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Home Explore Number Theory for Computing

Number Theory for Computing

Published by Willington Island, 2021-07-18 04:25:10

Description: This book provides a good introduction to the classical elementary number theory and the modern algorithmic number theory, and their applications in computing and information technology, including computer systems design, cryptography and network security. In this second edition proofs of many theorems have been provided, further additions and corrections were made.


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378 3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Secu 379 is 3 .3 .8 Elliptic Curve Public-Key Cryptosystem s [3-1] Evaluates the Legendre We have discussed some novel applications of elliptic curves in primality test- ing and integer factorization in Chapter 2 . In this subsection . we shall intro- . duce one more novel application of elliptic curves in public Key cryptography . =(3)—(3)—1 More specifically. we shall introduce elliptic curve analogues of several well- known public key ct y ptosystems . including the Diffie- Hellman key exchang e = ( 5) = ( 2 = —l. system and the RSA cryptos}stem . 33 (I) Brief History of Elliptic Curve Cryptography . Elliptic curves hav e been extensively studied by number theorists for more than one hundre d c, years, only for their mathematical beauty, not for their applications . However , [3-2] Evaluates the Legends symbols in the late 1980s and early 1990s many important applications of ellipti c curves in both mathematics and computer science were discovered, notably 4 applications of ellipticcurves in primality testing (see Kilian [120] and Atki n and Morain [12]) and integer factorization (see Lenstra [1 .40]), both discusse d 4) = in Chapter 2 . Applications of elliptic curves in cryptography were not found (16) until the following two seminal papers were published : C cq ~ = ( - ) =-1 . (1) Victor Miller, \"Uses of Elliptic Curves in Cryptography\" , 1986 . (See [3-3] Further by Equation (3 .88) . Alice get s [163] . ) rn 2 = 0, since = e '.; = 1 . (2) Neal Koblitz°, \"Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems\" . 1987 . (See [126] . ) m 3 = 1, since 63 = _ -1 . Since then, elliptic curves have been studied extensively for the purpose o f Remark 3 .3 .8 . The scheme introduced above is a good extension of th e cryptography, and many practically more secure encryption and digital sig- public-key idea, but encrypts messages bit by bit . It is completely secur e nature schemes have been developed based on elliptic curves . Now ellipti c with respect to semantic security as well as bit security'' . However . a majo r curve cryptography (ECC) is a standard term in the field and there is a text - disadvantage of the scheme is the message expansion by a factor of log n bit . book by Menezes [155] that is solely devoted to elliptic curve cryptography . To improve the efficiency of the schem e ; Blum and Goldwasser [28] propose d There is even a computer company in Canada, called Certicom . which is a another randomized encryption scheme . in which the ciphertext is only longe r leading provider of cryptographic technology based on elliptic curves . In the than the plainext by a constant number of bits : this scheme is comparable t o subsections that follow, we shall discuss the basic ideas and computationa l the RSA scheme . both in terms of speed and message expansion . methods of elliptic curve cryptography. Exercise 3 .3 .8 . RSA encryption scheme is deterministic and not semanti- Neal Noblitz received his BSc degree in mathematics from Harvar d cally secure, but it can be made semantically secure by adding randomness t o University in 1969 . and his PhD in arithmetic algebraic geometr y the encryption process (Bellare and Rogayyay . [22]) . Develop an RSA base d from Princeton in 1974 . From 1979 to the present, he has been a t probabilistic (randomized) encryption scheme that is semantically secure . the University of Washington in Seattle . where he is now a pro- fessor in mathematics . In recent years ins research interests hav e Several other cryptographic schemes . including digital signature scheme s been centered around the applications of number theory- in cryp - and authentication encryption schemes are based on the quadratic residuosit y tography=. He has published a. couple of books in related to number problem (QRP) : interested readers are referred to . for example, Chen [47] an d theory and cryptography. two of there are as follows : A Cours e Nrang [175] for some recent developments and applications of the quadrati c in \\umber Theory and Cryptography [128], and Algebraic Aspects of Cryptogra- phv [129] . His other interests include pre university math education . mathematical residuosity based cryptosystems . development in the Third World, and snorkeling . (Photo by courtesy of Springer- Verlag . ) '' Bit. security is a special case of semantic security- . Informally. bit security i s concerned with not only that the whole message is not recoverable but also tha t individual bits of the message are not recoverable . The main drawback of th e scheme is that the encrypted message is much longer than its original plaintext .

3 . Appl i ed Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 38 1 380 (II) Precomputations of Elliptic Curve Cryptography . To implemen t If we happen to know N, the number of points on our elliptic curve E elliptic curve cryptography, we need to do the following precomputations : and if k > N, then the coordinates of AT on E can he computed i n [1] Embed Messages on Elliptic Curves : Our aim here is to do cryptography with elliptic curve groups in place of F q . More specifically, we wish to 0(log q) 1 bit operations [128] : recall that the number ~T of points on E embed plaintext messages as points on an elliptic curve defined over a satisfies N < q+ 1+ 214 = 0(q) and can be computed by Rene Schoof s finite field Fq , with q = p r and p E Primes . Let our message units m b e integers 0 < m < M . let also K be a large enough integer for us to b e algorithm in 0(logq) 8 bit operations . satisfied with an error probability of 2 – ^ when we attempt to embed a [3] Compute Discrete Logarithms on Elliptic Curves : Let E be an elliptic plaintext message in . In practice, 30 < k, < 50 . Now let us take K = 3 0 and an elliptic curve E : ,y '- = :r 3 + ax + b over Fq . Given a message curve over Fq . and B a point on E . Then the discrete logarithm on E is the number rn, we compute a set of values for x : problem : given a point P E E . find an integer x E 7L such that .rB = P i f {mK + j, j = O . 1 .2 . - } = {30m .. 30m + 1, 30m + 2, . . . } (3 .89 ) such an integer x exists . It is likely that the discrete logarithm proble m on elliptic curves over Fq is more intractable than the discrete logarith m until we find 1;-3 + ax + b is a square modulo p . giving us a . poin t (x . 3x3 + ax + b) on E . To convert a point (x . y) on E hack to a mes- problem in Fq . It is this feature that makes cryptographic systems based sage number m, we just compute m = [x/30J . Since x 3 + ax + b is a square for approximately 50% of all x . there is only about a. 2 – \" prob- on elliptic curves even more secure than that based on the discrete log- ability that this method will fail to produce a point on E over Fq . I n what follows, we shall give a simple example of how to embed a . mes- arithm problem . In the rest of this subsection, we shall discuss ellipti c sage number by a point on an elliptic curve . Let E be y 2 = x3 + 3x , curve analogues for some of the important public key cryptosystems . nr = 2174 and p = 4177 (in practice, we select p > 30m,) . Then we calcu - late x = {30 . 2174 + j . j = 0, 1, 2, . . . } until x 3  3x is a square modul o (III) Elliptic Curve Analogues of Some Public-Key Cryptosystems . 4177 . We find that when j = 15 : In what follows . we shall introduce elliptic curve analogues of four widely used public-key cryptosystems, namely the Diffie–Hellman key exchange system . x = 302174+1 5 the Massey Omura, the ElGamal and the RSA public-key cryptosystems . = 6523 5 (1) Analogue of the Difie–Hellman Key Exchange System : x 3 +3x = (30 . 2174+15) 3 +3(302174+ 15 ) [1]Alice and Bob publicly choose a finite field F q with q = pr and p E Primes . = 27761440704858 0 an elliptic curve E over Fq . and a random base point P E E such that P generates a large subgroup of E, preferably of the same size as that of E 1444 mod 417 7 itself . 38 2 [2] To agree on a secret key, Alice and Bob choose two secret random integer s So we get the message point for rn = 2174 : a and b . Alice computes aP E E and sends aP to Bob : Bob compute s bP E E and sends bP to Alice . Both aP and bP are . of course, public (x. V.r 3 + ax + b) = (65235 .38) . but. a and b are not . To convert the message point (65235 .38) on E back to its original message [3] Now both Alice and Bob compute the secret key abP E E .. and use it fo r number m . we just comput e further secure communications . n = [65235/30J = [2174 .5] = 2174 . There is no known fast way to compute abP if one only knows P . aP an d bP – this is the discrete logarithm problem on E . [2] Multiply Points on Elliptic Curves over Fq : We have discussed the calcu- lation of kP E E over Z/NZ . In elliptic curve public-key cryptography. (2) Analogue of the Massey–Omura Cryptosystem : we are now interested in the calculation of kP E E over F,, . which can b e done in 0(logk(logq) 3 ) bit operations by the repeated doubling method. [1] Alice and Bob publicly choose an elliptic curve E over Fq with q large , and we suppose also that the number of points (denoted by fi) is publicl y known . [2] Alice chooses a secret pair of numbers (e i . (1n) such that daen = 1 ( mo d N) . Similarly, Bob chooses ((ra, dn) .

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Crvptogra ry and Information Security 38 3 382 [3] If Alice wants to send a secret message-point P E E to Bob, the procedure Exercise 3 .3 .9 . Work back from the descriptions of the elliptic curve ana- is as follows : logues of the ElGamal and the Massey–Omura cryptosystems discusse d [3-1] Alice sends e ;1 P to Bob . above . to give complete algorithmic descriptions of the original ElGamal an d [3-2] Bob sends e B e 4 P to Alice . the original Massey–Omura public-key cryptosystems . [3-3] Alice sends dae B e,4 P = e B P to Bob . (IV) Menezes-Vanstone Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem . A seriou s problem with the above mentioned elliptic curve cryptosystems is that, th e [3-4] Bob computes d B f B P = P . plaintext message units in lie on the elliptic curve E . and there is no conve- nient method known of deterministically generating such points on E . Fortu- Note that an eavesdropper would know e 1 P . e B e ,aP . and e B P . So if nately . Menezes 17 and Vanstone is had discovered a more efficient variation he could sol ve the discrete logarithm problem on E, he could determine C B [156] : in this variation which we shall describe below . the elliptic curve i s from the first two points and then compute dB = ef] 1 mod V and hence ge t P = d B (e B P) . iuns1eFd„fxors`\"mraatshkeirngth\"a, nanodnththeepelalliinptteixctcaunrdvec.iphertext pairs are allowed to b e (3) Analogue of the ElGamal Cryptosystem : [1] Preparation : Alice and Bob publicly choose an elliptic curve E over F,, , with p > 3 is prime and a random base point P E E(FI,) such that P [1] Alice and Bob publicly choose an elliptic curve E over Fq with q = p ' generates a large subgroup H of E(Fp ), preferably of the same size a s and p E Primes, and a random base point P E E . that of E(Fp ) itself. Assume that randomly chosen k E ZIBI and a E N are secret . [2] Alice chooses a. random integer r,, and computes 1 .0 P ; Bob also choose s a random integer r b and computes r b P . [2] Encryption : Suppose now Alice wants to sent messag e [3] To send a message-point M to Bob . Alice chooses a random integer k and sends the pair of points (kP, 3I + k(r t P)) . [4] To read 1d . Bob compute s i + k(r 1 P) - re (kP) = (3 .90 ) m = (m i ,m 2 ) E (Z/pZ)* x (Z/p7Z)* (3 .91 ) An eavesdropper who can solve the discrete logarithm problem on E can . to Bob . then she does the following : of course . determine r b from the publicly known information P and ri P . Bu t as everybody knows . there is no efficient way to compute discrete logarithms , [2-1] 3 = aP . where P and 3 are public . so the system is secure . 17 (4) Analogue of the RSA Cryptosystem : Alfred .J . Menezes is a professor of mathematics in the Department R .SA, the most popular cry ptosystem in use, also has the following ellipti c of' Cmnbinatorics and Optimization at the University of Water - curve analogue : loo, where he teaches courses in cryptography, coding theory, finit e fields . and discrete mathematics . He is actively involved in crypto - [1] 'G = pq is a public key which is the product of the tR o large secret prime s graphic research, and consults on a regular basis for Certicom Corp . . p and q . He completed the Bachelor of Mathematics and M .Math degrees i n 1987 and 1989 respectively, and a Ph .D . in Mathematics from th e University of Waterloo (Canada) in 1992 . [2] Choose two random integers a and b such that E : = .r' ; + ax + b Scott A . Vanstone is one of the founders of Certicom . the first com - defines an elliptic curve both mod p and mod q . pany to develop elliptic curve cryptography commercially . He devote s mrch of his research to the efficient nnplementation of the ellipti c [3] To encrypt a message-point P, just perform eP mod V where e is the curve cryptography for the provision of information security service s public (encryption) key . To decrypt, one needs to know the number of in hand-held computers . smart cards . wireless device s ; and integrated points on E modulo both p and q . circuits. A'anstone has published more than 150 research papers and several hooks on topics such as cryptography, coding theory, finit e The above are some elliptic curve analogues of certain public key crvp- fields, finite geometry; and combinatorial designs . Recently, he wa s tosv steins . It should be noted that almost every public-key crvptosystem ha s elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada . t \" anstone received a Ph .D . in an elliptic. curve analogue; it is of course possible to develop new elliptic curv e mathematics from the University of Waterloo in 1974 . cryptosystems which do not. rely on the existing cryptosystems .

3 . Applied \\l umber Theory in Comp 1g/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 38 5 384 [2-2 ] (T ' Y2) = k 3 3 .3 .9 Digital Signature s [2-3] co = kP . [2-4] cj _ yi n? ) (mod p) for j = 1, 2 . The idea of public-key cryptography (suppose we are using the RSA public - key scheme) can also be used to obtain digital signatures . Recall that i n [2-5] Alice sends the encrypted message c of m to Bob : public-key cryptography. we perform c = (co .ci,( .z) . (3 .92 ) [3] Decryption : Upon receiving Alice's encrypted message c, Bob calculate s C=E,„(11) . (3 .93 ) the following to recover rn : [3-1] aco = (T ; Yt 2) . where 111 is the message to be encrypted, for message encryption, an d [3-1] rn = (c r'.p a (mod p), c 2 y ., (mod p)) . 11=D,1,(C) , (3 .94 ) Example 3 .3 .11 . The following is a nice example of Menezes Vanston e crvptosystem, taken from [16 .5] . where C is the encrypted message needed to be decrypted .. for decryption . In digital signatures . we perform the operations in exactly the opposite direction . [1] Key generation : Let E be the elliptic curve given by y 2 = a; 3 + 4x + 4 That is, we perform (see also Figure 3 .11 ) over ]F13 , and P = (1 .3) be a point on E . Choose E(Fr 3 ) = H which is cyclic of order 15, generated by P . Let also the private keys k = .5 an d S = D d (31), (3 .95 ) a = 2 . and the plaintext rn = (12 .7) = (mr, m2) . where ill is the message to be signed, for signature generation , (3 .96) [2] Encryption : Alice computes : M = Ee k. (S), = aP = 2(1 .3) = (12 .8 ) where S is the signed message needed to be verified, for signature verification . (yr, y2 ) = k/3 = 5(12,8) = (10,11 ) Suppose now Alice wishes to send Bob a . secure message as well as a digita l co = kP = .5(1 .3) = (10,2 ) cr - yrmr = 10 . 2 E 3 (mod 13 ) Public and also insecur e Cryptanalyst/Enemy c2= y2m2= 11 7- 12 (mod 13) . channel Al ' Then Alice sends Messag e Signin g Verificatio n lessag e M S=Dd,, ( 31 ) Al = E, .. ( S ) c = (co, cr, c2 ) = ((10, 2) .3, 12 ) Key source 1 Key- source 2 to Bob . Decryption key Encryption key [3] Decryption : Upon receiving Alice's message, Bob computes : (Private key) (Public key ) aco = 2(10 .2) = (10 .11) = (yr, y 2 ) rnu = cry[ r = 12 (mod 13 ) Figure 3 .11 . Digital signatures in, = c2 yz u = 7 (mod 13) . signature . Alice first uses Bob ' s public key to encrypt her message . and then , Thus . Bob recovers the message in = (12 . 7) . she uses her private key to encrypt her signature, and finally sends out he r We have introduced so far the most popular public-key cryptosystems , such as Diffie-Hellman-Merkle, RSA . Elliptic curve and probabilistic cryp- tosystems . There are, of course . many other types of public-key crtiptosys- tenis in use, such as Rabin . -11cEliece and Knapsack cryptosystems . Reader s who are interested in the cryptosystems which are not covered in this boo k are suggested to consult Menezes et al . [157] .

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Crti ptogral 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 38 7 386 Decryption of SB Public and insecur e message and signature to Bob . At the other end . Bob first uses Alice's publi c SB = Ill\" mod N B channe l key to decrypt Alice's signature, and then uses his private key to decryp t Alice's message . Figure 3 .12 shows how A (Alice) and B (Bob) can sen d TT \"B = SI/' mod NB secure message/signature to each other over the insecure channel . Decryption of MB Encryption of S u Example 3 .3 .12 (Digital Signature) . To verify that the $100 offer in Ex - ample 3 .3 .8 actually carne from RSA, the following signature was added : TIB = CH { mod :1 , 1 -y B  j1 ')i ' mod ' . S = 167178611503808442460152713891683982454369010323583112178 _ Encryption of RIB 350384469290626554487922371144905095786086556624965779748 _ 40004057020373 . It was encrypted by S = 11 .0 ( mod N) . where d is the secret key, as in Exam- ple 3 .3 .8 . To decrypt the signature, we use ll7 = S i (mod N) by performin g the following procedure (also the same as in Example 3 .3 .8) : B's Message RIB B's Message MB C1 and Signature SB j and Signature S B e = (10001100101111) 2 0\\Ie,sage B /Sign atm B for i from 1 to 14 d o < C C 2 mod N ife[i]=0then C-C*xllmod N print C Alice (e .i .NA ,d A ,C .N3 Bob ( eB . NB,dB . co . NA ) which gives the following decrypted text : 6091819200019151222051800230914190015140500082114 _ 041805040004151212011819 . A's Message AlA A's Message 17,1 It translates t o and Signature SA and Signature SA FIRST SOLVER WINS ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR S Encryption of RIA Since this signature was encrypted by RSA's secret key, it cannot be forged by an eavesdropper or even by R.SA people themselves . Decryption of R h In Example 3 .3 .12 . the signature is a different text from the message . and usually is appended to the encrypted message . We can . of course directly sig n 4 = S,A mod N a Sa = 1I7,'' mod A A the signature on the message . This can be done in the following way . Suppos e Decryptio A (Alice) wants to send B (Bob) a signed message . Suppose also tha t Public and insecur e channel [1] Alice (A) has her own public and secret keys (e,1. , NA ; d 1 ) as well as B' s public' key eB and NB from a public domain ; Figure 3 .12 . Sending encrypted messages and signatures using the RSA sche n (the encrypted message and the signature are two different texts) [2] Bob (B) has his own public and secret keys (eB .NB ;dB) as well as A' s public key- ea and N4 from a public domain . To send a signed message from A to B : [1] Alice uses B ' s public key CB and NB to encrypt her message 11 1 : C .1 = 11 `,x\" mod NB . (3 .97)

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 38 9 388 [2] Alice signs the message using her own secret key d A directly on the Public and insecur e encrypted message : channe l S 4 = C `a a mod N 1 . (3 .98 ) Decrypt signature and sends this signed message to B over the network . Upon receiving As signed message .. CH = SB mod NB SB = C mod NB [1] B uses A's public key c 1 to decrypt As signature : Decsvptio Signatur e C4 = S`,'{' mod N4 . (3 .99 ) [2] B further uses his own secret key d B to decrypt AS encrypted message : MB = CB' mod NA C B = 5l mod 11 4 = C ` \" mod _\\'B . (3 .100 ) l 1, B's message M B Encryptio n In this way . Bob can make sure that the message he has just received indee d Ws Message MB B's Message AIB comes from A . since the signature of A's message is encrypted by A's ow n secret key, which is only known to A . Once the message is sent out . A canno t 4 { Signed Message B deny the message . Similarly. Bob can send a signed message to Alice . The V above process is shown in Figure 3 .13 . Alice (CA,1VA,dA,eB,NB) Bob ( e B, d B, e a, N A ) Example 3 .3 .13 (Digital Signature) . Suppose now Alice wants to send As Message MA AB Bob the signed message \"Number Theory is the Queen of Mathematics\" . Th e Signed Message process can be as follows : I A's Message 1114 [1] Suppose Alice has the following information at hand : Encryption A 's message 11A CA = 11i,\" mod NB I MA = 1421130205180020080515182500091900200805001721050514001 _ 4 = C ` \" mod NB 50600130120080513012009031 9 Sign atu e Decryption NA = 1807082088687404805951656164405905566278102516769401349 _ 1701270214500566625402440483873411275908123033717818879 _ = 'A mod NA = Sa mod A'4 66563182013214880557 (130 digits ) Decrypt signature 3968599945959745429016112616288378606757644911281006483 _ 2555157243 . 45534498646735972188403686897274408864356301 _ 26320506960099904459 9 c t = 261 7 dA = 9646517683975179648125577614348681987353875490740747744 _ 710230985275797178884880163 .711139144032242624779107574 _ 09230 .50236448593109 and suppose Bob has the following information at hand : Public and insecure channe l NB = 1143816257578888676692357799761466120102182967212423625 _ 6256184293570693524573389783059712356395870505898907514 _ Figure 3 .13 . Sending encrypted and signed messages using the RSA scheme (th e 7599290026879543 .541 (129 digits ) signatures are directly made on the encrypted message ) = 3490529510847650949147849619903898133417764638493387843 _ 990820577 . 327691329932667095499619881908344614131776429 _ 67992942539798288533

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 39 1 390 CB= 900 7 Remark 3 .3 .9 . Suppose Bob is sending an encrypted message to Alice . Nor- mally. the encrypted message consists of a number of blocks : one of the blocks d B = 1066986143685780244428687713289201547807099066339378628 _ is Bob's signature . Alice can easily identify which block is the signature block. 0122622449663106312591177447087334016859746230655396854 _ since the ordinary decryption procedure for that block yields gibberish . I n 451327710905360609 5 practice . there are two ways for constructing Bob's encrypted signature (Den - son [60]), depending on the values of the moduli n B and nA : [2] Alice first encrypts the message M4 using eB and 3 o get (1) If n A < nB, then C A = MA\" mod NB S B = Ol d ' mod n 3)e,t mod ii A, 11B = ( Sd=' mod nA)e\" mod n B . n the following process : The inequality 71A < 17B ensures that the expression in the parentheses CA1 is not too large to be encrypted by Alice's encryption key . CB (10001100101111) 2 (2) If n A < nB, then for from 1 to 14 do 1114 mod NB SB = (11mod nA) d\" mod n B , MB = ( S\" mod n B ) d' mod it 4 . CAC modN13 if e B [i] = 1 then C4 +- C A The inequality n A > n B ensures that the expression in the parenthese s Save CA is not too large to be encrypted by Bob ' s decryption key. [3] Alice then signs the message C1 using d A and NA to get S,t C, `1 mo d The above mentioned signature scheme is based on RSA cryptosystem . NA via . the following process : Of course . a signature scheme can be based on other cryptosystem . In wha t follows, we shall introduce a very influential signature scheme based of E1Ga- SA f 1 mars cryptosystem [69] ; the security of such a signature scheme depends o n the intractability of discrete logarithms over a finite field . d A <— (10110010 - . .11010101) 2 for i from 1 to 429 d o Algorithm 3 .3 .5 (ElGamal Signature Scheme) . This algorithm tries t o generate digital signature S = (a . b) for message rn . Suppose that Alice wishes S A SA mod _y\",r to send a signed message to Bob . if dA [1,i] = 1 then SA f- SA • Ca mod N A Send SA [4]Upon receiving Alice ' s message, Bob first decrypts Alice ' s signature usin g [1] [ElGamal key generation] Alice does the following : CA and N3. to get CA = Si r mod NA via the following process : [1-1] Choose a prime p and two random integers g and x, such that bot h CA f 1 g and J. are less than p . cA (101000111001) 2 for i from 1 to 12 d o [1-2] Compute y = g` (mod p) . Ca CA mod NA [1-3] Make (y .g .p) public (both g and p can be shared among a group of if eA[i] = 1 then CA f- CA . S A mod NA users), but keep J. as a secret . Save CA [5] Bob then decrypts Alice's message using d B and N B to get 1la = [2] [ElGamal signature generation] Alice does the following : Cag mod NB via the following process : 17,a<- 1 [2-1] Choose at random an integers k such that gcd(k, p — 1) = 1 . d B := (1001110110 . -1001110 2 [2-2] Compute for i from 1 to 426 d o a = (mod p), 114 ;ll mod N B 1d A . CA mod NH b k—r (in xa) (mod (p — 1)) . (3 .101 ) if dB[i] = 0 then MA print :11;1

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptograph 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Secu rity 39 3 392 Now Alice has generated the signature (a .. b) . She must keep the rando m [1-3] Generate an element g E /pZ whose multiplicative order is q, i .e . , integer, k, as secret . y 9 - 1 (mod p) . [3] [ElGamal signature verification] To verify Alice's signature, Bob confirm s [1-4] Find a one-way function H mapping messages into 160-bit values . that [1-5] Choose a secret key x, with 0 < .r < q , °' (mod p) . (3 .102 ) [1-6] Choose a public key y, where y fi t (mod p) . Clearly, the secret :r is the discrete logarithm of y, modulo p, to the base y . 3 .3 .10 Digital Signature Standard (DSS ) [2] [DSA Signature Generation] To sign the message rn, the sender produces hi s In August 1991, the L .S . government's National Institute of Standards an d signature as (r, s), by selecting a random integer k E 7L/qZ and computin g Technology (KIST) proposed an algorithm for digital Signatures . The al- gorithm is known as DSA . for Digital Signature Algorithm . The DSA has r = (y r (niod p)) (mod q), (3 .103 ) become the L .S . Federal Information Processing Standard 186 (FIPS 186) . s - k r (H(m) + x r) (mod q) . It is called the Digital Signature Standard (DSS), and is the first digita l signature scheme recognized by any government . The role of DSA/DSS is ex- [3] [DSA Signature Verification] To verify the signature (r .$) for the message pected to be analogous to that of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) . Th e rn from the sender, the receiver first computes : DSA/DSS is similar to a signature scheme proposed by Schnorr [220] ; it i s also similar to a signature scheme of ElGamal [69] . The DSA is intended fo r t - s —' (mod q), (3 .104) use in electronic mail, electronic funds transfer, electronic data interchange . software distribution, data storage, and other applications winch require dat a and then accepts the signature as valid if the following congruence holds : integrity assurance and data authentication . The DSA/DSS consists of two main processes : r (gxlmhy''c (mod p)) (mod q) . (3 .105 ) (1) Signature generation (using the private key) , If the congruence (3 .105) does not hold, then the message either may hav e been incorrectly signed, or may have been signed by an impostor . In thi s (2) Signature verification (using the public key) . case, the message is considered to be invalid . A one-way hash function is used in the signature generation process to obtai n There are, however . many responses solicited by the (US) Associatio n a condensed version of data, called a message digest . The message digest i s of Computing Machinery (ACM) [45] . positive and negative, to the NIST' s then signed . The digital signature is sent to the intended receiver along wit h DSA . Some positive aspects of the DSA include : the signed data (often called the message) . The receiver of the message an d the signature verifies the signature by using the sender's public key . The same (1) The U .S . government has finally recognized the utility and the useful- hash function must also be used in the verification process . In what follows , ness of public-key cryptography . In fact, the DSA is the only signature we shall give the formal specifications of the DSA/DSS . algorithm that has been publicly proposed by any government . Algorithm 3 .3 .6 (Digital Signature Algorithm . DSA) . This is a vari- (2) The DSA is based on reasonable familiar number-theoretic concepts . and ation of ElGamal signature scheme . It generates a signature .9 = (r,$) for th e it is especially useful to the financial services industry . message rn . (3) Signatures in DSA are relatively short (only 320 bits), and the ke y [1] [DSA key generation] To generate the DSA key, the sender performs th e generation process can be performed very efficiently. following : [1-1] Find a 512-bit prime p (which will be public) . (4) When signing . the computation of r can be done even before the messag e rn is available, in a \" precolnputation \" step . [1-2] Find a 160-bit prime q dividing evenly into p—1 (which will be public) . Whilst some negative aspects of the DSA include : (1) The DSA does not. include key exchanges . and cannot be used for ke y distribution and encryption .

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 39 5 394 (2) The key size in DSA is too short : it is restricted to a 512-bit modulu s [3-2] verify that (r, s) are integers in the interval [1 . q 1], compute s or key size . which is too short and should be increased to at least 102 4 kP = (r i .yr), and r x i (mod q) . bits . [3-3] compute in = s-r (mod q) and H(rn) . (3) The DSA is not compatible with existing international standards : for example, the international standards organizations such as ISO . CCITT [3-4] compute ur = H(m)w (mod q) and 112 = rzc (mod q) . and SWIFT all have accepted the RSA as a standard . [3-5] compute u 1 P + u 2 Q = (xo . yo) and v - r 0 (mod q) . Nevertheless, the DSA is the only one publicly known government digita l [3-6] accept the signature if and only if m = r signature standard . Exercise 3 .3 .10 . Try to develop an elliptic curve analogue of an existin g \\\\e have already noted that almost every public key cryptosystem has a n signature scheme that you are familiar with for obtaining and checking digita l elliptic curve analogue . It should also be noted that digital signature scheme s signatures . can also be represented by elliptic curves over IF,, with q a prime power o r over Z /nZ with n = pq and p, q E Primes . In exactly the same way as that fo r 3 .3 .11 Database Securit y public-key cryptography, several elliptic curve analogues of digital signatur e schemes have already been proposed (see . for example, Meyer and Miiller Databases pose a special challenge to the designer of secure information sys- [160]) . In what follows we shall describe an elliptic curve analogue of the DSA/DSS . called ECDSA. tems . Databases are meant to be shared . The sharing is often complex. In Algorithm 3 .3 .7 (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) . Let many organizations, there are many \"rules\" concerning the access to different E be an elliptic curve over F,, with p prime, and let P be a point of prime orde r q (note that the q here is just a prime number, not a prime power) in E(IFp ) . fields (or parts) of a database . For example, the payroll department may hav e Suppose Alice wishes to send a signed message to Bob . access to the name, address and salary fields . while the insurance office may [1] [ECDSA key generation] Alice does the following : have access to the health field of an individual . In this subsection . we shal l [1-1] select a random integer E [1 . q 1] , introduce a method for database protection : it encrypts the entire databas e [1-2] compute Q = .rP , but the individual fields may be decrypted and read without affecting th e [1-3] make (2 public, but keep .r as a secret . Now Alice has generated the public key Q and the private key r . security of other fields in the database . [2] [ECDSA signature generation] To sign a message rn, Alice does the following : Let [2-1] select a random integer k E [1 . q 1] , D = (F1 . F2 F) (3 .106) [2-2] compute AT = (r i ,yjr), and r - rr (mod q) . If r = 0, go to ste p where D is the database and each Fa is an individual file (or record) . As i n [2-1] . R.SA encryption, each file in D can be regarded as an integer . To encrypt [2-3] compute k-t mod q . D . we first select n distinct primes m 1 .11 1 2 . . . where m., > for [2-4] compute .s k -r (H(nc) + xr) (mod q), where H(m) is the has h value of the message . If s = 0, go to step [2-1] . i = 1, 2 n . Then by solving the following system of congruences : The signature for the message in is the pair of integers (r, s) . C Fr (mod rn i ) . C F, (mod m2) . [3] [ECDSA signature verification] To verify Alice's signature (ins) of the mes- sage in, Bob should do the following : (3 .107 ) [3-1] obtain an authenticated copy of Alice ' s public key (2 : C = F„ (mod m„), j we get C . the encrypted text of D . According to the Chinese Remainder Theorem, such a C always exists and can be found . Let lI = 117170 2 (3 .108 ) 31-[ = .ld/rn ;, e ; = 7h4 [11I; 1 mod m.

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 39 7 396 for i = 2, - . , n . Then C can be obtained as follows : Part I1 : Database Decryption . At this stage, the database user L-, is suppose d to have access to the encrypted database C as well as to have the read-ke y C = e . F (mod 11) . 0 < C < H . (3 .109) m,, so he performs the following operation : F, - C (mod rig), 0 < F, < rn, . (3 .113) The integers e1 .e2,''--e,, are used as the write-keys . To retrieve the i-t h The required file F, should be now readable by user C, . file F, from the encrypted text C of D . we simply perform the following operation : Example 3 .3 .14 (Database Encryption and Decryption) . Let F, - C (mod m;), 0 < F, < m, . (3 .110 ) F .The moduli m i , m2 . .m,, are called the read-keys. Only people knowing D = (F1 . F2 i F3 . F4, F5 ) = (198753 .217926,357918,377761 .391028) . the read-key rn, can read file but. not other files . To read other files, for example, F,+2, it is necessary to know a read-key other than m i . We present Choose five prunes rnr, m2 . m 3 . m4 and rn, as follows : in the following an algorithm for database encryption and decryption . Algorithm 3 .3 .8 (Database protection) . Given D = (Fr,F2 , . . . ,F,,) , mr = 35037 7 > Fr = 198753 , this algorithm will first encrypt the database D into its encrypted text C . To m2 = 36442 3 > F2 = 217926 . retrieve information from the encrypted database C, the user uses the appropri - 1173 = 37612 7 > F2 = 357918 , ate read-key m, to read file F, : m 4 = 38921 9 > F4 = 377761 , m 5 = 391939 > F5 = 391028 - Part I : Database Encryption . The database administrators (DBA) perform th e following operations to encrypt the database D : According to (3 .111), we have : [1] Select n distinct primes m t , rn2 , • - - , mn with m, > F,, for i = 1, 2, . .n . C = Fi (mod m,r) > C - 198753 (mod 350377 ) C F2 (mod m2 ) > C ° 217926 (mod 364423 ) [2] Use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to solve the following system o f C F3 (mod 117 3 ) > C 357918 (mod 376127 ) congruences : C F4 (mod m4) > C 377761 (mod 389219 ) C Fr (mod mr) , C F5 (mod m 5 ) > C 391028 (mod 391939) . C F2 (mod m2) . (3 .111 ) Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem to solve the above system of congru- ences, we get and get C F,, (mod m„) . C = ej Fj (mod 17), 0 < C < M C = 5826262707691801601352277219 . (3 .112 ) Since 0 < C < Al with where nd = mtm2 . . . 111 = 350377-364423W376127 . 389219 39193 9 _1I, = M/mi . = 7326362302832726883024522697 , e=AI,[11 ' mod r n C is the required encrypted text of D . Now suppose user Lr2 has the read-key 1712 = 364423 . Then he can simply perform the following computation an d fori=1 .2, .' .rz . get F2 : [3] Distribute the read-key rn, to the appropriate database user C, . F> C (mod m,) . Now C (mod m 2 ) = 5826262707691801601352277219 mod 36442 3 = 217926 = F, .

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 39 9 398 which is exactly what the user U9 wanted . Similarly, a user can read F5 if h e rrt i = 9901 > F l = 9853 , knows rn 5 , since m2 = 7937 > F7 = 6792 . m3 = 5279>F3 =3761 .. C (mod in,) = 5826262707691801601352277219 mod 39193 9 rn4 = 6997 > Fi = 5102 . 39102 8 F5 (1) What are the four write keys e I . C2 . C and e 4 used in the encryptio n process ? Remark 3 .3 .10 . In Example 3 .3 .14 . we have not explicitly given the com- puting processes for the write keys et and the encrypted text C : we give now (2) What is the encrypted text C corresponding to D ? the detailed computing processes as follows : (3) If F] is changed from FI = 9853 to Fr = 9123, what is the new value of ei = 1llr • (AM-ri mod rn i ) the encrypted text C ? = 20909940729079611056161•(2090994072907961105616 1 -1 mod 350377 ) To protect a database, we can encrypt it by using encryption keys . To protect encryption keys, however, we will need some different methods . In th e = 304057721123765348250953949 3 next subsection, we shall introduce a method for protecting the cryptographi c C2 = Ah (Al i mod 7rt2 ) keys . = 20104006341072673467439•(2010400634107267346743 9 -1 mod 364423 ) = 2830382740740598479460334493 c 3 = M3 (W I mod rn 3 ) = 19478426975018349873911•(1947842697501834987391 1 -i mod 376127 ) 3 .3 .12 Secret Sharin g = 199188342089235147645601277 1 Liu [145] considers the following problem : eleven scientists are working on a secret project . They wish to lock up the documents in a cabinet such that th e e 4 = 1yI3 (Al l mod 77x4 ) cabinet can be opened if and only if six or more of the scientists are present . = 18823239109171769320163•(1882323910917176932016 3 —1 mod 389219 ) What is the smallest number of locks needed? What is the smallest numbe r of keys to the locks each scientist must carry? The minimal solution uses 46 2 = 606802876838459410397162614 7 locks and 252 keys . It. is clear that these numbers are impractical, and the y become exponentially worse when the number of scientists increases . In this e 5 = AI5 mod 70 5 ) section, we shall introduce an interesting method to solve similar problems . It is called secret sharing and was first proposed by Shamir in 1979 (se e = 18692608550903908217923 . (18692608550903908217923 -i mod 391939 ) Mignotte [161] and Shamir [225]) . The method can be very useful in the management of cryptographic keys and the keys for accessing the passwor d = 721852464410256223651532491 . file in a computer system . So Definition 3 .3 .4 . A (k,71)-threshold scheme is a. method for n people (or parties) P, . Pz i . . • ,P,, to share a secret S in such a way that the followin g C (eiFi + e 2 F7 + e 3 F3 + e4F4 + e5 F5 ) mod A I properties hold : (3040577211237653482509539493 . 19875 3 (1) k < 7t . + 2830382740740598479460334493 - 21792 6 + 19918834208923 .51476456012771 - 35791 8 (2) each P, has some information I„ + 6068028768384594103971626147- 37776 1 (3) knowledge of any k of the IF ,12 , • • ' ; I„ } enables one to find S easily. + 721852464410256223651532491 . 391028 ) (4) knowledge of less than k of the {11 .12 .'' . , I, } does not enable one t o mod 7326362302832726883024522697 find S easily . 5826262707691801601352277219 . Of course, there might be several ways to construct such a threshold Exercise 3 .3 .11 . Let the database D be scheme . but perhaps the simplest is the one based on congruence theory and the Chinese Remainder Theorem . It can be shown (Krana [134]) by th e D = (Fi .F2 .F3 .Fl Chinese Remainder Theorem that : = (9853, 6792 .3761 .5102) . and the four read keys b e

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptograph y 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 40 1 400 Theorem 3 .3 .3 . For all 2 < k < n, there exists a (k, n)-threshold scheme . [2] Combine all the to get the secret S : In what follows_ we shall introduce an algorithm for constructing a (k, n) - S = E Si, k (3 .119 ) threshold scheme . 3=1 mod m,, . Algorithm 3 .3 .9 (Secret sharing) . This algorithm is divided into two parts : 1 ,) the first part aims to construct a secret set {11 .12 . . . . 1,z }, whereas the secon d part aims to find out the secret S by any A. of the {1 1 .72 , . . . . I,,} . Throughou t (By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, this computed S will be the re- the algorithm, S denotes the secret . quired secret) . Part I : Construction of the secret set {I4,12 , Example 3 .3 .15 . Suppose we wish to construct a (k, n)-threshold scheme with A. = 3 and n = 5 . The scheme administrator of a security agency firs t [1] Let the threshold sequence rn t ,m 2 , • • • , m„ be positive integers > 1 defines the following threshold sequence m, : such that gcd(m, in j ) = 1 for i j an d m t = 97 , mrn2 . . . 0 k m ,z–x+2 . (3 .114 ) m 2 = 98 , m 3 = 99 , [2] Determine the secret S in such a way tha t m4 = 101 . nt 5 103 , max(k – 1) < S < min(k) (3 .115 ) and computes : (3 .116 ) where min(k) = MI m9 • . .Mk , M = m 1 m 2m 3 m 4rn5 = 9790200882 max(k – 1) = m„m„– 1 min(k) = m 1 m2 m, 3 = 94109 4 max(k – 1) = m4 m 5 = 10403 . He then defines the secret S to be in the range [3] Compute {11,12 1„, } in the following way : 10403 < S = 671875 < 94109 4 S (mod rn i ) , and calculates each I for each P, : S - 12 (mod m 2 ) , S-I1 (mod m i ) > 11 =5 3 (3 .117 ) S - 12 (mod m2 ) > 12 = 85 S- 13 (mod m3 )--> 13 = 6 S - (mod m„) . S E 14 (mod m4 ) 14 = 2 3 5-I5 (mod m ;5)–>15=6 . [4] Compute M = m i me - m„ . [5] Send I, and (m,, M) to each P; . Finally he distributes each I, as well as m i and Al to each P,, so that each P; who shares the secret S has the triple (I, . rn„ AI) . Part II : Recovering S from any k of these 11 ,12 . - . I„ : Suppose now partie s Suppose now P1 , P2 and P3 want to combine their knowledge {I1,12 .13 } {Pi, .Pr 2 , . ,} want to combine their knowledge {I„,I,, .---,1,,_} t o to find out, S . They first individually compute : n has the triple (I,,, m, , , 1I) at hand) . find out S . (Each P,,, j = 1 .2 171 = M/rn t = 10092990 6 AI2 = A1/m 2 = 99900009 [1] Each P,,, j = 1, 2, - - - .k computes his own secret recovering key Si , AI3 = M/m 3 = 9889091 8 as follows : Al = Al/m,. and 1> _ _ll 1 (mod \\'1 - 'lli 1 (mod rrr t ) > 1\"1 = 9 5 S, = 1,,A1,,1\\', _ . (3 18) N- EE- _11. -;1 (mod m 2 ) > N2 =1 3 N3 = A13-I (mod rn3) N = 31 .

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 40 3 402 Hence, they get (I,,tnr) = (824,1501 ) (12i m>) = (1242 .1617) S Ir - I - N3 +12 112 -N2 +I3 _13 ti3 (modni l 2 m 3) (13 . rn3) = (1602,1931) 53 100929906 - 95 + 85 - 99900009 . 13 + 61 - 98890918 3 1 (1r,m4) = (1417,5573) (mod 97 - 98 . 99 ) (I5 , ni . ) = (3090, 6191 ) 805574312593 (mod 941094 ) (I6 .m.6 ) = (281,7537 ) 671875 . (17 ,rn 7 ) = (6261,9513) 11 =1501 . 1617 . 1917 . 3533 . 9657 . 10361 . 5311 3 Suppose . alternatively. P,P and P5 wish to combine their knowledge {I 3 .I I . I } to find out S . They do the similar computations as follows : = 1159414813752079260508694 1 lIr = 11/m l = 10092990 6 Now suppose parties P . P3 . P,. P6 , P wish to combine their knowledg e lIt = .lI/rn4 = 9693268 2 {Ir .I3-15,16 .17} to find out S . What is the S? Suppose also partie s 115 = AI/rn 5 = 9505049 4 P . P3 , Pt . P3 , P6 wish to combine their knowledge {12 ,15 , 14 .15 .16 to fin d out S . What is the S then? (The two S's should be the same . ) and \"i = lIi r (mod > N4I=96'15 3 .3 .13 Internet/Web Security and Electronic Commerc e Therefore . N4= .lJ t (mod menI3)) > N5 = 100 . _N5 ) 11;, (mod m 5 ) It is easy to run a secure computer system . You merely have to disconnect all dial-up connections and permit only direct-wired terminals, put th e S Ir•IIr-Nr+Ir•i11,-N 1 +15 -415 -N5 (mod rn 3 •m4 -m 5 ) machine and its terminals in a shielded room, and post a guard at th e 53 - 10092990 6 . 95 + 23 - 96932682 . 61 + 6 . 95050494 . 10 0 door . (mod 97 • 101 - 103 ) 70120892 .59 .56 (mod 1009091 ) C*R.AMMPP AND MORRI S 671875 . UNIX Operating System Security [91] However, knowledge of less than 3 of these Ir , I2 , ,I4 .I5 is insufficient t o find out S . For example, you cannot expect to find out S just by combinin g The security mentioned in the above quotation is unfortunately not what we Il and I4 : need, though it is easy to achieve : an isolated and disconnected compute r system is essentially a useless system in modern days . We would like such a S' = II . AIt •Nr+74-_llr•N4 (mod ntr . m 4 ) (local network) system which is fully connected to the Internet but still be a s 53 • 10092990 6 . 95 + 23 . 9693268 2 . 61 (mod 97 - 101 ) secure as a disconnected system . How can we achieve such a goal? The first 644178629556 (mod 9791) method to secure the local system is to introduce a firewall (security gateway ) 5679 . to protect a local system against intrusion from outside sources . An Internet firewall serves the same purpose as firewalls in buildings : to protect a certai n Clearly, this is not the correct value of S . Of course, you can find out S by area from the spread of fire and a potentially catastrophic explosion . It i s any 3 or more of the It .12 .13 .14 .15 . used to examine the Internet addresses on packets or ports requested on incoming connections to decide what traffic is allowed into the local network . Exercise 3 .3 .12 . In the above context, find out S if Pi . P3 . P4 . P; wish t o The simplest form of a firewall is the packer filter . as shown in Figure 3 .14 . combine their knowledge {1r .13 .14 . I5 } to find out S . It basically keeps a record of allowable sources and destination IP addresse s and deletes all packets which do not have these addresses . Unfortunately, thi s Exercise 3 .3 .13 . Suppose a security agency defines a (5, 7)-threshol d firewalling technique suffers from the fact that IP addresses19 can be easily scheme and sends each triple (I„ rn„ AI) defined as follows to each perso n forged . For example, a \"hacker\" might determine the list of good sourc e P , for i = 1, 2, - - - , 7 . who shares the secret S : addresses and then acid one of these addresses to any packets which ar e addressed into the local network . Although some extra layers of security can 19 An Internet Protocol address (IP address), or just Internet address, is a uniqu e 32-bit binary number assigned to a host and used for all commmnication wit h the host .

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 40 5 404 Allowable outgoin g Local Loca l Router with Loca l IP addresse s network network Encryptio n networ k Firewall Local an d Local network Decryption network Allowable Incomin g 1P addresses • Internet • • • Local Router with • network Loca l Encryption network Local an d network Decryption Figure 3 .14 . Packet filter firewalls Figure 3 .15 . Cryptographic tunnel s be added into a firewall, it is generally still not powerful enough to protect a development of the cryptographic tunnels is the Virtual Private Network s local system against intrusion from outside unfriendly users in the Internet . technologies [264], which use tunneling to create a private network so as t o It is worthwhile pointing out that all networked systems have holes in the m keep communication private . by which someone else can slip into . For example, recently the U .S . Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) estimated that $7 .5 billion are lost annually t o Cryptographic tunnels have important applications in secure communica- electronic attack and the U.S . Department of Defence (DOD) says that in 96 % tions and digital payments . or more generally . the electronic commerce ove r of the cases where the crackers got in, they went undetected . The best metho d the insecure Internet/World Wide Web . For example . if Bob wants to orde r of protection for a local network system is to encrypt all the informatio n a book from Alice's bookshop (see Figure 3 .16), he uses the secure tunnel t o stored in the local system and to decrypt it whenever an authorized use r send Alice his credit card number : on receiving Bob's credit card number .. wants to use the information . This method has an an important applicatio n Alice sends Bob the required book . It is worthwhile pointing out that a grea t in secure communications – to encrypt the data leaving the local network an d deal of effort has been put into commercial cryptographic-based Internet/We b then to decrypt it on the remote site ; only friendly sites will have the require d security in recent years . Generally speaking . there are two categories of com- encryption/decryption key to receive or to send data, and only the router s mercial cryptographic systems used for securing the Internet/Web communi- which connect to the Internet require to encrypt/decrypt . This technique is cations . The first group are programs and protocols that are used for encryp- known as the cryptographic tunnels (see Figure 3 .15), which has the extra tion of e-mail messages . These programs take a plaintext message, encryp t advantage 1 hat data cannot be easily tapped-into (Buchanan [42]) . A further it and either store the encrypted message on a local machine or transmit it

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cry ptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Security 40 7 406 Ciphertext for \"Mv credit card numbe s . . . In me Alice's Booksho p Task Force (IETF) is in the process of creating a Transport Secure Laye r (TSL) to merge the SSL and PCT . Bo b (Encryption/Decryptio n Key ) (3) Secure HyperText Transport Protocol (S-HTTP) : S-HTTP is developed (Encryption/Decryptio n by Enterprise Integration Technologies (EIT) . It uses a. modified versio n Key of HTTP clients and the server to allow negotiation of privacy, authen- tication and integrity characteristics . Ciphretcxt for \"Your b,6ok was mailed to yo u (4) Secure Transaction Technology Protocol (STT) : STT is a standard devel- Eavesdropper Ev e oped jointly by Microsoft and Visa International to enable secure credi t \"What did they say??? \" card payment and authorisation over the web . Figure 3 .16 . Electronic book ordering (5) Secure Electronic Payment Protocol (SEPP) : SEPP is another electroni c payments scheme, sponsored by MasterCard and developed in associa- to another user over the Internet . Some popular systems that fall into thi s tion with IBM, Netscape, CyberCash and GTE . Both STT and SEP P category include the following : have been superseded by SET (Secure Electronic Transactions) . proposed jointly by MasterCard and Visa . (1) Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) : PGP is a program created by Philip Zim- mermann to encrypt e-mails using public-key cryptography. PGP was Exercise 3 .3 .14 . Try to order a. copy of a book, e .g ., the present book, fro m electronically published as free software in 1991 . It has now become th e Springer-Verlag by using your SSL-aware web browser to create an encrypte d worldwide de facto standard for e-mail encryption . connection to the Springer-Verlag web server : (2) Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) : S/MIME i s https ://www .springer .d e a security enhancement to the MIME Internet e-mail format standard . based on technology from RSA Data, Security . Although both PGP an d Now we are in a position to discuss a real-world commercial cryptographi c S/MIME are on an IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) standard s protocol, the SET protocol for secure credit card payment over the insecur e track, it appears likely that S/MIME will emerge as the industry standard Internet . It is a simplified version of the SET, based on a description give n for commercial and organizational use . while PGP will remain the choic e in [87) . for personal e-mail security for niany users . Algorithm 3 .3 .10 (SET protocol) . This algorithm describes a crypto- The second category of cryptographic systems are network protocols used fo r graphic protocol for credit card payment over the Internet . Suppose that Alic e providing confidentiality . authentication . integrity. and nonrepudiation in a wants to purchase a book from Bob (an Internet bookshop) using the credi t networked environment . These systems require real-time interplay between a card issued by Lisa (a bank), but Alice does not want Bob to see her credit car d client and a server to work properly . Listed below are some systems fallin g number, however she wants Bob to send her the book and Lisa to send Bo b into this category : the payment . And of course, Alice also wants that the communications betwee n Bob, Lisa and herself is kept confidential even if someone is eavesdropping ove r (1) Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) : SSL is developed by Netscap e the Internet . Communications . and supported by Netscape and Microsoft browsers . I t provides a secure channel between client and server which ensures privacy [11 Alice first prepares two documents : a purchase order O stating she want s of data, authentication of the session partners and message integrity . to order a book from Bob, and a payment slip P, providing Lisa the car d (2) Private Communication Technology protocol (PCT) : PCT, proposed by Microsoft, is a slightly modified version of SSL . The Internet Engineering number to be used in the transaction, and the amount to be charged . The n she computes the digests : o = H(0 ) (3 .120) p = H(P ) and produces a digital signature S for the digest of the concatenation of o and p : S = P.a( H ( o II p)) = r(H H (H ( 0 ) II H ( P))) (3 .121 )

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .3 Cryptography and Information Seen 40 9 408 where D,t is the function used by Alice to sign, based on her private key . 3 .3 .14 Steganography Alice encrypts the concatenation of o, P and S with Lisa's public key, whic h Cryptography means `\"secret writing A closely related area to cryptograph y is steganography, which literally means covered writing as derived from Greek yields the ciphertext : and deals with the hiding of messages so that the potential monitors do not even know that a message is being sent . It is different from cryptography CL=EL(oII P 11 S) . (3 .122 ) where they know that a secret message is being sent . Figure 3 .17 shows a schematic diagram of a typical steganography system . Generally, the sender She also encrypts with Bob's public key the concatenation of 0, p and S and gets the ciphertext : Public and Insecure Channel Stegoanalys t CB = EB (O 11 p II S) . (3 .123 ) She then sends CL and CB to Bob . [2] Bob retrieves 0, p and S by decrypting CB with his private key . He verifie s the authenticity of the purchase order 0 with Alice's public key by checkin g that Stego-key Stego-ke y Ea(S) = H(H(O p)) (3 .124 ) and forwards C L to Lisa . Message Message Concealing Extracting [3] Lisa retrieves o, P and S by decrypting C L with private key. She verifies th e authenticity of the payment slip P with Alice's public key by checking tha t Stego-Message 4( ) =E S H ( o II H ( P)) (3 .125 ) and verifies that P indicates a payment to Bob . She then creates an au- Embedded-Message Embedded Message thorization message Ill that consists of a transaction number, Alice's name , (secret) (secret ) and the amount she agreed to pay . Lisa computes the signature T of Al , Cover-messag e encrypts the pair (AI,T) with Bob's public key to get the ciphertext : Cover-message (non-secret ) (non-secret ) C AI = Et3(M T) (3 .126 ) Figure 3 .17 . A steganographic system and sends it to Bob . performs the following operations : [4] Bob retrieves Al and T by decrypting C t1. and verifies the authenticity o f (1) write a non-secret cover-message, the authorization message Ill with Lisa's public key, by checking tha t (2) produce a stego-message by concealing a secret embedded message o n EL (T) ll . (3 .127 ) the cover message by using a stego-key , He verifies that the name in AI is Alice's, and that the amount is the cor- (3) send the stego-message over the insecure channel to the receiver . rect price of the book . He fulfills the order by sending the book to Alice and requests the payment from Lisa by sending her the transaction numbe r At the other end . on receiving the stego-message, the intended receiver ex - encrypted with Lisa's public key. tracts the secret embedded message from the stego-message by using a pre - agreed stego-key (often the same key as used in the message concealing) . [5] Lisa pays Bob and charges Alice's credit card account . Historical tricks include invisible inks . tiny pin punctures on selected char- acters . minute differences between handwritten characters, etc . For example . Kahn tells of a classical Chinese practice of embedding a code ideogram a t a prearranged place in a dispatch (Kahn [117]) . More recently, people have hidden secret messages in graphic images by replacing the least significan t bits of the image with a secret message (Schneier [218]) .

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .4 Bibliographic Notes and Further Reading 41 1 410 Note that the procedures of message concealing and message extractin g + + xx+ xxx+ in steganography are more or less the same as the message encryption an d [3] Bob records the result of his measurements but keeps it secret : message decryption in cryptography. It is this reason that steganography is often used together with cryptography . For example, an encrypted messag e [4] Bob publicly announces the type of measurements he made . and Alic e may be written using invisible ink . Note also that a steganographic syste m tells him which measurements were of correct type : can either be secret or public . In a public key steganographic system . differen t keys are used for message concealing and message extracting . Readers inter- ested in steganography are suggested to consult the workshop proceedings o n Information Hiding (Anderson [9] and Aucsmith [13]) . 3 .3 .15 Quantum Cryptography [5] Alice and Bob keep all cases in which Bob measured the correct type . These cases are then translated into hits {0,1} and thereby become the key: t -4 / t In Chapter 2 . we introduced some quantum algorithms for factoring larg e 10 0 integers and computing discrete logarithms . It is evident that. if a quantu m computer is available, then all the public key cryptographic systems based o n [6] Using this secret key formed by the quantum channel . Bob and Alice can the difficulty of integer factorization and discrete logarithms will he insecure . now encrypt and send their ordinary messages via the classic public-key However, the cryptographic systems based on quantum mechanics will stil l channel . be secure even if a quantum computer is available . To make this hook a s complete as possible . we shall introduce in this subsection some basic idea s An eavesdropper is free to try to measure the photons in the quantu m of quantum cryptography . More specifically, we shall introduce a quantu m channel, but, according to the law of quantum mechanics, he cannot in general analog of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange/distribution system, proposed b y do this without disturbing them, and hence, the key formed by the quantu m Bennett and Brassard in 1984 . channel is secure . First let us define four polarizations as follows : {0° . 45°, 90° . 135°} `ref T, I . (3 .128 ) 3 .4 Bibliographic Notes and Further Reading The quantum system consists of a . transmitter, a receiver, and a quantu m We interpret applied number theory in this book as the application of num- ber theory to computing and information technology, and thus this chapte r channel through which polarized photons can be sent [25] . By the law of is mainly concerned with these applications of number theory . Even with thi s restriction, we argue that it is impossible to discuss all the computing relate d quantum mechanics, the receiver can either distinguish between the rectilin- applications of number theory in a single book . We have, in fact only dis- cussed the applications of number theory to the design of computer system s ear polarizations {-s, or reconfigure to discriminate between the diagona l and cryptosystems . but in any case, he cannot distinguish both types . polarizations {/, v}. Our first application of nnmiber theory in computing is the design of com - puter systems : these include residue number systems and residue computers . The system works in the following way : complementary arithmetic and fast adders, error detections and corrections . the construction of hash functions (particularly minimal perfect hash func- [1] Alice uses the transmitter to send Bob a sequence of (p/h,otTon.s.Nea}c. hFoofr tions) . and the generation of random numbers/bits . Our- aim was to show them should be in one of the four polarizations {—z, the applicability of number theory in computer systems design rather than the actual design of the computer (hardware or software) systems . There are instance . Alice could choose . at random . the following photon s to be sent to Bob . [2] Bob then uses the receiver to measure the polarizations . For each pho- ton received from :Vice . Bob chooses, at random, the following type o f measurements {+, x} :

3 . Applied Number Theory in Computing/Cryptography 3 .4 Bibliographic Notes and Further Reading 41 3 412 plenty of books available on computer arithmetic (including residue numbe r [3] A . D . Rubin and D . E . Geer Jr . \"A Survey on Web Security . pp 34-42 . systems and complementary arithmetic) and fast computer architectures, bu t those by Koren [132], McClellan and Radar [149] . Soderstrand et al . [243] , [4] R . Oppliger, \" Security at the Internet Layer \" , pp 43-47 . and Szabo and Tanaka [247] are highly recommended . A standard referenc e that contains many applications of number theory in computer arithmetic . [5]W . A . Arbaugh . et al ., \"Security for Virtual Private Intranets\" . pp 48 -56 . random number generation and hash functions (and many more) is Knuth' s three volumes of The Art of Computer Programming [122], [123], and [124] . [6] T . D . Tarman, et al . . \"Algorithm-Agile Encryption in ATM Networks\" . For error detection and correction codes, see . for example, Gallian [77] . Hil l PP 57 64 . [104], and Welsh [252] . Note that the paper by Rubin and Geer [213] also discussed some interestin g Cryptography, particularly public-key cryptography, is an area that heav- issues in mobile code security . All the above mentioned papers are easy to ily depends on ideas and methods from number theory ; of course, number the- read and hence suitable for beginners in the field . ory is also useful in information systems security, including communicatio n network security . In this chapter . we have provided a mathematical foun- As by-products to cryptography, we have also introduced some basic con- dation for cryptography and information security . Those who desire a more cepts of steganography and quantum cryptography. There has been an in- detailed exposition in the field are invited to consult Bauer [20], Koblit z creasing number of references in these two fields in recent years ; intereste d [128] and [129] . and Pinch [184] ; for elliptic curve public-key cryptography , readers are referred to . for example, Anderson [9], Aucsmith [13] . Hughes see Menezes [155] . Readers may also find the following books useful in cryp- [106], Inamori [110] and Lo [146] . and the references therein . tography and computer security : Jackson [112], Kaufman et al . [118], Pfleeger [182], Salomaa [215], Smith [242], Stinson [246] and Welsh [252] . The book s In addition to computing and cryptography, number theory has also bee n edited by Pomerance [190] and [44] contain a number of excellent surve y successfully applied to many other areas such as physics, chemistry . acous- papers on cryptology and random number generation . tics, biology, engineering, dynamical systems . digital communications, digita l signal processing, graphics design, self-similarity, and even music . For more The series of conferences proceedings entitled Advances in Cryptology information about these applications, readers are invited to consult Burr [44] , published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer-Verlag is a n Schroeder [222] and Waldschmidt, Moussa, Luck and Itzykson [250] . important source for new developments in cryptography and information se- curity. There is a special section on computer and network security in the Scien- tific American, 279, 4(1998), 69 89 ; it contains the following articles : [1] C . P . Meinel . \"How Hackers Break in . . . and How They Are Caught\" . pp 70-77 . [2] \"How Computer Security Works\" , [i] W . Cheswick and S . M . Bellovin. \"Firewalls\", pp 78-79 . [ii] W. Ford, \"Digital Certificates\", page 80 . [iii] J . Gosling, \"The Java Sandbox\" . page 81 . [3] P . R . Zimmermann, \"Cryptography for the Internet\", pp 82-87 . [4] R . L . Rivest . \"The Case Against Regulating Encryption Technolog ,P P 88 89 . An issue of the IEEE journal Computer, 31 . 9(1998) . also has a special report on computer and network security . which contains the following six papers : [1] P . W . Dowd and J . T . McHenry . \" Network Security : It ' s Time to Take It Seriously \" . pp 24- 28 . [2] B . Schneier, \" Cryptographic Design Vulnerabilities \" , pp 29-33 .

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Inde x (k . n)-threshold scheme, 39 9 Al-Khwarizmi, 17 7 R(x), 10 3 algebraic computation law . 16 4 EX P . 18 2 algebraic equation . 5 4 A' P . 18 2 algebraic numbers . 1 5 .VP-complete, 18 7 algorithm . 23 . 177 A - P-hard . 18 7 aliquot k-cycle, 7 1 P, 18 2 alphabet ; 183 .1(n) . 9 2 amicable k-tuple, 7 1 ),(n), 8 1 amicable pair, 71 . 176, 29 2 µ(n), 8 2 amicable triple, 71 0(n), 7 9 APR test, 22 6 x, 17 6 APRCL test, 22 6 7(x), 86 arithmetic function . 6 3 712(x) . 10 6 arithmetic mean, 70 7ru(x), 3 6 arithmetic progression of primes, 110 , ri(x), 9 2 o(n), 66 17 6 T(n), 6 6 associativity, 1 6 9(x), 9 0 asymmetric cryptosystems, 33 3 c(s), 9 5 asymmetric key crvptosystem, 35 1 b-sequence, 20 9 Atkin, A . O . L ., 22 3 kth (higher) power nonresidue, 15 7 authentication . 332 kth (higher) power residue, 15 7 kth power nonresidue, 13 5 base-2 pseudoprimality test, 20 8 kth power residue, 13 5 basis vector, 274 nth prime . 10 5 Bernoulli ' s number . 9 6 s(n), 6 6 binary computers . 31 2 .VP-SPACE, 18 4 binary Goldbach conjecture . 8, 295 P-SPACE . 18 4 binary operation . 1 5 Li(x) . 9 4 bit operation, 191 block cipher . 33 8 Abel, N . H . . 1 6 Brent . R. P., 24 8 adder . 31 6 Bruns constant . 108 additive group . 1 6 additive identity. 1 9 Caesar cipher . 33 6 additive inverse, 1 9 Caesar . J . . 33 6 additivitv. 6 Carmichael number . 20 7 Adleman . L . . 35 8 Carmichael ' s A-function . 81 . 12 7 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) , Carmichael ' s theorem, 12 7 Carmichael . R . D ., 8 1 34 7 CFRAC factoring algorithm, 23 9 affine transformation . 337 CFRAC method . 237

43 0 Index Index Chin Chiu-Shan . 112 . 130 covered writing, 409 efficient (good) algorithm, 18 4 fast modular exponentiations, 19 6 character cipher . 33 5 cryptanalysis . 33 2 electronic commerce. 40 5 fast point additions . 19 9 Chebvshev's function, 9 0 cryptographic tunnels . 404 ElGatnal crvptosystem, 35 6 Federal Information Processin g Chebyshev . P . L . . 90 cryptography. 332 elliptic curve, 160 . 37 9 check digit . 32 2 cryptology . 33 2 elliptic curve analogue of Diffie – Standard . 34 4 Chen, J . R., 9, 109 cubic Diophantine equation . 16 0 Fermat numbers, 36, 17 5 Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) , cyclic group, 1 7 Hellman . 381 Fermat probable prime, 20 6 elliptic curve analogue of ElGamal . 38 2 Fermat pseudoprime . 20 6 130, 395 . 39 9 Data Encryption Standard (DES) . 344 . elliptic curve analogue of Massey– Fermat 's factoring algorithm . 23 4 Chinese test . 20 8 36 7 Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT) . 12 Church, A . . 18 0 Omura . 38 1 Fermat's little theorem_ 12 5 Church-Turing thesis . 18 0 database decryption . 39 7 elliptic curve analogue of R.SA, 38 2 Fermat's pseudoprimality test . 20 6 ciphertext space, 33 3 database encryption, 39 6 elliptic curve bit generator, 33 1 Fermat . P. . 1 2 closure, 1 5 database security . 39 5 elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), 37 9 Fevnman, R . P. . 273 Cocks, C . C ., 35 0 De la Vallee Poussin, C . J . . 9 1 Elliptic Curve Digital Signatur e Fibonacci numbers, 21 6 coin tossing states . 179 decidable, 178 Fibonacci . L . P . . 21 6 collision resistant . 32 1 decision problem, 18 3 Algorithm (ECDSA) . 39 4 field . 1 8 combined test, 21 8 decryption key, 33 3 elliptic curve discrete logarith m finite fields . 2 0 common multiple . 3 1 decryption process (algorithm), 33 3 finite group, 1 6 commutative group . 1 6 deterministic encryption . 37 3 problem (ECDLP), 26 6 finite order of a point on an ellipti c commutative ring, 1 8 Deutsch . D . . 273 elliptic curve test . 22 2 commutativity . 1 6 Dickson . L . E ., 30 3 elliptic function . 16 2 curve . 168 complement . 18 3 Diffie . W ., 348 elliptic integral, 16 2 finite simple continued fraction . 4 6 complete quotients . 5 1 Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key-exchange , Ellis . J . H . . 35 0 FIPS 186, 39 2 complete system of residues . 11 5 embedded message, 40 9 FIPS 46, 344 completely multiplicative function . 6 4 35 4 embedding messages on elliptic curves . FIPS 46-2 . 344 complex numbers, 1 5 Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) , FIPS 46-3 . 344 complex zeros . 9 8 38 0 firewall, 40 3 complexity classes . 183 39 2 encryption key, 333 fixed-base number systems . 30 5 composite Fermat numbers. 3 6 Digital Signature Standard (DSS) . 39 2 encryption process (algorithm), 33 3 fixed-point attack, 37 2 composite number, 2 4 digital signatures . 385 ENIGMA code . 33 3 Fundamental Theorem of arithmetic , computable . 17 8 Diophantme equation, 5 3 equivalence classes, 11 3 computation. 18 0 Diophantus, 5 2 equivalence relation . 11 3 28, 30 5 computationally intractable (o r Dirac . P. A . M . . 274 Eratosthenes of Cvrene . 2 6 Dirichlet characters, 10 2 Eras, P., 9 3 Galileo spacecraft, 32 5 infeasible) . 18 5 Dirichlet L-fimctions, 10 2 error detection and correction . 32 1 Galois field . 2 0 computationally tractable (or feasible) , Dirichlet series . 10 2 Euclid . 2, 2 4 Dirichlet, J . P . G . L ., 10 1 Euclid's algorithm . 40, 41 Galois . E, 2 0 18 5 discrete exponential bit generator, 33 1 Euclid 's Elements, 4 2 Gauss's lemma, 14 1 congruence . 11 1 discrete exponential generator, 33 0 Euclid Euler Theorem, 7 2 Gauss . C . F . 8 9 congruence classes . 11 3 discrete logarithm . 15 6 Eisler probable prime, 21 4 Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, 10 2 congruent. 11 2 discrete logarithm problem . 254 . 35 3 Euler pseudoprirne, 21 4 generating function . 10 2 consecutive pairs of quadratic residues , Disquisitiones Arithmeticae . 11 1 Eider ' s (totient) d-function, 7 9 geometric composition law . 16 4 dividend . 2 3 Elder's criterion . 13 9 geometric mean . 6 8 13 6 divisibility. 2 1 Euler's pseudoprimality test . 21 4 Goldbach partition . 1 0 consecutive triples of quadrati c division algorithm, 2 3 Eider's rule for amicable pairs, 7 7 Goldbach's conjecture . 6 . 176 . 29 5 division ring . 1 8 Euler's theorem . 126 Goldwasser . S . . 22 2 residues . 13 7 divisor, 2 1 Euler . L . . 7 7 greatest common divisor (gcd) . 2 9 continued fraction, 44 domain . 6 3 even number . 2 4 group, 1 5 Continued FRACtion (CFRAC ) double encryption . 34 6 exclusive or (XOR) . 34 4 group laws on elliptic curves, 16 8 double hash . 31 8 exponential complexity. 19 3 method . 23 0 exponentially bounded . 18 2 Hadanrard . .J . . 9 1 convergent . 45 ECPP (Elliptic Curve Primality exponentially solvable . 18 2 halting problem, 18 1 convergents, 5 5 Proving), 22 3 extended Euclid's algorithm . 12 2 Hardy, G . H . . 8 Converse of Fermat ' s little theorem _ Hardy Rarnanujan taxi number . 1 0 ECPP Algorithm, 22 4 factor . 2 1 harmonic mean, 7 0 12 6 effective procedure. 177 factoring by trial divisions, 23 2 hash function, 317 Converse of Wilso n ' s theorem . 12 8 fast group operations . 199 Cook . S ., 18 6 Cook Karp Thesis, 186

Index Index 43 1 430 Ch'in Chiu-Shao . 112 . 13 0 covered writing. 40 9 efficient (good) algorithm, 18 4 fast modular exponentiatfons . 196 character cipher, 33 5 c ryptanalvsis, 33 2 electronic commerce, 40 5 fast point additions, 19 9 Chebvshev's function . 9 0 cryptographic tunnels .. 40 4 ElGamal cryptosystem, 35 6 Federal Information Processing Chebvshev . P . L . . 9 0 cryptography. 33 2 elliptic curve . 160 . 379 check digit . 32 2 cryptology, 33 2 elliptic curve analogue of Diffie– Standard . 344 Chen, J . R . . 9 . 10 9 cubic Diophantine equation. 16 0 Fermat numbers . 36 . 17 5 Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) . cyclic group . 1 7 Hellman, 38 1 Fermat probable prime . 20 6 elliptic curve analogue of ElGamal . 38 2 Fermat pseudoprime . 20 6 130 . 395 . 399 Data Encryption Standard (DES), 344 . elliptic curve analogue of Masse y Fermat's factoring algorithm, 23 4 Chinese test . 20 8 36 7 Fermat ' s Last Theorem (FLT), 1 2 Church . A . . 18 0 Omura, 38 1 Fermat's little theorem, 12 .5 Church-Turing thesis, 18 0 database decryption . 39 7 elliptic curve analogue of RSA . 38 2 Fermat's pseudoprimality test . 206 ciphertext space, 33 3 database encryption . 39 6 elliptic curve bit generator . 33 1 Fermat, P . . 1 2 closure . 1 5 database security. 39 5 elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) . 379 Feynman . R . P . . 27 3 Cocks . C . C ., 35 0 De la Vallee-Poussin . C . J ., 9 1 Elliptic Curve Digital Signatur e Fibonacci numbers . 21 6 coin tossing states . 17 9 decidable, 17 8 Fibonacci . L . P., 21 6 collision resistant, 32 1 decision problem . 18 3 Algorithm (ECDSA) . 394 field, 18 combined test, 218 decryption key. 333 elliptic curve discrete logarith m finite fields, 20 common multiple, 3 1 decryption process (algorithm) 33 3 finite group . 1 6 commutative group . 1 6 deterministic encryption . 373 problem (ECDLP) . 26 6 finite order of a point on an ellipti c commutative ring, 1 8 Deutsch, D . . 27 3 elliptic curve test, 22 2 commutativity, 1 6 Dickson . L . E . . 30 3 elliptic function . 16 2 curve . 16 8 complement, 18 3 Diffie . AV . . 348 finite simple continued fraction . 46 complete quotients. 51 Diffie-Hellman-Slerkle key-exchange, elliptic integral . 16 2 FIPS 186 . 39 2 complete system of residues, 11 5 Ellis . J . H . . 3 .5 0 FIPS 46, 344 completely multiplicative function, 6 4 35 4 embedded message, 40 9 FIPS 46-2 . 34 4 complex numbers, 1 5 Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) . embedding messages on elliptic curves , FIPS 46-3, 34 4 complex zeros . 9 8 fnewall . 40 3 complexity classes . 18 3 39 2 380 fixed base number systems, 30 0 composite Fermat numbers . 3 6 Digital Signature Standard (DSS) . 39 2 encryption key, 33 3 fixed-point attack. 372 composite number . 24 digital signatures . 38 5 encryption process (algorithm) . 33 3 Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic , computable. 17 8 Diophantine equation . 5 3 ENIGMA code, 333 computation, 18 0 Diophantus, 5 2 equivalence classes . 11 3 28 . 30 5 computationally- intractable (o r Dirac, P . A . M . . 27 4 equivalence relation . 11 3 Dirichlet characters, 10 2 Eratosthenes of Cyrene_2 6 Galileo spacecraft, 32 0 infeasible), 18 5 Dirichlet L-functions, 10 2 Erdos . P . . 9 3 Gatos field, 2 0 computationally tractable (or feasible) , Dirichlet series . 10 2 error detection and correction, 32 1 Dirichlet, J . P . G . L . . 10 1 Euclid, 2 . 2 4 Galois . E . 2 0 18 .5 discrete exponential bit generator . 33 1 Euclid's algorithm . 40, 41 Gauss ' s lemma . 141 congruence . 11 1 discrete exponential generator, 33 0 Gauss . C . F . . 8 9 congruence classes, 11 3 discrete logarithm . 15 6 Euclid's Elements, 4 2 Generalized Riemann Hypothesis . 102 congruent . 11 2 discrete logarithm problem . 254, 35 3 Euclid–Euler Theorem . 72 generating function . 10 2 consecutive pairs of quadratic residues . Disquisitiones Arithmeticae . 11 1 Euler probable prime . 21 4 geometric composition lax, 16 4 dividend . 2 3 Euler pseudoprime . 21 4 geometric mean . 6 8 13 6 divisibility, 21 Euler's (totient) q function, 7 9 Goldbach partition . 1 0 consecutive triples of quadrati c division algorithm . 23 Eukr's criterion, 13 9 Goldbach's conjecture. 6 . 176 . 29 5 division ring . 1 8 Euler's pseudoprimality test . 21 4 Goldwasser . S . . 22 2 residues . 13 7 divisor, 2 1 Euler's rule for amicable pairs, 7 7 greatest common divisor (gcd) . 2 9 continued fraction . 44 domain 6 3 Euler's theorem . 12 6 group . 1 5 Continued FR ACtion ((FR AC) double encryption . 34 6 Eviler, L . . 7 7 group laws on elliptic curves. 168 double hash . 31 8 even number . 2 4 method . 23 0 exclusive or (NOR), 34 4 Hadamard . J . . 9 1 convergent . 4 5 ECPP (Elliptic Curve Pr exponential complexity, 19 3 halting problem, 18 1 convergents . 55 Proving) . 22 3 exponentially bounded, 182 Hardy. G . H . . 8 Converse of Fermat 's little theorem . exponentially solvable, 182 Hardy Ramanujan taxi number . 1 0 ECPP Algorithm, 22 4 extended Euclid 's algorithm . 12 2 harmonic mean . 70 12 6 effective procedure, 177 hash function, 317 Converse of \\Vilson ' s theorem . 12 8 factor . 2 1 Cook . S . . 18 6 factoring by trial divisions . 232 Cook-Karp Thesis, 186 fast group operations, 199

Index Index 43 432 Hasse . H . 16 9 Lehman 's method . 22 9 Morain . F . . 22 3 polarization, 41 0 height of a point, 16 6 Lehner, D . H . . 21 8 Mordell, L . J ., 170 Pollard's p factoring algorithm, 24 8 Hellman, M . E . . 34 8 Lenstra's Elliptic Curve Metho d multiple, 2 1 Pollard's p-method . 230, 244 high-order congruence . 13 3 multiple encryption, 346 Pollard's \"p - 1\" factoring algorithm . Hilbert space . 274 (ECM), 230, 25 1 Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve hybrid cryptosystem, 35 4 Lenstra, H. W . Jr_ . 25 1 25 0 linear congruence . 12 3 (MPQS) . 23 0 Pollard's \"p - 1 \" method . 250 identity, 1 6 linear Congruential generator, 32 7 multiplicative function . 6 4 Pollard, J . M ., 244 incongruent . 11 2 linear Diophantine equation . 5 4 multiplicative generator, 32 8 polygraphic cipher, 33 8 index calculus . 26 2 Littlewood, J. E . . 8 multiplicative group, 1 6 polynomial bounded, 18 2 index of a to the base q . 15 6 logarithm . 18 9 multiplicative identity . 1 9 polynomial complexity . 19 3 index of an integer modulo n . 15 5 logarithmic integral, 9 4 multiplicative inverse, 19 . 12 0 polynomial congruence . 13 3 inefficient (bad) algorithm) . 184 Lucas numbers, 21 6 multiplicativity. 5 polynomial congruential equation, 133 infinite fields, 2 0 Lucas probable prime . 21 7 polynomial security. 37 3 infinite group, 1 6 Lucas pseudoprimality test, 21 8 National firstitute of Standards an d polynomially solvable, 18 2 infinite order of a point on an ellipti c Lucas pseudoprinre . 21 7 Technology (KIST), 344 Pomerance, C . . 24 0 Lucas sequences, 21 5 positional number systems . 30 5 curve . 16 8 Lucas test, 217 natural numbers, 1 4 positive integers, 14 infinite simple continued fraction . 4 8 Lucas theorem, 21 7 non secret cover-message, 40 9 power generator . 32 9 instantaneous description (ID), 18 0 Lucas . F . E . . 21 5 non-secret encryption, 35 1 practically feasible computation, 18 2 Integer, 1 4 Lucas -Lehmer test, 21 8 non-zero field element, 1 9 practically tractable computation, 18 2 integer factorization problem, 228, 35 2 Lucas-Lehner theorem, 21 9 noncomputable, 17 8 primality, 4 integral domain, 1 8 Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenn e nonnegative integers, 1 4 primality testing problem, 20 2 International Standard Book Number nonpositional number systems . 30 5 prime counting function, 8 6 primes, 22 0 nontrivial divisor . 2 2 prime distribution function, 8 6 (ISBN), 32 2 nontrivial square root of 1, 20 9 prime factor, 27 Internet, 40 3 Mobius p.-function, 8 2 nontrivial zeros, 9 8 prime factorization, 5 inverse, 1 6 Mobius inversion formula, 83 nonrritness, 21 3 prime Fermat numbers, 3 6 invertible function, 35 2 Mobius . A . F ., 8 2 Number Field Sieve (NFS), 5 . 230, 242 , prime number. 2 4 irrational number . 1 5 magnitude, 31 5 Prime Number Theorem, 8 8 irrational numbers, 48 Massey-Omura crJ ptosystem, 35 7 265 prime numbers, 8 5 isomorphic, 30 9 Meissel, D . F . E . . 28 7 number systems, 30 5 prime power, 20 isomorphism, 30 9 Menezes, A . J . . 38 3 prime power decomposition, 2 8 Merkle, R . C . . 34 9 odd number, 2 4 prime triples . 4 Jacobi symbol, 14 7 Mersenne number . 3 3 odd perfect numbers, 17 5 primitive root of n. 15 2 Jacobi, C . G . . 147 Mersenne primes. 34 . 17 5 Odlyzko, A . M . . 78, 28 8 principle of superposition, 275 Mersenne, M ., 3 3 one's complement representation, 31 6 privacy . 33 2 Karp . R., 18 6 Mertens's conjecture . 7 8 one-way function . 35 2 private key . 35 2 key bundle . 346 message concealing, 41 0 one-way hash function . 32 1 probabilistic encryption . 373 . 37 5 key space, 33 3 message digest . 321 . 39 2 order of a modulo n . 15 1 probabilistic Turing machine (PTM) , Kilian, J ., 22 2 message extracting . 41 0 order of a field, 2 0 Knuth . D . E . . 22 9 message space . 333 order of a group, 1 7 17 9 Koblitz, N . 37 9 middle-square method, 32 6 order of a point on an elliptic curve . probable prime, 206 Kronecker. L . . 1 4 Miller, G . . 21 0 proper divisor . 21 Miller-Rabin test . 21 0 16 8 pseudoprime, 20 6 Lagarias, J . C . . 28 8 minimal perfect hash function . 32 0 pseudorandom numbers . 32 6 Landau . E . . 8 minimal collision-free hash function . packer filter . 40 3 public key . 35 2 language . 18 3 parity. 2 public-key cryptography. 333 least (nonnegative) residue of z modul o 32 0 parity check . 3 . 32 1 public. key cryptosystem . 354 mixed-base number systems. 30 5 parity check bit . 32 1 purely periodic simple continued n . 11 4 modular arithmetic in Z/nZZ, 118 partial quotients . 4 5 least common multiple (lcm) . 3 1 modular exponentiation . 19 5 Pell ' s equation . .5 7 fraction, 5 0 least nonnegative residue . 11 2 modular inverse . 12 0 perfect hash function, 32 0 Pythagoras, 7 6 least residue. 14 1 modulus . 11 2 perfect number, 7 1 Legendre symbol . 13 9 monographic cipher, :33 5 period . 5 0 quadratic congruence, 13 4 Legend re's congruence, 234 inonoid, 16 periodic simple continued fraction, 5 0 quadratic Diophantine equation, 57 Legendre . A . _M . . 89 . 139 Pocklington ' s theorem, 222, 370 point at infinity, 161

43 4 Index Index quadratic irrational . 5 0 residue classes . 11 3 standard prime factorization, 2 8 Triple DES (TDES) . 346 quadratic nonresidue, 13 5 residue classes modulo rz . 1 5 steganographic system, 41 0 trivial divisor. 2 2 quadratic nonresidue modulo n, 35 3 residue computers . 31 3 steganography, 40 9 trivial zeros . 98 Quadratic reciprocity law, 14 4 residue number systems. 305 . 31 2 stego-key-, 40 9 Tukey, J . W ., 282 quadratic residue, 13 5 residue of .r modulo n, 11 3 stego-message, 409 Turing machine, 178 quadratic residue modulo n . 35 3 residue representation of a number . 30 6 Strassen, V . . 22 6 Turing . A . M . . 178 quadratic residues generator, 33 0 Riemann (-function, 9 5 strong probable prime, 210 Twin Prime Conjecture . 109 Quadratic Residuosity Problem (QRP) , Riemann function . 10 3 strong pseudoprimality test, 208, 21 0 twin primes, 4, 8 5 Riemann Hypothesis (RH) . 98, 17 6 strong pseudoprime . 21 0 two's complement representation, 31 6 353 . 37 4 Riemann, G . F . B, 91, 9 5 strong test, 20 8 Quadratic Sieve (QS) . 24 0 ring, 1 7 subexponential complexity, 23 1 U .S . National Institute of Standard s quantum algorithm for discrete ring with identity, 1 8 subgroup . 1 7 and Technology (NIST), 39 2 Rivest . R . L ., 35 8 substitution cipher, 33 5 logarithms, 28 5 root finding problem . 271, 372 sunrmatory function of .1(n) . 9 2 undecidable . 178 quantum algorithm for intege r RSA Assumption, 358 Sun Zi, 130 unsolvable. 17 8 RSA bit generator, 33 1 superposition, 27 7 factorization, 28 2 RSA cryptosystem, 35 8 symmetric, 11 3 Vanstone, S . A ., 383 quantum bit, 274 RSA generator, 32 9 symmetric cryptosystems, 333 \\- inogradov . I . M . . 9 quantum computer . 274 . 27 6 running time, 18 2 Virtual Private Networks, 40 5 quantum cryptography, 41 0 Taylor . R .. . 1 2 von Mangoldt function, 9 2 quantum operation. 277 secret key . 333 . 35 2 te Riele ' s rule, 78 von Neumann, .J ., 32 6 quantum register, 276 . 28 2 secret sharing . 399 te Riele . H . J . J . . 7 8 quantum state . 274 secret-key cryptography, 33 3 ternary Goldbach conjecture, 8, 29 5 Waring's problem, 176 quantum Turing machine (QTM) . 278 secret-key cryptosystem, 35 4 Thabit ibn Qurra, 74 Wiener's attack, 37 2 qubit, 27 8 Selberg's estimate, 9 2 Thabit's rule for amicable pairs, 7 5 Wiles . A . J ., 11 . 1 2 quotient . 2 3 Selberg, A . . 9 2 time complexity function, 18 2 Williamson, M . J ., 35 1 Selfridge, J . L . . 21 0 torsion subgroup, 17 1 Wilson's theorem . 12 8 Rabin's modified bit generator, 33 1 semantic security. 373 transcendental numbers . 1 5 Wilson, J ., 12 8 Rabin . M . O . . 21 0 semigroup, 1 6 transitive . 11 3 witness, 21 3 Ramanujan, S ., 1 0 seminumerical method, 29 3 trapdoor, 35 2 words . 31 5 random number generation, 32 6 Shamir, A ., 35 8 trapdoor one-way function, 35 2 write-keys, 39 6 random numbers . 32 6 Shanks' baby-step giant-step metho d trial division . 230 randomized encryption . 37 3 xedni calculus . 267 rank of an elliptic curve . 17 1 for discrete logarithms . 25 6 rational numbers . 15 . 4 6 Shanks ' class group method, 22 9 read-keys, 39 6 Shanks' SQUFOF method, 22 9 real number . 5 0 Shanks, D ., 25 5 real numbers, 1 5 Shannon bits, 274 real zeros, 9 8 Shannon . C. E . . 19 0 real-valued function . 63 shift transformation . 33 7 realbase logarithm, 15 5 Shot, P., 28 1 rectilinear polarization, 410 Sieve of Eratosthenes. 2 6 reduced system of residues modulo n . sign bit . 31 5 signature generation, 39 2 11 7 signature verification, 39 2 reflexive, 11 3 signed-magnitude representation, 31 5 relatively prime . 30 Silver-PohligHellman algorithm, 25 8 remainder . 2 3 simple continued fraction, 4 5 repeated doubling and addition, 19 9 sociable group . 7 1 repeated doubling method, 380 Solovay, R . . 22 6 repeated multiplication, 19 5 Solovay-Strassen test . 21 4 repeated squaring, 19 5 solvable . 17 8 repeated squaring and multiplication , square generator, 33 0 square root method . 258 195 residue, 11 2 residue arithmetic in (TG/nZ) ` , 31 1 residue class . 113

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