Apprentice Manager Guide
Contents 3 Welcome 4 Introducing Lifetime Training 5 Overview of Apprenticeships 6 Benefits 8 Apprenticeship Delivery 9 Apprenticeships Available 10 Maths and English Qualifications 12 Explore the Programme 14 End-Point Assessment (EPA) 16 Off-the-job-training 18 Online Training Resources 20 Team Member Apprentices 22 Your Responsibilities 23 Apprentice Comittment 24 Apprentice Support 26 Key Contacts 27 Manager FAQs 2
Welcome At Pret we believe in providing the ‘best-in-class’ education and training to our team. That is why we have developed the Pret Apprenticeship Programme. We aim to provide a fantastic opportunity for new and existing talent in our shops to develop and grow a successful career with Pret. This guide will provide you with everything you need to know about the apprenticeships available to you and your shop teams: • How to get started • Commitment for the Apprentice • Commitment from you You can also find more information on how to recruit ‘New to Pret’ apprentice Team Members in your shop via the apprenticeship route. Our Vision Pret Apprenticeships attract, engage and grow Pret people, in the right place, at the right time. 3
Introducing Lifetime Training Award Winning external 20 years of experience in delivering training provider apprenticeships in the hospitality sector Quality and innovative training Partnership with Pret 4
Overview of Apprenticeships Apprenticeships offer a fantastic way for our Team Members, Leaders and you, our Managers to grow a career at Pret. We’ve aligned apprenticeships to our shop roles so there are a range of development opportunities. What are Apprenticeships? • Training delivered in the workplace. • Nationally recognised standard in England. • Opportunity to develop role-relevant skills, knowledge and behaviours. • On average, it takes 12-18 months to complete (depending on the programme). • Apprentices must complete 20% off-the-job training and learning during work hours. • Includes Maths and English qualifications (if required). • Achieved on completion of a final End-point Assessment (EPA), where apprentices will be required to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and behaviours they’ve learnt to an independent assessor. • There are no age limits on who can do an apprenticeship and signing up for an apprenticeship will not affect a team member’s wage or promotion. Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for an apprenticeship, new or existing team members will need to meet the following requirements: • Must be over 16 years old. • Contracted to work a minimum of 30 hours per week. • Not be in any other form of education or training such as college or university. • Have been an EU/UK resident for a minimum of three years. • Do not have a qualification at the same level, or above, in a similar discipline. • Should be in the right role for the chosen programme. 5
Benefits of Apprenticeships Benefits for Pret Grow talent and support succession Increase retention, engagement and progression Develop role-relevant skills, Improve our customer experience knowledge and behaviours Enhance Pret’s employer Reward and recognise our people brand and reputation 6
Benefits of Apprenticeships Benefits for the Apprentice Achieve a nationally Develop, reinforce and enhance their recognised apprenticeship skills, knowledge and behaviours to maximise their potential Build their confidence Earn as they learn. Pret fund their apprenticeship training Opportunity to progress and achieve a degree level apprenticeship 7
Apprenticeship Delivery Apprentices will be supported by a Visit are flexible. Arranged in advance. Lifetime Coach who will arrange to meet with the Apprentice every 6-8 weeks. Sessions will last 1hr and 30mins. Can be in person or virtually. A reminder email will also be sent to you Self-Study is integral to the and your apprentice to remind you that programme. Allocate time to train in Shops to support apprentices. a visit or an Experience Event is due to take place. Level of work varies by Level. During their programme, apprentices Recommended 3 hours of will be required to attend self-study per week and should Apprenticeship Experience Event(s), be split to suit business needs. focused on Pret’s business priorities – designed to deepen their knowledge 8 and support you on how to best facilitate Pret’s priorities in your shop.
Apprenticeships Available A high proportion of our Managers, started as Team Members, and we want to carry on with this success story with our apprentices. The Pret Apprenticeships pathways (below), showcase how new apprentices and our existing teams – this includes you, can develop with Pret. Grow as a Team Member Hospitality Team Member Level 2 Evolve as a Leader Hospitality Supervisor Level 3 Excel as a Manager Hospitality Management Level 4 Operational Management Level 5 BA Business Management Degree Level 6 9
Maths and English Qualifications As part of the apprenticeship, you may need to achieve qualifications in Maths and English called Functional Skills. These qualifications are equivalent to holding GCSEs in those subjects. Already achieved these? If you’ve previously achieved a Maths or English GCSE qualification at Grade D or above, you will not need to complete Function Skills as part of the programme. You’ll just need to present your certificates to your Coach at your first visit. Need to achieve them? If you don’t hold these qualifications, don’t worry. Your Coach will support you to achieve them. These will be taught very differently to how you learn in school and will help you at work and in day-to-day life. 10
Explore the P Who is this for? Wh Grow Team Member Available to ‘New to Pret’ (NTP) The Grow Programme is the Level 2 Level 2 Programme and existing Team Members Apprenticeship. On completion of thi across our UK shops. awarded a Level 2 National Standar to 5 GCSEs. This programme is 12 mo Recruitment of NTP Team Member apprentices will take place throughout It provides a fully rounded learning e the year. Driven by business needs whilst immersing the apprentice into and is supported by Lifetime Training and Pret Recruitment Team. The Grow Programme is designed to education to the world of employme Typically, applications for NTP Team Members, will be made Apprentices will complete their induc by school or college leavers. enrolled onto their apprenticeship pr Evolve Leader This programme is available to our The Evolve Leader Programme is the Level 3 Programme Leaders and to those in training at On completion of this programme, a the Pret Academy (week 8 onwards), National Standard in Hospitality, whi who are looking to take their first steps towards management. This programme is 12 months plus 3 Currently available to Leaders It has been designed to reinforce pri across our UK shops. their experience to become industry This programme is available to our • Leadership and management st graduated Assistant Managers (AM) Sales and marketing strategies A and General Managers (GM) across our UK shops. Subject to HR checks. • Leaders on this apprenticeship w Excel Manager The first step on the Excel Manager P Level 4 Programme apprenticeship. On completion of thi a Level 4 National Standard in Hospi Business Management degree. This It has been designed to reinforce pri and GMs experience to become indu • Business strategy, finance and o Customer sales and marketing s • Managers on this apprenticeship • Upon completion of this course, M for the Undergraduate Degree in which is a two year top-up progr 12
Programmes hat is it about? How to apply? Hospitality Team Member How do I recruit a new to Pret Team Member apprentice? is programme, apprentices will be If you’d like to recruit an apprentice in your shop, rd in Hospitality, which is equivalent go to our section on recruiting ‘New to Pret’ Team onths plus 2 months for EPA. Member Apprentices’ for more information. experience of the hospitality industry, How do existing Team Members*/Leaders** apply for the o Pret’s culture and workplace. Grow/Evolve Programme? We take nominations for the programmes all year round, o support their transition from the world of full-time so the best news is, they can simply apply to begin their ent through accessing life skills taught on programme. programme when they’re ready! Please see the steps below:: ction training as normal and will usually be Step 1 Team Members/Leaders simply complete the rogramme by their Lifetime Coach at week 6. online application form, accessible online here. e Level 3 Hospitality Supervisor apprenticeship. Step 2 Lifetime Training will contact the Team Member directly apprentices will be awarded a Level 3 to check eligibility and get them started on the programme. ich is equivalent to 2 A Levels. * Team Members who have already completed a Level 2 in months for EPA. Hospitality, or similar will not be eligible for this programme. ior training, enhance their knowledge and deepen **Leaders who have already completed the Level 3 NVQ Diploma recognised leaders. Learning includes: in Hospitality, Supervision and Leadership will not be eligible for this programme. For any further queries about an application tyles Business and brand reputation or the programme, please contact pretapprenticeships@ Aligned to Pret’s business priorities or [email protected] will be required to attend one Experience event. Programme is the Level 4 Hospitality Manager How do Managers apply for the Excel Programme? is programme, apprentices will be awarded Managers simply complete the online itality, which is equivalent to the first year of a application form, accessible online here. programme is 16 months plus 2 months for EPA. ior training, enhance knowledge and deepen AMs ustry recognised Managers. Learning includes: operations. People strategy, recruitment and retention. strategies. Leadership and change management. p will be required to attend one Experience event. Managers will be able to apply n Business Management, ramme. 13
Getting ready to succeed End-point Assessment (EPA) To achieve their programme, apprentices will be prepared for an external assessment, known as an End-point Assessment (EPA). Here, they will need to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviours they have learnt to an Independent Assessor. Practice & mock assessments: To prepare the apprentice for EPA, practice assessments are scheduled throughout the duration of their programme with their Lifetime Coach. They are designed to replicate the EPA methods they will experience at the end of the programme and provide an opportunity to measure progress and build confidence at key milestones on their journey. Additionally, towards the end of their training, they will complete a full mock assessment, supported by the Lifetime Coach and you, their Manager. 14
1. Gateway Discussion Following the mock assessments and completion of Functional Skills (if required), a ‘Gateway Discussion’ will be scheduled with you, the apprentice and their Lifetime Coach to agree whether they are ready. 2. Planning Meeting Once agreed, you, the apprentice, the Lifetime Coach and the Independent Assessor will meet to discuss requirements, plans and dates for EPA. As their Manager, you will be required to attend parts of the EPA. Details of which will be confirmed in this meeting. 3. The Assessment Each apprenticeship has different assessment plans that make up the overall EPA: Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 90-minute on demand 2-hour on demand 90-minute on demand multiple choice test multiple choice test multiple choice test 2-hour observation 4-hour observation Submitting a 9,000 in their shop in their shop word Business Project Submitting a 800-1,200 Submitting a 2,000- 90-minute structured word Business Project 5,000 word Business professional discussion Project supported by 40-minute structured a 30-minute formal professional presentation and Q&A discussion about their Business Project 90-minute structured professional discussion 4. The Result The Independent Assessor will issue the apprentice’s EPA result, which could be a pass or even a distinction. And much like a driving test, if they don’t pass their EPA first time, they’ll receive further training and will have the opportunity to take it again. 15
Time to Learn Off-the-Job Training Apprenticeship training should be delivered during the apprentices’ working hours. All apprentices must be allocated 20% of their paid working hours for off-the-job training. What is off-the-job training? It’s defined as ‘learning that’s undertaken outside of the normal day- to-day working environment and leads towards the achievement of an apprenticeship’. This can include training that’s delivered in our shops, but it must not be delivered as part of the apprentice’s normal working duties. Your Lifetime Coach will be on hand to talk you and your apprentice through what the ‘20% off-the-job’ training means. They will use the tasks below to provide guidance on how to use the off-the-job training hours effectively to train your apprentice. 16
Teaching and Learning (during work hours) • Training sessions led by you, the Academy can provide support if required. • Any new systems/equipment that has been introduced that the apprentice has been shown. • POD training that can be attributed to the apprenticeship. For example, Food Safety or Health and Safety. This also includes any relevant new learning/training as communicated via weekly Pret. • Role playing, such as serving a customer or making specialist hot drinks before service. • Simulation exercises. Practical shadowing Learning support and time spent on independent study • Work shadowing. • Online weekly activities on • Developing others, such as MyLife, led by Lifetime. showing new team members the coffee machine etc. • Planning, researching, reviewing Business Projects as part • Scheduled team training. of the apprenticeship. • Brand training. • Time given to complete a reflective journal at the end of shifts. • New product launches. • Briefings/updates from Managers on anything new/changing – i.e. new products coming in. 17
Online Training Resources Aptem Aptem is Lifetime’s online learning platform used to deliver and track your learning throughout the course. Your assessments must be completed within a required period, 2 months for Level 2 and 3 months for Level 3. and will involve: • All your learning is set out into manageable monthly learning topics • Hosts a variety of interactive resources and activities to suit different learning styles • Helpful dashboard to view your progress, track all the time spent on your learning activities (off-the-job hours) and highlight any upcoming or overdue learning activities • Send and receive messages from your Learning Coach and view your scheduled training sessions and progress reviews dates • Upload and store all completed work in one safe place For Line Managers Your line manager will also have access to this platform so they can review your progress throughout the programme to ensure you are supported and on track to succeed. 18
‘New to Pret’ Team Member Apprentices Why recruit a ‘New to Pret’ apprentice Team Member? Recruiting an apprentice for your shop is a brilliant opportunity to engage with the Pret vision and support our growing talent pipeline. We need your help to make sure we have great Team Members in our shops; who can support you, your team and hopefully work their way up to become our future Managers. Below are some of the great benefits of having an apprentice. You will: • Be supported with recruitment as candidates will be sourced, screened and referred to us by apprentice recruitment experts at Lifetime Training. • Have the ongoing support of a Lifetime Coach, who will guide you through the apprenticeship training and keep you involved every step of the way. • Gain a motivated Team Member who has the ambition and drive to succeed with Pret. • Have the opportunity to develop eager new talent to work to your high standards. • Have the ability to build your shop’s talent pipeline. How does it work? The recruitment process is simple and you maintain 100% of the control. Recruitment of New to Pret Team Member apprentices takes place throughout the year and is led by Lifetime Training, supported by you and Pret’s Recruitment Team. Your vacancy will be advertised on Pret Jobs and across national job boards, aimed at attracting young people into Pret through an apprenticeship route, who are looking to build long term careers with Pret. 20
What are the steps? GM opens an Apprentice Vacancy on 1 Pret On Demand (POD) and registers 2 Lifetime Recruiter contacts GM to the vacancy request with Lifetime on verify the vacancy. Lifetime forwards the shortlisted 3 Lifetime Training advertise and source 4 candidates to apply for an apprentice the best candidates. vacancy on Pret’s Career site. GM will invite the candidate for 5 Lifetime Recruiter contacts GM to 6 a shop interview. Outcome to verify the vacancy. be recorded on POD and GM will need to inform Lifetime Recruiter with the outcome. Lifetime Coach will have an Successful candidate is hired by GM appointment with the Apprentice 8 within 5 to 7 weeks from start date 7 following Pret’s on-boarding process. to enrol them onto the Level 2 Grow GM to confirm the start date with Programme. Lifetime Recruiter. 21
Your Responsibilities Learning and Development should be a truly collaborative approach. If you have an apprentice on one of our programmes, you will play an important part in their development. The overall time commitment doesn’t need to be huge, yet the more active support you can give, the more your apprentice will flourish. Lifetime Coaches are on hand to support the delivery of knowledge, as well as practice and mock assessments. A key area where you will be required to support is in the development of your apprentice’s skills and behaviours on the job. Throughout the programme, your Lifetime Coach will provide you with a simple set of competency checklists, outlining the skills and behaviours required to be demonstrated by your apprentice – and may be asked at their EPA. These are known as Skills Endorsements. Completing the Skills Endorsements with your apprentice will help you keep on top of their progression and will also help you decide at the ‘Gateway Discussion’, whether they are ready for EPA. It also helps us to identify any areas your apprentice is struggling with, and determine whether any additional coaching, teaching and or learning is required. Be present for a catch up at each Support your apprentice to achieve of the scheduled Lifetime Coach on-the-job skills. visits, every 6 to 8 weeks. Coach your apprentices in the Make sure apprentices have enough workplace and ensure their learning time during work hours to complete is aligned to the apprenticeship. training and independent study. Attend the EPA activities. Update the Lifetime Coach of any changes of circumstances and approve any 22 requested appointment changes.
Apprentice Commitment We are passionate about ensuring our apprentices succeed and really make the most of this learning opportunity. They must be well prepared for the challenge and ready to commit to the apprenticeship. They will be expected to: • Read and understand their Apprentice Guide. • Sign a Learner Agreement to outline their commitment to the apprenticeship*. • Be motivated to learn, develop and implement new skills and knowledge. • Attend all scheduled Experience Events, completing set activities. • Attend all scheduled visits with their Lifetime Coach every 6 to 8 weeks, bringing relevant evidence of completed work. • Commit to three to four hours per week of learning activities/ independent study, during working hours. For example, this may include completing workplace projects and activities, doing some research, watching a related video or carrying out some personal reading. • Give at least 48 hours’ notice to postpone or cancel an appointment (which should be approved by you). • Complete their EPA and apprenticeship journey. *Parental consent needed for 16-17 year olds. 23
Apprentice Support Safeguarding Pret is committed to improving and promoting best practice for its apprenticeship programmes. We must make sure the wellbeing of your apprentice is safeguarded and that they are protected from harm. This in turn will promote opportunities for them to thrive and benefit from their learning experience, foster a culture where learners are valued and their right to be safe is respected. Please ensure you have read the Safeguarding Policy on Planet Pret. On Lifetime’s MyLife community, apprentices will have access to a ‘need help’ topic. Within this topic there is important information, advice and guidance that will direct them to various resources available. Make sure you and your apprentices look at this section when first visiting MyLife, so you are fully aware of what support is available. Lifetime Training also offer a free and confidential Learner Helpline, supporting apprentices through the provision of telephone counselling, advice and referrals on a wide variety of work related and personal issues. Apprentices can also access Pret’s Employee Assistance Programme helpline: 0845 120 1421 and quote 72307, login and enter 72307 The Lifetime Training 24/7 apprentice helpline: 0330 666 7247 (password is ‘lifetime’) 24
Mental Wellness Being mentally healthy is an important aspect of our lives that aids us to function well in our day-to-day activities. We want to make sure that our teams are aware of the importance of positive mental health, why it’s important and ways that they can have positive mental wellbeing. The below presentation showcases FIVE steps to Mental Wellbeing. Please have a read to discover some fundamentally important ways for both you and our apprentices to stay mentally healthy. Click here to view the presentation. Download the I Am Me app here Mental wellness presentation I Am Me app The Lifetime Coach From day one, apprentices will have one-to-one support from their Lifetime Coach. They are industry experts who will help to develop skills, provide coaching and support their assessment. They will: • Support your apprentice and you with any day-to-day queries regarding the programme. • Meet with your apprentice face-to-face every 6 to 8 weeks to review progress and agree new learning actions. • They will maintain regular contact with them via online phone calls each month. • Support and coach them throughout their apprenticeship. • Make sure additional support is offered for those who have learning needs. 25
Key Contacts If you have an issue or query regarding your apprentice, there are a number of people in place who can support. Depending on the nature of your enquiry, you can contact the following for: Your Apprentice’s Learning Should you require any further support or Speak to your Lifetime Coach information regarding apprenticeships, the Apprenticeship Team would be more than HR Concerns happy to help. Email: [email protected] or speak to your HR Business Advisor Please contact [email protected] Safeguarding or Email: [email protected] [email protected] 26
Manager FAQs Experience Days How can I find out the dates and locations of my Apprentice’s off-site Experience Days? General Managers and Apprentices will receive an email via POD confirming the dates and details of the Experience Events, with sufficient time to plan rotas. Do I need to pay my Apprentice to attend the Experience Days? Apprentices attending Experience Day will be paid for their time out of shop as training in the exact same way as any training or workshop delivered by the Academy. Does my Apprentice need to pay their own travel costs to attend the Experience Days? As for any travel booked for training at the Academy this is paid for by you. Travel tickets can be purchased via Corporate Traveller, see the link for booking travel and accommodation. Is attendance at the Experience Days compulsory? • Yes, apprentices are expected to attend all their scheduled Experience Days and are to be paid to attend. • Each day has been aligned to their apprenticeship to support their learning and allocated time for off-the-job training. • Failure to attend without notice will be followed up with the General Manager and Ops Manager. Lifetime Coach Visits and Contact 27 How do I contact my Apprentice’s Lifetime Coach? • You will meet your Lifetime Coach at your Apprentice’s enrolment visit. • They will exchange their contact details with you and will be your first point of contact for any queries regarding the apprenticeship. • Following receipt of their details you can contact the Coach by phone or email. When will an Apprentice Team Member/Leader be enrolled onto their apprenticeship? • Level 2 Grow apprentices are enrolled by week 7 of their induction. • Level 3 Evolve leaders are enrolled within 4-6 weeks following their nomination. How will I know when my Apprentice’s enrolment or next visit with their Lifetime Coach is going to be? Please see page on the Aptem platform. How will I know if my apprentice is on track and progressing? Use of Aptem and 12 weekly reviews with the Apprentice and the Lifetime Coach.
Lifetime Coach Visits and Contact Do I need to prepare anything for the Lifetime Coach’s visit with my apprentice? • Make sure the time for their visit has been allocated in the rota. A visit is usually two hours. • Make sure you’re available for 10-15 minutes during the visit to check in on your apprentice’s progress. • During the programme, you will be required to complete a set of skills endorsements for your apprentice. • If you’re unavailable for the visit, please contact the Lifetime Coach in advance to discuss anything you need to be made aware of. Apprentice recruitment How do I recruit an apprentice? • New to Pret Apprentice Team Members are recruited via the following link • Please contact the Recruitment Centre and for more information, go to Recruiting ‘New to Pret’ Team Member Apprentices. If I recruit an apprentice, are there any differences in their employment or on-boarding? • Pret employs and pays apprentices, just as we would any new Team Member, following our on-boarding process. • The only difference is that we’re committing to supporting them achieve their Level 2 Hospitality apprenticeship while working and they are committing to remain on the apprenticeship for the full duration of the programme. Shop trials are not applicable for apprentices. Does my NTP Apprentice Team Member need to start their employment on a particular date? You can start your apprentice on any date you agree with them. Please notify Lifetime Training of the start date so we can ensure this is recorded for their apprenticeship. Can we recruit Leader apprentices? We do offer recruitment of Leaders please use this link to open a vacancy: 28
Eligibility Can a Leader apply for the Level 3 Evolve Programme at any time? • We take nominations for the Evolve programme all year round, so the best news is, Leaders can simply begin their programme when they’re ready! • If you have a Leader looking to step onto the Evolve Programme, they must have authorisation from you, their General Manager. If a Leader has completed their NVQ Level 3 Hospitality Supervision and Leadership Diploma with the Academy, can they still be eligible for the Excel Programme? No, unfortunately, they will not be eligible. My apprentice has achieved their GCSEs in Maths and English but can’t find their certificates. Would they still need to complete Functional Skills? • Lifetime Training will need evidence of their certificates at the enrolment visit to exempt your apprentice from Functional Skills. • If they are unable to source their certificates, please speak to your Lifetime Coach who can offer advice, which includes contacting the school/awarding organisation to send out new copies. • If these certificates still cannot be evidenced, your apprentice will need to complete Functional Skills as part of their apprenticeship. If someone has a degree, would they be able eligible for Pret’s Apprenticeship programmes? Even if someone has a degree, they can still be eligible for Pret’s apprenticeships, providing their degree isn’t in a similar subject and they meet all the eligibility criteria for the programme they are applying for. Go to Eligibility Requirements for more information. Is there a limit to how many apprentices I can have in my shop? Our recommendation would be 3 apprentices per manager as a maximum. 29
Other What happens if my apprentice wants to leave the programme or is leaving Pret? • If your apprentice has expressed a desire to leave the apprenticeship programme but remain with Pret, please note that this should not be an option. Please contact your Lifetime Coach and apprenticeship@ once notified. Only for NTP Apprentice hires. • In the first instance, we will do everything we can to support the apprentice to remain on programme. • In exceptional circumstances, such as long-term illness or in some cases personal challenges, we can apply a ‘break in learning’ to allow the apprentice some time away from their learning. • Should an apprentice leave Pret, please make sure you inform your Lifetime Coach and the Apprenticeship Team at the Academy as soon as possible and follow Pret’s standard exit processes. Are Apprentices on the Level 2 Grow Programme still required to complete their 12-week induction training? Yes! They will commence their on-boarding just like any other new to Pret Team Member. How will apprentices receive their final EPA result and certificates? • Apprentices will receive their EPA results from the EPA organisation following the completion of their final assessment. • Certificates will be sent to the Apprentice Shop, directly from the Department of Education. Please first scan a copy and send to [email protected]. • Following this, if appropriate take a picture and celebrate your Apprentice’s achievement in Shop. Take a moment to reward and recognise all their hard work! 30
How does my apprentice apply for their discount Oyster or Apprentice NUS Extra card? • Apprentices can apply for these cards (subject to their terms and conditions) once they have been enrolled onto their apprenticeship by their Lifetime Coach. • For more information on the Apprentice Oyster Card and how to apply, visit: • For more information on the Apprentice NUS Extra Card and how to apply, visit: • To apply, your Apprentice will be asked for their ‘Unique Learner Number’ (ULN) which your Lifetime Coach can confirm. They will also need Lifetime’s ‘UK Provider Reference Number’ (UKPRN): 10003915. If I have an issue/query with my Apprentice, who can this get escalated to? Depending on the nature of the issue, we have a number of people in place who can support. Please go to Key Contacts information for further details 31
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