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MSM-DSM Magazine

Published by qiqipanca, 2022-01-12 03:37:29

Description: Issue 01 / Dec 2021


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MSM-DSM DEC 2021 ISSUE 01 Magazine OUR CONTACTS HIGHLIGHT msmdsm.itb FUNtastic ACE: Virtual Outbound [email protected] SBM-KPC Program DSM Cooperation Sharing Session: Knowledge Creation EDITORS Through Escalation of Teaching and R&D Hybrid Graduation Ceremony: Aqilla Dhianir Rahman Panca Is the graduation still memorable? Muhammad Fikri Putu Franciska

contents WHAT'S HAPPENING 05 Hybrid Graduation Ceremony: ALUMNI CORNER Is the graduation still memorable? 03 FUNtastic ACE: Virtual 09 Hilman Palaon: Outbound 06 Sharing Session: Alumni Finished DSM in 5 Research Dissemination Semesters 04 SBM-KPC Program DSM Cooperation 07 Virtual Family Gathering 10 Aghnia: Finished final DSM: Together in Harmony defense on her 13th 05 “POSReB”: Digging Up month of study Research Opportunities 08 Student Achievements 11 Alumni Profile Summary 08 MSM-DSM Lounge 2021 RESEARCH BRIEF 12 Connected Indonesia: Two UPCOMING EVENT Scenario for 5G Deployment in 13 Selected reputable Indonesia 14 Upcoming Event in 2022 publications 02 MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021

FUNtastic ACE: Virtual Outbound Master and Doctor of Science in Management Study Program SBM ITB held a virtual outbound for new students on 4-5 September 2021 with the theme “FUNtastic ACE: Adapt – Connect – Exceed” supported by Mindset Indonesia. This virtual outbound activity is part of the new student admissions ceremony series after two days of study skills that provide insight into scientific research. This event aims to help the new students understand the importance of adaptation, commitment, endurance, and excellent performance, especially in research. Even though conducted online, this event act as a platform for the new students to interact with their classmates. The series of activities are carried out with a fun and exciting concept using digital-based games that facilitate group discussions which are a creative solution during a pandemic’s all-online exercise. Besides that, the students were given material about GRIT, Endurance, and Thanks Giving. As the speaker, a former CEO of Astra International, Mr. Paulus Bambang, shared his experience starts with the importance of having goals, determination, commitment to how he leads a company, challenges faced, and formulating a strategy as a solution. With a relatively short duration and online implementation, students’ assessment of this activity was excellent. They still get benefits and exciting experiences related to building relationships with peers, adapting to new roles as researchers, and designing strategies for MSM-DSM studies. MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 03 WHAT'S HAPPENING

SBM-KPC Program DSM Cooperation The Master & Doctor of Science in Management (MSM-DSM) study program, for the first time, released a Doctoral collaboration program with PT Kaltim Prima Coal Indonesia. With the commitment of SBM ITB to innovating in education, also the broad insight and experience from the professionals of the company, it is hoped that both parties can work together to transfer practical insights into scientific knowledge to create significant contributions through action research in the Energy sector. The doctoral collaboration program is designed per a research-based curriculum while still emphasizing substance and topics related to the energy sector. The program also combines research- based learning and non-curriculum programs, aiming to produce prestigious publications and have a broad impact on the industry. In the future, it is hoped that more enterprises will actively improve the competence of human resources through education in collaboration with universities. Mr. Ido Hutabarat, the CEO of KPC, explained that the challenge for the mining sector is creating affordable energy sources but still minimizing/anticipating ecological and social impacts. For this reason, the Doctoral collaboration program is expected to help increase competence, create excellent human beings, change the way of thinking to see the future by prioritizing innovation and competitiveness for this sector. This program is also appreciated by the participants/doctoral students as the company's support for human resource competencies development. They hoped that this collaboration could significantly contribute to the company, the industry, and the broader impact. 04 MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 WHAT'S HAPPENING

“POSReB”: Digging Up Research Opportunities Master & Doctor of Science in Management (MSM-DSM) study program, SBM ITB, held a research bootcamp called “Postgraduate Online Summer Research Bootcamp”. The research bootcamp is held on July 26-August 6, 2021, with the theme “Business trends in emerging markets: digging up research opportunities”. This event aims to strengthen the research skills and scientific development of business management for the people of Indonesia and the world. This event gave international exposure to the students. Besides attended by participants from Indonesia, this event was also attended by participants from Malaysia, Cambodia, Taiwan, Pakistan, Netherland, Cook Island, India, and China. In terms of speakers, this event was supported by lecturers from SBM ITB, international lecturers, namely Prof. Kyoichi Kijima from Japan and Dr. Bunjira Makond from Thailand, as well as support from experts from Bappenas, the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, and also the NCSTT Research Center (National Center of Sustainable Transport & Technology). The series of POSReB events was starting with descriptions of the challenges faced by developing countries from various aspects such as the economy, food sector, sustainable transportation, and the digital sector. This event covered several topics such as data analytics tutorial sessions on text mining, statistical analysis, and also bibliometric analysis. Writing coaching sessions for students also provided in this event. Through this event, MSM-DSM study program will also provide scholarship opportunities for the three best participants to continue their studies at MSM-DSM SBM ITB. Hybrid Graduation Ceremony: Is the graduation still memorable? As opposed to the previous years, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) First Graduation Open Session for the Academic Year 2021/2022 was held in a hybrid manner. This is due to government policies in an effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus by minimizing activities that involve many people in one room. This is the first hybrid graduation ceremony in ITB since the COVID-19 Pandemic. Only 35 individuals attended the offline graduation activities, which took place in ITB's west hall, of the 1,746 graduates who graduated from the bachelor's program, 803 graduates from the master's program, and 40 doctors who graduated. Meanwhile, other graduates participated in this activity via the Zoom and Youtube platforms. “I am proud to be a graduate of the DSM SBM ITB program. Because my quality as a practitioner and researcher had grown rapidly compared to when I first started this program. I feel that my knowledge in the practical world is highly valued and is guided in conducting research and scientific writing in this program. As a bonus, I am grateful to have been chosen to represent other students in my schedule in the hybrid graduation on October 23, 2021, at the ITB Hall. At that moment, I felt that the struggle for the last three years seemed to have paid off in full”, stated Mr. Sahat Hutajulu, one of the best graduates from Doctor of Science in Management. \"This hybrid graduation is enough to cure the longing to visit SBM ITB. The series of events and the readiness of the all-out committee make this graduation very memorable for graduates and families who take part in their online graduation. Success always for SBM ITB!\" said Mrs. Dita Novizayanti, one of the best graduates from the study program Master of Science in Management. MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 05 WHAT'S HAPPENING

Alumni Research Dissemination : Knowledge Creation Through Escalation of Teaching and R&D On Monday, September 27, 2021, the MSM-DSM Study Program held a research dissemination seminar, and two MSM DSM alumni were invited as speakers at this MSM DSM Lounge series event. The topic of this event was \"Knowledge Creation Through Escalation of Teaching and R&D,\" with the event's goal being a platform for academicians, particularly MSM DSM alumni, to disseminate research output, sharing knowledge to government, business, and society. MSM-DSM Study Program will conduct this event periodically to contribute both theoretical/ knowledge and practical/managerial aspects. Dr. Zulfikar Alimuddin emphasized, \"The details of knowledge sharing mechanism determine the knowledge creation which also needs to be combined with the ability to put knowledge into practice in an environment that supports interaction and experimentation. On the other hand, the creative process is complex and easily damaged by an attitude of being too obedient to rules, regulations, or bureaucracy.\" In addition, he also mentioned that an individual must be able to recognize the knowledge that exists in himself and then involve other individuals to participate in knowledge creation. The other speaker, Adi Asmariadi, M.S.M., explained, \"A country will grow if it can commercialize its research results which will affect local and national economic growth, knowledge transfer, entrepreneurship, and job creation. The development and commercialization of research are important because Indonesia will enter a knowledge-based economy in 2025, where all policies will be based on research. Four patterns can be applied to increase research commercialization, which are business incubators, industrial cooperation with research institutions, community empowerment research, and government policies as facilitators. 06 MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 WHAT'S HAPPENING

Virtual Family Gathering DSM: Together in Harmony Master and Doctor of Science in Management Study Program, SBM ITB, held a virtual family gathering for doctoral students and their families on 20 November 2021 with the theme \"Together in Harmony\", supported by Mindset Indonesia. This virtual family gathering activity is held to connect each family with the other family. The series of activities in this virtual family gathering aims to bring students and their families closer because family is the students' support system, especially in finishing their doctoral studies. It is hoped that the DSM students get entertained even though it is conducted online. There were several games in this family gathering. These games focused on collaboration between students with their families, such as their spouses and children. Students could increase their intimacy with their family and improve their understanding of their family members through these games. Besides the fun games, this family gathering provided a sharing session regarding parenting, as most DSM students are parents. In the sharing session, Mr Jarot Wijanarko, an educational practitioner, suggests that the students understand their children and express their love properly. To become a good parents, students should improve their relationships with their spouses. Mr Jarot also recommends the students increase activities that bond their families. Besides all the series of activities, there is also an entertaining event from DSM Family Idol, which presents performances from students' family members. Prizes with a total of millions of rupiah were divided in this activity. Then, the event was closed with a grand prize's winner drawing. This family gathering successfully brought the families closer, shown by the great enthusiasm of the series of activities. MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 07 WHAT'S HAPPENING

Student Achievements 2021 NAME PROGRAM ACHIEVEMENT Shifa Hustima Sahara MSM Scholarship Awardee - Vokraf VOKRAF Digital Marketing Bootcamp Devi Aditiawarman MSM Speaker on Rumah Amal Salman webinar: \"Manajemen Project Teknologi Tepat Guna Upaya Menumbuhkan Loyalitas Sesama Ummat\" Best presenter of ICEST International Conference Bandung 2020 Anna amalyah agus DSM Moderator of ministry of cooperatives & SMES conference: APEC International Conferences on \"women & digital business\" 2020 Speaker on KPPU national webinars on \"e-commerce competition\" 2021 Ambara Purusottama DSM Funding Awardee of RISET ITB 2021 Viek Prayoga Pratama DSM Top Ten Cultivhacktion Startup Events held by World Bank Abdurrahman DSM Presenting and providing input for OJK in \"integrated framework for digital banking transformation in Indonesia to build research alignment and improving regulations related to digital banking transformation\" Patar Simatupang DSM Nominee for Best Feature Documentary - FFI 2021 Sunarti DSM Speaker on Nutrition Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret Workshop: \"Writing Research Articles for Publication in Reputable International Journals\" Anton Herutomo DSM Winner of LPDP Startup Championship: LPDP Week 2021 Sahitya Sagraha Dwipa. Presenting his startup on British Council Global event (Agile Innovation Labs selected as Next Generation Youth Advisory - Indonesia) Eka Nurhalimatus Sifa & MSM 1st Hope Winner at Lomba Karya Ilmiah Stabilitas Sistem Jansen Andreas Keuangan Bank Indonesia 2021 (Teamed) Eneng Nur Hasanah DSM Best Presentation on The 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary in Business, Economy, Management, and Social Studies (5th IBEMS) MSM-DSM Lounge 2021 DATE THEME SPEAKER 19 Feb 2021 How to Publish Confidently? Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan, Ph.D Publication Journey: Tips & Tricks (SBM-ITB Lecturer) Fulgensius Surianto, S.Fil, M.Kesos 19 Mar 2021 Tutorial Software NVivo (Director and Founder of PT Karya Areopagus Indonesia) (Qualitative Research) A‪ 'yunin Sofro, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D (Universitas Negeri Surabaya Lecturer) 26 Mar 2021 Tutorial Software Minitab F‪ itri Aprilianty, MSM (SBM-ITB Lecturer) (Statistical Analysis) ‪Dr.Eng. Manahan Siallagan, S.Si, MT, M.Sc (SBM-ITB Lecturer) 28 May 2021 Tutorial Software Smart PLS Dr. Zulfikar Alimuddin (DSM Alumni) 11 Jun 2021 System Dynamic Modelling Adi Asmariadi, MSM (MSM Alumni) Fitri Aprilianty, MSM (SBM-ITB Lecturer) (Vensim-Basics Tutorial) Endah Ruswanti ST., MT, M.Eng, (Representative of 27 Sep2021 Knowledge Creation Through the directorate of destination governance, Kemenparekraf RI) Ir. Doto Yogantoro (Founder of Desa Wisata Pentingsari) Escalation of Teaching and R&D Andi Yuwono, S.Sos., M.Si. (Chairman of Desa Wisata Asidewi) 21 Oct 2021 Tutorial Session - SEM with AMOS Dr. Sinta Aryani (DSM Alumni) 26 Nov 2021 Rethinking Local Tourism: Hardy Santosa Sundoro, MSM. (MSM Alumni) Learning from the Actors 17 Dec 2021 Performance Management System in Financial & ICT Sector 08 MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 WHAT'S HAPPENING

Hilman Palaon: Finished DSM in 5 Semesters Hilman Palaon began his academic career as an Electrical Engineering undergraduate at the University of Indonesia. He finished his Master's program at 3 universities in Europe. He actualized his childhood dream and passion for studying by starting his highest level of education in the Doctor of Science in Management Program of SBM ITB. His motivation grows as he meets colleagues who have passed the Doctoral Program, encouraging him to sharpen his research skills and scientific publications. It is not easy to study and work simultaneously, especially as Vice President of Financial Services and Inclusion at Gojek. However, he knows how to tackle this situation. First, he allocated his weekend for educational activities. Also, after Fajr prayer, he allocated one hour to create a concept or work on a course assignment as the brain can think more effectively at this hour. With the \"laziness\" problem, he managed to build his \"mood\" by going out of the house to enjoy his favourite food, try a new menu, or visit a new place to eat. During the pandemic, it is substituted by watching movies online at home. After dealing with his publications, he completed his dissertation explaining how the Government of Indonesia has succeeded in utilizing technological innovations in reforming government assistance programs for the poor. Hopefully, the Government of Indonesia's strategies can set an example for other countries. He believes that Innovation improves access to finance through government assistance programs for the poor in the success of the Inclusive Finance agenda. Then, his dissertation was presented in his Promotional Session on February 10, 2021. This final step ends his academic journey, and he successfully finished the Doctoral Program within 5 semesters. He managed to break the myth that studying at ITB was \"Hard to Get In and Hard to Get Out\". \"DSM is a program designed not for academics but also for professionals who want to pursue a Doctorate program. The excellent teaching methods, supported by competent faculties, and sharing session from International Professors, have enhanced my ability to conduct research and scientific publications.\" \"A fair academic assessment system with excellent facilities and services (e.g., classrooms, libraries, software, access to journals, and other educational services) have supported my learning process.\" \"With these excellent processes, motivation and commitment, I have completed the Doctoral program in 5 semesters with Cum Laude achievement. Thank you DSM program for these valuable experiences.\" MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 09 ALUMNI CORNER

Aghnia: Finished final defense on her 13th month of study Agnhia Nadhira Aliya Putri, a Master of Science in Management student who accepted into the Master of Science in Management study program in August 2020 and carried out her thesis exam in September 2021. Aghnia took her undergraduate education at the pharmacy school at the Bandung Institute of Technology. While preparing for her pharmacist exam, Aghia wants to continue her master's studies and choose the Master of Science in Management study program at SBM ITB. Why Master of Science in Management? \"I feel my managerial ability is still lacking. Apart from this, judging from the cost benefits, MSM SBM ITB is the right choice, in my opinion. In addition, this study program is research-based, which is still related to my previous bachelor's program,\" explained Nadhiya in an interview on Thursday, 02 December 2021. Apart from being tenacious and competent, Aghnia was born with high motivation. Beside finishing thesis defense earlier compare to her peers, she is also managed to received an ITB research scholarship and a full MSM ITB scholarship. Not only free from tuition fees, but she also gets funds to do her research. Yes, She is Amazing! How can Aghnia complete the study and publish it in a short time? \"The MSM curriculum has supported students to complete research from the beginning of the lecture through the assignments given, for example, the task of compiling SOTA in qualitative courses. So, when I do my coursework, I always try to do it seriously and in line with the thesis. So slowly repay the thesis work, and I can finish it as soon as possible,\" said Aghnia Aghnia also added that the pressure and deadlines for completing research from scholarship providers encouraged her to finish her research early as a form of responsibility to scholarship providers. Apart from this, she also emphasized that support from the supervisor also plays an important role in completing the research. She believes the suitability of the interests of lecturers and students is a very important consideration in choosing a supervisor. Long before she started her studies at MSM SBM ITB, she collected information. She generated a supervisor who might match her previous educational background and the research topic she would like to pursue. The strategy for selecting publishers to publish journals is also very important, considering that journals are one of the requirements for the trial for master students. Agnhia said that in addition to waiting time for attending conferences with institutions affiliated with national and international journals. She added that students who want to publish papers in international journals could consider publishing journals in university journals affiliated with Scopus or global publishers. According to Aghnia, journals published by universities have a relatively shorter waiting time. Another great thing about this woman in her early twenties is that she can manage her time well. Even though she was busy with wedding preparations and family matters, she could carry out her obligations well as a student. \"Work-life balance was critical to maintaining your mental health. I always try to do all my college assignments on weekdays and rest on weekends. One of my ways is to make daily achievements. I'm the type of person who can't calm down when my work isn't finished. So I try hard to finish the work after my goal, then rest when the work is done,\" explain Aghnia. As a closing statement, she said, \"Don't like to procrastinate; learn to make daily achievements. Be sad first, before having fun later when you have reached your goal.\" 10 MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 ALUMNI CORNER


Connected Indonesia: Two Scenarios for 5G Deployment in Indonesia Some other countries had started their 5G deployment with excellent business use cases, such as 5G network for data linking assembly line Mercedez and automotive 5G manufacturing electric microcar company e. Go, in Germany; Autonomous 5G driving truck in Sweden; and 5G smart harbor at the port Qingdao. How about Indonesia? Unfortunately, Indonesia is restrained for a moment due to the unreadiness of 5G actors. In addition, regulations and spectrum to roll out 5G in Indonesia are still limited due to the low fiberization speed of the base transceiver station (BTS). A glimpse of hope comes from the Ministry of Information and Communication, which mentioned that 5G would begin to be developed and enjoyed by the public from several locations in Indonesia starting from 2021. Genuinely, the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) was initially planned to be deployed in Indonesia in 2020 and foreseen to be the enhanced ways of living to the people and elevated forms of working for business and industries in Indonesia. However, due to many reasons, this deployment needs to be delayed and is now in preparation. A study by Sahat Hutajulu, Wawan Dhewanto, and Eko Agus Prasetio from School of Business Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, provides possible conditions in the future for 5G deployment in Indonesia through scenario planning methodology. Through the data analysis, two scenarios named the optimistic champion and the wait and respond were also built through previous key drivers and trends of 5G deployment in Indonesia. The naming of the scenarios is the contemplation of the excitement of respondents during the interview, FGD, and Webinar. The optimistic champion scenario is the winning, proactive, inventing, innovating, high energy scenario, while the wait and respond scenario is reactive, adjusting and following conditions. The wait and respond scenario are pretty much the same as what Indonesia has now learned from the 4G adoption in the year 2014. On the other hand, the optimistic champion is the position this country wants to be to do better compared to what we have in 4G. Based on the presented scenario (The wait and Respond scenario) Hutajulu and his supervisor also present a response strategy with three phases in a high-level manner to strategize 5G deployment in Indonesia. These phases are according to the use cases that will be developed along with the years and mentality of the 5G actors. The first phase is the early deployment phase which also is an investment and learning phase when all 5G actors spend capital and expect a small return in several years. Based on the respondents, this investment and learning phase could last for three years, and the dominant 5G use cases are enhanced mobile broadband. The second phase is the work and reward phase; it is when all 5G players start to get the reward from their investment and work with massive IoT use cases. The last phase is reaping the benefits when the 5G deployment valuation becomes huge, and the critical IoT in Indonesia starts to fly. In this phase, the 5G ecosystem will play an important role, especially to introduce new unprecedented applications and use cases. By looking at these two scenarios, the 5G actors can get the big picture and outlook of 5G deployment in Indonesia. From there, expectantly those 5G actors could build a strategy to face this upcoming technology. 12 MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 RESEARCH BRIEF

Selected Reputable Publications NAME TITLE INDEX PUBLISHED Yolli Eka Putri Literature Review of Online Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending: Scopus Q1 Jan 2021 Current Status,Developments and Future Directions Ruby Hermanto Overcoming the Challenge of Those New with SSM in Scopus Q1 Sep 2021 Surfacing Relevant Worldviews for Action to Improve Sahat Hutajulu An Agent-Based Model for 5G Technology Diffusion in Scopus Q1 Nov 2021 Urban Societies: Simulating Two Development Scenarios Dewi W. Handayani How can Indonesian businesses survive during pandemic Scopus Q1 Forth Coming using new learning organisation? Anna Amalyah Agus E-Commerce Performance, Digital Marketing Capability Scopus Q2 Apr 2021 and Supply Chain Capability within E-Commerce Platform: Longitudinal Study Before and After COVID-19 Dita Novizayanti Agent-Based Modeling Framework for Electric Vehicle Scopus Q2 May 2021 Adoption Transition in Indonesia Berty Argiyantari Transportation performance improvement through lean Scopus Q2 Nov 2021 thinking implementation Firman Darwis Determinants of Sovereign Credit Ratings: The Case of Scopus Q2 Forth Coming Indonesia and Peer Group Countries Fitriani T. R. Silalahi Optimal Design for Biodiesel Supply Chain: Case Study Scopus Q3 Feb 2021 Scopus Q3 Apr 2021 Philein H. A. Kautsar Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction concept for forest and land fire disaster Hardy Santosa S. Managing IT Business-Alignment through the Scopus Q3 Apr 2021 Implementation of IT Balanced Scorecard: A Proposed Framework Ruby Hermanto The Missing Element in Implementing Key Account Scopus Q3 Jun 2021 Scopus Q4 Apr 2021 Management Scopus Q4 May 2021 DOAJ; Sinta 2 Jan 2021 Haifa Labdhagati Sustainability across Cultures: Exploring PRME DOAJ; Sinta 2 Jun 2021 DOAJ; SInta 2 Mar 2021 Implementation in Anglo versus Southern Asian Countries DOAJ; Sinta 2 May 2021 DOAJ; Sinta 2 Apr 2021 Zulfikar Alimuddin Using Seci To Improve Teachers’ Pedagogical Content DOAJ; Sinta 2 Mar 2021 Knowledge Bagus Aditya N. Analysis of Young Generations toward Stock Investment Intention: A Preliminary Study in an Emerging Market Ario Bimo Wibisono Factors Influencing Online Impulsive Buying Behavior in Indonesia Putri Intan Sari Determinants of Tourist Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction on Tourism Village Naufal Al Labib T. Knowledge Acquisition: The Role of Organization’s Vision A Case of Technology-Based Start-Up in Indonesia Idham Influence of Low-Cost Carrier Attributes towards Airline Choice Decision in Bandung-Surabaya Route Irshad Adriatama Effect of Governmental Announcement and Decisions During COVID-19 on Indonesian Sectoral Indexes MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 13 RESEARCH BRIEF

Upcoming Event in 2022 1. Monthly MSM-DSM Lounge : Academic and Research forum Software Tutorial Alumni Research Dissemination Learning from Actors 2. Visiting Professor/ International Lecturer 2022: Prof. Kung-Jeng Wang National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taiwan Prof. Kyoichi Kijima Daito Bunka University, Japan 3. New student selection for August 2022 intake 4. Batch-1 DSM Research Student Contact Us msmdsm.itb [email protected] 082216099708 (Miss Anjar) 14 MSM-DSM MAGAZINE / DEC 2021 UPCOMING EVENT

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