Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) UNIT 9 HYDROGEN Most abundant & lightest in the universe [Earth O ] 2 Combines with all others except noble gases Largest no.of compounds than others Ist isolated by-Henry Cavendish Name given by - Lavoisier Hydrogen means - Water generator Atomic structure Simplest of all Has a proton and an electron No neutrons Attainment of stability 1) By gaining – H 1e H NaH, CaH2, MgH2 etc 2) By sharing – By covalent bonding H2O, NH3, CH4 etc 3) By losing – H H 1e H+ is – Highly polar – Equivalent to a portion – Associated with others H2O H H3O Polar – can make distortion in electron cloud of other molecules /ions Position in the periodic table – Ist element –Not in any group Has similarities with alkali metal and halogens 1
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) Similarities with Alkali metals 1) Electric configuration Both have ns1 as general valence shell configuration. H–1s1 Li – 1s22s1, Na – 1s22s22p6 2) Electro positive H H 1e Na Na 1e Release an electron to form unipositive ions. 3) Liberation at cathode During electrolysis of Halides of both, H+ andAlkali metal ions liberate at cathode NaCl Na Cl HCl H Cl 4) Reducing power Fe2O3 2H2 2Fe 3H2O B2O3 6Na 2B 3Na 2O Both are good reducing agents 5) Affinity for electro –ve elements Both have great affinity towards non metals. Form compounds like HCl, H2O, H2S etc similar to NaCl, Na2O, Na2S etc Differences:- 1) Alkalimetals – Typical Metals Hydrogen – Non metal 2) H has high I.E 2 H – 1312 KJ/mol Li – 520 KJ/mol, Na – 495 KJ/mol, K – 418 KJ/mol 3) H+ has small size 4) H+ is equivalent to a proton Resemblance with Halogens 1) Electronic configuration Both have valence electrons 1 less than nearest noble gas H 1s1 He 1s2 F 1s2 2s2 2p5 Ne 1s2 2s2 2p6 2) Atomicity H2 F2 , Cl2 , Br2 , I2 Both are diatomic 2
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) 3) Ionization enthalpy H2 – 1312 kJ/mol, F –1681 KJ/mol, Cl–1256 KJ/mol, Br– 1143 KJ/mol, I–1009 KJ/mol Both have comparable I.E 4) Electro negative character H 1e H Cl 1e Cl Both accept an electron to form monovalent anions 5) Liberation at Anode NaH Na H NaCl Na Cl On electrolysis of metal hybrid and metal halides, both H– and Halide ions move towards anode Differences • H has samller tendency to form H– than halogens. 2 • Absence of non bonded electrons in H2 [but halogens have] H H Cl Cl Dihydrogen (H2) Various forms of Hydrogen • Universe – most abundant 70% • 90% solar atmosphere • Doesn’t occur in earth’s atomsphere • Seen as combined form 1) Isotopic Forms 1) Protium (P) • Normal hydrogen • Represented as H11 • e–1 P–1 n–0 • Atomic No–1 • Mass No – 1 • Abundance –99.98% 2) Deuterium (D) • Heavy hydrogen • Represented as H12 • e–1 P–1 n–1 • Atomic No –1 3
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) • Mass No – 2 • Abundance –0.0156% 3) Tritium (T) • Radio active ( –rays) • Represented as H13 • e–1 P–1 n–2 • Atomic No–1 • Mass No – 3 • Abundance – 4×10–15% Chemical properties:- • Identical • Due to same no. of e physical properties • Different • Due to different masses 1) Isotopic effect Property difference due to difference in mass no. 2) Isomeric forms A) H2 HH OO • Same nuclear spin direction. • Called ortho hydrogen • More stable • Abundance - 75% at 300 K B) H2 HH OO • Opposite nuclear spin direction. • Called para hydrogen • Less stable • Abundance - 25% at 300 K 3) Molecular hydrogen – H2 • Most stable form • Least Reactive form 4) Nascent hydrogen 2[H] • Newly formed 4
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) • Nascent hydrogen Just displaced from a compound • More reactive than H2 • Less stable than H2 5) Atomic hydrogen -H • By splitting of H 2 • Exist only at high T (4000-5000K0 • Least stable • Most reactive • Used in atomic hydrogen torch Preparation of H2 a) Laboratory preparation By decomposing water, acids, alkalis etc. A) From water 1) Alkali metals – Violent reaction With water H gas 2 2Na+2H2O 2NaOH+ H2 2) Alkaline earth metals – slow reaction with water H gas 2 Mg+2H2O Mg OH2 + H2 3) Metals decompose steam to produce their oxides by liberating H gas. 2 3Fe+4H2O Fe3O4 + 4H2 b) Hydrides of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, when dissolved in H2O produce H2 NaH H2O NaOH + H2 CaH2 2H2O Ca OH2 + 2H2 B) From acids • Metal like Zn, Mg, Fe liberate H gas from acids 2 Zn 2HCl ZnCl2 H2 Zn H2SO4 ZnSO4 H2 2Al 3H2SO4 Al2 SO4 3 3H2 * Reactive metals to be used * Dil. acid to be used If con. H2SO4–SO2 produced instead of H2 gas 5
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) C) From Alkalis 2Al 2NaOH 2H2O 2NaAlO2 3H2 Zn 2NaOH Na2ZnO2 H2 Note:- High pure hydrogen (99.95) • Dil. H SO +Mg Ribbon 24 Mg H2SO4 MgSO4 H2 • Electrolysis of warm Ba(OH)2 • Water + NaH • KOH + Scarp Al 2Al+ 2KOH 2H2O 2KAlO2+ 3H2 Industrial preparation a) Electrolysis of acidified H O 2 2H2O 2H2 O2 • Pt as electrods b) Lanes process • Steam passed through sponge from 3Fe 4H2Og 7731050K Fe3O4 4H2 FeO4 – Ferrosoferric oxide Reduction Step Fe3O4 4H2 3Fe 4H2O Fe3O4 4Co 3Fe 4Co2 2) Bosch Process • Super heated steam passed through Red hot coke • Water gas is formed C+H2O 1270K CO + H2 CO:H2 4:5 • Water gas again mixed with steam in the presence of Fe2O3 and Cr2O3 CO H2 H2O Fe2O6373CKr2O3 CO2 2H2 Fe2O3 – Catalyst 6
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) Cr2O3 – Promoter CO2 H2O – Passed through water at high P CO2 – dissolve in H2O H2 – Collected by absorbing in an alkali 2H2 CO2 2NaOH Na2CO3 H2O 2H2 4) Hydrocarbon steam process • Modern method • Principal source of H2 • Natural gas [CH4] mixed with steam CH4 H2Og 1270K CO 3H2 Ni • H2 collected as in Bosch process. As a Biproduct • Obtained on a large scale as a biproduct in the manufacture of many industrially important compounds Eg : NaOH Electrolysis of Brine 2NaCl 2H2O 2NaOH Cl2 H2 Physical Properties of H 2 • Colourless • Odourless • Slightly soluble in H O 2 • Liquified only at very low T (Tc = –2530C) • H2 – Non planar • High thermal stability Chemical Properties • H molecule – Thermally stable 2 • Very difficult to break at normal temperature [Highly exothermic] a) Combustibility • Highly combustibile gas • Burns in air to form H2O 2H2 O2 2H2O; H 285 KJ/mol 7
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) b) Reducing Property • Metal oxides –heated with H2mreduced – metal is formed CuO H2 Cu H2O Some chlorides are also reduced 2AgCl H2 2Ag 2HCl c) Reaction with non metals. with dioxygen H2O with dinitrogen NH 3 with halogens HX H2 X2 2HXX, F, Cl, Br, I with F–Reacts even at dark with I – needs a catalyst d) Reaction with organic compound 1) Hydrogenation • With unsaturated organic compounds, forms saturated C2H4 NiC2H6 Hydrogen gas – pass through veg. oils – converted to fat – vanaspati ghee – 2) Hydroformylation CO H2 R CH CH2 R CH2 CHO H2 R CH2CH2OH Hydroformylation – addition of a hydrogen atom and a formyl group (–CHO) to a C=C e) Reaction with metals 1 2Na H2 2 Na H 0 2 Ca H2 Ca H2 Shows oxidising property of H 2 Uses of H gas 2 1) Manufacture of HCl, NH , CH OH, HNO etc 33 3 2) Hydrogenation of oil 3) Filling aeroplane tyres [85% He+15% H ] 2 8
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) 4) Atomic hydrogen torch 5) As a rocket fuel 6) Fuel cell 7) Reducing agent Compounds of hydrogen Hydrides • Binary compounds of H2 with other elements • Three type (1) Ionic | salt like | Saline Formed by S - Blocks NaH, CaH , etc 2 electro –veity <2.1 O.S of the H = –1 2 • Crystalline solids • Non volatile [stable] • Solid form – Non conducting • Molten/aqueons – conduct • with H2O Alkaline soln and H2 gas. (2) Covalent /Molecular hybrides • With p –block [13–17] • H O, NH , CH , etc 2 34 • Covalent bonding • Prepared by: • Direct reaction of non-metals with hydrogen N2 3H2 Fe 2NH3 • Three type (1) Group 13 hydrides Eg: BH3/B2 H6 - Diborane • Central atom - Borone (5) Configuration – 2, 3 • Valance electrons - 3 HH B H • Central atom has only 6 es . 9
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) • Electron deficient • Act as electron acceptors • Lewis acids HH H BB HH H • Exist as dimeric form • (Polynuclear hydrides) Group-14 Eg: CH 4 Central atom – C(6). 2, 4 H HC H H • Central atom surrounded by 8 e • Known as e precise Group -15, 16, 17 Eg: NH3 Central atom – N(7) 2, 5 • HNH H • Central atom has compair • Also known as e ns Act as e donours in reactions • Lewis bases 3) Metallic hybrides or Interstitial/non–stoichiometric • On heating hydrogen reacts with many transition metals, lanthanides and actinides (d & f - block) • Such hybrides have metallic appearance • These are less dense than parent metal • Conduct heat and electricity [not well as parent metal] 10
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) • Here, hydrogen atoms seen inside the interstitial spaces of parent metals • Donot obey law of constant proportion. TiH1.51.8 VH0.56 NiH0.60.7 PdH0.60.8 TaH2.76 LaH2.87 etc. • Such hydrides are widely used in catalytic reduction and hydrogenation reaction • Metals like Ni, Pt, Pd, etc can accomodate a large amount of hydrogen gas Intermediate hydrides Hydride gap elements of group 7, 8 and 9 do not from hydrides Mn Fe Co | || 7, 8, 9 • Region of periodic table from 7, 8, 9 is referred to as hydride gap • These have low affinity to hydrogen in their normal oxidation states. Water [H2O] Most important substance known to man Abundantly found on earth. Found as - 1) Ice in mountains 2) Water in oceans, etc 3) Vapour in atmosphere • Covers about 3 quarters of earth • About 70% of human body is water Physical Properties Colourless, odourless, tasteless in pure form Molar mass – 18 g /mol • MP – 273 K BP – 373 K Density – 1g/cm3 Triple point • H2O exist in 3 phases • At 0.00980C and 4.58 mmHg H2Os H2O H2Og 11
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) Structure of water In the gaseous phase A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms joined to an oxygen atom by covalent bonds O H 104.5o H • Oxygen has 6 valence e • Valence s and p orbitals undergo sp3 hybridization • 4 sp3 hybrid orbitals • 2 will overlap with 1s orbitals of 2H atoms • Due to the presence of 2 lone pairs in O , bond angle of H–O–H bond will be reduced to 2 104.5o (109o 28') • Hence structure of water is Angular /bend. Polarity of water • O is more electronegative than H 22 • Pull the shared electron pairs more towards it. • Hence , H–O bond aquires polarity • Polarity result in association of water molecules • Gives a liquid phase with high BP, HO H O HO H HH Liquid phase water • H2O molecules are held by inter molecular hydrogen bonds H OH H OH OH HO H H HO H • One water molecule is surrounded by 4 other water molecules • Co-ordination no. of a water molecule is 4 12
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) Solid Phase • Crystalline form • By 2 ways • At atm pressure – crystallises into hexagonal form • Each oxygen is sorrounded by 4 other oxygen atoms • At very low T- crystallises in to cubic form. During crystallisation – in No. of H bonds – in volume in density– floats on water surface During melting –breaking of H bonds, in volume of water, with in Temp– per min. Volume at 4oC -max. density of 1 g/ml at 4oC Chemical Properties of H2O 1)Amphoteric (Amphiprotic) • Can donate H+ (acid) as well as accept H+ (base) H2O H OH (acid) H2O H H3O (base) • Hence, water acts as a Lowry Bronsted Acid & Base • Substance behaving as acid and base - “Amphoteric ” Substance that can give as well as can accept a proton – Amphiprotic As an acid NH3 H2O NH OH 4 As a base : CH3COOH H2O CH3COO H3O • Anion formed (OH–) due to the loss of H+ conjugate base • Cation formed H3O due to the given of H+ conjugate acid Autoprotolysis also take place as H2O H2O H3O OH 2) Redox Reactions with water Water reacts with highly electropositive metals 2Na 2H2O 2NaOH H2O 2H2O 3Fe Fe3O4 4H2 13
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) In above reactions, Na, Fe, etc got oxidised and H O is reduced. 2 Fluorine can oxidise water. 2F2 2H2O 4HF O2 Hydrolysis Interaction of a cation or an anion or both with water. An acidic, basic or a neutral solution is formed. CO2 H2O H2CO3 acidic NH3 H2O NH4OH basic Sugar solution – Neutral Hydration : Attraction of negative charged oxygen atom allows them to congregate around +ve ions +ve charged hydrogen atoms gather around –ve ions • Water may exist as associated with other molecules or ions • 3 ways a) As co-ordinated b) As hydrogen bonded c) As interstitial a) Co-ordinated water Eg : H2O H H3O HO + H+ O H H HH CuSO4.5H2O Cu H2O 4 SO4H2 b) Hydrogen bonded water CuSO4.5H2O Cu H2O4 SO4H2O Hydrogen bonded c) Interstitial water BaCl .2H O 22 14
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) H H HO O H OH OS O O H HO Cu OH O H H HARDNESS Purest form of water is rain water ( pH 7 ) Due to the presence of soluble salts of Ca/Mg As M(HCO3), MCl2, MSO4, etc M Ca / Mg Soap do not form lather with hard water Forms a precipitate CH3 CH2 16 COONa CH3 CH2 16 COONa Ca2 /Mg2 Sod. Stearate Stearate ion CH3 CH2 16 COO 2 Ca Pr ecipitate Removal of Hardness A) If M HCO3 2 is present Less stable compounds Easy to Remove Known as Temporary hardness Removal 1. Boiling Ca HCO3 2 CaCO3 H2O CO2 Mg HCO3 2 Mg OH2 2CO2 Note If Mg(OH)2– Concentration of Mg2+ is only cube root of solubility product 15
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) In MgCO – Mg2+ concn. is square root of Ksp 3 2. Clark’s Method Calculated amount of lime is added to water Ca HCO3 2 Ca OH2 2CaCO3 2H2O Mg HCO3 2 2Ca OH2 2CaCO3 Mg OH2 2H2O B) If MCl2, MSO4, etc Stable compounds Not easy to Remove Special methods are used 1. Treatment with Na CO 23 MCl2 Na 2CO3 MCO3 2NaCl MSO4 Na2CO3 MCO3 Na2SO4 2. Permutit Process Zeolite is added to water Na2O. Al2O3. nSiO2. xH2O n = 5–13 x = 3–4 These are hydrated sodium aluminium silicates. NaAlSiO4.xH2O Ca2 and Mg2 ions are replaced by Na ions 2NaZ M2 MZ2 2Na Zeolites can be regenerated by treating exhausted zeolite with NaCl MZ2 2NaCl 2NaZ MCl2 3. Calgon Process Na 2 Na 4 PO3 – Sodium hexametaphosphate is added to water 6 Na6P6O18 2Na Na4P6O128 Na4P6O18 M2 Na2MP6O18 2Na Na2 Na4 PO3 6 M2 Na2 M2 PO3 6 4Na Soluble complex 16
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) Ca2 and Mg2 ions in water are rendered ineffective by calgon, forming their soluble complexes in water – sequestration This method is prefered for getting soft water for laundry purpose 4. Organic ion exchange Resin Resin - Long chain Hydrocarbons Both cations and anions can be removed from water 2 steps Step I a) Using Cation Exchange Resin Long chain hydrocarbon, attached to an acidic group Eg. R– COOH Resin H Cu2 Resin 2 Cu 2H b) Using Anion Exchange Resin Long chain H.C, attached to a basic group OH Eg: R NH4OH Resin OH Cl Resin Cl OH H OH H2O Resultant water free from cation and anions. Known as demineralized or deionized water Measurement of Hardness Represented as degree of Hardness Expressed in terms of amount of CuCO3, equivalent present in 106 parts of water Unit - Parts Per Millian (ppm) Disadvantages of Hardness 1) Poor cleansing effect of soap 2) Boilet scale Heavy water (D2O) Oxide of D2 Present in H2O (0.0156%) 1st isolated by Harold.C. Urey By prolonged electrolysis of H2O containing small amount of NaOH H O decomposes 1st 2 17
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) Resulting solution is rich in D O 2 Properties 1) Colourless, odourless, tasteless 2) Most of physical constants are higher than H2O H2O D2O BP 100C 101.42 C MP 0C 3.8C 3) Harmful to plants & animal Uses Source of D 2 Moderator in nuclear reactors (controls fast moving neutrons) Disinfectant Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) 1) 1st prepared by J.L.Thenard 2) Action of dil. H SO and Barium Peroxide 24 BaO2.8H2O H2SO4 BaSO4 H2O2 8H2O Thenard process 3) White ppt of BaSO4 can be removed by filtration 4) About 5% H2O2 is obtained 5) Anhydrous BaSO cannot be used because it forms a layer over BaO to reduce the reaction rate 42 Other Preparation Methods Electrolysis Cold solution of 50% H SO is electrolised 24 2H2SO4 2H 2HSO4 Anode : 2HSO4 H2S2O8 2e Cathode: 2H 2e H2 Peroxodisulphuric acid, H2S2O8 is hydrolised to get H2O2 H2S2O8 H2O H2SO4 H2SO5 ( H2SO5 – Peroxomonosulphuric acid) H2SO5 H2O H2SO4 H2O2 18
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) Merck’s Process: Calculated amount of Na O is gradully added to ice cold dil. H SO (20–80%) 22 24 Na2O2 H2SO4 Na2SO4 H2O2 Industrial Oxidation and reduction of 2-ethylanthraquinol OH O C2H5 C2H5 H2/Pd + H2O2 O2 OH O 2-ethylanthraquinol 2-ethylanthraquinone Physical Properties Pale blue liquid in pure form More dense and viscous than water (more H2 bonds) Smell like HNO3 Completely miscible in water, alcohol and ether Structure Non planar, non-linear Open book like O in SP3 hybridisation 2 H Dihedral/ inter plannar O angle : solid - 90.2o Liquid - 111.5o O H Kingzett structure H O O OH Baeyer's structure Chemical Properites H 1) Stability HO • Highly unstable • due to –1 O.S of O 2 19
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) • Readily decomposes to water and nascent oxygen • Accelerated by heat, dust, metal pieces, light, rough surface, etc H2O2 H2O O • Preservatives: Glycerol, Urea, Acetanilide, H3PO4, etc C6H5.NH.COCH3 • Kept in wax coated plastic bottles • Alkaline oxides present in glass may decomposition Acidic Nature Dibasic acid Give 2 H+ ions 2NaOH H2O2 Na2O2 H2O H2O2 2H O22 Oxidising & Reducing Nature Can act as both both in acidic & basic media Due to –1 O.S. of O2 As an oxidiser: In acidic med: H2O2 2H 2e 2H2O In basic med: H2O2 2e 2OH As a reducer: In acidic med: H2O2 2H 2e O2 In basic med: H2O2 2OH 2H2O 2e O2 Redn Oxdn As As Reducer Oxidiser H2O/OH- H2O2 O2 0 -2 -1 H2O acidic Only O2 acidic H2O + O2 basic OH basic 20
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) Oxidiser: 1) Pb 4H2O2 PbSO4 4H2O 2) 2FeSO4 H2SO4 H2O2 Fe SO4 3 2H2O 3) 2KI H2SO4 H2O2 K2SO4 2H2O I2 4) 2K4 Fe CN6 4 2HCl H2O2 2K3 Fe CN 6 3 2KCl 2H2O 5) Mn2 H2O2 Mn4 2OH 6) Fe2 H2O2 Fe3 2OH Reducer: 1) 2KMnO4 3H2SO4 H2O2 K2SO4 2MnSO4 8H2O 5O2 2) Cl2 H2O2 2HCl O2 3) I2 H2O2 OH 2I 2H2O O2 7 4) 2MnO4 3H2O2 2MnO2 3O2 2H2O 2OH Bleaching Property • Can produce Nascent O2 • Used to bleach hair, feather, silk, wool etc Uses of H O 22 1) Bleaching agent for delicate materials (silk, wool, hair, feather, etc) 2) Antiseptic 3) Manufacture of chemicals like sodium perborate Per carbonate, etc - in high quality detergents 4) Synthesis of pharmaceuticals , food products like tartaric acid etc. 5) To control air pollution (restore aerobic condition in sewage) 6) 93% H O – Oxidant for Rocket fuel 22 H2O2 N2H4 (Hydrazine) Test for H O 22 1) Perchromic acid test Treated with acidified Ti salt solution – Yellow/Orange Ti4 H2O2 2H2O2 H2TiO4 4H 21
Brilliant STUDY CENTRE Residential Lecture Note (Chemistry) 2) Blue colour with starch solution 3) Perchromic acid Test dil.soln. of HO is shaken with acidified soln. of chromium salt Blue colour [CrO ] 22 5 Concentration of H2O2 Expressed as volume strength Represents the volume of O liberated from unit volume of H O at NTP. 2 22 Eg: 10 V, 20 V, 30 V etc. 10 V means – 1 ml H O liberates 10 ml O 2 22 (100 V H2O2 – Perhydrol) Relations for problem solving Normality = Molarity × n fact (For H O n factor = 2) 22 2H2O 2H2O2 O2 ie, diff . O.S. of O2 2, n factor n Molarity = L Vol. str Molarity = 11.2 Vol. str 1.7 Strength = 5.6 % Strength = Vol. str 17 56 Degree of Hardness: ppm of compound 100 If ppm of compound is given, ppm in terms of CaCO m.mass of compound 3 22
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