Company Profile2018 1
TABLE OFCONTENTS4 Who are we5 Why us?6 OOuurr Team10 Vision22 Expertise23 Problem Solving24 Our Services26 Institutional Communication and Marketing32 Marketing Events34 Creating and Identity Development36 Engineering Design38 Our investments4 5
WHO ARE WE ? Our name tells our story with success, our vision is the story of our company, because we believe creativity is born of creative imagination that exceeds the limits of your expectations. We strongly believe in our capabilities and potential, our professional values united us to always keen to be the same Charter that associates us with our customers. We’re a fully integrated marketing, architecture, advertising and communications company based from the heart of Riyadh, offering a full go-to-market service. we started building bridges of trust with our successful partners. Whether it is with our customers or partners, our values are based on integrity and credibility which come first and last .. Quality is our top priority ..6 7
WHY US ? We have the ability to innovate and adapt to business requirements even in the limited time and limited projects. Our team has extensive experience and communication based in various fields that meet customer needs. when you partner with us, you benefit from the invaluable advantage of our hands -on, real world experience in companies operating in some of the most challenging markets in Saudi Arabia. We look at the entire marketing delivery chain and create the structures, processes and systems that ensure your long-term business success and sustainability8 9
OUR TEAM As a team we’re all trying our best to improve the way companies & firms communicate with the world. A well-connected & inspired Team that can effectively and efficiently co-operate to finalize projects in the shortest period of Time, We believe great people can make a big difference using their wild imagination. We strive to hire the best people who are passionate, thoughtful and creative. We are able to look at problems from many different perspectives and apply this diverse point of View to Solutions for our clients.10 11
OUR VISON We Believe in the Ultimate Imagination. Every person is Capable of Coming up with refreshing and valuable Ideas. Every organization has the creative capacity to solve any type of challenge in a surprising way. just not everybody knows it yet.12
OURMISSIONDemocratizing Innovation. OUR PROPOSITION We Turn creative Imagination into A new born innovation. 13
OUR EXPERTISE We distinguish “Business Imagination” from “Artistic Imagination”. Where artistic creativity mainly aims to create an emotional impact, Business creativity focuses on reaching business goals. These goals will directly or indirectly result in financial gain. While business Imagination is clearly of great importance to business, the same holds true for governments, non-profit organizations and even individuals. Every organization and every person will benefit from the ability to use creativity when pursuing desired goals. Business imagination can be applied on different areas. Your special goal determines on what area you should focus. Within the playing field of business, Imagination is engaged in problem solving and new product development.14 15
PROBLEM SO LV I N G Whenever you encounter a problem, you could try to solve it with the usual approaches, However, the toughest problems are rarely solved with conventional thinking. You don’t want problems? Let’s get rid of them! Unconventional approaches and unusual solutions are what you need.16
NEW PRODUCTDEVELOPMENTTo stay on top of your field, small improvements aren’t alwaysenough. sometimes it’s necessary to explore completely newterritory and boldly go where no man has gone before.This is the domain of radical innovation, distribution, andcompetitors find it impossible to challenge 17
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