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Home Explore COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING - Mental Health


Published by DONNA KRISTEL VERANA, 2022-10-24 00:14:56

Description: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING - Mental Health


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Let's Talk About Among Filipino children aged 5 to MENTAL 15, 10% to 15% are health affected by mental health problems. Mental illness has become the third most common disability in the Philippines, wherein six million Filipinos live with depression and anxiety. According to the World Health Because of this, the country has the third highest rate of mental disorders Organization (WHO), 16.8% of Filipino students aged 13 to 17 in the Western Pacific. Also, the Philippine World Health Organization have attempted suicide at least (WHO) Special Initiative for Mental Health conducted in 2020 showed once within a year before the 2015 Global School-based that ≥3.6 million Filipinos suffer from at least one kind of mental, Student Health survey. This is neurological, or substance use disorder. just one of the many indicators showing the state of mental Because of this stigma, mental health has health of these children. These been given very little attention by the statistics involving children’s Philippine government and public sectors. mental health are concerning as childhood is a crucial period Even after the country has recently where most mental health passed its first Mental Health Act and disorders begin. Efforts should Universal Health Care Law, only 5% of the be made to identify these issues healthcare expenditure is directed toward early for proper treatment in mental health. prevention of negative health and social outcomes. Sources:

IDENTIFY WARNING SIGNS STUDENT GUIDE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11036 1 Lack of Concentration THE MENTAL HEALTH Trouble focusing that leads to poor performance. Anxiety, ACT depression, bipolar disorder, emotional trauma, and stress are psychological conditions that can affect concentration. Depending “An act establishing a national on the underlying cause, concentration problems may get better mental health policy for the with the right treatment. purpose of enhancing the delivery of integrated mental 2 Substance Abuse health services, promoting and protecting the rights of persons Substance abuse can worsen or even cause new symptoms of mental utilizing psychosocial health illness. Alcohol and drug abuse can also interact with medications like services, appropriating funds antidepressants, anxiety medications, and mood stabilizers, making therefor and other purposes” them less effective at managing symptoms and delaying recovery. Depression and anxiety should be 3 Physical Changes recognized as disorders, not mere illusions. Families must be People suffering from mental illnesses experience a diverse range of listeners and comforters of the physical symptoms, both as a result of the illness and as a result of mentally ill, not constigators. treatment. Many psychiatric medications have side effects ranging Filipinos must also understand from weight gain to irregular heart rhythms, which can disrupt that there is a complex process in hormonal balances and sleep cycles. managing mental health issues and full recovery could not be achieved over a short period of time. Source:

4 Intense Emotion Constant feeling of overwhelming fear or worry. Untreated mental illness can result in serious emotional health issues. Unhappiness and decreased enjoyment of life are two complications caused by mental illness. 5 Changes in Behavior Drastic changes in personality including isolation and frequent arguing. Detachment from reality (delusions), paranoia or hallucinations. 6 Self Harm Sometimes a mental health condition leads to self-injury including cutting or burning yourself and in severe cases, suicidal thoughts. Source:

SELF CARE TIPS Do you want to be happy and enjoy life more? Make a gradual change and take one step at a time to boost your mood, to ensure a healthy mind and well-being. Here are the 6 keys for mental health: 1 Make social connection 2 Staying Active HAVE SOMEBODY! EXERCISE! Humans are social creatures with emotional needs. The mind and the body are intrinsically Be with your \"good listener\", someone who will linked. Regular exercise can help regulate listen behind words. your body, boost your immune system, Remember, reaching out is not a sign of weakness. and overall health. Call a friend or loved one, and offer to run errands together if busy. Have a walk in the morning or late Make new friends, reconnect with an old friend, and afternoon to get some fresh air. chat in your favorite cafe. Have 30 minutes of activity, 3 - 4 Get out from your computer screen. Communication times a week. Try walking, running, or requires direct contact with other people. dancing. Be a joiner. Join special interest groups. Have something to be busy with. Try Smile and say hello to strangers you cross to grow a mini garden or reorganize paths with. home appliances. A simple greeting can boost both moods.

3 Managing Stress 4 Brain Healthy Diet RELAX! Stressors are part of people's everyday lives, we FEED YOUR BRAIN RIGHT! cannot avoid it, but we can control it. A healthy and appropriate Foods that boost Talk to a friendly face and talk with a friendly diet can make a lot of mood face. Facial expression is important to stabilize change in your brain and mood and avoid stress. overall condition. Fatty fish rich in Do what you find relaxing, such as listening to Omega-3s music, watching movies, painting, go window Foods that adversely affect (salmon, herring, shopping, or stay at home and read books mood mackerel, peacefully. anchovies, Do a daily reflection or meditate. Think about Caffeine sardines, tuna) the things you’re grateful for. Alcohol Nuts Have mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, Trans fats Avocados or progressive muscle relaxation or stretching. Foods with high levels of Beans Do not push yourself beyond things you cannot preservatives Leafy greens control. Manage and accept your emotions to Sugary snacks Fresh fruit relieve stress Fried food

5 Quality Sleep 6 Meaning and Purpose SLEEP ENOUGH! FIND YOURSELF! It matters more than you think. Sleep Find your purpose and meaning in life. Finding deprivation can alter mood and can lead to meaning and purpose assists our brain to generate more severe conditions. new cells and neural pathways and stabilizes mood. Sleep 7 - 9 hours. Get off from computer Engage in special interest or work. screens and other devices 2 hours before Working on something you love can going to sleep. generate eagerness to be better. Calm your mind before going to sleep. A Build relationships. Everyone of us has warm bath or listening to music can help. something to offer Stick to a regular sleep schedule. Have a pet. It is a responsibility, like a Make your room dark, cool, and quiet. parent-child relationship. Pets gave us a sense of duty and responsibility. They need us. Volunteer. Outreaching and rendering service to the community gave us a sense of fulfillment. Source:

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. 1. Open the link https://dione.batstate- and log in with your username and password.

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. 2. Scroll down, look for the services offered and click the e-Counselling Service by the Office of Guidance and e-Counselling.

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. 3. Guidance for the virtual counseling program will flash on the screen before proceeding to the actual steps needed to be done.

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. 4. Click “Next” after reading the reminder that the e-counseling interview will be treated with confidentiality.

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. 5. To avail the service click “Portal Sign-in”.

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. 6. For students, please sign in using your student portal account. For faculty and staff, please sign in using your employee portal account then click the “Next” button to proceed.

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. 7. Guidance for the virtual counseling program will flash on the screen before proceeding to the actual steps needed to be done.

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. 8. Kindly input the names of parents/guardians if you are interested in availing this service.

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. 9. Tick “BatStateU-OGC, I/we agree…” that means you agree with the guidelines stated in the consent and click “Submit”.

WANT TO SEEK HELP? The Office of Guidance and Counseling in Batangas State University offers virtual counseling programs for students, faculty and administration to provide support and assistance. WHO MAY ASSIST YOU 10. E-counselling schedule will be sent and Dr. Rhia P. Perez, the Office of Guidance and Counselling head may assist you.

The hotline numbers 1 NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH that you can call are as CRISIS HOTLINE follows: 1553 Luzon-wide landline toll-free In case the students, staff, and administrators are not available during the scheduled e-counseling, there are operational hotlines that they can contact anytime to raise their problems and concerns. GLOBE / ™ subscribers 2 0966-351-4518 0917-899-8727 The Department of Health offers National Mental Health Crisis Hotline as a way of crisis counseling and a national suicide prevention strategy. It was developed to help and assist individuals who need someone to talk to especially regarding their mental well-being. SMART/SUN/TNT Subscribers 0908-639-2672 #Handang Makinig Source:

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