FALL/WINTER 2016 2016 ANNUAL REPORTA TOWNE CENTRE FAVORITE:STRIDES & STRETCHESsee page 5A Mission of the Western District of the Moravian Church
Dear Friends of Marquardt Village, In this issue, beginning on page 10, we present the operating and foundation annual reports for Marquardt Village’s fiscal year 2016, which ended June 30th. I’m pleased to report that FY16 was a strong financial year that finished under budget. It was another year during which our organization was able to keep building on past successes, as well as make decisions in line with our strategic plan that position Marquardt for strong performances well into the future. To accomplish these things in the uncertain climate of an election year is all the more remarkable. We have you to thank, our generous volunteers and donors to Marquardt Foundation for your support. Your gifts help grow our foundation, which is critical to Marquardt Village continuing to meet the needs of current and future residents, to improving quality of life on our campus, and to extending our mission of care to more people.This fall it was tremendously exciting to complete our second phase of the master plan for the MarquardtVillage campus and begin opening Park Terrace and Towne Centre. Park Terrace offers mirror-imageneighborhoods with secure courtyards and 22 private suites each for assisted living and memory care. Park Ridge (formerly Zinzendorf Hall) will continue to provide these services as well, which means Marquardtcan now provide assisted living and memory care to as many as 92 residents.With the opening of Towne Centre, many residents have already made workouts and exercise classes at Strides & Stretches Wellness Center part of their routine and they are beginning to enjoy other amenitiesthat offer a more vibrant lifestyle. Grand Central Bistro and Crave restaurants and other spaces designed fora variety of uses will open to residents soon. Towne Centre is also meant to be a resource to Watertown andthe surrounding area that encourages people to visit and become more familiar with our community. Now Open and Exciting: Towne Centre ......................................................... 4-5 2016 Operating Annual Report .....................................................................10-11 Park Terrace Assisted Living and Memory Care .......................................... 6-7 Marquardt Foundation Annual Report ....................................................12-13 Sporting Clay Shoot Out Benefits Hospice Program .....................................8 Donor Appreciation ............................................................................................14-15 Resident’s Roots Run Deep with Marquardt Village ......................................9 Towne Centre Gift Certificates ...............................................................................16
Once we are certain the restaurants are exceeding resident needs and can serve more people, they will alsoopen to the public.Finishing the fiscal year under budget allowed construction to start this fall on a link between Park Centre Northand Towne Centre. Park Centre South and Park Terrace are already connected and the added link will becompleted by early spring, giving more residents covered access to Towne Centre. Ending FY16 underbudget also provides a strong base to begin planning the third and final phase of the campus master plan.As envisioned it will include new independent living apartment homes, chapel and health center.Another exciting step for our organization is the establishment of Marquardt Management Services. A keycomponent of our strategic growth plan is to pursue quality opportunities that extend our mission, leverageour management team’s operational experience, and add to the bottom line. The first of these opportunitieswas with The Atrium in Racine in 2015.On August 1, 2016, we signed another 10-year management agreement with Lutheran Homes & Health Servicesin Fond du Lac. This agreement brings together two faith-based not-for-profit organizations which sharea mission to serve older adults of all faiths. Lutheran Homes enjoys strong occupancy, high residentsatisfaction and a dedicated staff and board. It’s exciting to see this community becoming even stronger asMarquardt Management Services blends in more efficiencies and taps into our broad experience.Branding Marquardt Management Services establishes a stronger base from which to build our reputation andpursue similar opportunities, particularly with other not-for-profit organizations. It also inspires a fresh look atour dynamic organization structure. Following is a snapshot of the current organization chart. (continued on page 10)MARQUARDT MANAGEMENT SERVICES Parasol Alliance, Inc. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Operational Assessments Marquardt Management Services Management ServicesMarquardt The Atrium LHHS of Marquardt Future Village of Racine Fond du Lac HCBS CCRCsMarquardt Foundation Marquardt Home Health Marquardt Hospice
Towne Centre: Delicious. Residents Adelbert and Shirley Oestreich enjoying a toast with friends while dining at CraveDoug Groves, Chef Residents (left to right) Carol Voss, Barb Berg and Jean Zimmerman chat over a quick bite to eat at Grand Central Bistro Patty Moe, Executive Chef GRAND CENTRAL BISTRO, CRAVE, & OCCASIONS Grand Central Bistro: for a quick bite or takeout, coffee and conversation, and people watching. Crave: for a relaxing, fine dining experience, complete with a cocktail or glass of wine if you like, savored in the beautiful dining room or on the Terrace at Crave. Occasions: by reservation, catered private dining for celebrations and other special occasions. Our culinary partner, New Horizon Foods, and executive chef, Patty Moe, have worked tirelessly to bring the fresh foods dining vision for Towne Centre to fruition. “We’re so excited to open the restaurants and create these dining experiences for residents and guests,” said Patty. “And, speaking of residents, we could not have done it without their generous feedback and willingness to be our tasting critics.”
Healthy. Beautiful. Relaxed. Residents Aden and Kay Ward, Carol Nelson and Activity Assistant, Brenda Bischoff, enjoy an exercise class together Physiologist Yang Chang guiding Resident Barbara McGray through weight exercisesIn Loving Memory of Dorris Glasgow with Tricia Voigt, owner of DomaniStylist Kathy KunertSTRIDES & STRETCHES DOMANI AT MARQUARDTWELLNESS CENTER SALON & SPAStrides: workout center with state-of-the-art Domani: Towne Centre will be the second Watertownequipment to build strength, balance and endurance. location for Domani. Professional services include hair care, skin care, mani/pedi and therapeutic massage.Stretches: exercise studio for classes to improve You look your best when you’re also relaxed. That’s whyflexibility and joint mobility; also a multi-use room. salon and spa services go so well together. “I want to give back to Marquardt residents by making sure they haveStrides & Stretches opened this fall to rave reviews from a pleasant, relaxing experience that also helps them feelresidents for the wellness center and for Yang Chang, their most beautiful or handsome,” said Tricia Voigt, ownerexercise physiologist with Allied Rehab, Marquardt’s of Domani. For anything from a basic cut and style topartner in wellness. Several say they already feel better pampering spa treatments, the location for the salon andand stronger for working out regularly. “It surprised me spa just inside the lobby of Towne Centre will be especiallyhow quickly residents made workouts and classes part convenient for residents and their guests, staff membersof their routine,” said Yang, whose experience in other and neighbors. Domani is expected to open soon, offeringcommunities lead him to anticipate more staff early-on services to the public age 18 or older.than residents. “I love working one-on-one and in smallgroups, and helping them toward their goals.”
Park Terrace Now Open: New Assisted Livingand Memory Care NeighborhoodsAssistant Health Care Administrator, Emily Feiner, and Resident Maurine AyersThe two residential buildings of Park Terrace offer place to gather for fresh, healthful meals ordered from the residents and visitors an intimate, home-like feel. menu. Often, residents prefer to sit at the breakfast bar Soft music plays and no overhead messages and chat with chefs and servers.interrupt the ambience. A secure courtyard in eachneighborhood invites people out to enjoy the fresh air. The first residents moved into Park Terrace in mid-Comfortable common spaces, including living room with September, according to Emily Feiner, assistant healthfireplace, den and game room, encourage visiting with care administrator. “Several residents chose to move fromfamily and neighbors. Gracious dining rooms are the Zinzendorf Hall, which will continue to accommodate SELECTED SUITES ARE AVAILABLE AT PARK TERRACE.For more information, contact Allison Lorenz at 920-261-0400 ext. 1237.
residents who need assisted living support or memorycare,” said Emily. “A few others have moved fromindependent living residences on campus or from thegreater community.”Direct access to Towne Centre is especially convenient forassisted living residents and visitors who want to makeuse of the amenities – several of which will be open to thepublic as well as to residents soon.Spacious private suites – 22 in each Park Terrace Activity Assistant, Brenda Bischoff, and Resident Liz Neubergerneighborhood – include a private bathroom and walk-in shower. Suites are partially furnished andresidents are welcome to bring small furnitureand other special items to personalize their space.Couples can be accommodated with side-by-siderooms arranged to suit their needs. The memorycare neighborhood and central courtyard offer thesame features and comforts, along with a secureenvironment that helps ensure safety.“Whether a resident needs assisted living support orspecialized memory care, the care plan for each person iscustomized to meet their needs and desires,” said Emily. Residents Bob and Anita TetzlaffDementia Aware, Dementia FriendlyChanging the way society views and interacts with people living with Alzheimer’sdisease or other dementia is not only possible, it’s happening all around us.Three years ago, Watertown was one of the first cities in Wisconsin to establisha Dementia Awareness Coalition (WDAC). Since then, dozens of businesses andorganizations, including Marquardt Village, have “earned the purple angel” and joined forces to share resourcesand help make the city a friendlier place for people with dementia to live and thrive. For more information aboutWDAC, its educational and volunteer opportunities, and Memory Café social support, visit www.wdacwi.org.Stay tuned, too, for more about a Memory Café planned for the Marquardt Village campus.
Sporting Clay Shoot Out for Marquardt HospiceMany thanks to our generous donors, sponsors, volunteers and participants for makingthis second annual event a rousing success!It was a gorgeous September day, perfect for much as $5,000, and more than 100 donated to a silent getting “out of the office” for a short drive to Milford auction and raffle. In addition, 45 volunteers helped the Hills Hunt Club in Johnson Creek and some sport event run smoothly. (Complete details are available onshooting for a most worthy cause. With 145 people the “giving” page of our website, MarquardtVillage.org.)participating in this second annual event, $38,000 wasraised to benefit Marquardt Hospice. “We greatly appreciate the generosity of everyone who helped make this event so successful,” said Matt“From experienced marksmen to others who had never Mauthe, CEO. “The funds raised will be used to aideshot a gun before, everyone seemed to have a great time,” Marquardt Hospice in providing compassionate comfortsaid Cheryl Porior-Mayhew, chief development officer. and support to individuals and families throughout 11 Wisconsin counties.”Twenty-nine major sponsors contributed from $750 to as For information about sponsoring a future event or making a gift to Marquardt Foundation,contact Cheryl Porior-Mayhew at 920-206-4000 or email [email protected].
Kenneth and Sandra Kant“We decided longago we would cometo live here, whenit was time.”Their roots run deep, back to the beginningsof Marquardt Village, and living herehonors a family legacy.Sandra Kant’s late husband, Kenneth (Ken), was to us,” said Sandra. “It was why Ken’s roots were so deep president of the board at Marquardt Village for 20 here, why his mother lived here, why he served as a board years, though his familiarity with the community president, and why we donate to the foundation. With ourstarted much earlier. Both his father and grandfather were plan to eventually live here, too, we hoped to continuepastors and they often visited parishioners living at the our family’s support of this special community.”original Manor building – now the Marquardt Health Center.Ken’s mother eventually lived there, as well. Sandra recalls Unfortunately, Ken passed away in 2006. It would bevisiting her many times from their home in Madison. several years before Sandra decided the time was right for her to callThe Kants married Resident Sandra Kant Marquardt Villageduring the Korean “I feel that living here her primary home.War. That’s when honors my husband’s She continues legacy and also our to spend a fewshe joined his months at theirMoravian churchand she has been family legacy reaching summer home in back to the beginnings northern Wisconsin.a member of the of this community. “I feel that living Plus, I love living here, here honors mychurch ever since. husband’s legacyKen was a structuralcivil engineer andtheir mission work the people I meet, the and also our family variety of things to do, legacy reaching backincluded helping the new Towne Centre.” to the beginnings of this community.to build hospitals inNicaragua – whereSandra also served Plus, I love livingas a nurse – and here, the people IHonduras. They believed in doing their part to help people. meet, the variety of things to do, the new Towne Centre.”The fact that Marquardt Village is a mission of the Moravianchurch was fundamental to their plan to move to Marquardt. Sandra is a generous donor to Marquardt Foundation and also involved with fund-raising activities as a member of“Being a mission of the church, that was most important the board’s development committee.
2016 ANNUAL REPORT(continued from page 3)Thank you all for helping to keep Marquardt Village strong.I’m pleased to repeat that Marquardt completed another successful year, under budget and well-positioned for the future. One thingin particular I would like to point out is illustrated in the revenue graph on page 11: management fees accounted for five percent ofrevenue. Last year that figure was just one percent. With a second Marquardt Management Services contract in effect as of August first,we will continue to see the positive effect of expanding these services.I also looked back at where we were four years ago. In our FY13 annual report skilled nursing represented 66 percent of revenue. A fewmonths later in an issue of Marquardt Connections we summarized our strategic plan and identified one of the key challenges as relyingon the health center to subsidize operations, a model that would not be viable long-term. We needed to move toward a new modelwhere each service level would become financially sustainable. With skilled nursing declining steadily over the past four years to now 51percent of revenue, I’m pleased to say we are well on our way.Please join me in welcoming two new people to Marquardt. Jennifer Johnson, campus administrator for Marquardt Village, and KimMlodzik, hospice director, bring significant experience that we look forward to putting to good use on our management team.Thank you all for helping to keep Marquardt strong. It is with your support and the guidance of our mission that all things are possible.My best to you for a joyous New Year.Blessings, THE MARQUARDT MISSION:Matthew Mauthe, CEO “Grounded in faith, we promote the health and well-being of each individual we serve.”Welcoming New Staff Members Jennifer Johnson Kim Mlodzik Marquardt Village Campus Marquardt Hospice Director Administrator A disappointing experience with Jennifer is a licensed nursing hospice for her parents inspired home administrator and has Kim to study nursing and pursue held positions similar to campus a career in hospice care. Her administrator at other Wisconsin firm belief is that one person communities. She’s excited to be can make all the difference for on board with Marquardt and a patient and family, and oftensays, “working in the long-term care field, you can’t help but tells her staff it’s all about these simple values: “compassion,be impressed by Marquardt Village’s mission and reputation.” customer service and follow-through.”
2016 ANNUAL REPORT OPERATING FINANCIAL INFORMATIONMarquardt Village, Inc. Marquardt Village, Inc.Consolidated Balance Sheet Consolidated Statement of Revenue and Expensesas of June 30, 2016 as of June 30, 2016Assets 8,516,566 Revenue 29,717,771Cash and Investments 1,711,644 Patient Service Revenue (net) 127,405Accounts Receivable (net) 34,153,867 Entrance Fees Property and Equipment (net) 1,544,736 Contractual Allowance and Charity Care (7,363,005)Other Assets Total Revenue 22,482,171Total Assets 45,926,813 ExpensesLiabilities and Net Assets Resident Care and Nursing 8,522,883Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses 3,817,058 Dining Services 1,160,835Long-term Debt (including current portion) 18,349,151 Maintenance and Operations 2,532,948Entrance Fees 8,936,200 Administrative, Marketing and General 6,472,866Other Liabilities Interest 86,133 944,758 Depreciation and Amortization 1,544,798Total Liabilities 32,047,167 Total Expenses 20,320,463Total Net Assets 13,879,646Total Liabilites and Net Assets 45,926,813 Operating Income 2,161,708 Other Income (expense) Contributions 17,221 Investment Income (net) (58,461) Other (862,918) Excess of Revenue Over Expenses 1,374,472REVENUE EXPENSES Skilled Nursing Facility – 51% Resident Care and Nursing – 40%Home and Community Based Services – 22% Dining Services – 6% Assisted Living – 11% Maintenance and Operations –13% Independent Living – 11% Administrative, Marketing and General – 32% Management Fees – 5% Depreciation and Amortization – 8% Interest – 0%Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100 percent.
Your generous gifts to Marquardt Foundation touch so many lives!Dear Friends,Thank you for your generous gifts to Marquardt Foundation. It is an honor to have friends likeyou who help us provide a caring home for residents and a resource for area families.Through sharing your time and financial resources, you are helping our committed caregiverstouch the lives of people who are facing an urgent need or a life-limiting disease and otherswho are seeking to improve their quality of life. For example, we are pleased to report that fundsraised by our first Sporting Clay Shoot Out, held in September 2015, benefitted the MarquardtHospice program, as well as helped pay for remodeling the home health and hospice offices.Donations to our Grateful Hearts program helped pay for a staff picnic, Christmas gifts andappreciation events for our dedicated staff members.Your continued support provides immediate resources that we direct toward current needs and opportunities at MarquardtVillage. Plus, your generosity helps grow our foundation, which is crucial to Marquardt Village continuing to meet the needs ofcurrent and future residents. Please continue to help us whenyou can, however you can. One of our largest donors gave FUN FACTS ABOUT$40,000 this year and of course a gift of that magnitude goesa long way. I’m also pleased to report that our second annual DONATIONS TO THE FOUNDATIONShoot Out this September raised $38,000 for MarquardtHospice through the support of dozens of participants, DURING FISCAL YEAR 2016sponsors and volunteers. The small gifts of many people makea big difference – these are the gifts that make up most of the • 22 first-time donors contributed $28,049Foundation’s budget. No gift is ever too small. • 512 donors gave 3,021 total giftsThank you, our donors and our volunteers – residents, private • Employees contributed $17,660citizens, board members and clergy – for your support. The • 235 memorial gifts added $15,000good we do together touches so many lives. • Largest donation was $40,000Blessings, • Year-end appeal raised $7,800 • Promise campaign raised $12,000David Schoechert • 144 current residents gave $81,400President, Marquardt Foundation Board of Directors • Clay Shoot Out raised $38,000AEDS (AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS) HELP SAVE LIVES Please help us with our year-end appeal to purchase 9 more for our campus.Thanks to generous donors like you, we have purchased and placed 6 AEDs on our campus so far. We need 9 more to meet CPR guidelines for our resident population. At a cost of approximately $1,500 each, we need to raise $13,500. Can we count on your gift to help us meet this goal? IF YOU CAN HELP, please use the enclosed envelope, visit marquardtvillage.org/giving or call Cheryl Porior-Mayhew at 920-206-4000; [email protected]
2016 ANNUAL REPORT FOUNDATION FINANCIAL INFORMATIONMarquardt Foundation, Inc. Marquardt Foundation, Inc.Consolidated Balance Sheet Statement of Revenue and Expensesas of June 30, 2016 as of June 30, 2016Assets RevenueCash 28,614 General 104,122Investments 4,917,950 Spiritual Life Fund 47,924Pledges and Bequests Receivable (net) 24,537 Marquardt At Home Fund 55,255Property and Equipment (net) 4,413 Zinzendorf Hall 0Other 1,583 Employee Appreciation Fund 10,529Total Assets 4,977,097 Total Contributions 217,830Liabilities and Net Assets Investment Income 80,663Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses 490,797 Investment Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) (161,590)Total Liabilities 490,797 Total Revenue 136,903Total Net Assets 4,486,300 Expenses Donations to Marquardt Entities 29,800Total Liabilites and Net Assets 4,977,097 Fundraising 12,544 Outreach 25,319 Volunteer Services 72,254 General Administration 138,731Thank you, our donors and our volunteers for your support. Total Expenses 278,648Please continue to help us when you can, however you can. Increase in Net Assets (141,745) MARQUARDT FOUNDATION FUNDSGIFTS TO MARQUARDT FOUNDATION CAN BE DESIGNATED TO THE FOLLOWING FUNDS:• General Fund donations are designated to help make up the difference between government reimbursement and the actual cost of care.• Spiritual Life Fund nurtures spiritual life on campus. Our chapel, chaplain, programs, and pastoral care help create a unique environment in which to live and work.• Marquardt at Home Fund supports home health and hospice programs. Medicare/insurance covers only basic end-of-life services. From telehealth devices to supplies for prayer shawls, this fund supports people in their homes throughout an 11-county region.• Employee Appreciation Fund helps us recognize staff with special events, gifts, and opportunities, in return for the difference they make in the lives they touch. To make a gift, use the enclosed envelope, visit marquardtvillage.org/giving or call Cheryl Porior-Mayhew at 920-206-4000; [email protected]
We greatly appreciate the support of the following individuals, churches, businesses, and organizations who shared their resources with Marquardt Village during our 2016 fiscal year, July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. All gifts to Marquardt Foundation are used to improve services for our residents and those we serve in the greater community.INDIVIDUALS Karl & Caroline Kube TRIBUTES In Memory of Norma Fredrick In Memory of Millard Loveland In Memory of Ken Stelse Rachel Kuehl Dennis Walsh Kay & Will Wipperfurth Beverly StelseAlex Adams Sarah Kuehl In Honor of Taryn Braasch In Memory of Lloyd Frentzel In Memory of Viva Loveland In Memory of Loretta StewartKaren & Fred Albert Miranda Kurkiewicz Elgardie Fuchs Donna & Richard Bennett Kay & Will Wipperfurth Sally RumaryAllen Andreasen Patricia & Peter Laehr In Honor of Jan Duffy Judy Corbett In Memory of Sam Luchsinger Sarah & Mike WalterJane Andrews Michelle Larson Elgardie Fuchs Margaret Dugan Margaret Luchsinger In Memory of Walter StewartAnonymous Ronald Layton In Honor of Mary Emery Karen Frentzel-Harrington & In Memory of Gladys Lueck Sally RumaryCathy Bader John Leischer Cathleen Waite Kenneth & Arlene Lueck Sarah & Mike WalterTammy Barrow Dr. Linda Lewallen In Honor of Lois Harke Gary Harrington In Memory of Phillip Mallow In Memory of Edna StrasburgTrisha Barry Michael & Rachel Libby Phyllis Strasburg George Debbie Furman Glen & Isela Grams Joan Strasburg AllinderSandra Bathke Cecilia Lin In Honor of Irene Kasmiskie Miriam Jacobson In Memory of Erna Manthey Jerilyn Strasburg McFarlane & Eleanor Baumann Estate Amy & Todd Loeber Albert Kasmiskie Jane Leahy Marilyn & George Hackbarth John McFarlaneSandra & Halver Becken Allison Lorenz In Honor of Marquardt Village Residents David Mallette Cathie King Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David SchulzRuth Behrend Nathaniel Lueck Gerald & Marilyn Jeuck Merlin Nadler In Memory of Harold Nelson In Memory of Lloyd StrasburgMichael Benson Nicholas Maas Patricia & Peter Laehr Monika Pernot James Ball Joan Strasburg AllinderGrace Bentzin Shirley Maas In Honor of Marquardt Village Staff Janet & Eugene Renzelmann Judith Bickel Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David SchulzRev. Barbara Berg Renate Madsen Gerald & Marilyn Jeuck Teri Terry Sally & Ronald Greve In Memory of Helen TewsFranklyn Bergdoll Shannon Magsamen In Honor of Roger J. Schaefer In Memory of Loretta Fuchs Brian & Sandra Mackyol Karen FluegelKaren Bergman Mark Mandel & Lynn Kirkstein Barbara & Terry Schwefel William Fuchs Stephen & Connie Menchal In Memory of Mary Ann TheinRev. Raymond Bezanson Dan & Julie Marks In Honor of Florence Sweeney In Memory of Rosemarie Gruchow Mark Menzel Carolyn & Scott BertramDenise Blackbourn Donn & Shirley Mathison* Jean & Steve Kohlhoff Anonymous Goldie Steinbock AnonymousShelly Bladorn Lynnae Mathison-Raether Ann & Richard Nienow Irene Neitzel In Memory of Florence Nielsen AnonymousTaryn Braasch Sharon Mathwig In Honor of Amy Van Devender In Memory of Kathryn J. Hanus William & Jan Nielsen In Memory of Robert UeckerAlice Brandt Julie & Ronald Mauthe Cathleen Waite Paul & Lou Ann Esselman In Memory of Fritz Nielsen Elaine UeckerMargaret Bratz Matt & Erika Mauthe In Honor of Laura Wex Mary Louise Judge William & Jan Nielsen In Memory of Velda WagnerLarry & Mary Braunschweig Joan McConville Cathleen Waite In Memory of Elsie Harberg In Memory of George Ochs Dianne & John WagnerPhillip Braunschweig Kristin & Kenny McDonald In Honor of Mark Zoellick Rev. Jane Harberg Erlene Delano In Memory of Edward WegnerRev. Dr. Rick Brewer Brenda McGee Bill & Jane Zoellick In Memory of Thor Harberg In Memory of Edward Petig Florence WegnerAmber Brinsko Elizabeth & Richard McLaughlin In Memory of Phyllis Anderson Rev. Jane Harberg Dr. William Petig In Memory of Erline WegnerMargaret Buchert Annette Meyer Calvin Anderson In Memory of Barbara Heiden In Memory of Gertrude Petig Nathalia & Dennis ChristianAmanda Burg Greg & Cheryl Meyer Denise & Jeffrey Buske Judith & Edward Kohlhoff Dr. William Petig Susan & Randall NeitzelNeal & Carla Butenhoff Debra Meyer Ann Fincutter In Memory of Ruth Hein In Memory of Evelyn Pfeiffer Allen & Mary Lee PetersenBarbara Butler & Karl Wagner Tammy Mielke Teresa & Roland Holzhueter Pearl Mary Goetsch Mary & Pete Herzler Aryllis & Gordon PetersenJoy & Patrick Caine Aaron Milbrath Vicki Zimmerman In Memory of William Hein In Memory of William Pfeiffer Brenda & Paul PillardKasey Caine Donna & William Miller In Memory of Beverly Appenfeldt Pearl Mary Goetsch Mary & Pete Herzler Delores & Frederick StrassburgDr. Robert Callaway Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Miller Tammy Neumann In Memory of Grace Henning In Memory of Lisle Piper Norma TunakRonald Carlin Patty Moe In Memory of Gwynnetha Bade Shirley Dibble* Clarice Piper Joe WagnerDick Cerney Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer Nancy Kroner Beverly Ebert In Memory of Mary E. Quinn Patricia & Paul WagnerNicole Chwala Kathleen Montini In Memory of Rick Bargo Ronald Schroeder Carolyn Harris In Memory of Ken WilkesSherry & Russ Cira Jean Mucks Linda Bargo Steven & Nancy West Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer Mae WilkesJeanie Clark Michaela Mueller In Memory of Myron Beckman Amy & Karl Winkelman Dean & Susan Mueller In Memory of Edwin WipperfurthLorraine Clauer Diane Neal Karen Beckman In Memory of Marilyn Hertel Gerald & Pauline Quinn Kay & Will WipperfurthElizabeth Conrad Rebecca Nehls In Memory of Evelyn Bergman William Hertel Family In Memory of Donald Rathbun In Memory of Frieda WolffJennifer Coppes Roberta & Tim Neitzel Alice Brandt In Memory of Erwin Hesse William & Jan Nielsen Carol MaasDeborah Cornella-Kirt Rolfe & Mary Nervig In Memory of Bob Berthold Rev. & Mrs. Reuben Schmitz In Memory of Regina RathbunMary Cromey Anissa Nevarez Terry & Sue Koplin In Memory of Brian Holcomb William & Jan Nielsen ORGANIZATIONSAlbert Dede* Don Nicholson In Memory of Ruth M. Berthold Carson Holcomb In Memory of Eldora Riebe Accurate ImagingTerri & Curt Detert Charles Nienow & Esther Tesh Terry & Sue Koplin In Memory of Robert Holt Doris Buchta AdvaCare SystemsRichard & Janine Devaux Mike & Jodi Nienow In Memory of Ken Beyer Charlotte Holt In Memory of Leonard Riemer Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.Trudy & Robert Dobbratz Rebecca Nimm Jean & Donald Kwapil In Memory of Virginia Ihde Penny Schleif Alpha Baking Company, Inc.Renee & David Downs Jessica O’marrah In Memory of Ida Blanchard Judy & Jim Maas In Memory of Mildred Riemer Altius Building CompanyLaura Dresen Helen Opps Gladys Vahl In Memory of Helen Jensen Penny Schleif Angell Marketing, LLCJoyce Duffin William & Jill Oswald In Memory of Carl Block J. Amundson In Memory of Vernice Rohloff ClearPath Connections, LLCKris & Jan Duffy Gertrude Pitterle Estate Shirley Steele Susan & Harry Engstrom Brenda & Steve Neubauer Communications Engineering Company (CEC)Brett & Heidi Dunham Barbara Pohl In Memory of Gertrude Block Diane & Bill Harvey Laurie & Kevin Neubauer Creative Business InteriorsRuth & William Ebert Cheryl Porior-Mayhew & Jim Mayhew Shirley Steele Julie Kreblin Rosemary & Donald Neubauer Culligan Water ConditioningGregory Else Dallas Prockl In Memory of John Bloedorn Robert & Shirley Metzker In Memory of Lester Rose E-Z Office ProductsDonna & Jeff Engel Darlene Purcell Doug Beaudoin In Memory of Marion Johnson Rev. Allen & Judy Bergmann Ebenezer Moravian ChurchTom & Sara Fay Lewis Quam In Memory of Therese Bradisse Dolores Dufenhorst Helen Rose Eppstein Uhen ArchitectsMildred Febock Barbara & Larry Quest Jeffrey Bradisse Rebecca Nehls Dennis Walsh First Midwest BankEmily Feiner James Raith, Sr. In Memory of Doris Braunschweig Allen & Sara Schure In Memory of John Rudelick J&L Tire Johnson Creek/WatertownShelby Fetter Patricia Ranthum Joanne Braunschweig In Memory of Don King Shirley Brodell K-W Electric, Inc.Sharon Fiedler Shalby Reed Florence Drachenberg Cathie King Patricia McGinn Keck Furniture, Inc.Nelson & Barb Fischer Mary & Steven Rhodes Dallas & Elaine Grosenick In Memory of Stephen J. Kinsella In Memory of Waldemar Schlage Kraemer Wisconsin CheeseTom & Linda Frakes Anne Roberson Ronald & Linda Krueger Mick & Carol Johnson Anita Eske Lakeview Moravian WomenPhillip & Naomi Frensz Tami Rodriguez In Memory of Clarence Buedler In Memory of Aaron Kohls In Memory of Willard Schleif Maas Bros ConstructionRev. John & Anne Fritts Michael Roesch Paul & Lou Ann Esselman Joseph Kohls Penny Schleif Madison United Healthcare LinenDulcinea Galaviz Lucille & Wayne Roessler-Engsberg In Memory of Loretta Cerney Marilyn Kohls In Memory of Hilbert Schoenike March To November Race Series Inc.Lori Ganser Brenda Roraff Charlotte Holt In Memory of JoAnne Kraemer Anonymous Marsh & McLennan AgencyHolly Gee Frank Roub Colleen Sindermann Debra & Timothy Archambeau Dorothy Degnitz Medline IndustriesGary & Joan Genz Larry & Sandra Rudd Carol Voss Doug Beaudoin Dan & Nancy Jaeckel Moravian Church Western DistrictKatelyn Genz Sally Rumary In Memory of Georgene Clair Mary Jo Brennan Mary & Paul Jaeger Moravian Larger Life FoundationRita & Ronald Giles Rachel Ryan Wendy & Charles Roloff Wilmer Christian David Lueck Morningside Farms, LLCKatie Gomez Joyce & Mark Scallon In Memory of Catherine Clifford Pete Colletti Dawn & Earl Sauer New Horizon Foods, IncVicky & Stephen Gouldthorp Kathy Schaefer O’Malley & Dennis Ralph & Margaret Krueger David & Judith Frohling Sally, Laura & Kari Schoenike Omnicare PharmacyDr. & Mrs. Michael Grajewski In Memory of John Clifford Stephanie & Eric Gutzdorf Norma Tunak Pinnacle Innovative Healthcare SolutionsGlen & Isela Grams O’Malley Ralph & Margaret Krueger Joan & David Haznaw In Memory of Betty Schroeder Piper JaffraySally & Ronald Greve Kathleen & Larry Scheler In Memory of Eleanor Cline Mary & Gerald Kaster Elna Braeker Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren SCEliza Griggs Caryl Scheurman Rita Ensminger Hildegarde Kijewski Stanley & Cheryl Grulke Schaefer Soft Water, IncCarmen Groehler Ruth Schick In Memory of David Cochran Judy & Robert Kluetzman Donna O’Neill-Brunner Schmutzler-Vick Funeral Homes, Inc.Dallas & Elaine Grosenick Sally Schloesser Paula & Dennis Schoenike Rev. & Mrs. Roger Kobleske Elizabeth Osborne Sister Bay Moravian WomenJoanne Haag Ruby Schmidt In Memory of Roger Cramer James Kraemer Carl Schroeder* TCF National BankGeorge & Marilyn Hackbarth Emily Schmitz John & Joyce Austin Donald & Audrey Kreuziger Eunice Weihert Thomas Murphy Insurance Services LLCJeff Hackel & Tim Marten Judy & David Schoechert In Memory of Linda Debolt Jon & Kim Loomis Donald & Karol Wesemann Thrivent Financial for LutheransLois Harke Cassandra Schrader Christine & Ronald Altenburg Michele & Elroy Maas Jodi Wesemann Watertown Moravian ChurchRobert Heath Kim Schuett Janet Brunk Lavern & Ardis Nickels Kurt & Sydney Wesemann Watertown Moravian Women’s FellowshipLeonard & Irene Heiliger Gerald & Carol Schultz Marcia Castro Dale & Nancy Ninmann Andrea & Andrew Wichman Western Region Moravian WomenKimberly Henze Jessica Schultz Louise & Richard Hansen Katie & David Schroeder Kathleen Wichman Wipfli, Ullrich, Bertelson, LLPRev. & Mrs. James Hicks Dennis Schwenker Kathy & Tom Kasten Alfred & Arlene Stangler In Memory of Esther Schuett Wis Pak Bottling Corp.Sarah Higgins Lori & Dan Sellnow Barbara & Richard Krueger Bonnie Stoltenburg Joanne BraunschweigJeanette & Wayne Hills Mr. & Mrs. John Severa Dianne & Victor Krueger Randall & Diane Strunz Sherri Buckly In Memory of Archie DaleyDebra & Mike Hoefler Georgia Shambes James Krueger Michael Wietor Susan & Allen Hall Daley Painting & DecoratingLaura Hoene Charlyn Shipman Tricia Kuerschner Erich & Helen Zellmer Judy Hertel In Memory of Lionel DufenhorstBilly & Kareen Holloway Karen Sims Jennifer & Robert Mudler In Memory of Woody Kraemer Connie Hoffmann Dousman Elementary Teachers FundKimberly Holterman Pam Smith Nola & Rodney Rains Kraemer Family Dave & Sandy Jaeger In Memory of Lloyd FrentzelGayle Hunter Jerry Stelse Philip Sillman In Memory of Harold Krueger Ralph & Marlene Meiers American Legion Post 64Hannah & Michael Ignarski Jeanette & Michael Stockfisch In Memory of Lionel Dufenhorst Ralph & Margaret Krueger Mary Lee & Allen Petersen In Memory of JoAnne KraemerKim Ignarski Tammy Stoll Ann Barker In Memory of Kenneth Krueger Sally, Laura & Kari Schoenike Partnership BankPatricia Ignarski Phyllis Strasburg George Shirley Dibble* Carol Walton Lester & Carol Schuett In Memory of Myrtle KruegerRaleigh Illgen Kitty Stueber Joann & Ron Froemming In Memory of Mabel Krueger Herb & Ione Staude Krattiger Sales, Inc.Lynn Ireland Mary Supple Gerald Halkoski Ralph & Margaret Krueger Marvin & Lea Zuleger In Memory of Harold NelsonAlesha Jacobson Barbara Swift Carolyn Hertel In Memory of Marvin Kuenzi In Memory of William Schultz Stroupe Insurance Agency, LLCJoan Jones Gina Symkowski Constance & James LaCombe Doris Braunschweig Carol Maas In Memory of Howard ReithEunice Jungkuntz Louise Szerbat Doreen & Michael Ryan Joanne Braunschweig Garry & Cheryl Peter Dr. Michael GrajewskiAmber Kaesermann Analie Grace Thomas Laura & Allen Wex Brian Iserman Joan Schultz In Memory of Hilbert SchoenikeTim & Peggy Kamke Sandra Thornquist Arlene & Thomas Ziety Dan & Nancy Jaeckel In Memory of Carroll Schulz Farmers’ Implement, LLCSandra Kant* Taylor Tidwell Patti & Jeff Zwieg Elroy Liesener Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz The Old WoodshedAlbert Kasmiskie Albert Troyke In Memory of Arlene Engel Sally, Laura & Kari Schoenike In Memory of Flora Schulz Thomas Murphy Insurance Services LLCPaula Kaulback Sue & Jerry Trumpf Jacqueline & Harry O’marrah Lester & Lucille Schwartz Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz In Memory of Esther SchuettCrystal Kerns Marilyn & Gary Vogel In Memory of Eugene Engsberg In Memory of Dorothy Lange In Memory of Margaret Setz Passenger Transit, IncWilliam E. & Erna Kiessling Patricia Volenberg Fay Martin Norm & Judi Eggert Joan Johnson In Memory of Charles TopelWendy King Lynne Wagner In Memory of Marion Engsberg Larry & Tina Holzhueter In Memory of Gilbert Shekey Silgan Containers LLCTracy Klentz Chee Chee Wallman* Lorraine Dittmar Hildegard Lange Joan JonesChad & Julie Koch Rev. Aden & Bishop Kay Ward* Fay Martin Mike Slifka In Memory of Minnie ShekeyChristine Komis Anglinia Washington In Memory of Mae Fehrman Roger & Betty Statz & Family Joan JonesApichai Kookasemkit Brian Weber (Fitzsimmons) Family of Mae Fehrman* Tammy Tuchscherer In Memory of Henry StaebenDiane Korn Brooke Weber Sherry Korth In Memory of Hildegard Lange Robert & Jane BenderSarah Kottwitz Stacey Weihert In Memory of Gertrude Fehrmann Norm & Judi Eggert Judy & Jim MaasBeth Kratzer Patricia Werner Marlene Witte Larry & Tina Holzhueter In Memory of Vernon SteffenSharon Kratzer Stephanie Wollitz In Memory of Mildred Fredrick Mike Slifka Joe & Judy HasslingerLinda Kraus Lyle Wuestenberg Allen & LeAnne Fredrick Roger & Betty Statz & FamilyCarol Kruesel Jenny & Jamie Zwieg Tammy TuchschererWe make every effort to ensure this list is accurate. If you notice an error or omission, please notify us at 920-206-4000.
Thank you to the following individuals, churches and businesses who have contributed to the Marquardt Foundation for Wish List items, operatingneeds, pastoral care and chapel needs, memory care, hospice and staff appreciation from April to September. We value your trust and will use thesegifts for the benefit of Marquardt Village residents.INDIVIDUALS Debra Meyer In Memory of Loretta Cerney In Memory of Richard Schlueter GRATEFUL HEARTS In Honor of Marquardt Park Ridge Staff Tammy Mielke Dick Cerney Linda Bargo Judy FolthAlex Adams Aaron Milbrath Charlotte Holt In Memory of Dorothy A. Schneider In Honor of Kathy Adkins In Honor of Marquardt Zinzendorf/ParkAllen Andreasen Dirk Mlejnek Colleen Sindermann Pat & Tom Zimmerman Sara CraveAnonymous Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer Carol Voss In Memory of Betty Schroeder Paula Hanna Ridge StaffCathy Bader Kathleen Montini In Memory of Georgene Clair Elna Braeker Paul Mayer Paula HannaTammy Barrow Ashley Morales Wendy & Charles Roloff Stanley & Cheryl Grulke Lorraine Notbohm In Honor of Michael McCormickTrisha Barry Jean Mucks In Memory of Eleanor Cline Donna O’Neill-Brunner Chee Chee Wallman* Lucy BrownAlyson Bates Michaela Mueller Rita Ensminger Elizabeth Osborne In Honor of Jody Alwin Caroloine GreenwaldSandra Bathke Diane Neal In Memory of David Cochran Carl Schroeder* Marion Christian Melanie LuftEleanor Baumann Estate Rebecca Nehls Paula & Dennis Schoenike Eunice Weihert Lewis Johnson Ryan NelsonMichael Benson Roberta & Tim Neitzel In Memory of Carl Duckworth Donald & Karol Wesemann In Honor of Jennifer Angelo Barbara ShapiroGrace Bentzin Rolfe & Mary Nervig Joanne Duckworth Jodi Wesemann Barbara Shapiro In Honor of Megan McKayRev. Barbara Berg Anissa Nevarez In Memory of Lionel Dufenhorst Kurt & Sydney Wesemann In Honor of Shelly Armstrong Lucy BrownKaren Bergman Lauretta Niederwerfer Joann & Ron Froemming Andrea & Andrew Wichman Jean Darge Marion ChristianLynn Bergman Mike & Jodi Nienow In Memory of Arlene Engel Kathleen Wichman Henry Fisher Mary FilipowiczRev. Raymond Bezanson Jessica O’Marrah Jacqueline & Harry O’marrah In Memory of Esther Schuett Joan Truman Ryan NelsonDenise Blackbourn Ashley Obreagon In Memory of Mae Fehrman Sherri Buckly Carole Wolfgram Carl Schroeder*Shelly Bladorn Helen Opps Sherry Korth Susan & Allen Hall Pearl Wright In Honor of Tammy MielkeTaryn Braasch Emmanuel Perillo In Memory of Gertrude Fehrmann Connie Hoffmann In Honor of Michael Benson Family of Mae Fehrman*Phillip Braunschweig Robin Pirkel Marlene Witte Ralph & Marlene Meiers Ralph Sell In Honor of Kathleen MontiniRev. Dr. Rick Brewer Barbara Pohl In Memory of Mildred Fredrick Mary Lee & Allen Petersen In Honor of Roxanne Bertel Judy FolthTheresa & James Brumley Cheryl Porior-Mayhew & Jim Mayhew Allen & LeAnne Fredrick Sally, Laura & Kari Schoenike Jim Seibold Tom LouteckMargaret Buchert Darlene Purcell In Memory of Viola Granse Dave & Sandy Jaeger In Honor of Colleen Buedler Carl Schroeder*Amanda Burg Lewis Quam Shirley Steele Lester & Carol Schuett Debra Arnett Joan SimdonJoy & Patrick Caine Barbara & Larry Quest In Memory of Rosemarie Gruchow Marvin & Lea Zuleger Janice Baechle In Honor of Shelley MyhreKasey Caine Shalby Reed Anonymous Joanne Braunschweig Paul Mayer Joan SimdonRonald Carlin Anne Roberson Irene Neitzel Judy Hertel Donn Mathison* In Honor of Carrie NetzelJudi Christenson Tami Rodriguez In Memory of Elsie Harberg Herb & Ione Staude Joan Simdon Fred GoetschNicole Chwala Michael Roesch Rev. Jane Harberg In Memory of Carroll Schulz Margaret Steionfeld In Honor of Thuan NgoSherry & Russ Cira Lucille & Wayne Roessler-Engsberg In Memory of Thor Harberg Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz Chee Chee Wallman* Lucy BrownElizabeth Conrad Brenda Roraff Rev. Jane Harberg In Memory of Flora Schulz Patricia Zoellick Caroloine GreenwaldJennifer Coppes Frank Roub In Memory of Ruth Hein Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz In Honor of Mary Daubert (CNA) Mary Ellen KlevenDeborah Cornella-Kirt Larry & Sandra Rudd Pearl Mary Goetsch In Memory of Gilbert Shekey Henry Fisher Lisa LawrencesMary Cromey Sally Rumary In Memory of William Hein Joan Jones Regina Kulbicki Ryan NelsonAlbert Dede* Joyce & Mark Scallon Pearl Mary Goetsch In Memory of Minnie Shekey Joan Simdon Jeanette StochfiechTerri & Curt Detert Kathleen & Larry Scheler In Memory of Marilyn Hertel Joan Jones In Honor of MHC Dietary Staff Blanche Zellmer*Richard & Janine Devaux Ruth Schick William Hertel & Family In Memory of Edna Strasburg James Follensbee In Honor of Nursing Station #3Trudy & Robert Dobbratz Emily Schmitz In Memory of Erwin Hesse Joan Strasburg Allinder In Honor of Amy Durand Family of Mae Fehrman*Renee & David Downs Rev. & Mrs. Reuben Schmitz Rev. & Mrs. Reuben Schmitz Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz Kay Ward* In Honor of Jessica O’MarrahKris & Jan Duffy Cassandra Schrader In Memory of Leona Hesse In Memory of Lloyd Strasburg In Honor of Kim Fehling Jim SeiboldBrett & Heidi Dunham Kim Schuett Rev. & Mrs. Reuben Schmitz Joan Strasburg Allinder Ronald Anderson In Honor of Dawn Olson (RN)Donna & Jeff Engel Gerald & Carol Schultz In Memory of Virginia Ihde Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz Paula Hanna Ralph SellKimberly Fehling Jessica Schultz Judy & Jim Maas In Memory of Vernon Steffen Helen Helms In Honor of Mike OnsrudEmily Feiner Heidi Sellnow In Memory of Marion Johnson Joe & Judy Hasslinger Shannon McClusky Caroloine GreenwaldBarbara Fendt Charlyn Shipman Dolores Dufenhorst In Memory of Edward Wegner In Honor of Alechia Fitchgerald In Honor of Jackie PhillipsSharon Fiedler Karen Sims Allen & Sara Schure Florence Wegner Jean Henderson Tom VoigtVirginia Fisher Jerry Stelse In Memory of Aaron Kohls In Memory of Frieda Wolff In Honor of Jody Furley In Honor of Patricia PoulsenRev. John & Anne Fritts Tammy Stoll Joseph Kohls Carol Maas Carole Wolfgram Jean HendersonDulcinea Galaviz Phyllis Strasburg George Marilyn Kohls Pearl Wright In Honor of Jenna QuinnLori Ganser Mary Supple In Memory of JoAnne Kraemer ORGANIZATIONS In Honor of Jennifer Garcia Henry FisherGary & Joan Genz Gina Symkowski Debra & Timothy Archambeau Lucy Brown Carole WolfgramKatelyn Genz Analie Grace Thomas Doug Beaudoin AdvaCare Systems Caroloine Greenwald In Honor of Bridget RedeniusVicky & Stephen Gouldthorp Aubrey Thompson Mary Jo Brennan Alliance Partners, LLC Barbara Shapiro Jean DargeSally & Ronald Greve Sandra Thornquist Wilmer Christian Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. In Honor of Fred Goetsch Roberta RodriguezCarmen Groehler Jennifer Thurow Pete Colletti Alpha Baking Company, Inc. Sara Crave In Honor of Nick SawyerDallas & Elaine Grosenick Rhiannon Tracy David & Judith Frohling Altius Building Company In Honor of Jessica Granzow Jean DargeRev. Jane Harberg Albert Troyke Stephanie & Eric Gutzdorf Angell Marketing, LLC Hugh McMahan Mary FilipowiczLois Harke Sue & Jerry Trumpf Joan & David Haznaw ClearPath Connections, LLC In Honor of Courtney Heller Henry FisherKimberly Henze Patricia Volenberg Mary & Gerald Kaster CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Jim Seibold June GillSarah Higgins Lynne Wagner Ms. Hildegarde Kijewski Communications Engineering Company (CEC) In Honor of Debbie Hoefler Jean HendersonDebra & Mike Hoefler Chee Chee Wallman* Judy & Robert Kluetzman Creative Business Interiors Dennis Burg Ione LarsonJean Hoffmann Rev. Aden & Bishop Kay Ward* Rev. & Mrs. Roger Kobleske Culligan Water Conditioning In Honor of Kim Holterman In Honor of Joyce ScallonKimberly Holterman Anglinia Washington James Kraemer Daley Painting & Decorating Dennis Burg Paula HannaPatricia Howard Brian Weber (Fitzsimmons) Donald & Audrey Kreuziger Eppstein Uhen Architects In Honor of Kim Ignarski Connie PociusGayle Hunter Brooke Weber Jon & Kim Loomis First Midwest Bank Sandra Kant* Jeanette StochfiechHannah & Michael Ignarski Yvonne Weller Michele & Elroy Maas J&L Tire Johnson Creek/Watertown Joan Truman In Honor of Yvonne SchoechertKim Ignarski Patricia Werner Lavern & Ardis Nickels K-W Electric, Inc. Pearl Wright Sara CravePatricia Ignarski Marie Wescott Dale & Nancy Ninmann Keck Furniture, Inc. In Honor of Mary Jaeger (CNA) Paula HannaLynn Ireland Carla Wolfram Katie & David Schroeder Kessenich’s Ltd. Ralph Sell Paul MayerAlesha Jacobson Stephanie Wollitz Alfred & Arlene Stangler Lakeview Moravian Women In Honor of Donna Jannke Pat MeyerJoan Jones Christie Worden Bonnie Stoltenburg Life Assist USA Jim Seibold Roman SchwinnAmber Kaesermann Mark & Judy Zastrow Randall & Diane Strunz Maas Bros Construction In Honor of Maria Johnson Chee Chee Wallman*Tim & Peggy Kamke Blanche Zellmer* Michael Wietor Madison United Healthcare Linen Lewis Johnson Betty WoodPaula Kaulback Jenny & Jamie Zwieg Erich & Helen Zellmer Marsh & McLennan Agency Roberta Rodriquez In Honor of Jennifer SteindorfCrystal Kerns In Memory of Woody Kraemer Moravian Church Western District Carl Schroeder* Shirley Dibble*Wendy King TRIBUTES Kraemer Family Moravian Larger Life Foundation Joan Simdon In Honor of Lionel ThompsonTracy Klentz In Memory of Dorothy Lange New Horizon Foods, Inc Steve Soldner Jean HendersonChad & Julie Koch In Honor of Amy Van Devender Norm & Judi Eggert Piper Jaffray Mildred Waddell In Honor of Pamela Vette BurgardtApichai Kookasemkit Cathleen Waite Larry & Tina Holzhueter Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren SC Barbara Wendt Sara CraveDiane Korn In Honor of Mary Emery Mike Slifka Sister Bay Moravian Women In Honor of Paula Kaulback Albert Dede*Beth Kratzer Cathleen Waite Roger & Betty Statz & Family TCF National Bank Marion Christian Shirley Dibble*Linda Kraus In Honor of Lorna Hennig Tammy Tuchscherer Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Fredrick Jacobi Paula HannaSandy Kreuziger Barbara Hennig In Memory of Hildegard Lange United Electric, Inc. Lewis Johnson Paul MayerCarol Kruesel In Honor of Irene Kasmiskie Norm & Judi Eggert Watertown Moravian Church Joan Simdon Pat MeyerRachel Kuehl Albert Kasmiskie Larry & Tina Holzhueter Watertown Moravian Women’s Fellowship Vivian Thurman Tom VoigtMiranda Kurkiewicz In Honor of Marquardt Village Residents Mike Slifka Wis Pak Bottling Corp. In Honor of Michelle Klettke Chee Chee Wallman*Caleb LaChance Gerald & Marilyn Jeuck Roger & Betty Statz & Family Ziegler & Co Family of Mae Fehrman* Betty WoodSteve LaChance Patricia & Peter Laehr Tammy Tuchscherer In Memory of JoAnne Kraemer In Honor of Wendy Lippert In Honor of Jocelyn WackPatricia & Peter Laehr In Honor of Marquardt Village Staff In Memory of Martha Liebenow Partnership Bank Jean Darge Albert Dede*Michelle Larson Gerald & Marilyn Jeuck Lucille & Wayne Roessler-Engsberg In Memory of Harold Nelson Sam Schwedel In Honor of Kimberly WalkerRonald Layton In Honor of Florence Sweeney In Memory of Gladys Lueck Stroupe Insurance Agency, LLC Tom Voigt Joan SimdonCassandra Leon Ann & Richard Nienow Kenneth & Arlene Lueck In Memory of Esther Schuett In Honor of Lisel Loven In Honor of Cindi WendtMichael & Rachel Libby In Honor of Laura Wex In Memory of Erna Manthey Passenger Transit, Inc Jean Henderson Albert Dede*Allison Lorenz Cathleen Waite Cathie King Marquardt Village was named as In Honor of Samantha Lucas In Honor of Shannon WillisNathaniel Lueck In Honor of Mark Zoellick In Memory of Harold Nelson a recipient of memorial gifts in the Jean Henderson Lucy BrownNicholas Maas Bill & Jane Zoellick Judith Bickel obituaries of the following people from In Honor of LeRoy Mandel Mary Ellen KlevenShirley Maas In Memory of Rick Bargo Goldie Steinbock April-September. Thank you to these Marion Christian Lisa LawrencesKaren MacArthur Linda Bargo In Memory of Kathleen Noon individuals & their families for supporting Carole Wolfgram Brian & Moiya LindenRenate Madsen In Memory of Myron Beckman Judith & Edward Kohlhoff our mission. In Honor of Marquardt Activities Staff Warren SchmidtShannon Magsamen Karen Beckman Grace & Earl Maas Marion Johnson Jim Seibold In Honor of Diane Wollinger (CNA)Mark Mandel & Lynn Kirkstein In Memory of Clarence Bergmann In Memory of George Ochs Hildegard (Hilde) Lange In Honor of Marquardt Health Center CNAs Ralph SellDan & Julie Marks Rev. Allen & Judy Bergmann Erlene Delano Betty J. Schroeder Judith Maas In Honor of Christie WordenNicole Masche In Memory of Lucinda Bergmann In Memory of Alice Peters Esther H. Schuett In Honor of Marquardt Health Center Joan SimdonDonn & Shirley Mathison* Rev. Allen & Judy Bergmann Rev. Allen & Judy Bergmann Paul MayerLynnae Mathison-Raether In Memory of Ida Blanchard In Memory of Henry Peters Dietary Staff *Grateful Hearts DonorsJulie & Ronald Mauthe Gladys Vahl Rev. Allen & Judy Bergmann Ralph SellMatt & Erika Mauthe In Memory of Carl Block In Memory of Mary E. Quinn In Honor of Marquardt Health Center StaffWanda McBain Shirley Steele Gerald & Pauline Quinn AnonymousJoan McConville In Memory of Gertrude Block In Memory of Margaret Setz Albert Dede*Kristin & Kenny McDonald Shirley Steele Joan Johnson Shirley Dibble*Brenda McGee In Memory of John Bloedorn In Memory of Odelia Schildbach Carl Schroeder*Elizabeth & Richard McLaughlin Doug Beaudoin Marge & Dean Schildbach In Honor of Marquardt Home Health StaffGreg & Cheryl Meyer Robert GileWe make every effort to ensure this list is accurate. If you notice an error or omission, please notify us at 920-206-4000.
Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Mailings Direct 1045 Hill StreetWatertown, WI 53098Phone: 920-206-4663MarquardtVillage.orgSponsored by the Western Districtof the Moravian Church Give the gift of Towne Centre with a gift certificate to restaurants or the salon/spa. You can treat residents and their guests to a delightful meal or relaxing salon/spa experience at Towne Centre. To purchase gift certificates to Crave, Grand Central Bistro or Domani at Marquardt, contact receptionist Tammy Stendel at (920) 261-0400 or stop by the concierge desk at Towne Centre. Certificates are available in any denomination you wish to give. Towne Centre is open to residents, staff, and their guests. Crave, Grand Central Bistro, and Domani at Marquardt will open to the public soon. Address changes or requests to be removed from the Marquardt Connections mailing list can be emailed to [email protected].
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