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Published by anthonyearljones1, 2017-01-19 12:12:47

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ONE NATION Int er-cult ural Training for Christ ian Leaders

MESSAGE Welcome to ONE NATION! In John 17 Jesus prayed that we would be one as He and the Father are one. Unity within the Body of Christ signifies God is real. The greatest hindrance to this has been racial division. ONE NATION desires to create meaningful opportunities to eliminate the racial barriers that divide people - even God's people. The reasons that divide us are complex and the necessary work to build bridges of understanding are no less difficult. However, our belief is the Christian Church is the most influential organization in the world. If properly equipped with the qualified knowledge and skill to drive meaningful inter-cultural engagement, systemic and institutional reconciliation is possible. Will you join us? Let's move passed rhetoric and get involved with a Christ-centered movement that can make an indelible difference on our homes and communities. Together we can truly be ONE NATION under God! Sincerely, Anthony E. Jones and the ONE NATION Team

ONE NATION is the Christian arm of RBD Management Consulting. Our who we ar e mission is to train Christian leaders to drive Christ -cent ered reconciliat ion through inter-cultural competency development and predefined action steps. We're equipping the Body of Christ to confidently show visible commit ment to bridging the racial divide that threatens to weaken our collective strength and undermine our position as Ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). Our focus is clear: to show there is truly ONE NATION under God. ONE NATION Int er-cult ural Training for Christ ian Leaders

what we do Participants are led through varying sessions that include classroom style lect ure, virtual learning t ools and group interactive act ivit ies to 1) explain the definition and Biblical case for inter-cultural engagement, 2) share best practice inter-cultural engagement strategies, 3) harness the practical insight and experience of participants to deepen the learning in real-time. The information captured in the training discussions are used as foundational material to develop an individual and organizational inter-cultural engagement act ion plan participants can use used to conduct meaningful int eract ions. Action plan drivers will include 1) purpose and values, 2) visible leadership commitment, 3) learning and development, and 4) a communication plan.

TOPICS awar eness Defining Cult ural Compet ence - 1) To brainstorm definitions of cultural competence, 2) To consider varying viewpoints regarding cultural competence, 3) To identify the barriers to cultural competence Dimensions of Personal Ident it y - To identify the complexity of human beings by exploring how our values, behaviors, and expectations are influenced by individual differences and shared identities The Dynamics of Difference ? 1) To recognize the dynamics and consequences of being different, 2) To identify the dynamics of difference that occur in various settings, 3) To determine feelings associated with difference, 4) To generate strategies to mediate the harmful effects of difference Crosswalk - Underst anding Power ? 1) To identify the effects of power/powerlessness, 2) To discuss feelings associated with power/powerlessness, 3) To discuss the impact of power/powerlessness knowl edge Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes ? 1) To improve the ability to recognize discriminatory practices on all races and the damaging consequences that result Underst anding Specific Cult ural Groups ? To understand the nomenclatures, demographics, cultural values and societal experiences of Caucasians, American Indians, African-Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos Racial Ident ify Development ? 1) To define racial identity development, 2) To review racial identity development models, 3) To identify self on a racial identity development continuum Communicat ing Int er-cult urally ? 1) To become acquainted with theories of inter-cultural communication, 2) To examine the impact of generalizations and stereotypes on effective communication, 3) To understand non-verbal inter-cultural communication skil l Int er-cult ural Dynamics Case St udy ? 1) To integrate awareness, knowledge, and skill competencies, 2) To apply awareness, knowledge, and skill competencies to a particular case study Cast St udy Present at ions ? To showcase the application of awareness, knowledge, and skill competencies

WHAT IS HAPPENING ONE NATION Inter-cultural Training f or Christian Leaders RBD Management Consulting will host ONE NATION Inter-cultural Training for Christian Leaders. Sessions will be fast pace and conscience of varying learning styles. Hand-outs will be available and breaks, refreshments and lunch provided. Participants will be asked to complete a survey to evaluate the training content, delivery, outcomes and anticipated pricing. wher e is it happening Franklin, Tennessee Location: TBD when is it happening April, 2017 9:00am - 3:00pm ADMISSION IS FREE . Registration is encouraged. There is neit her Jew nor Greek, t here is neit her bond nor free, t here is neit her male nor female: for ye are all ONE in Christ Jesus.\" -Galatians 3:28 (KJV

Ant hony E. Jones, M.Ed. Founder, ONE NATION Anthony is the President of RBD Management Consulting Firm, a human capital practice that specializes in innovative thinking and proven tools to help organizations understand and seize opportunities within a growing global market. He has appeared on the Fox Television Network and been quoted in publications such as the Los Angeles Time, HR Executive Magazine, India Management Magazine and Ebony. Anthony has spoken nationally to such groups as the American Council on Education and the Society for Human Resource Management. To help individuals maximize their life experience, Anthony has also published the book and workbook, Success By Design: Becoming the Person You Were Destined to Be. Anthony has served as Director of Global Diversity at the Convergys Corporation. and was responsible for inclusion strategy worldwide. F tenure at Prior to Convergys, Anthony led recruitment for INROADS, Inc. as the National Director for Recruitment Services. His clients included Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, IBM and a host of other Fortune 500 companies. Anthony also served Vice-President of Enrollment Management at Fisk University and DePauw University. Several of Anthony?s retention exercises were highlighted nationally. Anthony has been active in the community serving as a member of the board for Mercy Health Partners Hospital Systems, Leadership Ohio, and Cincinnati Music Hall's May Festival to name a few. He is a Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Fisk University and holds a Masters degree from Vanderbilt University, Diversity Management certification from the University of Houston and Christian Ministry certification from Life Christian Bible Institute. He is married to Tonya L. Jones, D.D.S. The couple has two beautiful children and co-pastor Jubilee Nation Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Over the years, God has provided Anthony with many opportunities to share his testimony and the life-changing message of the Gospel. Having experienced the suffocating effect of racism throughout his childhood, Anthony discovered the freedom to live victoriously from anger and bitterness by applying God's Word to his life and the practical skills for inter-cultural understanding. He in turn desires to help others do the same. \"Can t wo walk t oget her, except t hey be agreed?\" -Amos 3:3 (KJV)

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