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Home Explore Easier English Student Dictionary - I

Easier English Student Dictionary - I

Published by Willington Island, 2022-06-25 18:28:15

Description: Easier English Student Dictionary - I


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foetal 326 following foetal / fi t(ə)l/ adj referring to a foetus folder / fəυldə/ noun 1. an envelope made (NOTE: The US spelling is fetal.) of thin card or plastic and used for holding foetal position / fi t(ə)l pə zʃ(ə)n/ noun papers 2. a group of computer files stored to- the position of a person who is lying curled gether under the same name up on his or her side, like a baby inside the folding / fəυldŋ/ adj which can be folded mother’s body fold up / fəυld p/ verb to bend something foetus / fi təs/ noun a baby human or ani- over to make it take up a smaller area than mal which has not been born but is develop- before ing from an embryo inside the womb (NOTE: foliage / fəυlid / noun leaves on a tree or The plural is foetuses. The US spelling is plant fetus.) y folk /fəυk/ noun people (NOTE: Folk z fog /fɒ / noun a thick mist made up of millions of drops of water takes a plural verb. The plural form folks is fogbound / fɒ baυnd/ adj prevented from travelling because of fog also used.) foggy / fɒ i/ adj 1. covered in fog ć It’s of- ten foggier than this in November. ć They folk dance / fəυk dɑ ns/ noun a tradi- drove slowly along the foggy streets. ć It’s tional dance dangerous to drive fast when it’s foggy. 2. ˽ folk dancing / fəυk dɑ nsŋ/ noun danc- not to have the foggiest (idea) to know ing traditional dances nothing at all (informal.) ć She hadn’t the folklore / fəυklɔ / noun traditional stories foggiest idea how to get to the airport. and beliefs (NOTE: foggier – foggiest) folk music / fəυk mju zk/ noun the tra- foghorn / fɒ hɔ n/ noun an object which ditional music of a people makes a loud noise in order to warn boats in folks /fəυks/ noun people ˽ my folks my fog family ć My folks come from Dorset. ć Wait till I tell my folks about it! foglamp / fɒ l mp/, foglight / fɒ lat/ folk song / fəυk sɒŋ/ noun a traditional noun a very bright car light used in fog country song foible / fɔb(ə)l/ noun a particular way of folk tale / fəυk tel/ noun a traditional behaving which someone has and which may story passed down from one generation to the seem unusual or annoying to other people next foil /fɔl/ noun 1. a thin metal sheet 2. a per- follicle / fɒlk(ə)l/ noun a small hole in the son who is quite different from another and skin out of which a hair grows. Synonym sac so makes the other’s qualities stand out ć x follow / fɒləυ/ verb 1. to come after or Laurel and Hardy were perfect foils for each behind ć The group followed the guide round other. í verb to stop a plan from being put the town. ć What follows B in the alphabet? into effect ć The bank robbery was foiled by ć The dog followed the man across the field. the police. Synonym prevent ć I had the impression I was being followed. foist /fɔst/ verb ˽ to foist something on 2. to do what someone tells you to do ć She someone to force someone to accept some- followed the instructions on the tin of paint. thing which they do not want ć He made the cake following a recipe in the x fold /fəυld/ noun 1. a bend or line in newspaper. ˽ follow suit to do what every- something such as paper or cloth, when two one else does ć She jumped into the pool and parts are pressed together 2. a part of a piece everyone else followed suit. 3. to be certain of paper which has been folded ć The picture because of something ć Just because I lent is printed on the inside fold. 3. a piece of you money yesterday, it doesn’t follow that I something such as cloth or skin which hangs will lend you some every time you ask. ć If down loosely ć She wanted the surgeon to the owner of the shop is arrested by the po- remove the folds of skin under her chin. í lice, it follows that his business is likely to verb 1. to bend something so that one part is close. 4. to understand ć I can’t follow the on top of another ć Fold the piece of paper in instructions. ć I don’t quite follow you – you half. ć He folded the newspaper and put it want me to drive you all the way to Edin- into his briefcase. 2. ˽ to fold your arms to burgh? 5. to go along a certain route ć Fol- cross your arms in front of your body ć He low the path and turn left at the crossroads. sat on the stage with his arms folded, looking ˽ to follow a career in medicine to train as a furious. 3. (of a business) to fail and have to doctor 6. ˽ as follows … as in the following close down ć His business folded last De- list ć When you reach the centre of town, you cember. ć The company folded with debts of should do as follows. over £1m. follower / fɒləυə/ noun a supporter. Syn- -fold /fəυld/ suffix times ć fourfold onym supporter x following / fɒləυŋ/ adj which comes next ć They arrived on Friday and the fol- lowing day she became ill. ć Look at the fol-

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