Unlocking the potential of your project managers. Strategically upskilling the teams driving your key business projects.
Role-essential skills for project management Businesses are constantly evolving and looking for new ways to adapt and improve, all of which requires project management at some level. But to successfully drive new initiatives forward and reach business goals, project managers need to be armed with the right skills. Without them, things can quickly get costly, hindering business growth and innovation and impacting the bottom line. It’s why organisations that invest in proven project management practices waste 28x less money, because more of their strategic initiatives are completed successfully. 2
Despite strategic project management skills Contents being a vital asset to steering successful projects, they’re still largely unrecognised within many 4 Who is Lifetime? companies (or are barely invested in). 6 Associate Project Manager Level 4 8 Benefits of apprenticeships Apprenticeships are the perfect route for developing 10 Lifetime’s blended delivery the right skills and essential theoretical knowledge 11 Online learning for leading-edge project management capability. 12 Apprenticeship recruitment 14 Why Lifetime? We upskill project managers by delivering role-relevant, 17 Expert coaching on-the-job training, whether they already plan and 19 Programmes for your professionals manage projects as part of their day-to-day jobs, or 20 Get in touch you’re looking to hire new talent to start doing so. 3 70% of major change projects fail to deliver forecasted benefits (McKinsey & Company) 57% of projects fail due to breakdown of communication (IT Cortex) 55% of employers most worried about transformation skills say innovation is hampered by a lack of key skills (PWC)
Who is Lifetime? At Lifetime, we work to deliver apprenticeship training solutions that unlock bright futures. Every part of what we do is driven by the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to learn. For over 25 years, we’ve defined and delivered programmes that inspire, challenge and upskill the people that are the driving force behind business. It’s why the UK’s biggest brands and employers choose Lifetime. And it’s how over 20,000 people a year are learning life-changing skills. With our combination of multi-sector capability, insight and expertise, we deliver innovative learning strategies, with industry-specific trainers, curriculum experts and leading-edge technology that transforms workplaces. With the world of work evolving fast, skills training is in sharper focus than ever. We strive to continue leading the way. 4
Chartered Institute and Association of Project Managers We’re accredited by the Chartered Insititute and Association of Project Managers. It’s the only chartered body for the project profession, promoting the highest standards in project management excellence. Delegates on this programme achieve the APM Project Management Qualification, alongside their apprenticeship. Experience you can trust As the UK’s largest apprenticeship training provider, our learners and partners directly benefit from leading insight and expertise. Here are some of the partners we work with, and our accreditations that certify our commitment to outstanding skills training. 5
Upskilling your Project Managers Associate Project Manager Level 4 Training designed for your people How long does it take? How’s it delivered? who manage or lead your business projects, developing the latest skills and 15 months in average plus This programme has a blended theoretical understanding for essential End-point Assessment period. learning approach. Delegates receive project management processes. 1-1 coaching every 4-6 weeks from What’s covered? a Lifetime Coach, engage in virtual From project management styles to sessions and have access to our online project finance, to identifying and The delivery model is broken learning platform, Aptem, to manage managing risks and opportunities, down over eleven modules: their programme and self-learning. this programme unlocks and embeds key skills for project management • Personal Effectiveness • Functional Skills Days are delivered through expert coaching, equipping • Leadership by specialist tutors, remotely or face- your people with the tools to drive the • Project Management to-face. It’s a unique opportunity for success of all projects, big or small. • Governance delegates from different sectors to • Business Case and Project Finance network and share best practices. Who’s it for? • Stakeholder and • Practice and mock assessments Perfect for your people who manage Communications Management are completed by delegates projects’ time, cost and quality, • Scope and Quality Management at agreed milestones wanting to deep dive into project • Risk and Issue Management throughout the programme. management. Typical roles include • Resource Management Assistant Project Manager, Junior • Consolidated Planning and • Interactive webinars provide tailored Project Manager, Associate Project support and develop essential Manager and Project Team Member. Schedule Management skills to achieve the APM Project Management Qualification. Want more info? • Contract Management Find out more about this programme. and Procurement 6
What are the achievements? z Associate Project Manager Level 4 apprenticeship accredited by the Institute of Apprenticeships z APM Certificate in Associate Project Management z Upon APM certificate completion, delegates can become an Associate Member of APM z A steppingstone for delegates to work towards becoming a Chartered Project Manager “This apprenticeship has improved how I plan my work, so it’s more effective and efficient. It supports the different partner projects to make sure they run smoothly and we keep to the scope and timeframes. The visits and webinars are well structured and gave me that extra support I needed to complete the APMQ exam and EPA.” Martina Chersano Associate Project Manager Level 4 Apprentice 7
Benefits of “Our a apprenticeships comfo and ta Whether it’s upskilling an existing employee or recruiting fresh develo talent, apprenticeships deliver cutting-edge, high impact training an ext that level-up project managers with sharpened expertise. them under It’s hands-on, role-relevant training, equipping your people with an industry- recognised qualification that unleashes project management capabilities. Deb W Leade • Upskill where you need to most • Delivered in the workplace • Attract new talent • Online learning • Develop industry-leading skills • 1-1 coaching • Optimise your levy • New skills from day one • Align your training strategy • Uncover career pathways 8
apprentices have stepped out of their ort zone, increased in confidence aken responsibility for their own opment. The programme has added tra dimension to their learning, helping see the bigger picture and have a deeper rstanding of IKEA and the wider industry.” Wood ership & Competence Leader at IKEA 9
Lifetime’s blended delivery Our approach to learning is flexible. Lifetime’s blended delivery model means that our training is delivered both face-to-face in the workplace, as well as virtually via our online digital platform, Aptem. Through 1-1 coaching sessions, we adapt training to your project managers’ specific roles, working directly with managers and employers to make sure training is integrated seamlessly into everyday working life. Delegates conduct self-led learning using Aptem, alongside taking part in interactive webinars and mock assessments. It’s what gets them ready for the End-point Assessment at the end of their apprenticeship and helps them achieve the APM Project Management Qualification. How is training delivered? z 1-1 training with a z Work set between Lifetime Coach teaching sessions z Monthly coaching z Self-led learning with sessions online platform z Virtual and face-to-face z Functional Skills Days z Practice assessments teaching 10
Aptem: online learning, Aptem anytime, anywhere Introduction for Delegates experience Lifetime’s state-of-the-art online Employers video learning platform, Aptem. It’s what takes them from initial enrolment all the way through to completion of 11 their apprenticeship, with self-led delivery that’s tailored to working patterns and learning requirements. Aptem creates a seamless approach for an e-learning journey, where delegates can manage their apprenticeship using just one platform. It embeds work-based learning into day-to-day roles, with a system that opens up communication and minimises interruptions to learning. “I’m enjoying the self-paced learning activities on Aptem and being able to discuss the resources with the rest of the cohort during the training sessions.” Federica Francesca Folino Level 5 Delegate at Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Market-leading apprenticeship recruitment Want to recruit the best people for managing your business projects? Apprenticeships are an invaluable tool for talent attraction, and a cost-effective way to unlock the skills to match your company’s future needs. At Lifetime, we provide a free recruitment service. It’s the largest apprentice recruitment service in the UK, with dedicated teams trained to hand- pick the best people for your specific roles. We attract, screen and shortlist fresh talent, so businesses can make the final call on their new hires. It’s how we help cut recruitment costs and save time when onboarding new people, so our partners can focus on other business priorities. With a future-focussed approach to talent attraction that has national reach, we don’t just recruit for a defined spec. We work with our partners to develop a bespoke strategy, to find the right people to manage their projects – and grow with their organisation over time. 12
“The results have been impressive 5,000+ roles filled given our challenging timescales, 12,000+ applicants per month our partnership with Lifetime 77% retention rate for has been critical in driving the success of our candidate attraction activity. The recruited apprentices level of interest and quality of candidates have far exceeded our expectations.” 40k monthly visits to the Lifetime job board Apprenticeship Programme Partner at Financial Ombudsman Service 49% of new hires are aged 16-18 13
Why partner with us? Consistency on a national scale Seamless, end-to-end service Because of our size, scale and sector expertise, our coaches We work with you to understand everything: your business, its are equipped to deliver leading-edge training, on a national culture, and where you want to go. That way, we can shape scale. It’s how we work to deliver consistent training, to upskill a robust strategy, manage the launch, and support you as in areas that matter most to your people and business. the programme evolves. All 100% tailored to your business. Bespoke career pathways Tailored marketing Our apprenticeships are mapped to our partners’ Our specialist Design and Marketing Team create strategy for internal career progression, providing bespoke guides and project resources that reflect structured pathways for their people. Delegates your brand and support your programme launch. It’s understand their next step for development in project just one way we make sure your programme is management, and how they can work towards it. aligned to your business, from the very start. Your programme, our expertise Optimise your levy Our team of over thirty curriculum experts are dedicated We work closely with our partners to understand their to writing and developing cutting-edge programmes business needs, so we can optimise their levy funds. We for our partners. Because they’re both sector and track every penny you spend, transforming the levy from an curriculum experts, we create programmes that work overhead to a hard-working part of your long-term growth best for our partners, their people and business. strategy, unlocking workforce potential where it’s needed most. 14
“The aim is to create high potential individuals. Lifetime’s apprenticeships are a critical part of our development strategy to grow our talent pipeline, empowering our teams with the skills needed to succeed.” Jo Shipley Apprenticeship Lead at Wolseley “We’ve established a fantastic partnership; one we will continue to grow and extend. We work together to make sure our apprentices receive the best learning experience and are committed to supporting them develop.” Jo Vincent L&D Apprenticeship Team at B&Q 15
Our experience Built on trust, developed collaboratively and delivered by experts. It’s why the UK’s biggest employers choose Lifetime programmes. Find out how we collaborate with our partners to develop home-grown talent with career-defining apprenticeships. Read their story here: 16
Expert coaches for project management Lifetime coaches are experts in their field, trained to unlock your project managers’ potential. Our teams act as natural extensions of yours, drawing on their real-life management experience and specialist industry insight to make sure learning is relevant and up to date. We undertake bespoke discovery sessions to learn how your business works, so we can tailor learning to your specific roles. It‘s what makes the delegate experience both situational and unique, but also aligned to your business needs. “Having a fantastic and motivated trainer from Lifetime definitely helped me focus and achieve results. I loved putting each learning theory into practice. Initially, I thought it would be extra workload on top of running a store. But it was great to incorporate learning into the day-to-day running of the business, as it was always relevant.” Alice Turner Retail Manager Level 4 Apprentice at Iceland 17
Programmes for professional development Looking to develop your specialists? We have professional programmes that maximise the in-house expertise of your head office and leadership teams, your coaches, HR and Learning and Development functions. It’s how we help businesses get the best out of their people professionals, with work-based apprenticeships from entry-level to more experienced roles, upskilling the teams at the very core of your people development strategy. Industry-recognised accreditations are embedded into Lifetime’s programmes too, so you can have the confidence your teams levelled up on best practice people solutions. It means your people perform at the peak of industry standards, implementing newly learnt skills from day one of their apprenticeship. Want to know more? Find out about our professional services programmes. • HR and Learning and Development apprenticeships • Leadership and Management apprenticeships 19
We’re ready to shape the training your organisation needs. Want to know more about our programmes? We deliver over 50 apprenticeship programmes across different functions and experience levels, helping our partners to create a competitive skills advantage and accelerate business growth. Find out how Lifetime can unlock the potential of your people in your business. Visit www.lifetimetraining.co.uk or talk to us [email protected] 20
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