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Home Explore July/August Newsletter - 2020

July/August Newsletter - 2020

Published by Friends of San Lucas, 2020-08-27 10:33:00

Description: Friends of San Lucas' July & August Newsletter for 2020. Focus: Healthcare Heroes.


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Friends of San Lucas Newsletter July/August 2020 A Letter from the Executive Director In This Edition Dear Friend of San Lucas, Meet the Healthcare Heroes As you might imagine the healthcare team in San of San Lucas Tolimán Lucas has had a very eventful few months as they prepared for the arrival of the coronavirus in San Meet Ana, Mario, & Ebeldo, Lucas. And it has arrived, although, right now, three employees of the San Lucas it does not appear to be widespread. The clinic Mission Healthcare Program. started caring for its first Covid-19 patient the last During this difficult year, they week of July. have courageously continued to One of the many impressive things about their serve people in need. preparation is the shear amount of courage and fortitude all the healthcare workers have shown in the face of so much risk Mission Programs Pivot and uncertainty. Healthcare, like so many professions, is more of a calling than During Pandemic a job and the techs, nurses, doctors and administration at the clinic have all demonstrated this truth. Because when you are called to do something, you are Learn how each Mission program not easily dissuaded, and they have all been resolute in their determination to has responded to the current fight the virus and care for the vulnerable. restrictions and needs in San Lucas. You will read some of their stories in this issue. As always, thank you for all you do to support the work of the Mission. Now, more than ever, it is life-saving Thank you, Kansas City! work. Thank you for your continued generosity. In faith and hope, See a list of some of the generous donors who helped us to raise Bill Peterson more than $700,000 for our Executive Director, Friends of San Lucas annual Kansas City Celebration.

Meet our Healthcare Heroes Each year, the San Lucas Mission hospital and health promoter program serve roughly 25,000 patients. This year, healthcare workers face the challenge of COVID-19. Meet three of the many brave healthcare heroes making a difference in San Lucas during this difficult year. Ana the Health Promoter Ana is a mother of six who lives in San Felipe, a small community outside of the town of San Lucas Tolimán. Ana is passionate about healthcare, and she loves to learn. She didn’t finish elementary school, but thanks to the San Lucas Mission, she was able to complete a specialized two year course in community health. Now as a Health Promoter, she monitors the well-being of the people in her community and refers them to the clinic as needed. Ana says: “I love helping families and children. I’ve been able to learn many new things as a Health Promoter, and with that, I’m able to change children’s lives.” Mario the Custodian Mario is a former teacher and a father of three. He has worked at the hospital for five years, which has allowed him to provide more opportunities for his daughters. Mario says: “I like working at the hospital because I’m able to help my neighbors. We have witnessed many miracles at the hospital. I’m glad to be able to work in a field where I can help people.” Ebeldo the Nurse Ebeldo wakes up at 4:00am each day to collect hay in the fields for the family’s cow. At 7:00, he heads to his nursing job at the clinic. In the evening, he comes home to share dinner with his wife and infant son. He’s studying to be a surgical technician so he can help doctors during operations. Ebeldo says: “I love serving people in need. The clinic provides help to those who need it most. My life is better because of my job. I used to work only in the fields. Now with this role, I can meet the needs of my family. I thank God for this job.”

Programs Pivot during Pandemic The pandemic continues to spread in Guatemala. Work and travel restrictions have had a devastating effect on the country, especially the poor. San Lucas Mission programming has adapted to respond to the current restrictions and community needs. Juan Ana Coffee Program Following initial shipping complications due to the pandemic, the coffee program is continuing to successfully ship coffee to the US. Thank you for continuing to support small growers by drinking Juan Ana coffee. The Women’s Center The Women’s Center has distributed more than 2,000 meals to first responders during the pandemic, including police, army, and firefighters. They are also distributing vegetable seeds to vulnerable families. Construction Program The Construction Program is slowly increasing the number of homes and stoves it is building. The church in Panimquip will be completed in a couple of months. Education Program (School) The school continues to support students learning from home. Teachers prepare and correct homework packets and regularly touch base with small groups of parents at the school. New Board Officers Charity With Dignity Program The Charity Program continues to deliver food staples to families affected by work and travel restrictions. They deliver 200 bags of food each week, rotating between the town and the surrounding communities. Visitors Program The Visitors Program is suspended indefinitely due to the pandemic. You can still connect with and learn from the employees in San Lucas through regular Zoom events. Visit for more info. Healthcare Program After extensive preparation for the arrival of the virus, the clinic started caring for its first Covid-19 patient during the last week of July. Make your life-changing gift to San Lucas today at

Thank you, Kansas City! This year, the annual Friends of San Lucas Kansas City Celebration pivoted to a virtual fundraiser. Generous donors made this the organization’s most successful event to date. Thank you for supporting San Lucas during this critical time. Patrons Jeff & Michelle Murphy - Rogers & Peggy Strickland - James & Jean Keeton - Brian & Ronda Mathiowetz Diamond James & Ann Adamic - Aegis Fire Protection LLC - Strickland Construction Company - Robert & Judy Brezinski Platinum Gold Wesley United Methodist Church in Evans, GA - Ben & Linda Mefford Phillip Schotzko - Lamont & Sharon Nigus - Colleen Spence - Michael - Arch & Suzie Mrkvicka - Don & Wendy Armacost - Frankie Lane & Cathy Thomas - Acumen / 13Twentythree, LLC - Andrew Hiss - Janus Properties LLC - Mathiowetz Construction Company - Priem Lane International Group, LLC - TPP Certified Public Accountants, LLC - Tom Companies LLC - Eric Hughes - Paul Holzemer - Glenn Bowers & Grace Garigan - Nicholas & Bridget Hermer - Michael & Elizabeth Grosso - Mark & Christie Jess - Robert & Roberta Swanson Silver Mike & Stephanie Greene - Jon & Jill Schram - Kevin Burls - Lamar & Tammie Eby - Philip & Judy Hoffer - Tim & Laura Rahe - Kenneth & Terri Wong - Jacinda Zerr - Paul & Jeanne Leighton - Brian & Sandi Hoffman - Steven & Patricia Schreiber - Thomas & Anita Esser - Randy & Roxanne Serreyn - Geoff & Corinne Strub - Douglas & Connie Grams - Wesley Schaffran - Gary & Mavis Schumacher - Bruce & Alisa Weber Friend Reed Buick GMC - A M Exchange Club - Lisa and David Vaughan - Jim Birnbaum - Michael Demos - Julie Drake - James Garland - August & Pamela Grasis - Hernly Associates - Peggy Martin - Cynthia Neven - Nicholas Noe - Bob Nonemaker - Thomas Peterson & Peggy Gunn - Kevin Reed - Edd & Janet Specht - Shannon Walker - AA Northland Stor-All - Argus Self Storage Sales Network Inc - Jacqueline Doherty - Goldman Investment Advisors Inc - Betty Nightingale - Phil & Mary Pattison - Reece Nichols Weston Bend - Joe & Leldon Matthews - Charles Mullens - Steve & Karen Payne - Steve & Cynthia Frey - Bill & Francie Stoner - Sean & Karen Miller - Don & Pat Lodes - Curt Longanecker - William Mann - Michael & Elizabeth Fox - Neil Blair - Randy & Laura Horn - Shannon Hodgson Thank you for your support and generosity to the San Lucas Mission. Friends of San Lucas • 3459 Washington Dr. Ste. 207 Eagan, MN 55122 • 651-508-1848 •

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