136 Internet of Everything and Big Data less energy, thus it reduces the electricity bill of our building. Further, the reduction of limescale in water also extends the life of our devices and reduces the frequency of maintenance of these devices. 13.7 CONCLUSION The results show that it is preferable to introduce a water filtering system (softener), especially in areas where water is hard or very hard. This will be applied to the building’s water supply to reduce the energy bill, extend the life of hydraulic instal- lations, reduce the frequency of maintenance, make soap and detergents more effi- cient, and improve the quality of drinking water. To ensure the energy efficiency of buildings, it is necessary to do the following: • Know the TH of drinking water used in the building. • Know the effects of parameters that favor the formation of limescale. • Choose the class of devices used in the buildings. • Properly use and adjust devices. • Install a softener, etc. 13.8 PERSPECTIVES • Studying the profitability of a softener in the same building. • Analyzing the consequences of the replacement of an electric water heater by a solar one. REFERENCES Abarkan, M., 2014, “Modélisation et Analyse du comportement d’un Bâtiment équipé d’un Système Multi Sources d’´ énergie”, PhD Thesis, Aix University, Marseille and Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fes, Morocco. Abeliotis, K., 2015, “Impact of water hardness on consumers’ perception of laundry washing result in five European countries”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, vol. 39, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ doi/full/10.1111/ijcs.12149. Accessed: Oct 2018. ADEREE, (n.d.) “Les bonnes pratiques de l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments”. Available at: http://docplayer.fr/14141959-Les-bonnes-pratiques-de-l-efficacite-energetique-dans- le-batiment.html. Accessed: April 2018. ASPEC SERVIGAZ, (n.d.), “EMBOUAGE: Causes, Effets, et Résolutions de Problèmes”. Available at: https://www.aspec-servigaz.fr/index.php/desembouage/causes-effets-et- resolution-de-lembouage. Accessed: April 2018. Cameron, B. A., 2011, “Detergent considerations for consumers: Laundering in hard water— how much extra detergent is required?”, Journal of Extension, vol. 49, no. 4, University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming. Available at: https://www.joe.org/joe/2011august/ rb6.php. Accessed: Oct 2018. Cortial, N. (n.d.), “Précipitation—Produit de solubilité”. Available at: http://nicole.cortial. net/complements/chimie/web-cours-pr%E9cipitation.pdf. Accessed: May 2018.
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Index Page numbers in italics refer to figures and those in bold refer to tables. A described, 74 learning algorithm, 74–75 Abeliotis, Konstadinos, 129 learning phase, 78 Accountability, 50–51 model used, 77 Adaptative neuro-fuzzy inference system overview, 73–74 parameters of, 65 (ANFIS), 60, 63, 64, 65, 65–69 regression plot of, 67 AFINN dictionary, 16 simuation results, 77–78 Ain Beni-Mathar Integrated Solar Combined structure of, 63 Asaduzzaman, A., 36 Cycle Power Plant (ISCC), 61 Ashcraft, A. B., 83 Air change rate, 46 Atitallah, R. B., 38 Algorithm Augustin, P., 87 Australia, 104 of back propagation (BP), 63 Authentication/authorization, 50 to deal with problems, 10 Availability, 51 genetic, 60, 73 Ax, J., 39 intelligence, 60 learning, 74–75 B least mean square (LMS), 75 Levenberg–Marquardt BP, 65, 77, 79 Back propagation (BP), 63 MapReduce, 14 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 85 RSA, 52 Basel III, 85 Algorithmic trading, 102 Bayer, T., 52 Altera Stratix IV FPGA, 39 Benzoni, L., 89n2 AMD processor, 36, 36 Berkovits, S., 52 Analysis Big Data comparative, 19 cost–benefit, 82 characteristics of, 11 mesoscopic, 119 described, 11 Pig, 17 impact of, 11 regression, 117–118, 120, 122 model workflow, 13–14 sentiment, 10, 13, 16, 18, 20–21 proposed system, 10 tools, 10 storage challenges of, 10 tweets, 14, 17 Big SQL, 20 on Twitter data using MapReduce, 16 Bitcoin, 102, 107–110 using Hadoop MapReduce, 15–16 Blockchain technology, 102–103, 107–111 Analytical temperature for multiprocessors Boukhechem, S., 37 Broker in trading, 103–107 (ATMI), 40 Bronfenbrenner, U., 26 Ang, A., 85 Bronfenbrenner’s model, 26 Anonymity, 51 Buildings, 43–48; see also Limescale Apache Flume, 11–13, 16 consumption with and without heating/ Apache Hadoop ecosystem, 11, 12 Apache Hive, 11–12, 14, 20 cooling system, 48 Apache Pig, 11–12, 14, 17–20 dynamic thermal simulation, 44 Application programming interfaces (API), 13, energy efficiency of, 128 energy issue, 44 51 floor-to-ceiling ratio, 44 Argentina, 82 heating and cooling energy needs in, 43–48 Artificial intelligence (AI), 73 Artificial neural networks (ANN), 60, 63, 65, 139 65–69, 73–80, 74 database presentation, 75–76
140 Index Meteorological data, 44 D modeling of, 44–46 occupancy benefit of, 44, 46 Daily direct normal irradiation (DNI), 65 overview, 43–44 Das, S., 83 TGBV, 44 Data thermal zoning of habitat, 47 Bulow, J., 86 of global solar irradiation, 76 Bus topology, 105 Meteorological, 44 normalization, 64–65 C raw, 12 real-time tweets on, 13 Cameron, Bruce A., 129 semi-structured, 11 Canada, 104 social media, 11 Case study structured, 11 Twitter, 13, 15–16, 19, 21 E-Pathshala of NCERT, 6 from using Apache Flume, 15 Indira Gandhi National Open University Data Management Engine (DME), 39 Decentralized assessments, 109 (IGNOU), 5 Dialog, 30–33 “I Share for India,” 4 Digital/digitalization, 1 National Conference of ICT, 4 currency, 103, 107; see also Bitcoin; Centralized shared memory (CSM), 39, 39 Certification authority (CA), 53–54 Cryptocurrencies Chernov, M., 89n2 learning, 5 C++ language, 103 libraries, 5–6 Cluster, 12, 15 Digital e-learning platform, 5 CO2 emissions, 115–116, 128 “Digital India” program, 4 Collateralized debt obligations (CDO), 82 Direct market access (DMA), 102 Communication security Distributed caching, 16 JADE framework for, 49–58 Distributed shared memory systems (DSM), 38, mobile agent security countermeas ures, 50–51 motivation, 51 38–40, 39 overview, 49–50 Dodd–Frank Act, 85 proposed approach, 52–57 Dollar, 104 related works, 51–52 DSM vs. CSM, 39 SSL/TLS, 51 Durbin–Watson test (DW), 119 Comparison of energy consumption in building, Dynamic thermal simulation, 44 134–136 air change rate, 46 appliances’ annual consumption, 135 heating and air conditioning, 46 devices, 134 internal shading, 46 discussion, 135–136 lighting and electrical appliances, 46 method, 135 occupancy, 44 result, 135 Concentrated solar power (CSP), 60 E Corporate, 87 Cost–benefit analysis, 82 Eaton, J., 86 Cost reduction by intermediaries, 109 E-basta, 4 Credit default swaps (CDS), 81–89 ECC elliptic curve, 57 impact on asset prices, liquidity, and Echo state network (ESN), 60 Education efficiency, 82–85 impact on firm characteristics, 83–84 in India, 2 international finance and, 85–87 mass, 5 by location of counterparty, 84 online, 5 overview, 81–82 system, 2–3 postcrisis market, 85 Educational curriculum, 5 welfare implications of, 82 Effect of temperature and pH on limescale Cryptocurrencies, 102, 107–111; see also Bitcoin Currency pair to trade, 104, 104 formation, 131–132 Current market infrastructure, 105–107 discussion, 132 material, 131 method, 131
Index 141 results, 131 framework configuration, 15 solubility of limescale, 132 MapReduce-based, 19 values of parameters, 132 node, 13 Electronic technologies, 5 node configuration, 14 Electronic trading, 103 objective, 10 Emails, 11 overview, 9–10 Emirates, U. A., 52 performance evaluation of, 9–21 Emotional financial situation, 28 proposed system, 10 Encyclopedia, 2 uses of, 11 Energy supplied to water according to Hadoop Kernel, 11–12 Hammond, L., 38 temperature, 133–134 Han, S., 38 equipment, 133 Hash experimental device, 133 of current block, 110 as function of temperature, 134 of previous block, 110–111 method, 133 SHA1, 111 Enterprise resources planning (ERP), 97 H.264 decoder, 39 E-Pathshala, 4, 6 Heat exchanger, 62 Equivalence relation, 130 Heating and air conditioning, 46 Estimation of prediction error, 64 Heating and cooling energy needs in buildings, Ethernet networks, 107 Exchange rates of international transactions, 25 43–48 Experimental tools configuration, 14 Heat transfer fluid (HTF), 62 Hierarchical topology, 106 F High-frequency trading, 102 HiveQL, 21 Facebook, 3, 9 Human body, 44 Fairness/trust, 51 Human Resource Development (HRD), 4 Financial Services (F.S.), 26, 30–33 Human Resources Information System, 97 Forward-looking management of jobs, 95–99 Francesco, P., 39 I Freescale, 38 IBM’s Token Ring networks, 107 G Images, 11 Implementation Garibotti, R., 39 Genesis blocks, 111, 112–113 analysis using Hadoop MapReduce, 15–16 Geographic boundaries, 109 get data using Apache Flume, 15 Gersovitz, M., 86 performance comparison, 17–18 Global financial crisis (GFC), 25, 26, 27–28, 32 India, 1–6 Global horizontal solar radiation, 79–80 education in, 2 Globalization, 2 information exchange in, 2 Global Positioning System (GPS), 117 Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), 5 Google, 11 INTEL multiprocessor, 36, 36 Government’s educational organization, 3–4 Internal shading, 46 Graphical user trading, 104–105 International finance, 85–87 Greece, 82 Internet Gross enrollment ratio (GER), 5 case study, 4–6, 5, 6 Guttman, J. D., 52 digital learning and, 5 digital libraries, 5–6 H education system, 3 government’s educational organization and, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), 11–13, 15, 20 3–4 overview, 1–2 Hadoop ecosystem; see also MapReduce role in Indian education system, 1–6 architecture, 12 social media, 3 Big Data challenges, 12 as a source of information, 2–3 components of, 12, 20 uses of, 2 described, 12–13 Irani, Smriti, 4
142 Index I Share for India, 4 MATLAB, 65, 131 Ismail, L., 52 Mean absolute error (MAE), 64 ISO codes, 104 Measured and predicted energy, 69 Mesoscopic analysis, 119 J Mesoscopic modeling, 117–121 Meteorological data, 44 J. P. Morgan, Inc., 81 Microscopic modeling, 121–122 JADE community, 51–53, 56, 56 Mid-life Growth Study in the United States Java, 12 Java Agent Development, 52 (MIDUS), 28 Java MapReduce programs, 20–21 Ministry of the Modernization of Services, 96 JSON documents, 11, 16 Mobile agents K approach, 52–53, 54 architectural overview of, 53–55 Kakoee, M. R., 37 authentication of, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55 Kalimipalli, M., 83 code permission, 52 KeyStore, 53–54 communication threats on, 50 Kheda communication project, 2 description of, 61 Kim, D., 37 development and applicability, 51 Kim, G. H., 83 in e-commerce solutions, 50 Kingdom of Morocco, 44, 128 execution environments for, 51 execution time for, 57 L implementation on JADE, 53 KeyStore, 54 Latin Pig, 21 in multiagent system (MAS), 50 Learning algorithm, 74–75 principles of, 52 Least mean square (LMS), 75 programed by web site, 56 Lethea, Lerato, 129 security countermeasures, 50–51 Levenberg–Marquardt BP algorithm, 65, 77, 79 security goals for, 52 Leverage, 109 security requirements for, 57 LIBTLMPWT open-source platform, 37, 38, 40 simulation, 56, 56 Lighting and electrical appliances, 46 test, 56–57 Limescale unique identifier, 52 Model deviations, 120 effect of temperature and pH on, 131–132 Modeling energy consumption of freight vehicles energy consumption in the building, 134–136 energy supplied to water according to with MLR, 115–124 data collection, 116 temperature, 133–134 methodology, 117–122 on home appliances in building, 127–136 overview, 115–116 overview, 128 results, 122–124 related work, 128–129 Model workflow water hardness measurement, 129–130 experimental tools configuration, 14 Linux, 12 framework configuration, 15 Local area network (LAN), 105 node configuration, 14 Logical topology, 106–107 proposed methodology, 13, 13–14 Longitudinal informational index, 25 tweets analysis, 14 Longstaff, F. A., 85, 86 work process, 13 Modern teaching policies, 4 M Modi, Narendra, 4, 6 Mohammadia School of Engineering, 128 Mahanti, S., 82 Monchiero, M., 38 Management Monetary/money-related connections, 27 Moroccan Ministry of Finance, 95–99 of human resources, 95 Morocco, 44, 45, 128 of public organizations, 95 Morrison, A. D., 84 MapReduce, 11–21 Multiagent system (MAS), 50–52 Massa, M., 83 Multi-core NOC platform, 39 Mass education, 5 Multilayer perceptron (MLP), 60, 75 Mass media, 1–2
Index 143 Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoC), 35–40 R comparative survey, 37–39 distributed shared memory architecture Radio Rural Forum, 2 (DSM), 38, 38–39 Rahimi, A., 37 overview, 35–37 Raw data, 12 performance comparisons, 39–40 Reading, 5 performance of, 36 Regression analysis, 117–118, 120, 122 shared memory systems, 37, 37–38 Reich, C., 52 Relational database management system, 11 Multivariable function, 122 Riera, A., 52 Ring topology, 106 N Rogoff, K., 86 Root mean square error (RMSE), 64 Nand Ghar, 4 RSA algorithm, 52 Nashikkar, A., 82 National Conference of ICT, 4, 6 S Natural gas-fired combined cycle (NGCC), 61 Nayak, S., 83 Salary, 28 NCERT, 6 Sanger, Larry, 2 Network topology, 105–106, 106 Santos, J. A., 83 Nonrepudiation, 50 Schmid, L., 89n2 Notre Dame ‘Healthiness and Wellbeing Schneider, A., 89n2 Schuster, A., 52 Education (NDHWB), 27–28, 32 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 51 Security, 109 O Seen tension, 29 Semi-structured data, 11 Oehmke, M., 84 Sentiment analysis, 10, 13, 16, 18, 20–21 Online education, 5 Seoul Summit, 85 Open and distance learning (ODL), 5 Settat, 44, 45 Optimistic Slope gathering, 30 Shan, S. C., 85 Shared memory systems, 37, 37–38; see also P Distributed shared memory systems Package of inserted management (PGI), 97 (DSM) Parabolic trough solar thermal power plant Shim, I., 83 Single-query line, 20 (PTSTPP), 60–62, 65 Siriwardane, E., 85 Parallel discrete events (PDE), 37 SITE, 2 Pattern wellbeing, 30 Skill assessment, 97 PDF files, 11 SMA trend, 112 Peer-to-peer (P2P) network, 102 Social media, 3, 11 Performance Social Science Research Network, 81 Solar power plant, 59–71 in counting tweet hashtags, 19 ANFIS model, 66 MapReduce vs. Pig, 17–18 ANN model, 65 Pig vs. Hive, 18 ANN vs. ANFIS, 68, 69, 70 Photovoltaic (PV) installation, 60 average performances for hidden neurons, 66 Physical wellbeing, 26 average performances for numbers of radius, Pig Latin, 21 66 Positive Slope gathering, 30 components of, 61 PowerPoint presentations, 11 materials, 61–62 Privacy/confidentiality, 50 methods, 63–65 Process cost, 109 overview, 59–61 Public administration problems, 95 PTSTPP, 62 Public organizations, 95 regression plot of ANFIS, 68 Puerto Rico, 82 regression plot of ANN, 67 Sovereign credit risk, 86–87 Q Quad-core architecture INTEL, 36 Quadratic mean error, 78
144 Index Spread, 105 W SQL database, 10 Star topology, 105–106 Wales, Jimmy, 2 Stockbroker, 103 Water hardness measurement, 129–130 Structured data, 11 Subjective FS, 28 discussion, 130 Subrahmanyam, M. G., 82 equipment, 129 Swarup, V., 52 method, 130 SystemC/TLM model, 40 results, 130 Web-based platforms, 4 T Web pages, 11 Wellbeing Tachograph disk, 117 benchmark, 30 Takagi–Sugeno-based systems, 63 ceaseless circumstances, 26 Tang, D. Y., 85 effect of financial crisis on, 25–33 Tendler, J., 38 estimation, 32 Text files, 11 financial aspects and fund, 26–33 TGBV, 44 impact of FS, 27 Thermal power at heat exchanger, impacts on pressure, 31 indicators of, 27 62 information for wave, 28–29 Thermal zoning of habitat, 47 interminable situations, 27 Thermodynamic cycle, 60 investigation, 27 TH values in Morocco, 130 long-term impacts, 32 Tightly Coupled Data Memory architecture measures, 28–29 monetary/money-related connections, 27 (TCDM), 37–38 negative impacts, 31–32 Trading, 101–113 overvoew, 25–26 pattern, 30 account, 103–104 physical, 26 algorithmic, 102 self-evaluations, 26 blockchain, 107–111 side effects, 30 concept of broker in, 103–107 strategy members, 27–28 cryptocurrencies, 107–111 technique, 27–28 electronic, 103 weight on, 26–27 graphical user, 104–105 WhatsApp, 3 high-frequency, 102 Wikipedia, 2 overview, 102–103 Windows operating system, 12 process, 112–113 Winton, A., 85 Transport protocol (TCP), 51 Worldwide monetary crisis (WMC), 25–26 TRNsys software, 44, 46, 47 Tweets, 17 X Twitter, 9, 10, 13, 19 Twitter data, 13, 15–16, 19, 21 XML, 11 U Y United States of America, 104 Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN), 13 University Grants Commission Yorulmazer, T., 85 YouTube, 3 (UGC), 4 Yuang, Z., 39 V Z Variety, 11 Zawadowski, A., 84 Vehicle energy consumption, 116 Zhang, J., 38, 39 Velocity, 11 Zhang, L., 83 Videos, 11 Zhu, H., 83 Vila, X., 52 “Virtual class,” 5 Volume, 11
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