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Home Explore Shopfitting Guide - WEB TEST

Shopfitting Guide - WEB TEST

Published by stephanie, 2016-02-16 22:21:51

Description: Shopfitting Guide - WEB TEST


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ANF Shopfitting Guide a handbook for newsagentsThe Australian Newsagents’ Federation wouldlike to acknowledge the following contributors tothis bookletShopfittersDaniel Rowe, Rowe Shop & Office InteriorsThomas Brown, Thomas Brown ShopfittersLighting SpecialistMatt Mills, Eureka Lighting

A Message from the Australian Newsagents’ Federation This guide has been developed by the Australian Newsagents’ Federation (ANF) and industry recognised professional shopfitters to assist ANF members to fully understand the complete shopfitting process from the initial decision to investigate the possibility, to its final completion. We realise that a decision to carry out a shopfit is not one that is made lightly. It’s a decision aimed at increasing your customer base, revenue and ultimately your profits. A shopfit is an investment in your business which will present your product for the best proposition to be sold whilst reinvigorating yourself, your staff and your customers. Good operators are always trying to reinvent themselves and a partial or a full shopfit will go a long way towards doing just that. As the purchaser or owner of a newsagency, you have already made a significant investment. A newsagency that is professionally presented and branded can only maximise consumer awareness and patronage of your business. ANF encourages you to take advantage of the information contained in this guide. We believe it will assist you make the right decisions and take the stress out of your next shopfit.2

Contents a united front..........................................................................4 an easy guide........................................................................5 making the decision...............................................................6 industry requirements...........................................................9 do your research..................................................................10 obtaining finance.................................................................19 compare design & price......................................................20 contacting the right shopfitter..............................................22 timeframe............................................................................23 securing approvals..............................................................24 working with your shopfitter.................................................26 construction and fit out........................................................30 the final stages....................................................................32 your ‘new look’.....................................................................33 3

A United Front the benefits of branding Your customers must be able to clearly identify who and what you are to them. The Newsagents National Logo is the specialist branding symbol of the newsagency network and should be a distinct feature both inside and outside your business. It clearly brands your business as an agent and supplier of quality products which not only include core newsagency lines but also a myriad of other products particularly chosen to appeal to current and potential customers. The Newsagents National Logo is central to the image and profit of your business as it… • gives your shop a point of difference • is easily recognised as a mark of quality products and services • promotes customer loyalty and supplier support, and • acknowledges to landlords that you are a tenant with a strong retail presence. Ensure the ongoing success of your business and make a commitment to strengthening the industry by embracing the brand.4

An Easy Guide to shopfitting This easy guide will help you to plan, cost and carry out your newsagency shopfit. It takes you through the different steps involved in a shopfit, and gives you helpful tips to further equip you in your journey as a newsagent. Throughout this guide you will find yourself being invited to probe deeper into a topic, videos, webinars and other tools that are available for you as a member of the ANF on the ANF website You will also find valuable contact details in this booklet, including ANF recommended shopfitters. 5

Return on your Shopfit As a small business retailer in todays fiercely competitive retail market you expect that any change you make to your business will be effective and produce a reasonable return on investment. Whether you are looking at a full or partial shopfit the end result should attract customers and encourage them to stay longer in your store, see more and buy more. Improving signage, displays and traffic movement can eliminate blind spots and understand hot spots to encourage impulse sales. Contemporary fittings and vertical displays will maximise space and increase the stockholding of product per square metre. Easily adaptable modular fixturing will enable the flexibility to cope with a diversified and seasonal product range. Create a comfortable environment to win repeat business and create loyalty. Improve traffic flow and the work environment for your staff. Decide to make your business work for you!6

Making the Decision If you already have a newsagency and you agree with any one or more of the following statements, perhaps you should consider a full or a partial shopfit. □ You are looking for a fresh new image with character and aesthetics □ You need more display areas or better lighting □ You need to change the size of your shop □ You have areas in your store which are not working for you □ You need better product association □ You want a competitive edge □ You believe you should be receiving a better return per square metre □ You want to introduce new products and services to capitalise on consumer trends A well-planned shopfit provides many benefits and for most newsagents the key advantages include an increase in customer numbers and a greater turnover and profit, capitalising on the strengths of your industry. Newsagencies have the ability to increase or change their range of stock and new product lines to meet or exceed the customers’ expectations. As a multi-category retailer newsagencies can easily adapt to market trends and changes in demographics. 7


Industry Requirements Certain suppliers and industry partners require specific detailed shopfitting requirements. But overall, as an individual retailer you have great flexibility in the design and presentation of your newsagency. • As a member of the ANF display the brand prominently inside and outside your business to show your commitment to the industry. (Visit the members section on the ANF website to download the ANF ‘N’ logo and style guide.) • Western Union agents benefit greatly from displaying the WU logo in a prominent position on the outside of their shop. It is a beacon which drives Western Union customers into your business. (Visit the ANF website to explore how you can embrace this lucrative category.) • Lottery agents must adhere to retail image guidelines in accordance of your state lottery’s corporate image requirements. (To see copy of guidelines visit or www.retailers.lotterywest. • If you are a member of an industry marketing group you may choose to use its logo and colour scheme as a distinctive feature of your business. This will help you to maximise your involvement in your groups promotional activities, advertising and pricing strategies. The interior concept of your shop should suit the individual site, your requirements and your taste. ANF recommended shopfitters are fully aware of supplier and partner specifications and can advise you about product displays and visual strategies. ANF recommended shopfitters will work with you to develop your interior concept to ensure it provides for both current and future consumer trends. 9

Do Your Research questions to ask yourself….. Should I close during alterations, or trade? An average partial shopfit for a vacant site takes between 3 - 5 days (depending on shop size and scope of works) and a full refurbishment can take anywhere from 1 ½ to 3 ½ weeks. Most fitouts in a shopping mall offer a 4 week fit-out period, 3 weeks for construction and one week stocking and staff training. If you decide to trade rather than close your shop, there will be considerable disruption and you must comply with various workplace health and safety requirements to safeguard customers, staff and shopfitters. What is a good time to shopfit? Try to avoid busy seasonal periods and discuss with your shopfitter a mutually acceptable time for a shopfit. Do I have to project manage the shopfit? Many newsagents prefer to concentrate on running their business instead of acting as project manager during a shopfit. ANF recommended shopfitters will manage the project every step of the way. In most cases project managing is more labour intensive than what it appears and can cause possible issues with warranties and time which may incur extra cost. At what stage is my shop lease? Check the details of your current lease and ensure that any investment you make in your shop has long-term benefits for you. Lending institutions require an adequate lease term to be in place prior to approving finance. The ANF has a leasing specialist who can assist with negotiation if you require. Contact your state manager for more details or visit

Do Your Research questions to ask yourself….. What does my landlord require? Most shopping centres have strict retailer guidelines in order to maintain the image of the centre. Advise your landlord of your plans and ask for ‘Fit-Out Tenancy’ guidelines and what the process is for approving plans. These guidelines may affect the cost of the shopfit if the landloard requires you to incorporate more elaborate works and finishes. Will the landlord contribute to the cost of shopfitting? Landlords may contribute to the cost of your shopfit, especially if your presence in a shopping centre is likely to attract additional retailers. In some economic environments landlords may offer contributions as part of the lease negotiation. (Be aware that the landlord will only pay upon completion yet shopfitters require progress payments.) Have you made sure your insurance cover is adequate? The ANF preferred insurance broker has specifically tailored insurance policies for the Australian newsagent. Please visit the Member Services section at or speak to your ANF State Manager for contact details of the ANF insurance broker for an easy to arrange personalised quote. Have you met with your lending institution to discuss finance? Meet with your lending institution well in advance to advise them of your intentions and ask for an estimate of how much they are prepared to lend. In most instances up-to-date profit and loss figures and other detailed financial information will be required prior to any decision being made to finance your shopfit. As a member of the ANF you also have access to commerical banking institutions which are familar with the industry and our member’s financial requirements. 11

Do Your Research questions to ask yourself….. Who are your customers? • Research your demographics - go to the following link w w w. a b s . g o v. a u / w e b s i t e d b s / c e n s u s h o m e . n s f / h o m e / communityprofiles type in your business location, select and press ‘go’ then download ‘Place of Enumeration Profile’ to begin to understand your demographics. The information available includes the age, household income, and family composition, country of birth, education level and occupation of those living in your community. Using the data on the ‘method of travel to work’ tab you can also reveal what number of residents travel outside the area to go to work and what mode of transport they use. • Do you know where your customers come from? Do they live in the same community your business is located in or are they travelling into this area for work, school, holiday or other purposes. What level of employment is in your business area? Go out and have a look at what type of businesses are in your area and the number of people they employ. What can you offer them and how can you market to them? Knowing where your customers come from and why they are in your area will assist you to understand what product they may be looking for and how you can convert them to become your loyal customers. Do I want to introduce new products? What are your customers asking for? Look at other businesses in a similar demographic and see what their customers are buying. Regularly research your customers to understand and identify their needs. Use this research to help you choose products, tailor your marketing and develop sales tactics. Keep your finger on the pulse to make sure your business remains relevant.12

Do Your Research questions to ask yourself….. What areas of my business would benefit most from a shopfit? Examine your customers’ needs and the performance of your shop. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business. Knowing what you want to achieve will help your shopfitter plan the right shopfit for you. What type of shopfit do I like? Visit other recently refurbished shops and put together a list of ideas you have seen. Talk to newsagents and suppliers about new newsagency related products, read industry publications and attend Trade and Gift Fairs. Use this information as a basis for developing a brief for your shopfitter. What is a newsagency in today’s retail world? A newsagency has traditionally been a retail outlet which provided their customers with a wide range of good quality product spanning multiple categories. These traditional core categories define a newsagency in the eyes of the consumer and allow them an expectation but do not obstruct the newsagent’s ability to offer more. Unless the permitted use clause in your retail lease restricts which products are allowed to be sold on the premises, a newsagent can style their business offering to suit their demographics and the consumer they wish to attract. A successful newsagency offers extensive product knowledge and range, provides exceptional customer service and tailors its offering to exceed their customers expectation. What will your business be to your customers? Understand whether you are a high cost/ high quality or a low cost/ high value retailer. Do you want to encourage or discourage your customers to take their time browsing while in your newsagency……..……….or, are you looking for more of a convenience store environment? 13

Do Your Research questions to ask yourself….. Will you be using Digital Marketing as a silent seller? Digital marketing can increase awareness of your products, create increased interest and a desire to purchase. Digital marketing can be via a website, social media, instore, outdoor digital screens or other digital solutions. Grab your customers’ attention and influence their purchasing decisions right at the point of purchase. Digital signage opens the door to new design possibilities in retail spaces, creating a digital display that perfectly compliments your products and store architecture. Retail digital signage displays can transform an unremarkable store visit into an inviting and innovative shopping experience. How much importance have you placed on lighting? Switching your conventional lighting to LED is the quickest and easiest way of enhancing your retail space. The savings you will generate in electricity and maintenance will typically range from 60% to 80%, which will pay back the investment in around 18 months. Ensure you buy Australian standards approved products that accord with statutory regulations to avoid any potential insurance risks. Ask your electrician or supplier about ‘power factor’ correction and avoid modification of existing fittings. Carry out LUX readings around your store to determine potential dark areas and plan your new lighting accordingly. Aim for readings above 400 Lux at ground level across the store. The benefits of LED are many and varied. Gather as much information and speak to experts. Then choose someone who you trust and change as soon as you can. You won’t believe the difference. To find out more practical tips visit the Member Services area on the ANF website and find out how Eureka LED lighting can improve your business.14


Do Your Research questions to ask yourself….. Have you considered foreign signage to cater for non- english speaking customers? Do you have non-english speaking customers who may benefit from and appreciate foreign language signage to assist them with their in-store purchases or to acknowledge them as a customer? Be seen to be making an effort to cater for all of your customers needs. For a non-english speaking person to see a sign in their own language greeting them as they come through your door would be appreciated and the result may be their continued loyalty. Ensure that you let your foreign speaking customers know that you sell international newspapers and magazines And along with the normal holidays celebrated all over Australia you could also acknowledge your communities culural and religious holidays for example: Chinese New Year, Bastille Day, St. Patricks Day, Passover, Ramadam and Independence Day.16

Do Your Research questions to ask yourself….. Have you discussed security? Ideally you want your products to walk out the door, but only after they have been paid for. Shoplifters will steal predominately when they can’t be seen, but unfortunately it is almost impossible to ensure all areas of your store are visible without an elaborate security system. To minimise theft you can place desirable items such as gifts and other high priced products where you have a good line of sight. Talk to your shopfitter about clever shopfitting to minimise shoplifting and employee theft. Visit for more detailed information on security systems and security for staff. Learn how you can have well- trained alert employees who are able to spot a potential shoplifter, use general shopfitting prevention techniques and know what to do should they suspect an incident is about to occur or has occurred.Have you taken Workplace Health & Saftey requirements your design?It is your responsibility to create a safe environment for yourcustomers and a safe working environment for your employees.Therefore it is important that you consider Workplace Health &Safety requirements when creating your shopfit design.Ensure you fullfil statutory requirements e.g. R11 or R12slipcode rating. Discuss with your shopfitter disable friendlypassageways, doorways etc., sharp corners and hangsellhooks, placement of product and sufficient room behind thecounter to allow employees to move comfortably.As a member of the ANF you can visit toaccess WH&S information and sign up for the ANF Smart OHSprogram. It is specifically designed for newsagents. The ANFSmart OH&S program is the easiest way to keep your workplacesafe and ensure that your business is compliant with WHS laws. 17

Do Your Research questions to ask yourself….. You need an effective store design that will attract new customers and keep them coming back. Regardless of your scale and budget, whether you are considering a refurbishment or a complete new shopfit, consider how your store’s layout, fixtures and signage can work for you. Our recommended shopfitters are able to combine their creative and business skills to design a shopfit which will showcase your business and increase your bottom line. Good retail design attracts customers to your store and encourages them to stay longer, see more and buy more. Does your newsagency take advantage of traffic flow? An effective store layout directs your customers to where you want them to go, generates interest and can potentially create additional sales. Successful store designs use layouts and floor plans that encourage customers to walk past a high volume of products, keep browsing and of course, buy your products. There are two different types of customers, those who have come into your store to purchase particular product/s or those who have come into your store to browse. The customers who are looking for a particular product will look for visual cues to decide how they will navigate through your store, the use of product merchandising and category signage will influence this. Those who have come to browse have most likely been enticed in by shop window promotions or inviting front of shop displays. Once in store the positioning of fixtures will impact on the direction your customers will travel, to ensure you have engaged them leverage their line of sight. Create intrigue, be creative and use colour and placement decisively. Aim for a continuous flow and wherever possible consider the relationship between products when moving through one zone and into another. Whether a customer turns left, right or walks straight ahead can be influenced by your shopfit design and your product layout.18

Obtaining Finance Secure finance early It is important to have your finance arranged before you sign a shopfitting contract. Securing finance can take up to 6 weeks, so talk to your accountant and financial institution once you receive a budget estimate from your selected shopfitter. As a member of the ANF you also have access to commerical banking institutions which are familar with the industry and our member’s financial requirements. Your rights and obligations When you sign a contract with your shopfitter, you must show proof of approved finance (such as a letter from your financial institution). And if you lease your shop, you will have to provide your finance company with an Entry Waiver. This is a letter from your landlord that authorises the finance company to enter your premises without the permission of the landlord. (This would only occur if you do not honour your loan requirements and the finance company is forced to take possession of your fixtures and fittings.) 19

Compare Design & Value Selecting your shopfitter Once you have decided on which shopfitter you will be working with please advise the unsuccessful shopfitters of your decision. And before you engage your shopfitter ensure that… The shopfitter is licensed by the appropriate licensing authority and recommended by the ANF: Qld - Qld Building & Construction Commission VIC - Victorian Building Authority SA - Department of State Development WA - Department of Commerce TAS - Department of Justice NSW/NT/ACT Contact ASOFIA to verify membership (, ph: 02 4369 0055) Check that everything you asked for has been addressed in the plans and quotes and you have a clear description of all fit out materials and finishes. And make sure you have checked out the company’s work history, asked for a list of previous clients and selected several newsagencies at random, either visited or called them and asked whether or not they would recommend using that particular shopfitter. Be confident that the project will be completed within budget and on time as quoted and review the shopfitter’s insurance obligations and sighted necessary documentation. Ensure the communication flows freely and that the concept plans and quote are best suited to your business (not just the cheapest!).20

Compare Design & Value Initial meeting with a shopfitter Generally, the initial consultation is free and based on your brief, the shopfitter usually prepares a concept plan. A quotation for the project may be provided at the same time, or later. Make some notes on the extent of the work you think is necessary and decide on your budget. Consider when you want the shopfit carried out or completed. Avoid busy times of the year. Be clear about your brief to the shopfitters and make sure you give everyone the same brief to ensure you are comparing apples with apples. Understand that all plans provided to you are protected by copyright which means that you cannot give plans to another shopfitter to quote on; and you cannot use parts of different plans to improve another plan. Comparing quotes When comparing quotes, check that all concept plans and quotes are based on the same terms and conditions. Be fully aware of any exclusion. If you don’t understand a term, ask for an explanation. Know the expiry time on a quotation, and the terms and conditions that apply to that quotation. Be satisfied with the warranty period for workmanship. 21

Contacting the Right Shopfitter Newsagency shopfitting is a specialist area - to make it easy for you to find the right shopfitter, refer to these reputable shopfitters below. It is important to contact at least two or three shopfitters to allow you to compare design and price before deciding. The companies listed below are recommended by the ANF; they have extensive experience with newsagency fit outs and are owner operated businesses which offer personal service and a professional result. They hold relevant licences for all states and are members of the Australian Shop and Office Fitting Industry Association (ASOFIA) and Master Builders Association (MBA). All have necessary insurances and workplace health and safety certificates. Rowe Shop & Office Interiors 16 Production St, Beenleigh Q 4205 Phone: 1300 305 585 Fax: 07 3807 2542 Email: [email protected] Web: Operates in in all States and Territories Thomas Brown Shopfitters 40 Webster Rd, Stafford Q 4053 Phone: 07 3356 8266 Fax: 07 3356 8108 Email: [email protected] Web: Operates in all States and Territories For a more exhaustive list of available shopfitters in your state please contact your ANF State Manager.22

Timeframe an average shopfitting timeline Important: The more time you spend on research the clearer the brief you will be able to give your shopfitter. This will reduce the time taken and produce a better result.The times below are indicative and may vary depending on the amount of preparation prior toengaging the shopfitter and the requirements from landlord etc.Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11Initial conceptplanningConceptamendmentsBudget estimate &quoteFinance*Approvals landlord,buildings etc.Contract & DepositConstruct in factoryProgress paymentConstruct on siteFinal payment &possession*Organise your finance early with your chosen financial institution. Approvals can take up to 6 weeks. 23

Securing Approvals It is vital to check that your shopfitter has all the necessary approvals in place before your project gets underway. Shopfitters recommended by the ANF are familiar with the processes and standards involved in securing approvals. Your shopfitter will inform you which of the following approvals are required for your shopfitting project. Building approvals Depending on scope of works, local councils may require building applications to be lodged and approved before construction work begins. Once the work is completed to the satisfaction of the council, a building approval is issued. The council will require certificates of completion forms from glaziers, electricians, structural engineers and others involved in the construction work. Workplace health and safety approvals Your shopfitter must comply with all workplace health and safety requirements. This includes notifying regulators of the project and managing the paperwork involved. Landlord approvals Most shopping centres protect the image of the centre with strict fit out guidelines documentation for tenants, these are available on request.24

Securing Approvals ANF The ANF are in regular contact with their recommended shopfitters regarding the use of the ANF logo and their national identity. Lotteries Group ANF recommended shopfitters have lotteries accreditation and work closely with the Lotteries Groups regarding the specific requirements relating to the retail image. Transaction PointGreeting card, tobacco companies and other suppliersThe various greeting card and tobacco companies work closely withshopfitters who have extensive experience working to the standardsrequired by these companies and other suppliers. 25

Working with your Shopfitter stepping through the process You have now selected your shopfitter and arranged your finance. Your shopfitting project is ready to begin. Step 1. Finalise your plans and costings Your shopfitter will provide full details and working drawings on all fixtures and fittings. Review these final plans carefully and discuss any amendments or options. All works detailed in the plans should correctly reflect your earlier discussions with the shopfitter. A final quote should be provided. This will relate to the plans, and include GST as well as any costs involved in finalising plans and drawings. Discuss any amounts which you think might ‘blow out’ e.g. works associated with the landlords (called Category 1 works). If you already have contracts with suppliers to provide their own specialist fittings (for instance, greeting card, tobacco or pen companies) consider the option of your shopfitter coordinating with these suppliers to ensure uniformity. Your shopfitter should also provide a detailed works schedule for the project. Allocate several hours to meet with your shopfitter and discuss colour schemes as shopfitting colour schemes usually involve: □ Colours and finishes for fixtures & fittings □ Wall and ceiling paint colours □ Carpet, ceramic tiles or another floor finish □ Colour and style of shopfront closures □ Signage design including colours and graphics26

Working with yourShopfitterStep 2. Sign the contract Although you have signedThe standard ‘Form of Contract’ for shopfitting is approved a contract, you can alter itsby the Australian Shop and Office Fitting Industry Association content. This is called a variation(ASOFIA) and is based on Australian Building Services - and you can have as manyAuthority requirements. The contract presented to you to sign variations as you like. Naturally,should carry the ASOFIA logo. you pay for variations that require additional work. ForDifferent shopfitters have different terms on their contracts. instance, you might decide toBefore you sign a contract, always know exactly what you are leave out something you initiallyagreeing to and discuss any queries with your shopfitter. thought was a good idea; or you might want an additional fixture.If you are still not satisfied, contact ASOFIA for advice (phone02 4342 5505 or visit checklistThe contract should state... • The name of the shop / job • Your company name and address, your Australian Business Number (ABN) the contract amount (indicating whether it includes or excludes GST) • The date on which the shop will be available for fit out, the practical completion date, source and type of finance. • Terms and conditions • Any special requirements (eg. Insurance) • Defects liability period - you can negotiate to extend this beyond the normal 26 weeks. 27

Working with your Shopfitter Once you are satisfied with the contract, it is signed by both parties and witnessed. The shopfitter will then secure all approvals on your behalf. Approvals may be required from your landlord, the local council, your state lotteries group and may also include your greeting card companies, tobacco companies, your newspaper publisher, bank agencies and any other suppliers. Step 3. Make the first payments Pay a deposit when you sign the contract which is generally about 30% of the value of the contract. The first progress payment is due after the fixtures and fittings have been built in the factory and before the work begins at your shop. This payment is normally 40% of the cost outstanding. (These percentages may vary depending on your shopfitters Term and Conditions). Step 4. Check your insurance cover Find out what your shopfitter’s insurance covers and what it doesn’t. Most shopfitters have cover for your fixtures and fittings while they are being built in the factory, when being transported to your shop and during construction on site. If your shop is new, make sure you have suitable public liability cover from the moment you take possession of the site. If your shop is being refurbished, remember that the shopfit will increase the value of your fittings and fixtures - so adjust your insurance cover to suit. Step 5. Inspect progress in the factory Visit your shopfitter from time to time to see how your fixtures and fittings are taking shape in the factory. Check colours and finishes, and make sure you are satisfied with the workmanship.28


Construction and Fit-Out Construction onsite is just days away, so be prepared for plenty of activity. Construction checklist: • Advise your customers that changes are coming! Let them know what disruptions will occur - and invite them back to see the transformation. • Advise suppliers so they can co-ordinate stocking or restocking if required. • Contact service providers to install or upgrade telephones, security systems, EFTPOS, credit card facilities etc. • Advise neighbouring retailers who are likely to be inconvenienced by the work. • If necessary, adjust the fit out schedule (provided by your shopfitter) to suit trading times, supplier requirements etc. • Confirm your insurances are in place. Responsibilities and obligations • Your shopfitter is responsible for all work and workers on site, including sub-contractors - so co-operate with any requests relating to compulsory workplace health and safety requirements. • As principal contractor your shopfitter must be informed and give approval prior to any other construction works taking place during the construct period. This is for safety, insurance and warranty issues which may arise. • While your shopfitter should carry public liability insurance, you are also responsible for ensuring that your public liability cover during the construction period is appropriate. • Organise access to your shop if the shopfitter needs to work after business hours or on weekends. This may involve hiring security guards. • Notify your financial institution at ‘practical completion’ of the shopfit.30

Construction and Fit-Out Preparations It is critical to the timelines of the scheduled job to do the following prior to the job starting: Before □ Organise the removal of stock. Depending on the size of your newsagency, this task could take several days! □ Organise temporary layout of stock if trading through. Your landlord may allow temporary kiosk style trading space outside your premises. □ Arrange short-term storage of stock. Talk to your landlord. Contact your card company and other suppliers as they may assist. □ Remove computers the day before the shopfit. (This is not the responsibility of the shopfitters due to warranty issues). After □ Make early arrangements with staff and suppliers who will be involved in stocking or restocking. □ Consider advertising or promotional activities to coincide with your new or refurbished newsagency. Once the fit out is completed, your shopfitter will provide you with all signed approval documents. This is mandatory prior to being able to commence trade. 31

The Final Stages Practical completion ‘Practical completion’ means the project is finished and you are ready to trade. You must now make final payment to the shopfitter. If any items need to be finalised at ‘practical completion’, negotiate with your shopfitter to hold back some of the final payment until these items are completed. Dealing with defects If you find defects after the shopfitting project is finalised, prepare a list and discuss the items with your shopfitter as soon as possible. Your contract contains a standard 26 week defects liability warranty period after ‘practical completion’. However, it may be more than 26 weeks if you negotiated a longer period with your shopfitter. Any agreed defects should be repaired by the shopfitter without charge during this time. There is a definition of ‘defect’ included in your contract. Guarantee of quality workmanship ANF recommended shopfitters guarantee the quality of their workmanship. If a fault arises during the defects liability period (usually 26 weeks), simply contact your shopfitter and arrange for the defects to be fixed.32

Your ‘New Look’ Congratulations!Unveiling your new or ‘new look’ shop can be pretty exciting,so think about ways you can make the most of your shopfittinginvestment. Here are some ideas to get you started... • Give-aways • Balloons, streamers and other decorations • New product promotions • Flyers or brochures announcing new products and services • Price discounts • Advertising • New uniforms • Customer loyalty programA successful relationship with your shopfitter doesn’t have toend after the fit out. You may want to consider a maintenanceagreement. Monitor the turnover of product categories and, withthe shopfitter’s help, regularly ‘fine tune’ aspects of your businesswhen needed. 33

“Transforming the newsagency experience through unique design and quality fit outs” TEL 1300 305 585 [email protected] ROWESHOPFITTERS.COM.AU NEW OFFICES IN BRISBANE | SYDNEY | MELBOURNE We wish to acknowledge the contribution given to the ANF by the following industry partners Editor: Ann Nugent “Transforming the newsagency experience through unique Design & layout: Stephanie Emmett design and quality fit outs” Ann Nugent The photos used in this guide have been sourced by the ANF and the contributing shopfitters. Whenever possible we have sought the approval of the owner of the newsagency. TEL 1300 305 585 Thank-you to all of the newsagencies featured [email protected] in this guide. The photos used reflect the quality ROWESHOPFITTERS.COM.AU and excellence fouNnEdWin OthFisFrIeCtEaSil cIhNanBnReIlS. BANE | SYDNEY | MELBOURNE34

WE CAN BE YOUR COMPASS !WWe specialise in creating innovative and For Enquiries, please phone functional shopfitting solutions for Newsagencies. Our comprehensive and seamless service (07) 3356 8266 includes Interior Design, Project Management, Manufacturing and Installation, enhanced with [email protected] experience in branded fitouts. We pride ourselves in delivering projects that meet 40 Webster Road our client’s needs, are cost effective, on time and Stafford QLD 4053 within budget. Whatever your shopfitting needs, we guarantee the highest standard of quality and workmanship, all backed by our professional service and six month warranty. 35

NEED A ANF ARE HEREHAND? TO HELP. JOIN NOW. REPRESENTATIONSMALL BUSINESS CORE MEMBER SERVICES THE FEDERAL SMALL BUSINESS MINISTERS OFFICE: The ANF meets regularly with the Minister’sINDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Office, to keep them informed of developmentsThe ANF Industrial Relations specialist provides in the industry. The ANF also responds regularlyour members with advice in the areas of to discussion papers issued by the Small Businessemployment law, employment counselling, Ministers office via submissions ’providingunfair dismissal and much more. ANF Members them with ANF members’ perspective on anyreceive access to up-to-date wages rates, proposed changes to legislation which mayAwards, public holiday information and a impact on their business.comprehensive Industrial Relations tool-kit toassist them in their business. ACCC: The ANF has ACCC authorisation to collectivelyLEASING: bargain with 104 suppliers and services providersANF members take advantage of free basic to this industry in regard to price of product,leasing advice, and discounted rates for more terms of supply, joint marketing and advertising,extensive consultation through our leasing settlement discounts, product development,specialist. distribution, termination rights and supply contracts.WHS: THE AUSTRALIAN PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION:ANF members receive complimentary access The ANF responds regularly to inquiries andto SmartWHS—the ANF’s online Work Health studies that have been commissioned by theand Safety system which is tailored to small Government through the Australian Productivitybusinesses and ensure compliance with Work Commission. We provide the AustralianHealth and Safety legislation. Productivity Commission with submissions on inquiries into the retail sector and the workplacePROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: relations system, providing our membersANF members receive complimentary access to perspective and current market experience.the ANF’s blended learning and developmentsolution, which provides access to face-toface, FAIRWORK OMBUDSMAN (FWO) AND FAIRWORKwebinars and online learning. COMMISSION (FWC): The ANF works with the FairWork OmbudsmanWESTERN UNION: and FairWork Commission to ensure theyBecome your community’s money transfer understand the compliance challenges ourdestination! The ANF provide members with a members face. The ANF provides advice anddedicated call centre for all your Western Union feedback on the interactions our membersenquiries, personalised promotional flyers and have with these agencies.posters, point-of-sale and a variety of marketingitems to make your business a success. INDUSTRY INSURANCE: The ANF preferred insurance broker hasBANKING SOLUTIONS: specifically designed an industry policy to offerANF members are able to access a complete ANF members the best insurance deal. ANFrange of banking services and solutions through members have direct access to a dedicatedthe ANF prefferred banking institution. insurance specialist to discuss their needs.36 HEAD OFFICE CONTACT DETAILS P: (02) 9978 3400 E: [email protected] W:

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