For Immediate Release Press Contact: Tom Shinall, TMP Director of Marketing [email protected] 770-387-130013th ANNUAL KIDS COWBOY UP! EXHIBITION AT BOOTH WESTERN ART MUSEUM November 15, 2016 – January 8, 2017CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA – Throughout the year, staff members from Booth Western Art Museumwork with members of the Boys & Girls Club of Bartow County and the Hands of Christ After Schoolprogram to create artwork in a variety of media. This annual exhibition gathers the best works of artcreated during the preceding year by young artists ranging from elementary school to high school. The13th Annual Kids Cowboy Up! exhibition opens on Tuesday, November 15 in Borderlands Gallery andwill be on display through January 8, 2017. A Meet the Artists Reception will be held on Thursday,November 17 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Following the reception in Bergman Theatre, ChristopherCardozo, widely acknowledged as the world’s leading authority on Edward S. Curtis, will join us viasatellite from his home in Minnesota using two-way video conferencing to discuss the photography ofCurtis.The Kids Cowboy Up! exhibit is part of the Kids Cowboy Up Outreach Program at the Booth, whichserves youth who are enrolled in the Boys & Girls Club of Bartow County and the Hands of Christ AfterSchool programs. The Kids Cowboy Up Outreach Program exposes children to art at a young age andoften provides the students with their first museum experience. Through visits to Booth Museum, regularvisits by Museum education staff members, and a variety of hands on activities, children learn about thebasic elements of sculpture, printmaking, pottery, drawing, painting and collage. The highlight of the KidsCowboy Up Outreach Program is the special display of the children’s artwork in Booth Western ArtMuseum’s Borderland Gallery each year.Mersia Martin is the lead staff member at the Booth who develops programs and activities that helpsdevelop children’s interest in art. “I am so proud of all the students who participated in the Booth OutreachArt Program this year and am excited to showcase some of the best artwork from the year in our 13thAnnual Kids Cowboy Up! exhibit.”The exhibition features of total of 76 pieces of artwork by 94 young artists. Of the 76 pieces of art, 40were created by 28 members of the Boys and Girls Club of Bartow County and 36 were created by 66members of the Hands of Christ After School program, including a large group mural project. Theexhibition features a mixture of 60 flatworks and 16 sculptures inspired by art form the Booth’s collection. MORE
Page two, Kids Cowboy Up!In conjunction with the Meet the Artists Reception on November 17, Booth Museum will host its monthlythird Thursday lecture at 7:00 pm. Christopher Cardozo is widely acknowledged as the world’s leadingauthority on Edward S. Curtis. He has collected Curtis’ artwork for four decades and has the worlds’largest and most broad–ranging Curtis collection. Cardozo has created and curated one–person Curtisexhibitions that have been exhibited in major museums in more than 40 countries, including the Curtisimages seen in By Her Hand. Booth Museum Members and guests are invited to hear from the leadinghistorian of Edward S. Curtis. Program included with admission.For more details on the 13th Annual Kids Cowboy Up! exhibition and the corresponding schedule ofevents, visit or call 770-387-1300.About Booth Western Art MuseumBooth Western Art Museum, an Affiliate to the Smithsonian Institution, is a 120,000 square foot museumlocated in Cartersville, Georgia, where guests are invited to See America’s Story through contemporaryWestern artwork, a Presidential Gallery, Civil War art gallery, and Sagebrush Ranch, an interactivechildren’s gallery. Open since August 2003, Booth Museum is the only museum of its kind in theSoutheast and was named the 2016 Escape to the Southeast Travel Attraction of the Year from theSoutheast Tourism Society. To learn more about Booth Western Art Museum, ###
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