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Home Explore Made in Shasta

Made in Shasta

Published by hope, 2015-06-15 15:58:35

Description: Innovative manufacturing and technology companies in Shasta County, California.


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KEVIN KAY RESTORATIONSRedding loves cars. With its annual & nationally recognized Kool April Nites event that draws thousands of spectators and car enthusiasts from across the country, the areaproves to be a great location for automobile restoration and showcasing. Few companiesembody this more than Kevin Kay Restorations.Kevin Kay Restorations is 12,000 square foot, self-con- ing BMW, Velocette, Royal Enfield, Norton, BSA, andtained, classic car restoration facility catering to British the like. From cosmetic restorations and mechanicaland European cars and motorcycles, specializing in repairs to complete nut and bolt restorations, there is6-cylinder Aston Martins. With in-house metalworking, no project they will not tackle.body panel fabrication and repair, mechanical rebuild-ing, and show-quality paint capabilities, Kevin Kay “We have an extremely knowledgeable crewRestorations is a world renowned refurbishing expert with many contacts in the classic motorcycleon beautiful, well made vehicles. world to help you find any required parts or specifications for your project,” Kay said.“I started as a British car nut when I was a teenager andAston Martin is the ultimate Brit sports car,” Kevin Kay Kevin Kay Restorations’ classic motorcycle restorationsexplains. “It appealed to me before the James Bond have won many awards including Vintage Japanesething —it’s a sophisticated English sports car that is Motorcycles (VJMC), Clubman’s All-British shows, andelegant, comfortable, fast, beautiful and well-made.” several local California shows. The classic vehicle con- noisseurs have also won or placed in many prestigiousKay brings a lifetime of passion and knowledge to his concours d’elegance, including Silverado, Hillsbor-experienced team and their incredible handiwork. ough, Palo Alto, Newport Beach, and Pebble Beach.Although his shop specializes in all 6-cylinder AstonMartins from DB2 through DBS, Kay’s shop boasts Kevin Kay has also expanded into classic car and motor-exquisite work and experience in restoring AC, Alfa Ro- cycle storage and brokerage, offering owners a safe andmeo, Jaguar, Ferrari, Mercedes, Lamborghini, Duesen- secure storage facility and a large database for collectorsberg, Talbot-Lago, Porsche, Hispano-Suiza, Rolls Royce, looking for specific marques. Their network is supportedBentley, Lotus, and many other marques. All restoration by expert internet marketing, with quality photographywork is performed in-house by trained professionals, and detailed descriptions.using only the highest quality NOS (new old stock) oraftermarket parts. Their mission says it best: “To satisfy the wishes of the discriminating enthusiast, whether to show their prideAnd it doesn’t stop with cars. Kevin Kay Restorations and joy at concours or drive in the California Mille. Whenspecializes in restoring classic motorcycles of all types, half measures will not suffice, we are at your service.”many of them European and Japanese classics, includ-6 | Made In Shasta County

MAKING ROADS GREENERTechniSoil Global, Inc. Develops Innovative, Eco-friendly TechnologySean Weaver’s path since graduating from Shasta What is and why is it so revolutionary? As Weaver High School in Redding 21 years ago has been explains, “It’s a binder that will stabilize in-situ (undis-most unusual. One might wonder how a graduate placed) soil to create roadways that will last 20 yearsfrom Brigham Young University, with a degree in tex- without maintenance.” Energy and mining companiestiles, ended up making evolutionary natural surfaces. from around the world are using this product be-Setting off with his degree, Sean worked for five years cause of its durability, cost savings and eco-friendlyin the textile industry before becoming interested in demeanor. Roads built with TechniSoil® applicationsstone quarries. Letting no moss grow under his feet, save 95% in CO2 emissions, which creates substantialhe leased a number of quarries in California with the carbon credits, can be built in 20% of the traditionalidea of processing stone. time, and last at least as long as asphalt. It’s no wonder TechniSoil® is attracting global attention.Through that work, TechniSoil®, based in Redding,was created and took off globally. They have been fea-tured on CNN, DIY, HGTV, and the Discovery Channel.In 2013, their product was chosen to pave the Olym-pic Village in the 2013 Winter Games held in Sochi.Weaver is the CEO and co-owner of two companies(and the umbrella of Eko Research) centering arounda family of products under the TechniSoil® brand.These products, developed by Weaver and his team,are well on their way to revolutionizing road-buildingglobally. Green Mile Construction, another companyWeaver co-owns, builds off-highway roads for the USmilitary, energy, and mining sectors worldwide.TechniSoil® applications includedriveways, pathways and bordersfor homeowners. Shasta EDC  |  7 

OP-TESTDan Morrow, owner and founder of Op-Test, knew that California was theperfect place to start and grow his semicon-ductor business. And what better place thanhis hometown of Redding?“Redding is where I want to be,” says has been a huge asset to the growth of ourMorrow, who moved his young family business.”back to Northern California in 1987 beforestarting Op-Test in 2000. “The quality of lifeis excellent—the schools, the people, theinnovation. And being located on the PacificRim is important for our business with Asia.”While many semiconductor companies are Op-Test continues to grow at a rapid speed.booming down in Southern California, the “We have been doubling in size every two tooutrageous cost structures can make it dif- three years and we are in the midst of dou-ficult for small companies to grow, making bling right now,” he says.the rural communities of the Northstate anadvantageous alternative. With this growth comes the hunt for new talent. Op-Test currently employs a team ofAs a business owner, Morrow found the about 20 people who wear many differentappeal of operating his company in the far hats. As the business grows, Morrow is tran-north to be more than the beautiful moun- sitioning into hiring specialists, but he isn’ttains and lakes, amazing weather and wel- just looking for smart ambitious experts. coming people. He looks “We are looking for good to the economic develop- people who will carry on ment community as an the company culture we’ve enormous asset. created,” Morrow said, “and the Shasta EDC is helping When asked who their us access incoming talent most supportive local and get in touch with partners are, Morrow potential start-ups.” named many including Shasta College, the SBA, As Op-Test grows, so does Shasta County, and Morrow is excited about the future of Shasta EDC, angel in- manufacturing development in Redding. “It’s vestor groups, and one an ecosystem,” he said. “Clustering is good that surprised him. When for everybody!” starting Op-Test, Morrow chose to partner with a local bank and it madeall the difference.“Our local Bank hears us—they hear and un-derstand our business,” he explains. “Whileother banks are focused on pushing prod-uct, our bank is focused on banking and it8 | Made In Shasta County

TED PELLA, INC.Internationally recognized Ted Pella, Inc. is a family business founded by Ted and Christel Pella who met in Sweden in 1956. Ted was the Director of Marketing of LKBInstruments in Stockholm and Christel was an EM Technician in the Anatomy Depart-ment at the Karolinska Institute, working with one of the first labs that was studying cellultrastructure. Their son, Tom Pella, became the company’s president and CEO in 2010.Ted Pella, Inc.’s market is a spe- like nanotechnology, for example, When Ted Pella, Inc. moved fromcialized niche, manufacturing and we were doing back in 1968,” Altadena, California to Redding inreselling instruments and supplies Pella says. 1987 they started with 19 employ-for labs conducting a variety of ees. Over the years, they havemicroscopic imaging. In particular, The company sells both domesti- grown to a team of 64 who spe-they specialize in supplying to labs cally and internationally. After cialize in the field of life sciences,working with electron microscopes, some years, Ted and Chris recog- including histology, biologicalwhich are often quite large and nized that international sales re- electron microscopy, ultramicroto-capable of much higher resolu- quired a different approach. They my, immunogold staining, as welltion than the average microscope, created a sister company, Pelco as vacuum evaporation and mate-allowing observers to see ex- International, in 1976 with Christel rial science.tremely small objects and particles as President. It became the exportin detail. Their product scope company for Ted Pella, Inc. and “We have followed a strategy ofincludes Transmission and Scan- specialized in sending microscopy slow and steady growth, which Ining Electron Microscopy, Electron products all over the world. Econo- like—I want to maintain control ofMicroprobe Analysis, Atomic Force mies of scale made it worthwhile to the company and grow organically,Microscopy, Confocal Laser Micros- eventually join the companies. In slowly over time,” Pella says.copy and Light Microscopy. 2007, Pelco International merged with Ted Pella, Inc., becoming the“Only five or six companies in the company’s International Division.US do what we do and we are theonly one west of the Mississippi,” “A third of our sales areTom Pella says. international,” PellaTed Pella, Inc. has been working onmany of the technologies that are explains. “We sell to 60just now coming to the forefrontof industry conversation since the countries throughoutbeginning. the world, and work“Things that people are talkingabout as new in the late 1990’s, with dealers in 40 countries.” Shasta EDC  |  9 

INFRASTRUCTURE AND LOGISTICSTO GO THE DISTANCEROAD, RAIL, AIR TELECOMShasta County’s strategic location on Interstate 5— Shasta has three fiber trunks passing directly throughmidway between San Diego and Seattle—makes it a the region owned by Century Link, Sprint, L3. Charterhighly efficient distribution point for products headed offers four 10Gb pipes. Redundancy is available usingto all major markets on the West Coast. This provides Charter and AT&T.access to 50 million people within 24 hour deliveryand allows connections to global markets through thePort of Oakland, just 4 hours away.The main line of the Union Pacific Railroad runs 50 Millionthrough Redding to Sacramento; San Francisco; Los Access to 50 MM peopleAngeles; Portland; and Seattle. An east–west trunk is within 24 hour deliveryjust two hours south. 99.9997%POWER Electricity ReliabilityWith industrial rates 30%-40% lower than investor-owned utilities in California, the City of Redding owns 4 Hoursits own utility, Redding Electric Utility (REU). To en-courage new job creation, the City of Redding estab-lished a range of electrical rate incentive schedules tofit industry demands.Over the years REU has been aggressive in diversifyingits energy resource portfolio, driven by economic andreliability demand, and more recently to meet environ-mental, renewable, and carbon reduction objectives.REU offers 50% green energy including hydro, windand solar. Clean Natural Gas is supplied by PGE.WATER Connect globally throughPlentiful, reliable, and clean, with millions of gallons the Port of Oaklandavailable for industry, the Shasta region has two majorsources: surface water and groundwater. The Sacra- Millions of Gallonsmento River and Whiskeytown Lake provide customerswith 71% of the water. This translates into approximate- Industrial water from the sourcely 5.61 billion gallons per year. The remaining 29%,or 2.32 billion gallons per year, is groundwater whichcomes from 14 wells drilled into the Redding Ground-water Basin. Two treatment plants output a combined31 million gallons per day and have expansion capabili-ties of 70 million gallons per day.10 | Made In Shasta County

With large global markets within a 24 hour delivery andsome of the most affordable manufacturing costs on theWest Coast, your next site is ready.

SECOSECO is one of the world's lead- SECO boasts the production and SECO has partner manufacturing ing manufacturers of surveying manufacturing of hundreds of complexes in Mound City, Illinoisand global positioning equip- high quality accessory products and Tecate, Mexico and a ware-ment accessories. The company used with surveying instruments, housing facility in Tecate, California.was founded by Paul Ogden who GPS/GNSS, GIS, and construc- In 2008, SECO was acquired bymoved to Redding in 1965 and, tion equipment. Products include Trimble Navigation, headquarteredinspired by his father’s business telescopic poles, carrying cases, in Sunnyvale, California and whoacumen and surveying experi- backpacks, GPS antenna poles, also specializes in global position-ence, opened a surveying equip- surveying instrument tripods, ing systems. The acquisition con-ment retail store. prism systems for use with elec- tinued the growth of SECO’s global tronic distance meters, construc- distribution and customer base.“Ogden did very well and quickly tion levels, and leveling rods.opened additional stores all over “About 99.5 percentthe West Coast,” says Chris Hunt- “We deal with everything - lander, who has been with SECO since surveying, GPS and positioning of our business is2002. He has served as an engi- equipment, GNSS devices, totalneering tech, the Redding plant’s stations, theoeolite and construc- done outside of Shastaengineering director, and is now tion, general contracting, oil andthe product marketing manager. natural gas, GIS, agriculture, County and about 30% mining, tunneling, monitoring,Ogden established SECO Manu- and safety – just to name a few,” is done outside of thefacturing in 1977 due to the high Hunter explains.demand for innovative accessories US,” Hunter said.used in the developing survey- SECO's 82,500 square-foot Red-ing equipment market. By 1980, ding plant is home to their team SECO products are sold throughSECO, as it is known today was of 100 employees, including the an international network of instru-in full swing, manufacturing and corporate headquarters, customer ment dealers and distributors anddistributing the highest quality service team, engineering, re- as custom-built, private-labeledsurveying products. Eventually search and development staff, and products for OEMs.its retail stores were phased out a complete manufacturing the company could focus on The plant also houses anodizing,manufacturing and wholesale electrostatic powder-painting, silk-distribution. screening departments, and a machine shop.12 | Made In Shasta County

SOUTHERN ALUMINUMFINISHING (SAF)Southern Aluminum Finishing powder coatings, custom anodizing, Being the only service center in the (SAF) is among the nation’s paint finishes, prefinished aluminum country with in-house anodizing andmost complete sources for alumi- sheets, architectural extrusions and painting facilities, plus a full-timenum finishing, extrusion, fabrica- architectural roofing products. fabrication center, SAF is able totion and distribution—specializing complete large, specialized projectsin supplying aluminum building Since launching its on limited time.products to architectural specifiers, Redding branch inglazing contractors, sign manufac- 2007, SAF’s focus has “We have very fast turnaround onturers, general contractors, and been on growing sales most orders and many of our Califor-many other end product users. in the global market. nia clients get next day completion on orders,” said Bonner.Since the 1920’s, aluminum has be- “We were contacted by customerscome well known for its light weight, overseas,” explains Jason Bonner, With a stellar national reputation, astrength, fabrication flexibility, and facility manager for SAF Redding. growing West Coast facility boast-durability. Since then, finishing “There is a big demand for our ing 50 employees, and global salestechnology has evolved and offers product in Asia and South America opportunities knocking on the door,numerous protection and color im- right now.” SAF is looking at a fast-paced andprovement options. The most impor- bright future in Northern California.tant of these is the anodizing process, Recognizing that distribution andwhich converts the aluminum surface service to Asia and other parts of theinto an extremely hard, deteriora- world was the wave of their future,tion resistant, long–lasting aluminum SAF’s parent manufacturing plants inoxide finish. Today, anodizing is one Georgia and Tennessee strategicallyof the most environmentally friendly chose Redding for its easy groundindustrial processes in manufactur- accessibility and perfect proximity toing, making it compatible with many the Pacific Rim.governmental regulations.For more than 50 years, SAF hasbeen sought for its expertise incustom fabrication, aluminum coil, Shasta EDC  |  13 

STILLWATER BUSINESS PARK700 Acres Prepared for Business ExpansionLooking to the future, the City of Redding set out The fully improved parcels range from 2 to 150 acres, to create a ‘ready to go’ business park that would are ready to build and include streamlined and expe-meet the need for company expansion. With all zon- dited permit process–all for a cost of less than $1 and environmental permits in place, Stillwater isthe greenfield gem of Northern California. For more information, contact Sean Gallagher of Voit Real Estate at 916-751-3604Centrally located along the I-5 Corridor, the 700–acrebusiness park boasts many economic and logistic Highway 44 1 open spaceadvantages. Equidistant to Canada and Mexico, a 2 miles 12.44 acone day delivery time gives access to over 50 millionpeople. In addition, the Shasta region boasts some of Airport Road 2 3the most competitive power and water rates in Cali- 3.33 ac 5.32 acfornia with abundant supply and redundancy of both.Fiber optics is also available with redundancy on a 4main west coast trunk line. 29.01 ac Approved zoning and environmental permits 6 5 8.70 ac 15.01 ac 700 acres of shovel ready sites 7.50 ac Parcels up to 100+ fully 700 acres 8 7 improved acres 16.75 ac total 9 Ideally suited for office 10 ac and industrial 6.94 ac 10 11 2.5 miles from Interstate 5 91.85 ac One day delivery to over 12 50mm people 25.42 ac Adjacent to Redding Redding 13 Municipal Airport Municipal 34.99 ac Airport 14 22.48 ac office and light industrial general manufacturing 7.93 ac 15 5.32 ac 16 Interstate 5 1.5 miles14 | Made In Shasta County

FAR NORTHERN CITDAbout the Centers for International Trade DevelopmentEstablished in 1989, the California Centers for International Trade Development (CITD) are funded by theChancellor’s Office of the State of California to promote the state’s international trade and competitiveness,assist exporters and importers, and advance economic and job growth. The CITDs assist California busi-nesses to expand internationally as well as help colleges become more globalized. The California CITDshave offices across the state.In January of 2014, the State of turing and agriculture made up the opportunity to learn the skills California Community College more than half of the businesses necessary for a global career, theChancellor’s Office announced that participated. organization is making a realthe launch of the Far Northern difference.”Center for International Trade The CITD also facilitates a Jr.Development (CITD), which CITD and Virtual Internship Pro- The California CITDs have officesserves California’s ten far north gram. The Jr. CITD and Virtual across the state and offer free orcounties under a grant facilitated Internship Programs partner with low cost services. Businesses ofby Feather River College. The Far local high schools and community all sizes and experience levelsNorthern CITD’s focus is to work colleges to provide new oppor- can request expert assistance andwith local partners and businesses tunities for high school and junior resources, including one-on-oneto promote the area’s interna- college students seeking hands- technical assistance and consult-tional trade opportunities, while on experience in international ing, market research, trainingsponsoring a variety of education- trade development and other and educational programs, tradeal programs for high schools and global careers. These programs leads and special colleges in the region. support current global trade edu- Due to the region’s vast territory, cation initiatives such as Shasta the Far Northern CITD currentlyLeah Goold-Haws, director of College’s online Introduction to operates virtually, with monthlythe Far Northern CITD manages International Business course, office hours in Shasta and Butteregional and international en- which aligns with the nationally Counties and online at www.gagement. In 2014, Goold-Haws recognized CGBP exam for global This offers mo-oversaw a survey of 146 busi- business professionals. bility and flexibility to businessesnesses throughout the region to and students alike.determine current export activity. “I’m excited to be managing the incredible new programs offered “Embracing the mobile workforceExported products and services by the CITD,” Goold-Haws said. is another important piece of theincluded crops, food and bever- “The organization has opportu- puzzle,” Goold-Haws said. “Peo-ages, construction material, tech- nities for everyone, from local ple are waking up to the fact thatnical and professional consulting, business owners to community they can work remotely, and themarketing and design, biotech college students – and most re- CITD is showing them how it canand health products, household markably, high school students. be done successfully.”items, fashion and art. Manufac- By offering students that young“It was exciting to find that 54% percent of businesses in Far Northern California arecurrently engaged in export with other countries,” Goold Haws explained. “It’s importantthat we start bringing these companies into the forefront of the global trade conversa-tion and provide other businesses with the resources to do the same.”

INNOVATION ON THE WATERInnespace Productions was established in 1997 by Resource Center to grow their workforce. The Center, Rob Innes and Dan Piazza. Rob Innes got his degree in which assists companies in hiring and training, helpedmanagement from Unitech in New Zealand (he’s a true them find qualified employees with core skills theyKiwi) but soon gravitated to his love of building boats. could fine-tune with on-the-job training.Being an Aucklander, he grew up in a boating-mad city.Eventually, with many years of boat building experience Customers seek out Seabreachers from all over theunder his belt, he moved to Redding, California with globe including the United States, the Caribbean,the goal of building a submersible watercraft. Russia, South Korea, China, Thailand, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, OmanDan Piazza brought two decades of experience in and Azerbaijan.custom fabrication and engineering to the team. He isa Redding local, graduating from Shasta High Schoolin 1975. His work on race boats, hot rods and off-roadvehicles made him a good fit in this venture.The team at Innespace Productions worked for over adecade to develop submersible watercraft that wouldpush the limits of what boats can do underwater. Andthey accomplished just that. Their resulting watercraft,called Seabreachers, will dive, jump, roll, porpoise,and do other amazing aquabatic tricks, all within thesafety and comfort of a dry, sealed cockpit.The first Seabreacher was the The Dolphin andnicknamed ‘Sweet Virgin Angel.’ The prototype hasbeen used for research and development as well asfor demonstrations at boat shows and media eventsaround the world.As orders multiplied, a larger manufacturing spacebecame vital. The team worked with the Shasta EDCto navigate the city’s permitting process and expeditetheir move. They also tapped in the SMART Business16 | Made In Shasta County

Innespace is one ofseveral recreationalmanufacturers thatcall Shasta home.With close proximi-ty to lake and rivers,it is a natural R&Dlab for the outdoorenthusiast. The $60-90,000 submersible watercraft is custom-built from the ground up. Customers select interior colors and patterns and additional options. Intensive hand labor hours make each craft. Every Seabreacher receives a cus- tomized paint job and many are painted by well-known Redding airbrush talent/artist, Jeff Crank. Innovation did not end with the Seabreacher. Inne- space introduced the Jetovator in 2012. Described as a bike attached to a fire hose, the Jetovator has forward speeds of 25mph, climbs in the air to 25 feet and can dive under water for brief periods. Innespace Production’s latest thrill in vertical waters- ports is the Shred Sled, a simple, comfortable, single-jet powered sled that is super easy to ride. Riders start on their knees and transition to a standing position. Discover more about Innespace Productions can be found at Shasta EDC  |  17 

RECREATION IS OUR BUSINESSThe Shasta-Cascade region has long been known as a beautiful mecca of California’s natural wonders. From breathtaking lakes, ominous mountains and glistening rivers,there are endless hours of exploration awaiting every outdoor enthusiast. While manybusiness owners in Redding and the surrounding areas chose the Far North for itsrecreational qualities, others have built their entire business around their passion foroutdoor activities.Paddle WatersportFrom the shoreline of clear, beautiful Wiskey- Nothing puts Shasta on the map quite like California’stown Lake, an outdoorsman can do just about largest reservoir, Lake Shasta. The lake is impoundedanything with the right tools. Most outdoor by the United State’s ninth tallest dam and providesenthusiasts enjoy many different activities and irrigation, electricity and Sacramento River flood con-require versatile recreational equipment. trol, as well as hours and miles of water sport and entertainment.This was the case for Chris Peterson and GlennGippner – both avid hunters, fishermen, spear Located in Redding, just minutes from Lake Shasta,fisherman and divers. When they found the Sky Ski is the leading manufacturer of High Perfor-average kayaks didn’t meet their needs, they mance Hydrofoil Waterskis. Sky Ski was started instarted TrueRec. Seeking to build a small, multi- 1998 by Mike Murphy who had previously been onepurpose boat, Peterson and Gippner designed of the founding members of Air Chair, the first sit-the Dive Fish Paddle (DFP) – a kayak that allows down Hydrofoil company. In 2004, Don Erb andusers to dive off shore and offers easy access in Comptech Machine, who had already been makingand out of the water, without the threat of cap- most of Sky Ski’s high end, “limited edition” compo-sizing. The boat utilizes deployable pontoons, nents, acquired the company. Under the guidancestability prioritization, and storage capabilities of owners Don & Brenda Erb, Team Sky Ski / Compt-making it ideal for a diverse demographic of ech Marine brought new and innovative products tosportsmen. Hydrofoiling. Sky Ski has since grown to 11 employees and includes riders at all skill levels. In addition to drofoil waterskis, Sky Ski also sells paddleboards and ski accessories. | Made In Shasta County

Camp HikeIt is impossible to overlook the mountains that greet you as you drivenorth into Shasta County. The Trinity Alps, Mount Shasta and Lassen Castle Crags sits in the shadowPeak all each offer unique experiences for campers, hikers, climbers of Mount Shasta and is namedand riders. for its 6,000 foot glacier–polished crags.It’s no wonder the nation’s largest RV and outdoor retailer, CampingWorld, specializing in parts and services for recreational vehicles and Explorecamping supplies, chose to open in Anderson, California. Locatedright off of I5, Camping World is a wonderland of equipment for new Turtle Bay Exploration Park is aand veteran campers looking to make camping comfortable, fun and sprawling 300-acre campus filledeven high tech. with educational and entertain- ing activities focused on interpretation of the relationship between humans and nature.Trail SystemHundreds of miles of walking, hiking, biking, equestrian, and off- Walkroad vehicle trails have been developed within a 15 mile radiusof downtown Redding. The Sacramento River National Recreation The Sundial Bridge is the fa-Trail is the crown jewel of Redding’s trail system, stretches 17.4 mous 217-foot pylon acts as amiles from the Sundial Bridge to the Shasta Dam. The trail crosses real sundial, telling time on a tilethe world-famous Sundial Bridge, which spans more than 400 feet covered garden border on theacross the river, providing a spectacular vantage point for view- north side of the wildlife as well as for enjoying great vistas of the surroundingmountains. The Sacramento River National Recreation Trail is one Climbof the top trails in the U.S. Ranked 7th in California by Rails toTrails. The trail winds along the river and is enjoyed by runners, The Shasta Cascades compriseswalkers, and cyclists of all ages. (Also See Pg. 21 –Skyway Wheels) a vast and diverse part of North- ern California's interior and dominated by Mount Shasta (14,179 ft.), the second highestFish peak in the Cascade range.The Northern Sacramento River, just below its source waters, runsright through Redding and the surrounding areas, and has been iden- Shasta EDC  |  19 tified by some as the “ultimate fly fishing haven”. So what better placeto establish the world renowned and sought after Fly Shop ®? The FlyShop ® was started in 1978 by Mike Michalak and Brad Johnson andhas blossomed into an internationally recognized expert source forfishing. It’s the first stop for any fisherman looking to reel in the fish,whether in Northern California or anywhere in the

YATES GEARWhen it comes to turning outdoor gear was somewhat ibility, it seems there is nothing passion into thriving, scarce, the company weath- Yates Gear can’t develop andglobal business, few stories ered a rising tide of competi- offer their customers.are more inspiring than the tion by developing tacticalone about Northern California equipment for military and “Our customers comenative John Yates, co-founder emergency responder use. to us looking for helpof Yates Gear. building innovative “After the US had gone into products. We’ve grownYates and his twin brother, Iraq and Afghanistan, we were and created new prod-James, were avid vertical rock asked by Navy contacts in Vir- ucts because we listenclimbers. In the late 70s, there ginia Beach to develop tacti- to user input and we’resimply wasn’t equipment that cal equipment specific to the willing to try anything,”fit their needs. They began Middle East terrain and their Yates explained.dabbling in outdoor equip- planned missions,” he shared.ment creation when a pastor in “We flew out to meet with Yates gear currently sells toHumboldt County taught the them and created gear that fit and partners with countries allYates bothers how to design their needs.” over the world and feels theand sew sleeping bags and pressure to continue growing.gear that was comfortable Similarly, Yates has worked Though their 15,000 squareand withstood the extreme closely with the LAPD, the foot building and 60 employ-conditions of frequent outdoor San Diego Police SWAT team, ees are barely enough toadventures. and GLOBE - one of the na- keep up with current product tions leading developers and demands, it’s clear they willYates Gear began as Outdoor producers of firefighting gear. be open to the possibilities ofHigh Adventure Sports in 1982 Yates Gear products include expansion the brothers’ Shingletown harnesses, spec packs, laddergarage, growing slowly but and rescue kits, airlift rescuesurely through the then new vests and many other itemsinternet and referrals from fel- used by firemen, soldiers,low climbers. mountaineers, and first re- sponders. With experienceWhile Yates Gear started when and expertise in material, com-high quality climbing and fort and situational compat-20 | Made In Shasta County

SKYWAY WHEELSFifty years ago, Skyway Wheels creates wheels with the “optimum advisors, local banks and gut in- took the BMX world by storm blend of strength and memory.” stinct to move global relationshipsafter inventing and introducing the Tuff Wheels® have the ability to forward.very first composite wheel, launch- absorb impact, deform slightly,ing the Skyway Tuff Wheels® line. then spring back to their original Today, Skyway sells toSince then, Skyway has developed shape. After comparable impact, a long list of interna-a composite version of almost most metal wheels become per- tional distributors whoevery wheel on the market. manently deformed and lose their work with thousands true shape. Skyway Tuff Wheels® of dealers all over the“All of our wheels are made out of stay true after impact, rebounding globe.a special nylon and plastic com- to their original form, eliminatingposite blend,” says president and maintenance. “We see people from all over theCEO Ken Coster. “They are strong world ordering from our distribu-and low maintenance.” In 1983, just six years after opening tors—Hong Kong, the UK, Australia. its Redding factory, Skyway began We also send wheels to China andSkyway’s informative website exporting to Europe. Taiwan to be used in the produc-explains that the distinctive prop- tion of bikes and other products,” “This was before the Internet, so we Coster says. erties of its nylon com- learned about some trade shows posite formula in Europe and went over there and Although Skyway currently serves its worldwide customer base with introduced our team,” Coster efficient and dedicated 20 employ- recalls. “We just learned as ees, their momentum points to we went.” rapid growth, with no end in site. In a time when answers about international sales and trade weren’t available through online information sources, Skyway relied on support from legal Shasta EDC  |  21 

LAUNCHING A STARTUP ECONOMYIHub Focuses On Accelerating InnovationAnyone can have a great idea, but in Shasta County the wildfire risk, how important it was, and what our these ideas become reality. The Shasta EDC is at business was doing. North State investors understood,”the helm working to remove the barriers to entry and he says.create access to resources young, innovative compa-nies need to grow. Current industries represented include software development, drone technology, medical device,Mentoring recreation, digital media and consumer products.The iHub partners with local and virtual businessleaders, university professors and industry experts to “Our startups are not only being intro-provide mentoring to entrepreneurs. These individu-als not only lend their wisdom but also their networks. duced to a global market, but are introduc-Recently, many of our Startups have received fundingand launched into the marketplace through industry ing a global market to Shasta. We are noconnections made possible by their team of advisersand mentors. longer just a nice place to vacation or retire.Incubation Space We are the NEW Shasta- the more creative,A few years ago, the Shasta EDC was approachedby several startups looking for affordable space. more innovative and more-connected-than-Through their efforts, five startup locations were es-tablished in private facilities. Now three years later, ever Shasta.”the EDC is working to create a 15,000 + square footcampus that will facilitate incubation, events and col- Meet A Few Of The Startupslaborative space for more than forty startups that callShasta home. FireWhat A Geographic Information Systems and Tech-Capital nology company, who maps emergency wildfireEstablished in 2011, SAGE (Shasta Angel Group for incidents and creates technologies to trackEntrepreneurs) was formed by local business leaders responders and assets in and out of the field.who saw a need to invest in and promote the region’sentrepreneurial spirit. To date, SAGE has invested in Suture Easefour local startups, one of which was FireWhat Inc., a Suture Ease develops and markets innovativewildfire mapping and tracking company. technologies that combine efficacy and ease of use for enhancing laparoscopic procedures.IHub Companies The flagship device, SecurusDL, enables reliableWhen choosing which companies to help, the iHub trocar site closure by utilizing a unique “snarespecifically focuses on businesses that can attract capi- guide” technology in combination with a propri-tal, create jobs and grow the regional economy. The etary suture passer.Shasta EDC looks at various factors when evaluating apotential startup. Good ideas are not enough. We are Limelight Healthlooking for entrepreneurs who have the experience Limelight designs powerful health insuranceand team to execute well. technology, qualified sales leads and expert compliance solutions for insurance brokers.“SAGE coming onboard gave us the opportunity toreally grow,” says Sam Lenier, FireWhat’s chief execu- Linnet Corp.tive officer and cofounder. “For three years, FireWhat Creator of RutaSleep, a natural sleep aidwas little more than an idea before local investors got that removes caffeine from the body, Linnetinvolved. Really no one from the Bay Area understood Corp develops consumer health and well- ness products.22 | Made In Shasta County

THE SILICON VALLEY CONNECTIONCompanies Choose Redding As A Place To GrowThrough the years, the Shasta economy has seen its “It’s more cost-effective; and share of transition. Initially the cities were born as we spend 40 percent less thangold miners claimed fortunes from the earth. Its next doing the same thing in thestage of development emerged as abundant natural Bay Area,” said Sbrocca, whoresources were harvested from its hillsides and still are founded Spiritus And now? The Shasta EDC believes that Shasta is poised for thisShasta is moving to the cloud, in technology speak. growth. “Our labor market has expanded and in thatHow is it that this once small, regional service hub is growth is a change in the educational composition ofattracting some of the fastest growing startups today? the labor force,” EDC board chairman and past mayor Michael Pohlmeyer said, adding that the region’sIt began in 2005, when NComputing, a virtual desktop colleges and universities are turning out skilled work-company chose to place an international sales and ers to fill the needs of tech employers. “It’s all abouttechnical support office in Redding at the recommen- education.” he added.dation of a local businessman with Silicon Valley con-nections. But it didn’t stop with NComputing. Backoffice support for a number of leading Silicon Valleycompanies have continued to grow using the talentof the region. Shasta EDC  |  23 

SIERRA PACIFIC INDUSTRIESSierra Pacific Industries (SPI) is arguably one of the most well known forest productcompanies in the world. A family owned industry leader based in Anderson, Califor-nia, SPI owns and maintains 1.9 million acres of timberland in California and Washing-ton State and is the 2nd largest lumber producer in the U.S.SPI Began forests contained 80 percent pine prosper and provide healthy trees,Red Emmerson started in the saw- trees. Over time, that balance was wildlife and timber for generationsmill business with his father, Rollie, reduced to just 20 percent. SPI to 1948. They purchased a saw- respects the complexity of forestmill in Somoa, CA in 1950, which management and makes nature’s Giving Back to the Communityremains in operation today. Red’s care and keeping a top priority. In 1979, the Sierra Pacific Founda-children entered the business over SPI in California uses 100% of har- tion was established and funded25 years ago, and now, the 4th vested logs. The wood is used for by Red Emmerson’s father, R.H.generation has joined them. lumber, fencing, doors, and win- “Curly” Emmerson. Since 1995, dows. Co-generation uses scraps, the Foundation has providedHard Work and Family otherwise discarded, to generate over five million dollars in higherThe Emmersons are part of the electricity for their operations. education scholarships to depen-backbone of Shasta County. Hard dent children of SPI and family are at the center Forest Fire Prevention The Foundation also contributesof their company. Today, their The West is no stranger to the to youth activities and organiza-payroll is around $200 million. danger and chaos of forest fires. tions in communities where SierraJobs cover a broad spectrum SPI uses modern forestry manage- Pacific Industries has facilities.amongst their 3,600 employees in- ment to reduce the risk of cata-cluding truck drivers, millwrights, strophic fires on their land. Oneelectricians, machinists, office ad- method carefully selects 16-acreministrators, foresters and more. blocks to clear-cut, then re-plantsTheir aim has always been to do as fewer trees giving the them muchmuch as possible in-house, which needed space and sunlight tomeans they can respond to chal- grow. This will coax forests back tolenges quickly. a healthier state.SPI Employs Modern Forest SPI is committed to the responsibil-Management ity of creating long term plans forSPI manages forests carefully to their forestlands. They have been inbring them back to the state they the business for a long time and in-were in 200 years ago. Historically, tend to continue so that their forests24 | Made In Shasta County

EDUCATION & INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPSIN ADVANCE MANUFACTURINGAs manufacturing stretches into the 21st century, Phase two of the initiative, scheduled to start in Fall new methods and technologies have outpaced 2016, will train students in the operation of comput-the skills of the workforce. Shasta College has identi- er numerical control (CNC) machinery and equip-fied this growing industry sector as a focused priority ment. Students will build foundational skills throughand is dedicated to preparing students for career the use of manual equipment in order to gain aand job opportunities. With the support and input deeper understanding of the craft prior to learningfrom local industry partners, such as Sierra Pacific in- the operations of the cutting edge machines.dustries and Knauf Insulation, Shasta College invest-ed hundreds of thousands of dollars on equipment, Manufacturing is a cornerstone oftooling, and professional development to ensure the California’s economy, and Shastasuccess of students. College is focused on doing its part in providing the educated skilledPhase one of the Focused on Manufacturing initia- workforce of the future.tive is dedicated to industrial automation. RockwellAutomation approved curriculum will be deliveredon campus to train students in the maintenance,troubleshooting, and programing of Allen-BradleyCompactLogix -programmable logic control systems.Students completing these courses will receive aRockwell certification to identify their competency inthe area of study.Shasta College is an equal opportunity educator and employer Shasta EDC  |  25 

PREMIERE BRAND MEATSRoger Lawson and his wife Laura turkey breast, roast beef, after the new facility construction weren’t certain what they were prosciutto, and sausages. While was done, he brought small crewsgetting themselves into when they many competitors use fillers, over to help him with the painting.moved their established Humbolt Premiere does not, and all of their It’s a time he remembers fondly,County company, Premiere Brand ingredients are visible on their full of many laughs, lots of sweatMeats, to Shasta County. They packaging. and plenty of bonding.knew they needed to be closer tothe I5 corridor and looked at areas Claiming fine restaurants “We wanted our key employeesall over Northern California. All and specialty delis all to move with us,” he says, “and wethey knew was that the area was over the West Coast as wanted them to feel comfortablehot in the summer. their top customers, Pre- and excited with the move.” miere ships approximatelyBut in January of 2004, during one 78,000 pounds of deli He accomplished this successfullyof the coldest winters the North- meat per week. and now employs 28 workers. Withstate had seen in a long time, Law- no other meat processing plants inson moved his snow–loving fam- Easy access to the Interstate free- the area, Premiere is the #1 placeily to Shasta Lake City and never way and land shipping options for local people looking to work inlooked back. made all the difference in the suc- the food processing industry. cess of the company, says Lawson.“Shortly after I moved, I had a The Lawson’s have never seenfriend from Humboldt call and ask Lawson prides himself on the last- a year without growth. In 2012,when we were going to move back ing relationship he has built with eight years after moving andand I told him NEVER,” Lawson said his employees. When considering withstanding many nationalwith a laugh. “My family and I love the move to Shasta County, Lawson economic fluctuations, Premiereit here and we would never leave.” paid for many of his employees to increased revenues by 19%. They visit the area on weekends, and expect the coming years to be noPremiere Brand Meats prides itself different.on the quality of their deli meatsincluding, but not limited to, ham,26 | Made In Shasta County

GLOBAL-FLEXMANUFACTURINGGlobal-Flex Manufacturing works with It was not only the local economic devel- a vast distribution network to supply opment office’s efforts and assistance thatOEMs, pipe supply houses, large design encouraged the launch of Global-Flex inand build firms, and engineers nationwide. Redding. Shasta County’s affordable over-With 35 years of combined experience and head, due to inexpensive electric and waterknowledgeable technicians, Global-Flex charges, helped seal the deal. The area’shelps customers determine the components central West Coast location also came intoneeded for customer–specific applications. play. Being halfway between Seattle and Los Angeles, with technology connecting themGreg Hartley, who opened Global-Flex in to the East Coast, Global-Flex never sees a2000, admits that one of the key reasons month of down time.he chose Redding to start his company wasthe warm welcome he received from the As his business grows, local partnershipsShasta EDC. have continued for Hartley. Over the last 14 years, he has built a strong partnership“We were looking at a number of different with Shasta College’s Welding Technologylocations, many of them outside of Califor- Program. That he said has produced whatnia,” Hartley explained. “When Redding he refers to as “some of greatest welders heheard that we were looking, the next day has ever met.” Now that the instructors knowthere was a plane ticket on my desk with an what Hartley looks for, he has a steady poolinvitation to come tour the area.” of incredible talent.Now 15 employees strong, Global-Flex isn’t holding back in reachingout to global opportunity. Shasta EDC  |  27 

CREATING PATHWAYSTO OUR FUTUREEquipping the next generation workforce with industry relevant and quality job skills to increase the region’s manufacturing, technological and economic com-petitiveness is not only a priority, it’s a mission - one that can be seen through mul-tiple business and education initiatives and partnerships throughout the area. STEM Education Led by the Shasta County Office of Education’s STEM Education Initiative, the region’s initiative has identified three key areas of focus:Build partnerships that connect existingeducation, business and community assets.Strengthen the quality of and expandaccess to STEM education and resourc-es across Northern California’s PK-16educational institutions.Increase STEM interests and competen-cies of all students in Northern Californiaand increase the number of students whopursue STEM related credentials, degreesand careers.Shasta County’s schools are currently integrating APL was invited for the second time to the Synop-STEM industry–focused pathways into their curricu- sys Sacramento Regional Science and Engineer-lum beginning in kindergarten. Here are some shin- ing Fair. Three APL students took first prize in theing examples: Special Recognition Category and second place overall in the Engineering Category. • At Sequoia Middle School, students have a • With approximately 1,500 students, Shasta wide array of STEM electives such as robotics, cinema technology, engineering, design, and High School has integrated a custom STEM computer coding. Pathway into its courses, including Space Sci- ence and Engineering/Robotics, Computer • The Academy of Personalized Learning (APL), a Aided Drafting (CAD), AP Computer Science and Exploring Engineering. Through a partner- K-12 public charter school, networks with STEM ship with Shasta College, students are able focused businesses both locally and regionally to complete courses and earn college credits and integrates cutting edge project–based learn- simultaneously. ing, with a focus on entrepreneurship. In 2015,28 | Made In Shasta County

2015 marked the launch of Shasta County’s STEM career day, introducing hundreds of thearea’s high school students to manufacturing and tech-related careers. Ignite OpportunitySTEM Career Day was a collaboration of educators and industry leaders, representingmore than 50 different science, technology, engineering and mathematics related busi-nesses and careers – the region’s largest effort to connect education with industry, and anactive response to the state’s forecast that within the next 10 years, 70 percent of jobs inCalifornia will relate to STEM fields. College Meets Industry Served by six regional community colleges and three 4-year uni- versities, Shasta’s workforce is fed by a vast education network. One that strives to offer students applicable, real-world experi- ence that equips them for jobs that boost the economy. • Shasta College partners with advanced manufacturing, life sciences, biotech and information technology companies to create new, relevant career pathways. The college is one of 15 candidate schools chosen to participate in a pilot program allowing the state's 2-year schools to offer baccalaureates. • Simpson University’s state-of-the-art, 30,000-square-foot Science and Nursing Building, features classrooms, offices and labs devoted to science, math and a School of Nursing. • CSU Chico is pairing social responsibility with the future of manufacturing through their Sustainable Manufacturing degree - an integrated field of study that combines techni- cal feasibility with environmental responsibility and economic viability. Through the work of Reach Higher Shasta, a collaborative effort to prepare students for the workforce, Shasta Promise program guarantees “those students who complete minimum college preparatory or community college transfer requirements admis- sion from six regional institutions of higher education including Shasta College, College of the Siskiyous, National University, Southern Oregon University, California State University, Chico and Simpson University. Shasta EDC  |  29 

CAPTIVE AIRECaptiveAire®, which began as a can now export to other Cap- products, for the best price, with North Carolina-based company tiveAire® manufacturing loca- excellent lead times,” he a one-room facility in 1976, is tions,” Tomei says. For the fourteenth consecutive year,the nation's leading manufacturer CaptiveAire earned Best in Classof commercial kitchen ventilation While many assume that largesystems. Since opening their West corporate companies diminish Overall recognition for VentilationCoast manufacturing location in the presence of “local” business in Systems as well as Best in ClassRedding in 2006, CaptiveAire® has smaller communities such as Red- for Dealers, Operators andexpanded its facility and employs ding, CaptiveAire® proves them Consultants.more than 135 local residents. wrong. CaptiveAire® Redding operates as a local entity. CaptiveAire® manages a networkBecause CaptiveAire® is known for of over 70 sales offices in the U.S.executing some of the fastest and “Almost all of our employees are and Canada and six manufactur-most reliable lead times in its indus- Redding residents that we hired ing plants in North Carolina, Iowa,try, Redding was an optimal place when we opened the facility here,” Oklahoma, California, Pennsylvaniato build its West Coast facility. Tomei explains. “There is a strong and Florida. hiring pool for general labor and“We use ground transport almost we do extensive training for all of “CaptiveAire® shipsexclusively—Redding’s easy access our positions.”to the interstate made logistical products to Asia andsense,” says Mark Tomei, Cap- CaptiveAire's integrated kitchentiveAire® Redding’s plant manager. ventilation packages include Europe, throughout hoods, exhaust fans, electrical con-Not only are they leaders in their trols, direct-fired heaters, grease Canada and Mexico,”industry, CaptiveAire®’s constant duct systems, fire suppressioninnovation has created excellent systems, grease filters and utility Tomei says.production and expansion oppor- distribution systems. Clients aretunities, developing new jobs for made up of independent restau-the region. rants, national chains, and other public and private institutions.“We bought an adjacent buildingin 2009, expanded our factory, Tomei is proud of the productsand began making a lot of our his company manufacturers. “Wecomponents in-house that we arguably create the best quality30 | Made In Shasta County

AB MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.ABMedical Technologies, They provide outsourcing solu- “Almost all of our cus- Inc. was launched in 2009 tions for test and assembly, thirdafter the company where Dwight party equipment repair and tomers are outsideAbbott and Ken Brown worked customer service, failure analysis,was purchased by a private equity and regulatory compliance. this area,” says Abbott.firm. Abbott and Brown, bothRedding natives, were unwilling From day one, customer service “But with tech-tools liketo leave the area to find work. In and start-up accessibility was athe midst of this tough circum- priority and continues to be a Skype, Google Chatstance, they saw an opportunity. priority today. While large com- panies such as Biomet remain as and email, we are able“We created our own opportunity,” clients, AB Medical welcomes thesays co-owner Dwight Abbott. It entrepreneurs and start-ups that to easily interface withappeared a risky move to start a want to turn an idea into a reality.manufacturing company in the AB Medical has been able to re- all of them at any time.”Northstate, where mechanical man- tain every single client they haveufacturing companies and jobs are landed since opening their doors While AB Medical has done wellscarce, but he says “We were al- and have watched many of them during its young life, Abbott isready losing our jobs so it seemed grow over the last five years. excited to see California’s Farlike a good time to give it a try.” North welcome more manu- Abbott feels strongly that be- facturing and tech companiesBrown brings over 30 years of ing located in Shasta County has doing global business, who willhands on experience in almost all been a benefit. also see Redding as a place ofaspects of medical device manu- opportunity. Like many, he isfacturing and management while “Because of low overhead and anxious to see his hometownAbbott brought over 20 years of the easily accessible I5 corridor, grow into a thriving ecosystemengineering, quality and regula- we are able to ship anywhere in of economic development.tory experience. the world with ease,” he says. “Ken and I started a business hereWith its ISO 13485:2003 certifica- And they do. At any given time, because we love this place”, hetion, AB Medical’s key focus is on AB Medical is shipping parts to says. “I want to speed upmanufacturing electro-mechan- hospitals and manufacturers in the change.”ical medical devices, including France, Qatar, Australia, Germa-electronic medical systems and ny, Saudi Arabia or Japan.powered surgical instruments. Shasta EDC  |  31 

MCCLELLANBOTTLING GROUPMcClellan Bottling Group, know as McClellan ancient plate collisions and volcanic activity Mountain Spring Water, was headquartered created the perfect conditions for the formationin the Humboldt County town of Samoa, and of underground springs. These protected under-moved to Redding for the same simple, econom- ground springs flow year round and are fed byic reason that many companies have cited. the snowmelt from the higher elevations. As the water filters through the volcanic rock, minerals“Shipping from Redding was less expensive and are naturally infused into the water. This naturaleasily accessible,” says the plant’s manager and filtration process is what gives Eternal water itscontroller, Steven Salatti. “We ship 19,000 cases unique and special properties.”per month.” “We have filled 3 million bot-McClellan officially started bottling water in tles per year over the past twoShasta County in February 2013 for Eternal years,” said Salatti. “This addsBeverages, an international company based in up to approximately 178,000Walnut Creek. Since the source of their water is cases.”from the Mount Shasta region, moving to Red-ding made sense. McClellan currently bottles 20 ounce, I liter, and 1.5 liter waters for Eternal. They operate with aMany people don’t realize that Mount Shasta has full-time staff of 9 employees, proving that evenan incredible aquifer coveted by bottling compa- small companies can build profitable, interna-nies far and wide, Salatti explains. tional partnerships.Eternal Beverage’s website gives a beautifuldescription of the water source: “Our naturallyoccurring alkaline spring source is located in theShasta-Trinity Alps of California. The collision ofOcean Floor Plates and the Pacific ContinentalPlate about 200 million years ago caused ter-rain uplifting and mountain formations. These32 | Made In Shasta County

KNAUFKnauf was founded in 1932 competitive wages and em- demands of residential and and remains a family run ployment packages in the area. commercial consumers. ECOSEbusiness to this day. As an Technology’s sustainableinternational producer and Although The Knauf family binder is free of acrylics, form-developer of construction and started their empire long ago, aldehyde, phenol and artificialbuilding materials, Knauf is they have never lost sight of colors often found in traditionalleading the industry through the market’s ever evolving de- fiberglass insulation.innovation and environmen- mands, particularly in the areatally responsible products. of energy efficiency and corpo- Knauf’s Product Stewardship &Knauf Insulation houses manu- rate responsibility. Knauf’s In- Extended Producer Responsi-facturing operations in Europe, sulation Sustainability Initiative bility Policy ensures that theirRussia and the UK, in addition boldly describes the industry’s products reduce the environ-to the US, and boasts annual current responsibility. mental impacts from buildings,sales revenue exceeding are guided by life cycle assess-$1.5 billion. Knauf Insulation’s EcoBatt ® ment, encourage source and Insulation combines sand, an waste reduction, and increaseShasta Lake City became one abundant and renewable the use of recycled materials inof Knauf Insulation’s manu- resource with post consumer, manufacturing.facturing locations in 2002 recycled glass and utilizesand sits on 100 acres near the ECOSE Technology, a binderShasta Gateway Industrial Park. chemistry that enhances sus-The state-of-the-art facility tainability, to create an unsur-houses over 130 employees passed product that meetsand offers some of the most the thermal and acoustical“Today, both energy efficiency and sustainability are crucial factors in buildingdesign… it is important to choose building materials that minimize impact onthe environment. Now more than ever it is important to embrace solutions thatwill make a difference and encourage others to use them for the good of theworld that we share.”



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