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Home Explore Build Your Own Combat Robot

Build Your Own Combat Robot

Published by Willington Island, 2021-07-04 06:57:19

Description: Pete Miles, Tom Carroll - Build Your Own Combat Robot-McGraw-Hill_OsborneMedia (2002)


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332 Build Your Own Combat Robot the sum of its parts. Not only will this program encourage kids to take an interest in science and engineering, but it will teach a wide variety of skills and lead to a new generation of robot builders. Whatever the fate of sport robotics, one thing is certain. Robots are increasingly a part of the high-tech landscape, and progress is accelerating toward the day when robots are routinely a part of everyday life. Deadblow’s Grant Imahara re- flects: “In general, I think that robots have certainly proven themselves in industry. The next step is to bring robots into the private sector, and into people’s homes. You’re seeing it already with all the robotic pets on the market. In Japan, there is a movement called the Humanoid Project, which is concentrating on developing ro- bots for the aging Japanese population as personal service robots. I think that we will begin to see this more and more as the technology becomes more advanced and more affordable.” Robots in the home? Horrors! That could be the response of a vocal minor- ity—the same minority that abhors cell phones and turns its collective nose up at answering machines. Bill Nye isn’t concerned. “There will always be Luddites who don’t want to see technology evolve. The problem with that philosophy is that there’s no way to draw a line. All those people—to a one—happily use lights and electricity, which makes their arguments very arbitrary. Trying to stop mov- ing forward is just not a successful strategy; it’s against human nature. It’s human nature to innovate. Those that don’t become food.” But perhaps no one summarizes the future better than Biohazard’s Carlo Bertocchini: “My guess is that in 30 years we will have robotic servants that are just as intelligent as humans. I hope they forgive us for bashing the hell out of their progenitors.”

Aappendix Prototyping Electronics Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.

336 N L E S S you’re building an exact copy of another person’s robot, you will probably have to do some experimentation with prototypes before you settle on a final design. Even if you’re copying a machine, one machine will never act just like another— this includes circuitry and mechanical systems design. As you know, combat robots come in a multitude of configurations, with many circuits that accomplish every imaginable control function. Each of these systems was an- alyzed by its developer before being connected to another subsystem. This de- signer probably bench-tested and tweaked each new configuration before adding another system to it. With any robot design, some systems that perform perfectly with one subsystem will not work at all with another. Breadboarding and Using Prototyping Boards for Electronic Circuits The term breadboarding implies interconnecting a series of components in a tem- porary fashion to determine whether they will work together as designed. A breadboard of an electronic circuit, for example, can be built on a prototyping boards. These boards can include up to several thousand holes in which to insert standard electronic components to develop a circuit. The components are then in- terconnected by inserting short lengths of #22-gauge solid conductor wires in the adjacent holes. Such prototyping boards are useful in proving out a circuit you may have seen in a magazine article, or for proving out one you designed in your head. All the major electronic supply houses carry a variety of prototyping boards, and some even contain built-in power supplies, logic indicators, and signal generators. The use of prototyping boards can help you tweak the circuit for your particu- lar application. Varying resistors and other components can help you narrow down a circuit to one that has the best characteristics for whatever you intend to interface it with. At this point, you may want to start drawing out a printed circuit board (PCB) pattern by hand and etch, or carve with an etching solution, your own board. Computer software, such as the lower end Eagle and others, are available to lay out simple boards. PCB houses can be found on the Internet that will take Spice and Gerber (electronic circuit software) files directly as a attachment and deliver one or more etched and through-hole plated boards back to you within just a few days.

Appendix A: Prototyping Electronics 337 A first-time experimenter can easily make PCBs at home with simple kits ob- tainable from Radio Shack and many of the suppliers listed in Appendix B. “Stick-on” patterns are available for integrated circuits and transistors, as well as other components and wiring traces. These patterns are applied to a clear sheet of plastic and used as a positive mask to sensitize a treated board that is then etched with an etching solution. Similar results can use circuits from magazines and transfer them to a usable positive mask. Many computer printers and copiers can also print a mask on a sheet of plastic for conversion to a PCB. Wire-Wrapping Prototyping Another popular type of electronic circuit development and prototyping is wire wrapping. Just about the reverse of the prototyping boards with many small holes, wire wrapping involves the use of many headers with two rows of long, gold-plated square pins. The thin pins of the headers are inserted in a holder board and a wire-wrapping tool wraps a stripped, thin wire around a selected pin. Manual and battery-powered wire-wrapping tools are available in many electronic tool catalogs. You then cut off a desired length, strip the other end of the wire, and wrap it around another pin on another header. The pins can hold multiple wrapped wires. One bad feature of these types of boards, however, is the long pins that protrude out the back of the holder board; these can easily be bent and short to each other. This type of prototyping is best when using a series of dual in-line, pin-integrated circuits (DIP ICs). Soldering for Robots Soldering for robots is a bit different from the type you might use to assemble small electronic kits, especially the larger BattleBot types of machines. If you have experience with building kits and various experimental projects using printed cir- cuit boards, you’ll probably be pretty good at doing some of the larger and more difficult solder joints in a robot. If it’s all new to you, don’t despair; it’s fairly easy to learn. You can probably get by using a simple $5 soldering iron from Radio Shack for the majority of your work, but you’ll soon want to buy equipment that is a bit more versatile. A soldering station made by Weller or another manufacturer allows you to vary the heat control to suit the needs of a particular job, and then hold it at that temperature. These can cost anywhere from $50 to hundreds of dollars. Another useful soldering tool is the soldering gun. A dual-wattage gun can allow you to solder those large, high-power, cable terminal lugs, yet allow you to use lower power for circuitry. The use of a small vise also helps to hold a circuit board or ungainly wire still while you’re soldering. Three things to remember in soldering: I Clean Both surfaces you intend to solder must be clean. I Shiny The soldering surfaces should be shiny before soldering.

338 Build Your Own Combat Robot I Not too hot/ too cold The solder temperature must be hot enough to create a solder that will hold. You also need to protect the components you are soldering from excessive heat or you can ruin them. If you’re new at soldering, practice soldering with scrap components, wire, and metal before committing to a particular project. Soldering Printed Circuit Boards To gain soldering skills on printed circuit boards, you might want to find a piece of electronic equipment that’s been trashed and rip it apart to solder and unsolder the parts from the circuit boards until you feel competent. You may find that un- soldering is more difficult than soldering, yet this practice will help you in learning how to apply only just enough of the hot iron’s tip to the board without damaging it. Practice is really the best teacher and you don’t have to worry about ruining a one-of-a-kind board. Before embarking on any type of soldering, you should clean the soldering iron’s hot tip with a wet rag or with the small, dampened sponge on a soldering station. It must be clean to do a good job. Most people like to use rosin core 60/40 solder, which is 60 percent tin and 40 percent lead, for electronic work. It is basically a tube of solder containing a tiny bit of rosin in the center. Never use acid core solder. Smaller 0.032-inch diameter solder is good for smaller joints; and larger, 0.050-inch and 0.062-inch diameter can be used for larger, non-circuit board joints. Next, dab a bit of solder on the tip—that is called tinning the iron. Holding the soldering iron in one hand, feed a bit of solder from a reel onto the tip. The trick is to melt the solder and quickly apply it to the joint to be soldered. Use only enough to make a “tent” of the solder around the component’s wire lead protruding through the circuit board’s hole and neatly covering the O-shaped circuit “pad” surround- ing the hole. Most soldering iron tips are of the chisel tip variety, and you want to place one of the chisel’s faces flat on the surface you intend to solder to transfer the heat as rapidly as possible. If you did it right, the tent of solder will cover the pad and taper up the wire a bit, and it will be shiny. If the solder forms a ball or is not shiny, you didn’t get it hot enough. These are called cold joints. For printed circuits, you must be careful not to overheat the traces and cause them to lift off the board. You’re working in that narrow area of getting it hot enough for a good joint but not too hot to damage the board. A 15–40 watt soldering iron, or “pencil,” works best for printed circuits. Be careful to not cause “solder bridges” from one trace to another. Another important consideration is protecting the components you are soldering from excessive heat and static electricity. Integrated circuits (ICs), small transistors and diodes, capacitors, small resistors, and other smaller components can be ruined by too much heat. As with the circuit board’s traces, you must keep the iron on the board and protruding lead only as long as it takes to make a clean, shiny solder joint. Tiny clip-on heat sinks can route heat away from a component. Soldering one lead of a component, and then waiting until the component cools a bit before sol- dering another lead, especially on ICs, helps to prevent heat damage.

Appendix A: Prototyping Electronics 339 Soldering Wires Many wires are used in robot construction to run from control circuitry to motors and sensors. You should always use stranded conductor wire as opposed to solid conductor wires. The many strands allow for better flexibility and greater current carrying capacity. Before soldering the wire, strip a small amount of insulation from the wire—an amount appropriate for the particular connection. Twist the strands slightly with your fingertips so they are held together in a slight spiral and are not splayed out. Then tin the wires with a bit of solder before soldering the wire onto a connection. To tin the wires, tin the soldering iron’s tip with an excess of solder and place the heated ball of solder on the tip against the bare wire strands. As the wire heats, the solder should be sucked into the strands as you add a bit more solder. Again, too much heat can damage the wire, or at least melt or burn the insulation. Practice makes perfect. Soldering Connectors Connectors are used in many places on large and small robots. They connect many wires to your control modules, receivers, drivers, sensors, and many other items. Most connectors have a series of pins in rows or circular patterns. The pins usually have small cavities behind them into which wires are soldered or crimped. As al- ways, you don’t want to overheat the pins to damage the connector, but each of the pins should be tinned with a bit of solder, as should the wires to be inserted. While applying heat to the back of the pin, slowly insert the tinned wire, taking care not to have one or more strands splay out. Do this with each wire until com- pleted. As always, practice makes perfect. When soldering the larger wires used in combat robots and other large ma- chines, the use of a soldering gun helps a lot. Tinning large wires that are used in terminal lugs is recommended, as more surface area of the wire is in contact with the barrel of the terminal lug, thus reducing resistance and allowing more current- carrying capacity. A large soldering gun or small torch can be used to solder copper and brass sheeting and tubing, both to each other and to wires. C a u t i o n Remember, good soldering takes patience for the best results. Be careful not to allow drips of solder on your clothes. For obvious reasons—it burns; but it’s also impossible to get it out of some fabrics without burning (melting) it out. Crimp-Style Connectors When working with any high current wiring that is subject to vibration, it is best to use crimp style connectors that screw into components such as electronic speed controllers and batteries, and terminal blocks. Soldered joints will eventually fail if the wires are allowed to vibrate. Make sure you use the right connector size with wire the gauge you are using. It is best to use the connectors that have round holes in them. The “forked”–shaped connectors should be avoided. This is because if

340 Build Your Own Combat Robot the screw loosens a little, the connector could become loose. A loose wire can mean loses of control of your robot or could short out some of your components if it touches something it shouldn’t. Also, you should make it a practice to secure all of your wires so that they don’t move around in your robot. Zip-Ties make great tie-downs for wires. Static Sensitivity Certain metal oxide semiconductors are used on many robots, and these can be easily damaged by static from handling. Even large, high-power Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFETs) used to make power H-bridges can be zapped by static from hands. Many of the newer ICs and discrete semiconductors have input protection diodes to carry static charges. One way to determine which products can be damaged by static is to see what material it was packaged in when you bought it. If the leads are stuck in a black foam, or the part was stored in a pink plastic package or tube, it’s probably static sensitive. One way to prevent this is to use a static band to ground you to the equipment. This is a band you strap around your wrist; it has a wire and clip you attach to the circuit to be worked on. The use of an anti-static board, such as one of the pink plastic sheets on top of your work bench, works well to eliminate static. Dry and cold days, artificial fiber clothing, and most carpeting cause a lot of static build-up. Use common sense in your robot-building area.

Bappendix Resources and References Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.

344 S promised, following are some resources and references that might come in handy as you consider building and start building your combat robot. Robot Competition Web Sites I All Japan Robot Sumo I BattleBots I Bot Bash I BotBall I Canada FIRST Robot Games I FIRST I Northwest Robot Sumo I RoboCup I RoboRama I Robot Sumo I Robot Wars (US) I Robot Wars (UK) I Robothon I Robotica I Robot Society of Southern CA Competition I Northeast Robot Club I Twin Cities Mech Wars I South Eastern Combat Robots I Central Jersey Robo-Conflict Electric Motor Sources I Astro Flight, Inc. (310) 821-6242 Extremely efficient DC motors

Appendix B: Resources and References 345 I RAE Motors (815) 385 3500 I Pittman Motors (215) 256-6601 Good selection of gearmotors I MicroMo Motors (813) 822-2529 Quality DC motors I National Power Chair (800) 444-3528 Great source for large DC motors for robots I Leeson motors (715) 743-7300 Electric motors, gearmotors, and drives I C & H Sales (800) 325-9465 The must-have catalog I Herbach Rademan (800) 848-8001 I Marlin P. Jones (800) 652 6733 Good catalog, many items I Servo Systems (800) 922-1103 Good catalog, lots of motors DC Actuator Vendors I Ball Screws and Actuators Co. (800) 882-8857 Ball screws to make your own, plus actuators I Duff-Norton Co. (800) 477-5002 Wide variety of linear actuators I Motion Industries 800-526-9328 or 205-956-1122 I Nook Industries, Inc. (800) 321-7800 Wide variety of motion products

346 Build Your Own Combat Robot I (650) 593-4963 Vendor of robot parts, including motors pictured in this book. I SKF Specialty Products (800) 541-3624 Good selection of DC actuators I Warner Electric (800) 234-3369 Long-time supplier of linear motion products Battery Suppliers I Hawker I Panasonic I Sanyo I Power Sonic I Planet Battery Electronic Speed Controller Vendors I 4QD (UK) Good high-power ESCs for vehicles and robots I Duratrax (217) 398-6300 (Hobbico) Maker of R/C car speed controllers. Check with Hobbico or your local hobby store (see HiTec RCD). I Futaba (256) 461-7348 All types of R/C equipment and ESCs. I HiTec RCD (858) 748-8440 Maker of R/C car speed controllers. Check with Hobbico or your local hobby store (see Duratrax). I Innovation First (used with “FIRST” robots) (903) 454-1978 “Stout Victor 883 ESCs.” I Novak Maker of R/C car speed controllers. Check with your local hobby store (see also Traxxas).

Appendix B: Resources and References 347 I Tekin Maker of R/C car speed controllers. Check with your local hobby store. I Traxxas (888) 872-9927 Maker of R/C car speed controllers. Check with your local hobby store (see also Novak). I Vantec (800) 882-6832 Supplier of most speed controllers for combat robots. I Robot Power (253) 843-2504 Supplier of the OSMC motor controller. n o t e Some of the preceding suppliers request that you go to your local dealer or Web site first. Remote Control System Vendors I Futaba Futaba radio control systems I Hitec RCD Hitec radio control systems I Airtronics Airtronics radio control systems I IFI Robotcs Isaac remote control systems I Tower Hobbies Wide seelction of radio control systems I Best RC Wide selection of radio control systems I Hobby People Wide selection of radio control systems Mechanical Systems Suppliers I PIC Design (203) 758-8272 Small gears, belts, pulleys, and clutches

348 Build Your Own Combat Robot I Winfred M. Berg (516) 599-5010 Precision mechanical components I Small Parts, Inc. (305) 557-8222 Small supplies, metal stock, and fasteners I Grainger (805) 388-7076 A one stop shopping place for most anything you will need to build a robot I McMaster-Carr (562) 692-5911 Great catalog—one stop shopping place for most of anything you will need to build a robot I Donovan Micro-Tek (805) 584-1893 Micro stepper motors I Gates Rubber Company (303) 744-1911 Machinery and automotive rubber belts Electronics Suppliers I Ace R/C (purchased by Thunder Tiger) (816) 584-7121 Servo test equipment I Advanced Design (602) 544-2390 “Robix” PC-driven, R/C servo-powered robot arms I Allied Electronics (800) 433-5700 Good catalog I Digi-Key (800) 344-4539 Reliable parts source I Team Delta Number one supplier of combat robot electronics, motor controllers, R/C interfaces, radio antennas, and other combat robot components.

Appendix B: Resources and References 349 I Effective Engineering (619) 450-1024 R/C animatronic gadgets I Scott Edwards Electronics (520) 459-4802 R/C interfaces I Jameco Electronics (800) 831-4242 Good catalog I JDR Microdevices (800) 538-5000 Test equipment, parts I MCM Electronics (800) 543-4330 Miscellaneous electronics I Mondo-Tronics/The Robot Store (800) 374-5764 Miscellaneous hobby robot kits I Mouser Electronics (800) 346-6873 Good catalog I Pontech (714) 642 8458 PC-driven, 4 R/C servo board I Radio Shack (800) 442-7221 I Ramsey Electronics (800) 446-2295 RF and video kits and equipment I Precision Micro Electronics (512) 814-6843 Accessory switch, elevon, and V-Tail mixers I Lynxmotion, Inc. (309) 382-1816 Robot Sumo parts supplier, also many different types of robot kits, electronics, and parts.

350 Build Your Own Combat Robot Microcontroller Suppliers I Parallax, Inc. (888) 512-1024 Basic Stamps I Acroname, Inc. (720) 564-0373 BrainStem microcontrollers I Netmedia, Inc. (520) 544-4567 BasicX Microcontrollers I Savage Innovations OOPIC microcontrollers I Gleason Research (800) 265–7727 Handy Board microcontrollers I BotBoard BotBoard microcontrollers I Microchip, Inc. (800) 437-2767 PIC microcontrollers I Atmel, Inc. (408) 441-0311 AVR microcontrollers Reference Books I Applied Robotics, by Edwin Wise (Prompt Publications, 1999) A good overview of basic experimental robotics. I The Art of Electronics, by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill (Cambridge University Press, 1989) This is the electronics bible; a must-have for anyone building electronic circuits. I Build Your Own Robot, by Karl Lunt (A K Peters, 2000) A great all-around reference for advanced small robot building. I Mobile Robots, by Joe Jones and Anita Flynn (A K Peters, 1999) A good intermediate book for mobile robot building.

Appendix B: Resources and References 351 I Robots, Androids, & Animatrons, by John Iovine (McGraw-Hill, 1997) A good introduction to experimental robotics. I The Robot Builder’s Bonanza, by Gordon McComb (McGraw-Hill, 2000) A great first book on experimental robotics. I Robot Riots, by Alison Bing and Erin Conley (Barnes & Noble, 2001) An overview of battling robots and contests. I Electric Motor Handbook, by Robert Boucher (Astroflight, 2001) Excellent book on electric motors. I Mechanical Engineering Design, by Joeseph Shigley (McGraw-Hill, 1988) Mechanical engineers’ bible for machine design. I Machinery’s Handbook, 26th Ed., by Erik Oberg (Industrial Press, 2000) A must-have for all machinists. I Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, by Robert Juvinall and Kurt Marshek (Wiley & Sons, 1999) Excellent book on machine design. I Programming and Customizing the Pic Microcontroller, by Myke Predko (McGraw-Hill, 1998) Excellent book on using and programming the PIC Microcontroller. I Programming and Customizing the Basic Stamp, by Scott Edwards (McGraw-Hill, 1998) Excellent book on using and programming the Basic Stamp. I Design of Weldments, by Omer Blodgett (Lincoln Electric Company, 1993) Probably the best book available on weldments. Robotics Organizations I Atlanta Hobby Robot Club (AHRC) I Chicago Area Robotics Group I Dallas Personal Robotics Group (DPRG) I Homebrew Robotics Club (San Francisco Bay Area, CA) I Phoenix Area Robot Experimenters I Portland Area Robotics Society (PARTS) I Robotics Society of Southern California (RSSC)

352 Build Your Own Combat Robot I Rockies Robotics Group I San Diego Robotics Society I San Francisco Robotics Society (SFRS) I Seattle Robotics Society (SRS) I Triangle Amateur Robotics (Raleigh) Other Robotics Resources I Arrick Robotics I Robot Books I Robot Combat I Nuts and Volts Magazine I Robot Science & Technology Magazine I Open Source Motor Controller (OSMC) project www.groups.

Cappendix Helpful Formulas Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.

O L L O W I N G are formulas that you might find helpful in calculating drive, timing belt, and V-belt centerline distances. Chain Drive Centerline Distances When calculating the center distance, the first step is to estimate the center dis- tance between the two sprockets, as shown in Figure C-1. Start with a distance in which you would like the sprockets to be spaced. The center distance is in terms of number of pitches, so divide the physical distance by the chain and sprocket pitch. For example, if you are using a #40 chain that has a 1/2-inch pitch, and the first estimate center distance is 12 inches, the first value of C is 24 pitches (24 pitches = 12 inches / [1/2” inch per pitch]). If the large sprocket has 20 teeth and the small sprocket has 10 teeth, chain length from Equa- tion 1 (from Martin Sprocket and Gear Incorporated Catalog No. 60, 1987) is 63.106 pitches long. Now chains can only be in integer pitch lengths, so you either round this number up or down to the nearest integer. In this case, since the final value is closer to 63, you will use this value in Equation 2 to determine the final center distance. The final center distance is now 23.947 pitches long. To convert this back into actual inches, multiply this value by the pitch length. In this case, you are using a 1/2-inch pitch; thus, the center distance is 11.974 inches. 1 C is equal to shaft center distances in pitches, L is the chain length in pitches, N is the number of teeth of the larger sprocket, and n is the number of teeth of the smaller sprocket. You can see that these formulas can be rather complex. When building the actual robot, if you use a center distance value that is slightly larger than the theoretical center distance, it might not be possible to assemble the FIGURE C-1 Sprocket center distances 356

Appendix C: Helpful Formulas 357 chain due to the high tension. If this is the case, add another master chain link to the system. 2 Timing Belt Centerline Distances The pulley centerline distances are computed in a similar manner to how the cen- terline distances are computed with chain drive systems. The first step is to determine a belt length. Equation 3 shows this relationship from the Martin sprocket and gear catalog. 3 C is the center distance, L is the belt length, D is the pitch diameter of the larger pulley, and d is the pitch diameter of the smaller pulley. Unlike equation 1, the cen- ter distance and belt length are not in terms of pitches, but they are actual dis- tances. The pitch diameter of a timing belt pulley is always larger than the outside diameter of the teeth on the pulley. The initial center distance, C, is estimated based on preliminary robot designs. Belt lengths come only in finite lengths. Once you determine the value for the belt length, you have to compare this with the available belt lengths for the particular belt type. Then select the belt length that is closest to the one calculated here. With this new belt length, you then need to cal- culate the actual center distances of the pulleys. Equation 4 shows the relationship that Martin uses to calculate these distances. 4 5 V-Belts As with timing belts, a V-belt length is first estimated based on an initial sheave center distance estimate. Spotts (Spotts, M.F., Design of Machine Elements, Prentice-Hall, 1985, pp 292) shows the relationship for determining the belt length in Equation 6 and then determining the actual center distance in Equation 7. 6 7 L is the belt length, C is the center distance, R1 is the radius of the smaller diameter sheave, and R2 is the radius of the larger diameter sheave. The actual belt length must match available belt lengths for the particular V-belt.

Index 1BDI, 272 Alloys Applications, 1/4 wave antenna, 173 aluminum, 186 microcontroller, 269–274 27MHz radio frequency austenitic, 187 martensitic, 187 Arc welding, 196–197 band, 162–163 precipitating- Arm, servo, 136 4QD speed controller, hardening, 187 Armor, 27 softer steel, 188 152–153 body, 37 50MHz radio frequency Aluminum, 185–187 creating, 311–314 alloys, 186 Artificial intelligence band, 163 (AI), 331 72MHz radio frequency AM (amplitude modulation), Assemblies 162, 167 mini sumo body, band, 163 75MHz radio frequency AM, FM, PCM and radio 284–285 interference, 167–170 mounting gear, 122 band, 163–164 wheel, 59 American Gladiators for Augers, 8 A people with brains, 16 Austenitic alloys, 187 Automated competition, 331 AC (alternating current) American Wire Gauge Automating bot functions, 27 motors, 62 (AWG), 91 Autonomous combat robots, 4 Autonomous mini sumo, 286 Ackerman steering, 47–48 Amp hour capacities, Autonomous robot class, Active sensors, 241, 243 comparing, 86–87 fully, 253–256 Adding Autonomous robots; See also Amplifiers, Bully power Semiautonomous robots, controllers, 317–319 servo, 152 239–257, 272 motor housings, 317–319 autonomous target weapons, 324–325 Amplitude modulation (AM), weapons to design 162, 167 tracking, 253–256 fully, 240 process, 27 Angle extrusions, 190 implementing sensors wheels, 317 Angle pieces of metal, 189 Advanced software Annual robot sumo in combat robots, algorithms, 301–302 248–250 Afterword, 329–332 events, 303 more information, 257 Ahr (amp-hour) rating, 83 Antenna configuration, semiautonomous target AI (artificial intelligence), 331 and weapon tracking, Algorithms, advanced ideal, 173 250–253 software, 301–302 Antennas Alkaline batteries, 83, 98–99 advantages of, 99 1/4 wave, 173 disadvantages of, 99 base-loaded, 174 placement, 174 and shielding, 173–174 should be mounted vertically, 173 358 Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.

Index 359 using sensors to allow heart and blood of one’s Battery/charger robots to feel, 241–248 robots, 100 combinations, drill, 99 using sensors to allow installing, 100 Battery chargers, 99 robots to hear, lead acid, 92 Battery death, preventing 241–248 limiting amount of early, 84–85 using sensors to allow current, 72 Battery eliminator circuits robots to see, 241–248 Lithium Ion, 83 lithium ion, 99 (BECs), 145, 172 Autonomous target tracking, manufacturer’s data Battery power requirements, 253–256 sheets of, 91 80–83 AWG (American Wire measuring current draw blowing fuses on Gauge), 91 purpose, 82–83 from, 80–81 measuring current draw AWG copper wire minimum NiCad (Nickel from batteries, 80–81 current ratings, 91 suitable resistors and Cadmium), 83, 95–97 measurement basics, Axle drives, powered, 57–59 NiMH (Nickel Metal 81–82 Axles using Ohm’s Law Hydride), 83, 97–98 to measure current mounting, 54–55 not potting, 83 draw, 81 mounting using various primary purpose of, 80 purchasing, 83–84 Battery types, 92–99 types of bearings, rechargeable, 85 alkaline batteries, 98–99 55–57 sizing, 93 lithium ion batteries, 99 supporting, 54–55 SLA (Sealed Lead Acid), NiCad (Nickel Cadmium) wheel permanently batteries, 95–97 mounted to powered, 59 83, 93–95 NiMH (Nickel Metal Battery Hydride) batteries, B 97–98 packs, 84 SLA (Sealed Lead Acid) Base-loaded antenna, 174 performance batteries, 93–95 Basic Stamp, 255, 265–267 Basic Stamp 1 program, characteristics, 90 Battle-like conditions, testing suppliers, 346 robots in, 82 294–296 Battery capacity basics, Basic Stamp 1 program, 83–91 BattleBots comparing amp hour BotBash is smaller-scale sample, 289–290 version of, 11–12 Batteries capacities, 86–87 is most popular robotics comparing SLA, NiCad, event, 7 accessible vs. weight classes for nonaccessible, 100 and NiMH run-time wheeled, 8 capacities, 86 Alkaline, 83 preventing early battery BattleBots-style (radio- alkaline, 98–99 death, 84–85 controlled) machine, 22 brand-new sizing for 6-minute run time, 85 BattleBox, 7–8 rechargeable, 84 voltage stability, 87–89 hazards and weapons, conversion factors, 86 wrapping up comparison, 7–8 discharging, 85 89–91 estimating current capacities in, 91

360 Build Your Own Combat Robot Beacon, infrared, 253 Book, scope of this, 17–18 Bots, saw, 222–224 BEAM (Biology Electronics Books, reference, 350–351 saw design, 223–224 Bot builder, rookie, 174 strategy, 224 Aesthetics Mechanics) Bot experimenters opt for robots, 35 Bots, spear, 233–236 Bearings rubber tracks, 46 spear design, 233–236 Bot frames, designing, 26 strategy, 236 mounting axles using Bot functions, automating, 27 various types of, 55–57 BotBash Bots, spinner, 220–222 spinner design, 221–222 pillow block, 56 is smaller-scale version of strategy, 222 BECs (battery eliminator BattleBots, 11–12 Bots, thwack, 217–219 circuits), 145, 172 walking robot weight strategy, 218–219 Beginning-level robot classes, 12 thwack bot design, 217–218 builders, 43 wheeled robot weight Belt drive systems, 118–121 classes, 12 Bots, wedge, 208–210 strategy, 209–210 flat belts, 118 BotBoard, 268 wedge design, 208–209 synchronous belts, Bots Brains, American Gladiators 119–120 building, 310–311 for people with, 16 V-belts, 121 building for fun, 24 Belts providing propulsion Brains, robot, 27, 260–274 determining load-carrying microcontroller to, 25 applications, 269–274 capacities of timing, 120 Bots, clamp, 215–217 microcontroller basics, flat, 118 261–269 synchronous, 119–120 clamp design, 215–216 timing, 119, 357 strategy, 216–217 BrainStem V, 121, 357 Bots, crusher, 231–233 bug, 271–272 Bench sanders, 194 crusher design, 231–233 new microcontroller Bench-top drill presses, strategy, 233 board, 267 small, 194 Bots, drum, 226–228 Bending moment, 50 drum design, 226–228 Brass, 188–189 Bi-directional control of strategy, 228 free-machining, 188 motors, 143 Bots, hammer, 228–231 Biology Electronics hammer design, 228–231 Breadboarding and using Aesthetics Mechanics strategy, 231 prototyping boards, (BEAM) robots, 35 Bots, lifter, 210–212 336–337 Biped robots, 43 lifter design, 210–212 Blind rivets, 200–201 strategy, 212 Brushless PMDC motor, 73 Blowing fuses, 82–83 Bots, overhead thwack, Bug, BrainStem, 271–272 Board, Handy, 268 219–220 Build robots, starting to, Boards, breadboarding and strategy, 220 using prototyping, 336–337 thwack mechanism 21–38 Body armor, 37 cost factors in large robot Body assembly, mini sumo, design, 219–220 construction, 35–36 284–285 Bots, ram, 205–207 robot design approach, Bolts, 197–200 23–34 ram design, 205–207 safety, 36–38 strategy, 207 sources of robot parts, 35

Index 361 top ten reasons why layout and modeling, CG (center of gravity), 212 robots fail, 34 319–321 Chain drive centerline Builders making sketches, 316 distances, 356 beginning-level robot, 43 scrambling, 321–322 Chain drive systems, first-time robot, 45 securing motors, help new robot, 17 115–118 rookie bot, 174 316–317 buying chains, 115–116 Building now, start, 33 chain sprockets, 117–118 Builders, lessons from veteran Bully power servo builders, 305–327 Chain sprockets, 117–118 Pete Miles—building amplifiers, 152 Chain system, implementing Live Wires, 316–327 Bump sensors, 248 Ronni Katz—building Buying chains, 115–116 sprocket and, 117 Chew Toy, 306–315 Chains C Building buying, 115–116 bots, 310–311 CAD (computer aided single strand roller, 115 bots for fun, 24 design), 24, 28, 110 Channel numbers defined, 162 combat robots, 18 designing robots on Channels frames, 322–323 paper or, 30 control, 160–166 mini sumo, 284 software, 110, 308 defined, 160 robots, 17 Characteristics, battery tank treads for robots, Cap screws, 198 performance, 90 46–47 Capacities Charge-coupled device (CCD), 272 Building Chew Toy, 306–315 comparing amp hour, Charged coupled device building bots, 310–311 86–87 (CCD), 242 conception, 308–310 Charger combinations, creating armor, 311–314 comparing SLA, NiCad, drill/battery/, 99 creating weapons, and NiMH run-time, 86 Chargers, battery, 99 311–314 Charging, fast, 95 final words, 315 relays should have Chart, typical motor research, 306–308 high-current, 130 performance, 65 Cheap ventures, building Building Live Wires, 316–327 Carlberg, Christian, 44, combat robots not, 36 adding controllers, 191–192 Cheaper hobby 317–319 controllers, 145 adding motor housings, Carrier, RF (radio Checksum signal, data, 168 317–319 frequency), 167 Chew Toy, building, adding weapons, 306–315 324–325 Cars, R/C (radio controlled) building bots, 310–311 adding wheels, 317 model race, 48 conception, 308–310 building frames, 322–323 creating armor, 311–314 finally the show, Caterpillar bulldozers, power creating weapons, 325–327 of in robots, 45–47 311–314 CCDs (charged coupled devices), 242, 272 Center of gravity (CG), 212 Centerline distances chain drive, 356 timing belt, 357

362 Build Your Own Combat Robot final words, 315 selecting wheels for, Competition robots, research, 306–308 51–52 welcome to, 1–18 Children, presence of, 37 combat robot Chirps defined, 180 Combat robots are remote competitions, 5–17 Chrome steel, 187 controlled, most, 4 robots defined, 5 Circuits scope of this book, 17–18 servo mixing, 154 Combating radio using prototyping boards interference, 171 Competitions, combat robot, 5–17 for electronic, 336–337 Combinations Clamp bots, 215–217 drill/battery/charger, 99 Compliance, failsafe, wheel/tire, 53 179–180 clamp design, 215–216 strategy, 216–217 Combustion engines, internal, Compromise Classes 76–77 game of, 29–30 Botbash walking robot level of, 29 Combustion motors, weight, 12 internal, 62 Computer aided design Botbash wheeled robot (CAD), 24, 28, 110, 308 Commands, movement, 158 designing robots on paper weight, 12 Commercial electronic speed or, 30 fully autonomous robot, software, 110, 308 controllers, 4QD speed 253–256 controller, 152–153 Computer radios, 169 international robot sumo, Commercial ESCs (electronic Computerized receivers, radio speed controllers), 143–155 299–303 Commercial speed systems with, 180 Coils of relays, 131 reducers, 123 Computing power, Cold-rolled steel, 188 Common sense, using, 38 Combat Comparing electronics and, 22 Conception, 308–310 future of robot, 330–332 amp hour capacities, Conductive liquid switches, history of robot, 7 86–87 Combat events, various 247 robotic, 3 batteries with similar Configurations Combat floors, traction on, 54 6-minute capacities, 89 Combat robot competitions, ideal antenna, 173 5–17 SLA, NiCad, and NiMH wheel, 50–51 Combat robotics run-time capacities, 86 Connectors hobby ESCs, 145–146 crimp style, 339–340 world of, 2 Competing in contests six soldering, 339 Combat robots months away, 33 Constant standoff distances, autonomous, 4 252–253 building, 18 Competition Constants building not cheap automated, 331 determining motor, divisions, 4 ventures, 36 FIRST (for inspiration 67–68 failures of, 195 and recognition of motor-speed, 63 implementing sensors in, science and technology) motor-torque, 63 robotics, 175 Construct robots, tools 248–250 FIRST Robotics, 14 needed to, 193–194 inaugural year of FIRST, 15 Competition robots, 24

Index 363 Construction, cost factors in United Kingdom radio Copper wire minimum large robot, 35–36 frequency bands, 164 current ratings, AWG, 91 Construction techniques, Control of motors Cordless drill motors, 75 robot material and, bi-directional, 143 Cost considerations, 30 183–201 variable speed, 143 Cost factors in large robot general machining operations, 192–201 Control systems construction, 35–36 metals and materials, must fulfill several Countersinks, 198 184–193 requirements, 158 Coupling, Lovejoy, 114 when in doubt, built it traditional radio, 154 Creating stout, 201 Controllers armor, 311–314 Contacts adding, 317–319 weapons, 311–314 NC (normally closed), 129 cheaper hobby, 145 Crimp style connectors, NO (normally open), 129 commercial electronic 339–340 welded relay, 130 speed, 143–155 Crusher bots, 231–233 4QD speed, 152–153 crusher design, 231–233 Contests IFI Robotics Victor, 147 strategy, 233 compete in fastest- motor, 299–300 Crystals, frequency, 164–165 growing robot, 277 motor speed, 26 Current competing in, 33 OSMC Motor, 153–155 batteries limiting amount current rules and speed, 172 regulations, 16 Vantec Speed, 149–152 of, 72 designing robots for Victor 883 Speed, fighting robots will draw multiple, 23 147–149 what can go wrong lot of, 81 during, 34 Controller’s interface, RC, 159 no-load, 63, 64, 68 Controlling voltage stability for peak, Control radio interference and heat with ESCs, 73 88–89 reliable, 170–173 motors with relays, 132 Current capacities in relay, 128–139 Controlling one’s motors, variable speed, 139–155 127–155 batteries, estimating, 91 relay control, 128–139 Current capacity in hobby Control channels, 160–166 variable speed control 50MHz radio frequency ESCs, 145 band, 163 basics, 139–155 Current draw radio frequency crystals, Controlling speed = 164–165 measuring from batteries, 75MHz radio frequency controlling voltage, 140 80–81 band, 163–164 Controlling voltage, 140 72MHz radio frequency Controls, traditional RC, specifications from robot band, 163 motors, 26 27MHz radio frequency 158–160 band, 162–163 Conversion factors of using Ohm’s Law to measure, 81 batteries, 86 Cool, keeping motors, 113 Current ratings, 129–131 Coolrobots, Team, 44 AWG copper wire minimum, 91 Cutting metal, 194 Cycle, duty, 141

364 Build Your Own Combat Robot D Discharging batteries in short E period of time, 85 Data checksum signal, 168 Edge detector, 286–290 Data sheets, battery Disconnect switches, EEPROM (electrically manual, 132 manufacturer’s, 91 erasable programmable Data sheets, motors that Distances read only memory), 263 chain drive centerline, 356 Efficiency come without, 80 constant standoff, DC (direct current) motors, 63 252–253 of motors, 73 DC motors, permanent timing belt centerline, 357 of propulsion system, 46 Electric motor basics, 62–75 magnet, 67 Divisions, competition, 4 determining motor Deadblow, 105 DOF (degrees of freedom), 43 DP (double-pole) relay, 128 constants, 67–68 Grant Imahara and, Drawings, system interface, 30 power and heat, 68–72 66–67 Drill/battery/charger pushing limits, 72–75 Electric motor sources, Design combinations, 99 344–346 motors place greatest Drill indexes, 193 Electric motors constraints on, 62 Drill motors, 99, 194 acquiring, 74 robot, 23–34 best places to get, 74 cordless, 75 most combat robots Design process Drill presses, small adding weapons to, 27 use, 76 starting, 22 bench-top, 194 Electrical noise, gasoline Drive method, direct, 104 Designing Drive systems, engines and, 172 bot frames, 26 Electrical wiring high powered robots, 115 relay-based, 140 for maintenance, 31–33 Drives requirements, 91–92 robots for multiple Electrically erasable contests, 23 belt, 118–121 robots on paper or chain, 115–118, 356 programmable read only CAD, 30 passive wheel, 57 memory (EEPROM), 263 powered axle, 57–59 Electronic circuits, using Destructive robots, 3 right-angle, 123, 124 prototyping boards for, Detectors wheel, 57 336–337 Driving Electronic speed controllers edge, 286–290 control of robots, 154 (ESCs), 73, 128, 172, infrared, 287 practice, 34 299, 300 infrared range, 301 Drum bots, 226–228 object, 290–292 drum design, 226–228 commercial, 143–155 ultrasonic range, strategy, 228 controlling heat with, 73 DT (double-throw) relays, 129 current capacity in 300–301 Duty cycles Devantech SRF04 Ultrasonic defined, 141 hobby, 145 expressed as vendors, 346–347 Range Finder, 243–244 Electronic speed controllers Differential steering, 48–50 percentage, 141 (ESCs), commercial, Diodes, flyback, 137, 138 limiting, 72 143–155 DIP ICs (dual in-line, hobby, 143–146 pin-integrated circuits), 337 Direct drive method, 104

Index 365 most critical components BattleBots is most FIRST (For Inspiration and in robots, 128 popular robotics, 7 Recognition of Science and Technology), 14–15 Electronics and computing Gauntlet, 13 robotics competition, 175 power, 22 Maze, 13 robot sumo, 4 FIRST Robotics Electronics, prototyping, various robotic combat, 3 Competition, 14 335–340 Extrusions, angle, 190 breadboarding, 336–337 First-time robot builders, 45 crimp style connectors, F FIRST Web site, official, 15 339–340 Flat belts, 118 soldering for robots, Fads, 331 Flat-head machine screws, 198 337–339 Fail, top ten reasons why Flatness, variations in floor, 55 static sensitivity, 340 Floor flatness, variations in, 55 using prototyping boards robots, 34 Floors, traction on combat, 54 for electronic circuits, Failsafe Flyback diodes, 137, 138 336–337 FM (frequency modulation), wire-wrapping compliance, 179–180 prototyping, 337 defined, 155 162, 167–168 shutdown feature known FM, PCM and radio Electronics suppliers, 348–349 as, 155 interference, AM, 167–170 Failures of combat robots, 195 For Inspiration and Energy to get motors to start Fast charging, 95 turning, 63 Fastener placement, Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), 14–15 Engines, internal combustion; structural design for, 195 Forces See also Motors, 76–77 Fasteners, screws, bolts and motor torque and Equations, rule-of-thumb other, 197–200 frictional, 111 type, 91 Fastening, welding, joining pushing, 64, 111 Equipment, old production, 35 and, 195 robot’s pushing, 109–111 ESCs (electronic speed FCC (Federal Formulas, helpful, 355–357 chain drive centerline controllers), 73, 128, 172, Communications 299, 300 Commission), 162 distances, 356 Federal Communications timing belt centerline commercial, 143–155 Commission (FCC), 162 controlling heat with, 73 Feel, using sensors to allow distances, 357 current capacity in robots to, 241–248 Forward-going switches, 135 Felk, Stephen, 165–166 Frames hobby, 145 FETs (Field Effect Transistors), ESCs (electronic speed 142, 142–143, 160 building, 322–323 Field Effect Transistors designing bot, 26 controllers), commercial, (FETs), 142, 142–143, 160 Free-machining brass, 188 143–155 Fighting robots will draw lot Frequencies of current, 81 for IFI Robotics Isaac hobby, 143–146 FIRST competition, inaugural most critical components year of, 15 robot controllers, 178 radio control, 162 in robots, 128 Events annual robot sumo, 303

366 Build Your Own Combat Robot radio systems Go-kart wheels, 52 Homes, robots in, 332 allow changing Gross, Bob, 256 Horn, servo, 136 transmitting, 165 Grudge Match, 10 Horsepower, peak, 69 Housings, adding motor, Frequency crystals, 164–165 H Frequency modulation (FM), 317–319 H-bridge, driving with, HPA (high-pressure air), 235 162, 167–168 134–135 Frictional forces, 110 I Hammer bots, 228–231 motor torque and, 111 hammer design, 228–231 ICs (integrated circuits), 338 Frictional losses, 63 strategy, 231 Idler sprockets, 117 Full-face masks, 37 IFI (Innovation First), 147 Fully autonomous robot, 240 Handy Board, 268 IFI (Innovation First Isaac ) Fun, building bots for, 24 Hear, using sensors to allow Functions, automating bot, 27 robot controllers, 175–179 Fuses, 138, 139 robots to, 241–248 IFI Robotics Isaac operator Heat blowing, 82–83 interface, 176 Future of robot combat, can destroy motors, 72 IFI Robotics Isaac robot controlling, 73 330–332 physical sizes of motors controllers, frequencies for, 178 G and, 72 IFI Robotics system, 175 power and, 68–72 IFI Robotics Victor Game of compromise, 29–30 Heating, motor, 72 controllers, 147 Garden tools, 52 Hell raisers, 7 Imahara, Grant, 66–67, 105 Gasoline engines and Hex-walkers, six-legged, 43 Impact rivets, standard, 201 Hexapods are popular robot Improvements electrical noise, 172 style, 43 Gauntlet event, 13 High-current capacity, relays performance, 297 Gear assemblies, mounting, should have, 130 traction, 302 High-performance motors, 73 Improving sensor input, 122 High powered robots, techniques for, 249–250 Gear reduction defined, 104 designing, 115 Infrared beacons, 253 Gear slop, 122 High-pressure air (HPA), 235 Infrared detectors, 287 Gearboxes, 122–124 High-pressure pneumatic Infrared LEDs, 287 systems, 37 Infrared Proximity Sensors mounting gear High-strength plastics, Sharp GP2D05, 245 assemblies, 122 184–185 Sharp GP2D15, 245 History of robot combat, 7 Infrared range detectors, 301 securing gears to shafts, Hobby controllers, Infrared Range Sensors 122–124 cheaper, 145 Sharp GP2D02, 245 Hobby ESCs, 143–146 Sharp GP2D12, 245 Gearmotor, 104 in combat robotics, Input power, 65 Gears, reverse, 76 Input, techniques for Gears, securing to shafts, 145–146 improving sensor, 249–250 current capacity in, 145 122–124 Gel-Cells, 92 Getting started, 21–38 Gladiators, American, 16 Glasses, safety, 36, 37

Index 367 Inspecting wiring, 154 International robot sumo, LCD (liquid crystal Installing batteries, 100 official rules for, 279 display), 268 Integrated circuits (ICs), 338 Integration, sensor, 293–296 Internet, 43 Lead acid batteries, 92 Interface drawings, system, 30 IR (infrared) reflective sensor LEDs (light emitting diodes), Interfaces systems, 243 176, 253 IFI Robotics Isaac Iron, tinning, 338 infrared, 287 Operator, 176 J Legged robots, 43 RC controller’s, 159 Legs, 42 Interference Jet Propulsion Labs, NASA’s, 50 robots with, 42–44 combating radio, 171 Lifter bots, 210–212 overcoming radio, 170 Joining, welding, and radio, 170–173 fastening, 195 lifter design, 210–212 radio to radio, 172–173 strategy, 212 Interference, AM, FM, PCM Joysticks, 162 Light emitting diodes (LEDs), and radio, 167–170 defined, 161 176, 253 AM (amplitude infrared, 287 K Links modulation), 167 master, 116 FM (frequency Katz, Ronni, 306–315 removable, 133 Keep It Simple Stupid Liquid crystal displays modulation), 167–168 (LCDs), 268 PCM (Pulse Code (KISS), 312 Liquid switches, Kill saws, 7 conductive, 247 Modulation), 168–170 Kill switches, 132 Lithium ion batteries, 83, 99 Internal combustion KISS (Keep It Simple Live Wires, 49 Live Wires, building, engines, 76–77 Stupid), 312 316–327 motors, 62 adding controllers, International robot sumo L class, 299–303 317–319 advanced software L-shaped pieces of metal, 189 adding motor housings, Large robot construction, algorithms, 301–302 317–319 infrared range cost factors in, 35–36 adding weapons, Larger shop tools, 37 detectors, 301 Laser range finding and 324–325 laser range finding and adding wheels, 317 vision systems, 301 building frames, 322–323 vision systems, 301 Launchers, 212–214 finally the show, motor controllers, launcher design, 213–214 325–327 299–300 strategy, 214 layout and modeling, motors, 299 Law, Ohm’s, 81 robot part suppliers, 302 Lawnmowers, 52 319–321 traction Layout and modeling, making sketches, 316 319–321 scrambling, 321–322 improvements, 302 ultrasonic range detectors, 300–301

368 Build Your Own Combat Robot securing motors, self-tapping screws, 200 Mechanical system suppliers, 316–317 sheet metal screws, 200 347–348 standard impact Locomotion Metal Oxide Semiconductor methods, 25, 42 rivets, 201 Field Effect Transistors tried and true method of, structural design for (MOSFETs), 142, 340 47–59 fastener placement, 195 Metal screws, sheet, 200 Locomotion components, TIG welding, 196–197 Metal, stainless steel sheet, 187 location of, 112 tools needed to construct Metal stock, using extruded, Locomotion, robot, 41–59 robots, 193–194 189–191 power of Caterpillar welding, 195 Metal, strong, 185 bulldozers in robots, Magnets, rare-earth, 73 Metals, 185 45–47 Maintenance, designing for, robots with legs, 42–44 31–33 aluminum, 185–187 tank treads: power of Manual disconnect angle pieces of, 189 Caterpillar bulldozers switches, 132 brass, 188–189 in robots, 45–47 Manufacturers, SLA, 95 cold-rolled steel, 188 wheels: tried and true Mars robot rovers, 50 cutting, 194 method of locomotion, Martensitic alloys, 187 L-shaped pieces of, 189 47–59 Masks, full-face, 37 mild steel, 188 Massachusetts Institute of stainless steel, 187–188 Logic, solid-state, 137–139 Technology (MIT), 268 titanium, 189 Losses, frictional, 63 Master link, 116 using extruded metal Love of sport, 23 Matches Lovejoy coupling, 114 Grudge, 10 stock for robot Low-profile robots, 49 Tag Team, 11 structures, 189–191 Materials Metals and materials, M metals and, 184–193 184–193 strengths of, 185 Microcontroller applications, Machine, BattleBots-style weaknesses of, 185 269–274 (radio-controlled), 22 Materials, robot, 183–201 1BDI, 272 general machining autonomous robots, 272 Machine screws, 197 BrainStem bug, 271–272 flat-head, 198 operations, 192–201 robo-goose, 269–271 pan-head, 198 metals and materials, Rover (teleoperated with feedback), 273–274 Machining operations, 184–193 Microcontroller basics, general, 192–201 when in doubt, built it 261–269 arc welding, 196–197 Basic Stamp, 265–267 blind rivets, 200–201 stout, 201 BotBoard, 268 fastening, 195 Maze event, 13 BrainStem, 267 joining, 195 Measure current draw, using Handy Board, 268 MIG welding, 196–197 miscellaneous pop rivets, 200–201 Ohm’s Law to, 81 microcontrollers, screws, bolts and other Measurement basics, suitable 268–269 fasteners, 197–200 resistors and, 81–82 Mechanical servos, 160

Index 369 Microcontroller suppliers, 350 Moment, bending, 50 best places to get Microcontrollers, 179 MOSFETs (Metal Oxide electric, 74 miscellaneous, 268–269 Semiconductor Field Effect bi-directional control MIG (metal inert gas) Transistors), 142, 340 of, 143 Motor constants, welders, 186 determining, 67–68 brushless PMDC, 73 MIG welding, 196–197 Motor Controller, OSMC, choosing, 70 Mild steel, 188 153–155 conditions under which Miles per hour (MPH), 106 Motor controllers, 299–300 Miles, Pete, 316–327 Motor, electric, 62–75 they will operate, 70 Military uses treads in controlling, 132 determining motor cordless drill, 75 tanks, 45 constants, 67–68 current draw Mini sumo, 281–298 power and heat, 68–72 specifications from autonomous mini pushing limits, 72–75 robot, 26 sumo, 286 Motor heating, 72 DC (direct current), 63 Motor housings, adding, doubling voltage and building mini sumo, 284 317–319 heat generated, 70 edge detector, 286–290 Motor operation and drill, 99, 194 mini sumo body voltage, 69 efficiency of, 73 Motor performance chart, heat can destroy, 72 assembly, 284–285 typical, 65 high-performance, 73 modifying R/C servo for Motor selection and how they will perform, 62 performance, 61–77 internal combustion, 62 continuous rotation, electric motor basics, keeping cool, 113 281–283 minimum amount of heat object detectors, 290–292 62–75 and running, 69 performance internal combustion most combat robots use improvements, 297 electric, 76 remote-control mini engines, 76–77 mounting, 112–113 sumo, 285–286 Motor sources, 74–75 noise from, 171 sensor integration, output power from, 70 293–296 electric, 344–346 permanent magnet DC, 67 various mini sumo Motor speed place greatest constraints robots, 297–298 on design, 62 MIT (Massachusetts Institute constant, 63 PMDC (permanent of Technology), 268 controllers, 26 magnet direct Model race cars, R/C (radio decreases as motor torque current), 62 controlled), 48 securing, 316–317 Modeling, layout and, increases, 65 speed and efficiency, 69 319–321 Motor torque starting, 63 Modems that come without miscellaneous radio, constant, 63 data sheets, 80 175–179 and frictional forces, 111 thermal consideration radio, 178–179 Motor torque increases, motor for, 113–114 Modifying R/C servo for speed decreases as, 65 continuous rotation, Motors, 299 281–283 AC (alternating current), 62 acquiring electric, 74

370 Build Your Own Combat Robot variable speed control NiCad run-time capacities, OSMC (Open Source Motor of, 143 comparing, 86 Controller), 153 Motors and heat, physical Nightmare, Jim Smentowski Output power, 65 sizes of, 72 and, 86 from motors, 70 Motors, controlling one’s, NiMH batteries Oval-head screws, 198 127–155 advantages of, 98 Overall power, 64 relay control, 128–139 disadvantages of, 98 Overhead thwack bots, variable speed control basics, 139–155 NiMH (Nickel Metal 219–220 Hydride) batteries, 83, strategy, 220 Motors to start turning, 97–98 thwack mechanism energy to get, 63 packs and internal design, 219–220 resistance, 88 Motor’s voltage, doubling, 70 P Mounting NiMH run-time capacities, comparing, 86 Pan-head machine screws, 198 gear assemblies, 122 Paper or CAD, designing motors, 112–113 No-load current, 63, 64, 68 wheels, 54–55 No load speed, 63 robots on, 30 Mounting axles, 54–55 NO (normally open) Part suppliers, robot, 302 using various types of Parts contacts, 129 bearings, 55–57 Noise existing, 30 Movement commands, 158 sources of robot, 35 Moving is robot’s primary gasoline engines and Passive electrical, 172 sensors, 241, 242 objective, 42 wheel drives, 57 MPH (miles per hour), 106 from motors, 171 PCBs (printed circuit boards), Multi-stranded wires, 92 Numbers, channel, 162 336–337 Multi-wheel platform, 49 soldering, 338 Multiple contests, designing O PCM and radio interference, AM, FM, 167–170 robots for, 23 Object detectors, 290–292 PCM (Pulse Code Ohm’s Law, using to measure Modulation), 168–170 N available RC systems, 169 current draw, 81 choosing radio NASA’s Jet Propulsion Old production equipment, 35 Labs, 50 One-Way Rule, Vaughan’s, systems, 169 received data is evaluated NC (normally closed) 105–106, 191–192, 207 contacts, 129 Open Source Motor channel by channel, 168 PDAs (personal data NEMA (National Electrical Controller (OSMC), 153 Manufacturers Operations, general assistants), 273 Association), 123, 124 Peak currents, voltage machining, 192–201 New robot builder, help, 17 Operator interface, IFI stability for, 88–89 NiCad (Nickel Cadmium) Peak horsepower, 69 Robotics Isaac, 176 Performance characteristics, batteries, 83, 95–97 Optical sensors, 248 advantages of, 96–97 Opto-isolators, 148 battery, 90 disadvantages of, 97 Organizations, robot, 43, packs and internal resistance, 88 351–352 OSMC Motor Controller, 153–155

Index 371 Performance chart, typical overall, 64 wheel permanently motor, 65 requirements, 26, 68 mounted to, 59 Power, it’s all about, 79–100 Performance battery capacity basics, Practice driving, 34 improvements, 297 Pre-cut slots, wheel assembly 83–91 Permanent magnet DC battery power with, 59 motors, 67 Precipitating-hardening requirements, 80–83 Personal data assistants battery types, 92–99 alloys, 187 (PDAs), 273 electrical wiring Printed circuit boards (PCBs), Pillow block bearing, 56 requirements, 91–92 336–337 Pinball tournament, 10 installing batteries, 100 soldering, 338 PIR (passive infrared) Power servo amplifiers, Bully, 152 Production equipment, old, 35 sensor, 242 Power to wheels, ways to Programs Pixels defined, 241 provide, 59 Plastics, high-strength, Power transmission, 103–124 Basic Stamp 1, 294–296 belt drive systems, sample Basic Stamp 1, 184–185 Platforms, multi-wheel, 49 118–121 289–290 PMDC motors, brushless, 73 chain drive systems, Propulsion, providing to PMDC (permanent magnet 115–118 bots, 25 direct current) motor, 62 gearboxes, 122–124 Propulsion system, efficiency Pneumatic systems, getting power to wheels, of, 46 high-pressure, 37 103–124 Prototyping boards, Polaroid 6500 Ultrasonic methods of, 114 power transmission breadboarding and using, Range Finder, 244 336–337 Poles and throws, 128–129 basics, 106–115 Prototyping electronics, Pop rivets, 200–201 Power transmission basics 335–340 Popularity, robot sumo’s force, 109, 109–111 breadboarding, 336–337 growing, 277 location of locomotion crimp style connectors, Ports, RC (radio control) components, 112 339–340 servo, 267 methods of power soldering for robots, Position sensitive detectors transmission, 114 337–339 (PSDs), 245 mounting motors, static sensitivity, 340 Potentiometers, 143 using prototyping boards Potting batteries, not, 83 112–113 Power thermal conditions for for electronic circuits, 336–337 electronics and motors, 113 wire-wrapping computing, 22 thermal consideration for prototyping, 337 Prototyping, wire- getting to one’s wheels, motors, 113–114 wrapping, 337 103–124 torque, 109 Proximity Sensors Powered axles Sharp GP2D05 and heat, 68–72 drives, 57–59 Infrared, 245 input, 65 output, 65, 70

372 Build Your Own Combat Robot Sharp GP2D15 72MHz, 163 Polaroid 6500 Infrared, 245 27MHz, 162–163 Ultrasonic, 244 United Kingdom, 164 PSDs (position sensitive Radio frequency crystals, Range Sensors detectors), 245 164–165 Sharp GP2D02 Radio interference Infrared, 245 PTC (makers of Pro/E CAD overcoming, 170 Sharp GP2D12 software), 28 and reliable control, Infrared, 245 Pulleys, V-belt, 121 170–173 Rare-earth magnets, 73 Pulse Code Modulation Radio interference, AM, FM, Rating, Ahr (amp-hour), 83 Ratings, current, 129–131 (PCM), 168–170 PCM and, 167–170 RC controller’s interface, 159 available RC systems, 169 AM (amplitude RC controls, traditional, choosing radio modulation), 167 systems, 169 FM (frequency 158–160 received data is evaluated modulation), 167–168 RC controller’s channel by channel, 168 PCM (Pulse Code interface, 159 Modulation), 168–170 RC servo, 160 Pulse width modulation (PWM), 140–142, 300 Radio modems, 178–179 RC (radio control) miscellaneous, 175–179 gear, 158 Pulverizers, 7 radios, 307 Purchasing batteries, 83–84 Radio systems system, 261 Pushing forces, 64, 111 allow changing Pushing robots, 207 transmitting RC (radio-controlled) PWM (pulse width frequencies, 165 system receiver, 112 with computerized modulation), 140–142, 300 receivers, 180 RC (remote-controlled) Pyroelectric sensor, 242 and loss of signal, 179 robots, 240 Q Radio to radio interference, RC servo ports, 267 172–173 RC servos, 135, 136–137, 160 Quadrupeds, 43 Radios developing custom R computer, 169 controls for RC (radio control), 307 driving, 154 R/C (radio-controlled) model race cars, 48 Raisers, hell, 7 modifying, 281–283 Ram bots, 205–207 RC subsystems, 178 Race cars, R/C (radio Real-life robots: lessons from controlled) model, 48 ram design, 205–207 strategy, 207 veteran builders, 305–327 Radio control frequencies, 162 Ram rods, 7 Pete Miles—building Live Radio control (RC), 158 Range detectors, ultrasonic, Wires, 316–327 Radio control system, 27 300–301 Ronni Katz—building Range Finders Chew Toy, 306–315 traditional, 154 Devantech SRF04 Radio-controlled machine, 22 Receivers Radio frequency bands Ultrasonic, 243–244 radio systems with computerized, 180 50MHz, 163 RC (radio-controlled) 75MHz, 163–164 system, 112

Index 373 Rechargeable batteries driving with H-bridge, IFI (Innovation First brand-new, 84 134–135 Isaac) robot controllers, and shelf life, 85 175–179 how it all works together, Reducers 132–133 miscellaneous radio commercial speed, 123 modems, 175–179 speed, 123, 124 poles and throws, 128–129 radio interference and Reduction reliable control, gear, 104 RC (radio-controlled) 170–173 speed, 104, 106 servos, 136–137 traditional RC controls, Reference books, 350–351 solid-state logic, 137–139 158–160 References, resources and, turning switches on and Removable links, 133 343–352 off, 135–139 Research, 306–308 battery suppliers, 346 Relays Resistors, suitable, 81–82 electric motor sources, Resources and references, 344–346 coils of, 131 electronic speed controlling motors 343–352 controller vendors, battery suppliers, 346 346–347 with, 132 electric motor sources, electronics suppliers, defined, 128 344–346 348–349 DP (double-pole), 128 electronic speed mechanical system DT (double-throw), 129 controller vendors, suppliers, 347–348 should have high-current 346–347 microcontroller electronics suppliers, suppliers, 350 capacity, 130 348–349 miscellaneous robotics solenoid, 130 mechanical system resources, 352 SP (single-pole), 128 suppliers, 347–348 reference books, 350–351 SPDT (single-pole microcontroller remote control system suppliers, 350 vendors, 347 double-throw), 128, 251 miscellaneous robotics robot competition ST (single-throw), 129 resources, 352 Web sites, 344 transistors act like reference books, 350–351 robotics organizations, remote control system 351–352 simple, 141 vendors, 347 Remote control robot competition Reflective sensor systems, Web sites, 344 IR (infrared), 243 mini sumo, 285–286 robotics organizations, system vendors, 347 351–352 Regulations, contest’s current Remote controlled, most rules and, 16 combat robots are, 4 Reverse gears, 76 Remotely controlling one’s Reverse-going switches, 135 Relay-based drive systems, 140 robot, 157–180 RF (radio frequency) Relay contacts, welded, 130 AM, FM, PCM and radio Relay control, 128–139 carriers, 167 interference, 167–170 transmitters, 176 current ratings, 129–131 antennas and shielding, 173–174 control channels, 160–166 failsafe compliance, 179–180

374 Build Your Own Combat Robot RFI (radio frequency Robot Institute of America, radio interference and interference), 168 The, 5 reliable control, 170–173 Rheostats, 143 Robot locomotion, 41–59 Right-angle drives, 123, 124 power of Caterpillar traditional RC controls, Rims, carefully consider, 53 bulldozers in robots, 158–160 Rivets 45–47 robots with legs, 42–44 Robot rovers, Mars, 50 blind, 200–201 tank treads: power of Robot Soccer, 16–17 pop, 200–201 Caterpillar bulldozers standard impact, 201 in robots, 45–47 most difficult robot Robo-goose, 269–271 wheels: tried and true sport, 16 Robot brains, 27, 260–274 method of locomotion, microcontroller 47–59 Robot structures, using extruded metal stock for, applications, 269–274 Robot material and 189–191 microcontroller basics, construction techniques, 183–201 Robot style, hexapods are 261–269 general machining popular, 43 Robot builders operations, 192–201 metals and materials, Robot sumo, 275–303 beginning-level, 43 184–193 annual robot sumo first-time, 45 when in doubt, built it events, 303 helping new, 17 stout, 201 growing popularity Robot class, fully of, 277 autonomous, 253–256 Robot motors, current draw how sumo match Robot combat specifications from, 26 proceeds, 278–279 future of, 330–332 international robot sumo has come long way, 2 Robot organizations, 43 class, 299–303 history of, 7 Robot part suppliers, 302 mini sumo, 281–298 Robot combat events, safety Robot parts, sources of, 35 official rules for first, 253 Robot, remotely controlling international, 279 Robot competition promotes sportsmanship Web sites, 344 one’s, 157–180 and education, 278 Robot competitions, combat, AM, FM, PCM and radio sumo ring specification, 5–17 interference, 167–170 280–281 Robot construction, cost antennas and shielding, factors in large, 35–36 173–174 Robot sumo class, Robot contests, compete in control channels, international, 299–303 fastest-growing, 277 160–166 advanced software Robot design approach, failsafe compliance, algorithms, 301–302 23–34 179–180 infrared range designing for IFI (Innovation First detectors, 301 Isaac) robot controllers, laser range finding and maintenance, 31–33 175–179 vision systems, 301 game of compromise, miscellaneous radio motor controllers, modems, 175–179 299–300 29–30 motors, 299 start building now, 33 robot part suppliers, 302 testing, testing, testing, 34

Index 375 traction implementing sensors in designing for multiple improvements, 302 combat robots, contests, 23 248–250 ultrasonic range designing high detectors, 300–301 more information, 257 powered, 115 semiautonomous target Robot sumo events, 4 designing on paper or annual, 303 and weapon tracking, CAD, 30 250–253 Robot Wars, 9–11, 32 using sensors to allow destructive, 3 pinball, 10 robots to feel, 241–248 driving control of, 154 soccer, 10–11 using sensors to allow ESCs most critical Sumo, 10 robots to hear, 241–248 components in, 128 Robot weight classes using sensors to allow fully autonomous, 240 BotBash, 12 robots to see, 241–248 in homes, 332 Botbash walking, 12 Robots fail, top ten reasons implementing sensors in why, 34 Robot wheels, protecting Robots, failures of combat, 248–250 one’s, 59 combat, 195 legged, 43 Robot’s primary objective, with legs, 42–44 Robotic combat events, moving is, 42 locating sprockets various, 3 Robots, real-life, 305–327 Pete Miles—building on, 118 Robotic servants, 332 Live Wires, 316–327 low-profile, 49 Robotic sumo rules, 277–278 Ronni Katz—building making them move, 24 Robotica, 13–14 Chew Toy, 306–315 power of Caterpillar Robots; See also Bots Season One, 13 are time and money bulldozers in, 45–47 Season Two, 14 intensive, 191 pushing, 207 Robotics autonomous combat, 4 RC (remote- fate of sport, 332 batteries are heart and hobby ESCs in combat, blood of one’s, 100 controlled), 240 BEAM (Biology safety with one’s, 37–38 145–146 Electronics Aesthetic selecting wheels for IFI, 175 Mechanics), 35 knowledge of, 17 biped, 43 combat, 51–52 organizations, 351–352 building, 17 semiautonomous, 240 world of combat, 2 building combat, 18 smaller, 50 Robotics Competition, building for fun, 24 soldering for, 337–339 FIRST, 14, 175 building tank treads for, testing, 82 Robotics event, BattleBots is 46–47 tools needed to construct, most popular, 7 competition, 24 Robotics resources, defined, 5 193–194 miscellaneous, 352 derivation of, 5 various mini sumo, Robotics Victor controller, IFI, 147 297–298 Robots, autonomous, Robots, starting to build, 239–257, 272 autonomous target 21–38 cost factors in large robot tracking, 253–256 construction, 35–36 robot design approach, 23–34 safety, 36–38

Index 376 sources of robot parts, 35 S Sensor systems, IR (infrared) top ten reasons why reflective, 243 Safety, 36–38 robots fail, 34 glasses, 36, 37 Sensors Robots, weapons on, 3 with one’s robots, 37–38 active, 241, 243 Robots, weapons systems for safety in use of shop advanced, 300 tools, 37 bump, 248 one’s, 203–236 safety with one’s robots, how they work, 244 closing remarks on 37–38 implementing in combat weapons, 236 in use of shop tools, 37 robots, 248–250 weapon strategy and optical, 248 effectiveness, 204–236 Safety first, 253 passive, 241, 242 Sanders, bench, 194 PIR (passive Robots, welcome to Saw bots, 222–224 infrared), 242 competition, 1–18 pyroelectric, 242 combat robot saw design, 223–224 Sharp GP2D02 Infrared competitions, 5–17 strategy, 224 Range, 245 robots defined, 5 Saws, kill, 7 Sharp GP2D05 Infrared scope of this book, 17–18 Screws Proximity, 245 bolts and other fasteners, Sharp GP2D12 Infrared Robots will draw lot of Range, 245 current, fighting, 81 197–200 Sharp GP2D15 Infrared cap, 198 Proximity, 245 Rocker bogie system, 50 flat-head machine, 198 thermal, 246 Rods, ram, 7 machine, 197 tilt, 247–248 Roller chain, single oval-head, 198 using to allow robots pan-head machine, 198 to feel, 241–248 strand, 115 self-tapping, 200 using to allow robots Rookie bot builder, 174 sheet metal, 200 to hear, 241–248 Rover (teleoperated with Securing motors, 316–317 using to allow robots See, using sensors to allow to see, 241–248 feedback), 273–274 robots to, 241–248 Rovers, Mars robot, 50 Self-tapping screws, 200 Servants, robotic, 332 Rubber tracks, bot Semiautonomous Servo amplifiers, Bully robots, 240 experimenters opt for, 46 weapons, 251 power, 152 Rule-of-thumb type Semiautonomous target and Servo arms, 136 weapon tracking, 250–253 Servo horns, 136 equations, 91 Semiautonomous target Servo mixing circuits, 154 Rules tracking, 252–253 Servo ports, RC (radio implementing, 251–252 robot sumo, 277–278 Sensing, it’s noisy world out control), 267 using and abusing, 207 there, 249 Servo switching, 137 Vaughan’s One- Sensor input, techniques for Servos improving, 249–250 Way, 105–106, Sensor integration, 293–296 developing custom 191–192, 207 controls for driving Rules and regulations, RC, 154 contest’s current, 16 Run time, sizing for 6-minute, 85 Runaway, thermal, 142

Index 377 mechanical, 160 Sites SPDT (single-pole modifying R/C, 281–283 official first Web, 15 double-throw) relay, RC, 160 robot competition 128, 251 RC (radio-controlled), Web, 344 Spear bots, 233–236 135, 136–137 Six-legged hex-walkers, 43 spear design, 233–236 Shafts Six-minute capacities, strategy, 236 getting torque from, 58 comparing batteries with Specification, sumo ring, securing gears to, similar, 89 280–281 Six-minute run time, sizing 122–124 for, 85–86 Speed Sharp GP2D02 Infrared Sizing batteries, 93 motor, 65 Sketches, making, 316 no load, 63 Range Sensors, 245 Skid steering, 25 Sharp GP2D05 Infrared SLA run-time capacities, Speed control, variable, comparing, 86 139–155 Proximity Sensors, 245 SLA (Sealed Lead Acid) commercial electronic Sharp GP2D12 Infrared batteries, 83, 93–95 speed controllers, 143–155 Range Sensors, 245 have lowest internal controlling speed = Sharp GP2D15 Infrared voltage drop, 88 controlling voltage, 140 Proximity Sensors, 245 manufacturers, 95 Speed controllers, 172 Shear strength, 199 Slop, gear, 122 4QD, 152–153 Sheave defined, 121 Slots, wheel assembly with motor, 26 Sheet metal Vantec, 149–152 pre-cut, 59 Victor 883, 147–149 screws, 200 Smaller robots, 50 stainless steel, 187 Smentowski, Jim, 86 Speed controllers, commercial Sheets Soccer, 10–11 electronic, 143–155 battery manufacturer’s Softer steel alloys, 188 hobby ESCs, 143–146 Software algorithms, data, 91 Speed, controlling, 140 data, 80 advanced, 301–302 FET (Field Effect Shelf life, rechargeable Software, CAD (computer Transistor), 142–143 batteries and, 85 PWM (pulse width Shielding, antennas and, aided design), 110, 308 modulation), 140–142 173–174 Soldering Shop tools Speed reducers, 104, 123, 124 gaining knowledge connectors, 339 commercial, 123 PCBs (printed circuit in use of, 36 Speed reduction, 104, 106 larger, 37 boards), 338 Spike strips, 8 safety in use of, 37 for robots, 337–339 Spinner bots, 220–222 Show, finally the, 325–327 wires, 339 Shutdown feature known as Solenoid relays defined, 130 spinner design, 221–222 failsafe, 155 Solenoids, starter, 131 strategy, 222 Signals Solid core wires, 92 Spinners, vertical, 224–226 data checksum, 168 Solid-state logic, 137–139 strategy, 226 radio systems and loss SP (single-pole) relay, 128 vertical spinner design, of, 179 224–226 Single strand roller chain, 115

378 Build Your Own Combat Robot Sponsors, knowing when they differential, 48–50 how sumo match are needed, 191–192 skid, 25 proceeds, 278–279 tank-type, 25, 48 Sport types of, 47–50 international robot sumo has changed a lot in Strength class, 299–303 five years, 23 shear, 199 love of, 23 tensile, 198 mini sumo, 281–298 Strengths of materials, 185 sumo ring specification, Sport robotics, fate of, 332 Strips, spike, 8 Sprocket and chain system, Strong metal, 185 280–281 Structural design for fastener Suppliers implementing, 117 placement, 195 Sprockets Subsystems, RC, 178 battery, 346 Sumo class, international electronics, 348–349 chain, 117–118 robot, 299–303 mechanical system, idler, 117 Sumo events, 10 locating on robots, 118 annual robot, 303 347–348 ST (single-throw) relays, 129 robot, 4 microcontroller, 350 Stability, voltage, 87–89 Sumo matches, how they robot part, 302 Stainless steel, 187–188 proceed, 278–279 Supporting axles, 54–55 sheet metal, 187 Sumo, mini, 281–298 Supporting wheels, 54–55 Stamp, Basic, 255, 265–267 autonomous mini Surplus houses, 199 Standoff distances, constant, Switches 252–253 sumo, 286 conductive liquid, 247 Start building now, 33 building mini sumo, 284 forward-going, 135 Starter solenoids, 131 edge detector, 286–290 kill, 132 Starting mini sumo body manual disconnect, 132 design process, 22 reverse-going, 135 motors, 63 assembly, 284–285 transistors act like, 141 Starting to build robots, modifying R/C servo for turning on and off, 21–38 cost factors in large robot continuous rotation, 135–139 281–283 Switching, servo, 137 construction, 35–36 object detectors, 290–292 Synchronous belts, 119–120 robot design approach, performance System interface drawings, 30 improvements, 297 System receiver, RC 23–34 remote-control mini safety, 36–38 sumo, 285–286 (radio-controlled), 112 sources of robot parts, 35 sensor integration, System suppliers, mechanical, top ten reasons why 293–296 various mini sumo 347–348 robots fail, 34 robots, 297–298 System vendors, remote Static sensitivity, 340 Sumo ring specification, Steel 280–281 control, 347 Sumo, robot, 275–303 Systems cold-rolled, 188 annual robot sumo mild, 188 events, 303 belt drive, 118–121 stainless, 187–188 chain drive, 115–118 Steel alloys, softer, 188 efficiency of propulsion, Steel, chrome, 187 Steering 46 Ackerman, 47–48 high-pressure pneumatic, 37 implementing sprocket and chain, 117

Index 379 IR (infrared) reflective The Learning Channel larger shop, 37 sensor, 243 (TLC), 316 needed to construct laser range finding and Thermal robots, 193–194 vision, 301 consideration for motors, safety in use of shop, 37 113–114 Torque, 64, 109 radio, 179, 180 runaway, 142 Torque and frictional forces, radio control, 27 sensors, 246 motor, 111 RC (radio control), 261 Torque increases, motor speed relay-based drive, 140 Thermistors, 246 decreases as motor, 65 rocker bogie, 50 Throws, poles and, 128–129 Torque wrenches, 200 traditional radio Thumper, Bob Gross and, 256 Toy, building Chew, Thwack bots, 217–219 306–315 control, 154 Tracking weapons, 203–236 strategy, 218–219 autonomous target, thwack bot design, T 253–256 217–218 implementing Tachometers, 67 Thwack bots, overhead, Tag Team match, 11 semiautonomous Tank treads, 45–47 219–220 target, 251–252 strategy, 220 semiautonomous target, building for robots, thwack mechanism 252–253 46–47 design, 219–220 semiautonomous target and weapon, 250–253 Tank-type steering, 25, 48 TIG (tungsten inert gas) Tracks, bot experimenters Tanks, military uses treads welders, 186 opt for rubber, 46 Traction improvements, 302 in, 45 TIG welding, 196–197 Traction on combat floors, 54 Target, semiautonomous, Tilt sensors, 247–248 Transistors Timing belts, 119 act like simple relays, 141 250–253 act like switches, 141 Target tracking centerline distances, 357 Transmission, 104 determining load-carrying Transmission, power, autonomous, 253–256 103–124 implementing capacities of, 120 Transmitters, RF (radio Tinning iron, 338 frequency), 176 semiautonomous, Tire combination, wheel, 53 Transmitting frequencies, 251–252 Tires, 53–54 radio systems allow semiautonomous, changing, 165 252–253 carefully consider, 53 Treads, tank, 45–47 Team Coolrobots, 44, 191 Tires and wheels, best sources Television, 2 Tensile strength defined, 198 of, 52 Testing Titanium, 189 robots in battle-like TLC (The Learning conditions, 82 testing, testing, 34 Channel), 316 wiring, 154 Tools gaining knowledge in use of shop, 36 garden, 52

380 Build Your Own Combat Robot U doubling motor’s, 70 Weapons motor operation and, 69 adding, 324–325 Ultrasonic range detectors, Voltage stability, 87–89 adding to design 300–301 for peak currents, 88–89 process, 27 Voltmeters, 67 closing remarks on, 236 Ultrasonic Range Finders Voltronic, Stephen Felk and, creating, 311–314 Devantech SRF04, 165–166 on robots, 3 243–244 Vortex, 8 semi-autonomous, 251 Polaroid 6500, 244 W Weapons systems for one’s United Kingdom radio robots, 203–236 frequency bands, 164 Walkers, six-legged hex, 43 closing remarks on Walking robot weight classes, weapons, 236 V weapon strategy and Botbash, 12 effectiveness, 204–236 V-belt pulley, 121 Walking, watch persons, 42 V-belts, 121, 357 Wars, Robot, 9–11, 32 Web sites Vantec Speed Controller, Washers, 199 official FIRST, 15 Wave antenna, 1/4, 173 robot competition, 344 149–152 Weaknesses of materials, 185 Variable speed control Weapon strategy and Wedge bots, 208–210 strategy, 209–210 basics, 139–155 effectiveness, 204–236 wedge design, 208–209 of motors, 143 clamp bots, 215–217 Vaughan’s One-Way Rule, crusher bots, 231–233 Weight classes 105–106, 191–192, 207 drum bots, 226–228 Botbash walking robot, 12 Vendors hammer bots, 228–231 Botbash wheeled robot, 12 electronic speed launchers, 212–214 lifter bots, 210–212 Welded relay contacts, 130 controller, 346–347 overhead thwack bots, Welders remote control 219–220 ram bots, 205–207 MIG (metal inert gas), 186 system, 347 saw bots, 222–224 TIG (tungsten inert Ventures, building combat spear bots, 233–236 spinner bots, 220–222 gas), 186 robots not cheap, 36 thwack bots, 217–219 wirefeed, 186 Vertical spinners, 224–226 vertical spinners, Welding 224–226 arc, 196–197 strategy, 226 wedge bots, 208–210 MIG, 196–197 vertical spinner design, TIG, 196–197 Weapon tracking, wire-feed, 196 224–226 semiautonomous target Welding, joining, and Victor 883 Speed Controller, and, 250–253 fastening, 195 Welds, difficult to repair, 196 147–149 Wheel assembly with pre-cut Victor controllers, IFI slots, 59 Wheel configurations, 50–51 Robotics, 147 Vision systems, laser range finding and, 301 Voltage controlling, 140

Index 381 Wheel drives getting torque from shafts Wire-wrapping passive, 57 to, 58 prototyping, 337 types, 57 go-kart, 52 Wirefeed welders, 186 Wheel permanently mounted mounting, 54–55 Wires to powered axle, 59 protecting one’s robot, 59 selecting for combat building Live, 316–327 Wheel/tire combination, 53 Live, 49 Wheeled robot weight classes, robots, 51–52 multi-stranded, 92 supporting, 54–55 soldering, 339 BotBash, 12 tried and true method of solid core, 92 Wheels Wiring locomotion, 47–59 electrical, 91–92 adding, 317 ways to provide power inspecting, 154 are designed to be testing, 154 to, 59 Wrenches, torque, 200 replaced, 31 Wire, copper, 91 best sources of tires and, Wire-feed welding, 196 Wire sizes, selecting proper, 91 52 getting power to one’s, 103–124

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