BIOGRAPHIES—STORMCON (IDENTIFIER A) Monette Schneider, Retired after merge with Stormcon LLC Experience: Previous 25 years as a company owner. Prior to that—Environmental consulting for construction and industrial storm water compliance, including the preparation of storm water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3), research and required docu- mentation. Setting up individualized in-house storm water compliance pro- grams managed by Operators so that they can assure that they are in compliance at the beginning of their project and are able to stay in compliance throughout the entire construction process. This includes working with management regarding contract negoti- ations and limitations of liability. Education: Southern Methodist University Ben Walsh NO DATA AVAILABLE 2
BIOGRAPHIES—STORMCON (IDENTIFIER A) Becky Walsh NO DATA AVAILABLE Diana McDonald Training Officer Experience: 4 Years @ Stormcon LLC Currently: Retired after 32 years of service as a storm water en- forcement office. Working part time with Stormcon as a training officer. Education: NA 3
BIOGRAPHIES—STORMCON (IDENTIFIER A) Taylor Hesse, Consultant in environmental compliance and utility contractor construction Experience: 3 years @ Stormcon LLC Currently: Ensures that all clients are in compliance with EPA and TECQ through SWPPPs and inspections. Responsible for design, implementation, and training for a new database system to im- prove efficiency and customization for Stormcon and its clients. Education: Bachelor of Arts @ Oklahoma State University Phil Handley NO DATA AVAILABLE 5
BIOGRAPHIES—MORGAN STANLEY (IDENTIFIERD) Troy Madres, Vice President Experience: Less than a year as a Vice President at Morgan Stanley. Currently: Financial modeling, financial analysis, and capital Markets. Education: Bachelor of Arts @ University of Pennsylvania 7
BIOGRAPHIES—WELLS FARGO (IDENTIFIER E) Laura Powell, Managing Director at Wells Fargo in Public Finance Experience: 3 years @ Wells Fargo Currently: Ms. Powell joined Wells Fargo in 2015 as a managing director in the firm’s San Antonio office after more than 15 years at J.P. Morgan, UBS, and Painewebber. She has executed senior managed transactions for a wide range of issuers in Texas and across the United States, including cities, counties, school districts, and state agencies. Education: MBA @ Columbia Business School Desyre Morgan, Managing Director at Wells Fargo Experience: 7 years @ Wells Fargo Securities Currently: Utilizes experience in investment banking and attor- ney—as well as expertise in public finance covering a full land- scape of public benefits projects. She demonstrates corporate transactional and regulatory experience. She specializes in Public private partnerships and transportations Education: J.D. @ South Texas College of Law 8
BIOGRAPHIES—CLEARESULT (IDENTIFIER G) Matthew Romero, Sr. Director Experience: 10 Years @ CLEAResult Currently: Leads implementation of cost-effective energy efficien- cy market transformation programs—on behalf of electric and gas utilities in Texas and New Mexico. Through analysis of unique re- quirements, his area implements market specific efficiency pro- grams to meet energy reduction goals. He is also lead in product management and performance evaluation as well as new product deployment. Education: International Business @ Texas State University Michele Negley, Senior Vice President Experience: 7 years @ CLEAResult Currently: Leads a team of 275 consultants across twelve states that implement 100+ energy efficiency, renewable, demand re- sponse programs and strategic marketing/analytics for utilities. Michele has deep experience from electric system operations which aids in helping utilities navigate quickly evolving business models. She is the executive point of contact for utility clients and has helped to guide organizational growth and change across US and Canada. She is on the boards and commissions in and out of the energy Iindustry, including the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Education: Electrical Engineering @ Arizona State University 9
BIOGRAPHIES—CLEARESULTS GUESTS OFDUKE ENERGY (IDENTIFIER G) Emily Felt, Director of Federal Energy Policy at Duke Energy Corporation Background: 11 years @ Duke Energy Current: Oversees federal energy policy goals and strategic ob- jectives. Education: Public Policy Analysis @ Harvard Victoria Sullivan NO DATA AVAILABLE 10
BIOGRAPHIES—CLEARESULTS GUESTS OFDUKE ENERGY (IDENTIFIER G) Dan Wrinn, Director of Public Policy at Ducks Unlimited Background: 3 years @ Ducks Unlimited Current: Leads the public policy effort for Ducks Unlimited Education: University of Connecticut Mary Martin, Chief Counsel, Energy and Environment at House Committee on Energy and Commerce Background: 1 year @ House Committee on Energy and Commit- tee. Previously, 5 years at U.S Chamber of Commerce Current: Senior Leader in energy and environment for the House Committee on Energy and commerce. Education: J.D. @ Louisiana State University 11
BIOGRAPHIES—CLEARESULT GUESTS(IDENTIFIER G) Mallory Huggins, Sr. Policy Director Experience: 9 Years @ Keystone Policy Center Currently: Facilitator and communicator for government agen- cies, regulatory bodies, and non-profits. She is currently a Sr. Policy Director focused on Keystone’s energy, environment, and climate and emerging genetic technologies program areas. Mallo- ry designs and facilitates stakeholder engagement projects. Education: M.A. Conflict Resolution @ Georgetown University BA Communications @ Richmond University David R Springe, Executive Director Experience: 2 Years @ National Association of State Utility Con- sumer Advocates Currently: Deals with member services, association management and meeting planning. Develop partnerships to enhance policy ad- vocacy. Create opportunities for NASUCA members to have rele- vant dialog with policy makers and industry. Promote NASUCA viewpoint in the press, at conferences and before federal agencies and courts. Education: J.D. @ University of Kansas 12
BIOGRAPHIES—CLEARESULT GUESTS(IDENTIFIER G) Marc Battle Vice President Experience: 4 years @ Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) Currently: Manages legislative, regulatory and other public policy matters affecting the energy industry and the business community at-large. Educate political, business, non-profit & community stakeholders and customers to garner support for major initiatives including: Merger of Pepco holdings, base rate proceedings, grid modernization, expansion of renewable energy, major infrastruc- ture projects, and workforce development. Education: J.D. Law @ Howard University School of Law 13
BIOGRAPHIES—CISCO (IDENTIFIER I) TJ Costello, Director Smart Cities IoT Experience: 11 years @ Cisco Currently: Responsible for Cisco’s Smart Cities go to market or the Americas—focused on building economic, social, and environ- mentally sustainability for cities through technological uses. His primary focus is on Digital Transformation and leading the Cisco US Public Sector IoT team. Education: Arts @ Saint Michael’s College Jason Osuna, Account Executive Experience: 3 years @ Cisco Currently: Responsible for Cisco’s various business accounts— helping companies seize opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things happen through connections. Education: Administration @ Abilene Christian University 14
BIOGRAPHIES—CISCO (IDENTIFIER I) Julie Wulf, Regional Manager Experience: 10 years @ Cisco Currently: Leader, builder, and promoter of high performance, professionals and sales team supporting State, Local, Higher Edu- cation and K-12 in Texas—driving growth and alignment among di- rect reports, partners, channel teams, business development and architectures. Education: Psychology @ Texas Tech University Stephane Ribot, Executive Advisor of Emerging Technolo- gies & Innovation Experience: 11 months @ Cisco and previously 3 years as Executive Director of Big Data and Advanced Analytics Practice Currently: Primary mission is to incubate and accelerate growth in Cisco’s portfolio—facilitating innovation across advanced ser- viced and enabling global delivery consistency. Education: PhD of Philosophy @ Lyon University 15
BIOGRAPHIES—OCI (IDENTIFIER J) Leslie Garza, Marketing & Communications Manager Experience: 11 months @OCI Solar. Previously, 1.7 years as Di- rector of communications for Mayor Ivy Taylor Currently: Manager of strong media and professional Communica- tions, Media Relations, Public Relations, Community Relations, Tel- evision, Social Media, News Writing, Speech Writing and Event Planning. Education: Broadcast Journalism at UT—Austin Lisa Delsante, Vice President of Legal, General Counsel & Corpo- rate Secretary Experience: 1.2 years @OCI Solar. Previously, 9 years as Presi- dent at Children of the Sahara Foundation. Currently: Oversees legal and regulatory public affairs. Education: J.D. @ Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University 16
BIOGRAPHIES—SAP AMERICA (IDENTIFIER N) Zach Asbury, Strategic Partner to Utilities, Waste & Recycling, and Energy Customers Background: 2 years @ SAP America. Previously, 3 years at Gap international as a product manager and manager consultant. Current: Industry Account Executive – focused on working with partners to assist in creating the foundation to continuously adapt and innovate in the face of an ever-changing world. Specializing in the utility, energy, and waste & recycling industries where tradi- tional business models are at risk due to emerging technologies and customer expectations. Education: Political Science @ Penn State University Anthony Sabatini, Industry Value Advisor Expert Background: 7 years @ SAP Current: As an Industry Value Advisor Expert provides industry thought leadership, strategic solution advice, and expert consulta- tion to support customer co-innovation, enterprise transformation, and business process performance improvement programs. Education: Business Management @ University of Maryland 17
BIOGRAPHIES—UBS (IDENTIFIER O) David Moffett, Executive Director Experience: 7 months as executive director at UBS Currently: Strategic planning, financial analysis, investment banking, capital markets, fixed income, investments, financial modeling, and investment banking. Education: MBA in Quantitative Analysis @ LSU 18
KEYSTONE P.O.C’S Judy O’Brien, Facilitator & Director of Strategic Partnerships (o) 202-452-1592 (m) 301-367-1952 Kim Andersen, Coordinator of Strategic Partnerships (o) 202-452-1592 (m) 301-367-1952 19
BIOGRAPHIES—AWARD RECIPIENTS Governor John Bel Edwards, Louisiana The governor grew up in Amite, Louisiana as one of eight children. With four Tangipahoa Parish Sheriffs in his lineage, he learned the importance of public service at an early age. Governor Edwards graduated in 1988 from the United States Mili- tary Academy at West Point. The governor served eight years as an Airborne Ranger on active duty with the United States Army and commanded a rifle company in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He went on to graduate Order of the Coif from Louisiana State University Law Center and set up a civil law practice in his home town of Amite. In 2008, he was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives from District 72, where he served for eight years until the voters of Louisiana elected him governor in November 2015. Governor Edwards and his wife, First Lady Donna Edwards, have three children: Samantha Bel, Sarah Ellen, and John Miller 20
BIOGRAPHIES—AWARD RECIPIENTS Andrew Steer, President & CEO of World Resource Institute Dr. Andrew Steer is the President and CEO of the World Resources Institute, a global research organization that works in more than 50 countries, with offices in the Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indo- nesia, Mexico and the United States. WRI’s more than 500 experts work with leaders to address six urgent global challenges at the in- tersection of economic development and the natural environment: food, forests, water, climate, energy and cities. Dr. Steer joined WRI from the World Bank, where he served as Special Envoy for Climate Change from 2010 - 2012. From 2007 to 2010, he served as Director General at the UK Department of In- ternational Development (DFID) in London. Dr. Steer is a Global Agenda Trustee for the World Economic Fo- rum, and is a member of the China Council for International Coop- eration on Environment and Development (CCICED), the Leader- ship Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the Energy Transitions Commission, the Champions 12.3 Coalition to reduce food loss and waste, the Sustainable Advisory Groups of both IKEA and the Bank of America, and he serves on the Execu- tive Board of the UN Secretary General’s Sustainable Energy For All Initiative. In earlier years, Andrew held several senior posts at the World Bank, including Director of the Environment Department. He also has directed World Bank operations in Vietnam and Indonesia and served as Chief of the Country Risk Division and Director and Chief Author of the 1992 World Development Report on Environment and Development. Andrew was educated at St Andrews University, Scotland, the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and Cambridge University. He has a PhD in economics. 21
VENUE INFORMATIONAddress: 555 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20001Hours: 9AM—5PMPhone: 1 (202) 292—6100CPS Energy is the largest municipally-owned electric and natural gas company in the 22
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