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Home Explore Introduction


Published by Pothecorn, 2022-09-13 16:22:36

Description: Introduction


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Introduction: (00:07 - 00:22) Berry: Hello everyone and welcome back to the series “Back to old school”. The series is about revealing new aspect of old spaces through the lens of Gen Z. And my name is Berry, the host for today’s episode. Let’s meet our two guests! (00:22 - 00:24) Kylie: Hi, I’m Kylie! (00:24 - 00:26) Neroli: Hi, I’m Neroli, and we are from … (00:26 - 00:28) Kylie and Neroli: RMIT University! (00:28 - 00:35) Berry: Welcome! But before getting start, can I ask you guys that the place you usually go to buy groceries? (00:35 - 00:37) Kylie: Well, definitely supermarket. (00:37 - 00:39) Neroli: Well, for me, the wet market. (00:39 - 00:47) Berry: So I think there will be a lot of things to say, because today’s episode is about “Wet market”! Discussion 1: (00:51 - 00:55) Berry: Hey, what do you guys know about the wet market? (00:55 - 01:09) Neroli: Well, I usually go there with my mom and she told me that it’s a place where people sell fresh food, like fish or meat. And I also notice that wet market is very popular in Southeast Asia. (01:09 - 01:13) Kylie: So is there any difference between the wet market now and before? (01:13 - 01:26) Berry: Yes, of course! And as I remember, the wet market in the past was separated into many areas, like the vegetable market is being called “Cho Xanh” or the seafood market is called “Cho Rong”. (01:26 - 01:30) Neroli: But why do people call it wet market? (01:30 - 01:33) Kylie: Maybe because of its moist flooring? (01:33 - 01:43) Berry: Yeah, right! Actually it’s because the seller usually use the ice to preserve the freshness of products, so the ice melted and cause to the wet floor. (01:43 - 01:45) Kylie and Neroli: Wow, interesting! (01:45 - 01:49) Berry: Yeah, but before discussing further, let’s take some time for our sponsor! Advertisement:

(01:49 - 02:06) Sponsor: You want to live far away from the modern life? Let’s come to Hay Day Fair! Especially this week you will have one day to grow and have the fresh vegetables as the real farmers. Join the Fair now! Hay Day Fair: Less mind, Fresh vibe! Discussion 2: (02:06 - 02:12) Berry: Thank you sponsor! Now let’s back to the discussion. Hey Kylie, why don’t you go to the market? (02:12 - 02:29) Kylie: Because I live in an apartment and right downstair is a lot of convenient stores and supermarkets, and to be honest, I haven’t had many chance to go to the market because it’s kind of far away. But it seems like Neroli is a market goer, right? (02:29 - 02:53) Neroli: Yeah, actually I am, and I think I may inherit from my mom. Like every Vietnamese else, we see that the wet market is the best choice and I also love the conversation that I have with the sellers there, and also because it sells fresh food. For example, when you buy meat in the wet market, you can touch at it to see whether it is ‘warm’ or high-quality or not. (02:53 - 02:54) Kylie: Really? (02:54 - 02:55) Neroli: Yeah! (02:55 - 03:13) Kylie: Like, personally, it’s really strange to me because when I go to the supermarket, I think it is fresh enough and especially, the quality is certified. Like, I don’t need to touch anything to check it, I just want something clean and fast, you know? (03:13 - 03:25) Neroli: Hhhmmm, but the price in the supermarket is quite expensive while in the wet market the price is quite bargainable, what I mean is the food there is mostly supplied from the local farmers. (03:25 - 03:47) Kylie: It’s not a big deal to me, like, I’m willing to spend more as long as it’s convenient and flexible with my time. But; however, I think wet market should still be existed because there's a lot of people who don’t go to the market as the same purpose like you, but we go there to get inspiration for creative work. (03:47 - 03:48) Berry and Neroli: Wow! (03:48 - 03:53) Berry: Creative work? Oh, it sounds interesting, can you share more about that? (03:53 - 04:21) Kylie: Yep, like, I believe that Gen Z can find source of inspiration from literally anywhere on this planet. Like, I used to take market as inspiration for my podcast, I used to make a podcast about that. And also taking fashion as an example, like, a lot of top influencers like Chau Bui or Quynh Anh Shyn, they also took photoshoot in the market. Ending: (04:21 - 04:28) Neroli: Hhhmmm, so I think after today's discussion, I can understand that market is not just a place for selling.

(04:28 - 04:47) Berry: Yeah, make sense! Now, I believe that both of you and our audiences now can see wet market in different aspect. And I think this is the end of today’s episode! Don’t forget our series at 7:00 P.M every Friday night and our new magazine will be released next week. Now, thank you for coming, let’s say goodbye! (04:47 - 04:51) All: Goodbye, bye bye.

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