Trend Free copy Setters Contact details: Advertising and listings: Charne 062 128 9851 [email protected] Head of staff reporters: Clair 076 786 3716 ACADEMIC COURSES + [email protected] SCHOOL OF THE ARTS John 033 330 7535 083 777 3002 [email protected] 30 November 2021 Changing the way news is told! Second edition! Howick entrepreneurs launch a Business Park RSTAFF REPORTER as “Action Asphalt.” ln 2004 they Consort esidents of Howick have subdivided the property and clearly decided that built eight small sheds which Andrews Auto Mechanical the time has arrived to were rented out. This year their Ache Enterprises expand the facilities offered in a town, which once had only a rub- son, Larry Kendall, decided to Engineering Solutions ber factory as its major industry. provide further facilities on the The Little French Shop premises for several entrepre- Known as the Kendall Business neurs seeking facilities for their Cactus & Co Park and located along the Main businesses. Road joining Merrivale to How- Eco Woodcraft ick the new business park has Larry Kendall’s faith in the twelve fully rented sheds occu- future has been rewarded with The Herbal Company C ongratulations to our new pied by both manufacturing and the support of the following Next year the Kendall’s “Ac- Honourable Mayor, Christopher service enterprises. businesses using the facilities tion Asphalt” operation will be Pappas (above). provided: celebrating 30 years in a business It is fantastic to see that the Democratic The property at 5 Main Road, specialising in Asphalt Paving process is finally being adhered to. After all was purchased by Des and Judith Action Asphalt and Concrete. the inaugural drama, the reaction of you Kendall in 1981 from where they and your party have been proof that finally, operated their business known Natal CV Joints Views of the Kendall business park. uMngeni municipality will be law abiding and the uMngeni district will be a better place for all residence. There is finally light at the end of the tun- nel and not just the street lights which are now working. (Continue to page 2.) UNDER NEW Fabulous fish HOWICK’S #1 APPLIANCE STORE Midlands Auto MANAGEMENT meals prepared Sales DSTV ACCREDITED INSTALLERS A Family Run Business Dear Customers with passion! I have taken over HATCH to WE BUY & provide you with an honest and WE SELL professional service for VW and AUDI. CARS We are also now operating as DIESEL MECHANICAL APPLIANCE REPAIRS & SERVICING SERVICES so we accept all other makes of cars and bakkies. Meals from only R39.99 APPLIANCE SALES & SPARES Come along and enjoy!!!!! SMART INTERNET DEVICES WILLIAM PITOUT Groups especially welcome E-WASTE DISPOSAL 083 779 4573 Bookings: 073 997 4747 SECOND HAND SALES MATTRESSES & BASES 50 Main Road, Howick (opposite Fairways on Main) 38 MAIN STREET HOWICK [email protected] Contact: Allan: 084 592 7902 Hayden: 062 142 9832 or Warick: 063 680 1244
waZulu-Natal has been the hub of change throughout K history, and again on the 1st of November 2021, uMngeni is the centre of the change we need! DA has, for the first time in histo- ry, won a municipality in KZN and already the positive changes are evident with Chris Pappas leading as our new Mayor. On 5 August 1962, on the main Durban-Johannesburg road, now be- tween Howick and Lidgetton West, Nelson Mandela was arrested. In De- cember 1996, Nelson Mandela was awarded “The Freedom of Howick”. Howick boasts of many tourist attractions, but one that is most rele- vant to the changes we are now expe- riencing is the monument of Nelson Mandela. The Howick area played a part in shaping his life. I believe Nelson Mandela would be pleased with the choice of the people to put victorious voters a home grown hero at the helm to restore Howick to what it once was, and to improve the lives of all. C.T. DINNIS Our newly appointed Mayor, Chris to see the transparency of our new rubbing off on others as a municipal It was the choice of the people of Pappas, has wasted no time going leader who is constantly sharing on vehicle was spotted on a SUNDAY in uMngeni to have change and it is out to the communities in person social media what the DA is actually Merrivale with the driver collecting wonderful to see that you are deliv- and the areas which are in desperate doing for uMngeni. Not to mention rubbish on the side of the road! ering on what the people need. need of change. It has been fantastic that his incredible work ethic is now MKTV Community Building Moses no longer uses a stick to free his people, but rather a camera. MC.T. DINNIS KTV, Moses Kilozo Tel- community and to bring young and they are in a position of power. Now, however, very inspiring!! His videos evision is shining a light old together. thanks to MKTV, people starting at can be found on YouTube and Face- on the positive aspects the bottom can get their name out book with a few having been sold to of uMngeni and the people who re- Moses was only 25 years old when there for all the right reasons! the SABC and 261 DSTV. One of his side there. With so many communi- he came to SA from the war-torn current projects is an NPO, teaching ty development programs underway, Congo. What he endured as a On arriving in SA, Moses was the and training others in a “school” it was time to talk to the owner and youngster has shaped who he is to- refugee spokesperson in KZN. In environment of the film industry founder, Moses. day, his Christian beliefs and passion 2015 he won an award for social to help reduce unemployment. If for uplifting humanity. One of his cohesion advocacy nation building. anyone would like to contribute to Moses is known as the community current projects is “Screen uMn- Until 2018 when the project ended, this NPO, the needs include com- whistle blower. He describes many geni” which is to profile community he was involved with Duzi uMngeni puters, lighting, mikes, WiFi and in the community with the hand ges- champions and help them get the conservation trust. transport. Please contact Moses on tures, “Don’t hear, don’t speak, don’t recognition they need and deserve. 0728849158. see,” and has taken it upon himself Too often in SA people only become His plans going forward are simply to use his camera to educate the famous for the wrong reasons, unless too many to mention here. They are, PASSPORT CENTRE 23 Boom Street, Pietermaritz- * UK/Irish/Scottish Birth and burg, (opposite Rosehurst Tea Marriage Certificates Garden)Telephone (033) 342 2247 E-mail : info@passportc. * British and Irish Birth Regis- trations Top left: Moses Kilozo Hally Park Healing Products For all British and Irish pass- NO APPOINTMENT Complimentary medication Top right: port requirements, Holiday Visas REQUIRED: Left to right: Lungisani Nd- Joint RepaiR (by Appointment Only) for the * Birth/Marriage/Death Certif- lovu, Clinton Meikle, Garry van Health and mobility body cream. following countries: icates Has proven effective in treating: Heerden, Darryl Naidoo cancer UK, Australia, Canada, China, * Police Clearance Certificate arthritis Available from India and Europe (Shengen Visas) * Photos for Passports and most Photo by Moses Kilozo demon- Visas strating his observation of the com- osteoporosis Jasper’s. munities “Don’t hear, don’t speak, tendinitis don’t see,” philosophy in life. gout BY APPOINTMENT ONLY: circulation Or contact either * SA Passports and ID’s SERVICE WITH 076 786 3716 or Rich in CBD and MSM 084 834 9416 Page 2 TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021 * British & Irish Passports EFFICIENCY
Midlands consumers turning from electricity to Gas WSTAFF REPORTER inconveniences that accompany it. tive to electricity, solar or other ith no foreseeable Ellen Mitchell of AA Gas in energy sources. Propane, Liquid improvements en- Petroleum or “Domestic Gas” is visaged with South Howick predicts that this trend will considered an excellent alternative Africa’s unreliable national electri- continue gathering momentum as to other energy sources. With a cal power grid, LP Gas is receiv- customers realise that it is not diffi- lower Carbon Footprint than coal- ing popular support among both cult to move away completely from based electricity power plants, LP domestic and commercial opera- electricity to gas as the main power GAS generates far fewer carbon tives in the Midlands of KZN. This source. She adds that residents are emissions, and is a considerable development is likely to take place now beginning to realise that there contributor to reducing the green- right across South Africa. is this smart alternative energy house effects. LP GAS to our heating power require- Sales and installations of gas source to the ongoing embarrass- ments is undoubtedly the smart deci- water heaters, stoves and hearths ment of “loadshedding.” The national power grid is un- sion. are likely to soar as more and reliable and, with no foreseeable more people turn completely from Ellen advises consumers to improvements to this untenable sit- AA Gas has serviced the Greater electricity loadshedding and all the consider LP GAS as the alterna- uation envisaged, introducing total Midlands area of KZN for the past 30 years and has developed a reputation for exceptional service, professional advice and customer satisfaction. Based on ensuring that customer in- teraction is managed with a “Customer for Life” policy, AA Gas is able to offer the most appropriate solutions to all relevant applications. LP is completely safe to use in Do- mestic and Commercial applications. However, with consideration of safety precautions it is recommended that all LP gas installations are undertaken by certified installers. Unlike electricity, LP Gas has a distinct odour that is instantly detectable if it ever becomes necessary to shut off the Gas Cylinders. Commercial applications in the Midlands include restaurants, guest houses, poultry farms and commercial kitchens. AA Gas can be contacted on 033 330 2717 or 079 298 8354. In order to complete the divorce from ESKOM calls for the purchase of a suitable inverter to supply electricity from a battery to the television set. According to Giovanni Fardella of Giovision there are several ways to ob- tain a steady electrical supply. In most houses electricity has to power washing machines and vacuum cleaners and it is possible to plan equipment that can supply sufficient electricity to drive all such equipment in the home. What’s more, solar panels can trap the sunshine and charge the batteries. Apart from the cost of the equipment the sun and solar panels provide free electricity and that is quite a bonus! Quote of the month: When a family member or friend arrives at your home in a bad mood: “Take your bad attitude outside, wash it until it’s clean and fluffy, and come back in when your atti- tude smells nice.” TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021 Page 3
SASSA Howick Mistreating the Elderly and Disabled “AC.T. DINNIS s you are aware, The staff are rude and dismiss- too late as everyone was already I’m in a wheel- ive! soaked. chair, have been since 2013. I was retrenched in You are made to feel worthless Even after the above complaint 2019 and only now have decided and insignificant! was sent to the Manager by a to apply for my SASSA DISABIL- senior DA official the lady who ITY GRANT. What I would like It’s one thing being disabled assisted Mandy refused to ad- to bring to your attention is the and having to rely on a govern- dress her and would only speak way the SASSA office is run and ment grant, but it’s a completely in Zulu to Mandy’s husband. how people are treated. different story being treated like a second class citizen! “I, along with everyone else in There’s absolutely no communi- this building, deserve to be treat- cation or direction or assistance Something really needs to be ed with decency and respect. Not in what to do or where to go. done about the level of service, because I am white, not because the way people are treated and I am black or Indian, not because They insist on only speaking the efficiency of the staff. I am disabled, but because I am Zulu. human!” I really hope that something They elderly and disabled are can be done to improve things. As uMngeni moves into a new treated with utter disregard and era under the leadership of the no respect. Kind regards Mandy.” DA, we all need to play our part This was sent to the DA while in improving the morale of our The disabled are just left to Mandy was waiting in line in the community. This starts with fend for themselves and expected rain with many others. how we treat one another. To to wait in extremely long lines The DA responded immedi- the members and staff of SAS- for hours on end. No one in a ately, but unfortunately SASSA SA, your duty is to help those in wheelchair is given any prefer- does not fall under the control of need. Please do your work with ence whatsoever. The youngsters uMngeni Municipality. They did, empathy and kindness towards waiting for the R350 grant seem however, contact the Manager of those in need, bearing in mind to take priority over the elderly SASSA with the grievances. that, without them, your jobs and disabled. The elderly and disabled were would be redundant. Treat those only allowed into the build- who essentially keep you em- It started raining today and ing when it turned from heavy ployed with dignity and respect! everyone was left to sit and stand drizzle to a downpour. This was in the rain. Affordable advertising to grow your business. God wants you healedClinton Wright [email protected] od wants you com- pletely healed. We see Howick’s finest collection of G God’s heart toward us quality clothing awaits your present and more than willing to cost Him everything but for you heal the man who didn’t even ask it’s free and you honour the one Pre-Christmas visit! for it yet Jesus healed him so that who paid for it by taking what We proudly claim to have through our Lord Jesus, who is he was made completely whole! He left for you to have. He loves garments to fit the smallest the very image of God. Did you you so much that He didn’t only to the largest of people! know that Jesus healed all who God has provided the means die to save you from hell but also Our “Crocs” footwear is also came to Him? The Scripture says for your healing today by the suffered to make you completely all the books in the world cannot cross of Jesus Christ, specifically whole and to bless you! highly popular. contain all the things Jesus did His body that He allowed to be So come and see our enormous whilst on earth and He is the broken for you, for it is written God broke down the wall that same forever! On one occasion “by His stripes we are healed,” separates you and me from Him range of quality clothing Jesus wanted to heal a man with and again, “He bore our sickness- forever by the cross. He provid- made in Howick. a withered hand but the religious es and diseases,” and yet again ed the sacrifice, so you can be leaders were so dogmatic over “take, eat, this is my body that sure that He who has promised 40 Main Street, Howick their religion that they accused was broken for you.” Just as He is Faithful and True! You must Tel: 033 330 4129 Jesus for healing a man on the shed His blood for the complete receive the gift by taking it your- Sabbath. What an accusation. and eternal forgiveness of our self. No one can take it for you. [email protected] Religion makes people cruel and sins, He also allowed His body God wants you to have the gift Jesus is not into religion. The to be broken so that you can because He died and suffered to one who created the Sabbath was walk in Divine health today. It give it to you personally. EVENTS CALENDER: Pietermaritzburg farmer’s venue. Market. Food and crafts. Cor- Market is every Sat morning at ner of Boston Rd and Wilson the Botanical Gardens in Mayors 4th Dec Howick Hospice Mar- Rd Merrivale. Contact Nicole Walk from 6:00 to 10:00. Christ- ket – Howick Hospice House, 7 0764510262 mas market will be on the 18th Mansfield Road, 9:00 – 13:00. R5 of Dec 2021. entrance. Contact Meghan 033 Fri 10 Dec 15:00 – 17:00. Sat 11 330 5257. Dec 8:00 – 15:00. Native Nanna 4th Dec 2021 from 12:00 – Pop up shop – Coffee and Life 18:00, free entrance R103 Christ- Sat 4, 11 & 18 Dec, Karkloof Centre, Nottingham Road. En- mas Market - Pubs End. farmer’s market – Christmas quiries 071 090 8074 craft markets. 6km outside How- 4th Dec 2021 Gemstone Solo ick 7:00 – 11:00. Sun 19th Dec 12:00 – 16:00 performance opening for The Christmas Carols Sun market, Blarney and Son event from 5 Dec 8:30 – 14:00. Peels Hon- R20 entry. Karkloof market 18:30 till late. R103 / Pubs End ey and Xtra Merrivale Christmas venue. Page 4 TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021
Superb Passport Service for the Midlands STAFF REPORTER The Centre can also obtain UK, btaining or replacing your Irish and Scottish birth and marriage passport can be irksome certificates should these be required O and normally calls for standing in long queues for hours at and the public is reminded that a time. All such problems have been children under the age of 18 require resolved by the PASSPORT CENTRE an unabridged birth certificate when PMB where experts can provide you travelling. FABRIC & FURNITURE WAREHOUSE with essential know-how and an excellent service. Trend Setters was further informed No 1, Campbell Road (Just up from the SPCA) that Midlands residents can qualify Holiday visas are part of the exper- for a British Passport if their mother It’s Christmas gift time and we have the tise offered for those planning visits was born in the UK, and those whose widest variety of items you may need! to the United Kingdom, Australia, grandparents were born on the Canada, China, India or Europe – Emerald Isle can qualify for an Irish * Bean bags and Cushions where the Schengen Visa is required. passport. This right can be passed * Curtaining and Upholstery down to great-grandchildren in cer- * Lap Trays & much more!!! An official at the Passport Centre tain situations. informs Trend Setters that it is now PLUS possible for South African citizens Pietermaritzburg’s Passport Centre * Widest variety of fabrics at to lose their RSA citizenship if they is situated at 238 Boom Street oppo- extremely reasonable prices! acquire citizenship of another coun- site the Rosewood Tea Garden and try. The Passport Centre can provide may be contacted on 033 342 3347 or further information about this devel- per e-mail: [email protected] opment. The third edition will be coming out on Tuesday the 28th of December 2021. Book your advertising space early to avoid disappointment. Our October edition recorded over 350 200 online views. Contact John on 082 739 9087 or Charne on 062 128 9851. Climb into your sleigh (or car) and Page 5 visit the biggest warehouse in Howick - it’s bristling with surprises! Telephone: 076 704 0328 082 572 4514 BRING THIS SLIP TO CLAIM YOUR DISCOUNT Hally Park (Pty) Ltd is proudly South African. Visit our online health and bookstore and have your shopping delivered to your front door. TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 November 2021
WC.T. DINNIS Thank you Best Drive Howick hen our team first Since the first hard lockdown in Has ultra-modern equipment to service your vehicle started playing with March 2020, the unemployment rate and give your car the BEST DRIVE possible. the idea of a news- in our country has skyrocketed! I’m paper, we had two main goals in proud to come from a country of We stock and fit a wide range of quality batteries, shock absorbers and mind: 1. Positive news. 2. Affordable toughies who rolled up their sleeves exhaust systems. All fittings are done by experts. advertising for all to help boost all and created their own employment businesses. despite the poor and crippling Best Drive has a wide selection of tyres at competitive prices fitted and decisions of our government. How- checked with ultra-modern alignment equipment! Every day there is suffering, and ever, every young business needs often we don’t need to look out of exposure to grow and marketing Short braking distances, when it counts? our front door to know the extent is expensive, so we have kept our of how bad things can be. We aim advertising space as low as possible Only with enough tread depth. to shed light on our local heroes and have special rates for small busi- striving to make a difference who are nesses with the smallest advertising New tyres often overlooked, exciting happen- space being R50.00 and listings ings, community initiatives, etc., being R100.00. 3 mm tread depth helping to build morale and encour- age communities. When our first edition came out, we hadn’t reached our budget to go Residual speed: 45 km/h to print, but as we are also online, +3 vehicle lengths Trend Contact details: we came out digitally. We would like (13 m longer braking distance) Setters to thank everyone for the amazing [email protected] support of our first edition, as we had over 350 200 viewers!! A huge thank Advertising and listings: you and shout out to every one of our Charne 062 128 9851 readers. We will continue to change [email protected] the way news is told! News and features: Clair 076 786 3716 [email protected] John 033 330 7535 1.6 mm tread depth Breaking at 80km/h 26 October 2021 Changing the way news is told! First edition! A WAKE-UP CALL TO THE NATION Residual speed: 56 km/h +5 vehicle lengths INSPIRED SPRINGBOKS (23 m longer breaking distance) LEAD THE WAY! IJOHN TnU1N9G9A5YSouth Africa won the Rug- the release of Nelson Mandela – a man by World Cup final against New whom the entire world respected. Zealand, creating tremendous euphoria as President Nelson Man- Cyril Ramaphosa was present at dela stepped forward to congratulate the dramatic welcome from prison of Captain Francois Pienaar on a historic Nelson Mandela. On the steps of Parlia- 15-12 victory after he and his team had ment on 11 February 1990 Ramaphosa lifted the Webb Ellis trophy. held the microphone for Mandela to ad- dress an excited crowd of well-wishers At the advent of our country’s democ- before the first democratic elections in racy, Mandela’s vision of a united Rain- South Africa and the drafting of a new bow Nation took root. The late Chester Constitution which is the envy of most Williams, one of the two wings, was the countries. Test conditions: Wet road, from 100km/h to 0 km/h only black person in that world-beating team but, in those early years, it sig- Prior to the recent election of Rama- Hally Park Healing Products PLUS!!! BEST DRIVE operates a call-out service for our nalled that Apartheid was at an end. phosa as President, South Africa fell Complimentary medication customers in times of need. from grace in a manner that led to it Twenty-four years later, in 2019, our being given “Junk status” in the finan- Breathe eezee Springboks, with a Rainbow Team cap- cial world, with more than seven mil- tained by the inspired Siya Kolisi, won lion unemployed, failing power stations, the Rugby World Cup for a third time, potholed highways that the national beating England 32–12 in Tokyo. Roads Federation claims will cost R400 billion to repair and a population of During those 24 years, maturity in millions of adults and children who Nelson Mandela, who sought to develop a Rainbow Nation pro- rugby circles was epitomised by the apparently go to bed hungry. viding equal opportunity for all members of its diverse population eventual establishment of world-beating groups - working together in a country blessed with an incredible Rainbow Teams in a country that had Furthermore, unemployment has led forgotten what the ANC and PAC had to Xenophobia and the burning of mas- tourist potential and a tremendous variety of raw materials – fought for – the introduction of true sive truck-trains on our national many of which are being exported while they could be processed democracy, a great future for all and Herb capsuals (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) locally by our unemployed millions. Improves lung functionality: And when you need a ROADWORTHY certificate for your car, our staff will obtain it for your vehicle to save you time and trouble! UNDER NEW Midlands Auto MANAGEMENT Sales Come and relax in our comfortable seating area – A Family Run Business equipped with cell-phone and laptop facilities for Dear Customers EVENTS CALENDER: I have taken over HATCH to Reduces mucus build up. Available from customer use and enjoy a hot or cold provide you with an honest and I BUY 30 Oct Hilton Train Station Soothes and reduces beverage on request. professional service for VW and W E B U Y &- Halloween in Hilton - 13:00 - bronchial agitation Jasper’s. AUDI. CARS 21:00. Contact Ash: associated with asthma. We are also now operating WE SELL062817 0774. Boosts the immune system. Or contact either as DIESEL MECHANICAL AND C A R S31 Oct R103 Halloween market. 076 786 3716 or SERVICES so we accept all other BAKKIES 1 Nov - Voting. makes of cars and bakkies. 084 834 9416 OLD OR 28 Nov R103 - Flea market. WILLIAM PITOUT NEW 28 Nov Yellowood Café - Craft 083 779 4573 PHONE market - 8:00 - 14:00. AJAY 4 Dec R103 - Blarney and Son 50 Main Road, Howick (opposite Fairways on Main) 082 966 2384 concert. for Contact: Allan: 084 592 7902 more information. Hayden: 062 142 9832 or Warick: 063 680 1244 We value our customers as our friends! Find us opposite TWK in Howick. Contact Shane on 083 631 6061 or 033 631 6061 [email protected] for the BEST DRIVE of your life!! How to apply for a firearm licence STAFF REPOpRerTaEtRives of Howick’s gun Shop have informed uditions are underway at Drakondale O ATREND SETTERS of the School Of The process required before any adult may purchase and licence a firearm. Training Academy. Arts. Upon obtaining a proficiency cer- Book your spot today. tificate you must take it to the police Firstly, every would-be-gun-pur- who will fingerprint you and request Grade 8 - 12 Boys and Girls. chaser must attend a proficiency the provision of some references. training course with an accredited training facility such as the Howick Once your certificate of competen- Exceptional preparation for the gun shop which runs the Midlands cy has been issued by the police, you future with the focus on education- are at liberty to purchase a gun and al excellence in a tranquil setting. apply for a licence to possess it. For all your firearms, ammunition and accessories. If your goal is to pursue a future Proficiency firearm training. career in music or singing, this is the school for you, boasting of one Come and see our wide variety of firearms available. of the best vocal trainers in the You will find our gun shop opposite the entrance to world. the uMngeni Municipality. Right: John Tungay sitting in on Page 6 TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021 Drakondale auditions.
DRAKONDALE Students reach for the stars C.T. DINNIS untu Manda is a bubbly, fun her schooling she plans to continue student with her goals set with her modelling career and be- come a beauty therapist. She describes L high. At the age of 17 she is thinking seriously about her future ‘the walk’ as the most exciting part and the best stepping stone towards of modelling. When asked why she achieving a scholarship to a top Uni- wanted to become a beauty therapist, versity in London is in music and arts she responded, “Beauty comes from as she wants to study choreography. within and I would like to help others wear their internal beauty externally Her two passions are hockey and too.” the cello and this is evident as she excels in both. As she only picked up Charlie Mlotshwa is yet another one the cello a year ago, when I gave her a of Drakondale’s students who have 5 minutes heads up before playing for achieved phenomenally! At the age me, I was astounded by the level she of 13, Charlie won KZN cross coun- has reached in such a short space of try championships. Having started time. With 2 hours of training 4 times his training a mere 3 years ago, his a week, I’m sure her scholarship won’t average time for 4kms is an impres- be far away. sive 13:25 minutes and his 10km is 38 Mieke van der Merwe has excelled minutes! in modelling. She was 1st runner up He then took part in the SA cross in Miss Teen Universe on the 21st country championships on the 21st of March 2021 and then on the 18th of September 2021 where he achieved Mieke van der Merwe winning of September 2021 won Miss Teen 21st place. With him achieving so Miss Teen Universe. International SA. In February 2022 much at such a young age and so early she will be flying to India to represent in his career, this is a youngster to Top: Luntu Manda. South Africa. keep your eye on. working on a yacht or pursuing Bottom: Charlie Mlotshwa sports science. His sole focus now In two years’ time, she is hoping to His future plans aren’t current- is the next race and his preparation compete for the coveted Miss South ly high on his list of priorities with for it. We all wish you well for your Africa title. Once she has completed thoughts of possibly spending time next race! Don’t let dyslexia beat you HC.T. DINNIS ally Park Publications has a very unique lay- mean that you are stupid, it means out to assist all readers. that you are highly intelligent and The more enjoyable an activity, the “needed” a handicap so that others higher the likelihood of repeating could keep up with you. Our layouts the activity. Our layouts are done in are aimed at reducing those handi- such a way that it assists even those caps so that the only limit set on you with limiting and frustrating ail- is that chosen by you. ments such as dyslexia. Our books and e-books are availa- Just remember, dyslexia does not ble from Let's make PMB safer together. The Junior Journalistth February 1991, on the front page of the Escort Get 3 MONTHS FREE service when you sign up to Mi7 National Group's armed response. 6 News and the Mooi River many job opportunities later in life, Mi7 PREMIUM PACKAGES HOUSEHOLD PACKAGE and send us your best article from MONITORING AND ARMED RESPONSE each school, with pictures. The best PENSIONERS R 359 RESIDENTIAL R 449 BUSINESS PACKAGE Mail is the article on Michael Frost, article or articles will be published Prices include ALL services listed below BUSINESS R 599 • Monitoring and Armed Response • Speciality house calls to check on children and the budding Young Journalist, with the name of the writer and the • Monitoring and Armed Response • Natural disaster support • Alarm activation the elderly winner of the Young Journalist’s school. • Alarm activation • Special escort (subsidiary rates apply) • EMS dispatch • Access to the Special Intervention Unit • Subsidiary rates apply to all repairs and quotes • Neighbourhood watch link to control room • Access to the Special Intervention Unit • Access to the Strategic Threat Response Unit • All quotes and inspections are FREE • Natural disaster support • Access to the Strategic Threat Response Unit • Camera monitoring (optional) • UNLIMITED response • Pet calls on request • Subsidiary rates apply to repairs and quotes • Exterior link to the 24-hour control room • Telephonic support for children and the elderly • All quotes and inspections are FREE • UNLIMITED response Treatment and transport to hospital for clients without medical aid (R70p/m extra, Ts&Cs apply) RESPONSE TIME: 4 MINUTES RESPONSE TIME: 4 MINUTES Competition and his trip to the UK, where he was hosted by John and Contact our Sales Team: Paula Tungay for his stay. Every 12 month cycle, we will an- nounce that year’s winner along with Wayne Rajah Chantelle Drinkwater Debbie Bothma Tanya Underwood their sponsored prizes and introduc- 068 351 8626 082 561 6009 082 572 3898 072 859 4121 Roxy Muir Ashley White Raj Nundkoomar This is something the Trend tions to political and media persons 082 327 7602 083 523 9867 084 381 9901 Sales O ce | 033 814 2251 (Rosedale) | 033 387 1208 (Mkondeni) Setters would like to bring back! of influence in South Africa. Calling on every school to encour- Contact Clair on 076 786 3716 to age their pupils to dabble in journal- have our Midlands Young Journal- ism, a life skill opening the doors to ists published. WhatsApp line: 071 912 9495 L/R Mr Ray Killen Contact Clair on 076 786 3716 for articles, news, listings and to be added - South African Am- to our free events calender. bassador, Michael Contact Charne on 062 128 9851 for advertising and graphic design. Contact John on 033 330 7535 or 082 739 9087 for news and advertising. Frost, Miss Jane Dut- Changing the way news is told! ton from S.A.B.C. who interviewed Michael for G.M.S.A. and Michael’s host, Mr John Tungay. TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021 Page 7
Jasper’s WC.T. DINNIS ith an old time West- ern feel, touch of class and a hint of modern style, Jasper’s is bringing something new to Howick and the Midlands. Not to worry if you’re not located in the Midlands, Jasper’s is also online,, so you can enjoy all their wares with the exception of the use of the barber, Steve. When Scott Peek, one of Howick’s young entrepreneurs, took his first step of turning his dream into a reality, the slogan, “Not just a pipe dream” was plastered over the win- dows of the old barber shop while the team got to work renovating. Jas- per’s screams the ultimate man cave, The team, made up of young en- a tobacconist and barber shop. They Follow them on Facebook to find but there is something for everyone. thusiasm, worked around the clock have a variety of novelty items for la- out more about their cigar and whis- Howick has its first tobacconist set to bring Howic something new and dies as well, books for all ages, CBD key events. Not to mention special in the prime location of 56 on Main exciting. and health products and above all, occasion fun boxes, including bridal Road. great service. packages and grooming for grooms. Jasper’s is so much more than just Xtra Awesome XC.T. DINNIS tra Merrivale, a patrol The community funds Xtra Mer- Howick, Ubuntu (MVH) and the group headed up by Nev- rivale, with some businesses even Howick CPF. ille Cusens, Bruce Rud- sponsoring a “week’s wages” per ling, Nicole de Fleuriot and René month to the Xtra Verge project. “On the security side, we would Stokes, was started in April 2020 by Merri-Mow sponsors the equip- like to thank the CPF, of which we Neville during the level 5 lockdown ment for the Verge Master, the only recently became a Sub – Forum, due to the rising crime in Merrivale. person to receive a wage from Xtra KSS, Red Alert, National, B-Secure, Merrivale. The Verge Master trav- SSS and recently Mi7. All these This is a community initiative, els around Merrivale, cutting areas security providers have played an with community members donating neglected by the Municipality. The immense role in helping with the time and money for the safety and transparency of the handling of the clamp down on crime. Last, but functionality of Merrivale. “We have funds is remarkable. Every amount not least, we thank each volunteer a great spirit in Merrivale. Our res- drawn from the account, as well as patroller who spends nights out idents are helpful, forever wanting the reasons for it, is made public for patrolling our village, preventing to assist others and always willing the community to see: Verge Master crime and reporting any suspicious to roll up their sleeves. Merrivale wages, cameras and equipment for activity with no compensation rocks!” says Neville. patrollers, aid towards struggling whatsoever. That’s what we call families during lockdown and loot- commitment and caring for our Xtra Merrivale still have nightly ing. community,” said Neville. volunteers patrolling, clean up days where the community all get in- Xtra Merrivale works with Love volved to remove litter etc. FOR PRICING AND FULL PRODUCTS Call or whatsapp: 0793434691 As a service to the public, we would like to have a comprehensive events Your thought. Our ink. Your vision. Our drive. calendar, with events throughout the Midlands for people to enjoy. These All themes Gifts events include markets, concerts, All occasions Apparel church services, etc. Any event that All needs Vouchers is open to the public, please contact All requirements Personal Clair on 076 786 3716 to have your All quantities Corporate event listed for free. Page 8 TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021 Contact Charne
World ... Meet BlueDot Thembelani Mkhize f there’s one thing I know to your everyday fashion,” said from a less fortunate background it’s that I’m terrible at Sphiwe during an interview. I knew I couldn’t afford what “This is fashion brand that caters others had, so I decided to start I dressing myself up. I lack for everyone, from street wear, my own thing. That’s where Blue- that element they call fashion sense, but one person who does sports, formal and smart casual.” Dot was created,” says Mtshali. is the local young entrepreneur, “At first the brand was just for me Top: a local model showing off BlueDot Sphiwe Mtshali and his label/ The BlueDot clothing team is but when people started gravi- fashion. Crew BlueDot. a big family, but at the forefront tating towards it, I started selling of this fashion hustle is Sphiwe caps then moved to t-shirts, Above: Sphiwe Mtshali and his team at a I met Sphiwe about a year ago Mtshali (founder and designer), hoodies and sweaters.” photoshoot, showing off their designs of and one thing that stood out was his colourful, flamboyant sense of Hlukanisani Zuma (marketing Apart from their main hustle everyday, stylish clothing. fashion. Together with his team and photography), Sphiwe and the gang believe it’s of photographers and musicians important to have an income that they run a close knit crew that Linda Zuma (social networking supports it. They have regular dabbles in all forms of art and and sales). “We have a circle of day jobs at retailers that help business from fashion to music friends who are always willing them fund their BlueDot. He and photography to videography. to help,” says Mtshali during a thinks of life as a glass half full photoshoot. and says he still has a long way Sphiwe BWest Mtshali founder to go to reach the pinnacle of his of BlueDot. Sphiwe says what inspired him career. to start a journey in fashion was “BlueDot is a clothing brand the fact that every time they had Contact Sphiwe to liven up that isn’t only about connecting civvies day at school he’d feel your wardrobe on +27 61 772 the dots in fashion but also add- as if he was left out because he 5321 ing a touch of class and elegance couldn’t afford to wear expensive brands like his friends. “Coming Discussing key leadership Celebrity Trivia Dilemmas in south Africa today Betty White Questions posed by Prof Jonathan Jansen - senior turning 100 Professor of Education at the University of Stellenbosch. Knowing the difference... years old 1. Between right and wrong - The dependent on knowing the “emotional T he world renowned icon moral compass of leadership is seri- infrastructure” of your company; who has stolen the hearts ously off-mark; your money versus how well do you use your emotions of millions, Betty White, someone else’s money; hiring your or emotional insight to guide your born on the 17th January 1922, family members; how strong is your actions? celebrates her 100th birthday in moral compass as a leader? January 2022! Her entertainment 6. Between social justice and career spans over 9 decades, 2. Between passing and excelling - transformation - Bringing in starting in 1930, as well as the first The biggest threat to our future is not others but as the new demographics woman to produce a sitcom (Life the delivery of textbooks or replacing (quotas) rather than the changing of with Elizabeth), which contribut- pit latrines with decent toilets. What minds. What do you do to embed a ed to her being named honorary really threatens our future is the insti- sense of transformation within your Mayor of Hollywood. tutionalisation of mediocrity in school organisation? and society. From the top down, we are content to pass, not to excel. 7. Between saying and doing - The With her television career span- most powerful case for change lead- ning over 8 decades, White has 3. Between position and influence ership is still exemplary leadership; - Leaders who lack influence tend the power of the exemplar; what story worked longer in that medium to resort to harsh, authoritarian about leadership does your life tell than anyone else in the television anything less than a smile. Her measures to make their presence felt; others? industry, earning her a Guinness quick, normally naughty, sense lacking confidence and voice, those World Record in 2018. White of humour has been a magnet without influence can be a danger He left us with this quote ... has received 8 Emmy Awards, which has attracted most of the 3 American Comedy Awards, 3 world, with some of her most to the organisation; do you have “When she transformed into a Screen Actors Guild Awards, and a famous quotes being a little too Grammy Award. She has a star on naughty to publish here, but at demonstrable influence as a leader? butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and the age of 99yrs, it is great to her beauty, but of her weirdness. They is a 1985 Television Hall of Fame see her more spunky than ever 4. Between tolerance and embrace wanted her to change back into what inductee. before. - Too much of our social and educa- she always had been. But she had tional relationships in post-apartheid wings.” Betty White is well known “Get at least 8 hours of beau- SA are based on a crude notion of for her love for animals and her ty sleep, 9 if you’re ugly.” This tolerance; behind our high walls; -Dean Jackson cheery personality. It is difficult is just one of the many quirky to find a picture of White wearing quotes that make us all love and dropping-off good things versus em- adore Betty White. bracing good people; at arm’s length; how could and should schools make the shift? Email [email protected] 5. Between emotions and cognition to place your advert and get the exposure your - Emotionless leaders are often out of touch with the real feelings and business needs to grow. ambitions of their followers; new ways of knowing in leadership is crucially Professor Jonathan Jansen TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021 Page 9
The twelve short stories collected in this book are all An The polluted, overcrowded earth, one and a half centuries from now, is dying. SECRET y to read. Most of them build up to an unexpected Airtight Benny de Vos discovers as a twelve-year-old that he was born in this future time MISSION ist in the tail’. Apart from this, however, readers will Alibi and has been sent back by his scientist father in a time bubble, to undertake a d that these stories have very little in common, as a critical Mission to Save Planet Earth. IN THE de spectrum of themes has been incorporated. POLHIOCMEICDIDEEPACARSTEMPFEiILeNEteTr van Eeden CEDERBERG Some of the stories are light hearted reading, whilst Benny’s father has given him a unique thought-waving power as well as a list of hers display a large degree of sensitivity and will invoke evils that he must eradicate in order to ensure the future of the planet. The evils on me melancholy. Pure fantasy, with a tongue in cheek the list all concern man’s destruction of nature. proach, will certainly cause a few laughs. Even a subtle ost seeking revenge for his untimely departure from But Benny is still in junior school and the Mission seems to be a daunting task. makes its appearance. The title story has extortion Using his thought power in the present-day environment, where he lives as a foster d other crimes as its theme. A step in time is miles child in the Cederberg mountains north of Cape Town, he secretly strives to fight moved from anything Stephen Hawking had in mind - these evils. He is helped by his foster cousin, Emma, and his friend, Donovan, who time machine really possible? is struggling to come to terms with the deaths of his father and sister, killed in a Throughout this collection, however, the author taxi war on the Cape flats. s made an utmost effort to provide his readers with oyable reading. However, in every step of his Mission, Benny unintentionally wreaks local havoc. In the end he hasn’t saved the planet but has managed to save other things which are of importance in his own small world. The climax is where he discovers the legendary San painting, the Dancers, lost for many centuries. The simple values of the San people of Africa, who lived in complete harmony with nature, are what Benny ultimately acknowledges, and makes his own. Jill Morsbach is a South African author, living in Cape Town, who writes for children and adults. Her work comprises novels, short stories and plays. She has won the national Nova short story competition for fantasy and science fiction. Jill Morsbach The Book Corner African Paradise - BY JILL MORSBACH IC.T. Dinnis can only equate African Par- tour of northern Africa. So that war many years before. adise to the movie Blood Dia- no prejudice can be perceived, the This adventure takes them mond. Rough, raw, brilliant, tribal gang violence takes place in necessary. the fictional town of Horus. through many countries where they meet different people from When it comes to tribal gang The rituals described in African mysterious backgrounds and wars, it is an area that piques an Paradise are fictitious, but do re- confirms to all of us that things are unspoken interest. We have a desire flect a hard truth, shedding light on rarely what they seem. to know ‘why and what’ without how many people are forced to live knowing or seeing the gruesome according to the customs of the ge- I would highly recommend truth. ographical area that they are born African Paradise, not only for the in and the perils of that region. excellent writing but, as with Blood Jill Morsbach has eloquently Diamond, it sheds light on a world ticked all these boxes, blending fact Kim, a single mother, and her you want to glimpse but should and fiction, hence the comparison son, Gregory, go in search of his never actually physically enter. to Blood Diamond. A brilliantly father knowing only the town he written novel that takes you on a was heading towards during the Three children’s books - BY JOHN TUNGAY TC.T. Dinnis he Last Rhino is an at iMfolozi so the game rangers are and to halt the poachers who are exciting story featuring particularly keen to protect it and killing the rhinos and cutting off the 12-year-old Ndlovu its calf. their horn. twins, Ruth and Rudi,whose father is the Chief Ranger at the iMfolozi The twins are in for a big sur- Thanks to the bubble car, the Game Reserve in Zululand. prise when they learn that an twins find themselves, together elderly family relative of the with their father and the professor, The twins return home from Ndlovu’s, who has just retired in an adventure that takes them school for the summer holidays from the NASA Space Agency in to Hong Kong and Beijing in their and soon find themselves involved the United States, has come to live quest to halt the crushing of the in the war against poachers who within the iMfolozi Game reserve rhino horn and its sale at high are killing rhinos for their horn, and has built a unique bubble car prices in its powder form. which fetches astronomical prices in his underground laboratory. Available from Jasper’s in Howick, in the Far East. Professor Nyembezi has developed There is hardly a dull moment in Bookworms in Somerset West and the properties of anti-magnetism this fast-moving narrative, with a online from There are square-lipped white for the bubble car’s swift propul- surprise ending that makes ex- rhinos (the grazers) and black rhi- sion. citing reading for young people, nos (who are browsers, living on particularly those aged between 9 the green leaves of trees and nu- The twins befriend the elderly and 14. merous other edible plants). There professor who is called upon to is only one black rhino remaining help protect the last of the rhinos Another exciting adventure in the life of the twins, Ruth and Rudi. Robot Pioneers Accompanied by their grandfather, Professor Nyembezi, they fly to John Tungay Online bookstore. America to resolve problems with the robots he designed for the new Station on Mars. To resolve the problem of controlling the robotic team, the Professor visits Silicon Valley to obtain special silicon chips to improve the brain box of each robot. Then the Professor takes the twins to visit the incredible Walt Disney World and the adjacent Kennedy Space Centre with the massive space rockets on display. The twins don space suits and are allowed to sit at the controls of the Space Shuttle. Ruth and Rudi want to establish a miniature railway track inside the iMfolozi Game Reserve but this led to their Game Ranger father, Mike, getting an angry rebuff from the Head Office of the KwaZulu-Natal Parks Board. The twins then decide on an alternative site for the miniature steam railway on land adjacent to their Drakondale School of the Arts and the Parks Board officials are amazed when the Professor announces that the railway line is being set up inside what is going to be the world’s largest aviary. The bird-wire structure will be raised by the Professor’s anti- magnetic units. The Professor causes gasps of amazement after he equips a redundant Boeing 707 to fly supported by two of his anti-magnetic units bolted beneath its wings. This act causes a sensation because it signals an eventual end to Jet aircraft engines that spew spent fossil fuels across the sky causing serious global warning. You are the only one who sets the limitations on your success. Practical guidelines to move from where you are, to where you want to be. The perfect tool How To for those about to leave school and enter the working world. Make Money R100 paperback, R25 e-book. Right Now 076 786 3716 Available in English and Zulu Page 10 TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021
Daar Vlieg die Paddaman - by Pieter van Eeden TY.K. Ashwell his is a delightful novel insightful educator who is also his TWEEDIE JUNCTION which would appeal to sports trainer. R107, 10mins from Howick the pre-teens, and is on the Midlands Meander designed to stimulate the imagina- Werner’s efforts to connect with Cell/Whatsap 076 235 4813 tion of its reader. his friends and balance that with his parents’ efforts to discipline HOWICKS FAVORITE SHOP AND PRICES TOO! Daar Vlieg die Paddaman his mind, make for entertaining Persian Carpets, Furniture, Decor, Collectables, centres on a young teenager who reading. Entirely by accident he strives for excellence, irrespective discovers himself able to levitate Gifting, Glassware, Cards, Leather Shoes, of exactly how he achieves this. It and fly. In disguise he finds he is Porcelain & Art Products focuses on Werner’s school and able to assist in preventing crime. sports achievements, his friend- “SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE” ships, and on the influence of an His adventures make for a total- We pride ourselves in supporting Local Crafters. ly enjoyable novel. Mon, Wed-Sat: 9am-3.30pm Sun: 9am-2.00pm CLOSED TUESDAYS Black WED/THUS/FRI/SAT/SUN 15% OFF ALL PERSIAN CARPETS!! Author - Christina Engela CC.T. DINNIS hristina is one of the Christina is the proud owner of most authentic, eccen- a warped sense of humour, and it tric and unique sci-fi/ shows in her writing – and also fantasy/horror writers to originate typically in ordinary conversation! from South Africa. She writes in the science-fiction/ fantasy/horror genres, and has This is not just because of the already published 29 titles in three characters or settings she creates, series, and others. Aside from or the unique situations she ima- writing, Christina also edits on a gines, but also because of her life freelance basis, paints, dabbles in experiences, her unusual outlook photography and music. on life and the strange and often wacky things she notices in the Christina has a lot of diverse world around her and, of course, interests and life experience to her quirky sense of humour! draw upon in her writing, includ- ing having been a soldier with Christina Engela In her fiction, she creates believ- the South African Army and the able characters, and spins gripping director of two LGBT rights advo- tales that transport her readers cacy groups among other things. Contact Clair on 076 786 3716 for to distant worlds, becoming She’s also an advocate for freedom articles, news, listings and to be add- absorbed in their lives and adven- of (and from) religion. tures! ed to our free events calender. Contact Charne on 062 128 9851 for Combating depression DC.T. DINNIS advertising and graphic design. epression and anxi- to choose health food from a take Contact John on 033 330 7535 or ety have become so out when there is so much yummy common in our world comfort food which is normally 082 739 9087 for news and today. This is largely due to the cheaper. advertising. daily stress we are faced with and the food that we eat. When your Studies have shown that ex- Changing the way body is under stress, your brain ercise with music is one of the news is told! registers this and orders a differ- most effective ways of combating ent chemical cocktail to be pro- depression. Not only does it help duced in your body to help you. to alleviate the stress that is build- Everyone has heard the story of a ing up, but it actively encourages woman so pumped with adrena- the brain to stop overproducing line that she was able to lift a car stress chemicals and rather to start off her child. producing happy chemicals like endorphins. This amount of adrenaline pumping through you is not nor- Many people are put off by the mal, nor healthy, but necessary in idea of exercise, but there are extreme circumstances. When you so many forms! Dance classes, are under prolonged stress, the walking, swimming, riding a chemical imbalance in your body bike or a horse, yoga classes. Not becomes the norm and there is everything needs to be a mara- no room for the happy chemicals thon or an hour in the gym lifting which combat depression. weights. In Howick for example, even joining a group like Love When we are on the go all Howick for their clean up days is the time, fast foods become the a form of exercise and team/com- standard and this too can add to munity building all wrapped into our internal imbalance. But let’s be one. honest, how many of us are going TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021 Page 11
Top left: Arrival of the first train at Bottom middle: Howick station. Pub’s End - worth visiting the Howick station. Top right: Opening of the Railway Bottom left: The Castle Hotel was from Durban to Pietermaritzburg, STAFF REPORTER a popular venue for visitors to December 1880, the arrival of the first The Pub’s End food and beverage Howick. train. restaurant remains open every day can also phone us on 076 940 3537 many have seen as she sits beside of the week and provides a Sunday and order take-aways from our the fire on cold winter nights. Our monthly roast with a 3-course meal for only extensive menu – including fish & R 65. chips and a choice of eight different The Tracks-end railway station TAILPIECE Pizzas. was erected in the 1880’s and Mid- “Such is the popularity of the res- lands’ residents can be proud of the T he son of a butcher had taurant that the team employs three Pub’s End also has a famous pub fact that after 140 years the railway great difficulty in deal- chefs in the kitchen to cope with with the widest variety of Brandies, station still stands as a place well ing with fractions in his the pressure of orders at certain Whiskies, Gins and Vodka – all at a worth supporting. arithmetic lessons. times of the day,” says “TJ” Janse maximum price of R30. van Rensberg, one of the team that “Now let us suppose,” said the has kept the Pub’s End a popular A great atmosphere teacher, “that a customer came to place to meet for so many years. We take pride in the atmosphere your father to buy five kilograms at Pubs End, which features live of meat, and that your father had All-day breakfasts music on Friday evenings from 6 only four in the shop to sell. What We also provide all-day- till 10 p.m., 8 television screens and would he do?” breakfasts all day long, every a “projection wall” to screen rugby day of the week – also for only games. “Keep his hand on the meat R65. Such is our service that you Pub’s End also has a ghost which while he was weighing it!” was the youngster’s reply. MENU PIZZA MENU Chicken & Mushroom R95 250g Fillet R90 3 Lamb Chops R90 200g Rump R60 300g Rump R90 (Grilled Chicken & Mushroom) 500g T-Bone Steak R90 Add Sauce R15.00 Add Chips or Salad R15.00 Hawaiian R95 All Day Breakfast R65 (Ham & Pineapple) 2 Eggs, 2 Pork Sausages, Grilled Tomato with Toast or Chips Cajun Pizza R95 Battered Hake and Chips R85 (Grilled Chicken with Cajun spice, Salsa garnish with spring onion) Add Salad R20 Beef Curry and Rice R70 Butternut Feta Pizza R95 Chicken Schnitzel R65 (Roasted Butternut with Feta and green Pepper) Topped with Mushroom Sauce and Cheese with Vegetables or Chips Chicken Strips and Chips R65 Pork Pizza R95 Double Chicken Strips and Chips R90 (Grilled Bacon and Pork sausages) Jumbo Burger R55 BBQ Pizza R95 Add Chips R15 Add Sauce R20 (Grilled beef with BBQ sauce, garnished with spring onion) Pork Banger, Mash, Gravy and Vegetables R65 Toasted Sandwiches R40 Sauces R20 Margarita Pizza R85 Chicken & Mayonnaise Curry Gravy (Mozzarella cheese & Extras) Pepper Sauce Bacon & Egg Cheese Sauce Mushroom Sauce Add Chips R15 Focaccia R65 (Garlic, Olive oil & Herbs) Page 12 TREND SETTERS, TUESDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2021
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