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Published by katie, 2020-09-08 07:43:49

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Floor Sawing - Advanced Course Length: The purpose of the floor sawing process 1 Day course is to provide candidates with • A general understanding of the knowledge and understanding of Course Recognition carrying out floor sawing operations maintenance. • TAC Certificate of Attendance safely. Course Delivery and Training. The content will be delivered through • Non-mandatory refresher The course covers: numerous method to achieve recommended every 3 years • Diverse Applications the learning outcomes. Including and/or completion of the • RAMS classroom activities, including relevant NVQ unit QCF222. • Review of Components presentations and interactive work. • Vibration and Sound Demonstrations where the instructor Teaching Methods • Life expectancy of diamond will use the tools, to provide a clear • Classroom blades demonstration of how to use floor • Demonstrations • Manufacturers training Video saws correctly and safely. Finally, all • Practical • Safe Operations candidates will get the opportunity to • Diamond Blade guide use the floor saws and practice the Method of Assessment replacements technique ready for the final end-test • Ancillaries assessment. • End- Test (Theoretical & • Process of Floor Sawing more Practical) practical element undertaken Assessment • Troubleshooting For the successful completion of Candidate pre-requisites training, the candidate will carry out • Undertaken the basic floor Learning Outcome an end-test in both theoretical and sawing course • Undertake inspection and pre- practical elements. The question start checks bank will reflect the standards Is PPE Required: • Select and use the correct questions within the qualification. • Yes ancillary equipment including These end-tests along with their personal protective equipment contribution throughout the course • Select and use the correct plant/ will be evaluated by a competent equipment trainer. • Understanding of machinery capabilities Page| 51 • Prepare area for Floor Sawing, including protection of surrounding area • Connect power and water • Floor Saw to required depth • Set-up Floor Sawing equipment • Placement of diamond blades • Understand the Floor Sawing process • Understand problems arising within the Floor Sawing process and how to resolve them • Be able to remove debris produced by the Floor Sawing

Handheld Hydraulic Concrete Bursting- Advanced Course Length: The purpose of the handheld • Life expectancy of bursting head 1 Day hydraulic concrete bursting - advance • General maintenance course is to provide candidates with • Pre-start and post stop check Course Recognition the knowledge and understanding • Safe operations • TAC Certificate of Attendance of carrying out handheld hydraulic • Maintain records and Training. concrete bursting operations safely. • Bursting head guide • Non-mandatory refresher recommended every 3 years The course covers: replacements • Diverse applications • Ancillaries Teaching Methods • Collective protective measure • Process of bursting and carry out • Classroom • Personal protective equipment • Demonstrations (PPE), respiratory protective bursting using pre-drilled holes • Practical equipment (RPE) and local on reinforced concrete structure exhaust ventilation (LEV) • Troubleshooting Method of Assessment • Risk assessments and method statements (RAMS) Course Delivery • End- Test (Theoretical & • Review of components and The content will be delivered through Practical) consumables numerous method to achieve • Hydraulic pressure systems the learning outcomes. Including Candidate pre-requisites • Use of multiple heads classroom activities, including • Undertaken the basic course • Life expectancy of bursting head presentations and interactive work. and have an understanding • General maintenance Demonstrations where the instructor of abrasive wheels, including • Pre-start and post stop check will use the tools, to provide a the safe use of the angle • Safe operations clear demonstration of how to use grinder and diamond drilling or • Maintain records handheld hydraulic concrete burster completed the basic diamond • Bursting head guide correctly and safely. Finally, all drilling course. replacements candidates will get the opportunity • Ancillaries to use the handheld hydraulic Is PPE Required: • Process of bursting and carry out concrete burster and practice the bursting using pre-drilled holes technique ready for the final end-test • Yes on reinforced concrete structure assessment. • Troubleshooting Assessment Learning Outcome For the successful completion of • Diverse applications training, the candidate will carry out • Collective protective measure an end-test in both theoretical and • Personal protective equipment practical elements. The question (PPE), respiratory protective bank will reflect the standards equipment (RPE) and local questions within the qualification. exhaust ventilation (LEV) These end-tests along with their • Risk assessments and method contribution throughout the course statements (RAMS) will be evaluated by a competent • Review of components and trainer. consumables • Hydraulic pressure systems P age| 52 • Use of multiple heads

Track Sawing - Advanced Course Length: The purpose of the track sawing • Check equipment for defects 1 Day - advanced course is to provide • Understand problems arising candidates with the knowledge and Course Recognition understanding of carrying out track within the Track Sawing process • TAC Certificate of Attendance sawing operations safely. and how to resolve them and Training. • Be able to remove debris • Non-mandatory refresher The course covers: produced by the Track Sawing recommended every 3 years • Diverse applications process • Collective protective measure • A general understanding of Teaching Methods • Personal protective equipment maintenance. • Classroom (PPE) • Demonstrations • Risk assessment and method Course Delivery • Practical statements (rams) The content will be delivered through • Review of components numerous method to achieve Method of Assessment • Life expectancy of diamond the learning outcomes. Including blades classroom activities, including • Undertaken the basic track • Pre-start and post stop check presentations and interactive work. saw course. • Ancillaries Demonstrations where the instructor • Process of track sawing cuts to a will use the tools, to provide a clear Candidate pre-requisites depth of >500mm demonstration of how to use track • No candidate pre-requisites • Troubleshooting saws correctly and safely. Finally, all required candidates will get the opportunity to Learning Outcome use the track saw and practice the Is PPE Required: • Undertake inspection and pre- technique ready for the final end-test • Yes start checks assessment. • Select and use the correct ancillary equipment including Assessment personal protective equipment For the successful completion of (PPE) training, the candidate will carry out • Select and use the correct plant/ an end-test in both theoretical and equipment practical elements. The question • Understanding of machinery bank will reflect the standards capabilities questions within the qualification. • Prepare area for Track These end-tests along with their Sawing, including protection of contribution throughout the course surrounding area will be evaluated by a competent • Connect power and water trainer. • Ensure precise markings for cut, fix anchors, shoes, track, and Page| 53 stop ends, saw head and guard. Connect hoses, cables, electric and water. • Start the saw, apply steady pressure and trailing the arm using the step method until completed

Wire Sawing - Advanced Course Length: The purpose of the Wire Sawing completed. 1 Day Advanced course is to provide • Understand problems arising candidates with the knowledge and Course Recognition understanding of carrying out Wire within the Wire Sawing process • TAC Certificate of Attendance Sawing operations safely. and how to resolve them and Training valid for 5 years • Be able to remove debris The course covers: produced by the Wire Sawing Teaching Methods Diverse applications process • Classroom Large capacity machines • A general understanding of • Demonstrations Different pulley systems maintenance. • Practical Review of components Life expectancy of diamond beads & Course Delivery Method of Assessment types The content will be delivered through Use of dry diamond wire numerous method to achieve • End- Test (Theoretical & Maintenance the learning outcomes. Including Practical) Ancillaries classroom activities, including Cutting process & techniques presentations and interactive work. Candidate pre-requisites Process of wire sawing more Demonstrations where the instructor • Undertaken the basic course practical element undertaken will use the tools, to provide a clear and have an understanding Troubleshooting demonstration of how to use wire of abrasive wheels, including saw correctly and safely. Finally, all the safe use of the angle Learning Outcome candidates will get the opportunity grinder and diamond drilling or • Undertake inspection and pre- to use the wire saw and practice the completed the basic diamond start checks technique ready for the final end-test drilling course. • Select and use the correct assessment. ancillary equipment including Is PPE Required: personal protective equipment Assessment • Yes • Select and use the correct plant/ For the successful completion of equipment training, the candidate will carry out • Understanding of machinery an end-test in both theoretical and capabilities and the wire sawing practical elements. The question process bank will reflect the standards • Prepare area for Wire Sawing, questions within the qualification. including protection of These end-tests along with their surrounding area contribution throughout the course • Ensure precise markings for will be evaluated by a competent cut and connect hoses, cables, trainer. electric, water and pulley wheels and draw wire through guide Page|54 holes and feed wire around the saw drive unit, twist wire and crimp securely • Run wire at slow speed and low pressure, constantly monitor the speed and tension and build up to optimum speed until cut is

Health & Safety Abrasive Wheels 56 Asbestos Awareness 57 CITB SMSTS (Site Manager Safety Training Scheme) 58 CITB SSSTS (Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme) 59 Confined Space 60 Emergency First Aid At Work 61 Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) 62 Harness & Lanyard Awareness 63 Health & Safety Awareness 64 IPAF – 3A + 3B 65 Manual Handling 66 Mental Health First Aid 67 PASMA Towers For Users 68 P age|55

Abrasive Wheels The purpose of the abrasive wheels Assessment course is to provide candidates with For the successful completion of the knowledge and understanding training, the candidate will carry out of precautions for the prevention a safety test paper and a practical of accidents in the use of abrasive assessment to ensure the candidate wheels, in particular injury resulting can demonstrate that they have from either wheel breakage or fully understand all of the learning contact with a running wheel. outcomes the candidate will be evaluated by a competent trainer. Course Content Course Length: • Hazards & Risks 1 Day • Precautions • Methods of marking as to type Course Recognition and speed • TAC Certificate of Attendance • Methods of storage, handling and and Training. transporting wheels • Non-mandatory refresher • Methods of testing and recommended every 3 years inspecting for damage • Function of all components and Teaching Methods the correct method of mounting • Classroom and balancing • Demonstrations • Method of dressing an abrasive • Practical wheel • The adjustment of the rest Method of Assessment • The requirements of the regulations • Safety test paper and practical • The use of personal protective assessment equipment Candidate pre-requisites Course Delivery • No candidate pre-requisites The content will be delivered through required numerous method to achieve the learning outcomes. Including Is PPE Required: classroom activities, including • Yes presentations and interactive work. Demonstrations where the instructor will use numerous different types of abrasive wheels to provide a clear understanding of abrasive wheels and a clear demonstration of how to use abrasive wheels correctly and safely. P age|56

Asbestos Awareness Course Length: The purpose of the asbestos Half Day awareness course provide candidates with an understanding of Course Recognition the risks of exposure to asbestos and • TAC Certificate of Attendance how to avoid work which may disturb and Training. asbestos-containing materials. • Non-mandatory refresher recommended every year Course Content • The properties of asbestos and Teaching Methods its effects on health • Classroom • The types, uses and likely • eLearning occurrence of asbestos and • Classroom & eLearning asbestos containing materials combined (ACMs) in buildings and plant • How to avoid the risk of exposure Method of Assessment to asbestos • Practical and Knowledge Test • The distinction between licensable work and non-licensed Candidate pre-requisites work (notifiable and non- • No candidate pre-requisites notifiable) required • The procedures to follow with the discovery of asbestos containing Is PPE Required: materials • No • The general procedures to deal with an emergency, such as an Training delivered against uncontrolled release of asbestos this standard will not dust into the workplace. prepare candidates to carry Course Delivery out work with asbestos- The content will be delivered through containing materials. classroom and elearning work, including presentations, videos and interactive work. Assessment For the successful completion of training, candidates must complete an end of course practical assessment or knowledge test that measures the learning outcomes and has a pass or fail criteria. Page| 57

CITB Site Manager Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS) Course Length: This course is intended for Project Assessment 5 Days Managers, Site Managers and Supervisors as well as proprietors of For the successful completion Course Recognition small to medium sized companies. of training, the candidate will • CITB Certificate which is valid Client based personnel would also carry out Individual and Group for 5 years. benefit from attending the course. based exercises & end of course For Site Managers, this qualification examination the candidate will be Teaching Methods is listed in the Approved Code evaluated by a competent trainer. • Classroom of Practice for the Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Method of Assessment Regulations as evidence of meeting the required standard of competence. • Individual and Group based exercises & end of course To give an understanding of examination delegates’ responsibilities and accountability for site safety, health Candidate pre-requisites and welfare, current health and • No candidate pre-requisites safety legislation. required Course Content Is PPE Required: • The Health and Safety at Work • Yes Act • CDM Regulations 2007 • Site set-up • Risk assessments/method statements • Working at Height • Scaffolding • Electricity • Excavations • Demolition • Confined spaces • Recent changes in accepted working practices • Course Delivery The content will be delivered through numerous method to achieve the learning outcomes. Including classroom activities, including presentations and interactive work. P age| 58

CITB Site Supervisor Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) Course Length: This course is designed for first line 5 Days managers, foreman, gangers, team leaders and supervisors. Course Recognition • CITB Certificate which is valid Any supervisor working on any Major for 5 years. Contractors Group (MCG) and UKCG site must attend the CITB Supervisor Teaching Methods Safety Training Scheme course. • Classroom Course Content Method of Assessment • Introduction to health and safety • End test • Introduction to occupational health Candidate pre-requisites • Welfare and environmental • No candidate pre-requisites issues required • Toolbox talks • Introduction to CDM regulations Is PPE Required: • Yes Course Delivery The content will be delivered through numerous method to achieve the learning outcomes. Including classroom activities, including presentations and interactive work. Assessment For the successful completion of training, the candidate will need to complete the end test that will be evaluated by a competent trainer. Page|59

Confined Spaces Course Length: The purpose of the confined space 1 Day course is to enable a person to competently enter, work in and exit a Course Recognition Confined Space • TAC Certificate of Attendance and Training. Course Content • Non-mandatory refresher recommended every 3 years • Legislation • Definition of confined space Teaching Methods • Safe systems of work • Classroom • Methods of communication • Demonstrations • Securing the area • Practical • Recording Results • Accident and Emergency Method of Assessment Procedures • Safety test paper and practical • Hygiene and general hazards assessment • Safe use of a tripod and winch / Candidate pre-requisites lifeline • No candidate pre-requisites • Safe use of Gas monitors required • Emergency Escape Apparatus Is PPE Required: Course Delivery • Yes The content will be delivered through numerous method to achieve the learning outcomes. Including classroom activities, including presentations and interactive work. Demonstrations where the instructor will use show learners how to safely enter, work and exit a confined space provide a clear understanding of safety in confined spaces, learners will also get the oppertunity to enter and exit a confined space. Assessment For the successful completion of training, the candidate will carry out a brief assessment to ensure the candidate can demonstrate that they have fully understood all of the learning outcomes this will be evaluated by a competent trainer. Page| 60

Emergency First Aid at Work Course Length: The purpose of the emergency first 1 Day aid at work course is to provide learners with upstanding knowledge Course Recognition and understanding of approved • Certificate of training which is procedures and techniques to be valid for 1 year used when confronted with illness and injury at work. Teaching Methods • Classroom Course Content • Practical • What to do in an emergency Method of Assessment • Health and safety regulations • End assessment • Care of the unconscious • Resuscitation techniques Candidate pre-requisites • Using a defibrillator • No candidate pre-requisites • Management of injury and illness required Course Delivery Is PPE Required: The content will be delivered through • No numerous method to achieve the learning outcomes. Including classroom activities, including presentations and interactive work. Demonstrations where the instructor will use show learners how to act in emergency situations including CPR to provide a clear understanding of what to do in different emergency situations to help with injuries or life saving situations. Assessment For the successful completion of training, the candidate will carry out an end assessment to ensure the candidate can demonstrate that they have fully understood all of the learning outcomes this will be evaluated by a competent first aid trainer. Page| 61

Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) Course Length: The purpose of the hand arm Half Day vibrations (HAV) course is to provide basic awareness for recognising, Course Recognition managing and mitigating the effects • TAC Certificate of Attendance of hand arm vibrations. valid for 3 years What is Hand Arm Vibration Teaching Methods Syndrome (HAVS)? • Classroom Also known as vibration white finger (VWF) or dead finger is Method of Assessment the secondary form of Raynaud’s • End point assessment Syndrome, an industrial injury triggered by continuous use of Candidate pre-requisites vibrating handheld tools. • No candidate pre-requisites required Course Content Is PPE Required: • What is HAVS • No • Regulations • Sources of vibration • Symptoms of HAVS • Who is at risk • Prevention and Control measures • Health surveillance • Measurement of Vibration Course Delivery The content will be delivered through numerous method to achieve the learning outcomes. Including classroom activities, including presentations and interactive work. Assessment For the successful completion of training, the candidate will carry out a brief assessment to ensure the candidate can demonstrate that they have fully understood all of the learning outcomes this will be evaluated by a competent trainer. Page|62

Harness & Lanyard Awareness Course Length: The purpose of the harness & Half Day lanyard awareness course is to provide essential Harness safety Course Recognition training to ensure that anyone • TAC Certificate of Attendance wearing a harness is able to do so valid for 3 years safely and in the correct manner and to achieve an understanding of the Teaching Methods regulations regarding selection, use • Classroom and inspection of harnesses Method of Assessment Course Content • Practical assessment • Legislation and regulation Candidate pre-requisites regarding harnesses • No candidate pre-requisites required • Safe use and inspection of harnesses Is PPE Required: • No • Safe working practices • Working at height safe practices Course Delivery The content will be delivered through numerous method to achieve the learning outcomes. Including classroom activities, including presentations and interactive work. Assessment For the successful completion of training, the candidate will carry out a practical assessment where the candidate will be asked to demonstrate how to fit a safety harness and lanyard to ensure the candidate can demonstrate that they have fully understood all of the learning outcomes this will be evaluated by a competent trainer. Page| 63

Health & Safety Awarness Course Length: The purpose of the health and Recognised by CSCS 1 Day safety awareness course is to and UKCG this course provide essential and general covers all general aspect Course Recognition health and safety awareness. of Health and Safety on • TAC Certificate of Attendance Including personal health and safety valid for 5 years requirements. Construction Sites Teaching Methods Course Content • Classroom • Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Method of Assessment • Individual responsibilities for own • Safety Test Paper- Multiple choice safety and the safety of others • Typical construction hazards and Candidate pre-requisites • Delegates must be competent how these are controlled in English. • Accident prevention • Legal requirements and liabilities Is PPE Required: • Working at height • No • Manual handling • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Fire prevention • Work equipment • Occupational health • Workplace transport • Asbestos • HAVS Course Delivery The content will be delivered through numerous methods to achieve the learning outcomes. This course is highly interactive with the use of case studies, classroom discussions, group work and individual/group presentations. Assessment For the successful completion of training, the candidate will carry out a multiple choice safety test paper this will be evaluated by a competent trainer. Page|64

IPAF - 3A + 3B Course Length: The purpose of the IPAF -3A +3B 1 Day course is to provide candidates with an understanding of the need for Course Recognition accident prevention, safe operational • An IPAF Powered Access procedures, emergency descent License Operator Card (PAL), operations and the responsibilities of • IPAF Certificate of competency the employers and employees • a safety guide and an IPAF Log Book The course is for Powered Access scissor lifts, self-propelled boom Teaching Methods lifts, trailer mounted boom lifts and aerial work platforms. • Classroom • Practical Course Content Method of Assessment • Introduction • MEWP categories • Pratical and theory • Structural parts assessment • Regulations • Pre-use inspection/handover Candidate pre-requisites • Safe operating methods and • No candidate pre-requisites required hazards • Theory test pass or fail Is PPE Required: • Practical training • Yes • Practical awareness pass or fail • License renewal and log books Course Delivery The content will be delivered through numerous methods to achieve the learning outcomes. This course is highly interactive with the use of lectures, videos, work sheets, demonstrations and practical elements. Assessment For the successful completion of training, the candidate will carry out practical and theory assessment this will be evaluated by a competent trainer. Page| 65

Manual Handling Course Length: The purpose of the manual handling Half Day course is to provide knowledge and understanding on legislation involved Course Recognition with manual handling and provides • Candidates will receive a TAC demonstration and understanding on Certificate of Training the correct and safe techniques to use. Teaching Methods • Classroom Course Content Method of Assessment • What is manual handling • End Point test • what is the problem • Health and Safety at Work Act Candidate pre-requisites • No candidate pre-requisites 1974 required • Manual Handling Operations Is PPE Required: Regulations 1992 • No • Prevention • Assessing the load • Handling techniques • Posture • Practical session • Injuries • Anatomy • MAC Process Course Delivery The content will be delivered through numerous methods to achieve the learning outcomes. With the use of case studies, videos, classroom discussions, group work and presentation Assessment For the successful completion of training, the candidate will complete a tend point assessement where a competent trainer will evaluate candidates knowledge and understanding. Page| 66

Mental Health First Aid Course Length: Course Aim Day 2 2 days This course aims to provide an in Session 3 - Anxiety, Personality Course Recognition depth understanding of mental health Disorder, Eating Disorder, Self- • MHFA England Certificate and the factors that could affect Harm wellbeing. Teaching Methods • What is an anxiety disorder? • Classroom Practical skills to spot the triggers • First aid for anxiety disorders and signs of mental health issues • Crisis first aid after a traumatic Candidate pre-requisites • No candidate pre-requisites Confidence to step in, reassure and event required support a person in distress • Alcohol, drugs and anxiety Is PPE Required: Enhanced interpersonal skills such disorders • No as non-judgemental listening • Treatment and resources for Knowledge to help someone recover anxiety disorders their health by guiding them to further • Cognitive distortions and CBT support – whether that’s self-help • Personality disorders resources, through their employer, • Eating disorders the NHS, or a mix. • Self-harm Session 4 -Psychosis, Recovery, Day 1 MHFA Action Plan • What is psychosis? Session 1 - Mental Health First Aid, • Risk factors for psychosis Mental Health, Depression • Alcohol, drugs and psychosis • Schizophrenia • Why Mental Health First Aid? • Bipolar disorder • The Mental Health First Aid • Warning signs of developing action plan psychosis • What is mental health? • Crisis first aid for acute psychosis • Impact of mental health issues • Treatment and resources for • Stigma and discrimination • What is depression? psychosis • Symptoms of depression • Recovery and building resources • Risk factors for depression • Action planning for using MHFA • Depression in the workplace Session 2 - First Aid for Suicidal Crisis & First Aid for Depression • Suicide figures • Alcohol, drugs and mental health • First aid for suicidal crisis • Non-judgmental listening skills • First aid for depression • Treatment and resources for depression • Self-care Page| 67

PASMA Tower scaffold Course Length: The purpose of the PASMA tower 1 Day scaffold course is to provide with training to erect, check, move Course Recognition and dismantle access equipment • 5 Year PASMA Certificate of competently and gain a level of Competence and Photo Card knowledge regarding regulations and law. Teaching Methods • Classroom Course Content • Practical • Introduction to Mobile Access Method of Assessment Towers • Test Paper and Observation • Tower assembly assessment on erecting and • Stability dismantling aluminium mobile • Safe us of Towers scaffold tower • Tower Inspection • Care and Maintenance Candidate pre-requisites • Tower Dismantle • No candidate pre-requisites • Regulations and Standards required Course Delivery Is PPE Required: The content will be delivered through • Yes numerous methods to achieve the learning outcomes. This course is highly interactive with the use of case studies, classroom discussions, group work and individual/group presentaions. Assessment For the successful completion of training, the candidate will complete a test paper and observation assessment where the candidate will be required to safely erect and dismantal a aluminium mobile scaffold tower this will be evaluated by a competent trainer. Page| 68

DSA CSCS Cards Competency cards from the DSA indicates operative’s construction achieved or working towards qualifications, skills and training.Card Checker & Card Application Forms available on the DSA website. Diamond Drilling & Sawing Cards All learners registered to any level All learners that has achieved their Once learners have completed the 2 diamond drilling and sawing level 2 diamond drilling and sawing Level 3 NVQ Diploma Occupational qualifications will recieve this card. Work Supervision (Construction) will qualifications will recieve this card until they have achieved their recieve this card qualification Remote Controlled Crusher & Breaker Cards All learners registered on the All learners that has achieved the Level 2 NVQ Diploma Demolition Level 2 NVQ Diploma Demolition (Construction) – Plant qualifications (Construction) – Plant qualifications will recieve this card until they have will recieve this card. achieved their qualification

The Drilling & Sawing Association Drilling and Sawing Association Unit 3, Brand Street, Nottingham NG2 3GW Tel: 0844 879 3452 Email: [email protected] Web: Page| 70

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