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July newsletter Boduppal (1)_compressed

Published by Srikanth K, 2022-08-11 15:34:07

Description: July newsletter Boduppal (1)_compressed


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NATIONAL “Medicines cure diseases, but only doctors can cure patients.” — Carl Jung This Doctor’s Day, let’s take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate all the efforts that our doctors put to make our lives better. 'Voting is not only our right, it is our power.' Senior Prefect Council elections were conducted online on 1st July 2022 at Pallavi Model School, Boduppal. Principal T.Tanuja addressed the students and guided them to choose their leaders wisely. Students of Grade V to X and teachers cast their votes through Google Forms. Swimming is a great way to enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and water, all at the same time. Students of Pallavi Model School, Boduppal had a great time in the swimming pools and learned their basics. The coaches took the sessions to teach children how to swim safely, and the difference between swimming inside and out.

Whether you’re eating at home, dining out, or having dinner with friends, good table manners for kids are an important part of every meal. When you teach your child good mealtime etiquette, you are giving them important tools for social interaction that will serve them for the rest of their lives. The pre-primary teachers of Pallavi Model School Boduppal demonstrated the Table etiquette basic rules and guidelines to the tiny tots and they followed the same by spreading their napkins on the table and placing the fork towards their left and the spoon towards their right before they start eating their snacks. We wish the selected students, all the very best for the next round. Read the below lines for more...... . . . Smart India Hackathon (SIH) is a nationwide initiative to provide students with a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face, and thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem-solving. We are proud to announce that out of ten ideas submitted by the students of Pallavi Model School, Boduppal, three ideas have been shortlisted for the pre-screening level at the National level. Heartiest congratulations to the students. The shortlisted students are as follows- TEAM 1: Pavani Bhavan, A Saharsh, B Krithika (Grade VIII) TEAM 2: M Akshara, Spandana, N Maneesh Kumar (Grade VIII) TEAM 3: Natasha, Karthik, Akshaya (Grade IX)

SIMPLE At Pallavi Model School, Boduppal we believe in easy and fun learning, students enhancing their knowledge with these simple experiments. With the advancement of time and revolutionizing discoveries, there is almost no aspect of human life that doesn’t involve science. We must realize how science is present in every life element so that we can analyze and develop it further. Science and technology now play a significant role in making our life more comfortable and carefree. Science is also hugely responsible for the development and modernization of our society. WORLD “Badminton is like ballet dancing. It requires a lot of control, strength, mind play, and measured movement”. 'Service with pride, lead with confidence, inspire to impact lives.' The most awaited results for Senior and Junior Prefect Council for the AY 2022-23 of Pallavi Model School, Boduppal were announced on 4th July 2022. Principal T Tanuja congratulated the elected council members and wished them all the best for their roles and responsibilities.

Pallavi Model School, Boduppal believes in exploring the hidden treasures and talents amongst the students and trying to get the best out of them. It was an immense pleasure to watch our Butterflies of Pallavi Model school carrying the tiny saplings along with them as we celebrated the Vruksh Divas. Our facilitators have taken them to our School Garden and helped them to plant the saplings and made them understand the importance of planting trees and as well children recited the Rhyme. \"The famer plant the seeds\". The children were very happy and excited awaiting their turn. From all of us at Pallavi Model School, Boduppal. “Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” World Music Day was celebrated by Pallavi Model School, Boduppal with great zeal and enthusiasm. Students mesmerized the gathering with their performances with musical instruments like guitar and piano. Not only the students but the parents were also given an opportunity to showcase their talent. Three of the parents graced the celebration with their special performances. Principal T.Tanuja presented mementos to the parents as a token of appreciation. The celebration proved that there is nothing in the world like the sound of music. It just gets into your mind and takes you to the serene memory of time.

A child learns about the importance of colour green. As green is the colour of life, renewal nature and energy, which is closely associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, fertility and environment. the child learnt about the importance of green colour and the positive effects it has on our lives. There was a surprise awaiting in the Special assembly for the tiny tots of Pallavi Model School. The children saw there was a Magic box covered with green colour and one of the Teacher said \"Abraka dabra gilli gilli choo\" and there were ample of green colour objects coming out one by one and the children were naming each of them. The children learnt about the importance of green colour and the positive effects it has on our lives. They also engrossed themselves in sponge dabbing and paper dabbing activity. Traffic rules are very important for road safety. The students of Pallavi Model School, Boduppal, Learn That traffic signals help smooth movement of vehicle, and Breaking the rules is very harmful that leads to traffic problems. “GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha” “A guru guides you on the right path and helps you navigate through the maze of life.”

The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He/She is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things. So, hope for the best as our pre primary perfect council selection is in progress. We are awaiting the results. At Pallavi Model school, Boduppal we believe in imparting practical knowledge to students because seeing is believing. Bonalu is a Hindu Festival where Goddess Mahakali is worshiped. It is an annual festival celebrated in the twin Cities Hyderabad and Secunderabad and other parts of Telangana state, India. Bonalu is celebrated usually during Ashada Masam that falls in July/August. PI is the first letter in the Greek word perimitros, which means \"perimetre.\" That`s why it is called PI.....Happy PI Day.

Heartiest congratulations to Yakshit Tumma, student of garde IV H for being selected at national level Wizklub olympiad. Pallavi Model School, Boduppal is proud to have a student like Yakshit. Simple exercises make us strong and help us to cope up with daily stress. Pallavi Model School, Boduppal believes in rejuvenating it's students with these simple exercises. trying to modify this. Result of Class 10 -2022 .A little progress each day adds up to big results, and the students of our school are no exception to it The phenomenal result of Class X students of Pallavi Model School, Boduppal. Heartiest congratulations to all the toppers. Hard work has paid off well. Special greetings to all the Staff members and Management Committee.It was the hard work and self belief and dedication which made them to come out with flying colours. The toppers Maka Nehith -99% Rajivi Gupta-98% Divija Mahendra -95% The Director of the institution, Mr. Sushil kumar congratulated all the students and wished them to continue to soar high up in sky with all of their strength, wisdom and knowledge. The Principal, Ms .Tanuja was extremely happy with the results.She congratulated the students and the teachers.

\" My Home\" As we all know that home is where you find tranquillity, joy and most importantly where you feel safe.So, its very important for a child to know about their home. Our tiny tots of Pallavi Model School Boduppal were made aware of the different rooms present in their home and as well connecting it to small family and large family. Here, the children have picked the flashcards ,objects related to the rooms and placed them accordingly. Satya Aspathi of Pallavi Model School, Boduppal won a gold medal in the inter school TT tournament in Little Flower High School. Satya won in two categories, Junior and Senior girls singles event. She is presently number 1 in state ranking. The Chairman, Director and Principal of Pallavi Model School, Boduppal are pleased and proud to share the highlights from another set of outstanding CBSE exam results of Grade X for the academic year 2021-22. Once again, our students have earned a comprehensive range of excellent individual scores with a composite average that epitomes excellence and hard work. Grade X students showcased an outstanding execution with laudable 100% result in CBSE Board Examination 21-22 with Maka Nehith, being the school topper with 99%, followed by Rajvi Gupta with 98% and A.Divija Mahendra with 95%. Principal T.Tanuja, extends her heartiest congratulations to the students, their families and teachers, all of whom have contributed to this stupendous achievement and success.

Visit of QCIFI members for implementation of 5S in Pallavi Model School, Boduppal. 5S is a workplace organization method that uses the list of five Japanese words seri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke, this methodology results in a workplace that is clean, uncluttered, safe and optimizes productivity. Pallavi Model School, Boddupal is taking the privilege of cordially inviting the Parents and Students to witness the grandeur of the Investiture ceremony on 30th July 2022. Inter-School oratory Competition An oratory Competition at school level gives children the opportunity to combat their biggest fear - Stage fear. It helps them to learn how to speak correctly, emphasize the correct accent, pronunciation, tone and stress as well as how to stand and gesture when giving a speech. Keeping this in mind and believing that children should start learning all this from early stages of schooling, M. Shashank, a Grade X student of Pallavi Model School, Boduppal participated enthusiatically in the Inter- School Elocution Competition conducted at Bowenpally branch on 27th July 2022

In recognition of tiger extinction ,Our Pallavi Model School, Boduppal has celebrated the International tigers day on 29th July 2022 to raise awareness about the endangered species. The Invitations were sent to the students and parents of Pallavi Model School, Boduppal for the investiture ceremony to be held on 30 July 2022. With the aim to inculcate leadership qualities in the students, Pallavi Model School, Boduppal organised the Investiture ceremony for the academic year 2022-23 on 30th July 2022. Colonel Vivek Sheel, Director NCC, Directorate Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, presided over the ceremony as the Chief Guest alongwith other eminent members of the school management. The ceremony began with a mesmerising welcome song and dance by the students. The honourable Chief Guest presented badges and sashes to the newly elected Senior, Junior and Pre-Primary council members. The Chief Guest then administered the Oath to the council members to serve the school and fulfil their responsibilities to the best of their abilities. The whole stage lit up with vibrant colours shown on the faces of the newly appointed council. Students dressed in resplendent school uniform and house colours, marching to the beat of the drums, added grandeur to the event. The honourable Chief Guest, Director Mr. Sushil Kumar and the Vice-Principal, Ms. Tanupreet Gaur congratulated the students and urged them to keep the promise that they will uphold the values and traditions of this great institution.

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