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Home Explore Different types of Translation

Different types of Translation

Published by esraauaats1, 2021-09-16 18:16:33

Description: Get in details about different types of Translation.
Legal translation Dubai is a translation service provider in UAE. The office has a team of legal translators to translate any legal documents from one language into another. The office is approved and certified by the UAE courts and embassies to translate any documents.

Keywords: legaltranslation,translationoffice


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TYPES OF TRANSlATION Translation Company in Dubai

Legal Translation a main type and it's highly required from the companies, Universities, legal sectors in the company. Legal documents include contracts, corporate or government proposals, court transcripts, confidentiality agreements, laws, witness statements, regulations, wills and testaments, birth certificates, bank deposits, immigration documents, and notarized documents, among others.

Medical Translation it is one of the highly used translation types. It pays main role in the COVID-19 as it helps to translate the instruction from English into Arabic and other words. Also, the medical documents can be medical documents and the treatment. The medication translation has been known for being uneasy and full of many difficult words. The medical translation translate a medical report, it must be done by expert medical translators who have appropriate knowledge of

Marketing translation for translating the marketing reports as the annual reports and plan and it helps in getting over the difficult required documents to help companies to achieve their objectives. Also, you can't find any translation office or agency to do this massive job with affordable prices and high quality; you could seek to contact translation Agency in Dubai to get a certified translation and to be near you.

Financial Translation Translation includes translate the financial reports for the companies and other sectors. It focus on translating real Estate programs, home loans documents, financial paperwork, and Insurance regulatory documents, annual reports, auditor's reports, retirement plans, other documents related to insurance. The request for financial translations is increasing because of globalization. Also, it’s not limited to large conglomerates.

Literary translation It is totally a different translation for some works as it requires to be translated. The change can be acceptable but not in all words as a slight change can be accepted. Also, there are some documents that require this kind of translation and it generates a new way which is called Transliteration. This kind isn't commonly used by many people; it could be on the holy books, the books that must be as it is. Literary translation includes translating dramatic and creative poetry and prose into other languages, and it is a hugely

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