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Published by nikunjg.wa, 2016-02-24 09:36:18

Description: PSM+Facilitator+Manual+(Cloud)+2016_US


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Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 7What steps can be taken to avoid punishing the learner?In what situations or circumstances would you ask your salespeople: “If you had it to do overagain, what would you do differently?”What are some examples you have observed of consequence imbalance? What can youpersonally do to ensure that both negative and positive influences are kept in balance for yoursalespeople? When field training, how will you demonstrate to your salespeople that you value them in 51 failure, as much as in success? How will avoid ‘taking over’ during the field training process?Post-Video Recover Activities1. Ask each member of the group to think of a situation in which they would like to cause someone to modify their behavior. a) Have them visualize the precedent they would use. b) Have them visualize how they would observe the action and ensure a positive result. c) Ask several of them to share their situation, the precedent and their plan for observing and ensuring results.2. Ask the group how they would adapt their existing training procedures for inducting new sales hires into the Company. “ ”Utilize the Action ContractClose your session by asking each participant to ……… Write out the single most important idea they gained from the session and how they will use it. List the benefits they will gain from utilizing the idea. Remember: pain is always involved in change so they will only bear the pain if the benefits outweigh it. Write out the specific action steps they will take. Ask for volunteers to share their Action Contract with the group.Participant Workbook Pages© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 7 52 Participant Workbook PAGE 31© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

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Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 7 54 Participant Workbook PAGE 33© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 7 55 Participant Workbook PAGE 34© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 7Personal Action CommitmentThe single most important idea I gained from this training session is: 56I make a firm commitment to put this idea to work within the next seven days.1. How I will use the idea:2. The benefits to me from using this idea will be:3. The specific action steps I will take are:© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

MODULE 8 How to Confront Incompetence 57PURPOSE Key Pointsenable each Taking People from Entry Level to the Normparticipant to Questions to Ask Before Confrontingunderstand, value Rules for Confronting Incompetenceand execute the skill Formula for Confronting Incompetenceof one on one The Secret to Perfecting any Skill – Visualizationcommunication Formula for Redirecting Behaviorthrough effective Positively Reinforcing Behaviorconfrontation What to Do If You Are Unsuccessfultechniques© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 8Discover/Recover Pauses (also develop your own pause points with questions) Pause # 1 Pause where indicated after Steve has discussed the rules for (Optional) confronting incompetence. a) Ask for a show of hands as to how many members of the group have seen these rules violated? b) Have several participants in the group to identify which rule was violated and have them share what happened as a result.Please pause Pause # 2 Pause where directed when Steve has his training group think of a 58the training module. (Predetermined) situation where they should confront negative behavior. Have each participant do the same as Steve’s group and think of an individual they need to confront.Please pause Pause # 3 Pause where directed and have the group practice thethe training module. (Predetermined) confrontation formula by firstly confronting the negative behavior. a) Do the same as Steve’s training group and have each person visualize confronting the negative behavior by utilizing the WHAT – HOW – Because – WHY formula. b) After visualizing, have them work with a buddy by imagining the buddy is the person they need to confront. Have them role play the technique by verbalizing the WHAT – HOW – WHY formula with each other in turn.Please pause Pause # 4 Pause where directed and have the group practice thethe training module. (Predetermined) confrontation formula by next redirecting the negative behavior. a) Have each individual visualize confronting by using WHAT – HOW – Because – WHY, then redirecting by getting their OPINION, agreeing on a SOLUTION and then positively reinforcing by using WHAT – HOW – Because – WHY. b) After visualizing, have them work with a different buddy and role play by verbalizing the entire technique with each other in turn. © The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 8Questions for Group DiscussionDiscuss situations in which your salespeople experienced a consequence imbalance; a negativeresult from a positive action or a positive result from a negative action? If you had theopportunity over again to do something about it, what would you do differently?Discuss various situations where task interference has led to deviations in the performance ofyour salespeople. What can be done to prevent or diminish this interference happening in thefuture?Discuss examples/incidences in which ‘socially acceptable’ excuses or seemingly good reasons 59were used to justify deviations in behavior. How can these situations be handled moreeffectively in the future?Role play a scenario in which a personality problem arose because an initial performancedeviation was ignored and was later confronted in frustration or anger. What were theconsequences of this confrontation?In future, when you have a poorly performing salesperson, how will you utilize the managementchecklist to consider where the problem may lie?Post-Video Recover ActivitiesAsk each participant to think of an experience in which they were quite simply unable to getsomeone to respond to their attempts to redirect behavior. Based on Steve’s eight introspectivequestions, was it a leadership problem? What would they do differently next time? “ ”Utilize the Action ContractClose your session by asking each participant to ……… Write out the single most important idea they gained from the session and how they will use it. List the benefits they will gain from utilizing the idea. Remember: pain is always involved in change so they will only bear the pain if the benefits outweigh it. Write out the specific action steps they will take. Ask for volunteers to share their Action Contract with the group.Participant Workbook Pages© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 8 60 Participant Workbook PAGE 37© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 8 If you have a person on your 61 team who is not performing, ask yourself the following questions:1. Have I done my best to remove any consequence imbalance and/or task interference?2. Have I made sure they know what the job is? Have I structured the job for them?3. Have I made sure they know how they are measured?4. Have I communicated the standards we expect in our organization?5. Have I trained them to make sure they know how to do the job?6. Have I counselled, coached and reinforced the positive behaviors I’m seeking?7. Have I been willing to confront and redirect negative behavior?8. Have I made sure they know they are of value to me in failure as well as success? Participant Workbook PAGE 38© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 8Personal Action CommitmentThe single most important idea I gained from this training session is: 62I make a firm commitment to put this idea to work within the next seven days.1. How I will use the idea:2. The benefits to me from using this idea will be:3. The specific action steps I will take are:© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

MODULE 9 Facilitating Change 63PURPOSE Key Pointsprovide managers Today’s Challenge - Changeand leaders with an Mindsets of Changeunderstanding of Motivations of Changepeople’s tolerance Tolerance for Changefor change, and Change - Questions that Must be Answeredproven techniques Facilitating Changefor facilitating Planning for Changechange effectively© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 9Discover/Recover Pauses (also develop your own pause points with questions)Please pause Pause # 1 Have your group participate in this exercise along with Steve’sthe training module. (Predetermined) group. a) Pause where directed; instruct your group to do the same as the training group > stand and look at their buddy intently in silence. b) As soon as they have done so, play the video and Steve will give directions to your group along with his group. Pause # 2 NOTE: If they do not hear or react to Steve’s directions they are printed 64 (Optional) on the screen. Please reinforce the direction verbally if necessary. Pause where indicated after Steve has discussed how the manager makes sure that people never feel alone. a) Have each individual think of a situation where they experienced or observed a feeling of discomfort where change was concerned. Have them share their observations about that experience. b) Have them think of a situation where there was a feeling of having to give something up. Have several share their observations. c) What about feeling alone? Have the group share its thoughts. Pause # 3 Pause after Steve has presented the ‘tolerance for change’ model. (Optional) a) Using a flip chart, list three major changes that have been instituted with the sales team in the last 12 months. b) Have the group discuss how the salespeople felt about the changes when they were announced: • did they feel they were getting a poor result? • did they feel things were good or good enough? NOTE: If the change was met with resistance, this may explain why.Please pause Pause # 4 Pause where directed and have your group do the same as Steve’sthe trainingmodule. (Predetermined) training group. a) Visualize themselves utilizing the technique by relating WHAT – Because – WHY – The Advantage to You Is – BENEFIT (usually job related). b) Have them role play it with a buddy by verbalizing the technique. © The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 9Please pause Pause # 5 Pause where directed and have your group follow Steve’s trainingthe trainingmodule. (Predetermined) group. a) Visualize themselves utilizing the technique by relating WHAT – Because – WHY – The Advantage to You Is – BENEFIT – The Real Value to You Is – PERSONAL WIN. b) Have them role play it again with a different buddy.Questions for Group DiscussionWhat is the significance of change, within your industry and markets, to your business? 65How significantly is change, within your business, impacting the performance and skills of yoursalespeople? Are you, and they, adapting quickly and effectively enough?As a sales manager faced with a changing environment, what actions do you need to take toensure you maintain the competence and confidence of the sales team?Have you observed any instances of ‘passive resistance’ to changes made by the Company in thelast 6-12 months? What are the common excuses or reasons used to justify this resistance?What’s the best way of handling this when it does occur? When people are asked to make changes they always have questions they need answers to. Based on the changes your business is planning to make in the next 6-12 months, discuss what potential answers could be provided to the sales team to help them answer: 1. ‘What will we have to do differently?’ 2. ‘Why are we being asked to make this change?’ 3. ‘Where is the value to me in this change?’ 4. ‘How can I have confidence that I can successfully adapt to the change?’ “ ”Utilize the Action ContractClose your session by asking each participant to ………Write out the single most important idea they gained from the session and how they will use it.List the benefits they will gain from utilizing the idea. Remember: pain is always involved inchange so they will only bear the pain if the benefits outweigh it.Write out the specific action steps they will take.Ask for volunteers to share their Action Contract with the group. Participant Workbook Pages © The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 9 66 Participant Workbook PAGE 41© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

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Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 9Personal Action CommitmentThe single most important idea I gained from this training session is: 69I make a firm commitment to put this idea to work within the next seven days.1. How I will use the idea:2. The benefits to me from using this idea will be:3. The specific action steps I will take are:© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

MODULE 10 Motivation versus Manipulation 70PURPOSE Key Pointsdevelop the Thinking - The Source of Resultsleadership skill of Elevate the Level of Thinkinginspiring people to Law of Compensationhigher levels of Motivational Methodsproductivity Thinking - The Key to a Manager’s Approach© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 10Discover/Recover Pauses (also develop your own pause points with questions)Pause # 1 Pause where indicated after Steve has discussed the concept of(Optional) ‘elevating the level of thinking’. a) Ask the group if they agree with Steve’s assertion that “this 71 business of managing successfully is all about elevating the level of thinking”. b) Have them share examples of where they have seen it work effectively. c) Ask the group if they agree with the statements that “people have been trained to fail” and “we are what we think”. d) Have them share examples of where they have seen these occur.Pause # 2 Pause where indicated after Steve has discussed the ‘Law of(Optional) Compensation’ and the use of Fear and Incentives. a) Ask the group how the realities of this law manifest themselves in the day-to-day operation of their business. b) Have them consider practical ways that their salespeople can embrace this law and ‘live’ it with customers. c) Under the daily pressure of making the numbers, in what ways are we as managers seduced into adopting short term ‘quick fixes’?Questions for Group Discussion How and why do sales managers tend to over-focus on activities, and overlook the thinking and feelings that serve as the basis for the actions of salespeople? In what ways do your moods and feelings (as their sales manager) influence or impact your salespeople? How does the tendency of managers to manipulate others stem from a real desire to want people and things to be the way they want them to be? How can this come into conflict with the way people and things actually are? How can you use the Company’s mission to focus your salespeople’s thinking on creating value for customers?© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 10Post-Video Recover Activities1. Break your group into 3 small teams. Give each team one of these three approaches: Group One - Threat or Fear: Have the group identify examples of where they have seen this approach used, and prepare several examples they can share with the larger group. Have them identify the short and long term impact of each example. Group Two - Incentives and Rewards: Have the group identify the incentives they have 72 seen used in an attempt to increase productivity, and what the results were. Have them share several examples with the larger group. Group Three - Building People: Have this group list the ways to build salespeople and their belief in self, product and Company, and share these ideas with the larger group.2. Using a flip chart, ask your group to determine the benefits they believe the Company will receive as a direct result of their involvement in this management training series. “ ”Utilize the Action ContractClose your session by asking each participant to ……… Write out the single most important idea they gained from the session and how they will use it. List the benefits they will gain from utilizing the idea. Remember: pain is always involved in change so they will only bear the pain if the benefits outweigh it. Write out the specific action steps they will take. Ask for volunteers to share their Action Contract with the group.Participant Workbook Pages© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 10 73 Participant Workbook PAGE 46© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 10 74 Participant Workbook PAGE 47© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 10 75Effective managers build a climate that brings out people’s natural motivation.Build people’s belief in: themselves company products and servicesStrengthen people by building their BELIEF! Participant Workbook PAGE 48© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership MODULE 10Personal Action CommitmentThe single most important idea I gained from this training session is:I make a firm commitment to put this idea to work within the next seven days. 761. How I will use the idea:2. The benefits to me from using this idea will be:3. The specific action steps I will take are:© The Fortune Group International l All rights reserved

Practical Sales Management and Leadership 77 Use the Recover Action ActivitiesRecover activities for each training module are embedded in the session guide.Feel free to change or adapt them, and to also develop your own.

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