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Home Explore 2015 Fall Connections Newsletter

2015 Fall Connections Newsletter

Published by Angell Marketing, 2016-07-26 14:54:31

Description: Think Marquardt Health Center For Rehabilitation


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FALL 2015 THINK MARQUARDT HEALTH CENTER FOR REHABILITATION see page 7A Mission of the Western District of the Moravian Church

2015 ANNUAL REPORTDear Friends of Marquardt Village,In this issue we present our operating and foundation annual reports for Marquardt Village’sfiscal year 2015 (FY15), which ended June 30th. I’m pleased to report this was a successful yearin many ways that combine to position Marquardt Village for strong ongoing growth.We thank you, our incredible volunteer force and generous donors to Marquardt Foundation,for your support. With each year that passes, your gifts allow us to extend our mission of careto more people and to provide for the little extras that improve quality of life for residents ofMarquardt Village.Our retirement community, home and community based services, and foundation all continued to improve over previous years.Growing our home health and hospice care through Marquardt at Home is a key component of our strategic plan and thesebeyond-campus services contributed 24 percent of total revenue in FY15, up from 18 percent in FY14. Offices were opened inRacine and Madison, expanding home health care to Capitol Lakes retirement community, a partnership that started in February.Kenosha, Milwaukee and Racine counties were added, so that Marquardt at Home now serves 11 counties.Another key component of our strategic growth plan is to pursue quality partnerships, such as the one with Capitol Lakes,and management opportunities, like The Atrium in Racine, which began contributing to the bottom line this year. Profits fromthese ventures allow more investment in our community and in the services and employment opportunities we offer. Mostimportantly, extending our capabilities and expertise to serve more people fulfills our mission.On campus, construction of Park Terrace and Towne Centre is on track to be weather-tight by early December so that interiorwork can continue over the winter and spring. I had the pleasure of touring with the Board of Directors recently and we wereall amazed at the progress over seven months. Both are projected to open July 1, 2016. Park Terrace will offer state-of-the-artassisted living and memory care, while Towne Centre will be the center of campus life with many new amenities and services forresidents and guests.With your support and the guidance of our mission all things are possible. Thank you for all you do to keep Marquardt Villagestrong. My best to you this holiday season.Blessings, THE MARQUARDT VILLAGE MISSION:Matthew Mauthe, CEO “Grounded in faith, we promote the health and well-being of each individual we serve.”2015 Annual Report ............................................... 3-5 New Board Members and Staff ............................ 9 ON THE COVERLetter from Foundation President ....................... 4 Friends Move to Marquardt Village ........... 10-11 Watertown ResidentSummer Internship Program ................................ 6 Sporting Clay Shoot Out for Hospice ....... 12-13 Joyce Larson withRehab at Marquardt Health Center ................... 7 Donor Appreciation .......................................... 14-15 Therapist Rory (Rosary)Donations Can Fulfill Wishes ................................ 8 Amazon Smiles on Foundation ......................... 16 Maningat. See page 7.

2015 ANNUAL REPORT OPERATING FINANCIAL INFORMATIONMarquardt Village, Inc. Marquardt Village, Inc.Consolidated Balance Sheet Consolidated Statement of Revenue and Expensesas of June 30, 2015 as of June 30, 2015Assets 6,521,209 Revenue 27,579,318Cash and Investments 2,106,013 Patient Service Revenue (net) 244,045Accounts Receivable (net) 21,541,733 Entrance Fees Property and Equipment (net) 6,208,344 Contractual Allowance and Charity Care (6,653,877)Other Assets Total Revenue 21,169,486Total Assets 36,377,299 ExpensesLiabilities and Net Assets Resident Care and Nursing 9,894,535Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses 3,201,114 Dining Services 1,239,379Long-term Debt (including current portion) 11,044,000 Maintenance and Operations 2,266,022Entrance Fees 9,500,747 Administrative, Marketing and General 4,250,428Other Liabilities Interest 86,179 126,264 Depreciation and Amortization 1,375,292Total Liabilities 23,872,125 Total Expenses 19,111,835Total Net Assets 12,505,174 Operating Income 2,057,651Total Liabilites and Net Assets 36,377,299 Other Income (expense) Contributions 82,358 Investment Income (net) (52,363) Other (169,603) Excess of Revenue Over Expenses 1,918,043REVENUE EXPENSES Skilled Nursing Facility – 52% Resident Care and Nursing – 50%Home and Community Based Services – 24% Dining Services – 7% Assisted Living – 12% Maintenance and Operations –12% Independent Living – 12% Administrative, Marketing and General – 22% Management Fees – 1% Depreciation and Amortization – 8% Interest – 0%Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100 percent.

Your Gifts to Marquardt Foundation Change Lives.Dear Friends,Thank you for your generous donations to Marquardt Foundation. I am alwaysimpressed when I see the long list of donors published in Connections newsletters.While we met our budget this year, we are still a long way from achieving our goalof $400,000 a year in net revenue. Once we reach that goal, we will be on target toachieve our Strategic Plan’s vision of $10 million in the Foundation by 2023. Andmost importantly, we’ll be able to help make up the difference between what publicassistance pays and the real cost of care. Today, bridging that gap costs MarquardtVillage more than $5.5 million annually.In addition to helping achieve our goals, donations to Marquardt Foundation provide for a lot of the “little extras” that anot-for-profit retirement community like Marquardt Village needs. Here’s how your gifts made an impact during fiscal year 2015:• YOUR gifts bought six defibrillators for use FUN FACTS ABOUT throughout the community. FOUNDATION DONATIONS• YOUR gifts provided enough funds to purchase 64 iPods for the Music and Memory program. • 475 donors gave 2,592 donations. • 59 donors gave $13,790 to the year-end appeal.• YOUR gifts paid for a picnic for Marquardt Village • 35 donors gave $11,545 to the Promise Campaign. employees and their families. • Residents gave $35,872. • Relatives of residents/patients gave $48,775.• YOUR gifts bought a telehealth device for Marquardt at Home.Every gift matters to Marquardt Village and changeslives. I invite you to join me and continue to invest in ourcommunity today and for years to come.Thank you again. • Staff gave $16,124.Blessings, • Vendors gave $14,350. • 222 memorial gifts totaled $16,506.David Schoechert • Average gift was $337.President of Marquardt Foundation Board of Directors 12,000 VOLUNTEER HOURS MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE More than 300 volunteers – residents, private citizens, board members, and clergy –dedicated some 12,000 hours to Marquardt Village over the past year. The value of these hours is estimated at more than $275,000, based on the current value of a volunteer hour, $23.07, as determined by Independent Sector (

2015 ANNUAL REPORT FOUNDATION FINANCIAL INFORMATIONMarquardt Foundation, Inc. Marquardt Foundation, Inc.Consolidated Balance Sheet Statement of Revenue and Expensesas of June 30, 2015 as of June 30, 2015Assets RevenueCash 5,956 General 124,818Investments 4,922,876 Spiritual Life Fund 11,983Pledges and Bequests Receivable (net) 24,537 Marquardt At Home Fund 14,219Property and Equipment (net) 5,978 Zinzendorf Hall 4,487Other 1,527 Employee Appreciation Fund 6,237Total Assets 4,960,874 Total Contributions 161,744Liabilities and Net Assets 332,828 Investment Income 74,334Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Investment Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) (24,868)Total Liabilities 332,828 Total Revenue 211,210Total Net Assets 4,628,046 Expenses 82,353* Donations to Marquardt Entities Total Liabilites and Net Assets 4,960,874 Fundraising 4,905 Outreach 27,978 Volunteer Services 67,467 General Administration 146,421* We are pleased to report that we used funds for Assisted Living/Memory Care, Total Expenses 329,124Staff Appreciation, Hospice and various restricted items, including defibrillators,this year. The Marquardt Foundation is thankful for the support of our donors in Increase in Net Assets (117,914)making it possible to use these funds for their intended purposes. MARQUARDT FOUNDATION FUNDSGIFTS TO MARQUARDT FOUNDATION CAN BE DESIGNATED TO THE FOLLOWING FUNDS:• General Fund donations are designated to help make up the difference between government reimbursement and the actual cost of care.• Spiritual Life Fund nurtures spiritual life on campus. Our chapel, chaplain, programs, and pastoral care help create a unique environment in which to live and work.• Marquardt at Home Fund supports home health and hospice programs. Medicare/insurance covers only basic end-of-life services. From telehealth devices to supplies for prayer shawls, this fund supports people in their homes throughout an 11-county region.• Employee Appreciation Fund helps us recognize staff with special events, gifts, and opportunities, in return for the difference they make in the lives they touch. To make a gift, use the enclosed envelope, visit or call Cheryl Porior-Mayhew at 920-206-4000; [email protected]

First Summer Student Internship Program Gets Rave ReviewsMarquardt Village has had a student intern or new staff members, emergency preparedness, and helping two for a number of years, including a full-time to develop a more person-centered orientation for new intern from UW-Eau Claire. In fact, among residents of Marquardt Health Center.Marquardt’s leadership team, Matthew Mauthe, CEO,and Michael Benson, Health Center Administrator, were “I didn’t know what to expect, but absolutely lovedinterns. This summer marked the first time an expanded this experience,” said Kasey Caine, a senior this fall atprogram was offered. Ten students participated, UW-Whitewater studying communications and speechcontributing their fresh ideas, gaining valuable therapy. “I feel like I grew as a person and gainedexperience, and earning money. Staff, students, and a level of professionalism that I wouldn’t have yetresidents all felt the program was a big success. without this opportunity.”Interest was so high among Marquardt staff members “We were sad to see them return to school, but lookthat the intern positions were all filled by their children, forward to having many back with us during breaks andother relatives, or close friends. The interns covered for next summer,” said Sherry Cira, Director of Organizationalvacationing staff and worked on special projects in several Advancement . “They brought so much enthusiasmdepartments—staff development and education, the and literally taught us as much as we taught them. Fourbusiness office, nursing, social work, activities, and grounds generations work here at Marquardt and, like no other,maintenance. One daunting project was to convert all these students have grown up with technology. Theirbusiness office records from paper files to electronic records. fresh ideas and different approaches elevated efficiencyOthers involved improving processes, such as orientation for in a way that I believe will have a lasting impact.”Marquardt Village Student InternsBack row, from left: Kendra Ninmann, Jason Eternick, Jacob Butler, Steven Sellnow, Jacob Yaeger (UWEC Full-time Intern). Front row, from left: KayleeMcDonald, Paige Wollin, Katelyn Genz, Jessica Laughlin, Kalee Lafler. Not pictured: Kasey Caine.

Think Marquardt Health Center For RehabilitationJoyce Larson with Physical Therapist Amy Durand, and Randy Tourbier with Physical Therapist Shelly Penn.Joyce Larson and Randy Tourbier, both of replacement surgery. His recovery went so well, he Watertown, recently completed rehab programs plans to return after a knee replacement scheduled for at Marquardt Health Center following joint December. “My two therapists and all the staff there werereplacement surgeries. They credit how well they are just great. And I did so well with their help that I was outdoing to the dedicated therapists who worked with in just four weeks, two weeks ahead of schedule!”them and the exceptional care they received from theentire team at the Health Center. MARQUARDT PARTNERS WITHJoyce visited rehab centers in and around Watertown ALLIANCE REHABin advance of surgery and is glad she chose Marquardtfor her program, which included two weeks at the to provide physical, occupational, and speechHealth Center followed by four weeks of outpatient therapies on an inpatient or outpatient basis.therapy. Even with an option near her home, she chose On campus services are available at Marquardtto drive across town three times a week to complete Health Center and Zinzendorf Assisted Living.her outpatient therapy here. “I’m telling everyoneto go to Marquardt Village for rehab,” said Joyce. “I’m For information, call (920) 206-4935.doing excellent! I loved my therapist Amy Durand and Rehabilitation therapies are also available ineveryone there... loved the room, the food, the fact thatthey respected I’m not a morning person.” private homes in the region through Marquardt at Home. To arrange a consultation,Randy knew about Marquardt Village and chose theHealth Center, sight unseen, for rehab following hip call (844) 206-4930.

Donations Provide the “Little Extras” That Make Living Here SpecialA donation designated for special items makes Resident John Schmoller gets familiar with an iPod with help from giving more fun and provides an immediate Michael Benson, Health Care Administrator, and Gina Symkowski, positive impact for Marquardt residents. Take Activities Assistant.iPods for example. Gifts from our generous donorsallowed Marquardt Village to purchase 64 iPods in 2014to enhance the Music and Memory Program.“Music is one of the most powerful non-verbal ways tocommunicate,” said Gina Symkowski, Activities Assistant.“With the iPods and a personal playlist we help residentscreate, we see how much they enjoy the music, pluswe’re seeing remarkable improvements in cognition andcommunication skills.”For donors who would like to contribute toward tangibleitems, Marquardt Village staff created the following wishlist to enhance resident services and lifestyle. If you wouldlike to help fulfill the list, please let the Foundation know ifyou’re interested in making a general wish list contributionor would like to apply a gift toward specific items.MARQUARDT VILLAGE WISH LIST iPods – new or gently used, about $50 Raised Garden Beds – about $350 each. each. Music triggers memories—a Residents enjoy gardening without the beautiful thing for those with memory loss stress of bending and kneeling. Two have or dementia. We still need about 111 iPods been purchased; six more are reach a goal of 175 for residents of Marquardt HealthCenter and Zinzendorf Hall. We can only accept the iPod Automated External Defibrillators – about $1,500brand, preferably iPod shuffles, not other MP3 players. each. Cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in the United States. Six have been purchased; six more areBenches for Walking Paths – about $800 each. needed for key locations on campus.Benches placed along sidewalks create spots to restor chat with neighbors. Five have been purchased; Other Items Needed – a complete wish list is20 more are needed. available on our website, can be made online or sent to Marquardt Foundation, 1020 Hill Street, Watertown, WI 53098. Please note which items you are helping to purchase.

Welcoming New Board and Staff MembersRev. Dr. Rick Brewer Emily FeinerFoundation Board Member Assistant Health Care AdministratorMany of you already know Rev. Dr. Emily Feiner joined MarquardtRick Brewer, who was Director of Village in June after a year-longPastoral Care at Marquardt Village internship with Minnesotafor 20 years and retired early last Masonic Home in Bloomington,year. “I retired from the position, Minnesota, to complete hernot from the love and care and Bachelor of Arts degree in Healthbelief I have in Marquardt and its Care Administration from themission,” he says. “That will always be with me.” University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire.Though in many ways he has never left Marquardt Village, Born and raised in Madison, Emily’s career interest waswe are glad to welcome Rev. Rick back to Marquardt influenced by family members whose experiences span aFoundation. A planned giving benefactor himself and a number of fields from nursing to business accounting andfervent believer in the power of private philanthropy, he also project management—all of which play roles in healthserves the board as Chair of the Development Committee. care administration. Emily is also licensed as a Certified Nursing Assistant, which she says comes in handy fromHis ongoing ministry and related work since leaving the time to time at Marquardt Village, where her responsibilitiesfull-time pastoral care position at Marquardt Village include include serving as Administrator at Zinzendorf Assistedmarriage and family counseling, serving as a deacon Living and as Assistant Administrator at Marquardt Healthsupervisor mentoring new pastors, and officiating at Center. Noting that her “days are never predictable—in aoccasional baptisms, weddings and other services. He also good way,” Emily sought out the complexity of workingenjoys traveling and recently returned from a trip to England at a full-service retirement community with independentand Scotland. living plus a complete continuum of care, as well as services to the greater community. She loves the variety and theRev. Rick was born and raised in Milwaukee and holds a opportunity to help people each day.Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care and Counseling from theLutheran School of Theology at Chicago, a Master of Divinity Emily lives in Waukesha and enjoys the combination offrom Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, cultural opportunities in Milwaukee as well as outdoor life,Illinois, and a Bachelor of Science in Education from the travel and family gatherings.University of Wisconsin – Whitewater. MARQUARDT VILLAGE WELCOMES CARING, COMPASSIONATE PEOPLE If you’re looking for a rewarding career helping seniors in our community, visit, where it’s easy to: View open positions Read about benefits Apply and upload your resume

Long-time Friends Move to Marquardt Village:Kay and Aden Ward will soon welcome Nancy and Tom VonBoeckmannCalifornia residents Nancy and Tom VonBoeckmann Both couples moved frequently over the years, with were visiting Kay and Aden Ward at their home Kay and Aden holding the record with their move to near Wisconsin Rapids when Kay invited them to Marquardt Village in November last year. “With 13 movesspend the better part of a day at Marquardt Village. The in 40 years, we’re pretty good at it,” said Aden. “Still, ourWards were considering moving to Marquardt and, before five-bedroom cabin in the woods could sleep 19, solong, so were the VonBoeckmanns. “We selected an apartment we had to downsize and give up some things—like my chain saws.The friendship between these as close as we could get to the We were ready for that and wecouples started decades ago new Towne Centre, because the love it here.”when the VonBoeckmanns were plans for it are a big part of what “We met so many people here inparishioners of a church in Yorba attracted us to Marquardt.” the first weeks,” added Kay. “TheyLinda, California, where the Wardswere pastors. Their children brought gifts and information. Weliterally grew up together and after the age of 50, Nancy must have called maintenance at least once a day thatbecame a minister, too, inspired in part by the Wards. first week, too, and they were so responsive and helpful as we got familiar with appliances and other things. Kay and Aden Ward moved to Marquardt Village a year ago and look forward to welcoming friends from California before the holidays.

2,012 Wards miles Wisconsin Rapids, WI Marquardt Village Watertown, WIVonBoeckmanns After moving to Marquardt Village this fall, Nancy and Tom VonBoeckmann plan Yorba Linda, CA to continue to travel quite a lot, especially to visit family in California.“We never lived ‘in community’ before and it’s a grandchildren. Plus, they can stay in guest apartmentswonderful experience—the social opportunities here to visit us in Wisconsin.”especially. As Moravian ministers, the Moravian faith baseof this community is important to us,” said Kay, who is a Also influencing their choice of Marquardt Village, Nancybishop and chooses to remain active in ministry, holding and Tom point to her years as chaplain at a Moravianretreats and traveling several retirement community intimes a year. “We selected “We realized the value of planning Pennsylvania. “We realizedan apartment as close as we ahead for our later years... we wanted the value of planning aheadcould get to the new Towne to move to a community at a point for our later years and beingCentre, because the plans in charge of decisions forfor it are a big part of what when we could enjoy the lifestyle and ourselves. So, we wantedattracted us to Marquardt.” know that health care services are to move to a community available to us in the future.” at a point when we couldWhen the VonBoeckmanns enjoy the lifestyle and knowjoin them at Marquardt that health care services arethis November, their apartment will be just a few doors available to us in the future,” said Tom, an auditor withdown. “Towne Centre really caught our attention, Bank of America for 35 years.too,” said Nancy. “Because we want to continue theactive lifestyle we enjoy at our maintenance-provided “The people at Marquardt Village have already been socommunity in southern California. We’ll continue to welcoming to us,” added Nancy. “All the arrangementstravel quite a lot, too, especially to visit our children and are made and we’re looking forward to settling in!”INTERESTED IN INDEPENDENT LIVING AT MARQUARDT VILLAGE? To see available apartments and garden homes, call (920) 206-4663. Through December 31, 2015, those who reserve a residence and move within 90 days will receive $2,500 for moving expenses.

Marquardt Hospice Sporting Clay Shoot Out—What a Blast!It was a beautiful fall day September 25th for About 45 volunteers helped the event run smoothly, Marquardt Village’s first-ever sporting clay shoot out helping with everything from launching clays and held at Milford Hills Hunt Club in Johnson Creek. keeping score to handling registration and gatheringSome 165 people participated in this event which raffle and silent auction items. “As a first time volunteerraised more than $37,000 for Marquardt Hospice. I found the experience a lot of fun,” said Pat Seidel. “I learned about shooting sporting clays and wasThe funds raised will be used for such things as extremely impressed with the hunt club. Fromvolunteer training materials, prayer shawl ministry the silent auction to the great lunch, it was fun tosupplies, and remodeling hospice offices. Marquardt participate knowing that Marquardt residents andHospice provides support and comfort to Marquardt others who need end-of-life care will benefit.”Village residents and their families, as well as to thoseliving in private homes throughout an 11-county Twelve major sponsors contributed $700 or more,region of southeast Wisconsin. including three $5,000 Gold sponsors: Altius Building Co.,

Schaefer Soft Water (in memory of Bob Schaefer), andWIPFLi CPAs and Consultants. In addition, nearly 130companies donated items for raffles and a silent auction.“We greatly appreciate the support of our sponsors,donors, and volunteers,” said Matt Mauthe, CEO. “Thanksto their generosity, Marquardt Hospice will be able tocontinue providing exceptional support and comfortto patients and their family members. It’s impossible toput a price on that kind of care.”“As a sponsor family and volunteer, all I can say is: thankyou, thank you, and thank you,” said Kathy SchaeferO’Malley. “Thank you for honoring Bob Schaefer bygathering dedicated sports people to enjoy a sportingevent, for ‘doing good and avoiding evil’ by raisingfunds for the hospice program, and for ‘having somefun’ by playing as hard as you work!”GOLD SPONSORS, $5,000 SECONDARY STATION SPONSORS, $1,000Altius Building Company Piper JaffraySchaefer’s Soft Water, in memory of Bob Schaefer Wis-PakWIPFLi CPAs and Consultants PRIZE SPONSOR, $1,000LUNCH SPONSORS, $3,500 K&W ElectricNew Horizon FoodsReinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. GUN RAFFLE SPONSOR, $700SHELL SPONSOR, $2,600 J&L Tire & Service CenterFirst Midwest Bank EVENT SPONSORS, $500PRIMARY STATION SPONSORS, $1,500 Accurate Imaging AdvoCareClearPath Connections Communications Engineering CompanyCreative Business Interiors EZ Office ProductsMarsh & McLennan Agency Maas Brothers ConstructionOmnicare Pharmacy Services Madison United Healthcare Linen Medline Industries Pinnacle Construction TCF Bank Thrivent Financial, East Dodge County Chapter SHOOT OUT 2016!Mark your calendar now for the next Shoot Out - September 15, 2016. There is a special price for those who register by June 1, 2016. Contact Cheryl Porior-Mayhew for details, 920-206-4000.

We greatly appreciate the support of the following individuals, churches, businesses, and organizations who shared their resources with Marquardt Village during our 2015 fiscal year, July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. All gifts to Marquardt Foundation are used to improve services for our residents and those we serve in the greater community.INDIVIDUALS Linda Kraus Edith & Harold Wandersee In Memory of Leola Haberkorn In Memory of Mabel Krueger Carol Kruesel Rev. Aden & Bishop Kay Ward Larissa & Aaron Buss Ralph & Margaret KruegerAnonymous Sarah Kuehl Don D. Wegner Linda Buss In Memory of Myrtle KruegerGeorgene & Harold Adams Michelle Larson Stacey Weihert Mary & Dan Christian Mr. & Mrs. Charles BartzKaren & Fred Albert Duane Lauersdorf Patricia Werner Pete Colletti Mr. & Mrs. Dave KrattigerHeidi Anderson John Leischer Ms. Jameie Williams Lance Dopke Mr. & Mrs. John ThederMacy Anderson John Leischer Kayla Williams Heidi & Jeffrey Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Ronald WilleJessica Angove Esther Claire Lessard Ethel Willing Paul & Lou Ann Esselman In Memory of Lottie KrystyniakJerry Arntson Adolph & Lucy Leuenberger Britanie Winker Lorie & Thomas Hadel Bob & Anne KrystyniakJohn & Joyce Austin Michael & Rachel Libby Kay & Will Wipperfurth Dianne & Robert Hamann In Memory of Dorothy KuenziRon & Carol Barwick Amy & Todd Loeber Stephanie Wollitz Leta Jensen Holly BromSandra Bathke Allison Lorenz Ms. Kathryn Wright Barbara & Ricky Lischka Bonnie & Thomas ConwayDonald & Barbara Benedett Nathaniel Lueck Mary & Jim Zastrow Lois Munzel Dan & Nancy JaeckelMichael Benson Judy & Jim Maas Patsy & Herman Zastrow Charlotte & Larry Schears Elroy LiesenerGrace Bentzin Nicholas Maas Jenny & Jamie Zwieg William & Mary Schultz Sally, Laura & Kari SchoenikeFranklyn Bergdoll Shirley Maas Bonnie Simon Lester & Lucille SchwartzKaren Bergman Jeff & Lynn Mallach TRIBUTES William Ulm In Memory of Dorothy LangeRev. Raymond Bezanson Dan & Julie Marks Faith & Mark Zoellick Hildegard LangeJennifer Biermann Dolly Martin In Honor of Taryn Braasch In Memory of Elsie Harberg In Memory of Luann LauersdorfDenise Blackbourn Lynnae Mathison-Raether Elgardie Fuchs Rev. Jane Harberg Thomas & Susan O’ConnorShelly Bladorn Sharon Mathwig In Memory of Thor Harberg In Memory of Dolores LivanecMarian Blaney Matt & Erika Mauthe In Honor of Jan Duffy Rev. Jane Harberg George LivanecRose Borck Joan McConville Elgardie Fuchs In Memory of Richard Harris In Memory of Milo LoppnowTaryn Braasch Kristin & Kenny McDonald In Honor of Ruth E. Ebert Linda & William Rieman Charles Nienow & Esther TeshAlice Brandt Barbara McGray Janice & Harry Ruehlow Bonnie Simon In Memory of Eleanor LorenzLarry & Mary Braunschweig Elizabeth & Richard McLaughlin In Honor of Edward Fay Ryan Smull Jennifer KleinjanPhillip Braunschweig Dorothy Mekelburg Dr. & Mrs. Michael Grajewski Joan Sterwald Dr. & Mrs. Gerald MoedeRick Brewer Annette Meyer In Honor of Loretta Fuchs Rose Thomascheske Mr. & Mrs. Robert NimmAmber Brinsko Greg & Cheryl Meyer William Fuchs Elaine Thompson Thomas & Susan O’ConnorFrieda Bubernak Debra Meyer In Honor of Marquardt Village Residents Wanda & Richard Udovick Ann PokelAmanda Burg Tammy Mielke Gerald & Marilyn Jeuck William Ulm Mr. Andrew RothschadlNeal & Carla Butenhoff Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Miller Patricia Laehr In Memory of Ruth Hein Carol UtechBarbara Butler & Karl Wagner Jeffrey Miller In Honor of Marquardt Village Staff Pearl Mary Goetsch In Memory of Lois LovengJoy & Patrick Caine Diane Neal Gerald & Marilyn Jeuck In Memory of William Hein Mary Lou & Myron MoldenhauerDick Cerney Gordon & Arlene Neary Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer Pearl Mary Goetsch In Memory of Rosemary MagedanzSherry & Russ Cira Rebecca Nehls In Honor of Leora McDow In Memory of Janet Hennings Alice BrandtJeanie Clark Don Nicholson Tom & Linda Frakes Margaret Amthor Dorothy MekelburgDorothy Coogan Duane Nienow In Honor of Mary E. Quinn Dolores Bartee Shirley & Daniel WiedenhoeftJennifer Coppes Mike & Jodi Nienow Gerald & Pauline Quinn Pamela Bartee In Memory of Phillip MallowDeborah Cornella-Kirt Rebecca Nimm In Honor of Florence Sweeney Anna Christian Arthur MelcherMary Cromey Jessica O’marrah Ann & Richard Nienow Pete Colletti Shirley & Daniel WiedenhoeftJerome & Susan David Robert Opps In Honor of Zinzendorf Hall Staff John & Janet Fiess In Memory of Karen I. ManteyDorothy Degnitz William & Jill Oswald Henry Staeben Barbara Hennings Joan JonesTerri & Curt Detert Charlotte Palmer In Honor of Mark Zoellick Janet Hennings MaryAnn & John ManteyRobert & Trudy Dobbratz Barbara Parish Bill & Jane Zoellick Dorothy & Bruce Kasten Mary Lou & Myron MoldenhauerRenee & David Downs Lori Pelto In Memory of Gwynnetha Bade Sherry Klecker In Memory of Delia MattisonKris & Jan Duffy Jack Penfold Nancy Kroner Sherilyn & Gerald Kochanski Alice BrandtJohn & Gladys Ebert Lavernia Peters In Memory of Rick Bargo Don & Lisa Kuehl Shirley & Daniel WiedenhoeftTom & Sara Fay Denise Pingel Linda Bargo Glen & Bonnie Lauersdorf In Memory of Ruth MayMildred Febock Barbara Pohl In Memory of Edythe Bender Mr. & Mrs. Rol& Manthe Sally SmithKimberly Fehling Lynnette & Roy Pooler James Bender Christine Mechenich In Memory of Florence MoldenhauerEmily Feiner Cheryl Porior-Mayhew & Jim Mayhew In Memory of Milton Bender Mr. & Mrs. Stan Nichols Mary Lou & Myron MoldenhauerShelby Fetter Dallas Prockl James Bender Mr. & Mrs. Steve Power In Memory of Harris MoldenhauerNelson & Barb Fischer Barbara & Larry Quest In Memory of Ruth M. Berthold Kaye & Michael Tresp Mark & Judy ZastrowTyler & Jackie Foti Mr. Irving Quest Terry & Sue Koplin In Memory of Erwin Hesse In Memory of Vernon MoldenhauerHelen Foulke Hannah Raabe In Memory of Marna Block Rev. & Mrs. Reuben Schmitz Mary Lou & Myron MoldenhauerMs. Jennie Fox Patricia Ranthum Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Bongard In Memory of Leona Hesse In Memory of Norman MulthaufPhillip & Naomi Frensz Ms. Rosanne Richter In Memory of Irene Borck Rev. & Mrs. Reuben Schmitz Mrs. Dorothy MulthaufRev. John & Anne Fritts Anne Roberson Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer In Memory of Ellen Hogue In Memory of Calvin MundtLori Ganser Tami Rodriguez In Memory of Louis Borck Sharon & Ray Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Theodore McCabeGary & Joan Genz Lucille Roessler-Engsberg Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer In Memory of Brian Holcomb Dianna & Gerald MundtKatelyn Genz Larry Rudd In Memory of Claretta Boyd Kerri & Matthew Johanning Eva MundtKatie Gomez Joyce & Mark Scallon Robert Boyd In Memory of Robert Holt John StewartVicky & Stephen Gouldthorp Kathy Schaefer O’Malley & Dennis O’Malley In Memory of Therese Bradisse Charlotte Holt Mr. & Mrs. Michael SuchockiGlen & Isela Grams Kathleen & Larry Scheler Jeffrey Bradisse In Memory of Herbert C. Holz In Memory of Bernice NelsonEliza Griggs Caryl Scheurman In Memory of Frieda Bubernak Carol Voss Dorothy DegnitzCarmen Groehler Ruth Schick Alice Brandt In Memory of Virginia Ihde Hannelore EavesDallas & Elaine Grosenick Ruby Schmidt Alida Jaeger Judy & Jim Maas Sally & Ronald GreveDoug & Jan Gruber Judy & David Schoechert Joan Jones In Memory of Karen Jaehrling Jack LynchCindy & Rob Gruenwald Gerald & Carol Schultz In Memory of Benedict Burg David Frank Harold NelsonJeff Hackel Jessica Schultz Benedict Burg Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer Susan & William StroupeRaymond & Joan Hanson Susan & Larry Schultz In Memory of John Byrne Janice & Robert Thostenson Kitty StueberGlenn Harke Lawrence Schumacher Miriam & Ellsworth Schuett In Memory of Dorothea Jochinsen In Memory of Harvey NeubauerLois Harke Barbara & Terry Schwefel In Memory of Catherine Clifford Leonard Kafer Marsha & John PagelIrene Heiliger Dennis Schwenker Ralph & Margaret Krueger In Memory of Ruth Johnson In Memory of George OchsKimberly Henze Debra Seifert In Memory of John Clifford Martin Johnson Erlene DelanoRev. & Mrs. James Hicks Lori & Dan Sellnow Ralph & Margaret Krueger In Memory of Kenneth Kant In Memory of Janice OemigJeanette & Wayne Hills Mr. & Mrs. John Severa In Memory of Sharon Collin Dr. & Mrs. Rol& Liebenow David OemigKimberly Holterman Ms. Kathleen Siegel Robert Collin In Memory of Lillian Kees In Memory of Sylvester OlszewskiGayle Hunter Ms. Joyce Simon In Memory of Zoe Cone Gail & Marvin Blundon Mr. & Mrs. Brian DostalekMelanie Hunter Sally Smith Kitty Stueber In Memory of Donald Key Ms. Arlene SeitzPatricia Ignarski Deborah Snell In Memory of Joseph Dresen Mary & Jim Zastrow Elaine UeckerLynn Ireland Gladys Soter Laura Dresen In Memory of Don King Mr. & Mrs. John WagnerAlesha Jacobson Erika Spiegelhoff In Memory of Verna Engel Cathie King In Memory of Alice PetersAndrew Johnson Henry Staeben Doris Anderson In Memory of Myrtle Klug Mr. James Abplanalp & Ms. Joyce MurtaughBarbara & Ronald Johnson Keith Stalker In Memory of Marion Engsberg Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer Mr. & Mrs. Ken BachlerMartin Johnson Jerry Stelse Meade Medical Clinic In Memory of Aaron Kohls Doris BaumannJoan Jones Tammy Stoll Leanne & Jack Huber Joseph Kohls Rev. Allen & Judy BergmannAmber Kaesermann Phyllis Strasburg George Fay Martin In Memory of Della Kosanovich Scott & Amy BergmannTom & Kathy Kasten Mary Supple Jane & Steve Schmidt Jane & Tim Burton Larry & Mary BraunschweigPaula Kaulback Gina Symkowski Florence Topel Jan & Greg Freund Lois HarkeTom Keel & Marge Etter Taylor Tidwell In Memory of Gertrude Fehrmann Amy & R. Scott Johnson Thomas & Bonnie JustmannWilliam E. & Erna Kiessling Stacie Trail Marlene Witte John & Jean Kosanovich Joyce Murtaugh & James AbplanalpJennifer Kleinjan Albert Troyke In Memory of Joan Frei In Memory of Viola Koser Mr. & Mrs. Alan PetersNancy & Ralph Kohlhoff Elaine Uecker Dorothy Degnitz Marilyn Kohls Amy PikeChristine Komis Marilyn & Gary Vogel In Memory of Loretta Fuchs In Memory of Harvey Krueger Mr. David PikeApichai Kookasemkit Patricia Volenberg Jerry Arntson Marilyn Foster Sitter Mrs. Janet Rubenzer-Pike & Mr. Rodney PikeSherry Korth Amy Wagner Peter & Sharon Dewind In Memory of Harold Krueger Bonnie SimonConnie & Mark Kottwitz Lynne Wagner Jeffrey & Diane Haas Ralph & Margaret KruegerSarah Kottwitz Karen Wagoner Constance MeyerBeth Kratzer Ronald Schneller Jacqueline SmithWe make every effort to ensure this list is accurate. If you notice an error or omission, please notify us at (920) 206-4000.

(2015 fiscal year donors continued)In Memory of Edward Petig In Memory of Dolly Vergenz Dr. William Petig Shirley DibbleIn Memory of Gertrude Petig In Memory of Donald Vinz Dr. William Petig Karin HoeftIn Memory of James Pipkorn In Memory of Robert Voss Miriam & Ellsworth Schuett Carol Voss Thank you to the following individuals, churches and businesses who haveIn Memory of Betty Pranke In Memory of Harriet Wilde contributed to the Marquardt Foundation for Wish List items, operating needs, Mr. & Mrs. Delaine Budig Sandra Alioto pastoral care and chapel needs, memory care, hospice and staff appreciation Marylin Meyer Heather Grudnowski from July to September. We value your trust and will use these gifts for the Susan & Ryan Topel Ellen Krueger benefit of Marquardt Village residents.In Memory of George Pranke Sue Wilde-Behl Susan & Ryan Topel In Memory of Stanley WildeIn Memory of Irving Quest Sue Wilde-Behl Lynn Ireland In Memory of Ken Wilkes Joan Jones Mae WilkesIn Memory of Mary E. Quinn In Memory of Frieda Wolff Susan Barry Carol Maas INDIVIDUALS Charles Nienow & Esther Tesh In Memory of Gladys Lueck B. Brauer & L. Brauer In Memory of Rosalie Wolf-Colletti Ms. Vicki Duhr & Mr. David Schultz Margaret Amthor Sandra Bathke Rebecca Nimm Kenneth & Arlene Lueck Michael Benson Jessica O’marrah In Memory of Phillip Mallow Thomas & Maria Fairall Mrs. Marilyn Baneck Grace Bentzin Barbara Pohl Glen & Isela Grams Mary Hoppe Judy Colletti Karen Bergman Michelle & Richard McKellar Mrs. Juanita Ebert Rev. Raymond Bezanson Cheryl Porior-Mayhew & Jim Mayhew In Memory of Erna Manthey Denise Blackbourn Barbara & Larry Quest Marilyn & George Hackbarth Mary & William Pate Elgardie Fuchs Shelly Bladorn Hannah Raabe In Memory of Lisle Piper Sue & Robin Roe Lois Harke Taryn Braasch Joyce Sandberg Patricia Herro Phillip Braunschweig Patricia Ranthum Clarice Piper Diane Schlesner Joan Jones Rick Brewer Anne Roberson In Memory of Mary E. Quinn Maureen & James Schmidt Dorothy Mekelburg Amber Brinsko Darlene & Randall Schultz Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer Amanda Burg Tami Rodriguez Mrs. Carolyn Harris Barbara Butler & Karl Wagner Lucille Roessler-Engsberg Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer Jeffrey & Sheryl Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Fred Poweleit Joy & Patrick Caine Larry Rudd Dean & Susan Mueller Susan & Ken Taylor Ms. E. Ruthie Pugh Kasey Caine Jerome & Lynn Zastrow Ms. Marjorie Reinhard Dick Cerney Joyce & Mark Scallon In Memory of John Rudelick Sherry & Russ Cira Kathleen & Larry Scheler Shirley BrodellIn Memory of Gilbert Rankin Mr. & Mrs. Al Schmidt Jeanie Clark Ruby Schmidt Ms. Patricia McGinn Rev. Raymond Bezanson Shirley & Daniel Wiedenhoeft Jennifer CoppesIn Memory of Eldora Riebe In Memory of Jean Zillmer Deborah Cornella-Kirt Jessica Schultz In Memory of Waldemar Schlage Doris Buchta Sherry & Russ Cira Mary Cromey Dennis Schwenker Mrs. Anita EskeIn Memory of Charles Roberts Mrs. Karen Davenport Beatrice Roberts ORGANIZATIONS Terri & Curt Detert Lori & Dan Sellnow In Memory of Richard Schlueter Trudy & Robert Dobbratz Jerry Stelse Linda BargoIn Memory of Mary Jeane Romer In Honor of Julie Mauthe Renee & David Downs Tammy Stoll In Memory of William Schultz Cynthia Romer Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. Joyce DuffinIn Memory of Robert Schaefer In Honor of Virginia Daley Kris & Jan Duffy Phyllis Strasburg George Carol Maas Kimberly Fehling Mary Supple Garry & Cheryl Peter Joan Jones Daley Painting & Decorating Emily Feiner Gina Symkowski Joan SchultzIn Memory of Stuart Schilling In Memory of Archie Daley Shelby Fetter Janice & Robert Thostenson Daley Painting & Decorating Rev. John & Anne Fritts Taylor Tidwell In Memory of Henry StaebenIn Memory of Kathy Schlender In Memory of Della Kosanovich Lori Ganser Marilyn & Gary Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bender Debra & Mike Hoefler UWHP Watertown Regional Gary & Joan GenzIn Memory of Leroy Schlender Medical Center Katelyn Genz Patricia Volenberg Jim & Judy Maas Katie Gomez Lynne Wagner In Memory of Ken Stelse Debra & Mike Hoefler Watertown Regional Medical Center Vicky & Stephen Gouldthorp Rev. Aden & Bishop Kay Ward Beverly StelseIn Memory of Richard Schlueter Watertown Regional Medical Center Eliza Griggs Linda Bargo Board of Directors Carmen Groehler Patricia Werner In Memory of Ken Wilkes Dallas & Elaine Grosenick Stephanie Wollitz Mae WilkesIn Memory of Jerry Schmitz In Memory of Leola Haberkorn Robert Heath Jenny & Jamie Zwieg Mr. & Mrs. Bill Maron Bethesda Lutheran Homes Kimberly HenzeIn Memory of Margaret Schuch In Memory of Viola Grunewald Billy & Kareen Holloway ORGANIZATIONS Jonathon & Patricia Schuch A-1 Tri-County Vacuum & Sewing Kimberly Holterman TRIBUTES In Memory of Archie DaleyIn Memory of Carroll Schulz A & S Plumbing Inc. Gayle Hunter In Honor of Florence Sweeney Daley Painting & Decorating Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz Aggeus Healthcare, PC Patricia IgnarskiIn Memory of Flora Schulz Alliance Partners, LLC Lynn Ireland Ann & Richard Nienow In Memory of Charles Topel Alesha Jacobson In Honor of Marquardt Village Residents Silgan Containers LLC Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz Alliance Rehabilitation Amber Kaesermann Gerald & Marilyn Jeuck Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.In Memory of William Schultz Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. Tim Kamke Rhonda & Jeffrey Hagy Altius Building Company Paula Kaulback Patricia Laehr Ebenezer Moravian Church Christine Komis In Honor of Marquardt Village Staff Eppstein Uhen Architects Tracy & Todd Kruser Amazon Smile Foundation Apichai Kookasemkit Gerald & Marilyn Jeuck Morningside Farms, LLC Joan Schultz Angell Marketing, LLC Beth Kratzer Wendy Stoeckler Chartwell Midwest Wisconsin Linda Kraus In Honor of Mark Zoellick Sister Bay Moravian Women James & Jill Teisberg Claussen Funeral Home Carol Kruesel Bill & Jane Zoellick Thrivent Financial for LutheransIn Memory of Gilbert Shekey Culligan Water Conditioning Sarah Kuehl Joan Jones Daley Painting & Decorating Michelle Larson In Memory of Rick Bargo Watertown Moravian Church Michael & Rachel Libby Linda Bargo Watertown Moravian Women’sIn Memory of Minnie Shekey Ebenezer Moravian Church Allison Lorenz In Memory of Evelyn Bergman Fellowship Joan Jones Eppstein Uhen Architects Nathaniel LueckIn Memory of Vernon Steffen Eppstein Uhen Architects Nicholas Maas Alice Brandt Shirley Maas In Memory of Linda Debolt Marquardt Village was named as Joe & Judy Hasslinger ExxonMobil Foundation Mark Mandel Christine & Ronald Altenburg a recipient of memorial gifts in theIn Memory of Herbert Steinbock Felton Electric Dan & Julie Marks Margaret Luchsinger Hafemeister Funeral Home Lynnae Mathison-Raether Ms. Janet Brunk obituaries of the following peopleIn Memory of Ken Stelse Holz Chevrolet Buick GMC Cadillac Sharon Mathwig Marcia Castro from July-September. Thank you to Beverly Stelse John Christian Landscaping & Lawn Mowing Julie & Ronald MautheIn Memory of Loretta Stewart Keck Furniture, Inc. Matt & Erika Mauthe Louise & Richard Hansen these individuals & their families for Kristin & Kenny McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kasten supporting our mission. Sarah & Mike Walter Killpest Solutions Pest Control LLC Annette Meyer Barbara & Richard KruegerIn Memory of Walter Stewart Koplin Excavating & Grading Co. Greg & Cheryl Meyer Sarah & Mike Walter Lakeview Moravian Women Debra Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Victor Krueger Linda De Bolt Tammy Mielke Mr. James Krueger Norma FredrickIn Memory of Edna Strasburg Maas Bros Construction Mary Lou & Myron Moldenhauer Tricia Kuerschner Marvin Kuenzi Joan Strasburg Allinder Marquardt Village Health Information Dept. Diane Neal Phyllis Strasburg George Moravian Church Western District Rebecca Nehls Jennifer & Robert Mudler John Rudelick Jerilyn Strasburg McFarlane & John Moravian Larger Life Foundation Rolfe & Mary Nervig Nola & Rodney Rains Henry StaebenMcFarlane New Horizon Foods, Inc Don Nicholson Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz Northside Auto & Truck Service Philip Sillman GRATEFUL HEARTSIn Memory of Lloyd Strasburg Omnicare Pharmacy In Memory of Gertrude Fehrmann Marlene Witte In Honor of Pam Burgardt Joan Strasburg Allinder Orchid Group In Memory of Norma Fredrick Annette Meyer* Phyllis Strasburg George Sister Bay Moravian Women Jerilyn Strasburg McFarlane & John Southern Wisconsin Moravians for Mission Mr. Dennis Walsh In Honor of Jessica Granzow &McFarlane Thrivent Financial for Lutherans In Memory of Elsie Harberg Bridgette Redenius Arlene Strasburg Schulz & David Schulz TOPS No WI 1151 Rev. Jane Harberg Joyce Duffin*In Memory of Margaret Stueber United Electric, Inc. In Memory of Thor Harberg In Honor of Jessica Granzow Rev. Allen & Judy Bergmann United Heartland Pete Colletti Watertown Moravian Church Rev. Jane Harberg Phil & Lori Partoll In Memory of Erwin Hesse In Honor of Sally & Ronald Greve Watertown Moravian Women’s Rev. & Mrs. Reuben Schmitz Jennifer Angelo & Mike Onsrud Randall & Kim Hackbarth Fellowship Thomas & Bonnie Justmann Western Region Moravian Women In Memory of Leona Hesse Paul Murdoch Rev. & Mrs. Reuben Schmitz In Honor of Shelly Bladorn, Jessica Susan & Roger Schroeder Yerges Van Liners In Memory of Brian Holcomb Granzow, Pat Ranthum & Kitty Stueber Jerry Teska Carson Holcomb Bridgette Redenius Sandy Zastrow In Memory of Virginia Ihde Clarice Piper*In Memory of Hildagarde Thurloff Gregory Else Jim & Judy Maas In Memory of Lisle Piper In Memory of Marvin KuenziIn Memory of Robert Uecker Sally, Laura & Kari Schoenike *Grateful Hearts Donors Elaine Uecker In Memory of Dorothy Lange Hildegard Lange We make every effort to ensure this list is accurate. If you notice an error or omission, please notify us at (920) 206-4000.

Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Mailings Direct 1020 Hill StreetWatertown, WI 53098Phone: (920) 206-4663MarquardtVillage.orgSponsored by the Western Districtof the Moravian ChurchShop Amazon and Bring a Smile to the FoundationDo you love the convenience of shopping online? If you shop at, you can also make a portion of your purchase support Marquardt Foundation. Amazon Smile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoythe same wide selection of products available through its primary website andbenefit a favorite charity as well.Marquardt Foundation Inc. is registered as a participating nonprofit. So thenext time you’re looking to buy something online at Marquardt Foundation Inc. as your charity of choice. When you take thissimple step, the Amazon Foundation will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchaseto Marquardt Foundation.If you have a question about this offer, call Cheryl Porior-Mayhew, Chief Development Officer, at 920-206-4000 or email her at [email protected]. Thank you for your ongoing support! Address changes or requests to be removed from the Marquardt Connections mailing list can be emailed to [email protected].

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