532 Cryptography: Theory and Practice Example A.2.35 Suppose p = 13 and α = 2. The factorization of 12 into prime powers is 12 = 2231. Therefore, to verify that 2 is a primitive element modulo 13, it is sufficient to check that 26 ≡ 1 (mod 13) and 24 ≡ 1 (mod 13). This is much faster than checking all 12 powers of α. Theorem A.2.36 The number of primitive elements in (Zp∗, ·) is φ(p − 1) = φ(φ(p)). Example A.2.37 The number of primitive elements in (Z73∗, ·) is φ(72). Since 72 = 23 × 32, there are (23 − 22)(32 − 3) = 24 primitive elements in (Z73∗, ·). A.2.3 Subgroups and Cosets Definition A.2.38 (subgroup) Suppose G = (X, ) is a finite group and Y ⊆ X. We say that H = (Y, ) is a subgroup of G if H is also a (finite) group. Theorem A.2.39 Suppose G = (X, ) is a finite group and Y ⊆ X. Then H = (Y, ) is a subgroup of G if and only if it is closed, i.e., if h1 h2 ∈ H for all h1, h2 ∈ H. Definition A.2.40 (coset) Suppose H = (Y, ) is a subgroup of the group G = (X, ). For any a ∈ X, define the right coset Ya as follows: Ya = {y a : y ∈ Y}. Also, define the left coset aY as follows: aY = {a y : y ∈ Y}. Theorem A.2.41 Suppose H = (Y, ) is a subgroup of G = (X, ). Then, |Ya| = |Y| for all a. Furthermore, two right cosets Ya and Ya (or two left cosets aY and a Y) are either identical or disjoint. Corollary A.2.42 A group X can be partitioned into right (or left) cosets of any subgroup Y. Theorem A.2.43 Suppose H = (Y, ) is a subgroup of G = (X, ), and a, b ∈ X. Then Ya = Yb if and only if ab−1 ∈ Y. Theorem A.2.44 (Lagrange’s theorem) Suppose H = (Y, ) is a subgroup of the finite group G = (X, ). Then ord(H) divides ord(G). Definition A.2.45 Suppose that G = (X, ) is a finite group and y ∈ X. Define a = {ai : i ≥ 0}. Remark A.2.46 It is easy to see that ( a , ) is a cyclic subgroup of (X, ) and ord( a ) = ord(a). We say that ( a , ) is the subgroup generated by a. Lagrange’s theorem therefore shows that ord(a)|ord(G), as stated previously in Theorem A.2.23.
Number Theory and Algebraic Concepts for Cryptography 533 Example A.2.47 Consider the group G = (Z19∗, ·), which is a cyclic group of or- der 18. It can be verified that 2 is a primitive element in G. The element 23 = 8 generates a subgroup H of order 18/3 = 6, where H = {1, 8, 7, 18, 11, 12}. There are two additional cosets of H, namely 2H = {2, 16, 14, 17, 3, 5} and 4H = {4, 13, 9, 15, 6, 10}. Example A.2.48 Suppose that G = (X, ) is a finite group of order n and a is a generator of G. Suppose that m is a divisor of n. Then there is a unique subgroup of G having order m, namely, an/m . Example A.2.49 G = (Z90, +) has subgroups of orders 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 18, 30, 45, and 90. A.2.4 Group Isomorphisms and Homomorphisms Definition A.2.50 An isomorphism from a group G = (X, ) to a group H = (Y, ∗) is a bijection ϕ : X → Y such that ϕ(a a ) = ϕ(a) ∗ ϕ(a ) for all a, a ∈ X. Theorem A.2.51 If ϕ : X → Y is an isomorphism from G = (X, ) to H = (Y, ∗), then G and H have the same order. Furthermore, for any x ∈ X, ord(x) = ord(ϕ(x)). Theorem A.2.52 Any two cyclic groups of the same order n are isomorphic. Corollary A.2.53 If G = (X, ) is any finite group, and a ∈ X, then ( a , ) is isomor- phic to (Zord(a), +). Example A.2.54 G = (Z12, +) is isomorphic to (Z13∗, ·). An isomorphism is given by the mapping ϕ : Z12 → Z13∗ defined by ϕ(i) = αi mod 13, where α is a primi- tive element in (Z13∗, ·). Definition A.2.55 A homomorphism from a group G = (X, ) to a group H = (Y, ∗) is a mapping ϕ : X → Y such that ϕ(a a ) = ϕ(a) ∗ ϕ(a ) for all a, a ∈ X. Remark A.2.56 A homomorphism ϕ from a group G = (X, ) to a group H = (Y, ∗) is an isomorphism if and only if it is a bijection from X to Y. Example A.2.57 Suppose 1 ≤ m < n. Then the mapping ϕ : Zn → Zn defined by the rule ϕ(a) = am mod n is a homomorphism from (Zn, +) to (Zn, +). If gcd(n, m) = 1, then this mapping is an isomorphism from (Zn, +) to (Zn, +).
534 Cryptography: Theory and Practice A.2.5 Quadratic Residues Definition A.2.58 (quadratic residue) Suppose p is an odd prime and a is an in- teger. Then a is defined to be a quadratic residue modulo p if a ≡ 0 (mod p) and the congruence y2 ≡ a (mod p) has a solution y ∈ Zp. If a ≡ 0 (mod p) and a is not a quadratic residue modulo p, then a is defined to be a quadratic non-residue modulo p. Remark A.2.59 If a is a quadratic residue modulo an odd prime p, then a has ex- actly two square roots modulo p. Furthermore, these two square roots sum to 0 modulo p. Example A.2.60 3 is a quadratic residue modulo 23. The two square roots of 3 modulo 23 are 7 and 16. Note that 7 + 16 = 23. Definition A.2.61 (Legendre symbol) Suppose p is an odd prime. For any integer a, define the Legendre symbol (pa) as follows: a 0 if a ≡ 0 (mod p) p if a is a quadratic residue modulo p =1 if a is a quadratic non-residue modulo p. −1 Theorem A.2.62 Suppose p is an odd prime. Then a = a(p−1)/2 mod p. p Remark A.2.63 Suppose p is an odd prime. Then the mapping a → (pa) is a homo- morphism from (Zp∗, ·) to ({1, −1}, ·). Remark A.2.64 The product of two quadratic residues modulo p is again a quadratic residue modulo p. The product of two quadratic nonresidues modulo p is a quadratic residue modulo p. The product of a quadratic residue and a quadratic nonresidue modulo p is a quadratic nonresidue modulo p. Theorem A.2.65 Suppose p ≡ 3 (mod 4) is prime and suppose y is a quadratic residue modulo p. Then the two square roots of y modulo p are ±y(p+1)/4 mod p. Example A.2.66 Suppose we take p = 23 and y = 3. Then (233) = 311 mod 23 = 1. Hence, 3 is a quadratic residue modulo 23. The two square roots of 3 modulo 23 are ±36 mod 23, i.e., 7 and 16.
Number Theory and Algebraic Concepts for Cryptography 535 A.2.6 Euclidean Algorithm Algorithm A.2.67 (EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM) The EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM com- putes the greatest common divisor of two positive integers, say a and b. The al- gorithm sets r0 to be a and r1 to be b, and performs the following sequence of divisions: r0 = q1r1 + r2, 0 < r2 < r1 r1 = q2r2 + r3, 0 < r3 < r2 ... ... ... ... rm−2 = qm−1rm−1 + rm, 0 < rm < rm−1 rm−1 = qmrm. The algorithm terminates when a division yields a remainder of 0. The last nonzero remainder, rm, is the greatest common divisor of a and b. Example A.2.68 We compute the greatest common divisor of 34 and 99. The EU- CLIDEAN ALGORITHM proceeds as follows: 99 = 2 × 34 + 31 34 = 1 × 31 + 3 31 = 10 × 3 + 1 3 = 3 × 1 + 0. Hence, gcd(34, 99) = 1. Algorithm A.2.69 (EXTENDED EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM) Given two integers a and b, the EXTENDED EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM computes integers s and t such that as + bt = gcd(a, b). Algorithm 6.2 is a detailed description of this algorithm. Example A.2.70 The EXTENDED EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM can be used to express 1 as a combination of 99 and 34: 11 × 99 − 32 × 34 = 1. Theorem A.2.71 (multiplicative inverses in Zn) Let n ≥ 2. A multiplicative inverse a−1 mod n exists if and only if gcd(a, n) = 1. In this case, given inputs a and n, the EXTENDED EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM will compute integers s and t such that as + nt = 1. Then a−1 ≡ s (mod n). Example A.2.72 We noted in the previous example that 11 × 99 − 32 × 34 = 1. Therefore, 34−1 mod 99 = −32 mod 99 = 67. Theorem A.2.73 (linear congruences mod n) Suppose gcd(a, n) = 1. Then the lin- ear congruence ax ≡ c (mod n) has a unique solution modulo n, given by the formula x = a−1c mod n. Example A.2.74 Suppose we wish to solve the linear congruence 34x ≡ 25 (mod 99). We have already computed 34−1 mod 99 = 67. Therefore the solution to the linear congruence is x = 67 × 25 mod 99 = 91.
536 Cryptography: Theory and Practice Theorem A.2.75 (linear congruences mod n) Suppose gcd(a, n) = d > 1. If c ≡ 0 (mod d), then the linear congruence ax ≡ c (mod n) has no solutions. If c ≡ 0 (mod d), then the linear congruence ax ≡ c (mod n) is equivalent to linear congru- ence a x ≡ c (mod n ), where a = a/d, c = c/d and n = n/d. This congruence has a unique solution modulo n by Theorem A.2.73, say x ≡ x0 (mod n ). The original congruence has d solutions modulo n, namely, x = x0 + in mod n, for 0 ≤ i ≤ d − 1. Example A.2.76 Consider the linear congruence 22x ≡ 55 (mod 99). It is easy to compute gcd(22, 99) = 11. Since 11|55, the original congruence is equivalent to 2x ≡ 5 (mod 9). The solution to this “reduced” congruence is x ≡ 7 (mod 9). The original congruence has the solutions x ≡ 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97 (mod 99). A.2.7 Direct Products Definition A.2.77 (direct product) Suppose that G = (X, ) and G = (X , ∗) are groups. The direct product G × G is the group defined as follows: G × G = (X × X , ◦), where (a, a ) ◦ (b, b ) = (a b, a ∗ b ) for all a, b ∈ X and all a , b ∈ X . Theorem A.2.78 Suppose gcd(m, n) = 1. Then (Zm, +) × (Zn, +) is isomorphic to (Zmn, +) and (Zm∗, ·) × (Zn∗, ·) is isomorphic to (Zmn∗, ·). Remark A.2.79 Suppose (a, a ) ∈ G × G . If the order of a is equal to d and the order of a is equal to d , then the order of (a, a ) is equal to the least common multiple of d and d . Example A.2.80 (Zn, +) × (Zn, +) is not isomorphic to (Zn2, +). One way to see this is to observe that every element of (Zn, +) × (Zn, +) has order dividing n, whereas (Zn2, +) contains an element of order n2 (namely, 1). Remark A.2.81 Definition A.2.77 can be extended in the obvious way to define a direct product of more than two groups. Theorem A.2.82 (Fundamental theorem of abelian groups) Every finite abelian group is isomorphic to a direct product of cyclic groups of prime power order. Example A.2.83 The factorization of 36 into prime powers is 36 = 2232. There are precisely four nonisomorphic groups of order 36, namely, Z4 × Z9, Z2 × Z2 × Z9, Z4 × Z3 × Z3, and Z2 × Z2 × Z3 × Z3. A.3 Rings Definition A.3.1 (ring) A ring is a triple R = (X, ·, +), where X is a finite set and · and + are a binary operations defined on X, that satisfies the following properties:
Number Theory and Algebraic Concepts for Cryptography 537 • (X, +) is an abelian group with identity 0. • Multiplication is associative, i.e., for any a, b, c ∈ X, (ab)c = a(bc). • The distributive property is satisfied, i.e., for any a, b, c ∈ X, (a + b)c = (ac) + (bc) and a(b + c) = (ab) + (ac). Definition A.3.2 A ring R = (X, ·, +) is a finite ring if X is a finite set. Definition A.3.3 A ring R = (X, ·, +) is a ring with identity if X contains a multi- plicative identity, denoted by 1. Definition A.3.4 A ring R = (X, ·, +) is a commutative ring if multiplication is commutative. Example A.3.5 Some familiar examples of commutative rings include the inte- gers, Z; the real numbers, R; and the complex numbers, C. These are all infinite rings. Example A.3.6 (Zm, ·, +) is a finite ring for any m ≥ 2. Example A.3.7 (matrices) Let n ≥ 2. The set of n × n matrices with entries from Zp is a ring, but not a commutative ring. Example A.3.8 (ring of polynomials) Suppose (A, ·, +) is a field (see Section A.4 for the definition) and x is an indeterminate. Let A[x] denote the set of all poly- nomials with coefficients from A. Then (A[x], ·, +) is a commutative ring with identity 1. Example A.3.9 Z2[x] denotes the ring of polynomials with coefficients from Z2. We add and multiply polynomials in the usual way, but we reduce the coefficients modulo 2. For example, if a(x) = x2 + 1 and b(x) = x2 + x + 1, we would have a(x) + b(x) = x and a(x)b(x) = x4 + x3 + x + 1. Algorithm A.3.10 (EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM FOR POLYNOMIALS) The greatest com- mon divisor of two polynomials a(x) and b(x) can be computed using the EU- CLIDEAN ALGORITHM FOR POLYNOMIALS. It is a straightforward modification of the EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM for integers. The algorithm sets r0(x) to be a(x) and r1(x) to be b(x), and performs the following sequence of divisions: r0(x) = q1(x)r1(x) + r2(x), 0 < deg(r2) < deg(r1) r1(x) = q2(x)r2(x) + r3(x), 0 < deg(r3) < deg(r2) ... ... ... ... rm−2(x) = qm−1(x)rm−1(x) + rm(x), 0 < deg(rm) < deg(rm−1) rm−1(x) = qm(x)rm(x). The algorithm terminates when a division yields a remainder of 0. The last nonzero remainder, rm(x), is the greatest common divisor of a(x) and b(x).
538 Cryptography: Theory and Practice Example A.3.11 We compute the greatest common divisor of x4 + x + 1 and x3 + x in Z2[x]. The EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM FOR POLYNOMIALS proceeds as follows: x4 + x + 1 = x(x3 + x) + x2 + x + 1 x3 + x = (x + 1)(x2 + x + 1) + x + 1 x2 + x + 1 = x(x + 1) + 1 x = x(1) + 0. Hence, 1 is the greatest common divisor of x4 + x + 1 and x3 + x in Z2[x]. A.3.1 The Chinese Remainder Theorem Definition A.3.12 (direct product) Suppose that R = (X, ·, +) and R = (X , ·, +) are rings. The direct product R × R is the ring defined as follows: R × R = (X × X , ·, +), where (a, a ) · (b, b ) = (a · b, a · b ) and (a, a ) + (b, b ) = (a + b, a + b ) for all a, b ∈ X and all a , b ∈ X . Remark A.3.13 Definition A.3.12 can be extended in the obvious way to define a direct product of more than two rings. Definition A.3.14 An isomorphism from a ring R = (X, ·, +) to a ring S = (Y, ·, +) is a bijection ϕ : X → Y such that ϕ(a · a ) = ϕ(a) · ϕ(a ) for all a, a ∈ X and ϕ(a + a ) = ϕ(a) + ϕ(a ) for all a, a ∈ X. Theorem A.3.15 Suppose M = m1 × m2 × · · · × mr, where gcd(mi, mj) = 1 for all i = j. Then the ring (ZM, ·, +) is isomorphic to the ring (Zm1 × · · · × Zmr , ·, +). (This theorem generalizes Theorem A.2.78.) Remark A.3.16 Define χ : ZM → Zm1 × · · · × Zmr , as follows: χ(a) = (a mod m1, . . . , a mod mr). Then χ can be shown to be an isomorphism of the two rings (ZM, ·, +) and (Zm1 × · · · × Zmr, ·, +). Remark A.3.17 For 1 ≤ i ≤ r, define Mi = M/mi and yi = Mi−1 mod mi. Then the inverse function χ−1 : Zm1 × · · · × Zmr → ZM is r χ−1(a1, . . . , ar) = ∑ ai Miyi mod M. i=1
Number Theory and Algebraic Concepts for Cryptography 539 Example A.3.18 Suppose r = 3, m1 = 7, m2 = 11, and m3 = 13. Then M = 1001. We compute M1 = 143, M2 = 91, and M3 = 77, and then y1 = 5, y2 = 4, and y3 = 12. Then the function χ−1 : Z7 × Z11 × Z13 → Z1001 is the following: χ−1(a1, a2, a3) = (715a1 + 364a2 + 924a3) mod 1001. Remark A.3.19 The fact that the function χ−1 constitutes an isomorphism is an important result that is commonly known as the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Theorem A.3.20 (Chinese remainder theorem) Suppose m1, . . . , mr are pairwise rel- atively prime positive integers, and suppose a1, . . . , ar are integers. Then the system of r congruences x ≡ ai (mod mi) (1 ≤ i ≤ r) has a unique solution modulo M = m1 × · · · × mr, which is given by x = χ−1(a1, . . . , am). Example A.3.21 Using the formula developed in Example A.3.18, the system of congru- ences x ≡ 3 (mod 7) x ≡ 6 (mod 11) x ≡ 5 (mod 13) has the solution x ≡ 715 × 3 + 364 × 6 + 924 × 5 (mod 1001) ≡ 8949 (mod 1001) ≡ 941 (mod 1001). A.3.2 Ideals and Quotient Rings Definition A.3.22 (ideal) Suppose R = (X, ·, +) is a commutative ring. An ideal is a subset I ⊆ X that satisfies the following properties: • (I, +) is an abelian group, and • ab ∈ I whenever a ∈ X and b ∈ I. Definition A.3.23 (principal ideal) Suppose R = (X, ·, +) is a commutative ring and let c ∈ X. The principal ideal generated by c, which is denoted by (c), is the subset defined as follows: (c) = {ac : a ∈ X}. It is easy to see that a principal ideal is always an ideal. Definition A.3.24 (quotient ring) Suppose R = (X, ·, +) is a commutative ring and I = (c) is a principal ideal. The quotient ring R/I is constructed as follows. R/I = (Y, ·, +), where Y consists of the (additive) cosets of I in (X, +). The sum of two cosets I + a and I + b is defined to be I + (a + b), for any a, b ∈ X, and the product of the two cosets I + a and I + b is defined to be I + ab.
540 Cryptography: Theory and Practice Example A.3.25 The quotient ring Z2[x]/(x3 + 1) is obtained from the ring Z2[x] by equating x3 + 1 and 0. Since coefficients are in Z2, this is the same thing as say- ing that x3 = 1. Then x4 = x, x5 = x2, etc. In general, computations in Z2[x]/(x3 + 1) are the same as in Z2[x], except that all exponents are reduced modulo 3. There are eight polynomials in Z2[x]/(x3 + 1), namely, 0, 1, x, x + 1, x2, x2 + 1, x2 + x, and x2 + x + 1. Example A.3.26 The quotient ring Z3[x]/(x2 + 1) is obtained from the ring Z3[x] by equating x2 + 1 and 0. Since coefficients are in Z3, this is the same thing as saying that x2 = 2. We would compute (x + 1)(2x + 1) as follows: (x + 1)(2x + 1) = 2x2 + 3x + 1 = 2x2 + 1 = 1+1 = 2. There are nine polynomials in Z3[x]/(x2 + 1), namely, 0, 1, 2, x, x + 1, x + 2, 2x, 2x + 1, and 2x + 2. Definition A.3.27 (principal ring) Suppose R = (X, ·, +) is a commutative ring. We say that R is a principal ring if every ideal is a principal ideal. Example A.3.28 One example of a principal ring is (Z, ·, +). Example A.3.29 Since (Z, ·, +) is a principal ring, it follows that any ideal I in this ring consists of all the multiples (positive and negative) of a positive integer c, i.e., I = (c). The quotient ring Z/(c) is simply Zc. A.4 Fields Definition A.4.1 (field) A ring R = (X, ·, +) is a field if it is a commutative ring with identity such that every non-zero element has a multiplicative inverse (i.e., (R\\{0}, ·) is an abelian group). Example A.4.2 (Zn, ·, +) is a finite field if and only if n is prime. Remark A.4.3 As mentioned earlier, multiplicative inverses modulo a prime p can be computed using the EXTENDED EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM. Remark A.4.4 Suppose n can be factored as n = n1n2. Then the product n1n2 = 0 in the ring Zn. It follows that neither n1 nor n2 is invertible in (Zn, ·). To see this, suppose rn1 = 1. Then rn1n2 = 1 × n2 = n2 = 0 (where all computations are modulo n). However, rn1n2 = r × 0 = 0, so we have a contradiction.
Number Theory and Algebraic Concepts for Cryptography 541 Remark A.4.5 The direct product of two fields is not a field. Definition A.4.6 (irreducible polynomial) Suppose A is a field. A polynomial f (x) ∈ A[x] is irreducible if f (x) cannot be written as a product of two poly- nomials f1(x) f2(x), where f1(x) and f2(x) both have positive degree. Example A.4.7 In the ring Z2[x], we have that x2 + 1 = (x + 1)(x + 1), so x2 + 1 is reducible. Because x2 + x = x(x + 1), this polynomial is also reducible. However, x2 + x + 1 is irreducible. Example A.4.8 Suppose that A is any finite field and suppose n is a positive inte- ger. Then there is at least one irreducible polynomial of degree n in (A[x], ·, +). Theorem A.4.9 There exists a finite field of order q if and only if q = pk where p is prime and k ≥ 1 is an integer. Definition A.4.10 A finite field of order q = pk (where p is prime) is said to have characteristic p. Theorem A.4.11 Suppose p is prime and k ≥ 2. A finite field of order pk can be con- structed as follows. Let f (x) ∈ Zp[x] be an irreducible polynomial of degree k. Then the quotient ring Zp[x]/( f (x)) is a finite field of order pk. Example A.4.12 Since x2 + x + 1 is irreducible in Z2[x], it follows that Z2[x]/(x2 + x + 1) is a finite field of order four. The polynomials in Z2[x]/(x2 + x + 1) are 0, 1, x and x + 1. The multiplicative inverse of x is x + 1, since x(x + 1) = x2 + x = (x + 1) + x = 1. Remark A.4.13 Multiplicative inverses in a finite field Zp[x]/( f (x)) can be com- puted using the EXTENDED EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM FOR POLYNOMIALS. The idea is to modify the EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM FOR POLYNOMIALS by computing a sequence of polynomials ri(x), qi(x), si(x), and ti(x), analogous to modifying the EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM to obtain the EXTENDED EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM. Example A.4.14 The EXTENDED EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM FOR POLYNOMIALS can be used to express 1 as a combination of x4 + x + 1 and x3 + x in Z2[x]: (x2 + x + 1)(x4 + x + 1) + (x3 + x2)(x3 + x) = 1. Example A.4.15 We observe that x4 + x + 1 is an irreducible polynomial in Z2[x]. We noted in the previous example that (x2 + x + 1)(x4 + x + 1) + (x3 + x2)(x3 + x) = 1. Therefore, the inverse of x3 + x in Z2[x]/(x4 + x + 1) is x3 + x2. Remark A.4.16 For any polynomial f (x) ∈ Zp[x] having degree k, the additive group (Zp[x]/( f (x)), +) is isomorphic to (Zp)k. Theorem A.4.17 All finite fields of a given order n are isomorphic.
542 Cryptography: Theory and Practice Remark A.4.18 We denote the unique (up to isomorphism) finite field of order q by Fq. Example A.4.19 The field F8 can be constructed as either Z2[x]/(x3 + x + 1) or Z2[x]/(x3 + x2 + 1), since both x3 + x + 1 and x3 + x2 + 1 are irreducible polyno- mials in Z2[x]. However, the two constructions yield isomorphic fields. Theorem A.4.20 The multiplicative group (Fq\\{0}, ·) is cyclic. Definition A.4.21 A generator of (Fq\\{0}, ·) is called a primitive element in Fq. Example A.4.22 The polynomial x is a primitive element of F8 = Z2[x]/(x3 + x + 1). The powers of x are as follows: x0 = 1 x1 = x x2 = x2 x3 = x + 1 x4 = x2 + x x5 = x2 + x + 1 x6 = x2 + 1.
Appendix B Pseudorandom Bit Generation for Cryptography B.1 Bit Generators Remark B.1.1 There are many situations in cryptography where it is important to be able to generate random numbers, random bitstrings, etc. For example, cryptographic keys are normally generated uniformly at random from a speci- fied keyspace, and many encryption schemes and signature schemes require ran- dom numbers to be generated during their execution. Generating random num- bers nondeterministically by means of coin tosses or other physical processes is time-consuming and expensive. In practice, it is more common to use a pseudo- random bit generator. Definition B.1.2 (bit generator) Let k, be positive integers such that ≥ k + 1. A (k, )-bit generator is a function f : (Z2)k → (Z2) that can be computed in polynomial time (as a function of k). The input s0 ∈ (Z2)k is called the seed, and the output f (s0) ∈ (Z2) is called the generated bitstring. It will always be required that is a polynomial function of k. Remark B.1.3 The bit generator f is deterministic, so the bitstring f (s0) is depen- dent only on the seed. Example B.1.4 A linear feedback shift register (LFSR), as described in Section 2.1.7, can be thought of as a bit generator. Given a k-bit seed, an LFSR of degree k can be used to produce as many as 2k − k − 1 further bits before repeating. Example B.1.5 More generally, any keystream generator for a synchronous stream cipher is an example of a bit generator. Examples include the combination gen- erator, the filter generator, and the shrinking generator. (These are discussed in Section 4.8.) Remark B.1.6 Roughly speaking, a bit generator takes a short random seed and expands it to a long string of random-looking bits. On the other hand, a hash func- tion takes a (possibly) long string of input bits (which may or may not be random) and shrinks it to a short random-looking output. Hash functions are therefore of- ten used as key derivation functions, which were discussed in Section 12.3. A typ- ical setting is one where Alice and Bob have agreed on a 2048-bit shared secret 543
544 Cryptography: Theory and Practice value, say using the Diffie-Hellman KAS. Alice and Bob want to obtain a 128-bit AES key, so the 2048-bit shared secret value could be the input to an appropriate key derivation function. The 128-bit output would comprise the AES key. Definition B.1.7 (linear congruential generator) Suppose M is a positive integer and suppose 1 ≤ a, b ≤ M − 1. Define k = log2 M and let be chosen such that k + 1 ≤ ≤ M − 1. The seed is an integer s0, where 0 ≤ s0 ≤ M − 1 (observe that the binary representation of a seed is a bitstring of length not exceeding k). Now, define si = (asi−1 + b) mod M for 1 ≤ i ≤ , and then define f (s0) = (z1, z2, . . . , z ), where zi = si mod 2, 1 ≤ i ≤ . Then f is a (k, )-linear congruential generator. Example B.1.8 Suppose we construct a (5, 10)-bit generator by taking M = 31, a = 3, and b = 5 in the linear congruential generator. Suppose we consider the mapping s → 3s + 5 mod 31. Then 13 → 13, and the other 30 residues are per- muted in a cycle of length 30, namely 0, 5, 20, 3, 14, 16, 22, 9, 1, 8, 29, 30, 2, 11, 7, 26, 21, 6, 23, 12, 10, 4, 17, 25, 18, 28, 27, 24, 15, 19. If the seed s0 is anything other than 13, then the seed specifies a starting point in this cycle, and the next 10 elements, reduced modulo 2, form the sequence s1, s2, . . . . The 31 possible bitstrings produced by this generator are shown in Table B.1. For example, the sequence constructed from the seed 0 is obtained by taking the ten integers following 0 in the above list, namely, 5, 20, 3, 14, 16, 22, 9, 1, 8, 29, and reducing them modulo 2. Definition B.1.9 (RSA generator) Suppose p, q are two (k/2)-bit primes, and de- fine n = pq. Suppose b is chosen such that gcd(b, φ(n)) = 1. As always, n and b are public while p and q are secret. A seed s0 is any element of Zn∗, so s0 has k bits. For i ≥ 1, define si+1 = sib mod n, and then define f (s0) = (z1, z2, . . . , z ), where zi = si mod 2, 1 ≤ i ≤ . Then f is a (k, )-RSA generator.
Pseudorandom Bit Generation for Cryptography 545 TABLE B.1: Bitstrings produced by the linear congruential generator s0 sequence s0 sequence 0 1010001101 16 0110100110 1 0100110101 17 1001011010 2 1101010001 18 0101101010 3 0001101001 19 0101000110 4 1100101101 20 1000110100 5 0100011010 21 0100011001 6 1000110010 22 1101001101 7 0101000110 23 0001100101 8 1001101010 24 1101010001 9 1010011010 25 0010110101 10 0110010110 26 1010001100 11 1010100011 27 0110101000 12 0011001011 28 1011010100 13 1111111111 29 0011010100 14 0011010011 30 0110101000 15 1010100011 TABLE B.2: Bitstrings produced by the RSA generator i si zi i si zi i si zi 0 75634 1 31483 1 2 31238 0 3 51968 0 4 39796 0 5 28716 0 6 14089 1 7 5923 1 8 44891 1 9 62284 0 10 11889 1 11 43467 1 12 71215 1 13 10401 1 14 77444 0 15 56794 0 16 78147 1 17 72137 1 18 89592 0 19 29022 0 20 13356 0 Example B.1.10 We now give an example of the RSA generator. Suppose n = 91261 = 263 × 347, b = 1547, and s0 = 75634. The first 20 bits produced by the RSA generator are shown in Table B.2. The bitstring resulting from this seed is 10000111011110011000. Definition B.1.11 (Blum-Blum-Shub (BBS) generator) Let p, q be two (k/2)-bit primes such that p ≡ q ≡ 3 mod 4, and define n = pq. Let QR(n) denote the set of quadratic residues modulo n. A seed s0 is any element of QR(n). For 0 ≤ i ≤ − 1, define si+1 = si2 mod n,
546 Cryptography: Theory and Practice TABLE B.3: Bitstrings produced by the BBS generator i si zi i si zi i si zi 0 20749 1 143135 1 2 177671 1 3 97048 0 4 89992 0 5 174051 1 6 80649 1 7 45663 1 8 69442 0 9 186894 0 10 177046 0 11 137922 0 12 123175 1 13 8630 0 14 114386 0 15 14863 1 16 133015 1 17 106065 1 18 45870 0 19 137171 1 20 48060 0 and then define f (s0) = (z1, z2, . . . , z ), where zi = si mod 2, 1≤i≤ . Remark B.1.12 One way to choose an appropriate seed for the BBS generator is to select an element s−1 ∈ Zn∗ and compute s0 = (s−1)2 mod n. This ensures that s0 ∈ QR(n). Remark B.1.13 In the BBS generator, given a seed s0 ∈ QR(n), we compute the sequence s1, s2, . . . , s by successive squarings modulo n, and then we reduce each si modulo 2 to obtain zi. It follows that zi = s02i mod n mod 2, 1≤i≤ . Example B.1.14 Here is an example of the BBS generator. Suppose n = 192649 = 383 × 503 and s0 = 1013552 mod n = 20749. The first 20 bits produced by the BBS generator are shown in Table B.3. Hence the bitstring resulting from this seed is 11001110000100111010. Remark B.1.15 There are three “Deterministic Random Bit Generators” that were recommended by NIST in June 2015. They are denoted by Hash DRBG (based on a hash function), HMAC DRBG (based on HMAC ), and CTR DRBG (based on block cipher encryption in counter mode). We describe the basic methodology (with some simplifications) of these three generators now. Definition B.1.16 Hash DRBG uses a hash function h and a seed s0. Then the gen- erator outputs h(s0) h(s0 + 1) h(s0 + 2) · · · .
Pseudorandom Bit Generation for Cryptography 547 Definition B.1.17 HMAC DRBG is based on HMAC (section 5.5.1), which uses a key K. Let s0 be the seed. Define si+1 = HMACK(si) for i = 0, 1, . . . . Then the generator outputs s1 s2 s3 · · · . Definition B.1.18 CTR DRBG uses an encryption function eK for a secret-key cryptosystem such as AES, as well as a seed s0. Then the generator outputs eK(s0) eK(s0 + 1) eK(s0 + 2) · · · . Remark B.1.19 Dual EC DRBG was a generator that was recommended for use by NIST in 2006, along with the other three generators mentioned in Remark B.1.15. Unlike the other three generators, Dual EC DRBG is not based on a sym- metric key primitive; rather, it is based on arithmetic in certain elliptic curves. Definition B.1.20 Dual EC DRBG has system parameters consisting of an elliptic curve E defined by an equation y2 = x3 + ax + b over Fp, and two points on E denoted by P and Q. The length of p is typically 192 bits or 256 bits. For a point R = (x, y) ∈ E, let X(R) = x, so X(R) denotes the x-co-ordinate of a point on the elliptic curve. An element x ∈ Fp will be represented as an n- bit binary string, where n = log2 p (so n = 192 or 256). For a positive integer m ≤ n, let Trunc(x, m) denote the n − m low-order bits of x. Dual EC DRBG uses the value m = 16. The generator will output a sequence r1, r2, . . . , where ri ∈ {0, 1}n−m, for i = 1, 2, . . . . The internal state of the generator at time i is denoted by si. The initial value s0 is the seed. The ri and si values are computed using the following relations: si = X(si−1P) ri = Trunc(X(siQ), m), for i ≥ 1. Remark B.1.21 Dual EC DRBG can be proven to be secure, depending on cer- tain computational assumptions. However, Dual EC DRBG was very controver- sial due to the involvement of the NSA in its design, as well as the fact that the system parameters of the generator could easily be configured to contain a trap- door. The trapdoor would allow someone who does not know the value of the seed to successfully predict future bits, after observing a relatively small number of initial bits produced by the generator. The trapdoor in Dual EC DRBG is the discrete logarithm a such that P = aQ. It turns out that knowledge of the value of a compromises the security of the generator. Note that it is straightforward for the entity who sets up the generator to do it in such a way that they know the value of the trapdoor a. Remark B.1.22 The Snowden leaks in 2013 included the revelation of the NSA Bullrun program, whose purpose was “to covertly introduce weaknesses into the
548 Cryptography: Theory and Practice encryption standards followed by hardware and software developers around the world.” NIST finally removed Dual EC DRBG as a recommended bit generator in April 2014, probably due to the increased controversy that resulted from the Snowden leaks. Example B.1.23 Suppose we are given a value ri that is output by the DRBG. We can compute a list of 216 “candidates” for X(siQ) simply by enumerating all combi- nations of the 16 missing bits. For each candidate, determine if it is the x-coordinate of a point on E. We will then get a list of at most 217 “candidate points.” One of these candidate points is siQ. In order to compute ri+1, we need to know si+1, which is computed as si+1 = X(siP). However, because P = aQ, we have siP = asiQ, (B.1) where, as noted above, siQ is one of the candidate points. Thus we have ri+1 = Trunc(X(si+1Q)) (B.2) = Trunc(X(X(siP)Q)) = Trunc(X(X(asiQ)Q). The value siQ in equation (B.2) is one of the candidate points. Now, suppose we are also given ri+1. With high probability, this allows us to identify which candidate point is the correct one. Thus we can determine the cor- rect value of siQ and siP from (B.1). Since si+1 = X(siP), we can compute the internal state at time i + 1 and hence we can compute all subsequent values (and internal states) of the generator. B.2 Security of Pseudorandom Bit Generators Remark B.2.1 Intuitively, a pseudorandom bit generator is cryptographically se- cure if a string of bits produced by the generator appears to be “random.” That is, it should be impossible in an amount of time that is polynomial in k (equivalently, polynomial in ) to distinguish a string of bits produced by a PRBG from a string of truly random bits. Remark B.2.2 The linear congruential generator is not cryptographically secure. Keystream generators for asynchronous stream ciphers are intended to be secure, but most schemes used in practice do not have proofs of security. The RSA genera- tor and BBS generator are cryptographically secure, provided that certain compu- tational assumptions hold. However, they are not often used in practice because their efficiency is much lower than alternative designs.
Pseudorandom Bit Generation for Cryptography 549 Remark B.2.3 The notion of a string of bits appearing to be “random” is formal- ized using the concept of indistinguishability, which is defined now. Definition B.2.4 (distinguishability of probability distributions) Suppose p0 and p1 are two probability distributions on the set (Z2) of all bitstrings of length . For j = 0, 1 and z ∈ (Z2) , the quantity pj(z ) denotes the probability of the string z occurring in the distribution pj. Let dst : (Z2) → {0, 1} be a function and let > 0. For j = 0, 1, define Edst(pj) = ∑ pj(z ). {z ∈(Z2) : dst(z )=1} The quantity Edst(pj) represents the average (i.e., expected) value of the output of dst over the probability distribution pj, for j = 0, 1. We say that dst is an -distinguisher of p0 and p1 provided that |Edst(p0) − Edst(p1)| ≥ , and we say that p0 and p1 are -distinguishable if there exists an -distinguisher of p0 and p1. A distinguisher, say dst, is a polynomial-time distinguisher provided that dst(z ) can be computed in polynomial time as a function of . Remark B.2.5 The intuition behind the definition of a distinguisher is as follows. The function (or algorithm) dst tries to decide if a given bitstring z of length is more likely to have arisen from probability distribution p0 or from probability dis- tribution p1. The output dst(z ) represents the distinguisher’s guess as to which of these two probability distributions is more likely to have produced z . Then dst is an -distinguisher provided that the values of these two expectations are at least apart. Remark B.2.6 We next describe one particular method that can potentially be used to distinguish a random string from a nonrandom string. Definition B.2.7 A next bit predictor is defined as follows. Let f be a (k, )-bit gen- erator. Suppose 1 ≤ i ≤ − 1, and we have a function nbp : (Z2)i−1 → Z2, which takes as input an (i − 1)-tuple zi−1 = (z1, . . . , zi−1). This (i − 1)-tuple represents the first i − 1 bits produced by f (given an unknown, random, k-bit seed). Then the function nbp attempts to predict the next bit produced by f , namely, zi. We say that the function nbp is an -i-th bit predictor if nbp can predict the i-th bit of the generated bitstring (given the first i − 1 bits) with probability at least 1/2 + , where > 0. Remark B.2.8 Example B.1.23 basically describes a next bit predictor for Dual EC DRBG.
550 Cryptography: Theory and Practice Remark B.2.9 The reason for the expression 1/2 + in this definition is that any “reasonable” predicting algorithm will predict any bit of a truly random bitstring with probability 1/2. If a generated bitstring is not truly random, then it may be possible to predict a given bit with higher probability. (Note that it is unnecessary to consider functions that predict a given bit with probability less than 1/2, be- cause in this case a function that replaces every prediction z by 1 − z will predict the bit with probability greater than 1/2.) Remark B.2.10 One of the main results in the theory of pseudorandom bit gener- ators, due to Yao, is that a next bit predictor is a universal test. Roughly speaking, a bit generator is “secure” if and only if there does not exist any polynomial-time -i-th bit predictor for the generator, except perhaps for very small values of . Remark B.2.11 The security of the Blum-Blum-Shub generator can be proven, as- suming the intractability of the Composite Quadratic Residues problem, which was defined as Problem 13.1. B.3 Notes and References A thorough treatment of pseudorandom bit generators can be found in the book by Luby [124]. Knuth [110] discusses random number generation (mostly in a non-cryptographic context) in considerable detail. Properties of the RSA Generator are studied in Alexi, Chor, Goldreich, and Schnorr [3]. The BBS Generator is described by Blum, Blum, and Shub in [37]. The four generators originally recommended by NIST are found in the 2012 publication [6]; however, note that earlier versions of this publication date back to 2006. This publication was superceded by [7] in 2015, in which Dual EC DRBG was withdrawn. The Dual EC DRBG trapdoor was first pointed out by Shumow and Fer- guson at the CRYPTO 2007 Rump Session [180]. For a nice discussion of the Dual EC DRBG trapdoor, including some of the political context, see Hales [91]. A security proof for Dual EC DRBG, assuming certain values of the system parameters, has been given by Brown and Gjøsteen [49]. The basic theory of secure pseudorandom bit generators is due to Yao [206], who proved the universality of the next bit test.
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Index abelian group, 18, 528 bit-flipping, 4, 137 absorbing phase brute force, 382 cache, 13 of a sponge function, 158 chosen ciphertext, 10, 39 active adversary, 4, 390 chosen message, 162, 312 active S-box, 94 chosen plaintext, 10, 39 ad hoc network, 428 ciphertext-only, 39 adaptive algorithm, 271 dictionary, 382 additive identity, 17 fault analysis, 13 additive inverse, 17 key-only, 312 adjoint matrix, 30 known ciphertext, 10, 39 Advanced Encryption Standard, 109 known LL-key, 419 adversarial goal, 10 known message, 162, 312 adversary known plaintext, 10, 39 known session key, 419 active, 4, 390 little MAC, 164 passive, 4, 390 padding oracle, 13 AES, 109 parallel session, 385 Affine Cipher, 25 power analysis, 13 affine function, 22 replay, 384 Affine-Hill Cipher, 55 side channel, 13 algebraic attack, 127 timing, 13 algorithm unknown-key collision , 164 ( , Q)-, 142 attack model, 10, 39 adaptive, 271 for cryptosystem, 39 deterministic, 202 for identification scheme, 390 generic, 268 for signature scheme, 312 Las Vegas, 142 authenticated encryption, 167 Monte Carlo, 202 authenticated key agreement scheme, non-adaptive, 271 randomized, 142 418, 465 Alice, 1, 15 authentication associative, 17, 528 associative property, 17 entity, 379 of elliptic curve, 281 mutual, 391 attack authentication matrix, 170 algebraic, 127 authentication tag, 138 biclique, 115 Autokey Cipher, 37 big MAC, 164 average-case success probability, 142 567
568 Index balanced function, 136 Blum-Blum-Shub generator, 545 balanced hash function, 181 Bob, 1, 15 balanced S-box, 134 Boneh-Franklin Identity-based basis, 348 Bayes’ theorem, 64 Cryptosystem, 498 Bellare-Rogaway SKDS, 439 broadcast encryption scheme, 514 bias, 90 brute force attack, 382 biclique attack, 115 Burmester triangle attack, 477 big MAC attack, 164 Burmester-Desmedt Conference KAS, Bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem, 498 bilinear property, 287 485 binomial coefficient, 45 binomial theorem, 505 cache attack, 13 birthday paradox, 143 Caesar Cipher, 18 bit generator, 543 candidate subkey, 97 capacity (k, )-, 543 bit predictor, 549 of a sponge function, 157 CBC mode, 117 -i-th, 549 CBC-MAC, 166 bit-flipping attack, 4, 137 CCM mode, 120, 168 Bitcoin, 518 CDH, 300 bitcoin, 518 certificate, 8, 330 certification authority, 330 address, 518 CFB mode, 119 double spending, 521 challenge, 385 transaction, 518 challenge-and-response protocol, 384 transaction fee, 519 channel, 15 bitcoin address, 518 characteristic, 276, 541 unspent transaction output, 519 checksum, 371 bitcoin mining, 520 Chinese remainder theorem, 194, 539 bitrate chosen ciphertext attack, 10, 39 of a sponge function, 157 chosen message attack, 162, 312 bivariate Lagrange interpolation chosen plaintext attack, 10, 39 cipher block chaining mode, 116 formula, 426 cipher feedback mode, 116 block, 3, 157, 519 ciphertext, 1, 15 block cipher, 3, 34 ciphertext-only attack, 39 CKAS, 484 endomorphic, 116 classical cryptography, 343 block header, 520 client, 461 block length, 84 closed, 17, 532 blockchain, 518 closest vector, 349 Closest Vector problem, 349 block, 519 Cocks Identity-based Public-Key block header, 520 forking, 520 Cryptosystem, 494 genesis block, 519 code, 509 Blom Key Predistribution Scheme k = 1, 423 ( , n, q)-, 509 general version, 426
Index 569 w-IPP, 510 conditional entropy, 74 w-descendant, 509 conditional probability, 63 w-identifiable parent property, 510 conference key agreement scheme, 484 descendant, 509 confidentiality, 4 dual, 354 congruence, 17, 527 generating matrix, 354 Goppa, 356 of polynomials, 272 Hamming, 356 congruent, 17, 527 linear, 354 connectivity linear [n, k, d], 354 linear [n, k], 354 of a KPS, 429 Reed-Solomon, 517 content, 507 TA, 516 continued fraction, 229 code-based cryptography, 343 continued fraction expansion, 229 codeword, 509 convergent, 230 parent, 509 collision, 8, 140 continued fraction, 230 Collision problem, 140 convolution operation, 345 collision resistant correlation attack, 123 hash function, 140 coset combination generator, 123, 543 combining function, 123 left, 532 commitment, 398 right, 532 common modulus protocol failure, 250 counter, 119 commutative, 17, 528 counter mode, 116 commutative property, 17 counter with cipher-block chaining commutative ring, 537 complete break, 11 MAC, 116 completeness, 398 credential, 379 complexity cryptanalysis, 2, 20 quasi-polynomial, 278 cryptographic hash function, 8, 137 Composite Quadratic Residues cryptography problem, 493 classical, 343 Composites problem, 202 code-based, 343 composition, 163 hash-based, 343 isogeny-based, 343 of hash families, 163 lattice-based, 343 compression function, 139 multivariate, 343 Computational Composite Quadratic post-quantum, 342 public-key, 2 Residues problem, 407 quantum, 342 Computational Diffie-Hellman secret-key, 2 cryptosystem, 1, 15 problem, 300 public-key, 185 computational security, 11, 61 secret-key, 185 computationally secure, 61 symmetric-key, 185 concave function, 72 CTR mode, 119 CTR DRBG, 546 strictly, 72 cyclic group, 195, 531
570 Index Data Encryption Standard, 105 Discrete Logarithm problem, 256 data integrity, 137 bit security, 296 DDH, 300 generic algorithm, 268 dealer, 445 index calculus algorithm, 266 deception probability, 170 pairing-based attack, 289 Decision Diffie-Hellman problem, 300 Pohlig-Hellman algorithm, 265 decision problem, 201 Pollard rho algorithm, 262 decoder box, 514 Shanks’ algorithm, 259 decryption, 1 decryption rule, 15 discrete random variable, 63 degree, 36, 272 dishonest verifier, 406 disruption, 391 of polynomial, 272 distance of recurrence, 36 deniability, 478 Hamming, 354 deniable, 478 of a code, 354 key agreement scheme, 478 distinguishability of ciphertexts, 237 Denning-Sacco attack, 433 distinguishable DES, 105 -, 549 expansion function, 106 distinguisher initial permutation, 105 -, 549 descendant code, 509 distributed key predistribution, 445 descent phase, 277 distributive property, 18, 537 determinant, 29 division deterministic algorithm, 202 of polynomials, 272 dictionary attack, 382 domain parameters, 397 differential, 101 double spending, 521 differential cryptanalysis, 98 DSA, 323 filtering operation, 102 dual code, 354 right pairs, 104 Dual EC DRBG, 547 differential trail, 102 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement ECB mode, 116 ECDSA, 326 Scheme, 463 electronic codebook mode, 116 Diffie-Hellman Key Predistribution ElGamal Public-key Cryptosystem, 257 ElGamal Signature Scheme, 315 Scheme, 420 elliptic curve, 281, 530 Diffie-Hellman problem group, 279 Bilinear, 498 modulo p, 281 computational, 300 non-singular, 278 decision, 300 over the reals, 278 Diffie-Hellman ratchet, 481 point at infinity, 278 Digital Signature Algorithm, 323 point compression, 290 digram, 40 singular, 279 direct product, 536 supersingular, 286 of groups, 536 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature of rings, 538 discrete logarithm, 256 Algorithm, 326
Index 571 Elliptic Curve ElGamal, 292 for discrete logarithms, 266 Elliptic Curve Factoring algorithm, 211 factoring encoding elliptic curve algorithm, 211 of (Zn, +), 269 general number field sieve, 223 encrypt-then-MAC, 6, 168 number field sieve, 221 encrypt-then-sign, 332 Pollard algorithm, 212 encryption, 1 Pollard rho algorithm, 216 quadratic sieve, 221 end-to-end, 481 random squares algorithm, 218 fully homomorphic, 523 trial division, 211 encryption matrix, 65 factors encryption rule, 15 for identification, 379 end-to-end encryption, 481 fault analysis attack, 13 endomorphic, 116 Feige-Fiat-Shamir Identification entanglement, 341 entity authentication, 379 Scheme, 408 entropy, 71 Feistel cipher, 105 conditional, 74 Fermat’s theorem, 195 of a natural language, 77 field, 24, 540 of a random variable, 71 error probability, 202 characteristic, 276, 541 of a Monte Carlo algorithm, 202 extension, 275 Euclidean algorithm, 189, 535 of prime power order, 272 extended, 191, 535 filter generator, 123, 543 extended, for polynomials, 273, 541 filtering operation for polynomials, 537 differential cryptanalysis, 102 Euler phi-function, 23 fingerprint, 507 Euler pseudo-prime, 205 hybrid, 508 Euler totient function, 529 password, 382 Euler’s criterion, 203 finite field event, 63 primitive element, 542 exclusive-or, 36 fixed plaintext, 251 exhaustive key search, 2, 20 flow existential forgery of a session, 9, 385 of a signature scheme, 312 forger, 162 expanded key, 114 ( , Q)-, 162 expansion MAC, 162 continued fraction, 229 forgery, 162, 310 expansion function, 106 existential, 312 explicit key confirmation, 468 of a MAC, 162 extendable output function, 160 of a signature, 310 extended Euclidean algorithm, 191, 535 selective, 183, 312 for polynomials, 273, 541 forking extension field, 275 blockchain, 520 Full Domain Hash, 327 factor base, 217, 266 fully homomorphic encryption, 523 function
572 Index balanced, 136 Hamming distance, 354 concave, 72 hash chain, 370 injective, 16, 32 hash family, 138 strictly concave, 72 surjective, 32 (N, M)-, 139 perfect, 511 Galois/counter mode, 116 separating, 512 Gap Shortest Vector problem, 352 strongly k-universal, 184 GCM, 120, 168 strongly universal, 173 Geffe Generator, 135 hash function, 138 generated bitstring, 543 balanced, 181 generating matrix collision resistant, 140 cryptographic, 8, 137 for a code, 354 iterated, 149 generator keyed, 138 one-way, 140 Blum-Blum-Shub, 545 preimage resistant, 140 combination, 123, 543 second preimage resistant, 140 filter, 123, 543 unkeyed, 139 linear congruential, 544 hash-based cryptography, 343 of a group, 531 hash-then-sign, 8 RSA, 544 hash-then-sign-then-encrypt, 8 shrinking, 123, 543 Hash DRBG, 546 generic algorithm, 268 heavy row, 402 adaptive, 271 Hidden Field Equations, 362 non-adaptive, 271 Hill Cipher, 31 genesis block, 519 HMAC, 165 Goppa code, 356 HMAC DRBG, 546 Gro¨ bner basis algorithm, 130, 363 homomorphism, 503, 533 gray level, 453 honest participant, 390 group, 18, 528 honest verifier, 405 abelian, 18, 528 hybrid cryptography, 3, 186 cyclic, 195, 531 hybrid fingerprint, 508 direct product, 536 elliptic curve, 279 ideal, 539 finite, 528 principal, 539 generator, 531 homomorphism, 503, 533 identifiable parent, 510 identity, 528 identifiable parent property, 510 isomorphism, 533 identification, 379 order, 194, 528 group homomorphism, 503, 533 mutual, 391 group isomorphism, 533 identification scheme, 9, 379 group key, 441 Grover’s Algorithm, 343 ( , Q)-secure, 388 ( , Q, T)-secure, 388 Hamming code, 356 active adversary, 390 honest participant, 390 honest verifier, 405
Index 573 information-gathering phase, 390 multiplicative, 24 intended peer, 390 permutation, 32 matching conversations, 390 polynomial, 273 passive adversary, 390 inverse element, 528 sound, 404 inverse matrix, 28 zero-knowledge, 405 inverse permutation, 32 identity involutory key, 52 group, 528 IPP code, 510 identity matrix, 28 irreducible polynomial, 273, 541 identity-based public-key isogeny-based cryptography, 343 isomorphism, 533, 538 cryptosystem, 492 group, 533 master key, 492 ring, 538 master private key, 492 iterated cipher, 83 master public key, 492 iterated hash function, 149 system parameters, 492 output transformation, 149 user private key, 492 preprocessing step, 149 user public key, 492 processing step, 149 impersonation, 170 implicit key authentication, 468 Jacobi symbol, 204 implicit key confirmation, 468 Jensen’s inequality, 72 independent random variables, 63 joint probability, 63 index calculus algorithm, 266 descent phase, 277 KAS, 416 index of coincidence, 45 Kasiski test, 45 information, 70 KDF chain, 482 information theory, 70 KDF key, 482 information-gathering phase, 390 Keccac, 160 initial permutation, 105 Kerberos, 435 initialization vector, 117 Kerckhoffs’ Principle, 10, 38 injective function, 16, 32 key, 15, 138, 310, 445 input sum, 93 input x-or, 99 for cryptosystem, 15 integer for hash family, 138 m-smooth, 220 for signature scheme, 310 integer linear combination, 349 for threshold scheme, 445 intended peer, 390 long-lived, 416 interactive protocol, 9, 385 session, 416 session, 9, 385 key agreement scheme, 9, 416 internal collision, 159 authenticated, 418, 465 internal state, 385 conference, 484 intruder-in-the-middle, 389, 464 deniable, 478 inverse two-flow, 473 additive, 17 key authentication elliptic curve, 280 implicit, 468 matrix, 28 key confirmation, 432
574 Index explicit, 468 Lee-Stinson Linear KPS, 430 implicit, 468 left coset, 532 mutual, 437 Legendre symbol, 204, 534 key derivation, 9 length extension attack, 161 key derivation function, 462, 472 LFSR, 36 key distribution scheme, 9 lifetime key equivocation, 75 key establishment, 415 of a session key, 436 key guessing attack, 163 linear [n, k, d] code, 354 key predistribution phase, 441 linear [n, k] code, 354 key predistribution scheme, 415 linear approximation table, 93 key schedule, 83 linear code, 354 key set, 445 linear congruential generator, 544 key stretching, 383 linear cryptanalysis, 94 key transport, 416 linear feedback shift register, 36 key updating scheme, 481 linear recurrence, 36 key-only attack, 312 linear transformation, 28 keyed hash function, 138 linearization, 129 keyring, 428 link, 429 keyspace, 15, 138, 310 little MAC attack, 164 for cryptosystem, 15 LL-key, 416 for hash family, 138 Logical Key Hierarchy, 442 for signature scheme, 310 long-lived key, 416 keystream, 3, 35 Lucifer, 105 keystream alphabet, 35 LWE problem, 351 keystream generator, 35 keyword, 26 MAC, 4, 138 KMAC, 165 ( , Q)-secure, 388 knowledge, 380 ( , Q, T)-secure, 388 known ciphertext attack, 10, 39 nested, 163 known LL-key attack, 419 known message attack, 162, 312 MAC-and-encrypt, 167 known plaintext attack, 10, 39 MAC-then-encrypt, 167 known session key attack, 419 marking assumption, 508 KPS, 415 MARS, 109 master key, 492 Lagrange interpolation formula, 425 master private key, 492 bivariate, 426 master public key, 492 matching conversations, 390 Lagrange’s theorem, 194, 532 matrix Lamport Signature Scheme, 368 Las Vegas algorithm, 142 identity, 28 Latin square, 80 inverse, 28 Latin Square Cryptosystem, 80 matrix product, 28 lattice-based cryptography, 343 McEliece Cryptosystem, 356 Learning With Errors problem, 351 MD4, 156 MD5, 156 Merkle tree, 373
Index 575 Merkle-Damga˚rd construction, 151 no-biased Monte Carlo algorithm, 202 message, 138, 310 non-adaptive algorithm, 271 non-adjacent form, 293 for hash function, 138 non-residue for signature scheme, 310 signed, 310 quadratic, 202, 534 message authentication code, 4, 138 non-singular elliptic curve, 278 message digest, 8, 138 non-synchronous stream cipher, 37 Miller-Rabin algorithm, 210 non-trivial square root, 224 mining, 520 nonce, 520 mode nonrepudiation, 7 CBC, 117 norm CCM, 120, 168 CFB, 119 of a vector, 349 CTR, 119 NP-complete problem, 353 ECB, 116 NP-hard problem, 353 GCM, 120, 168 NTRU, 344 OFB, 117 NTRUEncrypt, 346 mode of operation, 116 Number Field Sieve, 221 modular arithmetic, 17 modular exponentiation, 199 OAEP, 244 modular reduction, 527 OFB mode, 117 modulus, 17, 527 offline attack, 381 monoalphabetic cryptosystem, 26 Oil and Vinegar Signature Scheme, 366 Monte Carlo algorithm, 202 oil variables, 364 error probability, 202 one-step key derivation, 472 no-biased, 202 One-time Pad, 69 yes-biased, 202 one-time signature scheme, 368 MTI problem, 490 one-way, 140 MTI/A0 Key Agreement Scheme, 474 one-way hash function, 140 multiple user revocation, 442 online attack, 381 multiplicative identity, 18 oracle, 146 multiplicative inverse, 24 oracle access, 141 multivariate cryptography, 343 order Multivariate Quadratic Equations of a group, 194, 528 problem, 359 of a group element, 194, 530 mutual authentication, 391 orthogonal, 354 mutual identification, 391 orthogonal complement, 354 mutual key confirmation, 437 Oscar, 15 output bits, 158 NAF representation, 293 output block, 158 nearest neighbor, 355 output collision, 160 nearest neighbor decoding, 355 output feedback mode, 116 Needham-Schroeder SKDS, 433 output key, 482 nested MAC, 163 output sum, 93 next bit predictor, 549 output transformation for an iterated hash function, 149
576 Index output x-or, 99 polynomial interpolation, 425 polynomial-time distinguisher, 549 padding function, 150 polynomially equivalent, 198 padding oracle attack, 13, 121 post-quantum cryptography, 342 padding scheme, 121 postfix, 155 Paillier Cryptosystem, 504 power analysis attack, 13 pairing, 287 preimage, 140 pairing-based cryptography, 498 parallel session attack, 385 second, 140 parent, 509 Preimage problem, 140 parity-check matrix, 354 preimage resistant, 140 partial break, 236 preprocessing step of a cryptosystem, 236 for an iterated hash function, 149 passive adversary, 4, 390 prime, 23 perfect forward secrecy, 419 perfect hash family, 511 safe, 295 perfect secrecy, 66 Prime number theorem, 201 periodic stream cipher, 35 primitive mth root of unity, 289 permutation, 32 primitive element inverse, 32 in Fq, 542 Permutation Cipher, 32 modulo p, 195, 531 permutation matrix, 33 modulo pk, 303 personal identification number, 380 principal ideal, 539 PHF, 511 principal ring, 540 piling-up lemma, 90 private key, 2, 185 PIN, 380 Probabilistic Signature Scheme, 334 pirate broadcast, 507 probability pirate decoder, 507 conditional, 63 PKCS #7, 121 joint, 63 PKI, 330 probability distribution, 63 plaintext, 1, 15 processing step Pohlig-Hellman algorithm, 265 for an iterated hash function, 149 point proof of knowledge, 404 proof-of-work, 521 m-torsion, 286 propagation ratio, 101 point at infinity, 278, 281, 530 protocol point compression, 290 challenge-and-response, 384 Pollard p − 1 algorithm, 212 interactive, 9, 385 Pollard factoring algorithm, 212 protocol failure, 250 Pollard rho algorithm provable security, 11, 61 provably secure, 61 for discrete logarithms, 262 pseudo-square for factoring, 216 modulo n, 493 polyalphabetic cryptosystem, 27 pseudonymity, 519 polynomial pseudorandom bit generator, 543 irreducible, 273, 541 PSS, 334 polynomial congruence, 272 public key, 2, 185
Index 577 public ledger, 518 Reed-Solomon code, 517 public-key cryptography, 2 Regev Cryptosystem, 352 public-key cryptosystem, 185 related-key attack, 116 relatively prime, 23 identity-based, 492 remainder public-key infrastructure, 330 of polynomials, 273 quadratic non-residue, 202, 534 replay attack, 384 quadratic reciprocity, 206 residue quadratic residue, 202, 534 Quadratic Sieve, 221 nth, 506 quantum bit, 341 quadratic, 202, 534 quantum bit commitment, 342 resilience quantum computing, 341 of a KPS, 429 quantum cryptography, 342 response, 385 quantum key distribution, 342 right coset, 532 quasi-polynomial, 278 right pairs qubit, 341 differential cryptanalysis, 104 quotient Rijndael, 109 ring, 18, 536 of polynomials, 273 commutative, 537 quotient ring, 539 direct product, 538 finite, 537 Rabin Cryptosystem, 232 isomorphism, 538 rainbow table, 382 of polynomials, 272 random node capture, 429 principal, 540 random oracle model, 141 quotient, 539 Random Squares algorithm, 218 with identity, 537 random variable ring isomorphism, 538 ring with identity, 537 discrete, 63 root of unity entropy, 71 mth, 289 independent, 63 primitive mth, 289 randomized algorithm, 142 round, 83 RC6, 109 round function, 83 re-keying, 419 round key, 83 real vector space, 348 round key mixing, 85 receiving chain, 484 RSA Cryptosystem, 197 recurrence, 36 RSA generator, 544 degree, 36 RSA Signature Scheme, 311 linear, 36 reduced S-box, 84 modulo m, 17, 527 balanced, 134 reduction, 146 modular, 527 safe prime, 295 reductionist security, 12 salt, 382 redundancy Schnorr Identification Scheme, 398 of a natural language, 77 Schnorr Signature Scheme, 321
578 Index second preimage, 140 SHA3-256, 160 Second Preimage problem, 140 SHA3-384, 160 second preimage resistant, 140 SHA3-512, 160 secrecy, 4 SHAKE128, 160 SHAKE256, 160 perfect, 66 Shamir (t, w)-Threshold Scheme, 446 secret key, 1 Shanks’ algorithm, 259 secret sharing scheme, 9 share, 445 secret-key cryptography, 2 share expansion, 451 secret-key cryptosystem, 185 share set, 445 secure session key distribution scheme, shared key discovery, 429 SHF, 512 440 Shift Cipher, 18 security, 61 shift register, 36 computational, 61 stages, 36 provable, 61 Shor’s Algorithm, 342 semantic, 237 shortest vector, 349 unconditional, 62 Shortest Vector problem, 349 security level, 10 shrinking generator, 123, 543 security parameter, 422 side channel attack, 13 seed sign-then-encrypt, 7, 331 for a bit generator, 543 signature, 6, 310 selective forgery signature scheme, 4, 310 of a MAC, 183 of a signature scheme, 312 existential forgery, 312 semantic security, 237 one-time, 368 sending chain, 484 randomized, 315 separating hash family, 512 selective forgery, 312 Serpent, 109 total break, 312 server, 461 signcryption scheme, 333 session, 9, 385 signed binary representation, 292 flow, 9, 385 non-adjacent form, 293 internal state, 385 signed message, 310 transcript, 405 signing algorithm, 6, 310 session key, 416 Simplified (t, t)-Threshold Scheme, 449 lifetime, 436 simulatability session key distribution scheme, 416 of a transcript, 405 secure, 440 singular elliptic curve, 279 SHA, 156 SKDS, 416 SHA-1, 156 smooth integer, 220 SHA-2, 156 Solovay-Strassen algorithm, 205 SHA-224, 156 soundness, 404 SHA-256, 156 SPN, 84 SHA-3, 160 sponge construction, 157 SHA-384, 156 sponge function, 157 SHA-512, 156 absorbing phase, 158 SHA3-224, 160
Index 579 bitrate, 157 worst-case, 142 block, 157 superposition, 341 capacity, 157 supersingular elliptic curve, 286 internal collision, 159 surjective function, 32 output bits, 158 suspect coalition, 509 output block, 158 symmetric-key cryptosystem, 185 squeezing phase, 158 synchronous stream cipher, 35 state, 157 syndrome, 355 width, 157 syndrome decoding, 355 spurious keys, 76 system parameters expected number of, 79 square root for an identity-based public-key non-trivial, 224 cryptosystem, 492 trivial, 224 Square-and-multiply algorithm, 200 TA code, 516 squeezing phase tag, 6, 138 of a sponge function, 158 tag guessing attack, 163 stages target session, 469 shift register, 36 threshold scheme, 10, 419 state of a round function, 83 (t, w)-, 445 of a sponge function, 157 dealer, 445 Station-to-station Key Agreement key, 445 Shamir, 446 Scheme, 466 share, 445 Steiner-Tsudik-Waidner Conference Simplified, 449 ticket to Bob, 433 KAS, 486 timestamp, 437 Stirling’s formula, 82 timing attack, 13 stream cipher, 3 TLS, 8, 461 total break, 236 non-synchronous, 37 of a cryptosystem, 236 periodic, 35 of signature scheme, 312 synchronous, 35 trace one, 286 strictly concave function, 72 tracing, 507 string, 16 transaction, 518 strong pseudo-prime test, 208 transaction fee, 519 strongly k-universal, 184 transcript, 405, 470 strongly universal, 173 Transport Layer Security, 8, 461 subfield, 275 Transposition Cipher, 32 subgroup, 532 trapdoor, 187 m-torsion, 287 trapdoor one-way function, 187 subkey, 83 trapdoor one-way permutation, 240 substitution, 170 trial division, 211 Substitution Cipher, 20 trigram, 40 substitution-permutation network, 84 trivial square root, 224 success probability Trivium, 130 average-case, 142
580 Index Turing reduction, 235 yes-biased Monte Carlo algorithm, 202 two-factor authentication, 381 two-flow key agreement scheme, 473 zero preimage resistant, 182 Twofish, 109 zero-knowledge identification scheme, UMAC, 177 405 uncertainty, 70 unconditional security, 11, 62 unconditionally ( , Q)-secure, 388 unconditionally secure, 62 unicity distance, 79 universal test, 550 unkeyed hash function, 139 unknown key-share attack, 488 unknown-key collision attack, 164 unspent transaction output, 519 user join operation, 442 user revocation operation, 442 valid pair, 139 validity check, 432 vector space r-dimensional, 349 basis, 348 real, 348 verification algorithm, 6, 310 Vigene`re Cipher, 26 vinegar variables, 364 visual threshold scheme, 450 watermarking, 507 weight of a vector, 355 whitening, 85 wide trail strategy, 115 width of a sponge function, 157 Wiener’s algorithm, 231 Winternitz Signature Scheme, 373 wireless sensor network, 428 word, 114 worst-case success probability, 142 x-or propagation ratio, 101 X3DH Key Agreement Scheme, 479 XOF, 160
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