RBD Consulting firm llc Hallmark A Talent Community Introduction/Company Overview June 2017 2017 RBD Consulting – Confidential Material C I N C I N N A T I . A T L A N T A . B E I J I N G . L O N D O N . M I A M I . N E W Y O R K . S A N F R A N C I S C O D i r e c t : 6 1 5 . 4 03. 4 705 W eb: www. RB DFI RM. co m
Company Overview Proven Low Cost Provider Focused on Deep Understanding of Service Delivery Methods Cross-functional Results Oriented Consulting Team of Experts • Extensive human capital • Proven optimization • Senior Level consultants from methods for large and small high performing consulting experience labor forces practices • Executed work projects across a variety of environments • Success supporting • 100% of projects have globally workflow activities across measurable results & impact various units RBD will bring pragmatic We have the expertise to RBD will bring senior level solutions (not theory)… that will accelerate delivery through consultants to the table… the resonate with a client’s proven employee difference between buying a employees and impact results enhancement techniques. service… and buying a result. faster. 2
Company Overview Our clients include a mix of large and small organizations from vastly different industries. 3
Company Overview Our holistic approach is spread over five (5) specific Work Enhancement Domains using three (3) employee focus areas: Collaboration Employee Focus Areas: Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) Improving aimed at increasing an employee’s ability to improve • Address cross-business opportunities Primary Benefits Customer Work Enhancement Domains Better Use of Functional Design (FD) • Generates business unit buy-in to quality, productivity, reliability and safety, while Experience reducing costs required changes • Allows the appropriate trade-off between revenue, service and cost align employee’s functional role with personal work where required styles to reduce redundancies and enhance Resources • Ensures that focus is on the activities resource efficiency that align with long term goals, minimizing impact of conflicting projects resources and streamlines executive focuses on developing cross-functional coordination around delivery New Ways of Situational Awareness (SA) • Ensures effective allocation of Work competencies to manage and lead integrated teams, foster more complex ideas and optimize talent performance Competency Development 4
Company Overview Our Industry Solutions focus on decreasing personnel cost and increasing customer satisfaction. A few examples of how we help achieve a high-performing work environment are below: HUMAN RESOURCE CONSULTING - EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SUPPORT RBD provides solutions to dramatically increase measurable engagement results. We assist clients to survey the employee base and assess the health of their employee engagement. Our consultants have experience developing, implementing and supporting employee engagement strategies, with results that have proven successful. DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT - CULTURAL ASSESSMENTS RBD assist clients to evaluate the substance, strength, and adaptability of its culture. Our survey and focus groups help discover implicit bias and unspoken rules that shape perceptions within the organization and impact performance outcomes. Armed with this information, proactive strategies to reshape the company profile can be implemented. DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT - DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION STRATEGY PLANNING Data obtained from interviews, surveys and focus groups are leveraged to create a rolling strategy that incorporates best practice approaches to diversity and inclusion management. Plan objectives are aligned with our client's mission and goals and measurements are included to provide accountability and consistency. DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT - DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION TRAINING RBD diversity training course discusses the business benefits of diversity in the workplace with best practice strategies on interacting with different personalities and cultures, and teaches employees to approach diverse people with inclusion and respect. It includes fast-paced learning sessions the designed for adult learners. Interactive group activities, classroom style lectures and virtual learning tools are utilized by knowledgeable facilitators with a wide variety of business backgrounds. Participants develop an individual and organizational inter-cultural engagement action plan that aligns with the client's mission and performance goals. DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT - MULTICULTURAL TRAINING FOR RECRUITER AND HIRING MANAGERS Utilizing the overall recruitment strategy as a baseline, participants are led through varying sessions that include classroom style lecture, virtual learning tools and group interactive activities. Exercises explain the definition for inter-cultural engagement, share best practice inter-cultural engagement strategies, and harness the practical insight and experience of participants to deepen the learning in real-time. The information captured in the training discussions are used as foundational material to develop an individual and organizational inter-cultural engagement action plan. The program makes their existing C I N C I N N A T I . A T L A N T A . B E I J I N G . L O N D O N . M I A M I . N E W Y O R K . S A N F R A N C I S C O behavioral interviewing, selection, and recruiting processes more effective in generating a larger more diverse pool of qualified candidates to help achieve diversity goals. 5
Company Overview Our tools are designed to 1) gather information, 2) clarify opportunities, 3) promote and transfer understanding and 4) assure program success. Interviews & Electronic Surveys Focus Groups Cultural Audits & Analysis Stakeholder Process Mapping Comparative Benchmarking Facilitated Training 6
Company Overview Select Members of the Team Anthony served as Director of Global Diversity at the Convergys Corporation where he was responsible for company-wide inclusion and diversity strategy, managing many of Convergys’ internal and external stakeholder relationships, developing and implementing diversity communication strategies, and serving as a primary spokesperson on diversity matters. During his career, Anthony also led recruitment for INROADS, Inc. as the National Director for Recruitment Services. Anthony has served as Vice-President of Enrollment Management for both Fisk University and DePauw University. He is a Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Fisk University, holds a Masters in Higher Education Administration from Vanderbilt University and a Anthony Jones, M.Ed. President/Practice Lead certification in Diversity Management from the University of Houston. Sheila earned the B.A. in psychology with honors from the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill and the M.S. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Vanderbilt University. She is a licensed clinical psychologist with expertise in consultation and training to not-for-profit and corporations on various topics such as courage in management, stress management in the workplace and organizational change. She is the clinician for the Tennessee Titans and provides services to amateur and professional athletes. Along with serving Fisk University as the Discipline Coordinator for Psychology, Director of Graduate Studies in Psychology, Director of the Quality Enhancement Plan on critical thinking and Director of the Fisk Counseling Center, Sheila also worked as Interim Director of the Fisk Race Relations Institute. Sheila Peters, Ph.D. Senior Consultant Harriett has worked in the HR field for over 17 years. As Director of Human Resources. Director of Employment, Sr. Manager of Employee Relations and Manager HR Shared Services – Licensure & Workforce Agreement Administration, she has led human resources functional areas such as talent acquisition and sourcing, employee relations, compliance, diversity and benefits administration. Her experience include solid knowledge of labor laws and ensuring regulatory compliance. Harriett earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Fisk University and a Masters of Business Administration from Tennessee State University. She has been a member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the National Association of Professional Women Harriett Williams, MBA, ITIL (NAPW). Senior Consultant 7
RBD Consulting firm llc Hallmark A Talent Community Introduction/Company Overview June 2017 2017 RBD Consulting – Confidential Material C I N C I N N A T I . A T L A N T A . B E I J I N G . L O N D O N . M I A M I . N E W Y O R K . S A N F R A N C I S C O D i r e c t : 6 1 5 . 4 03. 4 705 W eb: www. RB DFI RM. co m
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