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OMEGA Brochure

Published by OMEGA, 2015-11-20 14:20:05

Description: OMEGA Brochure


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MILWAUKEE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTSFROM KILPATRICK TO ADDISONOMEGA provided construction engineering services forthis $7 million project located just south of the historic “SixCorners” neighborhood between Kilpatrick Avenue andKildare Avenue. The project involved full depth PCC pavementreconstruction between Kenton Avenue and Kilbourn Avenuein order to allow the etra and nion acific railroad viaductpavement to be lowered to match the latest clearance standards. his ro ect included street lighting, tra fic signals, sewers anddrainage structures, existing sewer lining, new water main,driveways, ADA compliant ramps and sidewalk, old railroad trackremoval, full depth pavement removal, bituminous pavementremoval, Class C patching, structure adjustments, reinforcedconcrete curb walls, hot mix asphalt resurfacing, pavementmar ings, tra fic signs, new tree grates, trees and landsca ingReconstruction was staged so that one lane, one way boundtra fic was e t at all times on ilwau ee venue to reventfull roadway closure. Extensive communication with Metra wasestablished from the beginning of the project to allow Metrato perform repairs to the superstructure and to the pedestrianstairs going to the station platform during Milwaukee Avenuereconstruction. Public safety and access was kept as prioritythroughout the job site at all times.


KINGSBURY STREET IMPROVEMENTSFROM NORTH AVENUE TO SCOTT STREETOMEGA provided construction engineering services forthis $4.3 million streetscape improvement of the formerindustrial roadway on the Near North Side from NorthAvenue to Scott Street and Scott Street from KingsburyStreet to Halsted Street. The Kingsbury streetscape project ispart of “Building a New Chicago”, a comprehensive $7.3 billioninfrastructure renewal program. he single-trac rail line was first installed in the street inwhen the neighborhood was heavily industrial. Over the decades,the land uses changed in the area from industrial to retail,commercial and residential, and the tracks became obsolete. Theproject was funded entirely through the Tax Increment Financing(TIF) program and included complete reconstruction of theroadway pavement, curbs and gutters, driveways and sidewalks; ermanent removal o , eet o centur -old railroad trac s inthe roadway; drainage improvements; geometric improvementsat the Halsted/Scott intersection consisting of the straighteningand realignment of Scott Street; pedestrian enhancements,including wider sidewalks and barrier curb between the roadwayand sidewalk; improved operation of the Halsted Street/Scott Street intersection; new ornamental street lighting; andlandsca ing, including new trees and tree grates


CLARK STREET VIADUCT The project included the installation of drilled shaft caissons andAT ROOSEVELT ROAD steel micro-piles in an area of very poor soil, substantial retainingOMEGA provided bridge construction engineering services walls to support the entrance and exit ramp construction,for the complete reconstruction of the Clark Street Viaductsat Roosevelt Road. The structures were originally built in 1921 extensive utility relocation, including water, electric, sewer andand were in poor condition. The scope of the project includedthe creation of a grade separation, featuring Clark Street passing gas, storm sewer, concrete footings, concrete bridge piers,under the existing Roosevelt Road Bridge, with new entranceand exit ramps to access the existing elevated Clark Street and multi le ridge dec s, avement installation, tra fic signals,Roosevelt Road intersections. lighting, lanters, landsca ing, and e tensive tra fic control


STEARNS ROAD CORRIDOR, The work was performed under a stringent set of environmental commitments, and OMEGA’s personnel were responsible for ensuringOVER THE FOX RIVER, KANE COUNTY permit compliance to a wide variety of government agencies including the Army Corps of Engineers. OMEGA was also instrumental in assisting theOMEGA provided construction engineering services for the Kane contractor with devising alternate methods of caisson construction andCounty Division of Transportation’s $25 million Stearns Road Contract testing due to complex geological conditions in the river bed.over the Fox River near South Elgin. The 18-month project includedconstruction of a 5-span, steel plate girder main bridge, a 2011 APWA Public Works Project Excellence Awardcombination steel truss and precast concrete pedestrian bridge 2012 ACEC Engineering Excellence Honor Awardand ramp, over two miles of new concrete pavement, signalized 2012 ACEC Engineering Excellence Eminent Conceptor Awardintersections and lighting, and extensive below ground and openchannel drainage systems.


143RD STREET RECONSTRUCTIONFROM WILL-COOK ROAD TO BELL ROAD, WILL COUNTYOMEGA provided construction engineering services for the WillCounty Division of Transportation. The project consisted of fulldepth asphalt pavement reconstruction and widening, pavementresur acing, storm sewer, detention asins, cur gutter, tra ficsignal modernization and landscaping.The existing 143rd Street two lane pavement was removed andreplaced with a 64’ wide, 13¼” bituminous pavement to provide afour lane roadway with left turn lanes. Several areas of subgradee hi iting oor soil conditions needed to e undercut and filledwith porous granular embankment to provide a stable road bed.The existing Will-Cook Road pavement was milled to various depthsto rovide a smoother rofile and resur aced with o ituminoussur ace course ew to storm sewer was rovided or theentire length of the project together with related drainage structures. wo detention asins with a total area o acres were constructed ew tra fic signals with emergenc vehicle detection s stems wereinstalled at the intersection. The project was constructed in fourstages while maintaining one lane o tra fic in each direction2015 ACEC Engineering Excellence Merit Award2015 APWA Southwest Branch TransportationProject of the Year Award


75TH STREET RECONSTRUCTIONFROM ADAMS STREET TO PLAINFIELD ROAD,DUPAGE COUNTYThis $16 million project included the improvement of 75thStreet from Williams Street to Farmingdale Road in theCity of Darien. The work included the reconstruction andwidening of 75th Street to provide an additional lane in eachdirection, turn lanes and signaled intersection improvementsat dams treet, ass venue, and lainfield oad, turn lanesand signaled intersection im rovements at ass and lainfield,earth excavation, Non-Special Waste Monitoring, curb andgutter, enclosed drainage system, retaining walls, bike ath construction, sidewal s, drivewa s, tra ficsignals, pavement marking, and restoration.Coordination with DuPage County,Darien Public Schools, Darien PublicWorks, and IDOT local roads was akey element of the project.

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