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Published by John Tiew, 2019-05-08 23:42:33

Description: For Malaysia Chinese Primary School SJKC


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Starting Email . Exercise 2.1 . 练 习 二 5.1 项 目 Projects Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps trusted shopping 8) 发送电邮前,用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件,然后把 Print Screen 的画面 粘贴在答案方格里。 Do a print screen of your email before sending and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 9) 发送你的回复信件。Send your email. 10) 把文件存档为这名字。Save the file with this filename. SE2013A [space] 班级 Class ID [space] 全名 Your Full Name.docx 51 5.2项 目 Projects Starting Email . Exercise 2.1 . 练 习 二 Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps 现在,你需要学习如何利用你的电子邮件软件来转寄 forward 邮件给负责老师及用副本方式 carbon copy 把邮件转寄给校长 。 Now, you need to learn how to forward email to your teacher. At the same time send a carbon copy to your headmaster. 1) 进行此任务之前,返回你的电子邮件账户。从你的收件箱读取一封以下为标题的 邮件。 Before starting this task, go back to your email account. Retrieve the email with the subject as below from your Inbox. “Sponsorship Request fro Photography Contest 2014” 输入电子邮址以转寄方式转寄给负责老师 Forward this email to your teacher : [email protected] 输入电子邮址以副本方式转寄给校长 Clark Kent At the same time, send a carbon copy(Cc)of this email to the headmaster Clark Kent : [email protected] 输入下面的文字作为转寄的内容 Use the text below for your email Dear Mila, I believed that you have already heard about the sponsorship agreed by the Education Department. I will meet up with them to discuss the sponsorship this Friday afternoon. Please ask our chosen participants to confirm their t- shirt sizes. Regards, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 52

Starting Email . Exercise 2.1 . 练 习 二 5.2 项 目 Projects Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps trusted shopping 备注:你必须检查电子邮址,以确保你所输入的电子邮址是正确的。 You must check and ensure the email address is correct. 2) 发送信件前,用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。打开 SE2013B.docx 文件,把你 的英文姓名和班级输入在相关的格子内。把 Print Screen 的画面粘贴在答案方格里。 Do a print screen of your email before sending. Load the answer sheet “SE2013B.docx”, enter your full name and class in the spaces provided. Paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 3) 发送你的转寄信件。Send your email. 4) 打开 Sent Items 文件夹。 Sent Items 文件夹里清楚的展示有关电邮的各项资料 - 收信 人、信件标题 Subject Line、邮件发送日期和时间。以 Print Screen 的方式捕捉 Sent Items 文件夹内的三封电邮的画面,然后把 Print Screen 的画面粘贴在答方格里。 Open the Sent Items folder to show the details – recipients, subject lines, dates and time set. Do a print screen of the three emails that you have sent and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 如果恰巧当时网际网络无法正常操作,所发送的三封电邮将会储存在 Outbox 文件夹 内。 If you are not able to send out the emails, you will find the three emails store in your Outbox folder. 5) 把文件存档为这名字。Save the file with this filename. SE2013B “Your Name”.docx 确保你已把你的文件都检查清楚以确保其准确性。 Make sure you have checked your working file for accuracy. 53 5.3项 目 Projects Starting Email . Exercise 3 . 练 习 三 Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps 你的电脑老师 Mr Edward 每周都会使用电子邮件软件来为电脑课准备新的教材。他为班上准 备了一则有关绿化活动的广告。 Mr Edward, your Computer teacher will prepare new materials weekly by using email software for the Computer lessons. He has prepared an advertisement about Green Campaign for the class. 1) 下图所示的广告是由休闲俱乐部所举办以邀请所有学生在学校假期参加此绿化活 动。 The advertisement (as shown below) is organized by the Recreation Club to invite all students to join in the Green Campaign during the school holidays. 2) 身为俱乐部主席,你被要求通过电子邮件提供有关活动的信息予校长。 As the President of the club, you are asked to deliver the information regarding the activity to the Principal through email. 54

Starting Email . Exercise 3 . 练 习 三 5.3 项 目 Projects Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps trusted shopping LO1 3) 进行此任务之前,打开电子邮件软件。写一封新电邮寄给校长 Madam Julie。 To carry out this task, start the email software. Compose a new email to the Principal, Madam Julie. 电子邮件地址(Email address) : [email protected] 电子邮件标题(Subject of the email) : Green Campaign 使用下面文本作为你的电子邮件内容。你可以选择任何你喜欢的字型和字体颜色。 Use the text below for your email. You may choose any font type and/or font colour for the text (if you wish). Dear Madam Julie, Our Green Campaign will be held at the end of the year, 29th – 31st December 2014 and the venue is the Forest Research Institute Malaysia Campaign Site. The club is holding a campaign for appreciation of the green forests and scenery of Malaysia. We would like to inform you that, our activity is also supported by the Forest Research Institute Malaysia for encouraging our students to join in the campaign. Thank you. Regards, [ 在此键入你的英文姓名 ] President Recreation Club 4) 登入并加载答案文档 SE2014A AS。把你的英文姓名和班级输入相关格子内。 Log on and load the answer sheet SE2014A AS. Enter your full name and class in the spaces provided. 55 5.3项 目 Projects Starting Email . Exercise 3 . 练 习 三 Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps 发送信件前,用 print screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。然后,把画面粘贴在答案文档所 提供的空位里。 Do a print screen of your email before sending and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 发送你的信件。Send your email. 现在,Mr Edward 需要你返回你的电子邮件帐户。你会发现在收件箱内有一封未阅读的电子邮件。 Now, Mr Edward wants you to go back to your email account. You will find an unread incoming email in the Inbox. LO3 5) 阅读一封来自你的校长 Madam Julie 标题为 “Information of Green Campaign”的 电子邮件。 Read the email from your Principal, Madam Julie with the subject “Information of Green Campaign”. LO2 6) 回复电子邮件。Reply to the email. 你必须使用 Reply 按钮来回信,不可重打邮址;也不要更改电子邮件标题 (subject line)。 You must use the Reply button and not re-typing the address. Do not change the subject line. 使用下面的文本作为你的电子邮件内容。你可以选择任何你喜欢的字型和字体颜色。 Use the text below for your email. You may choose any font type and/or font colour for the text (if you wish). Dear Madam Julie, Thank you for your reply. Highly appreciate your support. We plan on making this activity annually.Thank you. Regards, [ 在此键入你的英文姓名 ] Secretary Recreation Club 56

Starting Email . Exercise 3 . 练 习 三 5.3 项 目 Projects Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps trusted shopping 发送信件前,用 print screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。然后,把画面粘贴在答案文档 所提供的空位里。 Do a print screen of your email before sending and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 发送你的信件。Send your email. 7) 把文件存档并保留文件名字 SE2014A AS。 Save the file and retain the filename SE2014A AS. 你的电脑老师 Mr Edward 指派了新的任务让你继续做练习。 Mr Edward, your Computer teacher has assigned new tasks for you to continue working on your file. LO4 8) 返 回 到 你 的 电 子 邮 件 帐 户 。 从 你 的 收 件 箱 内 选 择 并 阅 读 一 封 标 题 为 “Information on Green Campaign” 的电子邮件。 Go back to your email account. Retrieve the email with the subject “Information on Green Campaign” from your Inbox. LO5 9) 打开邮件。Open the email. 把电子邮件以转寄方式(forward)寄给休闲俱乐部副主席 Ms Amber。她的电子 邮件地址是 [email protected] Forward this email to Ms Amber at [email protected], the Deputy President of the Recreation Club. 同时把电子邮件以副本方式(carbon copy)寄给休闲俱乐部顾问 Mr Philip。他的 电子邮件地址是 [email protected] At the same time, send a carbon copy of this email to Mr Philip at [email protected], the Advisor of the Recreation Club. 使用下面的文本作为你的电子邮件内容。你可以选择任何你喜欢的字型和字体颜 色。 Use the text below for your email. You may choose any font type and/or font colour for the text (if you wish). 57 5.3项 目 Projects Starting Email . Exercise 3 . 练 习 三 Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps Dear Ms Amber, I believed that you are aware for the Green Campaign at the end of this year. We had informed our Principal, Madam Julie. Please provide us with the list of items needed in the upcoming meeting. Regards, [ 在此键入你的英文姓名 ] Secretary Recreation Club 10) 重新打开答案文档 SE2014A AS。 Re-open the answer sheet SE2014A AS. 发送信件前,用 print screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。然后,把画面粘贴在答案文 档所提供的空位里。 Do a print screen of your email before sending and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 发送你的信件。Send your email. 11) 返回到你的电子邮件帐户。 Go back to your email account. LO4 12) 打开 Sent Items 文件夹并清楚显示电子邮件的各项资料 - 收件人,邮件标题,邮 件发送日期和时间。如果恰巧当时网际网络无法正常操作,你所发送的三封电邮 将会储存在 Outbox 文件夹内。 Open the Sent Items folder to show the details – recipients, subject lines, dates and time sent. If you are not able to send out the emails, you will find the three emails sent in your Outbox folder. 用 print screen 的方式捕捉 Sent Items 文件夹内的三封电子邮件的画面。然后, 把画面粘贴在答案文档所提供的空位里。 Do a print screen of the three emails that you have sent and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 13) 把文件存档并保留文件名字 SE2014A AS。 Save the file and retain the filename SE2014A AS. 58

认识及体验程序编写 6.1 项 目 Projects Learn and experience programming trusted shopping 日常生活中,语言扮演着非常重要的角色。要与对方沟通 就必须懂得对方的语言。如:用华语与华裔朋友交流;用 马来语与马来同胞交谈。而电脑是人类的好帮手,那我们 需要用什么语言与电脑交流呢?答案就是 “程序语言” (Programming Language)。 Language plays a vital role in our daily life. We must be familiar with different languages in order to have an effective communication. For example, with Chinese, we can communicate in Chinese language. With Malays, we can use Malay language. Computer is our good helper. What language do we use to talk to the computer? It’s programming language. 什么是程序语言?(What is programming language?) 它是我们用来编写电脑程序所使用的语言。程序语言与其他语言一样,都使用特定的词汇和符 号,向电脑发出指令,以执行任务。只要学会了程序语言就可和电脑沟通,让它为我们做很多 很多的事。因此程序语言可是非常重要的哦! It is a language used to write computer programs. Like other languages, programming language uses specific terms and symbols to instruct computer to perform certain task. Once we can master programming language, we can communicate with the computer and instruct the computer to accomplish the tasks. Therefore, it is very important! 我知道了!只要学会了程序语言,就可以 让电脑为我做更多的事情。所以,我一定 要学好程序语言! Now I know, I will master programming language and instruct computer to do lots of things for me. 59 6.1项 目 Projects 认识及体验程序编写 Learn and experience programming 每一个软件都有特定的功能。例如:要制作通告,用 Microsoft Word,而 Microsoft Power Point 则用来制作演讲幻灯片。相同的,要编写电脑程序,也有指定的软件,QBasic 就是其中 一个例子。QBasic 在 1991 年由微软开发。它的操作简单、容易学习,广受人们喜爱。现在, 让我们来体验编写程序的乐趣吧! Every software has a specific function. For example, Microsoft Word is used to create announcements. Microsoft Power Point used to create presentation slides. We need a software to write a program; QBasic is one of them. Microsoft developed QBasic in year 1991. It's simple to operate, easy to learn, so it is widely popular. Now, let's learn to write a program and experience the fun of it! 双击这图标来启动 QBasic。 点击关闭按钮退出 QBasic。 Double click this icon to open QBasic Click on exit button to quit QBasic 若要命令电脑显示文字,就必须用 PRINT 指令。 “Print” is the command used to display text on screen. 练习 Exercise 6.1a 输入以下的指令,将 Hello World! 显示在屏幕上。 1 Enter the following commands to display “Hello, World!” on the screen. 1) 顺序输入指令和内容。 Enter the commands and text in order. 2) 按 F5 键,以执行指令。 Press F5 key to execute the command. 60

认识及体验程序编写 6.1 项 目 Projects Learn and experience programming trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 6.1b 目的一 : 命令电脑让我们输入名字。 Mission One : Command computer allow us to enter a name. 目的二 : 显示我们输入的名字。 Mission Two : Display the name we have entered. 1) 打开 Open “QBasic”。 2) 输入指令。Enter commands. 3) 按 F5 键,以执行指令。 Press F5 key to execute the command. 每一次编写程序前都需要清理画面,如同要在白板上写东西前,就 需要先把白板擦干净。要清除 QBasic 画面,请输入 ”CLS”。 Before starting to write a program, we need to clean up the screen, just like we are cleaning up the whiteboard before writing on it. In QBasic, “CLS” is the command to clear the screen. 61 6.1项 目 Projects 认识及体验程序编写 Learn and experience programming Print 除了可显示文字,还可用来解决数学难题。参考以下例子: Other than display text, “Print” command can be used to resolve mathematical question. 指令(Command) 显示(Display) Print “2+2” 2+2 Print 2+2 4 练习 Exercise 6.1c 先在纸上把以下的数学题算出来,然后再用 QBasic 计算,最后把答案写在线上。 Resolve the mathematical problem on paper first, then only use QBasic to calculate. Write both answers on the line. 50 x 2 - 30 + 18 我的答案 QBasic 答案 My Answer : _______________________ QBasic Answer : _______________________ 练习 Exercise 6.1d 依据老师的指示,把数学题目写在线上。然后用 QBasic 找出答案,把答案写在线上。 Follow the teacher's instructions, write down the question. Use QBasic to find out the answer and write on the line. 1) ____________________________________ QBasic Answer(答案):___________ 2) ____________________________________ QBasic Answer(答案):___________ 62

学习制作简单电脑程序(一) 6.2 项 目 Projects Learn to build simple programs 1 trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 6.2a QBasic 提供了七种不同的颜色,每一种数字代表一个颜色。请输入以下的指令,找出 QBasic 颜色的代号,然后将答案写在线上。 There are seven colours in QBasic, and each colour is represented by a number. Enter the following commands to find out the colour code, write your answer on the line. 颜色(Colour) 1 代表(Represent) _____________ 2 代表(Represent) _____________ 3 代表(Represent) _____________ 4 代表(Represent) _____________ 5 代表(Represent) _____________ 6 代表 (Represent) _____________ 7 代表(Represent) _____________ 63 6.2项 目 Projects 学习制作简单电脑程序(一) Learn to build simple programs 1 要成为一名杰出的程序编写员不但要掌握好程序语言,更需要对整个软件的编写有准确的思路。 To become an outstanding programmer, we have to master a programming language, more importantly is the flow and logic of programming. Bitbit 先炒菜,然后洗菜,最后才加入调味料和切菜。哇!那会是一道怎么样的菜呢?感觉有 点恐怖,你敢吃吗?原来,这就是没有思路的后果! Bitbit cooks, then only washes the vegetable. She adds in seasoning and then cuts the vegetables. What kind of dish will it look like? Quite scary! Do you dare to eat? This is the consequences of not having good flow and logic. 1) 先炒菜。 Cook the vegetables. 2) 洗菜及加入调味。 Wash then add in seasoning. Who dare to eat?~~ 3) 最后切菜。 At last cut the vegetables. 64

学习制作简单电脑程序(一) 6.2 项 目 Projects Learn to build simple programs 1 trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 6.2b 日常生活中,有许多事情都需要有正确的思路。若思路颠倒了,后果可是不堪设想的。一天, 兴致勃勃的 Bitbit 打算在妈妈生日当天为妈妈准备一道美味的菜肴。但,平时不下厨的他对整 个烹饪过程并不了解,该怎么办呢? In our daily life, there are many things that require correct logic and flow. If the logic and flow is messy, it will lead to disastrous consequences. On her mother’s birthday, Bitbit wishes to prepare a surprise dish for her mother. Bibit does not know how to cook and she doesn’t understand the overall process. What must she do? 下图提供了一些词汇。请依据流程,将对的步骤写在相关的格子,以帮助 Bitbit 能够很快速的 煮出这道佳肴。 Referring to the vocabulary below, write the correct flow in the box. Assist Bibit to prepare the dish. 洗菜 买菜 炒菜 一盘美味的菜肴 切菜 加入调料 放入热锅中 Wash Buy Cook Cut Add-in spices A dish of delicious vegetables Put into the wok 1 23 6 54 7 65 6.3项 目 Projects 学习制作简单电脑程序(二) Learn to build simple programs 2 练习 Exercise 6.3a 以下是一个 QBasic 的简单型计算机。它能计算出五个数目的总数和平均。只要依照以下的两 个步骤,就会有神奇的事发生了。 The following is a QBasic simple calculator. It calculates the total and the average of five numbers. Follow these two steps and a magical thing will happen. 1) 输入指令(Enter commands) 显示 Display “Enter 5 numbers”。 2) 按一下 Press “F5” key 建 输入五个数字。 Enter five numbers. 将五个数字加起来,答案储存为 S。 Total up five number, store the answer as “S”. 将 S 除 5 ,答案储存为 V。 Divide “S” by 5, store the answer as “V”. 显示“TOTAL =”后显示 S 答案。 Display “TOTAL =“ follow by answer S. 显示“AVERAGE =”后显示 V 答案。 Display “AVERAGE =“ follow by answer V. 输入五个数字。 Enter five numbers. 显示“TOTAL =”后显示 S 答案。 Display “TOTAL =“ follow by answer S. 显示“AVERAGE =”后显示 V 答案。 Display “AVERAGE =“ follow by answer V. 66

学习制作简单电脑程序(二) 6.3 项 目 Projects Learn to build simple programs 2 trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 6.3b 让我们制作一个电脑猜字游戏。首先,让电脑出一个数目,我们猜测。总共有五次的机会。猜 对了电脑就会显示 “You Win”;若猜不到将扣除一次机会。一旦五次机会都用完时,电脑就会 显示正确的答案了。 Let's make a computer guessing game. First, let the computer randomly choose a number for us to guess. We have five chances. If we get the answer right, the computer will display \"You Win\"; else the number of chances will be reduced by one. Upon using all the five chances, computer will display the answer. 1) 输入指令(Enter commands) 告诉电脑,给五次猜的机会。 Instruct computer give five chances. 指示电脑决定一个数字。 Instruct computer choose a number. 显示“Guess a number:”,让我们输入数字。 Display “Guess a number:” and let us enter a number. 若猜对了,就会显示“You win!”。 If guessing correct, display “You win!”. 若猜错了,就显示所剩余猜测的次数。 If wrong guessing, display remaining number of chances. 游戏结束,显示答案。 Game over, display answer. 2) 按一下 Press “F5” key 建 67 7.1项 目 Projects 掌握软件编写流程概念 Master coding process concept 一个资深的程序编写员不但对程序语言有一定的掌握,也对软件编写流程有深入的认识。每一 位程序编写员在未开始编写前,一定要先画好流程图(flow chart),了解了软件的来龙去脉才 动手编码(coding)。而在生活中,有许多的事情都有固定的流程。现在,就让我们来探讨 Sisi 上学的流程图。 Sisi 上学 (1) 圆角矩形(Rounded Rectangle) 表示开始与结束。 搭校车 是 7:00 不是 爸爸驾车 准时起身? (2) 菱形(Diamond) 表示问题判断或审核。 Sisi 到了学校,老师点名 (3) 矩形(Rectangle) 表示行动方案。 准时 有 7:40 没有 迟到 前到学校? (4) 箭头(Arrow) 表示工作流程方向。 练习 7.1a 依据以上的流程图,将准确的答案写在线上。 首先,若 Sisi 能在 _________ 起身,她便来得及乘搭 _________ 上学。若不能,Sisi 的 _________ 就得载她上学。到了学校后,老师开始点名。若 Sisi 能在 _________ 前来到学校,老师就会写 “准时”。超时了,老师会写 “_________”。这就是流程图表。 68

掌握软件编写流程概念 7.1 项 目 Projects Master coding process concept trusted shopping A senior programmer, not only having mastered the programming language but also having an in-depth understanding of the coding process. Before coding, every programmer will draw a flow diagram, understand the functions and logic of the entire software. In our daily life, there are many things that have a fixed process. Now, let us discover the flowchart of Sisi going to school. Sisi go to school (1) Rounded Rectangle - start or end. take school bus YES 7:00 NO father drive wake up on (2) Diamond - decision. time? Sisi in school, teacher marking attendance (3)Rectangle - action 7:40 Late Punctual YES reach school NO on time? (4)Arrow - task flow direction. Exercise 7.1a Based on the flow chart, write the correct answer on the line. First of all, if Sisi can wake up at ____________, she has time to take ____________ to school. If not, Sisi's ____________ have to send her to school. Upon reaching, the teacher start to take attendance. If Sisi reached before ____________, the teacher will mark “Punctual“, else the teacher will write ____________. This is a flow chart. 69 7.1项 目 Projects 掌握软件编写流程概念 Master coding process concept 在学校的图书馆借书和还书有一定的规则以及需要遵照的流程。以下就有两种不同的解释:文 字和流程图,以帮助我们更了解借书的规则和流程。 文字解释 流程图解释 1) 首先,检查图书标签。红色标签 借书 :只供图书馆内阅读;青色标签 :可借回家。 2) 图书管理员检查借贷的图书数量 红色 检查图书的 。每位学生最多只能借五本书。 标签颜色 3) 检查图书页面。若图书有任何的 青色 损坏,就不能借出去。 失败 超过 借贷数量不 4) 若借贷数量不超过五本,而图书 超过五本 页面又良好,就在书的背面盖上 当天日期。 没有 损坏 检查图书 的页面 成功 良好 盖上当天日期 练习 7.1b 1) 文字和流程图解释,那一种比较容易明白?答案:____________________ 2) Sisi 共借了四本书。她想再借一本英文故事书,但最后一页破了。 依据流程圈,请问 Sisi 能成功借到那本英文故事书吗?为什么? 答案:_________________________________________________________________ 3) Sisi 从没在图书馆借过书,这一次她想借红色标签的百科全书。 依据流程图,请问 Sisi 能成功借到那本百科全书吗?为什么? 答案:_________________________________________________________________ 70

掌握软件编写流程概念 7.1 项 目 Projects Master coding process concept trusted shopping In school library, there are certain rules and procedures that librarians have to follow. There are two types of explanation below, text and flow chart; that help us to understand the rules and procedures of borrowing a book. Text Explanation Flow Chart Explanation 1) First, check the book tag colour. Red Borrow tag for reading in library only; blue tag allow to be borrowed. 2) Librarian checks the number of book Red check book borrowed. Every student allows to Fail Yes tag colour borrow maximum of five books. Green 3) Check the book condition. Not allowed to borrow the damage book. borrow not more than 5 4) If the number of books borrowed is not more than five and the books are No in good condition, stamp today’s date at the back of the book. Damage check book condition Exercise 7.1b Good 1) Comparing text and flow chart Success stamp today’s date explanation. Which one is easier to understand? Answer : _________________________________________________________________ 2) Sisi had borrowed four books. She would like to borrow an English story book but the last page is damaged. Can Sisi borrow the book? Why? Answer : _________________________________________________________________ 3) Sisi never borrowed a book before, she would like to borrow an encyclopedia with red tag. Can she borrow the book? Why? Answer : _________________________________________________________________ 71 7.1项 目 Projects 掌握软件编写流程概念 Master coding process concept 练习 Exercise 7.1c 微软的应用程序:Microsoft Word、Microsoft Excel 等,都可用来画简单的流程图。若要画出 复杂又专业的流程图,就得用专业的流程图绘画软件,如著名的 Microsoft Visio。现在,就让 我们学习用 PowerPoint 画一个简单的流程图,以下是一些可遵照的步骤。 Microsoft Office application, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel can be used to draw simple flow chart. To draw complex and professional flow chart, we have to use professional chart designer software, such as Microsoft Visio. Now, let’s learn to draw a simple flow chart using PowerPoint. Flow Chart “Your Name”.pptx A Elbow Arrow Connector Rectangle B C Rounded Rectangle D Text Box E Diamond (1)用 Use tool C 画。 Book Return 按 Press “F2” key 键后, 输入 Enter “Book Return” 。 (2)用 Use tool E 画。 (5) 使用 Use tool A 将每一个形状连起来。 按 Press “F2” key 键后, connect all the shapes. 输入 Enter “Check Date”。 Late Check Date (3)用 Use tool B 画。 Penalty On time (6) 使用 Use tool D 加入文字。 按 Press “F2” key 键后, Done add in text. 输入 Enter “Penalty”。 (4)用 Use tool C 画。 按 Press “F2” key 键后, 输入 Enter “Done”。 72

学习组装个人电脑 7.2 项 目 Projects Learn to assemble a personal computer trusted shopping 组装电脑(DIY Computer) 它是由小型企业或个体专业人员根据购买者的需求所搭配组装的电脑。即是根据我们的需要及 喜好,为我们量身定做的电脑。现在,就让我们体验一下组装一台电脑的过程。 It is done by small businesses or individual professionals. Assemble a computer based on buyers' requirement. A computer that meets our needs and preferences, specially tailored to our requirements. Now, let us experience the process of assembling a computer. 练习 Exercise 7.2 正所谓工欲善其事,必先利其器。组装电脑前, 我们必须先确定有足够、完整的电脑硬件和工具。 请将正确的名称写在线上。 Before assembling, it is a good practise to make sure we have complete tools and hardware. Write the correct name on the line. CPU Memory Optical Drive Cross Screwdriver Casing Hard Disk Motherboard Operating System Disc 1)______________________ 2)______________________ 3)______________________ 4)______________________ 5)______________________ 6)______________________ 7)______________________ 8)______________________ 73 7.2项 目 Projects 学习组装个人电脑 Learn to assemble a personal computer 有了足够的硬件和工具,这就可开始组装电脑了! We have complete tools and hardware, let’s start! 安装 CPU 和散热器(Install CPU and cooler) 1 打开 CPU 插座。Open CPU socket. 2 对齐处理器上和 CPU 插座上的三角标识。 两个缺口要符合。 Align the triangle mark on the processor and on the CPU socket. 2 然后,慢慢的将处理器放入 CPU 插座。 3 Put in the CPU slowly. 4 盖好扣盖。Buckle the cover. 74

学习组装个人电脑 7.2 项 目 Projects Learn to assemble a personal computer trusted shopping 5 安装散热器。Install cooler. 安装 Install Motherboard 6 将散热的风扇接到主板的供电接口上。 Connect the cooler to the cooler’s power connector on the motherboard. 89 10 7 75 7.2项 目 Projects 学习组装个人电脑 Learn to assemble a personal computer 将主板垫脚螺母,安装在 双手平行托住主板,然后将 Casing 主板托架的对应位置。 主板放入 Casing。 7 Installed motherboard nut in 8 Hold the motherboard with the corresponding position. both hands, install the motherboard in the casing. 拧紧螺丝,并固定好主板。 检查 Casing 背部的主板挡板。 9 Tighten the screws to secure 10 Check the back of the the motherboard. motherboard bezel. 安装硬盘(Install Hard Disk) 拧紧四粒螺丝,一边各两粒。 确定硬盘的面是朝上的。 将硬盘装入托架。 12 Tighten with four screws, two 11 Slot in the hard disk. at each side. Ensure the hard disk is facing up. 安装光驱(Install Optical Drive) 13 将光驱装入托架。 拧紧四粒螺丝,一边各两粒。 Slot in the optical drive. 确定光驱的面是朝上的。 14 Tighten with four screws, two at each side. Ensure the optical drive is facing up. 76

学习组装个人电脑 7.2 项 目 Projects Learn to assemble a personal computer trusted shopping 安装记忆体(Install Memory) 15 打开两端的扣具。 平行放入插槽中。 Open the clips on both 16 Slot-in in parallel. ending. 用两个拇指按住 Memory 的两端,并轻微向下压,一直按 到听见“嗒”一声。注意:反方向是无法插入的。安装时, 可对应记忆体与插槽的缺口。 Press and hold both ends with thumbs, slight downward gently, stop pressing when you hear the “tat\" sound. Note : Ensure the gap on the memory and slot are aligned, as the memory cannot insert in opposite direction. 17 18 77 7.2项 目 Projects 学习组装个人电脑 Learn to assemble a personal computer 硬盘、光驱和主机板的数据线连线都是红色的,接口全都采用了防呆式 设计。注意:反方向是无法插入的。 17 Hard drives, optical drives and motherboard signal cables are in Red, all with a fool proof interface design. Note : we can’t insert in opposite direction. 链接主机板、键盘和光驱的电源都是黑黄红颜色交叉,接口采用防呆式 设计。注意:反方向是无法插入的。 18 Connect motherboard, hard disk and optical drive power cables which are in black, yellow and red, with fool proof interface design. Note: can’t insert in opposite direction. Casing 和 Motherboard 连线,链接各种的指示灯、电源的开关线。 Casing and Motherboard connection; connect various indication lights, 19 power switch cable and etc. 78

学习组装个人电脑 7.2 项 目 Projects Learn to assemble a personal computer trusted shopping 这是链接主机板的电源。目前大部分的主机板都采用了 24 PIN 的供电电 源设计,但有些主板仍采用 20 PIN 的。 20 Connect motherboard power supply. Latest motherboard has adopted the 24 PIN power supply design, but still some is using 20 PIN. 79 7.3项 目 Projects 学习链接电脑配件 Learn to connect computer peripherals 组装好 Console 后,却突然发现还有一些大小不一的衔接头,它们又是什么呢?这些都是电脑 的配件,将对的配件连到正确的接口便可,一点都不难哦。 After assembling the console, there are lots of different sizes of adapters, what are they? These are computer accessories, just plug-in the connector to the correct interface, that’s easy! 练习 Exercise 7.3a 1 2 PS/2 接口(PS/2 Interface) 键盘 Keyboard - 紫色 Purple 滑鼠 Mouse - 青色 Green 一般有两个,可连接键盘和鼠标。 它是圆形的,里面则布满很多像针的东西。 Generally there are two, you can connect a keyboard and a mouse. It is round in shape, with needles inside. 显示器接口(VGA)- 蓝色 Blue 3 与显示器相连接,通过这个接口可以将 主机上的内容传送到显示器上。 Connect to the monitor, transfer content in computer to monitor display. USB 功能接口 (USB Multipurpose Port)- 白色 White 4 一般的主机有四个,长方形,可与多种设备连接。 例如:移动硬盘、摄像机、打印机等。 Generally there are four USB ports at the back of a console, rectangular in shape. Connect to various devices, such as external hard drive, camera, printer, and etc. 80

学习链接电脑配件 7.3 项 目 Projects Learn to connect computer peripherals trusted shopping 电源接口(Power)- 黑色 Black 连接主机箱和电源,可为主机提供能量。 Connect console to socket outlet, supply electricity. A 5 B 网络接口(Network)- 蓝色 Blue C 正方形,用于链接区域网络。 Square in shape, use for network connection. D E6 F 音响频接口(Audio) G 连接麦克风或音箱,负责管理声音的输入和输出。 H Connect microphone or speakers, handling sound I input and output. 7 音箱 Speaker - 青色 Green 8 9 输入 Input - 蓝色 Blue 81 麦克风 Microphone - 红色 Red 7.3项 目 Projects 学习链接电脑配件 Learn to connect computer peripherals 要如何才能购买到适合我们的电脑呢?花一段时间与老师一起讨论, 哪一项是决定我们买到价廉物美的要点。对的打(✓),错的打()。 How to buy a suitable computer? Spend some time to discuss with teacher the points to buy a value computer. Put a tick for correct answer, and a cross for wrong answer. 练习 Exercise 7.3b 1)我要买最先进的电脑。 2)我要买最新款式的电脑。 I want to buy the latest computer. I want to buy the latest model. 3)我需要储存量最大的电脑。 4)我需要记忆体最大的电脑。 I want a computer with biggest I want a computer with biggest storage. memory. 5)我要速度最快的电脑。 6)我要外表漂亮的电脑。 I want the fastest computer. I want a good looking computer. 7)我要名牌的电脑。 8)我要显示器最大的电脑。 I want a branded computer. I want a computer with the biggest screen. 82

掌握谷歌日出日落及单位转换应用 8.1 项 目 Projects Master Google sunrise sunset and unit conversion techniques trusted shopping 日出和日落(Sunrise & Sunset) 旅行时要知道太阳公公什么时候起身什么时候睡觉,问谷歌可是最快最准的方法 。Sunrise 是日出,sunset 日落。只要键入 sunrise 或 sunset 空一格,再键入地方或城市的名 字,谷歌就会显示准确日出及日落的时间。 It is good to know the sunrise and sunset timing during travelling. Ask Google! Simply enter sunrise or sunset followed by a space and the name of the place or a city, Google will answer the exact time of sunrise and sunset. 例子(Example): sunrise mount kinabalu 早上 6 时 16 分日出 - 神山 Mount Kinabalu - 傍晚 6 时 02 分日落 练习 Exercise 8.1a 使用 Google Sunrise & Sunset 的功能,准确的找出以下各地方日出及日落的时间。 Use Google’s function, pinpoint the sunrise and sunset timing for the following location. 日出(Sunrise) 日落(Sunset) 1) 繁荣的 Kuala Lumpur ______________ ______________ 2) 漂亮的 Pulau Redang ______________ ______________ 3) 灿烂的 Miami Beach ______________ ______________ 4) 不夜城 New York ______________ ______________ 5) 北极 North Pole ______________ ______________ 83 8.1项 目 Projects 掌握谷歌日出日落及单位转换应用 Master Google sunrise sunset and unit conversion techniques 单位换算(Unit Conversion) 我们可使用谷歌进行多种的单位转换计算,如高度、重量等。下图是车速表,注意看看你就会 发现有两种速度单位:MPH(美国标准)及 KPH(亚洲标准) 。只要键入 100MPH = KPH 就 可准确的知道 KPH 的速度了。 We can use Google to conduct various unit conversion, such as height, weight and so on. The following figure shows a speedometer. There are two speed units on the meter: MPH (US standard) and KPH (Asian standards). Simply type 100MPH = KPH and Google will reply the speed in KPH. 我们可以从这里选择不同的单位或类型,如长度、重量、温度等。 From here, we can select different type of measurement unit. MPH (miles per hour) KPH (kilometers per hour) 练习 Exercise 8.1b 参考下一页的单位表,使用 Google 的单位计算回答以下的问题。 Referring to the unit conversion table on the next page, use Google to answer the following questions. 1) 这是一个 6GB 的外置硬盘。 6GB = _________ MB This is a 6GB External hard disk. 2) 今天是婆婆的 60 岁大寿。婆婆共活了多少天? 60 年 = ________ 天 Today is grandmother 60 years old birthday. years days 3) 这是宗伟的书包,妈妈帮他秤了是 3.8kg Chong Wei’s school bag weighs at 3.8kg. 3.8kg = ________ grams 84

掌握谷歌日出日落及单位转换应用 8.1 项 目 Projects Master Google sunrise sunset and unit conversion techniques trusted shopping 缩写 单位 缩写 单位 Abbreviation Unit Abbreviation Unit Distance Data byte km kilometer b bit m meter B byte dm decimeter KB kilobyte cm centimeter MB megabyte mm millimeter GB gigabyte mile mile TB terabyte in inch PB petabyte ft foot EB exabyte ZB zettabyte YB yottabyte Weight week Time t tonne day week kg kilogram h day hg hectogram min hour g gram s minute dg decigram ms second Cg centigram millisecond Mg milligram 85 8.2项 目 Projects 学用谷歌拼音输入中文字 Learn to use Google Pinyin input Chinese characters 我么可以使用键盘直接输入英文字母,但要想输入华文字就得使用中文输入法。 以下让我们学习使用谷歌中文拼音输入法来输入一个故事。 We can use keyboard to enter alphabets directly. To type Chinese characters, we need to use Chinese input. Let’s learn to use Google Chinese Pinyin input to enter a short story. 2 1 昨天读小学 3 zuó tiān dú xiǎo xué 4) 按 Press “1” key。 昨天读小学 5 zuó tiān dú xiǎo xué 6) 按 Press “2” key。 昨天读小学 7 zuó tiān dú xiǎo xué 8) 按 Press “1” key。 86

学用谷歌拼音输入中文字 8.2 项 目 Projects Learn to use Google Pinyin input Chinese characters trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 8.2 打开 Microsoft Word 完成以下故事。将文件储存为以下的名字: Open Microsoft Word and complete the following short story. Save the file follow this naming format:- Cute Cousin “Your Name”.docx 昨天,读小学二年级的表弟放学后直接到 zuó tiān dú xiǎo xué èr nián jí de biǎo dì fàng xué hòu zhí jiē dào 我家来,不玩电脑,不看电视,只写作业 wǒ jiā lái bù wán diàn nǎo bù kān diàn shì zhǐ xiě zuò yè , 写完后还让我检查。我当时想,他今天 xiě wán hòu hái rang wǒ jiǎn chá wǒ dāng shí xiǎng tā jīn tiān 怎么变得这么上进 ? 将他的作业检查完后 zěn me biàn de zhè me shàng jìn jiāng tā de zuò yè jiǎn chá wán hòu 告 诉 他 全 对 了 , 便 问 他 说 :“ 今 天 怎 么 这 么 gào su tā quán duì le biàn wèn tā shuō jīn tiān zěn me zhè me 努 力 ? ” 他 说 :“ 明 早 同 学 要 抄 , 一 人 五 元 nǔ lì tā shuō míng zǎo tóng xué yāo chāo yī rén wǔ yuán , 一 天 能 赚 50 多 元 , 我 要 保 证 准 确 率 , 这 yī tiān néng zhuàn duō yuán wǒ yāo bǎo zhèng zhǔn què lǜ zhè 样 生 意 才 能 做 得 长 久 。” 晕 ! yang shēng yi cái néng zuò dé cháng jiǔ yūn 87 8.3项 目 Projects 掌握谷歌拼音的应用技巧 Master the techniques of operating Google Pinyin 1) 使用以下的快捷键打开及关闭谷歌拼音输入法。 Use the following shortcut keys to activate and close Google pinyin. [ Windows ] + [ Spacebar ] 或 or [ Alt ] + [ Shift ] 2) 按一下以下的键便可切换中英文输入。 Press the following key once to shift between Chinese and English input. [ Shift ] 3) 智能组句 —— 谷歌拼音输入法的智能组句功能能聪明地理解我们的意图。 Intelligent sentence creation – Google Pinyin IME can figure out our intention and intelligently create sentences based on our intention. 4) 流行词汇 —— 借助丰富、强大的网络搜索资源,谷歌拼音输入法能将互联网上的流行词 汇、热门搜索词一一收录。 Hot words selection - Google Pinyin IME can use its powerful search engine to collect all hot words and phrases on the Internet and incorporate them into the vocabulary which is updated from time to time. 5) 智能纠错 —— 谷歌输入法将自动修正常见的输入错误。 Intelligent correction - Google Pinyin IME can automatically correct common input typos. 88

掌握谷歌拼音的应用技巧 8.3 项 目 Projects Master the techniques of operating Google Pinyin trusted shopping 6) 笔划输入 —— 有些时候我们有可能不清楚某些生僻字的拼音。这时,我们可以尝试使用 谷歌拼音所提供的笔划输入功能。例如:先按“u” 进入笔划输入模式,然后用使用代码 h(横), s(竖), p(撇), n(捺), z(折), d(点)依次输入该字的各个笔划。其中, n 和 d 是相同的。 For unknown Chinese character or not sure of the pinyin, Google allow to use Chinese character strokes as input. 7) 组件输入 —— 除了笔划以外,我们也可以用拼音直接输入组成该汉字的可读部件 ,例如,输入“ucaowei” 可以输入“莅”,输入“ujinxing” 可以输入“鍟”。输入部件 时,直接使用该部件的读音,或近似汉字的读音即可。 Google allow us to input component pinyin for unknown Chinese words. 8) 简拼输入 —— 谷歌拼音能让我们只需输入每个汉字的首字母,就能得到完整的句子或短 语,既快又准。 Simplified pinyin input. We can simply enter the first letter of the pinyin of each character to get a complete sentence or phase. 89

电 脑 班 Computer Class 与老师及同学一起讨论,将正确的答案写在线上。 Discuss with teacher and friends, write down the correct answer on the line. 1) 为了我的安全,我会 _____ _____、有秩序的走进电脑室。 For my safety, I will ______ ______ and walk into the computer room orderly. 2) 我 _____ _____ 带饮料及食物进入电脑室。 I ______ ______ bring food and drink into the computer room. 3) 电脑室不是游乐场,我 _____ _____ 在电脑室里 _____ _____。 Computer room is not a playground, I ______ ______ ______ and ________ in the computer room. 4) 我不是电脑医生,当电脑出现问题时,我 _____ _____ _____ 通知老师。 I am not a computer doctor, I ________ ______________ teacher when there is problem with the computer. 5) 上课时我会 ____ ____ ____ ____,乐于帮助朋友 _____ _____ _____ 我的知识。 I ______ ________________________ during the lesson, by helping friends I will gain ____________ ____________________. 6) 上完课,我会收拾干净,把椅子 ____ ____,____ ____ 离开电脑室。 After the lesson, I will tidy up the place, ________________ the seats, __________ ______ and leave the computer room.

项目一至八总分 Total marks for project 1 to 8 家长签名,名字,日期 电脑老师名字及日期 Parent’s signature, name, date Computer Tutor Name and Date 剑桥资讯及通讯工艺单元评审 Cambridge ICT Starters 内部批改 报考 剑桥成绩 Internal Marking Exam Registration Official Result 还未及格 Yet to Pass 厉害,优等! Superb, Merit! Date Receipt No 恭喜,及格了! Yeah Passed! 学习目标 1) 认识电子邮件并掌握它的用途及应用技巧 Familiar with email and master it’s usage and operation techniques 2)学习制作电脑程序及组装个人电脑 Learn to write simple computer program and assemble personal computer 3)掌握中文输入法技巧 Master Chinese input techniques 电脑教育公司衷心感谢父母给予的支持,使我们能将最新的电脑知识传 授予贵儿女们。谨此,我们盼望父母能给予我们有关此课本内容的课程评价及改善建议, 好让我们能精益求精,让学生获得最大的益处。期待您的评价与建议,谢谢! 电邮 email [email protected] 92

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