207-564-7533 Dining Options (listed alphabetically) Private Parties Catering Options Beer & Liquor Children’s Menus Seated Dining Convenience Food AE ROBINSON 1021 West Main St., Dover-Foxcroft 207-564-7136 xx x 74 North St., Dover-Foxcroft 207-564-8733 THE BEARS DEN 123 Bear Point Rd, Bowerbank 207-564-3135 xxx x BEAR POINT MARINA, CABINS 207-717-0632 920A W Main St., Dover-Foxcroft 207-943-5911 xxx xx & CAMPGROUND 55 Park St. Milo 207-564-7001 CENTER COFFEE HOUSE 207-943-2705 xx 1104 W. Main St. Dover-Foxcroft 207-564-8887 DUNKIN DONUTS 38 Main St. Milo 207-997-7069 xx 207-564-2500 DUNKIN DONUTS Foxcroft Center Rd., Dover-Foxcroft 207-876-4445 xx 9 Tenny Hill Rd. Monson, ME 207-564-8596 ELAINE’S BAKERY & CAFÉ 207-564-0465 xx xx 100 East Main St., Dover-Foxcroft FOXCROFT GOLF CLUB 5 North St., Guilford xx x THE LAKESHORE HOUSE 891 Douty Hill Rd., Sangerville xxxxx PAT’S PIZZA & ALLY-OOPS 1010 West Main St., Dover-Foxcroft xxxxx SPORTS BAR RED MAPLE INN xxx STUTZMAN’S FARMSTAND & BAKERY xx x SUBWAY xxx x 51
Towns of Piscataquis *Chamber Member Abbot Village Dover-Foxcroft* Monson* Population: 630 Population: 4,200 Population: 670 Public School: MSAD #4 Public School: MSAD #68 (K-8th) Public School: MSAD #68 Town of Abbot: 876-3340 Foxcroft Academy (9-12) Town of Monson: 997-3641 133 Main Rd. Abbot, ME 04406 Town of Dover-Foxcroft: 564-3318 10 Tenney Hill Rd. Monson, 48 Morton Ave. Suite A, ME 04464 Atkinson Dover-Foxcroft, ME 00426 www.monsonmaine.com Population: 320 www.dover-foxcroft.org Public School: MSAD #41 Parkman Town of Atkinson: 564-7273 Elliotsville Township Population: 833 102 N Stagecoach Rd. Atkinson, Unorganized Town Public School: MSAD #4 ME 04426 Town of Parkman: 876-3730 www.atkinson.trcmaine.org Greenville 13 Trestle Rd. Medford, Population: 1,600 ME 04453 Beaver Cove Public School: Greenville School Seasonal Community Dept. District Sangerville* 207-695-2880 Town of Greenville: 695-2421 Population: 1,400 795 Lily Bay Rd. Unit 101, 7 Minden St. Greenville, ME 04441 Public School: MSAD #4 Beaver Cove, ME 04441 www.greenvilleme.com Town of Sangerville: 876-2814 www.beavercoveme.com 1 Town Hall Ave. Sangerville, Guilford* ME 04479 Blanchard Township Population: 1,531 www.sangerville.com Unorganized Town Public School: MSAD #4 Public School: MSAD #4 Town of Guilford: 876-2202 Sebec 4 School St. Guilford, ME 04443 Population: 554 Bowerbank Public School: MSAD #68 Population: 96 Kingsbury Plantation Town of Sebec: 564-8367 Public School: Tuition Program Population: 15 29 North Rd. Sebec, ME 04485 Town of Bowerbank: 564-7207 Public School: School Union #60 www.sebec.trcmaine.org 652 Bowerbank Rd. Bowerbank, ME 04426 Lake View Plantation Shirley www.bowerbank.trcmaine.org Population: 75 Population: 200 Public School: MSAD #41 Public School: School Union #60 Brownville/Brownville Jct.* Town office: 943-7332 Town of Shirley: 695-3257 Population: 1,200 27 Church St. Brownville, ME 04414 89 West Rd. Shirley, ME 04485 Public School: MSAD #41 www.lakeview.trcmaine.org www.sites.google.com/site/ Town of Brownville: 965-2561 townofshirleymaine 586 Main Rd. Brownville, ME 04414 Medford www.brownville.org Population: 231 Wellington Public School: MSAD #4 Population: 260 Dexter* Town of Medford: 732-4079 Public School: MSAD #4 Population: 3750 13 Trestle Rd. Medford, ME 04453 Town of Wellington: 683-2030 Public School: MSAD #46 www.medford.trcmaine.org 13 Harmony Rd. Wellington, Town of Dexter: 924-7351 ME 0492 23 Main St., Dexter ME 04930 Milo* dextermaine.org Population: 2,386 Willimantic Public School: MSAD #41 Population: 135 Town of Milo: 943-2202 Public School: MSAD #4 6 Pleasant St. Milo, ME 04463 To contact town of Willimantic www.milo.trcmaine.org please see town of Guilford. 52 piscataquischamber.com
207-564-7533 53
Dover Foxcroft is the seat of Piscataquis County. It is the county’s premier business center, and has the highest population in the county. Dover-Foxcroft has experienced exciting changes and growth over the past half-decade, such as the redevelopment of the Mill, formerly Moosehead Manufacturing, which sat abandoned and empty for many years, now home to residential apartments, offices and a 6-room boutique-style hotel overlooking the Piscataquis River. Then, the grand re- opening of The Commons at Central Hall, which offers beautiful event space for our local communities. And, most recently, a state-of the art ice arena has been added to the town, adding jobs and creating activities for our young people to enjoy. New businesses are continually sprouting, and a wave of younger families are moving in. Dover-Foxcroft is home to the Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce and some of the county’s largest employers, such as Foxcroft Academy, Northern Light/Mayo Regional Hospital and Pleasant River Lumber. The Center Theatre for Performing Arts, the county’s only community theater, is also located in downtown Dover-Foxcroft, which is also where the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival (Oct. 3, 2020) is held. 54 piscataquischamber.com
SEBEC LAKE Bowerbank South Browns Point Trail Dover-Foxcroft is known for its friendly business-owners, walkable(1.7smi)treets and welcoming community members. Cove pump house Cove PEAKSTrail 400 (0.4 mi) KENNY STATE PARK beach (0.1 mi) Dover- Foxcroft 400 1700(0.2 mi)(0.2 mi)Park sites Manager’s 500 (0.1 mi)24-56Loop Residence 600 Bir Trail sites 1-23 (0.2 mi) (2.3 ch State Park Rd mi) Greeleys Landing Trail Ledge Peaks-Kenny State Park 700 Mountain Trails and Interest Points 800 Hiking trail Playground Ranger station Camping area Parking Toilets Picnic shelter area Dumping station Guilford Miles Transportation 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Secondary road, Street Gravel road Contour interval: 20 ft 207-564-7533 55
Guilford is a “working town”, the manufacturing center of Piscataquis County with a population of 1500 and over 1,100 jobs. It is home to world renowned Hardwood Products Company and Puritan Medical Products (the nation’s top manufacturer of Covid-19 testing swabs), as well as Duvaltex, an international textile producer. The town has long focused on employment, education, recreation, and peaceful living. Bisected by the beautiful Piscataquis River, it offers many activities within the athletic fields and courts, two boat landings, two parks, the Memorial River Walk and a 400 acre forest for hunting or hiking. A certified ‘Business Friendly’ town, the community welcomes new business owners, offering a streamlined permitting process with many commercial sites available for the entrepreneur. The Piscataquis River Festival draws thousands, offering the best fireworks display for miles around, and the outdoor Sunday afternoon jam sessions welcome all musicians and spectators. Guilford is known as a great place to learn, live and work, and it is also a great place to retire, with a 48 unit senior citizens’ complex situated on the edge of town and the banks of the river. Come to visit, come to stay! 56 piscataquischamber.com
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Dexter is a part of the Maine Highlands region, which also includes all of Piscataquis County. Though Dexter isn’t officially within the borders of our county, it a vital part of the greater-Piscataquis Region, and is considered a popular gateway through which visitors access the Katahdin and Moosehead Lake destinations. Dexter, Maine; home of the Maine Red Hot Dog Festival, is a charming rural town located on the Moosehead Trail in the heart of the State, on the south side of pristine Lake Wassookeag. Dexter is set in a beautiful area that includes rolling hills, lush valleys, and numerous lakes and ponds. Recently, new leadership and active, passionate citizens have begun an investment into the town that will undoubtedly draw out and maximize its every potential, from infrastructure to community events to beautification, Dexter is experiencing a revitalization that will give tourists a memorable welcome on their way though to Piscataquis County. 58 piscataquischamber.com
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The majority of out-of-staters visiting our region to scale and conquer Mt. Katahdin drive through the sweet town of Milo to get there. A quaint, walkable community, Milo has seen some significant investment and growth over the past couple of years. A new place for tourists to stop in, the Milo/Brownville & Points North Visitor Center is situated adjacent to one of the area’s most popular destinations, the Harrigan Learning Center & Museum. Most recently, Milo experienced a re-awakening at the old Derby Railyards, as Central Maine and Quebec Railway invested over 7 million dollars to take an abandoned railcar service station and completely rebuild it with innovation nearly impossible to find elsewhere in the United States. Katahdin Railcar Services has already added 20 new jobs, and as the project continues, greater opportunity for the locals is inevitable. Milo is home to many friendly small-business owners who are committed to the community and the betterment of our region. If you are driving through, we recommend stopping in to Elaine’s Bakery and Café for breakfast or something sweet, the local Pat’s Pizza for lunch, and perhaps checking out Bissell Brothers 60 piscataquischamber.com
Brewing Company’s newest location on Elm St. We promise it is a town you will fondly remember. 207-564-7533 61
Sometimes big things happen in small places. Monson, Maine is such a place. A beautiful, rural town found on the shores of Lake Hebron, where a little over 700 people reside. Recently, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been invested in this small community by the Libra Foundation, a philanthropic group also behind Maine’s Pineland Farms, who purchased multiple dilapidated properties and the town’s community center with the goal of creating an artists’ colony, re-affirming Monson as the type of idyllic place artists want to be. The town’s reconstruction comes with a plan – an artist residency program named Monson Arts, offering month- long residencies and shorter intensive workshops to artists and authors, including attractive new studio space to work in and housing for those who enter the program. Eventually, this once aging community will become a hot spot for young talent, transformed by the power of art. New life means new businesses, more jobs, and a stronger economy for this community, already loved by year-round and seasonal residents, vacationers with cabins on Lake Hebron or those passing through to Moosehead Lake, and; hikers 62 piscataquischamber.com
who encounter Monson as the last stop on the Appalachian Trail before embarking on the One-Hundred Mile Wilderness, a remote stretch of trail situated between Monson and Mt. Katahdin in Baxter State Park. Hundreds of AT hikers enjoy a refreshing visit in Monson each hiking season to stock up on supplies at the General Store or get a shower and enjoy a home-cooked meal at the Lakeshore House – a county-wide favorite pub, offering hikers a friendly and hospitable place to spend the night. 207-564-7533 63
MAINE MADE USCommunity 897 W Main Street Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426 207.564.8401