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Home Explore Itsu Head Office Guide

Itsu Head Office Guide

Published by LifetimeDesign, 2022-11-18 12:59:12

Description: Itsu Head Office Guide


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programme support Successful completion of your apprenticeship is a team effort; you, your Manager and Learning Coach all have a part to play. By offering you this development opportunity, we are making a commitment to give you the support you need to succeed, but you must also be prepared for the challenge and ready to commit to your own development. support from your manager Your manager will play an important part in your development journey. Lifetime will support the delivery of the ‘knowledge’ training as well as coaching and support for your assessment, whilst your manager will be required to support your development of ‘skills’ and ‘behaviours’ on-the-job. your manager will need to: a ttend progress review sessions with you & your lifetime coach (every 3 months) understand your development areas & provide any additional support needed. ensure you have time during work hours to complete independent & work-based learning activities p rovide input to your skills radar – supporting you to develop the required skills & behaviours for the apprenticeship use aptem to track your progress, sign-off progress reviews & enrolment documentation support from your learning coach Your Lifetime Coach will be your key point of contact on programme and will be on hand to guide you every step of the way. your learning coach will: schedule & deliver regular learning sessions, check off-the-job training, review progress & agree new learning actions with you m aintain regular contact with you via phone, email & Aptem p repare you for your End-point Assessment provide regular feedback on your work & progress d eal with enquiries & help quickly with any problems 52

your commitment Apprenticeships take a minimum of 12-18 months to complete. You must be prepared to work hard and have the drive to push forward with your development. We are looking for colleagues who want to grow their skills, bring new knowledge and experiences to their role to drive greater team and business success. You will be expected to: s ign a learning agreement at the start of the programme to outline your commitment (this will also be signed by your manager) b e motivated to learn, develop & implement new skills, knowledge & behaviours attend all scheduled learning sessions, webinars & skills days / workshops commit to completing independent & work-based learning activities within agreed timescales upload all completed work to Aptem, logging your off-the-job hours g ive at least 48 hours’ notice to postpone or cancel a session with your learning coach 53

managers – how to support your apprentice As a Manager, you will already be supporting your team to develop and grow at itsu. By sharing your knowledge and experience with your team, you are helping them to developing in a positive learning environment. It’s important to understand the journey your apprentice is starting and the key role you play in supporting them. They may need more guidance and support from you over the coming months. As their Manager, it’ll be your responsibility to keep up to date with your apprentice’s learning and development as well as provide guidance and opportunities as they develop. We’ve included details of how apprenticeships work, how you can support and where you can find updates and guidance: 54

how it works a pprenticeship programmes focus on developing new skills & behaviours, e ach apprenticeship programme as well as knowledge, so you’ll need lasts a minimum of 13 months, to give your apprentice opportunities depending on the level, plus additional to apply their new learning in the time for End-point Assessments workplace & practice new skills a pprentices receive one-to-one learning coaches from Lifetime support from a dedicated learning are there to support both you coach throughout the programme. and your team member. Let them They will support with coaching know your preferred ways of sessions delivered remotely or working and communication so face-to-face where necessary & they can support you and your will establish a learning plan to team member in the best way challenge & guide your apprentice learning coaches will arrange monthly one to one support sessions at a time agreed with you & the apprentice – these will either be online via zoom or at the site apprentices & managers are also supported by the aptem learning platform, from enrolment all the way to assessment. On aptem, apprentices will have access to all the resources they need & clear learning plans – all in one place y ou will need to allow apprentices time during their shifts to complete their learning on the aptem platform [approx. 2 hours per week for a full-time apprentice] 55

managers – how to support your apprentice Managers will play a key role in ensuring these programmes run smoothly. To make things simple, we’ve set out exactly what we expect from you at each stage. pre-enrolment if you endorse their application, you will if an apprentice expresses interest in a be sent an email to activate your aptem programme, you’ll need to chat with them account – this is the platform you will use to check it’s relevant to their role & if they to keep up to date with their progress are committed to completing it! Remember you will be expected to support them for support your team member if the duration of the programme as well they have concerns or challenges help your team member plan their time on programme effectively – this could include scheduling y ou will need to complete actions their coaching sessions & learning time on the aptem platform to support around peak times, holidays, and rotas your team member’s progress y ou will attend progress review sessions with your team member’s learning coach roughly every 12 weeks assessment p rovide any support your team member needs for their assessments be present for the gateway discussion – a – quiet space, shift changes meeting where you agree if your team member is ready to take assessment be present for the assessment planning meeting – to agree, support & schedule the plans for their assessment we recommend you have regular 121s with your team member whilst they are on programme so you can support them & keep up to date with their progress 56

how to apply Talk through the programmes with your Manager so you have a good understanding of what’s available, and which programme could support your development best. Once you have the support of your Manager, and are ready to commit to the apprenticeship, please reach out to Mia Hicks with the following information. name phone number apprenticeship of choice manager’s name site manager’s email address email address manager’s telephone number email this information to [email protected] 57


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