of more than £250 million. For more information please refer to the Government’s business support website. • Under the COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF), the Bank of England will buy short-term debt from large companies. This scheme will support your company if it’s been affected by a short-term funding squeeze, and allow you to finance your short-term liabilities. It will also support corporate finance markets overall and ease the supply of credit to all firms. For more information please refer to the Government’s business support website. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: step by step guide for employers In addition to the guidance provided before, a new guide was published which explains the information that employers need to provide to claim for their employees’ wages 19
Members in the Construction Sector - Please Read and Respond Firstly a very big thank you from the ukDEA, to those of you particularly in the construction sector who have so far provided such helpful responses on the problems and issues that you have been facing as a result of COVID 19. This has been essential to inform the government on what is really happening in the sector. As it is a number of weeks since we last asked for your response on these issues, we and BEIS are keen to understand what is happening now to provide a real world view from the “coal face” We would therefore be very grateful if you could take 2 minutes to respond to the key questions below. Without this real world input they are operating on adhoc conversations and rumour.... 1.What percentage of the sites you are involved with have reopened (i.e. All, None or x %) 2.What level of productivity are you achieving on these sites where you are at work (i.e. operations are running at 50% of pre COVID levels) 3.What are the key things that need to happen to increase that level in line with safe working guidelines (examples please) 4.Do you have sufficient PPE, if not what items are in short supply/not available (YES/NO and examples where in short supply/not available) 5.Are there any items of supplies or equipment that you are experiencing difficulties in sourcing, (i.e. valves, Preinsulated pipework ?) 6.What percentage of supplies or equipment are you short of (i.e. we can get 80% of what we need) 7.Given the reduction in capacity on the transport network are measures you have put in place to overcome this, e.g. encourage travel outside of peak hours or provide alternative means of transport (e.g. coaches or minibus)) working ? – (YES/NO if No what else can be done to assist ?) 8.Have you been approached to buy test kits from a third party provider, such as diagnostic providers, or kit manufacturers, or occupational health providers as part of a return to work risk assessment package etc? (YES/NO, If so, which and when?) 9.Has your organisation developed, or are has begun discussions on developing, a workplace based solution to test staff for COVID-19? (YES/NO) Please email responses to [email protected] 20
Invitation to \"How to operate your heat network business during COVID-19: operation, construction, finance\" Many of you may have had a direct invite to this series of events that are being organised by BEIS. This event is primarily focused on establishing what the issues are relating to keeping existing heat networks operational during this forthcoming heating season both with the current restrictions and in the event that we revert to a tighter lock down. Clearer in this sunniest Spring on record the focus has largely been on issues faced by the construction parts of our sector, but clearly if we move into a very cold winter period we need to make sure we are all prepared to keep systems operational and this event by BEIS is to stimulate initial sector wider thinking about this. It is also another example of where both the ukDEA and the ADE are endeavouring to where practical and appropriate work closer together. We hope you, your family, friends, and your organisation are well and manging to cope with the circumstances we still find ourselves in. We are inviting you to an online event “Operating your heat network business during COVID-19” hosted by the Heat Networks team of the Department for Business, Energy & Industry Strategy (BEIS) with the trade associations, the ADE and UK DEA. We will highlight the Government’s response to COVID-19 in the context of heat networks. During the event we would like to seek your views of the COVID-19 related challenges now and in preparation for the next heating season. The next event will be staged on the following day: Thursday, 18th June 2020, 15:00 – 16:00 (BST) Please pass on the event invitation to the relevant colleague in your organisation. We feel that those in key operational functions as well as decision makers would benefit most from this session. We understand that there may be a range of immediate questions you have regarding day to day operations. We are working closely with the ADE (www.theade.co.uk) and UK DEA (www.ukdea.org.uk) to support the national response, who have stepped up in support for the sector beyond their membership. We encourage you to contact the trade association initially on these. Thank you for your engagement in advance. Regards Your BEIS Heat Networks team Clean Heat Directorate 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET www.gov.uk/beis | https://twitter.com/beisgovuk https://www.gov.uk/guidance/heat-networks-overview 21
Update- Border Exemptions As you will be aware from the news the government has announced a 14 day borders quarantine policy. The main gov.uk page for this policy can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/uk-border-control. A limited exemption has been granted for persons involved with heat networks as set out in the attached guidance document. This does not confirm automatic exemptions for that company or their workers. Companies will need to look at the guidance on Gov.uk and the Regulations (which can be found here: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/568/contents/made) and they will need to self- determine if they qualify for an exemption. This is to cover emergency or essential works that cannot be covered by the UK workforce. In the “Employer exemption guidance” document Annexe B, we have highlighted the relevant regulations that are going to be relevant for the sector. It will be important that the correct regulation reference and number (regulation 18(1)(e)(i) and/or (ii) depending on the circumstances) is used when copying it into the letter (as it easily restarts at 1 when copied). ## If members have any questions please do ask and we will follow these up with BEIS. 22
USEFUL BEIS GUIDANCE LINKS Total energy statistics https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/total-energy-statistics UK energy sector indicators https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/uk-energy-sector-indicators Household Energy Efficiency National Statistics This series presents statistics on the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and Green Deal (GD). It incorporates changes as set out in response to the user consultation of National Statistics on the Green Deal, Energy Company Obligation and Insulation statistics. The headline releases present monthly updates of ECO measures and quarterly updates of in-depth ECO statistics, carbon savings and the Green Deal schemes. The detailed report presents annual updates on in-depth Green Deal statistics and insulation levels. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/household-energy-efficiency-national-statistics Energy Trends and Prices statistical release: 27 February 2020 Energy production and consumption statistics are provided in total and by fuel, and provide an analysis of the latest 3 months data compared to the same period a year earlier. Energy price statistics cover domestic price indices, prices of road fuels and petroleum products and comparisons of international road fuel prices. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/energy-trends-and-prices-statistical-release-27- february-2020 Funding for innovative smart energy systems Government funding for innovation in smart energy systems and technologies https://www.gov.uk/guidance/funding-for-innovative-smart-energy-systems Energy Companies Obligation: brokerage https://www.gov.uk/guidance/energy-companies-obligation-brokerage Renewable Heat Incentive policy overview https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/renewable-heat-incentive-policy-overview 23
Consultations Awaiting Feedback Heat networks: building a market framework BEIS have issued one of the most importance consultations we have ever seen regarding heat networks. This sets out their proposals to build a market framework to both regulate and support the growth of heat networks. This is not a consultation that will affect one part of the sector or another it will ultimately affect us all: The Government is committed to achieving net- zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Meeting this legal commitment will require virtually all heat in buildings to be decarbonised, and heat in industry to be reduced to close to zero carbon emissions. Heat networks are a crucial aspect of the path towards decarbonising heat. In the right circumstances, they can reduce bills, support local regeneration and can be a cost-effective way of reducing carbon emissions from heating. In this consultation BEIS set out its proposals to drive forward low- carbon heat networks’ growth in a regulatory framework that protects consumers and ensures fair pricing. Read More Here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/heat-networks-building-a- market-framework Detailed below is a link to the ukDEA Chairman’s proposed draft response: LINK This has taken a lot of work to develop, to consider what a balanced approach, to try and reflect all members views, should be. Members have now submitted their views and we will report back in future editions of the Journal. 24
Members’ Spotlight ENGIE focus on importance of partnerships in building sustainable futures ENGIE is the UK’s largest District Energy company serving users in public, commercial, industrial and residential sectors. From standalone private developments through to city-wide schemes, our tailored solutions are focused on building sustainable futures for our communities. ENGIE Urban Energy are actively working with local authorities within the UK to support their objectives under a long-term partnership approach, with the Regenerate Newcastle Programme forming a key example. ENGIE works alongside local authorities as a strategic partner for developing more sustainable, efficient and vibrant communities. We are a market leader in both urban regeneration and District Energy, a significant provider of place-based services and energy efficiency and we have the ability to develop smart digital solutions and the connected home. ENGIE employs 160,000 people worldwide and achieved revenues of !60.6bn in 2018. It is Europe’s leader in energy and environmental efficiency services, designing and implementing solutions to help businesses and public authorities make better use of energy, whilst reducing environmental impacts. We offer a unique combination of service expertise, from the design, installation and management of local and renewable energy solutions, to the operational delivery of integrated facilities services. In addition to our extensive experience of designing, installing and operating District Energy Schemes, ENGIE has key delivery capability and expertise in technical operation and maintenance service provisions, energy services, specialist technical solutions, project and engineering services, regeneration services and integrated facilities solutions, including facilities management. At ENGIE, we are passionate about improving the lives of the communities that we serve so they can continue to thrive and grow. From homes to hospitals, schools to municipal buildings – our broad set of skills provides a unique offer that will make a real difference. District Energy partnerships With over 30 years’ experience, ENGIE Urban Energy has the expertise to provide a comprehensive service for District Energy, encompassing: = Initial feasibility/financial viability studies = Provision of finance for projects = System design 25
= Installation and commissioning = Project management of associated works = Ongoing operation and maintenance = Contract energy management Utilising our expertise, joint delivery of District Energy solutions through a partnership with ENGIE brings the following key benefits: = Skills and experience of ENGIE in-house experts, with focus on clean technology solutions = Control over turnkey delivery through to end-user supply and system management = Shared risk and investment with a long-term view in alignment with master planning By working in partnership with local authorities we provide bespoke, outcome-based solutions that address each town, city or region’s most pressing needs, improving efficiency, driving down costs and reducing CO2 emissions. Our award-winning activities are designed to make a real difference to the lives of the people who live and work in the communities we serve. We work with Local Authorities and all key stakeholders to develop a bespoke, tailored solution to support the specific District Energy needs of the area and its communities. ENGIE operates over 180 District Energy Schemes throughout Europe, including a number of schemes in the UK which we have also financed, designed and constructed. We operate some of the largest and most technically demanding District Energy Schemes; from standalone private developments through to city-wide schemes, our tailored solutions are focused on building sustainable futures for our communities. The Regenerate Newcastle Programme is a key example of how ENGIE are working with local authorities within the UK to support their objectives under a long-term partnership approach. ENGIE Urban Energy is the strategic energy partner for Newcastle City Council, supporting the City’s objectives of decarbonising the city and improving the living standards of the residents of Newcastle. We work together to deliver District Energy Projects in Newcastle as part of the Regenerate Newcastle Programme. Commencing in August 2018, the 40-year partnership contract with Newcastle City Council has been signed and the initial project – the Newcastle Helix District Energy Scheme – is underway. The Helix is a landmark 24-acre hybrid city quarter in the city centre, built for international tech and science businesses, the local community and residents. # 26
In 2016, Newcastle City Council went to market to procure an energy partner to support with the development and delivery of their decarbonisation strategy. The partnership agreement was signed in August 2018 and the partnership board set up shortly thereafter, with a view to identifying and developing future district energy schemes inside Newcastle City boundaries. The partnership is currently working on new schemes in close proximity to the Helix site. As part of the partnership responsibilities, ENGIE Urban Energy has a Business Development Manager who is responsible for the identification and development of both new projects and extensions to the Helix scheme and the associated business plan. In addition to this, Newcastle City Planning Department has placed District Energy at the top of its heating hierarchy for new developments and has signposted developers who have submitted planning applications for developments adjacent to the site to the Business Development Team for the project. ENGIE endeavour to deliver all services utilising in-house capabilities, from Business Development through to Design, Build, Operations and Maintenance. This enables a consistent approach, with each new connection assessed based on the cost of extending the network against the heat and cooling demand. The cost to connect is calculated using standard pricing that was agreed in the Helix Concession Agreement. Through the partnership approach ENGIE acts as a trusted advisor, providing support and guidance on the suitability of prospective developments and innovative solutions for District Energy as part of the wider decarbonisation strategy. Principal contact: Richard Long Email: [email protected] www.engie.com *All wording supplied by ENGIE *Copyright @ ENGIE 27
Members’ Spotlight Proven Project Construction was founded in March 2017 by Denis O’Connell, Michael Heffernan and Mish Hoque, each with over twenty years’ experience within the construction sector. Our background is mainly civils and groundworks but we’ve broadened our horizons into the design, welding and sleeving of district heating networks. Our fully trained Logstor sleevers are also groundworkers and are comfortable installing either trench supports or fusion joints. This enables us to look at projects from a combined civils and mechanical perspective allowing us to de- risk projects and increase efficiency. One of our current clients and their employer bought into this approach for the first phase of the Clapham Park Regeneration Scheme where we completed the project ahead of schedule and under budget, making some significant savings for the employer by not having to divert a major Thames Water sewer pipe. The primary underground district heating network commenced on March 2018 and is still currently being installed as of May 2020 with the network comprising of 1,500m of Logstor Series 2 pipework ranging from diameters of DN60 to DN250, which also includes connections into existing buildings. The depths of the trench excavations reached 3.2m deep at some points with the trenches being backfilled with primary type 1 and reinstated with tarmac (80/50/35mm), setts, paving & paviours or footpath reinstatement. Setting out of the route was undertaken by our engineers as well as the GPS survey of the as-built pipe installation. Communications ducting and chambers were also installed along the network as well as Stakka box valve chambers. 100% of all welds were subjected to an NDT comprising of a Magnetic Particle Inspection and an Ultrasonic Inspection. Sleeving comprised of EW fusion joints including the continuity testing of the leak detection wires and air testing of the joints on an on-going basis. Having this experience of a combined civils and mechanical scope also enables us to give beneficial advice to our clients, especially where we’ve been employed just to undertake the mechanical works. This became apparent in Ireland where we successfully tendered for the mechanical works as part of the Grangegorman New Urban Quarter Development in Dublin, Ireland. This particular project comprised of the construction of an Interim Energy Centre (by others) which would then connect into an existing district heating network which was installed several years ago, thus allowing connections and heat-on to new development plots as they get built over the next several years. # 28
The connection to the existing network comprised of a deep pipework crossover detail into two large chambers which entailed breaking out, pipework connections and then making good We de-risked the complexity of the overall project for the Main Contractor and we were not only awarded the civils works for the district heating network but also awarded the drainage package as a variation to our contract. We also have the ability of “mix and match” between mechanical only, with or without design and the full package of civils and mechanical, as well as undertaking the Principal Contractor or the Sub-Contractor role. This helps immensely with our client at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford where we have completed projects from small 15 metre connections to 300 metres of large diameter pipework. Over the last three years, we’ve managed to go from a self-funded start-up to working on some impressive developments and regeneration schemes such as Greenwich, Thamesmead, Park Royal, Southall Waterside, Springfield University Hospital, Birmingham Broad Street to name but a few. To conclude, even though our specialty is the installation of combined civils and mechanical primary underground district heating networks, we are looking to grow organically over the next few years to further broaden our horizons both geographically and also in terms of the services that we can provide. Please refer to our website or reach out to us if you want any more information. Principal contact: Drew Hassan Email: [email protected] www.provenprojectconstruction.com *All wording supplied by Proven Project Construction Ltd *Copyright @ Proven Project Construction Ltd 29
Members’ Product Spotlight ALTECNIC HELPS CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY DELIVER LOW ENERGY HEATING Accredited Heat Network Consultants offer advice on design of heat networks to maximise low carbon homes Updates to the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) legislation, SAP10 and 10.1, by The Government due soon will bring significant implications for the construction industry when installing heating systems. To help the industry with the SAP changes relating to carbon output, Altecnic, part of the Caleffi Group, has a team of CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) accredited heat network consultants who advise on how to maximise efficiency and ensure compliance. As a result of changes to the SAP regulation, low temperature heat networks delivered by heat pumps are fast becoming an integral part of the heating mix. This is due to the significant gains in heat network efficiency that they deliver, whether that be from a ground or air source. To maximise and maintain these efficiencies, it’s essential that the heat network includes heat interface units that are designed specifically for this use, such as Altecnic’s award- winning* SATK32106 and SATK32107 Heat Interface Units (HIUs). The Caleffi Group has invested significantly in the R&D of its HIU product range and as a result has further developed its range to increase efficiency and the unit’s ability to output an increased temperature range. In addition, Altecnic’s specification and technical teams include a number of CIBSE accredited Heat Network Consultants, who can give qualified advice to the industry on the design of heat networks to maximise efficiency and minimise carbon output. Neil Parry, Head of Specification at Altecnic, said: “Heat networks allow easy integration of various low carbon heat sources. The new heat pump low temperature networks can be a real win win for all those involved, as well as the environment. But these goals are only achievable with the correct selection of components designed for these networks. “Here at Altecnic, we want to do more than just provide products to the construction industry. Our team of CIBSE accredited Heat Network Consultants can assess the heating needs of a building and advise on the best way to design the low temperature heat network to maximise efficiciences for the energy source, network, installer and the end user, whilst maintaining compliance.” 30
Low temperature heat networks and how to overcome common problems with heat networks is a topic that Neil will be talking about at the CIBSE Build 2 Perform conference in London on 26th and 27th November. Altecnic Ltd is the UK's leading supplier of hydronic solutions. Established near Stafford in 1987, the company imports and supplies over 5,000 product lines to distributors throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland. The company provides trade merchants, plumbing and heating engineers and specifiers with a comprehensive range of plumbing products, including; thermostatic mixing valves, underfloor heating, sealed systems, dirt and air separation, backflow prevention and vessels and a whole lot more. Altecnic’s mission statement is to deliver the highest quality products and services to its customers, through manufacturing excellence, innovation and education. Their extensive range of products and services are chosen by trade merchants, original equipment manufacturers, plumbing and heating engineers and specifiers. Principal contact: Neil Parry Email: [email protected] www.altecnic.co.uk *All wording supplied by Altecnic Ltd *Copyright @ Altecnic Ltd 31
Members’ Product Spotlight SWEP Sealix® is approved by WRAS SWEP’s Sealix® range of Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers (BPHEs), have been formally approved by WRAS – the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme. BPHEs are one of the most efficient ways to transfer heat. WRAS checks the testing of thousands of water fittings products to ensure they comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and Scottish Byelaws. The water fittings regulations protect drinking water supplies within plumbing systems in homes, businesses and other properties. https://www.wras.co.uk/search/materials/swep SWEP Sealix® BPHEs keep tap water applications running efficiently for longer. This is achieved with SWEP Sealix® coating, a revolutionary SiO - based thin-film technology that increases BPHE corrosion resistance, protects against fouling and scaling and increases durability. The protective Sealix® layer is applied to all inner surfaces of the heat exchangers in most of the HIUs and substations that encounter drinking water, to increase the lifetime and the operational safety of the entire system. This in turn reduces maintenance costs and unplanned downtime. Christer Frennfelt, SWEP Business Development Manager, Consultant & Utility, said “We are delighted that SWEP Sealix® has been formally approved by WRAS for the UK market. WRAS take a rigorous approach to testing and their product approval was not easy to achieve. The approval reinforces our message to customers that SWEP Sealix® will help save them money and improve their efficiency.” Principal contact: David Gill Email: [email protected] www.swep.net *All wording supplied by SWEP International Limited *Copyright @ SWEP International Limited 32
Members’ Job Vacancies Key Account Manager / Business Development Manager Brief Description/Duties of Position: • Meeting or exceeding agreed monthly sales budget/targets. • The identification and active pursuit of new business opportunities for the Company’s products and services; either within the Region, of part of the Region as determined by the Regional Sales Manager (60% minimum). • When required, to liaise with and assist the Marketing Executive in the planning and execution of both marketing, promotional and product/service launch activities with in the Region. • The identification of potential market opportunities for the Company and the reporting of these opportunities to the Regional Sales Manager and the Marketing Executive. • The identification of new or existing technologies which may be of interest to the Company • and the reporting of these to the Regional Sales Manager and the Marketing Executive. • The effective use of Company customer and prospective customer contact activities tool And systems, to include accurate and on-time forecasting/reporting. • Such other activities which may reasonably be requested of a Business Development Manager by the appropriate Regional Sales Manager or an executive Director of the Company. Location of Position London / South East. Approximate Salary Range: £35,000 to £50,000 based on experience + Bonus + Commission + benefits (car, laptop, phone etc). Deadline for Applications: 30th September 2020. Contact Details for CV: [email protected] www.hydro-x.co.uk 33
Business Development Manager – Heat Networks & District Heating Brief Description/Duties of Position: Data Energy has been in the energy industry for 25 years. We run and manage heat networks and energy supplies nationally for some of the best-known developers in the UK. One of the few organisations to have ISO9001,14001 and 18001 we are able to deliver the main requirements under the CIBSE CP1 code of practice with confidence. As a expanding and progressive IIP accredited employer we are looking for an experienced BDM with experience in the Heat Network Industry to complement our team. We work primarily for Managing Agent and Developers providing key aspects of the Operation and Maintenance of the modern heat networks, covering all areas from plant maintenance to bill generation. # Role Overview and Expectations: # As an experienced BDM with a track record in District Heating and Heat Networks in the Residential Managed Property sector you will know many of the developers, managing agents and property managers who are involved with the design and operation of these systems. # Key Aspects: # You will need to have an understanding of the following: # > Managing agents and developers# > Good knowledge of heat networks, experience with plant maintenance# > CHP systems# > Billing platforms/Sage CRM# # The Role: # > Head Office: Bishops Stortford# > Hours: 8.30am to 5.00pm# > Job Type: Permanent# > Reporting to: Managing Director# # # Benefits: > Salary: £60,000 + Commission# > Holiday entitlement: 25 days plus Bank Holidays# > Bonus incentive schemes, sickness insurance scheme, auto enrolment pension, child care# voucher scheme# > Phone, car allowance# > Training and development# 34
Location of Position: Bishop Stortford Approximate Salary Range: £50,000 Deadline for Applications: 20th August 2020 Contact Details for CV [email protected] Link to Vacancy on Members' Website https://dataenergy.co.uk/ # www.dataenergy.co.uk ukDEA Job Vacancies This is an excellent opportunity to circulate any openings you may have and of which is completely free of charge as a benefit to membership. Please forward as much information as you may have on the position or alternatively put your Human Resources department in touch with us – [email protected] Ideal details would be: Company Name and Logo Position Title Brief Description/Duties of Position (200 word max) Location of Position Approximate Salary Range (Optional) Deadline for Applications Contact Details for CV Link to Vacancy on Members' Website (If applicable) 35
Members’ News – copy provided by ukDEA members Greystar awards 25-year heat network contract to Switch2 Energy Greystar has awarded a 25-year operations and maintenance contract to Switch2 Energy for its new Greenford Quay heat network in West London. Switch2 has also been appointed to provide metering and credit billing services to residents and businesses. Greenford Quay straddles the Grand Union Canal and includes 2,000 homes for rent and sale, and 185,000 sq. ft of commercial and community space. The low carbon district heating system includes two CHP engines and four gas boilers and is complemented by a renewable power generation system – using solar panels. The canal-side development is currently open to residents and will be fully completed at the start of 2023. It will create new amenities for residents and the local community. These include a primary school and healthcare facility; shops and supermarket; restaurants and cafes; offices; open spaces; and new connections through Greenford, including a new pedestrian bridge over the canal. Switch2 will deploy its Optimise technology and expertise to gain full real-time visibility of performance across the entire network. This solution is delivering huge performance improvements for UK heat schemes by using advanced data analytics to inform continuous system improvement and preventative maintenance strategies. Greystar are a global leader in rental housing who operate with the highest integrity and character in delivering world-class services to residents, property owners, and investors. Greystar put their residents, clients, and partners first. Hermetica Black, specialists in the investment, development and asset management of energy projects, were advisors to Greystar and are undertaking asset management for the project on their behalf. Richard Slee, CEO of Switch2 Energy said: \"We are proud to partner with Greystar to deliver an affordable, sustainable, reliable heat and power system for Greenford Quay. We have been market leaders across all areas of the heat network industry for more than 35 years and look forward to providing exceptional customer service and results for residents and businesses.\" Switch2 works with many of the UK's leading housing providers across all aspects of heat network design, development and long-term operation. The company's award-winning smart meters and BESA approved HIUs are used by 80,000 residents and 200 clients across 500 heat networks. 36
Switch2 will accelerate heat network development via Re:fit framework# # Switch2 Energy will help cash constrained Local Authorities and public bodies to accelerate development of low carbon heat networks via the Re:fit Framework for Energy Performance Contracting.# # Following a rigorous tender and assessment process, Switch2 has been awarded a place on the national framework. This means that the company will design, build and operate fully funded heat networks for Local Authorities and housing associations, with investment recovered under long-term ESCo partnership agreements.# # The Re:fit framework is a procurement and support programme for public bodies wishing to implement CAPEX-free low carbon energy that can help deliver on carbon reduction targets. The initiative was developed by the Greater London Authority in 2009, but is now supporting public organisations across England and Wales.# # Switch2 is an experienced ESCo provider - supplying end-to-end delivery of heat network projects to many social housing providers under fully funded energy performance contracts. This complete in-house service includes feasibility, design and construction, commissioning, financing, long-term operation and maintenance, together with billing and customer services. # # Richard Slee, CEO of Switch2 Energy said \"We're proud to be selected for the Re:fit framework alongside 15 of the UK's leading sustainable energy suppliers. We look forward to creating new heat network partnerships with Local Authorities and other social housing providers to help them achieve their sustainability ambitions and provide affordable, reliable energy solutions for residents.# # \"Heat networks are long-term, complex and costly projects, but Switch2 will simplify the process and shoulder the capital expense and risk. We have more than 35 years of experience in the industry and our delivery team has the technical and customer service expertise to manage the entire heat network process across all stages of a 20-to-40 year lifecycle.\"# # Switch2 delivers funded heat network projects under other public sector procurement frameworks, including the Fife Council Heat Metering & Billing Services Framework and The National Framework Partnership. # # Switch2 Energy works with many of the UK's leading housing providers across all aspects of heat network design, development and long-term operation. The company's award-winning smart meters and BESA approved HIUs are used by 80,000 residents and 200 clients across 500 heat networks. Principal contact: David Fairbrother Email: [email protected] www.switch2.co.uk 37
Frese buys DE Valves A reliable company, which is known for maintaining strong relations with customers The acquisition stengthens Frese’s and partners. It will help us in our future position in the Danish and global development process, provide stability, and district energy markets. hopefully add new jobs. Danish valve manufacturer Frese A/S is New digital possibilities going ”underground” in the district heating sector by acquiring 70% of DE Valves DE Valves provides components for some of Glamsbjerg A/S. the largest district energy companies in Denmark, including AffaldVarme Aarhus, This will enable the company to provide an Fjernvarme Fyn and HOFOR, as well as for even broader product portfolio to district major district cooling projects in the Middle energy companies, combining the well- East. This is a great match for Frese. We are known dynamic Frese valves with ball ambitious when it comes to district energy, and valves for pre-insulation and underground we are continuing to develop IoT connectivity installations in networks. DE Valves is a for our dynamic valves, which enables remote leading developer and manufacturer of control. This will allow district energy these valve types, which are based on the companies to monitor and control central parts so-called JIP technology, named after the of their network from the office without having founder of ball valve production in to put boots on the ground in order to open or Denmark, Joergen Ib. close a valve. This will improve efficiency and save money on the bottom line. The - Frese is a growth-oriented company, and communications technology we have we aim to increase our market share in developed for our Frese valves can be district energy. This makes DE Valves an transferred to our new DE valves, CEO René ideal addition for us, since they can deliver Barington explains. Vagn Erik Larsen will an established product line and a brand, continue as Managing Director and report to a which – in spite of the company’s relatively Board of Directors where René Barington will small size – is both well-known and become Chairman. respected in the sector, in Denmark as well as internationally, says Frese CEO René For further information, please contact: Barington. René Barington, CEO, Frese A/S Security and development Phone: +45 58 56 00 81 DE Valves was founded in 1974 as a manufacturer of several types of ball Mail: [email protected] valves, and ownership has changed over the years. In 2015 a management buy-out Stephen Hart, Managing Director, Frese Ltd. was completed, and Managing Director Vagn Erik Larsen took over the production Phone: +44 (0) 7890 276 675 of ball valves for pre-insulation and underground installations in the small town Mail: [email protected] of Glamsbjerg on Funen. Frese acquired 70% ownership on April 1st 2020 with an Vagn Erik Larsen, Managing Director, DE option to buy the remaining 30% at a later Valves date. Vagn Erik Larsen is very pleased with the new ownership structure: Phone: +45 91 89 91 91 - We are securing the future of DE Valves. We will be part of a large organisation with Mail: [email protected] plenty of know-how, which has been around for many years. Principal contact: Stephen Hart Email: [email protected] www.frese.co.uk 38
Need to apply an accurate billing solution to your application? MS Metering Solutions supply a wide range of Data Collection, Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), and Billing. Need to apply an accurate billing solution to your application? Need to read remotely? Want to collect data from multiple meters? We can help! With a wide range of solutions for you, we can cover all of the above applications. Within our range, we can supply the elvaco CMe collection, including the CMe 3100, CME2100, CMeX11S, and much more. With this range alone covering applications of up to 512 meters! We can also provide a pre-payment platform involving a unit specifically designed for group heating schemes that supply heat and energy to their customers. Wired or wireless, it's not a problem! We have a solution for your requirements. Give us a call today and discuss your needs with one of our experts. View the full range of Data Collection here! https://www.dmsltd.com/d_150_datacollection Principal contact: Heidi Scannell Email: [email protected] www.dmsltd.com 39
Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management HNIP Meet the Projects - webinar recording, slides and questions The ukDEA has received the email below from Triple Point Heat Networks and thought it may be helpful and interesting to members. You need to fill out a quick 2 minute survey to access the presentation slides and recording. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Good Morning, Firstly thank you to those of you who tuned in for our Meet the Projects webinar last week. We had well over 100 people participating which was great to see. We have had a number of requests for the presentation slides and the recording. Your feedback is really important to us and helps us improve our events and support for projects. To access the slides and recordings, please complete this short survey (maximum 2 minutes to complete) https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/KDYDCPW The following questions were asked during the webinar and our speakers have provided questions, if you would like to speak directly to the projects to seek further clarification please contact comms.ecuity@tp- heatnetworks.org or contact the projects using the contact details on the slides. Would welcome more detail on the Green Heat Network Fund - when is this anticipated to launch? Question answered during webinar – see recording. The Green Heat Network Fund is a £270m grant investment project. It is a targeted successor to our Heat Network Investment Project and will run from 2022-2025. This fund for large-scale heat networks is being announced alongside the Clean Heat Grant Scheme which is providing funding for low-carbon heat for individual buildings. Can we get the slides sent to us after the conference? Please complete the above survey to access the slides Is the customer service and billing elements done in-house at Camden and B&D and if so, how have they found that experience? Question answered during webinar – see recording For the floating harbour option, how what were the main considerations / challenges regarding consents for water abstraction / discharge? Question answered during webinar – see recording Are networks with client led design viewed more favourably in terms of HNIP grant applications due to capex certainty vs projects proposing to use D&B or DBOM procurement? Question answered during webinar – see recording 40
Are networks with client led design LBBD: We build a robust TEM during the viewed more favourably in terms of project development stage which we then HNIP grant applications due to capex revert back to as design is progressed to certainty vs projects proposing to use ensure that the designs we are developing can D&B or DBOM procurement? still meet the assumptions in our TEM. Where they do not we pause and work on that issue Question answered during webinar – see until it is resolved. We build in additional recording capacity to our network where required to meet future demands but also have a live Did Energetik consider WSHP for hydraulic model to tests our sizing Enfield? assumptions, that is operated by our sizing assumptions, that is operated by our Question answered during webinar – see consulting partner to ensure that the network recording sizing is optimised. What temp heat will be available from We have a high degree of certainty it will the ERF and what is the realistic deliver the expected carbon savings using the maximum range (distance) of supply? process set out above. Plus when in operation (question related to Energetik scheme) we have a system of running a recurring energy balance to provide a feedback loop to We take heat at 90 degrees C to store in address issues which may prevent this from our 1500m3 thermal stores which gives us being achieved, i.e. plant not working to greater heat capacity. We distribute at 75 correct efficiency, higher than expected degrees C and there is no limit to distribution losses, reduced percentage of heat distribution distance. Our pumps can from the LZC plant. distribute more than 10km, but if we wanted to distribute 40 km we would just For those networks planning to move away install a heat exchanger on our network from gas, what assessment has been made and install large pumps to distribute of the likely impact on consumer heat another 30km prices? can they be kept cost competitive with the use of gas without RHI, or are the Who delivers the customer service solutions dependent upon either subsidy support for Energetik? or a higher heat price? Switch2 Energy, under a bespoke contract we drafted based on experience to push As we need to meet zero carbon, Bristol City the contractor to deliver services above Council anticipate in the medium to long term and beyond the market normal. that gas costs will rise through additional taxation and reduced tax breaks (gas networks How do the presenters (representing the do not pay business rates for example but heat LA's/clients) validate the technical networks do). In the short term however, to performance of the proposed network avoid a rise in heat prices then incentives like design at the design stage, eg to the RHI are required. minimise oversizing or optimise hydraulic design to reduce How does Bristol Heat work with Bristol losses/improve overall efficiency? How Energy? much certainty do you have over whether the scheme can really deliver Bristol Energy currently supply Bristol Heat on the expected carbon/ energy savings with associated gas (including part green gas) and required RoI for the business case? and electricity. BCC are looking at how Bristol Energy could play a more expansive role in the Energetik: In our case, significant senior delivery of heat networks. level design and delivery experience of large scale heat networks within the team, and an enforceable technical specification. 41
Is the need for remote monitoring of Heat Interface Units important? especially for vulnerable people and for the need to reduce maintenance? Bristol: Yes. Remote monitoring can identify faults quicker reducing down time etc so this should become standard. LBBD: We have standardised HIUs across all our schemes which we believe is critical. In terms of then monitoring the data from these we closely monitor the data provided by the heat meter via the MBuS network which provides critical information on the performance of the HIU and the operation of the systems in the dwelling. I wouldn’t say it reduces maintenance but it helps massively in identifying issues and improving system performance. Will we be able to get a full recording of the event please? Please complete the above survey to access the recording Could you please ask LAs what has been the decisive factor that Council leaders favoured heat network investment? Bristol: The need to meet net zero ambitions was a key driver for investment. LBBD: The Leader of the Council wants to make the borough the Green Capital of the Capital. With the significant amount of new build housing planned, and being built in the borough, by the Council and private sector developers, which will already have site wide communal networks, it was a logical step in the Council’s decarbonisation aspirations for the borough (coupled with the many previous studies that had shown the viability of heat networks across the borough) to link these and use wider district heating networks as being one of the main ways for the Council to achieve this goal. We look forwarding to seeing you at one of our future events. Thanks, Sam Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management Funding Opportunities The Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management offer three types of funding: A combination of grants and loans are available to both private and public sector organisations. Get in touch if you would like more information about how these could unlock your heat network. The HNIP team provides project applicants with support throughout the application journey. Get in touch with Triple Point Heat Networks' Business Development Managers: Tel: 020 3909 3575 Email: [email protected] 42
Opportunities In Public Procurement Through Contracts Finder Business opportunities are advertised on Contracts Finder. This is the Government’s single online portal, where contracts valued above £10,000 in central government and above £25,000 in local government, the blue light services, and the NHS, are all listed. In addition, major government contractors are using Contracts Finder to advertise sub- contracts in their supply chains. It’s free to use, where you can register and search thousands of opportunities. Simply follow this link – https://www.gov.uk/contracts-finder Or contact the Contracts Finder team here – [email protected] Cardiff Heat Network Update ! At a time when there seems to be little good news please find below a link to the document we have been asked to circulate by Cardiff City Council, providing an update on their planned heat network. As you will see from the document the procurement of this project is to launch imminently, and therefore they wanted the market to be aware and ready with business development resource to respond accordingly. ! ! \"#!
Innovation In Higher Level Skills As part of its involvement in the ESF-funded Innovation in Higher Level Skills project, the University of Exeter is working to develop a new course (s) focussing on the system design of ground source heat pumps. As the UK works to meet its climate commitments the need to focus on renewable, clean, energy options has increased dramatically. Meeting this need will require new skills development and training options for businesses both locally and nationally. We are particularly looking for businesses interested in skills training in renewable energy and in export markets but all expressions of interest are welcomed. If we are unable to include you in this project, we may be able to signpost you to an alternative. The courses are under development and we expect to pilot each session and gain feedback from businesses. The 1st GSHP (Ground Source Heat Pump) online pilot session is: Wednesday 1st July, 10.00-11.30 Speakers include Kenso, Geoscience, Professor Richard Cochrane and Dr.Justin Hinshelwood (Renewable Energy Exeter University). Please register via Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/ihlsonline_heatpumps If you are interested in getting involved in the development of course content or would like to attend pilot sessions, please contact project officer, Danielle Farrow, [email protected]. 44
Ofgem News COVID-19: a message from Ofgem CEO Jonathan Brearley ‘COVID-19 gives the energy industry a serious challenge to tackle on behalf of the homes and businesses that depend on the sector for gas and electricity. As an industry, we are rooted in delivering for our customers and well-rehearsed on critical events. However, these are usually short-term, such as bad weather, from which we can take the following months to rebuild and recover. But we have not faced a pandemic of this scale so I want to make our position clear. COVID-19 is a national issue. The government is leading the response. This morning the government announced new emergency measures agreed with the energy industry to protect the domestic energy supply of those most in need during the disruption caused by COVID- 19. Ofgem will do all it can to support their efforts to ensure that our energy customers and those working in the sector are protected as best they can. I am sure that all energy companies will continue to monitor all government advice and guidance. As the situation changes, it is important we maintain a constant dialogue between government, industry, consumer groups and Ofgem, so we can act if any problems arise. I have spoken to many industry leaders in the last week to stress that for Ofgem and the industry, the priority is to protect our customers and those who work in the industry. ‘ Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/news-blog/our-blog/covid-19-message-ofgem- ceo-jonathan-brearley 45
Infographics Innovation Link Infographic: Promoting a sustainable Ofgem has launched a dedicated service to energy future support businesses looking to offer innovative products and services to the energy sector. http://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and- updates/infographic-promoting-sustainable- As the energy system transforms with new energy-future technology, the number of new players in the market is set to increase dramatically. These Infographic: Energy security people or organisations may not be familiar https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications- with energy market rules or where to go for and-updates/infographic-energy-security help. Infographic: The Energy network Ofgem’s Innovation Link will provide fast, frank https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications- feedback to innovators and help them and-updates/infographic-energy-network navigate the regulatory framework. The service will enable innovators to make more informed choices when developing their products, services and business models. It is available to anyone with an innovative business proposition that has the potential to benefit consumers. The Innovation Link will also bring forward proposals in spring 2017 for a regulatory sandbox. These will let innovators trial promising new products or services in a controlled regulatory environment, while ensuring that the interests of customers are met. This will help innovators decide if their idea is viable. Take care and keep healthy and don’t forget for any urgent issues contact: Email: [email protected] Offices: 01285 770615 or 01444 471582 Mobiles: 07773 457941 or 07970 137180 46
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