For Immediate Release Press Contact: Tom Shinall, TMP Director of Marketing [email protected] 770-387-1300BOOTH WESTERN ART MUSEUM ANNOUNCES OPENING OF BARTOW COUNTYAND CARTERSVILLE CITY SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY AND PRIMARY ART EXHIBIT Exhibition Opening Reception set for Thursday, April 21 at 5:00 pmCARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA – Booth Western Art Museum takes pride in providing a venue for emergingand talented young artists. With that being said, the Booth is excited to announce the opening of theBartow County and Cartersville City Schools Elementary and Primary Art Exhibit in BorderlandsGallery. On view through May 8, this exhibition features more than 70 original pieces of art by studentsthat are representative of the work from our county and city elementary and primary schools.“This is one of our favorite times of the year,” says Tom Shinall, director of marketing for Booth WesternArt Museum. “We love providing an opportunity for our local youth to have their art displayed in a world-class museum. There is a lot of artistic talent within our schools and that is evident by the works in thisexhibition.” Shinall goes on to say, “The Opening Reception is really special. To witness the childrencoming into the Museum and to see the expression on their faces when they see their work hanging onthe wall…it is priceless.”Art teachers from 10 Bartow County Schools as well as Cartersville Elementary and Primary Schoolshave selected the best pieces from their school to be represented in the show. All of the artworkdisplayed are pieces that have been created by the students, kindergarten through fifth grade, throughoutthe 2015-2016 school year. Visitors to Booth Museum during this show will see paintings, collages, claypieces, woven pieces, and much more from the students of Cartersville Primary, Adairsville, Allatoona,Cartersville, Clear Creek, Cloverleaf, Euharlee, Hamilton Crossing, Kingston, Mission Road, Taylorsville,and White Elementary Schools.On Thursday, April 21 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, an exhibition opening reception will be held for thestudent-artists, their families and the public in Borderlands Gallery at the Booth.About Booth Western Art MuseumBooth Western Art Museum, an Affiliate to the Smithsonian Institution, is a 120,000 square foot museumlocated in Cartersville, Georgia, where guests are invited to See America’s Story by exploring the MORE
Page two, Elementary and Primary Art ExhibitAmerican West through contemporary Western artwork. The Museum also houses a Presidential Gallery,Civil War art gallery, and Sagebrush Ranch, an interactive children’s gallery. Open since August 2003,Booth Museum is the only museum of its kind in the Southeast and is the second largest art museum inthe state of Georgia. To learn more about Booth Western Art Museum, visit ###
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