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Home Explore Graphic Design - Training pack

Graphic Design - Training pack

Published by LifetimeDesign, 2022-04-08 08:29:11

Description: Graphic Design - Training pack


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Photoshop advanced – re-touching Fixing blemishes Learn how to fix blemishes and remove acne in Photoshop faster and easier. (2m.55s) Liquify tool Learn how to reshape clothing and add volume to your subject’s hair in a non-destructive way, allowing you to make changes to your photo at any time. (8m.45s) Dodge and burn tool How to use Curves to quickly dodge and burn any photo in Photoshop. (3m.50s) Frequency retouching Frequency separation helps make retouching a portrait easier in Photoshop. (14m.08s) 51

HTML beginner – basics Beginner crash course In this tutorial html is the hero and we’ll learn just how simple it is to get really only need to learn a few words! (11m.57s) Creating tables (inc. colspan) Learn the basics of making HTML tables. (8m.46s) Creating ordered and unordered lists Learn how to create list in HTML. You will also learn about all types of lists that can be created in HTML. (1m.26s) HTML / email tips Fonts for emails: Not all fonts are usable online as they must be ‘websafe’. Click here to view a list of websafe fonts. Font size for emails: Most emails are viewed via mobile, so you need to keep font at a size that is readable. The minimum is 14pt. Dimensions for email design: 600px by 1200px is a great place to start. Whilst the width must remain 600px the height can be adjusted to fit your content. 52

HTML beginner – tags HTML Tags, Attributes and Elements Learn the difference between HTML tags, attributes and elements. (7m.39s) Image tags Using HTML image tags to add images into your document. (3m.21s) Hyperlink tag In this lesson we will learn how to create links in our websites using HTML. HTML links are called anchor tags, and allow users to travel between sub pages, or to different sections on a page. (9m.13s) Formatting tags In this lesson, learn how to format text in HTML. (4m.36s) 53

HTML intermediate – general Divs and spans Divs and spans – what they are, why we use them, and how they work. Also, how they differ from one another. (16m.13s) Image mapping Overview of the key shapes for making HTML image maps: rectangles, circles, polygons. (6m.30s) Iframes and how to use them Iframe: a window on your web page looking at another piece of online content. (13m.10s) Creating forms In this HTML tutorial you will learn how to create a form and how to style it. (29m.08s) 54

CSS basics and selectors In this video we learn how to add basic styles to a page with CSS. (9m.51s) CSS and it’s purpose Why use CSS? CSS is used to define styles for your web pages, including the design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes. HTML was never intended to contain tags for formatting a web page! HTML was created to describe the content of a web page, like: <h1>This is a heading</h1> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> When tags like <font>, and colour attributes were added to the HTML 3.2 specification, it started a nightmare for web developers. Development of large websites, where fonts and colour information were added to every single page, became a long and expensive process. CSS removed the style formatting from the HTML page! 55

HTML advanced – general Creating responsive tables inc. CSS Learn how to create a responsive table using HTML and CSS. (9m.05s) Bulletproof background images How to make sure your background images appear in the background of the email opener. (no video) Meta tags Learn every Meta tag and how to view and debug meta tags. (14m.40s) Deprecated tags List of all the tags that we ought to not use any more and which have replaced these. (5m.10s) 56

Semantic tags and their importance HTML5 introduced a set of new, more meaningful elements including header, footer, article, main, nav, and many others. Why you should consider using them. (25m.07s) 57

Need inspiration? From time to time we all need a bit of inspiration, which is why we have collated some great websites to get the juices flowing. Bēhance is an Adobe platform owned Pinterest is a visual discovery whose main focus is to showcase engine, great for finding design ideas. and discover creative work. Design Week is the UK’s leading Dribbble is a design portfolio online design magazine. Bringing you platform and social networking the latest news and inspiration across platform for digital designers graphics, branding, etc. and creatives. Abduzeedo is an award-winning ? digital publication, on design, tutorials If you want to keep it current and and Inspiration. relevent, feel free to check social media or our competitors (i.e. Avado, Multiverse, HIT Training) 58


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