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Home Explore A True Story of Contract Murder John Gotti’s and OJ Simpson’s Doc Killed My Baby To Keep His Secrets: GoFundMe Manhunt 2022

A True Story of Contract Murder John Gotti’s and OJ Simpson’s Doc Killed My Baby To Keep His Secrets: GoFundMe Manhunt 2022

Published by Have a nice day, 2021-07-22 18:17:32

Description: Dear people, I have written as my hope was to find any good samaritans, but so far none. Because I watched my baby murdered by the same people who tried murdering me, Volunteer investigators are much needed. This is a true crime manhunt event to bring good people together to catch my baby’s killers.

Keywords: seann hannity,oprah winfrey,true crime,murder mystery solve,donald trump,crime junkie,amateur detective,good samaritans,volunteer


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A True Story of Contract Murder John Gotti’s and OJ Simpson’s Doc Killed My Baby To Keep His Secrets: GoFundMe Manhunt 2022 By Bernard Yudowitz Copyright © 2021 Donated by the author to public domain Distributed by Smashwords

Introduction Dad manipulated the state department with lies about me while sending his own group of people after me (whom he also lied to about me). He and my brother were in direct contact with these people attacking me; I caught them. Readers solve this true crime. The heroic nighttime duty officer in the consulate at Manila told me he “did research”, and, “there is a warrant on your life”. I replied “That’s impossible!” “By who?” “Whitey” he answered. I survived that night and other similar attacks by running. True Crime Solving audiences reading this joins me putting clues together; then catching killers in real life and real time. One heroic old lady came between a gunman and I; she warned me with hand drawn across her throat that they planned to murder me. Later Lesyl told me “They killed her”. Lesyl said that they will execute her too, when giving birth. Readers solve this true crime.

Table of Contents Introduction Table of Contents Legal Notes Chapter 1. Any more heroes? Chapter 2. Three moving pieces Chapter 3. Are you a Jew? Chapter 4. Application Rejected! Chapter 5. Boston voicemail Chapter 6. Witness protection. Border Security Chapter 7. Repatriation ticket Chapter 8. Invited to Complain Chapter 9. Macao On Arrival Chapter 10. Ten years away Chapter 11. They killed my baby Chapter 12. The SUV. 7 AM Chapter 13. Dad's problems Chapter 14. Leaving home Chapter 15. Senator's family Chapter 16. Beginning of the end Chapter 17. Harvard's minds Chapter 18. Emails of lies Chapter 19. Documents

Chapter 1. Any more heroes? The heroic nighttime duty officer in the consulate at Manila told me he “did research”, and, “there is a warrant on your life”. I replied “That’s impossible!” “By who?” “Whitey” he answered. I survived that night and other similar attacks by running. True Crime Solving audiences reading this joins me putting clues together; then catching killers in real life and real time. One heroic old lady came between a gunman and I; she warned me with hand drawn across her throat that they planned to murder me. Later Lesyl told me “They killed her”. Lesyl said that they will execute her too, when giving birth. After that I asked her to tell me what was bothering her, and she insisted we leave the city before talking more. She feared for her life. Attached is my ex-girlfriend's statement. She rewrote it for several witnesses who signed it at a law firm when we arrived at the new city. The attempts on my life began 2010 in China, right after mortgaging my Canada home to invest in making an English business. I planned to manage my Hong Kong company from my house in Canada. Some large security group, apparently, sent two mercenaries who sat down at my table, told me they were “going to kill me”. Their people came again and again, continuing in China, and most countries or cities I arrived at. Eventually I thought they were passport fraud investigators, because at the Boston passport agency; the man giving my new passport warned me of the passport fraud investigation on me for losing passports. Now I think everyone should worry about losing a passport in case there are severe life stopping actions taken to stop losses by the U.S. State Department. I kept myself in denial that my family was involved until much later. Both my dad and I had personal friends working inside the State Department. When he eavesdropped on my mother’s dashboard phone, he used his own investigation on me. He manipulated the state department with lies about me while sending his own group of people after me (whom he also lied to about me). He and my brother were in direct contact with these people attacking me; I caught them. Sounds far-fetched so far. Even more far-fetched sounding is makeshift weaponry made from cell phones shoot chemicals. I swear to god. Let me shed light on why my family did so. They accused me of lying that I wanted to live in Canada, that I somehow manipulated them to do so. Then my father, scared why I took his Cayman Islands account, announced that I was a criminal since I was in jail once for my roommates dealing behind my back. My siblings were revengeful because my mother called me a liar about abuse. The family would have profited over 3 million dollars if they killed me; the home, tax gift and trust account valued at least that amount. They’ve been doing stuff like this all my life out of spite or jealousy. They will say that I am trashing them, but they trashed me first, and my intention of this story is not out of revenge but is a sincere investigation for very real crimes that they were aware of since 2010. If I didn’t explain my family background, then I couldn’t explain what this situation revolved around. I never meant it as trashing but saving my life and those around me. In the attached email mom said that I “put a price in her head”, tactfully. This literally means that she put a price on my head. It is yet to be determined if Michael Scott Yudowitz used his LinkedIn to contact security people the likes of Allied Barton group. Exact dates of his LinkedIn account coincide with dates my pregnant girlfriend was being threatened. View our attached police report. Dates match the time Mike threatened me to lock me up, or worse, for no reason, by set-up. One attempt to kill me was in a city Mike had just come from. That Philippine city is notorious for American covert contractors training and retired CIA. It is Angeles City, Papanga, at Clark’s Air Force base. As soon as I escaped the Philippines Mike texted my Skype and wrote that he wanted me to sign a letter giving him power of trustee over the trust account that I just found out about. I attached that. This trust account killed my baby for three reasons. One is that the loan to care for the baby stopped because that security team went to my loan place and told them to stop. The second reason is because the money I could have used for the baby. The third reason is because I would not have needed a mortgage.

The Yudowitz family should be imprisoned for attempted murder by murder for hire, and several related crimes. They should compensate for losing my house and my business. also harm done to myself and the others. Chapter 2. Three moving pieces Years earlier in the 1990s my father said while opening and reading mail that he “missed Whitey” Bulger the Boston Gangster because “he could sure fix a problem”. Whitey was subject to a CIA LSD program at prison; Dad was director of psychiatry for the Department of Corrections at Bridgewater prison and McLean during their mind control programs. Read the attached article by Ira Liebowitz. Dad was more than a brainwashing doctor but appeared to be a confidential informant like Whitey as well. He was privy to and used or exchanged much of his client’s confidential information. I and others witnessed it many times. There was also information which he was privy to that appeared from the FBI such as which crime syndicates owned which properties when we toured American together; he pointed these out. His breach of confidence should concern his patients/clients at Wild Acre Inns plus the royal princess patient and gangsters. There are three major pieces to this crime puzzle I refer to as moving parts. My father’s people, the passport investigators, and one State Department employee (undercover) I befriended named Jonathan Benny. These three moving parts share one common denominator, the State Department, FBI, CIA, any people or security that share or do “favours' ' in the State Department’s resources. The job description on consulate websites for the position of investigator states the job includes amassing local business and criminal contacts in their territory. This security group with security clearances used favors and have spread disinformation about me to local criminals; they sometimes used gangs to do their own dirty work. Dad’s brain tumour, followed by encouragement from my manipulative sister, amplified my father’s paranoid witch hunt to catch me using drugs and stop me from using his Cayman account information. The initial attempts on my life by this yet identified security group began when I wired 300 k dollars to Hong Kong, as my father’s temper increased to higher temperatures as my sister manipulated his feelings about me, and he took each new event out of proportion. Chapter 3. Are you a Jew? 2010 After arriving in Hong Kong I had gone to visit cities in mainland China scouting locations to open my Movie English Ltd which I incorporated in Boston with my parents’ knowledge. I returned to Hong Kong from the mainland when the first threats to my life occurred by two foreign mercenaries. They said they “were going to kill me” and so I immediately called my father who asked, “did you tell them there is no reason to kill you”. Actually, that was exactly what I told them. The next words from those mercenaries: “Are you a Jew?” I invested 300 thousand dollars incorporating Best Score limited with OLN law firm, to manage from my B.C. house. Same time my mother delayed her voicemail to me from Weston, Massachusetts about my activities and money spent in Canada. She thought those messages were for me; not! She relayed one phone number from Shenzhen, China, also not for me.. Mom used her phone with me to relay Detailed Information only retrievable by tailing me . Another relayed voicemail message was from Jonathan Benny, looking for me. He usually was investigating for the State Department and doing VIP protection, or helping make arrests like of a major black cannabis smuggler in Taiwan (undercover). Benny was my roommate for 1 month in the Chinese detention center the first day of the torch carrying at the 2008 Olympics less than a mile away. They detained me due to a damaged passport and missing my visa. I closely linked Jonathan Benny’s ‘position’ to several of the attacks. I called the number Jonathan Benny gave me while in detention when attacked in Hong Kong. He answered his phone “I don’t know you” to get rid of me and I think threatened me while he hung up. But, I called him again anyway because he can show more respect. I never got an explanation either.

The week after, he agreed to talk about establishing a school where he was working in Taiwan. In Taiwan I met his friend Elissa Russel (See Descendants of African People in Taiwan Times Newspaper). She forthrightly confirmed his job was in the State Department. More strange events. In Chengdu City’s U.S. consulate’s line, another black State Department employee befriended me. He said he was in the consulate's logistics department, Frederick was his name, and gave me his email. He walked back to where he came from inside the Chengdu consulate’s ‘private’ building. Twice that trip large shards of glass appeared inside my drinking cups. In Chengdu, at the expat bar across the consulate, I sat when a Caucasian consulate bodyguard slapped his badge on the table to introduce himself, saying he was part of a 6 man protection team at the consulate. Friendly people, I thought. Chapter 4. Application rejected! 2010 I Went to Seattle after Hong Kong, where there was another attack with a bottle to the head. Both cities were upon arrival. The first strike in Hong Kong I called a state department employee Benny soon afterwards, and the second when leaving the Jackson federal building several American soldiers followed right behind me after a bottle struck exactly where I stood. I hired an armed bodyguard who confirmed that attack with his own contact inside Brooklyn Seafoods Restaurant. Seattle police informed me it could be an accident, even though the access to drop the bottle is private.. One of those men in Hong Kong was following me everywhere in Seattle, even sitting next to me and a friend there at the waterfront. She was black building security, and they may have thought she was some drug dealer. Another stalker soldier sat with me asking about China and said he was a commando, had a security clearance, with a third man asking him when he was going to “do me”. That black commando held his phone under our table, towards me, recording. After speaking with Seattle police, I realized these attackers wanted my death to look like an accident. Seattle’s passport agency refused to give me a new passport, so I went to Boston where one was granted immediately with full validity (which I had until 2019 when the group in China pickpocketed it from me.) Note; 2019 when the group in China pickpocketed me in the Samsung store where I had used my credit card the day before. The same man that I previously made a Chinese police report about in Jiangxi upon my arrival there as well led that pickpocket team. Funny how in 2009 my mom warned me not to go to places I had previously visited. Also funny that the Diplomatic security agents in Guangzhou did not ask me any questions when i told them about the passport stolen by these people. Sheisty Ken Shulman at Day Pitney sent a parcel to Jiangxi where those people waited for me Attached is the receipt. Chapter 5. Boston voicemail At Boston I caught my mother helping my father listen remotely to her car’s dashboard phone; he got angry about our conversation and greeted us on arrival back home from our drive about it. Acts like this one corroborate his involvement in the surveillance on me by the attackers. Dad was up to something sinister, and he strategically used the passport investigation as a ruse. Father was a military-like strategist against his opponents, of which he considered me one. Anne and my family’s relentless lying bore a significant effect on my dad and the State Department’s handling of its passport investigation, and their handling of my complaints. I confronted my parents about the attempts on my life while Dad said he found out about my 300 k mortgage. He said he found out by a search through a lawyer, and my mother called him a “good liar”. So, I stole a copy of a money transfer my father made from Scotland to the Cayman Islands after he got a call on the voicemail from his friend Fransisco, son of a Panamanian president. I was suspicious.

Later The security group stole the same fax copy from my room in Cebu, Philippines.They came to the address on the package sent by my father. He sent me a letter from Israel mentioning working with Finish people. The Finnish nuclear physicist with them gave me his name card I sent to my parents. I asked for it to be returned several times. It may link them or Paul’s ex-covert military boatman. The giant sailors didn’t know me but asked me if I had ever been to the Cayman islands. Said their boat got confiscated sailing into America, then when I got up from their table “Larry, you ‘re going to need guns!” Chapter 6. Witness Protection. Border Security Jonathan Benny’s job position coincides also with the strikes to my life and links several events; such as the time a nightly food delivery was laced with a powerful xtacy . Several ice agents introduced themselves to me in my parking lot near my room right before that happened. That night I was chased by some American in a car with his window rolled down. It was a setup, and the ambulance was told to wait in the parking lot for someone else to prepare at the hospital. That American in his car was on his phone telling someone to call the very police station that the State Department told me to go to. He yelled, “Do me a favor and call the Lapu Lapu police station” in his search for me. Jonathan Benny’s job position also links to the American Jerry in Davao City too. A bar owner with an unusual sidekick at Gecko Bar invited me inside after hours, only us three inside. Then told me they heard a lie that I was testifying against someone in court. They added “it isn’t a black man” “It isn’t an American”. His sidekick said “Just shoot him” like the security group had said. For the record I am treating them same way I would the child killers because they, like many others, were stupid enough to believe what they heard, but thanks for the clues. A man named Jerry came to speak to me in Davao before Lesyl (not my girlfriend yet) came to visit me there. An ex-Navy bar owner there interviewed him, and told me he thinks Jerry is in witness protection. He sabotaged my coffee shop business in Davao when Jerry scared away my new business partner. My partner for the coffee shop caught Jerry talking to me in public, asking me psychological questions such as word associations. He told me I was a “master manipulator and asked me to show manipulation skills in action” (I am not a manipulator). Some other Americans working undercover in Davao there also sat with me and immediately said they heard I was a master manipulator, I never knew these people either and was new to Davao. Maybe their security group is doing something with Muslims or southern border control. Jerry came to speak to me many times and the Davao community said that we were friends, almost like David, though I never made friends with any Americans and kept mostly to myself when travelling. Police arrested Jerry for selling fake Marlboro. I visited Jerry in the Davao jail to bring a sandwich out of kindness. He sat inside the police station showing off his Quezon City Police Id with his name and picture on it to the head officer there. That id was a drug task force id. Important life saving information for me is Jerry’s fingerprints can lead to the identity of this security group orchestrated by the attacks and killing of my baby. A bushy bearded man wearing sunglasses supervised Jerry. Jerry had fake Muslim assistant. His fake Muslim assistant told me straight out that he “dressed as a Muslim but was not a real Muslim. David also was with fake Muslims, two of whom talked about the group’s plans to shoot me. I asked them to tell me the meaning of their Farsi names, and they couldn’t. Those girls asked each other about me: “are they really going to shoot him?!” Chapter 7. Repatriation ticket I applied at the consulate for a plane ticket (repatriation loan) out of Philippines when my father interfered stopping that, and he told them a lie that I “was severely psychotic” while he sent these people, though no privacy waiver signed, they found out all the details about my complaint about the security group and attached his Cayman island account. My father’s tone of voice sounded like snarls

on the phone from that point on. He and my mother both relayed messages to me that were real time during the attacks. Lesyl got pregnant after some American came to her house, followed by two police officers. The police officers with him were ashamed and staring at the ground. He threatened to ask me about the previous week when I told some strangers in public that I was from France (some strange girls were asking me where I was from, and “Do I know what the company is?”) Then, that American asked me where I got my money from. So, I called my father, and he said: “That's what you get for writing the letter”. He admitted to his fault they came.. On the repatriation loan application I added my complaint about the security people (aka mercenaries while attaching his a Cayman island account information (Distressed Assets) as something suspicious, and the security group with the David stole it from my hotel room, I watched as one of them went to my room when the paper vanished from my folder. The one of them that did that told me he was CIA (He stumbled on one letter on purpose). He also said he had no parking tickets. I am not saying that I believe him; I only say what occurred there. Note: The NBI told me that in my situation, someone inside the U.S. The State Department sent a letter to NBI headquarters asking for support in investigating me. Under a lost passport investigation< someone made that worse than it should be., After the Attacks in Cebu, warned of the warrant on my life, I went to Bagiou to look at their criminology school. I already canceled plans to attend Davao’s criminology school; supposed to be with my coffee shop, for studying and making friends. That didn’t work out. Manila would be my next choice of attending criminology school. In Baiguo at my pre-scheduled check-up, a highly toxic chemical got into my blood. A room of people witnessed my heart rate go to 200 at which point I ran out of that hospital.Attached the photo and affidavit. The impostor doctor I spotted in Cebu and Bohol with an impostor nurse switched places with a doctor and nurse already with me. That assassin made a telephone call immediately while I ran out of the room, to be blocked off at the end of the private road by a large masked woman identifying herself as an undercover cop. I begged the guards to let me go and I would pay them 100 k, the same amount my dad offered me on his phone afterward. By the way Lesyl ran up to me, but looking at this large, strange masked woman who stopped me up the road, saying “I thought you were going to give me a heart attack!” Note: Like The David and security people, they took their next orders over their phones. By the way, that hospital’s security company replaced it with a different one afterward. Chapter 8. Invited to complain We ran to Manila from Baguio. Lesyl was frantically looking out our bus window for any car tailing us, though I never uttered one word to her. One week after this attack, a highly toxic LSD got into my bloodstream while standing in line at the Manila Philippines exit visa department. Lesyl had promised to go inside and hold my hand, but something scared her away and she wanted to wait at the Starbucks. I was invited over the phone by a federal officer in the consulate that same day to make a complaint. Take my YouTube video into context; the window was inside a private room. A federal officer invited me that day to complain about the Americans threatening us. A higher rank instructed the lady inside that section with me what to say from behind. I begged her to dial that officer who invited me, but twice she dialed, telling me he was not available. While I was dying from the toxin, I called my mom from the taxi outside after leaving the embassy that drove me for two hours while the poison went from hazy to intense. I couldn’t stand, couldn’t see much, and almost stopped breathing. My mother ignored me. Earlier that week I asked her for help to hire security or a lawyer to stop the people dad sent; she’d “think about it”. Dropped off at the White Knight hotel , crawled up the stairs, then on our bed saw two red dots near our heads through the open patio. I don’t know what they were for, maybe directional audio. How would my mother know about my conversations during the attacks in Philippines ver-batum? Note: I believe the reason they mixed a deadly toxin with a Xtacy was to make a cause of death look drug related. My explanation of how I found out about the Xtasy is because the life of the Xtacy

lasted longer than the toxin in my system. Lesyl gave me a blow job the next day, and it had obviously remained in my blood. I never took drugs when these attacks happened. Chapter 9. Macao on arrival Arriving at Macao: My only ATM card was eaten by a machine so I called Martin as a last resort who answered his phone yelling I “needed help!”, he pretended to make me look like a problem. Two men came staring at me down, also on their phone. Martin requested my exact location as the condition of his loan. He made up some bullshit that “it is tough love”. Martin commented on the way I dressed. Martin had promised to loan me hotel pay until my new ATM card arrived, but then after the men appeared, he didn’t and stopped contact. A clue: Martin also said “Shulman knows you are in Macao”. Shulman also sent a package to Jiangxi where that group attacked me and then showed up at the Samsung store to pickpocket my passport. Attached parcel’s receipt. Chapter ten: Ten years away I left Hong Kong the same day as the two mercenaries threatened to kill me, but then upon my arrival ten years later in 2020 received this text message. Attached. After leaving the quarantine, I asked for directions near my building . I ran into this stranger again. His name is not David, maybe Franco or another name. His phone number likely registered. Before and afterwards I told police about the previous mercenaries’ threats and my baby, then this screenshot. He appeared again near the police station so I took him to lunch, and he said he had lost his ID in the Philippines. He also talked about similar topics as Jerry had. He refused to talk about the messages to my phone which his phone sent me, or who David was. He appears to be brainwashed. See for yourself. This is not a joke. Attached is Hong Kong’s police report. Chapter 11. They killed my baby Our baby was 8 months prenatal but still a fully formed child when I buried her. On a three-way telephone call with Martin and Dad, Dad asked Martin immediately before I could say hello if he finished doing something about my emails. Martin told him I had “too many”. Dad and Martin coordinated something against me! Anne emailed to me that i “should enjoy my time while I had it before the baby”. She used her new husband, Chris Roxburgh’s request to meet me as her excuse to keep asking me for my location as I moved around with my pregnant girlfriend. We ran together from those American men coming to our homes, threatening us, but did not tell Anne that part. My girlfriend murdered our prenatal child in front of me; the group harassing us made that happen. I used a loan company to pay for the baby's nurses and then those American security people told the loan company during the last pregnancy trimester to stop our loans. They told them I had a trust account (I Didn’t know about the trust account then). That loan company told me they stopped our loan because these people told them that. I watched Lesyl’s body flopping 30 full minutes like on a poison pill; screaming at the top of her lungs. I knelt by her, provided some breathing support, begging her not to kill our baby. My girlfriend used the sink to crush our baby’s head afterward, then she asked my help to stand her up off the toilet. That is the moment the baby died. I told Martin to stop saying it was a miscarriage. Martin was creating some cover story like when he answered the phone yelling that I needed help sarcastically. By the way, Martin had told me to

ignore the threatening Americans there. With the baby coming, not one family member sent a card or bought a ticket. My child was about to be born healthy. My loan was paying for a nurse to massage the baby. I whistled and sang to the baby who responded well. What difference is there if they orchestrated the baby and my murder from America than if they did it themselves? Chapter 12. The SUV. 7am call After killing the baby, these people came in the gray SUV about their concern for the “poison in the baby”. Attached statement by my pregnant girlfriend. Because the baby was too big to be delivered after her murder and any poison remained in the baby. Those people used the term to my girlfriend “Take care of me”. She knew they would do bad things to me. Martin also used that term on the phone with me in the Philippines. Martin told me “Dad ordered him to help take care of me” The SUV people offered her a bribe of “anything she wanted” to help kill me. Filipinos don’t have enough money unless money came from an outside country. I also caught the same grey SUV without her knowing and I reported the SUV to the consulate that morning with hotel security at 7 am while she slept. I never told her about my knowledge of the SUV, even after she wrote the statement! That SUV came after the Cebu attack and before our trip to Baguio and Manila. That morning at 7am was when the State Department told me I can go to the Lapu Lapu police station for help. Chapter 13. Dad’s problems I knew dad better than the other siblings in some ways because I was like an only child since I was 14. I am his youngest son, the fourth. They named me Lawrence, after a Cornell University psychiatrist who saved my father from his mental problems there in the 1950s. Dad told mom who told me he became a doctor to understand his mental problems and also his mother’s violence. Dad underwent surgery on his burst eye vessel, extreme tempers burst his blood vessels. He was a pathological liar, manipulator, ruthless, spiteful, powerful. Cornell held the Yudowitz lecture series in which Janet Reno, the attorney general who ordered the Waco FBI raid, was a featured speaker. He was a star resident at Harvard’s McLean hospital living in the house at its main gate. Then while teaching at Harvard part time, Dad ran the Tri State prison for the criminally insane. Afterward he ran the New England rehab center for famous athletes; His boss owned the Red Sox team. I did not know about Bridgewater until after high school. During childhood he yelled back at us not to ask anything about his work. He and my mother only said he worked for the government. He told everyone that he separated work from personal life, but that is not true. He loved to say “Are you the Doc?” words from his psychiatric evaluation session with mobster John Gotti. He told a dozen people at our home dinner before the O.J. Trial that all the lawyers including himself “knew that O.J. was guilty”, but then his friend the famous lawyer F. Lee Bailey in his book stated my father said “OJ was not a murderer”. His favorite stories to tell of working in Grandpa’s store (attached photo)watching the lights go out when the prison executioner pulled the switch; while hitmen stayed inside his store with a bomb to throw at him as he left. Maybe this was to do with Grandpa’s friend Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky. Funny my father earned cash while attending Cornell smuggling TNT infused m-80’s across state lines driving to civil rights events. We toured America together during my high school years. We went to visit landmarks and his close friends in the Catskills, the Las Vegas casino, and an analyst in D.C. who continued to visit our home for many years.

Some of his friends invited me out. Sid Wartell, an engineer who worked at a missile base whose skills included ability to “hypnotize anyone” we played tennis in Milton.In Israel I joined Vincent Murphy, the Weston. Dad said “He’s CIA”. Later I saw Vinnie in the news inspecting Iran for weapons using his ground penetrating radar equipment,that is a conflict of interest. Anyhow, my father took Lithium because at the time we toured, his abuse was having a terrible effect on me. He kicked the hotel door off its hinges to beat my head while I slept because he thought I was playing a trick on him. Dad stopped his medication in 1989. Mike quoted John Lennon to the doctor prescribing him: “psychotics build a castle that neurotics lived in”. I begged the same doctor to help more, also about my grandfather’s attempts to get me to hold his penis in 1990, but he did not. When Dad stopped his meds, he could have lost his career or reputation by taking them for his problems. His excuse for stopping was that it made him worse. His paranoid fits and his attacks on me and my mother got worse, and obviously led to the murder of my baby and attacks on me. Ann complained to dad that I threw her Simon Says game onto the ground, so she encouraged Dad to ask that doctor to give me meds in high school. It mildly depressed me because of the situation at home but Anne also complained that I had a drug problem and I stuck in the middle and did anything that my parents wanted me to. I got worse until I graduated. Popper is editor of the world’s leading journal on psychopharmacology and I have always wanted to sue him because ethically I shouldn't visit any psychopharmacologist while experimenting with drugs and also my teachers and classmates loved me. I was a well-behaved student. Popper tricked me to take Lithium by telling me it was just a natural salt and safe, and it could reduce the symptoms of cocaine. He used me for his famous journal while exonerating my father for abuses at home. The doctor stated state laws why no intervention happened at Park in 1979, but he did not explain why he didn’t report to the police my father’s attacks nor grandfathers continued sexual abuse in 1990. Chapter 14. leaving home Before leaving Boston, my aunt Ruth Pearl confronted my mom for me. Why did Mom lie about Paul McSweeney’s surveillance on me, tailing my car? Anyway, their friend detective Paul had told me about that himself. Paul was looking into my bank account illegally too. My parents refused to admit it, instead making me look paranoid. I left Boston in 1991 after my father chased me with my sister Ann in his Coup De Ville Cadillac; He thought I was trying to go around him with my car unnoticed, but I wasn’t, so he rammed his car into mine. My classmate Nguen Weeks from Brookline High accompanied me on that drive. Also that time, my mentor who was my dad’s superior died. He had many D.C. friends like the Defense secretary and had been friends with President Kennedy; he protected me from my father, who listened to and feared him. After leaving Boston, I learned my Aunt Ruth Pearl stopped my father while he strangled my mother in Miami, and she wanted to report it to the police. I think there was a lot of money involved and threats as the reason they didn’t. Chapter 15. Senator’s Family Senator Kerry’s family played in our yard while we fought. My parents told me they never wanted a fourth child; What people would do that? Dad only used me for tax write off it seemed. In the attached 1979 report, I said I hated my family because they are terrible humans. Would a child lie to a doctor? I didn’t lie, so don’t call me a liar now. I was the best looking, smartest, kindest one in the family, and this may be the reason some took advantage of me sexually and more bad things.

Studying for my first year in 1979, at the Park School, teachers discovered my symptoms of being sexually abused, so they ordered my entire family tested or that I couldn’t go back. The test results said that I needed intense therapy or I would develop emotional and egotistical problems, so they hid the report and switched my school instead, while the abuses continued with their knowledge. All of them. Thank God I am okay now. We did go as a family for a few sessions, but Dad threatened me not to say anything about him or my mother, and then I cried. Around 1980, my dad became famous and television stations telephoned our house for interviews about serial killers, so I remember telling him that fox television gave me a phone message for him at our last session. I think he stopped our therapy to save his career and expose his father, whom I loved by the way. My sister heard I was having sex with girls from Park. Michael, my oldest brother, watched my grandfather fondle my genital several times, and my mother took me to study sex at the library. I was only in first grade. Martin and ‘I took turns sleeping with grandpa on his visits from Brooklyn. One morning in his bed I awoke with liquid, not urine, on my chest. Martin named his first son after him and may have tried stopping me from talking about it as more motive than money to help “take care of me.” Martin chased Mike and I out of a second-story window while swinging his baseball bat. These things happened before I was eight. My mother and I had disagreements in the bathtub, so I stopped bathing and smelled, for which my brothers made fun of me. Martin made a hole next wall outside my room when he broke his own arm angrily at my dad. My bedroom door wore a full length crack, never got repaired when Ann sent Martin to attack me once; I hid behind my door. Martin and Mike locked kids in our pitch dark attic until they screamed for help, and Martin chased my visiting classmates with our child biting dalmatian also until they cried for help. Mike scared me with stories that a man was outside at night who chopped people into pieces, then wrapped them with newspaper. I literally had escape routes out of the window. Out of stress, a glass would break in my hand, holding it. Mom locked me in a room for two years and felt guilty about it, so she asked forgiveness in a counseling session. Two long vacations from Dexter School, my brothers beat me, for which my mother sent me to my room two years in a row, getting no birthday or Christmas gifts, and I tried to be the best son always. They all laughed while opening and playing all gifts no longer to give me any.Still, to this day my siblings talk shit about me to my mom and she’ll believe them. This has gone out of control and may have led to the warrant on my life as well. The lie that my mom accused me of telling about the anal thermometer or bathtub was not a lie. My mother, whom I do love, was getting angry that I skipped school.I loved movies so much and wanted to see altered states on cable tv at noon, according to cable guide, but my father had yelled at her for the previous 3 times I pretended to be sick. I devised the plan to hide the thermometers but left the bay thermometers available. She told me to lie on her bed and expose my 11 years old butt so she could put it in, and that was devastating. About why my siblings call me a manipulator: Mike protected me from Martin sometimes as a child, and because once I told Mike to wrestle Martin and Martin hated me for that to this day. Anne told me that Martin still has a problem with that. Chapter 16. Beginning of the end I telephoned my mother’s psychiatrist Onesti, who also held our three family sessions. He reverted to his old notes and told me Mom said that “everything was okay” at home. I asked him for the explanation of why there was no intervention. Dad told me they demoted that doctor even though he tried helping us, and I believe that my father’s prominent position with Harvard and the medical law establishment had a role in Onesti’s demotion.

I begged neighbors and friends to intervene but they all refused because Dad helped them with money and jobs (Juice). Families who knew and visited our home like Boston’s Krafts looked the other way. I wrote an ebook asking for their intervention recently as well. Notes and attachments Note: I wrote my previous ebooks after recently being attacked so garbled because I was in trauma, so please excuse that. It is a decade long crime which includes so much information and witnesses. Note: 2019 during COVID-19 March 3rd Macau, one American agent called te Chinese counterpart to ask how I looked while II stood nearby. Several attacks happened after crossing or next to borders. That Chinese agent can identify his American counterpart and possibly lead to the truth of the attacks. Note: the security people in B.C. Canada telephoned Weston, and that links my arrival in a LAX airport for my nephew's bar mitzvah. The drivers in both countries showed off their same training. Both waved both their hands frantically in front of their faces before speeding off when I took good notice of them. This clue also can identify who may have trained them. Note: I have no mental health history except some while under the stress at home and experimenting with drugs in high school and soon after. I have used drugs in past small amounts. I have a therapist now and I definitely have NO mental illness according to my therapist. A shout out to Washington D.C. Jew Carol Greenwald of Potomac River Investments who went shopping as her excuse for sending a trust disbursement to me for July 4th,2021. Chapter 17. Harvard’s minds “Mental health scandals signal Harvard role in 'mind control' experiments” by Ira Liebowitz A flurry of lawsuits this year prompted by the \"suspicious or unexplained\" deaths of approximately 10 inmates at the Bridgewater State Maximum Security Mental Hospital in Belton, Massachusetts, has challenged longstanding conditions of patient neglect in the mental health system of Gov. Michael Dukakis and his predecessors in Massachusetts. The cases have focused attention on a network of forensic psychiatric institutions in Massachusetts, centered at Harvard Medical School, including a Harvard-run teaching-hospital called McLean Hospital in Belton, which runs Bridgewater, and a \"Program on Psychiatry and the Law\" at McLean that is run from Boston's Massachusetts Mental Hospital. Studies have long ranked the Massachusetts system 42nd among all 50 states, but according to one attorney, the problem is not underfunding. There's something else systemati- 'cally wrong that must account for notorious staffing and administration abuses. In addition to documented abuse and unexplained death, two of the lawsuits cite a practice of substituting psychotropic medication for meaningful therapy programs. Acc�rding to one intelligence specialist, Bridgewater has been suspected of running \"mind control\" experiments on its approximately 450 patients. This may even date back to the notorious intelligence community-funded MK-Ultra experiments in \"mind control\" in the late 1950s, which sought to create \"Manchurian candidate\" assassins with drugs and behavior modification. MK-Ultra also had a lot to do with launching drug use and cults in the youth ferment and Counterculture Project of the 1960s. According to Senate investigations by the \"Kennedy\" and \"Church\" Committees, which only concentrated on the earliest phases of the project, Dr. Richard Hyde of Harvard was one of the recipients of CIA funding grants for this research. Genesis of a crisis The Massachusetts Mental System was studied in 1979 by a Select State Senate Investigative Committee, which found that systematically, \"seclusion and restraint practices [on patients], were often used illegally and with no justification.\" The committee investigation led to a reform bill which passed the legislature but was vetoed by then-Gov. Edward King. In 1984, Dukakis was reelected governor, in part on a 68 National pledge to reform the mental health system. Then something happened at Bridgewater. In 1985 a private company, Goldberg Associates of Salem, Mass., won the contract to run Bridgewater from McLean Hospital, and patient suicides and related �'unexplained deaths\" began to rise. After six patients died in March-April 1986, the union representing corrections officers at the facility, AFSCME 503, decided to file class action grievances against the hospital for its systematic understaffing. This was done in November. Civil liberties suit In July 1986, attorneys McLeish and Landau, along with Marjorie Heins of the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union, brought a class action suit before Superior Court Justice James J. Lynch, in behalf of

Bridgewater inmates Shawn P. O'Sullivan and James McKellar, as well as O'Sullivan's mother, Maureen Hoyt of Hyannis, and all other inmates. It charged violation of state statutes and patients' constitutional rights, and a failure \"to provide even minimally adequate care and treatment. The majority of patients receive psychotropic medication rather than any group or individual therapy or treatment program.\" Defendants are Dukakis and the two cabinet officials who administer the hospital: Philip Johnston, Secretary of Human Services, and Michael Fair, the state Commissioner of Corrections. Also involved are State Attorney General Tim Shannon, medical directors (under Johnston), Dr. Mel Goodstein and Dr. Jorge Veliz, and the Correction Superintendent (under Fair), Charles W. Gaughan. Bridgewater is a maximum security facility, and is run by the state prison system. Its 450 inmates divide into onethird who are criminally insane and are transferred from prisons, one- third who are charged with crimes but who require psychiatric evaluation of competency to stand trial, and one-third who are civilly committed mental patients who are considered violent. The hospital mixes the three categories of inmates. Gross violations, usually in the instances of deaths, involve prisoners confined naked in \"seclusion rooms,\" of which there are 20. A second suit against Bridgewater followed. Defendants EIR September 25, 1987 include former Massachusetts Attorney General Elliott Richardson, who was involved in a fight over Bridgewater in 1967. Fred Wiseman, a Harvard lawyer turned filmmaker, had received support from Richardson, and then Bridgewater administrators Dr. Ames Robey, Dr. Ross, and others, to enter the facility and produce a documentary that, it was hoped, would prompt reform. After producing \"Titicut Follies,\" suddenly, inexplicably, Richardson turned around in 1967 and brought suit before Superior Court where he got an order to suppress showing the film to anyone except psychiatrists. The powerful film is banned to this day. The argument was, and is, that \"rights to privacy\" of these sad, brutalized victims would be violated by publicly showing the film! A third suit has now also been brought by Department of Justice Civil Rights Division attorney Steven Schwartz, against Worcester Mental Hospital for failure to meet state standards, and its practice of \"irresponsible dispersal of psychotropic drugs. \" Somehow, a bootleg version of the \"Titicut\" film was obtained and excerpted Aug. 25 on a Ted Koppel \"Nightline\" special on Bridgewater, titled \"Titicut Follies. \" Commentators included Elliott Richardson, Wiseman, the MCLU lawyers, a former patient, and a Dr. Thomas Gutheil of Harvard's \"Program on Psychiatry and the Law,\" which helped, or helps handle legal matters for McLean Hospital and Bridgewater, and who argued for continued suppression of the film. The devastating film shows inmates (as of 1967) walking about completely naked. Wiseman's attorney, Blair Perry, described some of it on the \"Nightline\" show, \"You see guards abusing patients. You see one inmate who is slapped by a guard. \" The excerpt is shown. He goes on, \"You see death-well not the actual death, but you see someone being fed with a tube down his throat, and as I recall, he died the same day. \" This portion is shown. On the Koppel broadcast, the following exchange between Wiseman and Richardson occurred: Richardson: \"I thought it was a tough call, but I thought that on balance it was a bad thing to assume that the 'right to know,' [view the film], outweighed the rights of these individuals\" [to privacy]. Wiseman replied: \"The state then used the privacy argument as a way of suppressing the film .... They were upset by the criticism, thought their political careers would be damaged, particularly Elliott Richardson. \" Richardson, who went on to be the U. S. Attorney General under Richard Nixon, replied \"That's nonsense. \" The Harvard nexus In part as a result of evidence in the lawsuits, a network of facilities linked to Bridgewater, but centered on Harvard Medical School, is coming under scrutiny. The possibility of EIR September 25, 1987 the MK-Ultra experiments having been continued, even to the present day, is also under scrutiny. For example, it is known that the notorious Harvard professor turned LSD-guru of mass druggings, Timothy Leary, was linked to later phases as the broader \"Counterculture's Rock-Drug Project\" got under way. According to one student who studied under Leary, and opposed his druggings, by the middle to late 1960s, Leary was running drug-laced \"group therapy\" sessions at Concord Hospital for his Harvard students. These \"groups\" turned out many of the cadre for the counterculture operation. The network includes: • A Harvard Medical teaching- hospital in Belton, Mass. , McLean Hospital, which hired and managed all staff at Bridgewater until 1985. • Dr. John Clark of Harvard, who has held high staff positions at the spooky McLean Hospital since 1959. Clark currently runs an allegedly anti-cult and terrorism intelligence center, the American Family Foundation (AFF) in Lexington, Mass. , which also involves Dr. Louis Jollyon West of UCLA (a recipient of MK-Ultra funding during the late 1950s), Dr. Margaret Singer of Berkeley University, and Father James LeBar of New York. AFF purports to oppose mind-control practices of the cults spawned out of the \"Counterculture Project. \" It is currently known to specialize in mercenary operations oriented to gaining court-awarded control of \"family inheritances\" on the basis of high-priced

psychiatric testimony attesting \"incompetence\" of individuals who are allegedly in cults and who are heirs of prominent families. This is conducted in conjunction with AFF affiliates across the country, such as the Chicago-based \"Cult Awareness Network. \" The AFF's involvement in these \"Man in the Iron Mask\" style operations, also suggests that this type of operation within the mental hospitals may also be part of the secret concealed within the \"Titicut Follies\" enigma. Psychiatry and the law The networks active in and around Harvard and Bridgewater have spread out across the country: Dr. Ames Robey, director of Bridgewater in 1967, went on to administer the state forensic psychiatric system in New Hampshire, and also ran the Michigan and Maine systems. Another forensic director at McLean Hospital, and associate of Gutheil' s Program on Psychiatry and the Law from 1978-80, was Dr. Park Elliott Dietz. Dietz was an expert witness in the trial of John Hinckley, who attempted to assassinate President Reagan. An associate of John Norton Moore, a consultant to the Intelligence Oversight Board, Dietz now runs the Institute on Terrorism and the Law at the University of Virginia. He is also reported to be a top consultant on terrorism and suspected Manchurian candidates for the FBI's Behavioral Sciences Division at Quantico, Virginia. National 69 Chapter 18. Emails of lies “Larry - Your sister called me. Had a long argument. Your mother wants to pay for the assessment directly. They are concerned that you would use any extra money to hurt them. Please advise how this can be resolved. Call me by phone if helpful.” From: evieyud [mailto:[email protected] ] Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2017 12:28 PM To: Shulman, Ken W. Subject: Important Dear Ken: Please forward to Larry the enclosed letter. I only have old email addresses for him and you stand a better chance of reaching him. Thank you very much. Evelyn Dear Larry: For quite a while I have been wanting to keep in touch with you but have sat on my hands because you had asked me to please not write to you. I am writing now because I think that in all fairness this situation needs immediate correspondence with you. I looked on the internet to see what literary works our son, Larry Margulies, has written. You succeeded in trashing our whole family and, to top it off, you put a price in our heads. The money for December 2017 will be deposited by November 23rd and is the last of the monthly stipends to be sent to you. Beginning January 1, 2018 you will be on your own. Keep well. Mom Thank you for this invoice. I am assuming that the black/red areas have been blocked out by you for confidential reasons. However, if they have been blocked by Larry, then I am very suspicious of the credibility of this invoice. It appears that this is an invoice for Larry to have diagnostic testing, not for treatment. Who is requesting for him to be tested? and what are Larry's plans for suggested treatment after completion of testing? Also, he has been diagnosed in the USA as having a mental illness. It seems to me that he is trying to get a new diagnosis for legal reasons and not for getting medical care. I think he is trying to substantiate a case against his family, proving that he is not mentally ill and not address his medical needs. After researching psychiatric rates in Hong Kong, they vary among the private sector and these rates are at the extreme end of things. There are many psychologists in Hong Kong whom Larry can contact for much lower fees. A report is part of the diagnosis, not an additional $30,000.00 and a report would not be withheld after hours of testing. Again, making me think this is not a real invoice. For Larry to agree to this amount before having financial back-up is highly irresponsible and should not be for me to decide after he has the treatments. I would like to have the name of the doctor who is doing this testing. This does not break confidentiality. I need to verify this clinical psychologist before any payment is even considered, especially based upon Larry's past history. Lastly, in the past, Larry has received a lot of money for college, for hotels, for tuition, etc and never attended any classes or completed the courses. What guarantee is Larry giving that he will complete all these tests and follow through with treatment? I appreciate your efforts. Evelyn 2. Dear Mr. Hamer, I have given this a lot of thought. A few things come to mind. Knowing the place where he receives therapy is not an issue of confidentiality; perhaps for Lawrence it is but

legally, I don't think so. I consider a breach of confidentiality would be having direct contact with the actual therapist. With this said, I had help exploring the invoice you had provided and discovered the name of the therapy center (Jadis Burton Family Development Center) where Larry proposed receiving the assessment. I have reached out to them to get a quote of the tests listed on the invoice along with the report to find out that it would cost only $24,000 HKD and payment can be thru online transfer or PayPal. This includes the report which is provided 6-8 weeks after the assessment. In addition, it was discovered that Larry's invoice could be and probably was altered thru a PDF editing program. It was not originally created using a proper invoice billing software program. So, I am assuming that Larry has added the last line of $30,000 HKD for a report since a report is included in the above-mentioned fee. I think that the Development Center would have used a proper billing program so I can only assume that the one Larry provided was not an original invoice. Being that it is now February 7th, do you have any proof that Larry had actually begun the assessment process, which was started on the invoice as beginning Feb. 4 and Feb. 5? Do you have proof that he has paid for the services or at least a partial payment? This center would not initiate the assessment without a deposit. In the past, I have paid for services, classes, rent, etc of which Larry did not attend or was even present. I hope you can understand my decision as I really feel every issue needs to be examined and questioned thoroughly. I do want to help him with his medical needs but feel that at this time, with what has been provided, I am uncomfortable assisting. If he is pursuing using a therapist at the Jadis Burton Family Development Center and the Center can provide documentation, then I will pay them directly via their online transfer system. Thank you for your assistance, Evelyn PENN FOSTER Student Enrollment Form Welcome... and congratulations on your enrollment! This is your official Penn Foster Enrollment Agreement. The information you provided to us is reflected below. Student Information Student ID: 22551201 Larry Margulies 1 International PL Boston, MA 021102602 50116105 BS DEGREE CRIMINAL JUSTICE Based upon the information that you provided, our records show that your birth date is 12/17/1971 and your phone number is 3106014967. The last grade you completed was . Your email address is SCHOOLFIRST@ PROTONMAIL.COM. Payment Plan You chose our Monthly Mail Pay Plan. Under this plan, you agreed to pay $75.00 as your initial payment and $200.00 each month for 6 months plus a final payment of $171.00 Total price is $1,446.00. Method of Payment You authorized Penn Foster to automatically charge the payment amount of $75.00 and all other payments reflected above when due to your VISA. Thank you. Credit Card Information Your Credit Card Number is XXXXXXXXXXXX8001 Enrollment Terms Program Description: Your College Program (the “Program“) consists of eight Semesters (121 credits) and may require an externship. The number of credits for the first Semester is 14 and you will have twelve (12) months to complete that Semester. The number of credits and Semester completion period for all subsequent Semesters as well as specific externship requirements for the Program, can be found at www.CriminaIJusticeBS.Pen Penn Foster reserves the right to change program content and materials as appropriate. You have the right to request up to two six month extensions across the full term of the Program provided that all eight Semesters of the Program are completed within eight (8) years; the fee for each such extension is $95.00. Upon successful completion of all Program academic requirements and fulfillment of your Program financial obligations, you will be awarded a Penn Foster College Bachelor’s Degree. Penn Foster reserves the right to academically cancel any student who fails to demonstrate satisfactory progress toward his/her diploma. Cheating or other violations of the Student Catalog may also result in disciplinary action up to and including the termination of your enroll ment.

Program Price: The Program Price is paid on a per Semester basis and includes (a) all instructional content, online licensed course materials (for term of license), academic and service support, and examinations (collectively, “Tuition“), (b) applicable enrollment fees (“Fees“) for the Semester in which you have enrolled, and (c) a Finance Charge if you have selected a Monthly Payment Plan. The current Tuition cost is $79 per credit but may be increased for subsequent semesters. You will also be (a) solely responsible for any costs associated with a required externship, and (b) charged for any replacement printed program material you may require as a result of loss, damage or theft to the original. If your enrollment is terminated because you have violated the terms of this Enrollment Agreement, you will remain responsible for payment of any outstanding balance you may have for Program Tuition and Fees as well as any fees you may incur by reason of lateness or otherwise. Chapter 19. Documents

Chapter 19. documents

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