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Motion Planning for Humanoid Robots

Published by Willington Island, 2021-07-01 06:14:12

Description: Joel Chestnutt (auth.), Kensuke Harada, Eiichi Yoshida, Kazuhito Yokoi (eds.) - Motion Planning for Humanoid Robots-Springer-Verlag London (2010)


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3 Whole-body Motion Planning – Building Blocks for Intelligent Systems 85 findings several researchers have adopted the concept of motor primitives to the realm of robotic movement generation. For instance, Ijspeert et al. and Schaal et al. [32, 33, 54, 55] focus on non-linear attractors and learning the non-linearities, e.g., in order to imitate observed movements. These approaches optimize the parameters of a single attractor system, e.g., such that this single motor primitive imitates as best as possible a teacher’s movement. In this section, we will review an attractor-based optimization scheme [62]. It incorporates the robot’s whole-body controller of Section 3.2.1 into the optimization process, and finds a sequence of task space attractors from Section 3.2.2 describing the optimal movement. The key idea is to optimize a scalar cost function by finding an optimal sequence of task space attractor vectors which determines the robot’s motion. We consider an integral cost function over the movement in the general form of Equation 1 of Table 3.1. It is split into two terms. Function h subsumes costs for transitions in joint space and depends on the current and the previous time steps. It is suited to formulate criteria like the global length of the trajectory in joint space and the end effector velocity at the end of the trajectory: 1. costs c1 = ∑tT=1(qt − qt−1)TW (qt − qt−1) for the global length of the trajectory in joint space; 2. costs c2 = |φ˜(qT ) − φ˜(qT −1)|2 for the end effector velocity at the end of the trajectory. Function g subsumes cost criteria that depend on single time steps. It is suited to account for costs that depend on the posture of the robot. We formulate criteria to account for the offset of the final end effector state to a target, collisions and prox- imities between collidable objects throughout the trajectory, and joint limit proxim- ities: 3. costs c3 = |φ˜(qT ) − xˆ|2 for the offset of the final end effector state to a target xˆ; 4. costs c4 = ∑tT=0 Hcoll(qt ) for collisions and proximities between collidable ob- jects throughout the trajectory, see Equation 3.10; 5. costs c5 = ∑tT=0 Hjl(qt ) for joint limit proximities, see Equation 3.8. The global cost function C is the linear combination of these terms, C = ∑5i=1 ci. Figure 3.13 Functional network of the control architecture

86 M. Gienger, M. Toussaint and C. Goerick The movement generation process can be summarized by Equations 5, 4, and 2 in Table 3.1. To derive analytic gradients, the whole movement generation process can be captured in the diagram in Figure 3.13 as a network of functional dependencies between variables. This is similar to a Bayesian network, but based on determin- istic rather than probabilistic dependencies. The diagram tells us how to compute global gradients since the chain rule implies that for any global functional C the total derivative w.r.t. some arbitrary variable, ∑dC= ∂ yi dC . (3.24) ∂ x∗ dyi dx∗ of x∗ children yi The gradient computation is carried out in a forward and a backward computation step. In the forward propagation step we start with a given set of current attractor points x1∗:K, then compute the task space trajectory x0:T , then the q0:T -trajectory, and finally the global cost C. In the backward propagation step we propagate the cost function gradients backward through the network using the chain rules. This involves first computing gradients dC/dqt, then dC/dxt, and finally dC/dx1∗:K. Since all computations in the forward and backward propagation are local, the overall complexity is O(T ). Figure 3.14 (a) shows a snapshot series of an experiment. The scenario has been chosen such that a purely reactive controller would fail. The robot holds a cylinder in the left hand and a box in the right hand. The target is to place the bottle into the box, which involves moving both, the bottle and the box, in a coordinated way without collision. The solution found by the robot is to move the bottle in an arc upwards and into the box while at the same time moving the box with the right hand downwards below the bottle. The task space in this experiment was defined 10D, comprising the positions of the left and right hand and the 2D polar orientation of the hand aligned axis for both hands. Figure 3.14 (b) displays the cost decay during optimization. A first collision-free solution is found after only 0.52 s, the final solution converged after 1.5 s. The method is particularly useful for human– robot interaction in complex environments, e.g., when the robot has to reach around an obstacle that the human has just placed on the table. More experiments are given in [62]. 3.6 Planning Reaching and Grasping In this section, we will build on the movement optimization scheme presented and present an integrative approach to solve the coupled problem of reaching and grasp- ing an object in a cluttered environment. While finding an optimal grasp is often treated independently from reaching to the object, in most situations it depends on how the robot can reach a pregrasp pose while avoiding obstacles. In essence, we are faced with the coupled problem of grasp choice and reaching motion planning.

3 Whole-body Motion Planning – Building Blocks for Intelligent Systems 87 Table 3.1 Costs and gradients underlying the optimization (1) cost function (2) T T −1 (3) (4) C = ∑ g(qt ) + ∑ h(qt , qt+1) , (5) t=0 t=0 (6) movement generation (7) (8) qt+1 = qt + Jt#(xt+1 − φ (qt )) − α (I−Jt#Jt ) W −1 (∂qHt )T (9) xt+1 = xt + π (xt , xt−1, rt+1) (10) π(xt , xt−1, rt+1) = a(rt+1 − xt ) + b(xt − xt−1) (11) (12) rt = (1 − τ )xk∗ + τx∗k+1 , k = tK/T , τ = t − kT /K (13) T /K (14) (15) chain rules following Equation 3.24 (16) (17) dC = ∂C + ∂ qt+1 dC dqt ∂ qt ∂ qt d qt +1 dC = ∂ qt ∂C + ∂ xt+1 dC + ∂ xt+2 dC dxt ∂ xt ∂ qt ∂ xt d xt +1 ∂ xt d xt +2 dC = ∂ xt dC drt ∂ rt dxt ∑dC = ∂ rt dC ∂ x∗l drt dxl∗ t partial derivatives ∂C = g (qt ) + h 1(qt , qt+1) + h 2(qt−1, qt) ∂ qt ∂ qt+1 = I − Jt#Jt + (∂qJt#)(xt+1 − φ (qt )) ∂ qt − α (I−Jt#Jt ) W −1 (∂q2Ht )T + α ∂q(Jt#Jt ) W −1 (∂qHt )T ∂ qt = Jt#−1 ∂ xt ∂ xt+1 = 1+π 1(xt , xt−1, rt+1) ∂ xt ∂ xt+2 =π 2(xt+1, xt , rt+2) ∂ xt π 1(xt , xt−1, rt+1) = −a + b , π 2(xt , xt−1, rt+1) = −b ∂ xt = π 3(xt−1, xt−2, rt ) ∂ rt ∂ rt = (1−τ)δl=k + τδl=k+1 , τ and k depend on t as above ∂ x∗l

3 Whole-body Motion Planning – Building Blocks for Intelligent Systems 93 Cost 200 6000 100 4000 0 2000 -100 0 40 80 120 (a) 40 80 Joint limit 0 Iterations Collision 0 Proximity Grasp quality t=0 Overal 120 t = 1.0 t = 1.5 t = 2.0 t = 2.5 t = 3.0 (b) 40 20 0 1 Time [s] 2 3 Proximity Grasp quality -20 0 Figure 3.16 (a) Cost terms during optimization run; and (b) cost terms during movement reached after approximately 15 iterations and (2) the grasp quality converges after approximately 25 iterations. Figure 3.16 (b) shows the proximity and quality cost over the optimal trajectory. It can be seen that initially, the hand moves away from the table edge, and then moves upward in an arc around the table. The finally chosen grasp position is on the left side of the basket handle, which seems to lead to lower costs than grasping the handle at its center. Figure 3.17 shows three representative movement sequences. In the upper row of the figure, the robot reaches and grasps for the inner handle of the basket. During reaching, it avoids to hit the other handles and finally shifts its hand to the lower

94 M. Gienger, M. Toussaint and C. Goerick Figure 3.17 Movements for different basket locations part of the handle before closing the fingers. In the middle row, the basket has been moved away in the frontal direction. The optimal pregrasp was found on the right end of the basket’s top handle. In the lower row, the basket was moved to the left side. In this location, the movement optimization was initialized with the right han- dle. In this case, the hand did not have to move under the top handle, which resulted in a more “relaxed” movement. 3.7 Conclusion In this work we presented elements towards a consistent control, prediction and movement planning architecture for humanoid robots. Movement control is achieved with a classical redundant control concept that has been extended with mechanisms to ensure balance stability and self-collision avoidance. This concept is the common basis of the subsequently presented methods that aim towards more movement in- telligence. We presented a potential-field-based method to determine optimal stance poses for arbitrary end-effector tasks. It is an important element in the presented

3 Whole-body Motion Planning – Building Blocks for Intelligent Systems 95 prediction and action selection architecture. This architecture predicts the outcome of a set of movement alternatives that solve a given task in different ways. The novel aspect is to continuously predict and evaluate the movement of a set of virtual con- trollers in parallel, these being able to quickly reorganize the movement behavior based on perceptual information. In order to cope with movements in more complex environments, a holistic trajectory optimization approach was presented. It operates on a somewhat slower time scale, but is still suited to be applied in interactive sce- narios. Comparing this to the prediction architecture, it computes movements that satisfy criteria concerning the overall movement throughout a trajectory, such being able to reach towards objects while avoiding collisions and self-limits of the robot. This scheme has been extended to the coupled problem of reaching and grasping with the concept of object-specific task maps. These maps represent a functional characterization of objects in terms of their grasp affordances, i.e. a manifold of feasible pregrasp poses. All elements have been verified in simulations and experiments with the hu- manoid robot ASIMO, and have been successfully integrated into large-scale sys- tems such as [8, 23, 7]. Acknowledgments The authors thank A. Bendig, B. Bolder, M. Dunn, H. Janssen, N. Jetchev, J. Schmuedderich and H. Sugiura for their valuable contributions. Further, the authors thank the members of Honda’s robot research teams in Japan for their support. References [1] Abdel-Malek K, Mi Z, Yang J, Nebel K (2006) Optimization-based trajectory planning of the human upper body. Robotica 24(6):683–696 [2] Arya S, Mount DM, Netanyahu NS, Silverman R, Wu AY (1998) An optimal algorithm for approximate nearest neighbor searching fixed dimensions. J ACM 45(6):891–923 [3] Baerlocher P, Boulic R (1998) Task-priority formulations for the kinematic control of highly redundant articulated structures. In Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on intelligent robots and systems (IROS), Canada [4] Berenson D, Diankov R, Nishiwaki K, Kagami S, Kuffner J (2007) Grasp planning in com- plex scenes. In Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS/RSJ international conference on humanoid robots (humanoids), USA [5] Bergener T, Bruckhoff C, Dahm P, Janssen H, Joublin F, Menzner R, Steinhage A, von Seelen W (1999) Complex behavior by means of dynamical systems for an anthropomorphic robot. Neural Netw [6] Bizzi E, d’Avella A, P. Saltiel P, Tresch M (2002) Modular organization of spinal motors systems. Neuroscientist 8:437–442 [7] Bolder B, Brandl H, Heracles M, Janssen H, Mikhailova I, Schmdderich J, Goerick C (2008) Expectation-driven autonomous learning and interaction system. In Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS conference on humanoid robots (humanoids), Korea [8] Bolder B, Dunn M, Gienger M, Janssen H, Sugiura H, Goerick C (2007) Visually guided whole body interaction. In Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), Italy

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Chapter 4 Planning Whole-body Humanoid Locomotion, Reaching, and Manipulation Eiichi Yoshida, Claudia Esteves, Oussama Kanoun, Mathieu Poirier, Anthony Mallet, Jean-Paul Laumond and Kazuhito Yokoi Abstract In this chapter we address the planning problem of whole-body motions by humanoid robots. The approach presented benefits from two cutting edge recent advancements in robotics: powerful probabilistic geometric and kinematic motion planning and advanced dynamic motion control for humanoids. First, we introduce a two-stage approach that combines these two techniques for collision-free simultane- ous locomotion and upper-body task. Then a whole-body motion generation method is presented for reaching, including steps based on generalized inverse kinematics. The third example is planning of whole-body manipulation of a large object by “piv- oting”, by making use of the precedent results. Finally, an integrated experiment is shown in which the humanoid robot interacts with its environment through percep- tion. The humanoid robot platform HRP-2 is used as the platform to validate the results. 4.1 Introduction As progress in the hardware of humanoid robots has recently been accelerated, a number of applications are now expected. Their anthropomorphic shape is advan- Eiichi Yoshida and Kazuhito Yokoi CNRS-AIST JRL (Joint Robotics Laboratory), UMI 3218/CRT, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Umezono 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8568, Japan, e-mail: \\{e.yoshida,Kazuhito.Yokoi\\} Claudia Esteves Facultad de Matematicas, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, 36000 Gto., Mexico. e-mail: [email protected] Oussama Kanoun, Mathieu Poirier, Anthony Mallet and Jean-Paul Laumond LAAS-CNRS, 7 avenue du Colonel Roche, F-31077 Toulouse, and Universite de Toulouse ; UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE ; LAAS ; F-31077 Toulouse, France. e-mail: \\{okanoun,mpoirier,mallet,jpl\\} 99

100 E. Yoshida et al. tageous in moving in environments designed for humans, using the machines or tools designed for humans, and also performing interactions and assistive tasks for humans. For the humanoid to execute effective tasks, whole-body motion coordi- nation is indispensable. Humanoid motion is characterized by its redundancy and underactuation. The former is obvious, as humanoid robots have usually more than thirty degrees of freedom. The latter means the “base frame” of a humanoid robot, for example its waist, can only be controlled indirectly by articulated legs, unlike wheeled mobile robots. In this article, in order to tackle this planning problem of whole-body humanoid motions, we present the approaches that combine probabilis- tic geometric/kinematic motion planning and dynamic motion generation as follows. At the planning stage, the global humanoid motion is modeled by a kind of vehicle with bounding volume fully actuated to plan the basic path. It is then transformed into dynamically executable humanoid motion by the dynamic motion generator. The whole-body humanoid motions handled in this chapter include collision-free locomotion, reaching and manipulation. In the rest of this section, we briefly introduce the basic planning tools and the software and hardware platform which is the common part throughout the chap- ter. In Section 4.2, a two-stage approach for collision-free locomotion is presented. Then we address dynamic whole-body motion generation by taking the example of reaching, including stepping, in Section 4.3. The whole-body manipulation is then dealt with in Section 4.4 by benefiting from both the collision-free path planning technique and whole-body motion generation. An experiment that integrates plan- ning and perception is described in Section 4.5 using the humanoid robot HRP-2, before concluding the chapter. 4.1.1 Basic Motion Planning Methods For complex robotic systems like humanoid robots, it is reasonable to employ effi- cient algorithms based on probabilistic planning methods such as diffusing methods like rapidly-exploring random trees (RRT) [11, 23] or sampling methods like proba- bilistic roadmap (PRM) [17] and all their variants (see [4, 22] for recent overviews). In those methods, the path search is usually made in configuration space such as the joint angles. The probabilistic methods compute a graph called a roadmap whose nodes are collision-free configurations chosen at random and whose edges model the existence of collision-free local paths between two nodes. In probabilistic planning method, the graph is built incrementally by choosing configurations at random. Configurations and local paths between them are included in the graph as soon as they are collision-free. This construction of the graph is called the learning phase. Once the graph is built, then the query phase consists in first adding both starting and goal configurations of the given problem to the roadmap, and then searching the graph for a path. On the other hand, in diffusing methods the graph is built gradually by expanding the tree from the start and/or goal configurations. After a configuration is randomly

4 Planning Whole-body Humanoid Locomotion, Reaching, and Manipulation 101 generated, the nearest configuration is identified. Then a new configuration is com- puted that advances by a given distance from the nearest node towards the randomly generated one. If this new configuration and the local path to it are collision-free, then they are added to the graph as a new node and a new edge. This diffusion is repeated until a path is found that connects the start and goal configurations. In this way, the probabilistic motion planner eventually finds collision-free paths as connected components of the roadmap, which is proven as probabilistic com- pleteness. There are several important components in implementing this probabilis- tic motion planning: collision checkers, steering methods and path optimizers. Col- lision checkers validate configurations and paths. Any available free or commercial libraries can be used for this function. A “steering method” is a method that com- putes an admissible path from an initial configuration to a final one in the absence of obstacle. In this article, dedicated steering methods are devised depending on the planning problems. Finally, since paths planned by probabilistic motion planners are often redundant, a “path optimizer” is necessary to remove the redundant parts to obtain a shorter path. For instance, we can employ the “adaptive shortcut” path optimization algorithm proposed by [11]. As described later in Section 4.2, we generally adopt a two-stage approach for whole-body motion planning. At the first stage, the basic geometric and kinematic motion planner described here is applied to collision-free path planning for a sim- plified model of the humanoid, like its bounding volume. This is because the com- putation cost would be too high if random sampling is directly applied to a complex dynamic system with many degrees of freedom. 4.1.2 Hardware and Software Platform We implement motion planners presented in this article in a common software framework “Humanoid Path Planner” [36] on the basis of the motion planning soft- ware kit KineoWorksTM [21] as shown in Figure 4.1. As illustrated in the lower part of Figure 4.1, this software kit provides the basic methods of planning, like PRM or RRT, as “roadmap builders”, as well as the aforementioned basic functions of colli- sion checking mechanism, and a template for steering method and path optimizers. The object-oriented architecture allows users to define the specific planner de- pending on the problem tackled as an inherited class of a general robot motion plan- ner. The planner takes care of interaction with basic functions introduced in 4.1.1. The problem-specific components, especially steering methods for walking and ma- nipulation are inherited from the template including basic functions. Since the basic interface of class definition of the general framework is common, it is relatively easy to implement those problem specific parts once the planning problem is defined. The HPP framework also includes a walking pattern generator presented in Sec- tion 4.2 and a dynamic whole-body motion generator in Section 4.3. As the hardware platform, we utilize the humanoid robot HRP-2 [16] shown in Figure 4.1 which is 1.58 m tall and weighs 58 kg, with 30 DOFs. It has two rota-

102 E. Yoshida et al. Whole-body Start/goal User Interface robot motion positions OpenHRP Generalized Specific motion Walking IK planner Pivoting Robot R...eeds & Shepp controller Dynamic Generic motion motion planner generator Specific Humanoid SM Path Planner Framework Humanoid robot Path Roadmap Steering HRP-2 optimizer builder method (SM) Data flow Collision KineoWorksTM checker Inherited classes on C++ Basic implementations Figure 4.1 Architecture of Humanoid Path Planner framework that facilitates implementation of robotic motion planner according to specific problems tional joints (pitch and yaw) at the chest that provides a wide upper-body workarea. Six-axis force sensors at the ankles, a rate gyroscope and an accelerometer for atti- tude estimation are equipped for stability control. Once the whole-body humanoid motion is generated, it is passed to the robot simulator and controller OpenHRP [15]. 4.2 Collision-free Locomotion: Iterative Two-stage Approach We have proposed a general and practical planning framework that integrates a ge- ometric path planner and a dynamic motion generator [34]. It is based on an itera- tive two-stage motion planning method, by exploiting the efficiency of probabilistic planning and advanced dynamic motion generation. Within the classification pro- posed in [18], our two-stage approach fits alongside state-space and sensor-based approaches. In the first stage, a “path” is generated by geometric and kinematic planning, which is transformed into a dynamically executable “trajectory” through appropriate dynamic motion generators in the second stage. Due to dynamic effects, the path supporting the new trajectory may differ slightly from the initial path. Then the output trajectory is again verified with respect to collision avoidance by the first stage and reshaped if necessary. This process is iterated until a valid dynamic tra- jectory is obtained. Although the necessity of reshaping for dynamic collision-free motion has been recognized [19], it has not been systematically addressed. Our method is inspired by a technique for key frame editing in the context of computer animation [8]. This approach places more emphasis on the gradual transition from the colliding trajec-

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