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Home Explore Easy Phonics 1

Easy Phonics 1

Published by 이램프, 2020-06-11 06:31:06

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A fun, enjoyable way to begin speaking English! 1

Copyright 2012 Wisdom Tree Young Won Choi Laura Nuttall Publisher : Young Won Choi Editorial Manager : Young Won Choi Executive Editor : Laura Nuttall Editor : Tim Baker | Mehmet Dogan | Lindsay Moore Shin Ae Park | Seo Young Kim Cover, Interior Design : Eun Joo Roh Illustrator : Eun Jung Kim Cover Illustration : Deok Ran Lim ISBN : 978-89-97538-02-7 74740 TEL : 1899-0574 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the pair written permission of the publisher.

Preface Phonics is leading, teaching, and showing learners how to make sounds. In the process of doing this, learners should be able to easily spill out the sounds. The majority of students who have learned phonics are capable of reading individual words within phonics workbooks, however when faced with the same words in storybooks, fail to pronounce them correctly. The reason being is that they have not learned to pronounce these words within the context of a sentence. It is very important for the learner to process words alone, using storybooks or sight words books, so that they will be able to read more than they are expected to read. They are learning phonics in order to read books, however once they have completed the phonics books, learners are only capable of reading 60-70% of English. For this reason, it is necessary for learners to practice reading using fingers, and spilling out the sounds. The Easy Phonics series has been designed to eliminate the previous pitfalls of learning phonics. Each unit ultimately leads to a short story where the learner can see the words they have been studying, presented within the context of a story. This is an essential part of the unit, because it allows the learner to practice reading the new vocabulary in context, so it should not be missed when completing each unit.

Contents UNIT Aa Bb Cc Dd 10 16 1 apple ant alligator boy bag bike can cat car dog doll dish 22 UNIT Ee Ff Gg Hh 2 elf egg elephant fan flag flower girl green grass horse hat hay UNIT Ii j Kk Ll Mm 3 insect ink igloo jelly jam jar king key kite lion leaf log man mask music UNIT Nn Oo Pp Qq 28 4 nut nail net octopus orange onion panda plant park quiet queen quiz UNIT Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv 34 5 rat run race sun sand sea tiger tail teeth uncle umbrella upstairs violin van valley

Easy Phonics 1 UNIT Ww Xx Yy Zz 40 46 6 witch web window fox ox box 52 yellow yacht yard zebra zoo zip 58 UNIT Short Vowel a 64 7 ham jam Sam cat hat bat fan 70 pan man nap map tap UNIT Short Vowel e 8 leg egg peg Ted red bed men pen hen jet net pet UNIT Short Vowel i 9 wig dig pig pin bin win zip lip rip bit sit hit UNIT Short Vowel o 10 jog dog log top hop mop pot cot hot Rob sob cob UNIT Short Vowel u 11 hug bug rug cut nut hut run bun sun dull bull pull

How to use Easy Phonics 1 The Easy Phonics series of workbooks provides an array of activities throughout, aimed at keeping early learners captivated and enthused towards learning. As the young learner progresses through the books, they will face different activities within each unit. These activities change in correlation with the learning objective. Alphabet - units 1~6 UNIT 1 Aa Bb Cc Dd Trace the capital and small letters Trace the capital and small letters. The initial activity introduces early learners to capital and small letters. It is necessary for the learner to be able to recognize and write the two ver- A a Aa sions of the alphabet. Therefore, as a simple and straightforward exer- Bb cise, the learner will begin by tracing the capital and small letters. Cc Dd Now match the capital letters to the small letters. ABCD cadb Now match the capital letters to the small letters 10 The challenge now is to match the capital letters with the small letters. Through the repetition of tracing the capital and small letters, the learner should now be able to rec- ognize the capital and small case versions of each letter. The teacher should allow the learner to complete this activity individually, providing guidance only when neces- Track 1, 2 sary. Listen and repeat. Now, let’s chant together. Aa ant alligator apple Listen, repeat, and chant Bb This listening activity helps the learner through word association. When boy bag bike the learner associates certain words with the sound of a letter, this is beneficial because not only will they recognize the letter, but also the Cc can cat car Dd doll dish dog unit 1 11

sound and pronunciation of that letter, too. The chant element of this activity makes learning more fun and directs it away from being a standard listen and repeat exercise. Track 3 Listen and circle the beginning sound for each picture Listen and circle the beginning sound for each picture. In this challenge, the learner will work from memory to recognize the 1. 2. word which relates to the picture shown, and to circle the beginning sound for that word. This is an excellent opportunity for the teacher to a/b a/b ascertain at this point, how much the student has taken in. It is also ben- eficial for the learner to test themselves on the sounds they are learning. c/d c/d 3. 4. a/b a/b c/d c/d 5. 6. a/b a/b c/d c/d 7. 8. a/b a/b c/d c/d 12 Listen and fill in the missing letter Track 4 This listening activity involves dictation whereby the learner will hear Listen and fill in the missing letter. the word and then will be required to fill in the missing beginning sound for each word. No pictures are shown in this activity and it is an oppor- 1. 2. tunity for the learner to translate the sound they hear into the correct beginning sound letter. c 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. unit 1 13 Match the word with the Now match the word with the picture! picture doll The learner should be able to match the word to each picture following ant boy their exposure to the words and pictures throughout the unit. This activ- apple bike ity should be completed by the student individually, allowing the teacher cat to observe the student. Teachers should check that the student is not 14 looking back at previous pages to find the pictures and associated words, but is instead trying to complete the activity purely from memory.

Circle the words of the things in the picture Circle the words of the things you see in the picture. The final activity requires that the learner circles the words related to the can boy apple ant pictures they see. This again is based on picture-word association and is dog bag cat dish an opportunity for the learner to build up vocabulary and determine how much they have learned from the unit. unit 1 15 Short Vowels - units 7~11 These activities are comprised from units 1-6 in Easy Phonics 1. The following five units introduce different challenges and activities for the learner, in conjunction with a different learning objective. Units 7-11 introduce the learner to short vowel sounds. UNIT 7 a Listen, repeat, then write Track 25 The learner needs to get used to the sound of the short vowel which they will be introduced to in the first activity. The listening exercise comprises Listen and repeat the sound of each letter and word. of repeating the letters and words of twelve pictures which will feature Then write the word next to the picture. throughout the unit. The learner must then write out the word next to each corresponding picture. ham1. h a m ham 2. c a t cat cat 3. f a n fan fan 4. n a p nap nap 5. j a m jam jam 6. h a t hat hat 7. p a n pan pan map8. m a p map Sam9. S a m Sam 10. b a t bat bat man11. m a n man 12. t a p tap tap Track 26, 27 46 Look, Listen, and repeat. Now, let’s chant together. Look, listen, repeat, and chant Learners will listen and repeat the words related to the pictures, to help ham jam Sam them get used to the pronunciation of the short vowel. Through repetition cat hat bat they will see a pattern forming with the way the short vowel is pro- nounced. fan pan man nap map tap unit 7 47

Listen, circle the letters, then write the word Track 28 Learners are shown the twelve pictures while listening to the CD. For Listen to the word. each picture, the word is dictated and the learner is required to circle the Then circle the letters and write the word. letters which make up that word, then write the word on the lines pro- vided. This is helping the learner to understand which sounds and letters map1. c m a e t p make up each word. 2. c d i a t s 3. n j a o b m 4. n f e a v n 5. bh ia st 6. mc au nk 7. tp ua ps 8. RS ae lm 9. rb ia tv 10. ph oa wm 11. cp ao rn 12. nh ae tp 48 Circle the letters to make each word. Circle the letters to make each Then write the word under the picture. word, then write 1. ap 2. am 3. at Next to each picture, the learner is given three different combinations of at an ar letters which make up each word. The challenge is to circle the correct an as b al pan h 4. ab 5. ar 6. as at ab ak c af t ap j am 7. ar 8. at 9. ab combination, then write the word on the lines provided. Learners should an al ac try to complete this activity without looking at the pictures and words on f ap h av n ap previous pages within the unit. 10. am 11. ar 12. at an al ap ar an m as S m unit 7 49 Track 29 Listen and unscramble the letters to make the word. 1. a h t 2. npa Listen and unscramble the letters to make the word hat In this unscramble activity the learner will hear the word which corre- 3. p a m 4. abt sponds to each picture, then aim to unscramble the sequence of letters 5. a j m 6. n a m provided to spell out the word correctly. This is a good way to monitor 7. p n a 8. m h a how well the learner is associating the sound with the correct letters. 9. t a c 10. a n f 11. p t a 12. mSa Track 30 50 Listen, read and repeat. Listen, read and repeat Sam has a hat. The closing activity in each of the final units of Easy Phonics 1 is a story Sam has a map. Sam has a pan. which features some of the vocabulary studied within the unit. This is to Sam has a bat. Sam has a nap. show the learner how the words can be used in context. Not only is the learner getting used to new sounds and vocabulary but they can com- prehend how these words might be used within a story or standard sen- tence. unit 7 51

UNIT 1 Aa Bb Cc Dd Trace the capital and small letters. A a Aa Bb Cc Dd Now match the capital letters to the small letters. ABCD cadb 10

Track 1, 2 Listen and repeat. Now, let’s chant together. Aa ant alligator apple Bb boy bag bike Cc can cat car Dd doll dish dog unit 1 11

Track 3 Listen and circle the beginning sound for each picture. 1. 2. a/b a/b c/d c/d 3. 4. a/b a/b c/d c/d 5. 6. a/b a/b c/d c/d 7. 8. a/b a/b c/d c/d 12

Track 4 Listen and fill in the missing letter. 1. 2. c 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. unit 1 13

Now match the word with the picture! doll ant boy apple bike cat 14

Circle the words of the things you see in the picture. can boy apple ant dog bag cat dish unit 1 15

UNIT 2 Ee Ff Gg Hh Trace the capital and small letters. Ee Ff Gg Hh Now match the capital letters to the small letters. E FGH f ghe 16

Track 5, 6 Listen and repeat. Now, let’s chant together. Ee egg elephant elf Ff flag flower fan Gg green grass girl Hh hat hay horse unit 2 17

Track 7 Listen and circle the beginning sound for each picture. 1. 2. e/f e/f g/h g/h 3. 4. e/f e/f g/h g/h 5. 6. e/f e/f g/h g/h 7. 8. e/f e/f g/h g/h 18

Track 8 Listen and fill in the missing letter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. unit 2 19

Now match the word with the picture! elephant green girl egg horse fan 20

Circle the words of the things you see in the picture. girl grass horse egg fan hat flower elf unit 2 21

IiUNIT 3 j Kk Ll Mm Trace the capital and small letters. Ii j Kk Ll Mm Now match the capital letters to the small letters. M IJKL k i mj l 22

Track 9, 10 Listen and repeat. Now, let’s chant together. Ii ink igloo insect j jam jar key jelly leaf kite mask Kk log king music Ll lion Mm man unit 3 23

Track 11 Listen and circle the beginning sound for each picture. 1. 2. /j/k /j/k l/m l/m 3. 4. /j/k /j/k l/m l/m 5. 6. /j/k /j/k l/m l/m 7. 8. /j/k /j/k l/m l/m 24

Track 12 Listen and fill in the missing letter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. unit 3 25

Now match the word with the picture! man leaf insect jelly igloo key 26

Circle the words of the things you see in the picture. ink mask king log kite insect jar music unit 3 27

UNIT 4 Nn Oo Pp Qq Trace the capital and small letters. Nn Oo Pp Qq Now match the capital letters to the small letters. NOPQ qpon 28

Track 13, 14 Listen and repeat. Now, let’s chant together. Nn nail net nut Oo orange onion octopus Pp plant park panda Qq queen quiz quiet unit 4 29

Track 15 Listen and circle the beginning sound for each picture. 1. 2. n/o n/o p/q p/q 3. 4. n/o n/o p/q p/q 5. 6. n/o n/o p/q p/q 7. 8. n/o n/o p/q p/q 30

Track 16 Listen and fill in the missing letter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. unit 4 31

Now match the word with the picture! net plant quiet nut park octopus 32

Circle the words of the things you see in the picture. park queen plant quiz panda net nut octopus unit 4 33

UNIT 5 Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Trace the capital and small letters. Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Now match the capital letters to the small letters. V RSTU vu r t s 34

Track 17, 18 Listen and repeat. Now, let’s chant together. Rr run race rat Ss sand sea sun Tt tiger tail teeth Uu uncle umbrella upstairs Vv van valley violin unit 5 35

Track 19 Listen and circle the beginning sound for each picture. 1. 2. /s/t /s/t u/v u/v 3. 4. /s/t /s/t u/v u/v 5. 6. /s/t /s/t u/v u/v 7. 8. /s/t /s/t u/v u/v 36

Track 20 Listen and fill in the missing letter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. unit 5 37

Now match the word with the picture! run sea uncle teeth tail van 38

Circle the words of the things you see in the picture. sea van tiger rat valley sun umbrella tail unit 5 39

UNIT 6 Ww Xx Yy Zz Trace the capital and small letters. Ww Xx Yy Zz Now match the capital letters to the small letters. WX Y Z zwx y 40

Track 21, 22 Listen and repeat. Now, let’s chant together. Ww web window witch Xx fox ox box Yy yacht yard yellow Zz zoo zip zebra unit 6 41

Track 23 Listen and circle the beginning or ending sound for each picture. 1. 2. w/x w/x y/z y/z 3. 4. w/x w/x y/z y/z 5. 6. w/x w/x y/z y/z 7. 8. w/x w/x y/z y/z 42

Track 24 Listen and fill in the missing letter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. unit 6 43

Now match the word with the picture! zoo box zip web yard yacht 44

Circle the words of the things you see in the picture. ox web yacht fox zip witch yard zebra unit 6 45

UNIT 7 a Track 25 Listen and repeat the sound of each letter and word. Then write the word next to the picture. ham1. h a m ham 2. c a t cat cat 3. f a n fan fan 4. n a p nap nap 5. j a m jam jam 6. h a t hat hat 7. p a n pan pan map8. m a p map 9. S a m Sam Sam 10. b a t bat bat 11. m a n man man 12. t a p tap tap 46

Track 26, 27 Look, Listen, and repeat. Now, let’s chant together. ham jam Sam cat hat bat fan pan man nap map tap unit 7 47

Track 28 Listen to the word. Then circle the letters and write the word. map1. c m a e t p 2. c d i a t s 3. n j a o b m 4. n f e a v n 5. b h i a s t 6. mc au nk 7. tp ua ps 8. RS ae lm 9. rb ia tv 10. ph oa wm 11. cp ao rn 12. nh ae tp 48

Circle the letters to make each word. Then write the word under the picture. 1. ap 2. am 3. at at an ar an as b al pan h 4. ab 5. ar 6. as at ab ak c af t ap am j 7. ar 8. at 9. ab an al ac f ap h av n ap 10. am 11. ar 12. at an al ap S ar m an m as unit 7 49

Track 29 Listen and unscramble the letters to make the word. 1. a h t 2. npa hat 3. p a m 4. abt 5. a j m 6. n a m 7. p n a 8. m h a 9. t a c 10. a n f 11. p t a 12. mSa 50

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