ADATH ISRAEL Spring 2019/5779
Pesach 5779 Schedule Friday, April 19, 2019 at 7:00 AM: Conclusion of the Fast of the First-Born Friday and Saturday, April 19 and 20, 2019: No evening minyan due to the Seders Friday, April 19, 2019 at 10:44 AM: Finish eating chametz by this time Friday, April 19, 2019 at 11:52 AM: Sell and burn chametz by this time Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 6:00 PM: Congregational Second Seder (see above) Saturday, April 20 & Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 9:15 AM: Yom Tov (morning) Services Monday, April 22 - Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 7:15 AM & 6:00 PM: Chol HaMoed Morning & Evening Minyan Friday, April 26 & Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 9:15 AM: Yom Tov (morning) services Saturday, April 27, 2019 at approximately 10:35 AM: Yizkor Memorial Service Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 8:35 PM: First time to eat NEW chametz Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 9:36 PM: First time to eat chametz that one SOLD See page 7 for the 5779 Passover Guide. See page 20 for the Document of Authorization for Sale of Chametz. ADATH ISRAEL COMMUNITY SECOND NIGHT SEDER Family Name & Phone #: __________________________________________________________________ # of Adults: ___ # of Children 12 & Under: ___ # of Children 3 & Under: ___ ($55/pp) ($18/pp) (Free) # of Chicken Entrées: ___ # of Fish Entrées: ___ # of Vegetarian Entrées: ___ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_________ Seating preferences with other families: _____________________________________ We’d like a Custom Family Table (If so, how many people? __________) RSVP with payment must be received by Monday, April 1, 2019. Please make checks payable to Adath Israel. *Don’t let the cost keep you from participating. Contact Rabbi Yanoff for details.* 3
Scholar in Residence Dr. Arnold Eisen Improv Comedy Show: “Jews Line is it Anyway” 4
A Message from Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Some of the most approaches, I can’t help but think of the ritual of something to be said about this idea. We have a impactful, standing for the national anthem at the strong internal cultural predisposition towards meaningful, and beginning of a Phillies game. It is culturally rocking the head-gear, and it strikes me as odd least discussed inconceivable to rock your new Phillies cap that we would or should distort our native (by me) parts of while the national anthem is being played. This cultural expressions of respect and reverence in my life were the is done as a sign of respect for the flag, anthem, favor of our host culture. summers I spent and nation that they represent. living, working, OK – I know you might be asking yourself at this and teaching on So what do we do as modern Jews, straddling point, “Why is my rabbi making an impassioned an island in the middle of the Delaware River. this tension between what is expected of us by case for wearing a yarmulke?” It is not my Treasure Island Scout Reservation was housed modern convention, and what is expected of us intention to imply that I think wearing a kippah on a roughly one mile by three quarters of a as part of our religious and ethnic tradition? is the only way of expressing one’s Jewish mile wide island between New Jersey and identity outwardly; rather, I would say that it is Pennsylvania. For nearly a century, Boy Scouts The kippah is a perfect foil for us to think about a distinctly counter-cultural way of expressing from all over the country, but mostly from the our place as Jews in the modern world. For our Jewish values. Who doesn’t like to be a little greater Philadelphia region, would spend their those of us of Ashkenazi descent, the yarmulke bit of a rebel every now and then? What could summers there camping, swimming, tying knots, is frequently the only outward marker that we be more subversive and yet values affirming and doing other such activities appropriate for use to establish our “otherness.” That is to say: than donning a tiny piece of cloth atop our scouts and scouters. It was a magical place, if I didn’t have my yarmulke on my head, I noggins to remind us of God’s presence and to idyllic, left fallow for roughly nine months out of would probably just look like any other white alert the world to our own? the year. Part of the joy of working there was American. What a privilege to live at a time in a having the opportunity to set up camp during world in which we can take on or off the At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether the weeks before the campers arrived. This markers of our Jewish Identity. I can actively or not we wear our kippah only during prayer, meant not only pushing back the wilderness choose whether or not display my Judaism study or eating, or whether we wear it all day, that inevitably sought to reclaim the land during when I go out into the world. Simply put: I can every day. I think we ought to be making a the off-season, but also re-equipping the island pass. (Okay, maybe not me – but someone who conscious choice as to whether or not we with much needed gear, food, and supplies looks like me.) decide to put one on. In today’s world, the from the PA side. There was something magical default position for so many lived expressions of about having to literally take a boat with all of So, what do we do when we are expected to Jewish values is to simply opt-out, even when your belongings on and off of the Island – take off our hats, not because we wish to we don’t know that we are opting out. And yet, making the conscious decision to leave the “real obfuscate our identities; rather, because of so much of the meaning of Judaism can be world” behind for two months of fun, larger societal expectations and norms – which, found by engaging in some of the more fellowship, and food runs (as we needed to in turn, might not jive with our Jewish values seemingly mundane (or even seemingly inane) bring food over to the island each week). and customs? Do we take off our funny little elements of our culture and faith. Jewish hats when we enter the dining hall? OR, While I could wax philosophic about the specifically, are we expected to don our Semitic So here’s my invitation: I pray that each of us friendships and experiences that I had there, beanies as a sign of our distinctiveness, as a sign might consider pushing ourselves into using one one curious aspect of the culture of Treasure of our commitment to a set of values that is Jewish custom or practice that might seem Island Scout Reservation doesn’t quite sit right parallel to and distinct from modern civil outdated or out of touch in order to better live with me as I look back on my time spent there. cultural norms? What if wearing a head- our values. We get extra points if we can enact It was commonplace when entering a building, covering isn’t so much a sign of disrespect said values set in a way that might seem especially when entering the dining hall, to insomuch as it is a sign of ultimate respect and counter cultural to the host culture in which we remove one’s hat. I always thought it was odd reverence? What if, by donning our funny little find ourselves. As we enter into the season of that the idea of wearing a hat indoors was Jew hats, we are actually both honoring and rebirth and renewal – I challenge each of us to considered disrespectful, as I grew up in a fairly subverting our host culture? There is something take up the mantle of something with the observant Jewish home. I was taught that seductively subversive about openly affirming potential to push both ourselves and the world wearing a head covering was the ultimate sign our Jewish identity in a way that both affirms around us to better live the values we love and of respect to the Divine, that the weight of the positive values (such as reverence for God) and espouse so dearly. yarmulke is a reminder that there is something subverts conventional cultural norms (such as much greater than me in control of the blending in, or even conventional notions of B’vrakha – With Blessings, universe. In fact, we learn in the Babylonian respectful attire). Rabbi Andy Markowitz Talmud (Shabbat 156b) that it is considered improper to walk more than four cubits (roughly What’s more, while researching whether or not Coffee and Conversation six feet) without one’s head covered. The the idea of wearing a yarmulke was something with Rabbi Markowitz rationale offered for this custom is simply “Awe that was actually “required” of Jews, I came of Heaven should be upon you.” Additionally, across an argument made by Rabbi Ovadia we learn about a particular rabbi who Yosef z”l, the recently deceased former Chief understood that his custom of wearing a head Sephardi Rabbi of Israel. Yosef argued that it is covering served as a reminder of God’s precisely because it is currently the custom in presence always being above. the non-Jewish world to remove one’s head- covering as a sign of respect, wearing a head This interesting and seemingly innocuous covering (in this case a kippah, or even a hat) is tension, between what I am going to call “civil something that Jews ought to do. While I am society” and Jewish cultural practice, leaves not always in favor of doing things differently those of us who want to exist in both spaces simply to distinguish ourselves from other with quite a conundrum. As the spring nations, religions, or ethnic groups, there is 5
A Message from David Steinman, Synagogue President It is very difficult for me to believe worked so hard alongside me for the past several years, that this is my last bulletin column as especially during my two years as President. I want to the President of Adath Israel. Serving thank the members of the Executive Committee, the as president over these past two Cabinet, and the Board of Directors, who tackled any and years has been a privilege and has all tasks with diligence. I am grateful to have worked with left me with a feeling of tremendous our wonderful Rabbis, our Education Director, Na'ama warmth for this congregation. Yarden, and the many teachers who work for her, as well The past two years have seen the as our expert professional staff, from our Executive arrival of Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Director, Lauren Marks-Cabañas, to everyone who works and his recent installation. Rabbi Andy has under her. Shawn Cuff and his staff have put in countless seamlessly joined with Rabbi Yanoff to form a dynamic hours to make each and every program run smoothly, clergy team. Our musical programming, which has and I appreciate their efforts. I would like to take the included guests such as Josh Warshawsky, has been opportunity to recognize my First Vice President, Pam successful in bringing us beautiful and meaningful Lashner, whose devotion and tireless commitment to services. We have seen successful fundraising and have every aspect of Adath Israel is extraordinary. Pam has dramatically increased the safety and security of our been an invaluable volunteer working behind the scenes building. Our leadership development program has been at Adath for so many years in nearly every volunteer role; especially successful at bringing younger members into I am so grateful to her for all that she has done over the volunteer roles here at Adath. The groundwork has been past two years in particular. set for us to enjoy the continuing growth of our physical Most of all, I want to thank all of our members, who make plant in the next few years. This is all in addition to our this congregation the welcoming, dynamic and caring daily services, adult education classes, ECLC, Makom, place that it is. LMAHH, Sisterhood, Men’s Club, and other events and B’Shalom, opportunities we enjoy to connect with one another. I want to use this opportunity to acknowledge and thank David Steinman the dedicated volunteers and professional staff who have Save the Date! Sunday, June 2, 2019 immediately following morning minyan Adath Israel End of Year Annual Meeting Be part of our history as we honor our Executive Committee! 2019 Summer CSA Community Supported Agriculture 27 Weeks May through October Fresh Sustainable Organic Order online at [email protected] (717) 656-3533 6
Preparing for Passover 2019 Prohibited foods: Foods made with wheat, barley, oats, spelt or Kashering the Kitchen and Utensils: To kasher pots, silverware and rye, such as biscuits, cakes, crackers, leavened bread and pasta. utensils made wholly of metal NOT used for baking, thoroughly clean the item with soap and water; do not use for 24 hours; then Kitniyot: Several years ago, the Committee on Jewish Law and immerse item completely in rolling, boiling water. Metal bakeware Standards adopted legal positions permitting kitniyot (beans, corn, used in an oven must first be thoroughly cleaned. It is then kashered millet, peas, rice, or soy) to be eaten by Ashkenazi Jews on by use of a blow torch or at the highest temperatures in an oven. Passover. Most Sephardic authorities also permit kitniyot; however, This may warp or discolor the metal. Bakeware used solely for long-standing Ashkanazi tradition does not. This prohibition also Passover is recommended. includes other plant foods in natural or processed form. These include buckwheat, sesame seeds, mustard, corn oil, soy oil, Sink: A metal sink can be kashered by thoroughly cleaning and etc. The use of peanuts and peanut oil, provided the items have scrubbing the sink, leaving it unused for 24 hours then pouring kosher certification, is permitted by all traditions. For those who boiling water all over the surfaces of the sink including the lip. A choose to embrace the lenient position on kitniyot, please look for porcelain sink cannot be kashered, but should be thoroughly cleaned. the necessary kitniyot-included marking for Kosher-for-Passover on Pesach dish basins and racks must be used, one each for dairy and all labels. Note that eating a meal in a home that uses kitniyot does meat. not render the dishes or cookware non-kosher-for-Passover. For more information, please consult the full Rabbinical Assembly Glass: Dishes used for eating and serving are kashered by cleaning Pesach Guide at and immersing in boiling water. Drinking glasses or glass dishes used only for cold food may be kashered by simple rinsing. Some follow Permitted Foods: The following foods require no kosher for the custom of soaking them for three days. Glass cookware is Passover label if purchased BEFORE or DURING Passover: Baking thoroughly cleaned with soap and water; not used for 24 hours; then or bicarbonate of soda, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh or immersed completely in rolling, boiling water. There is no consensus frozen kosher meat (other than chopped meat), Nestea, pure on the kashering of glass bakeware. Some authorizes prohibit it; black, green or white tea leaves, unflavored tea bags, unflavored others do not. regular coffee, olive oil (extra virgin only), whole or gutted fresh fish, whole or half pecans (not pieces) and whole (unground) Ceramic dishes cannot be kashered. However, fine china that was put spices and nuts. away clean and not used for over a Jewish calendar year may be used after thorough detergent and hot water washing. The china is then The following foods require no Kosher le-Pesach label if considered pareve and may be designated meat or dairy. purchased BEFORE Passover but if purchased DURING Passover, do require a Kosher le-Pesach label: All pure fruit juices, filleted Cooking Appliances: Ovens (including convection ovens) and ranges fish, frozen fruit (no additives), non-iodized salt, pure white sugar must be thoroughly cleaned including walls and the top and (no additives), white milk, quinoa with nothing mixed in (though bottom of the oven. Then the oven should be heated to maximum some quinoa has grains mixed in, so a Pesach marking is heat for an hour; the range top until the elements run red and preferable). glow. Then parts of the range top around the elements that can be covered should be (usually with aluminum foil). A self- cleaning Products which always require Kosher for Pesach certification oven should be cleaned and then put through the full cleaning include: All baked goods, matzah, farfel, any product containing cycle while empty. Following this, the oven should again be matzah, matzah flour, Passover cakes, cookies, all frozen cleaned to remove any ash. To kasher smooth, glass top electric processed foods, candy, canned tuna, cheeses, chocolate milk, ranges, clean thoroughly, turn the coils on maximum heat until red decaf coffee, decaf tea, dried fruits, herbal tea, ice cream, liquor, hot. Then pour boiling water on the surface area and around the grade AA butter, oils, soda, vinegar, wine and yogurt. burners. Microwave ovens that have no convection option should be thoroughly cleaned. Then an 8 oz. cup of water is placed inside *n all cases, when in doubt, seek a Kosher-for-Pesach certification and the oven turned on until the water almost disappears. A label* microwave oven with a browning element cannot be kashered. Dishwashers are kashered by being thoroughly cleaned followed by Baby Food: The use of kitniyot for infants is a full cycle with detergent run while the dishwasher is empty. The permitted. Therefore, soy-based infant formula is allowed. Pure dishwasher is not used for 24 hours and then run again with water vegetable baby food that is kosher year round is at the highest temperature possible. If the sides of a dishwasher acceptable. However, the baby food, utensils, bottles, nipples are made of enamel or porcelain, the dishwasher cannot be and dishes must be kept and washed separately from other kashered. Other electrical appliances can be kashered if the parts dishes. that come into contact with chametz are metal and are removable, then can be kashered like other metal cooking utensils. If not, the Medicine: Prescription medicines are permitted. Non- appliances cannot be kashered. It is recommended that one prescription pills and capsules are permitted. purchase small appliances to use exclusively during Passover to avoid the difficulty of kashering. Pet Food: The pet may be given to a non-Jew for the week who can feed the animal anything. You may feed your pet Passover Work Surfaces: Tables, closets and counters should be thoroughly pet food, pet foods with no grain or food off of your own cleaned and covered. Many countertops can be kashered by a table. Kitniyot is permissible. You may sell your pet as chametz, thorough cleaning, a 24 hour wait followed by pouring boiling enabling you to feed the pet regular pet food. Washing of pet water over them. Plastic laminates, limestone, soapstone, granite, utensils should be done out of the kitchen area. marble, glass, Corian, Staron, Cesarstone, Swanston, Surell, Avonite and wood without scratches may be kashered. Ceramic, cement or Non Food Items: Any non-food stuff which is not eaten such as porcelain countertops cannot be kashered and need to be covered. detergent, cleaner, paper plates, paper napkins, plastic cutlery, Refrigerators should be thoroughly cleaned with detergent. etc. may be used for Passover with no kosher for Passover label. 7
Shabbat Shalom! Shabbat Under the Stars | June 14 & August 16, 2019 at 6:00 PM Join us on the front lawn for Kabbalat Shabbat! Bring your own blankets and dinner or nosh to enjoy. Services will conclude with an outdoor Oneg Shabbat. Our August service will feature special love melodies in honor of Tu B’Av, the Jewish holiday of love. Bringing Shabbat Home Shabbat Mark your calendar for an offsite Shabbat dinner on Friday, May 10, 2019. Contact Bob Salvin at [email protected] for details. 9
Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC) Dear Friends, We welcome our new Music Teacher, Daniella Forstater, to our team. She is an experienced prayer leader and music educator The Early Childhood Learning Center at Adath Israel bustles who has already added so much to our weekly routine. with activity! The children are having fun and learning new things every day. Although it has been cold and snowy outside, We continue to enjoy our Hebrew Classes, for our threes and the atmosphere in school this winter has been warm and older classes. Sharon brings a love of Hebrew and an inviting. excitement to each session. It is wonderful to see the many friendships that the children Our weeks would not be complete without our Yoga classes, (and families) are developing with each other. taught by Cheryl Milgram. These sessions bring a wonderful sense of calm to our children. It’s a wonderful program! In January, we held Parent Conferences, allowing the teachers and parents a chance to converse more about their children. Now that spring has sprung, our Gardening program is being Although teachers and parents communicate regularly, if not revitalized. Miss Meryl has taken the lead and is helping daily, it’s still a great opportunity to spend a little extra time teachers decide on their garden beds, what they will plant, and together. how to tend them. Some classes will be planting flowers and herbs, while others have chosen vegetables. Seedlings have In our school, we are always seeking out new ways to help the already been started in some of the classrooms…..more to children explore and investigate their world around them. Our come. ECLC provides opportunities for these learning experiences within a warm, supportive, and nurturing environment. We We had a wonderful and fun Purim Parade! We spent some respect and celebrate each child's unique qualities as we time learning about Purim and even baked delicious facilitate their cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and Hamantashen! Yummy! It was great seeing so many of you at linguistic development. Through our rich and engaging the Purim Carnival and Megillah Reading! A great time was had environment, comprised of consistent routines and exploratory by all! play opportunities, we inspire children to grow and learn at their own pace. The teachers select materials and learning Thank you for your continued support of our school! experiences that will help the children access learning during each day. We know that young children are constantly learning, ~Barbara Sharofsky, School Administrative Assistant from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!! Adath Israel Early Childhood Learning Center Discovery Day Camp 2019 Featuring... Creative Movement with Mr. Todd Quiver Farms Petting Zoo Science with Nature Jack Musical Fun with Mama Mac The Insectarium A special visit from Miss Terri Plus daily flagpole & water play, arts & crafts, themed cooking and science activities, and MORE! Call (610) 934-1920 or contact our Discovery Camp Director, Shari Prensky, at [email protected] to register today! 11
Between Purim and Pesach — Jewish Sensitivity to the Suffering of Others By Na’ama Yarden, Director of Community Education Not long ago, we celebrated the holiday of Purim. We kinship with his people, and went out of his way to read the Megilah of Esther twice, ate Hamantaschen, save them from slavery. He acted upon what he saw to dressed up in costumes, and enjoyed watching the kids change their lives. Moses made a major transition from having fun. Soon, we will gather around the Seder table indifference to empathy. This transition prepared him with our extended families to celebrate Pesach. to become the most revered leader in Jewish history (Exodus 2:11-12). What do these two holidays have in common, and how It was because their eyes were opened to the suffering can we relate them to today’s world? Are there any relevant values that we can discuss with our kids? of others that Esther and Moses were driven to help other people despite the risk to their own safety. Taking responsibility to help our fellow people and Although Esther and Moses lived in different parts of trying to ease the suffering of others are important the world and at different times in our history, each Jewish values. Both Moses, in the Exodus story, and acted in the end to save the Jewish people. Esther, in the Purim Megilah, go through a process of awakening to the suffering of others, and they decide to Are these stories relevant to our lives today? Can we take action in order to change the circumstances in teach them to our students and connect them to their which their people live. own lives? I believe that the answer is yes. Using stories from our sacred texts to teach values is a powerful In the Megilah, we read how Esther took the initiative method. The students are able to identify the to save the Jewish People in Persia. As a new queen, significance of these stories in our heritage and her Jewish identity did not become important to her understand that they, too, might be called to change the until she learned, with the help and encouragement of world one day. If not, at least they can join other her cousin Mordechai, that the Jews have been people in efforts like this. We can help open our sentenced to death by Haman. Then, she experienced students’ eyes to the suffering of others and the world an awakening that ultimately enabled her to save the around them, and teach them to act upon their Jews (Esther 4:3,5-7). Esther risked her life and worked conscience, joining a long chain of Jews that were social out a plan that eventually changed her nation’s history. justice activists in the past. She saw the opportunity and the need, and she acted upon it with much courage and determination. Let’s bring these values to our family table and discuss them with our children, as they grow up and shape As Pesach approaches, we read about the Exodus story. their values. In a world where everyone is encouraged Here, too, Moses learned to take the initiative and to first take care of themselves, we need to educate our changed things through significant actions. Although young students about caring for others and not to be Moses was not personally affected by the hard life of afraid to take a step and make a difference towards a the Israelites, since he lived comfortably in the palace, better world with less suffering and more freedom. when he saw the Egyptian beating the Hebrew, his eyes were opened to the world around him. He felt a JOIN US IN DOING A MITZVAH THROUGH COOK FOR A FRIEND! The Tikkun Olam Community of Adath Israel proudly participates in Cook for a Friend on Sunday mornings throughout the programming year. Through this program, our Adath Israel community provides meals to people who are homebound and in need. Volunteers are always welcome. For information, contact Nina Kitnick at [email protected] or Deb Srulevich at [email protected]. 12
ADULT EDUCATION: SPRING 2019 SERIES All classes are free for members and $10 per session for nonmembers. Go to for more details. Pre-registration is appreciated, but not required. Register to attend any of these classes by calling the Adath Israel Education Office at 610-934-1920 or by emailing Marcia Schulman at [email protected]. The Mussar Movement: A Jewish Approach to Living a Balanced and Ethical Life Wednesday, April 3, 2019 from 7:30 to 9:00 PM Led by Ruth Schapira, Director of Leadership and Learning, The Mussar Institute Rabbi Israel Salanter was one of the most influential Jewish thinkers of Eastern European Jewry in the modern period. The Mussar movement, which he founded, brought innovative practices to the traditional Jewish understanding of personal ethical development. Mussar is based on the idea that by cultivating our inner virtues, we can achieve spiritual growth. Participants will experience a “taste” of Mussar study and practice by exploring a foundational trait (middah) and how it relates to them personally. Special session for Makom parents and others: Making Every Moment Educational Wednesday, April 10, 2019 from 5:15 to 6:15 PM From its very inception, the Seder was viewed as an opportunity to teach children about the central event in Jewish history – the Exodus from Egypt. But how did this come to be? And what does it mean as far as what we do at the Seder? In this shiur led by Dr. Joshua Kulp, parents will learn about the history of the Seder to help them pass on the meaning of this meal to the next generation. Rabbits and Lettuce: The History of the Seder in Art and Text Wednesday, April 10, 2019 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM Led by Dr. Joshua Kulp, Rosh Yeshiva of the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem and author of The Schechter Haggadah: Art, History and Commentary Almost all illuminated Haggadot from the Medieval period contain pictures of hunters chasing rabbits. Why? In this session, Dr. Joshua Kulp will explain the history of the texts and illustrations found in Haggadot throughout Jewish history. What, really, is marror? What does it mean to eat reclining? Why does a medieval Haggadah portray the Jews with birds' heads? If you are looking for some unique aspects of the history of the Seder to enliven your own experience this year, this talk is for you. The Abraham Joshua Heschel Headlines and Jewish Law Topics Reading and Discussion Group How do we imagine the character and meaning Spring Dates (all Wednesdays): of our contemporary Jewish identity? April 3, May 1, & June 5, 2019 12:30 to 1:30 PM “What is expected of us? What is demanded of us?” At the offices of Cozen O’Connor During the final sessions for this year, we will discuss the legacy of Abraham J. Heschel. One Liberty Place, 1650 Market St, Join us on April 6 and May 4, 2019 at 4:00 PM. Philadelphia, PA 19103 For more information, contact Ed Goldberg Bring your own lunch, we supply the drinks. at [email protected]. All are welcome! Contact Leonard Bernstein at [email protected] for more information or to be added to the Lunch & Learn email list. 13
Elon and Ava Weiss, children of Julie Weiss, Ph.D., will become B’nai Mitzvah on April 13, 2019. They are in the sixth and seventh grades at Bala Cynwyd Middle School. Elon and Ava are the best of friends and are inclusive and caring to others. They share a strong interest in and love of the animal world. For their mitzvah project, they have been volunteering at the Philly Friendship Circle. David Miller will celebrate becoming a Bar Mitzvah on May 18, 2019. David is the son of Andrew and Fabiola Miller and the grandson of Anna and the late Peregrino (Perry) Astudilo and Barbara and the late Henry Miller. He is also the twin brother of Morgan Miller. A seventh grader at Bala Cynwyd Middle School, David is an avid player of soccer, baseball, and basketball as well as a cross-country runner. He loves the Eagles, Phillies, and Sixers, but his heart bleeds red for Manchester United Football Club. He played on the BCMS basketball team in seventh grade (2018-19). He also loves to study history. For his mitzvah project, David is volunteering at Jewish Family and Children’s Service. David and Morgan will cook and make art with people of unique abilities in memory of their sister, Perri S. Miller. Morgan Miller will celebrate becoming a Bat Mitzvah on May 18, 2019. Morgan is the daughter of Andrew and Fabiola Miller and the granddaughter of Anna and the late Peregrino (Perry) Astudilo and Barbara and the late Henry Miller. She is also the twin sister of David Miller. A seventh grader at Bala Cynwyd Middle School, Morgan is an avid player of soccer, baseball, and basketball as well as a cross- country runner. Although she loves the Eagles, Phillies, and Sixers, her heart bleeds red for Manchester United Football Club. She plays center-mid for the Lower Merion Soccer Club and the “Blaze” V13 travel team club. She loves to study English literature, science, and mathematics, and hopes to become a surgeon. For her mitzvah project, Morgan is volunteering at Jewish Family and Children’s Service. David and Morgan will cook and make art with people of unique abilities in memory of their sister, Perri S. Miller. Benjamin Daniel Snyder will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on June 1, 2019. Ben is the son of Jennifer and Arthur Snyder. He is also the grandson of Hal and Debbie Platzkere, Barbara and John Forer, and the late Steve Snyder. Joining in the simcha will be Ben’s six-year-old brothers, Zachary Maxwell and Nathaniel Jordan. A seventh grader at Bala Cynwyd Middle School, Ben is a professional actor, having appeared in films with Will Smith and Helen Mirren (Collateral Beauty) and Richard Gere (The Dinner), on network TV shows such as Blue Bloods, Happy! and Gotham, and in theatrical productions such as A Doll’s House (Arden Theater) and Oliver! (Quintessence Theater). Ben also enjoys singing, tennis, swimming, video gaming and creating fun games for his little brothers. For his mitzvah project, Ben is developing a play about the Vedem boys who survived the Holocaust. Ben’s grandparents, Hal and Debbie Platzkere, were married at Adath Israel on November 19, 1967, and Ben attended Adath Israel Preschool from age 3 through kindergarten. Lila Michal Anafi, daughter of Ron and Naomi Anafi, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on June 15, 2019. Lila is the granddaughter of Trudy Reece, David Anafi, Mina Anafi, Amy Ellison, Mira Rosen, and the late but much-loved Jeff Reece. Lila is a 7th grader at Bala Cynwyd Middle School, where she plays clarinet in the school band and is on the costume crew for the spring musical. An avid dog whisperer who has mastered multiple canine languages, Lila often indulges in long philosophical conversations with her pets, Mack and Shayna. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her brothers, Ari (10) and Joshua (5). For her Bat Mitzvah project, Lila is volunteering in local animal shelters. Lila enjoys writing, ping-pong, and quality time sprawled out on the couch. THANK YOU TO BARBARA MARX FOR COMPILING THIS SPRING’S B’NAI MITZVAH BIOS! 14
We Gratefully Acknowledge Your Gifts of Tzedakah—Tributes 12/10/2018 - 3/10/2019 ADULT EDUCATION FUND FRIENDSHIP GARDEN FUND IN MEMORY OF BY IN MEMORY OF BY Adeline Edelstein Howard Rosenblatt Mollye Blumstein Leonore Leopold Flora Shorr Elaine Cohen GENERAL OPERATING FUND Susan Vogel Howard Rosenblatt IN MEMORY OF BY Heintz Patcher Brian Ampolsk & Judith Beeri Herbert Brener M. Melvin Shralow, Esq. Irv Weiss Elaine Cohen Rica Gindin Bruce Goldberg & Terri Hartman Abe Berger Howard Rosenblatt Sadye Zebelman Honey Friedman Abe Berger Stephen & Lenore Asbel Harold Wilf James & Allison Grossman Abe Berger Marcos & Lauren Cabañas Mollye Blumstein Edward Blumstein Ruth Cohen Charles & Sheryl Gleich Stephen Weitz Raymond Lemisch & Bonnie Golub IN HONOR OF BY Glenn Unterberger Alan Ritterband & Beth Altman Jon Schiffman’s special birthday Susan & John Klein Sylvia Naden James & Allison Grossman Irving Roth Lawrence & Seyna Abel George Shore James & Allison Grossman MAZAL TOV BY Edward Freedman Elaine Freedman Roy & Nancy Lefkoe Stephen & Lenore Asbel IN HONOR OF BY REFUAH SHELEMAH BY The birth of Hadar Rita Goldberg Norman & Susan Cohen Sid Geller William & Susan Wankoff Robyn & Alan Schulman’s anniversary Phyllis Jacobson ARTHUR POTTASH MINYAN BREAKFAST FUND HINENI TRIBUTES IN MEMORY OF BY IN MEMORY OF BY Irwin Weiss Scott & Linda Surden Muriel & Stanley Gilbert David & Zoe Abrams Irv Weiss Lester & Karen Averill Isadore Miller Philip & Cathy Miller Jacob Krause Michael Abraham Phyllis Lachs Stuart & Melissa Margulies Irv Weiss Mark Smith & Elizabeth Bloch-Smith Shirley Miller Elliott Miller & Jenine Cohen Myra Marcus Rebecca Marcus Myra Zwickel Philip & Cathy Miller Irwin Weiss David & Ruth Steinman Phyllis Lachs Stuart & Deborah Kurtz Irv Weiss Daniel & Debra Bosin Joan Kurtz Stuart & Deborah Kurtz Fredrich Scheer Marilyn Scheer Stephen Weitz Stuart & Deborah Kurtz Irv Weiss Laurie R. Fine Charles Kurtz Mitchell & Penny Shore Abe Berger Jonathan & Amy Schiffman Glenn Unterberger Michele Narcavage Albert Schiller Martin & Nancy Schiller Adeline Edeksteub Stuart & Deborah Kurtz Irwin Weiss Teri Cohen Abe Berger Bradford & Lisa Sandler Irv Weiss Scott Beadenkopf & Judy Turetsky Morris Weiner Jacob & Pauline Weiner Irv Weiss Heidi & Josh Levy Seymore Rubin Sally Barsh Irwin Weiss Howard Rosenblatt Charles Kurtz Sally Barsh Idel Isakov Michael & Patricia Isakov IN HONOR OF BY Irwin Weiss Marcus & Amy Besser Jonathan Schiffman’s special birthday Susan Gradwohl Irv Weiss Jonathan & Amy Schiffman Susanna Lachs Adler Stuart & Deborah Kurtz Miriam Keisler Joseph & Reli Gringlas IN APPRECIATION FOR BY Roslyn & Leonard Gilberg, Lily Isakov, Michael & Patricia Isakov Doreen Davis Stuart & Deborah Kurtz & Jessel Molin Susanna Lachs Bradford & Lisa Sandler Max Maer Adelsberg Libby Schwartz MEMORIAL FUND Irv Weiss Gordon Cohen & Adele Schneider-Cohen IN MEMORY OF BY Charles Kurtz Jonathan & Amy Schiffman Seymore Rubin Bruce & Merle Kornberg Marion Brenner David Biloon & Gail Brenner Sylvia Sandler Verna Barron Seymore Rubin Joseph McGinnis & Linda Elkins Charles L. Tabas Evelyn Tabas Phyllis Lachs Scott & Linda Surden Joseph Ackers Sandra Fanshel Stephen Weitz Norman & Susan Cohen Roslyn Gilberg Kenneth & Nanci Gilberg Seymore Rubin Neal & Diane Cohen Seymore Rubin Nancy Kaufman Jeanette Katz Neal & Diane Cohen Seymore Rubin Amy & Jeffrey Kaplan Flora Shorr David & Ruth Steinman Seymore Rubin Lawrence Cohen Phyllis Lachs Norman & Susan Cohen Selig Presser Sandra Fanshel IN HONOR OF BY Seymore Rubin Ronald & Debra Barg Michael Muderick, Man of the Year Marilyn Steinberg & Family Meshulem Riklis Alyse Unterberger The marriage of Joe Besser & Bailey Scott & Linda Surden Flora Shorr Alyse Unterberger The birth of Eric & Marjorie Stern Jacobs’ Michael & Ann Muderick grandchild Harry Levy Claire Franklin Michael Muderick, Man of the Year Norman & Susan Cohen Seymore Rubin Raymond & Lori Kubick Jonathan Schiffman’s special birthday Norman & Susan Cohen Jeffrey S. Vizak Charles Meyer & Sheryl Vizak Meyer The birth of Aaron Moshe Levenson Norman & Susan Cohen Glenn Unterberger Shelley Rappaport Michael Muderick, Man of the Year Peter & Marcia Schulman Seymore Rubin Hill Gate Board & Community Rebecca Marcus Libby Schwartz Seymore Rubin Alyse Unterberger IN APPRECIATION FOR BY Ben Sharpe Alex & Karen Messinger Norman Cohen Lawrence & Evelyn Krain Gertrude & Isadore Stein Martin & Bernice Neifield REFUAH SHELEMAH BY Shirley Friedman Kenneth & Linda Roberts Steve Brody Marilyn Steinberg & Family Glenn Unterberger Robert Kagan & Paula Sunshine BARLAS HOLOCAUST FUND Louis Kosmensky Hilda Lassoff IN MEMORY OF BY Thomas Naden Joseph & Barbara Beller Karen Blonder Steven & Michele Stadlin Glenn Unterberger Shira Goodman ECLC FUND Irv Weiss Barbara Segall IN MEMORY OF BY Myer Teacher Nathan & Jennifer Hoffman Meshulam Riklis Howard Rosenblatt Trina, Alex, & Sara Rudolph Marcus & Amy Besser Cy Libby Joseph & Barbara Beller Dexter Neadle Martin & Bernice Neifield Bessie Besder Shirley Klinman Abraham Messinger Alex & Karen Messinger Louis & Miriam Kosmensky Hilda Lassoff Irv Weiss Carol Weiss Philip Wachs Ellen Weiss Joe Kahane Anne Horowitz Herbert Barg Joseph & Barbara Beller Glenn Unterberger Rosalie Reichma Pressman 15
We Gratefully Acknowledge Your Gifts of Tzedakah—Tributes 12/10/2018 - 3/10/2019 MEMORIAL FUND MEMORIAL FUND BY IN MEMORY OF IN MEMORY OF BY Betty Schwartz Ruth Kleeman Robin Lincoln Frank Sharps Lewis & Melanie Sharps Beatrice Senker Elayne Weisberg Shirley Shelman Earl Morgenstern & Esther Gushner Seymour F. Bernstein Leonard & Ellan Bernstein Glenn Unterberger Eli Dweck & Linda Bagley Sylvia Marren Eli Dweck & Linda Bagley Abe Berger David & Ruth Steinman Richard Bagley Doug & Alice Brown Glenn Unterberger Eli Dweck & Linda Bagley Phyllis Lachs Joy Sardinsky & David Fineman Louis Ades Howard Rosenblatt Ronald Mandell Alvin & Andrea Moses Larry Garber Marvin Garber Yetta Moses Samuel P. Mandell Foundation Seymour Mandell James & Allison Grossman Charles Kurtz Betsy Green Stephen Weitz James & Allison Grossman Sam Wilf Elayne Weisberg Gladys Steinman Jacob & Pauline Weiner Albert Shelman Selma Comroe Robert Ford Robert & Cheryl Milgram Seymore Rubin Ilene & Steve Berman Toby Shiekman Milgram Verna Barron Mitchell Barron Nathan & Jennifer Hoffman Charles Kurtz Amy & Jon Cummins Eleanor Kane Judith Glaser Glenn Unterberger Norman & Susan Cohen Phyllis Lachs Marcos & Lauren Cabañas Robert Altman Stuart & Melissa Margulies Stephen Weitz Joseph & Barbara Beller MUSIC FUND Mimi Dash Herbert & Phyllis Victor Henry Ford Herbert & Phyllis Victor IN MEMORY OF BY Robert Ford Kenneth & Sidell Geller Esther Rubenstein Phyllis Epstein Florence Scheer Marilyn Scheer Isadore Witkin Margaret Carlin Leonard Kushner Paul & Susan Svigals Leon Byrzynski Steven & Barbara Marx Robert Svigals Ronald & Marcia Rubin Ida Rubin Scott Messer & Evelyn Weinstock Clifford Alper Alan & Sharon Schindler Manuel Weinstock Lewis & Melanie Sharps Sharon Asnis Peter & Regina Bruno IN HONOR OF BY Seymore Rubin Financial Research Associates Phyllis Lachs Ralph & Tracy Gambone Hanan Leberman’s visit Hannah Lee & Eyal Barzel Seymore Rubin Don & Roe Miller Dorothy Miller Don & Roe Miller MAZAL TOV BY Mary DeVivo Rona Schwartz-Stevens Albert Schwartz Douglas & Amy Ress Talia & Michael Fisher Victor & Abby Contract Charles Kurtz Joan & Eli Nachmani Seymore Rubin Kaufman, Coren & Ress MYER ADLER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Charles Kurtz Betsy Green Phyllis Lachs Marcos & Lauren Cabañas IN MEMORY OF BY Charles Kurtz Robert & Linda Barron Charles Kurtz Donna & Paul Nadel Sheila Ronkin Thomas & Janice Biron Phyllis Lachs Adam & Sara Laver Phyllis Lachs Jill Langer Esther Tabas Evelyn Tabas Chuck Kurtz Robert & Randie Harmelin Phyllis Lachs Jerome & Nancy Neff Phyllis Lachs Thomas & Janice Biron Seymore Rubin Shirley Gochman Zelda Gochman Shirley Gochman Phyllis Lachs Mitchell & Penny Shore Carl Gochman Lisa & Dan Gottlieb Seymore Rubin Alex Siegel & Lauri Sussman Siegel Glenn Unterberger Thomas & Janice Biron Charles Kurtz Alberta, Valerie & Laura Williams Seymore Rubin Marcus & Amy Besser Irv Weiss William & Susan Wankoff Flora Shorr Joseph & Mary Fenkel Seymore Rubin Stephen & Lenore Asbel Irv Weiss James & Judy Brody Phyllis Lachs Louis Latarola Seymore Rubin Amy & Bob Price Evelyn Gross Phyllis Jacobson Seymore Rubin Ronald & Antoinette Higman Seymore Rubin Brenda & Paul Waber Golda Lechner Zarrow James & Judy Brody Seymore Rubin Richard & Ruth Horowitz Seymore Rubin Ruth Asbel IN HONOR OF BY Flora Shorr Heidi Geffen Seymore Rubin Neil & Laura Haimm Ed Goldberg’s daughter’s wedding Earl Schneider Sydney Haimm Christopher Tantillo Phyllis Lachs Debbie & Jerry Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Michael Saks Phyllis Traitman Phyllis Lachs Kenneth & Sidell Geller Murray Geller Peggy, Art & Aaron Kaplan MAZAL TOV BY Seymore Rubin Jane & Karl DeVries Neil Shupak Jesse Shulman Phyllis Traitman Seymore Rubin Alyse Unterberger Charles Kurtz Dr. Benjamin & Mrs. Chack ONEG KIDDUSH & SIMCHA FUND Phyllis Lachs The Center for Art in Wood Seymore Rubin James & Allison Grossman IN MEMORY OF BY Phyllis Lachs Robert Simmons & Doreen Davis Phyllis Lachs Samuel Reuben Alan & Bernice Reuben Manfred Beck Sidney & Meryl J. Kobrin Stephen Weitz William & Pam Lashner IN HONOR OF BY Evelyn Kalick Bunny Novin The marriage of Joseph Besser & Bailey Earl Schneider Our Good Health Scott Messer & Evelyn Weinstock MAZAL TOV BY Lawrence & Seyna Abel Hilda Lassoff Marigold Warmund Peter & Marcia Schulman REFUAH SHELEMAH BY Cantor Marshal Wolkenstein Rachel Himmelstein Jan Mahler Rachel Himmelstein Gloria Schentzel Rachel Himmelstein Seymour Friedman Rachel Himmelstein Barbara Levy Frieda Hoffman Arthur Levy Frieda Hoffman OZER FUND IN MEMORY OF BY Gertrude Danan Lester & Karen Averill Glenn Unterberger Lester & Karen Averill Irwin Weiss Hillary Oser Steven Weitz Alyse Unterberger Glenn Unterberger David Biloon & Gail Brenner Nelson Oser Hillary Oser Lora Raclin Hillary Oser IN HONOR OF BY Hillary Oser’s three new grandchildren Norman & Susan Cohen Hillary Oser’s new grandchildren Frieda Hoffman Hillary Oser’s grandchildren Teri Cohen RABBI MARKOWITZ’S TZEDAKAH FUND IN MEMORY OF BY Herbert Abrams Hunt & Tammy Roberts Sol Leidel Jules & Susan Markowitz Sonia Yudit Pavorsky-Lowenthal Jules & Susan Markowitz Seymore Rubin David & Sara Tabby 16
We Gratefully Acknowledge Your Gifts of Tzedakah—Tributes 12/10/2018 - 3/10/2019 RABBI MARKOWITZ’S TZEDAKAH FUND RABBI YANOFF’S TZEDAKAH FUND IN MEMORY OF BY IN HONOR OF BY Jean Salvin Robert & Diane Salvin Anael Sarit Yanoff Laurie R. Fine Phyllis Lachs David & Sara Tabby Anael Sarit Yanoff Melissa Greenberg Phyllis Lachs David & Sara Tabby Adath Israel Miguel Hughes Muriel Zebrowitz Harris Zebrowitz & Rachel Fitoussi Anael Yanoff Alan Ritterband & Beth Altman Stanley Tabas & Joseph Chonofsky Todd & Elaine Chonofsky Michael Yanoff Bob, Alex, Gail, Marjorie, Jenn & Seena Charles Kurtz David & Sara Tabby Riley Zelda Egan Benjamin & Dana Gross Herbert Brenner Betty Schwartz Anael Sarit Yanoff David Biloon & Gail Brenner Stuart B. Shafer Jules & Susan Markowitz Anael Sarit Yanoff Ida Newman David Schlossberg David & Sara Tabby Rabbi Eric Yanoff Bruce & Aeryn Fenton Ida Silberstein Efram & Lisa Silberstein WITH THANKS FOR BY Phyllis Lachs Todd & Elaine Chonofsky Rabbi Yanoff Kenneth & Sidell Geller IN HONOR OF BY IN GRATITUDE FOR BY Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Bruce & Aeryn Fenton Ira Rosenbloom’s Aliyah Ira Rosenbloom Installation of Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Marcus & Amy Besser MAZAL TOV BY Installation of Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Marcos & Lauren Cabañas Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Richard & Judy Friedman Roy & Nancy Lefkoe Judy Glaser Sherry & Michael Eisman Jules & Susan Markowitz Hillary Oser’s new grandchildren Marcus & Amy Besser Installation of Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Todd & Elaine Chonofsky IN APPRECIATION FOR BY Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Susan Neidich Susanna Lachs Adler Allison Weiss Rabbi Andrew Markowitz James & Allison Grossman Rabbi Eric Yanoff Bernard & Doris Leibowitz Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Daniel & Randi Grauman REFUAH SHELEMAH BY Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Amy Davis Barbara Levy Frieda Hoffman RABBI YANOFF’S TZEDAKAH FUND Vicki Batibis Frieda Hoffman IN MEMORY OF BY RITUAL ITEMS/TORAH RESTORATION FUND Irv Weiss Frank & Bunny Brodsky IN MEMORY OF BY Jennie Linder Michael & Rhonda Yanoff Lillian Canady Teri Cohen Seymore Rubin Alan & Sharon Schindler Edwin Kellerman Scott & Linda Surden Janet Loewenberg Mark & Michele Helfaer Herbert Brener Scott & Linda Surden Albert Teppler Jeffrey Weiser & Hedy Teppler Flora Shorr Scott & Linda Surden Stephen Weitz Alan & Darlene Cohn Cilla Scheer Marilyn Scheer Samuel Elster Michael & Rhonda Yanoff Abe Berger Scott & Linda Surden Seymore Rubin James & Randi Berman Phyllis Diamond Teri Cohen Sidney Katz Barry & Kari Katz Howard Lassoff Hilda Lassoff Mervyn Thal Ira & Wendy Thal Bessie Cohen Teri Cohen Jean Merves Stanley & Audrey Merves Marion Kohn Teri Cohen Rica Gindin Alan & Barbara Robins Samuel Katz Teri Cohen Ruth S. Sataloff Robert & Dahlia Sataloff Esther Gross Teri Cohen Samuel Paul Irene Paul IN HONOR OF BY Sidney Cooper Barry & Donna Feinberg Peter Cohen on his retirement Teri Cohen Phyllis S. Lachs Guy & Nancy Bernstein Jonathan Schiffman’s special birthday Larry & Susan Gilbert Janet Loewenberg Alan & Sharon Schindler IN APPRECIATION FOR BY Herbert Brener Frank & Elayne Brodsky AI Rabbinical and Administrative Staff Victor & Abby Contract Gilbert Yanovitz Michael & Rhonda Yanoff TEEN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Samuel Orenstein Sharon Benveneste IN MEMORY OF BY Glenn Unterberger Alyse Unterberger Nathan Siegel Alex Siegel & Lauri Sussman Siegel Fleur Richter Alex & Karen Messinger Avrum Kosmensky Hilda Lassoff Phyllis Lachs Susan & Ed Gootzait Janice Richmond Lee Kugel Sarah & Lanni Barkow IN HONOR OF BY Louis Stein Stanley & Audrey Merves Adath Israel Men’s Club Teri Cohen Phyllis Lachs Emily Carter TIKKUN OLAM FUND Gertrude Brodsky Frank & Elayne Brodsky IN MEMORY OF BY Irwin Weiss Frieda Hoffman Janet Loewenberg Gary Lozoff & Miriam Katz Robert Rothschild Jon & Lori Rothschild Joan Dickler Berman & Corinne Stern Ellis & Jody Berman Irv Weiss Nancy, Ken & Justin Greenman Bertha H. Order Sucha Asbell Irv Weiss Richard & Judy Friedman Harvey Thal & Sara Yentis Ira & Wendy Thal Irwin Weiss Roslyn Greenberg Phyllis Lachs Howard & Myrna Asher Irwin Weiss Norman & Susan Cohen David Asbel Ruth Asbel Irwin Weiss Marilyn Scheer Glenn Unterberger Barbara & Alan Robins Irv Weiss Kenneth & Sidell Geller Anna Brown Bernard & Eileen Brown Henry Dubin Richard Natow & Shelby Simmons Norman Chernick Mitchell & Carolyn Davis Daniel Natow Richard Natow & Shelby Simmons Charles & Florence Elitzky Ruth Asbel Irv Weiss David Biloon & Gail Brenner Irwin Weiss Ruth Asbel Herbert Brener Don & Roe Miller Janet Loewenberg Dean & Stephanie Metter Yetta Shanefield Judith Glaser Katherine Levy Claire Franklin Irv Weiss Arden Resnick Max Franklin Claire Franklin Irv Weiss Susan Neidich Edith Sosonkin Bernard & Doris Leibowitz Joseph Shanefield Judith Glaser Robert Ford Ruth Asbel Herbert Scheer Marilyn Scheer Florence Beller Joseph & Barbara Beller Irwin Weiss Charles Long Charles Kurtz Stuart & Deborah Kurtz Irv Weiss Judith Glaser Arlene Thal Ira & Wendy Thal Nathan Ostroff Judith Glaser Louis Posener Joel & Renee Posener Flora Shorr Sharon Ritt Marilyn Hirsch Jeffrey Weiser & Hedy Teppler Irwin Weiss Leonard & Shelly Auritt George Shore Joseph & Barbara Beller Irwin Weiss Marcos & Lauren Cabañas Charles Kurtz Cristy Hollin 17
We Gratefully Acknowledge Your Gifts of Tzedakah—Tributes 12/10/2018 - 3/10/2019 TIKKUN OLAM FUND Happy 50th Anniversary Abbie & Elise Leibowitz IN MEMORY OF BY Married at Adath Israel on June 15, 1969 Irv Weiss Richard & Luci Markowitz With love, Susie & Matt Kendis Irwin Weiss Racine Cutler Mike Leibowitz & Sarah Anne Eckert Irwin Weiss Dr. Burton & Janet Eisenberg & Family Robert Leibowitz Elka Zibman Diantha McFadden Glenn Unterberger Laurie R. Fine Irwin Weiss Ina Greenstein Irwin Weiss Peter & Marcia Schulman IN HONOR OF BY Anael Yanoff Richard Natow & Shelby Simmons Yom Kippur Aliyah David Biloon & Gail Brenner Bronson de Courcy Magnus Sally Barsh WITH THANKS FOR BY The Adath Israel community’s Frieda Hoffman healing prayers Larry Krain Lawrence & Evelyn Krain MAZAL TOV BY Gabrielle Camperson Victor & Abby Contract Rebecca Peikes Stephen & Cathy Frank Jonathan Schiffman Mitchell & Penny Shore Livestream Services are Available For those who are unable to attend services for health reasons, Adath Israel offers live-streaming online access to view our Shabbat morning and holiday services in the Mandell Sanctuary and Tuttleman Chapel. You must have internet access on a computer (unavailable on phone and tablet) to view the service. To access livestream services, go to and click the top heading called “Livestream” or go to 18
Yahrzeits Observed April 1 - June 30, 2019 April 1-15, 2019 June Obelsky Abe Cohen Helen Bell Rubin Weiner Louis Sevin 25 Adar II - 10 Nisan Jacob Sandler Robert Gerber Max Goldberg Diane Weinstock Pearl Warn Marcia Chonofsky Nina Schwartz Esther Glauser Jacob Suddleson Shirley Zeitz Norman Weinstein Abraham Levin Joseph Albert Burton Singer William Wusinich Esther Berkowitz Ethel Zaremba David Schlussman Betty Board Jeanne Wint William Gilmore Donald Feldscher Alexander Adelman Ben Tuck Irvin Wankoff Sylvia Friedman Daniel Gleich Mae Marlowe Daniel Baer Florence Rodin Fanny Adler Howard Golden Sidney Goldberg Benito Grauman Morris Brookner Evelyn Teichman Samuel Kaminsky Roseanne Grant Edwin Kabler Bessie Graw Emanuel Dorsch Claire Banks Samuel C. Stein Lucille Kolson Sol Mandell Rita Hoffman Tillie Fox Henry Garfinkel Elise Cramer Melvin Lashner Morris Shupak Lilyan Frumkin Alan Franklin Daniel Bettinger Bertram Hecht Norma Lipman Mildred Steiner Stanley Hirsh Max Harmelin Sarah Edels Eugene Lerner Jay Nahon Paul Ewig Rita Hoffman Todd Levow Morris Frank Tillie Levy Jay Perloff Irving Lassoff Michael Scherr Lillian Miller Israel Kochba Harry Lundy Jonas Mooreville Marcia Manin Murray Stempel Ada Muderick Sylvia Krakovitz Morris Mandell Maryann Abella Cheryl Dorsch Anne Weinstein Alan Pailet Jennie Sigal Frances Nahon Arthur Frank Aline Fine Daniel Danilewitz Lorraine Riegelhaupt Arthur Silberman Steven Berger Martin Goldstein Anna Forman Albert Green Abraham Sandler Lois Auritt Claire Gilman Belle Hirsch Jacob Levin Robert Lazar Irving Kaufman Harold Cantor Jack Gochman Barry Kremer Hyman Muderick Charlotte Penn Sarah Livingstone B. David Grant Paul Lavin Jonathan Leibowitz Benjamin Nahon Philip Stone Louis Miller Rae Henkus Bernard Brody Mollye Parnes Philip Steinman Jacob Wiener Ethel Sporkin Louis Madfis Milton Friedman Jack Raticoff Leah Zitin Jacob Frailer Herb Caplin Carola Greenspan Lynette Neuwirth Goldman Maurice Rickman Elaine Wiener Yetta Rose Shirlie Lehrer Jean Miller Sadie Harmelin Joseph Silver Albert Behr Sophie Schur Freier Pat Murphy Phyllis Tabas Edward Hoffman Muriel Small David Sandler Frances Silver Anita Natow Sharon Thal-Matasar Randee Morel Harry Wilson William Shandelman Fannie Sklaroff Harriet Seeherman Dora Albert Sarah Rubin Ida Ackers Phillip Sporkin Stuart Levow Jeanette Sigall Daniel Eisenbud Henrietta Goldfarb Maurice Banks Melvin Steinslofer Morris Linder Anna Zitin Leonard Green Daniel McConnell Rahim Benhaim Aaron Bernstein Hermine Mayer Harry Cohen Carol Greenberg Betty Aaron Harry Frailer Lena Goldstein Karen Meskin Eve Posener Regina Hanna Lena Gordon Elliott Friedel Shahnaz Litchko Leonard Cutler Clara Presser Sylvia Kessler Loretta Manning Leo Goldfarb Jules Schoenberg Annette Schneider Edith Zebrowitz Diana Ades Sylvia Presser Ethel Gushner Fay Ford Samuel Scolnic Simon Herman Lenore Dembowitz Jeffrey Siegel Sidney Becker Alfred Freimark Sonia Bloch Murray Krouse Pearl Goldmann Beth Victor Martin Block David Kirsh Louis Holtz Samuel L. Ostroff Saul Grundwerg Zhanna Frenkel Victoria Denenberg Herbert Menko Frieda Irwin Anthony Silber Robert Kardon Minnie Mestel Lawrence Friedman Bernard Wilen Harry Kresch Sydney Waxman Julia Levy Cindi Safier Roy Lehrer Bernice Patlove Harry Moss Karen Ascher Sidney Metter Jerome Stein Leo Prager Norma Sobel Frances Paster William Brodsky Stephanie Nagel Harold Weiss Mary Spero Charles Tannenbaum Harry Redman Melvin Fisher Allan Posner Sylvia Abramson Ralph Biloon Max Brodsky Hermine Soffer Roslyn Sachs Bonnie Weinberg Paul Friedman Arthur Cohen Harry Coverman Edward Schaeffer Evelyn Schwartz Joseph Block Sylvia Gabel Martha Rosner Mollie Kendall Irma Schimel Mildred Wolf Robert Brownstein June Roberts Gabrielle Vachon Bertha Lundy Saul Wolf Brian Eisenberg William Leibowitz Bessie Stein Gail Zitin David Slott Albert Auritt Edith Reiver Sam Lerner Natalie Stewart Adrienne Bartos Nathan Steinberg Milton Berkowitz Richard Rubin George Cohen Brandon Zitin Heshmat Senehi Gerda Behr Morris Gerson Leslie Taichman Leonard Messer Martin Berger Benhaim Annie Livingstone Lilly Schloss Ken Zeitz Rhona Rothschild Esther Brodsky Sara Burke Allan Messinger Philmore Steinberg Mollie Albert Ralph Snyder Sylvia Burzynski Rosalee Contract Benjamin Rosen David Grossman Charles Arzt Joseph Branzburg Shirley Handfinger David Cramer Frances Rothfeld Milton Lenhoff Sam Kravitz Gloria Dunoff Arnold Shapiro David Eisenberg William Silverman Paul Saionz Stanley Miller William Gordon Sylvia Zipkin Michael Furman Yetta Steinman Peter Shukat Gerald Raticoff Norma Rothkopf Roslyn Bender Harry Levy Reuben Feinberg Lew Berkowitz Sylvia Schaeffer Harold Burstein Isaac Emmett Sidney Paster Rebecca Greenberg Theodore Brodsky Beatrice Fischer Jack Carroll Esther Herzberg Stephen Ritt Jr. Selma Stepansky Susan Gaskill Victor Hanna Lea Cohen Martin Nathanson Donald Cramer Isaac Becker Gladys Goldberg Rosalind Hirsh Anne Gibs Anna Chaiken Morris Greenberg Pauline Besser Ester Schlanger Rose Kravitz William Greenwald Debbi Eckert Frances Prager Helen Glass Lillian Brown Rebecca Lidovitch Robert Livingstone Tillie Libowitz Jay Carl Rothman Alan Reiver Macy Herman Harold Rosenbaum Solomon Mayer Abraham Moskoff Ruth Turner Nettie Shralow Morris Shandelman George Soffer Harold Nagorsky Paul Rosenblum David Balacofsky Ernest Turner Helen Yanovitz Gordon Kutler Shirley Radack Arnold Zitin Anna Bubis Stanley Weiss Robin Zimmerman Linda Bettinger Berger Leonard Rothfeld Shoshanna Abraham Bessie Furman Jerry Broder Ilana Miller Mollye Forstein Ruth Scherr Sidney Altman Albert Gushner Leon Cohen Virginia Oser Bruce Isaacman Sarah Shaffer Louis Geller Leonard Klingsberg Isadore (Irv) Forman S. Lewis Triester Beatrice Klevan Pearl Sklar Rhona Gerber Abraham Lander Michael Kleerekoper David Komins Rose Stein Edward Getson Lillian Sharps Herman Passen June 16-30, 2019 Elaine Mitzner Myers Daniel Broder Irene Goldenberg Arthur Carroll Louis Staple 13-27 Sivan Florence Narcavage Philip Fleishman Harry Miller Morris Folkman Rowena Dorsch Sarah Denenberg Daniel Reichman Shirley Karasik Pola Mishell Evelyn Friedman Milton Geller Diane Korn Sally Resnick Mildred Lefkoe Earl Goldberg Victor Hoffman Freda Udell Herman Shusterman Gerald Robinson May 1-15, 2019 Lee J. Goldman Edith Riesenbach Sadie Bloom Morris Silverman 26 Nisan - 10 Iyar Sy Listman Sigmund Rome Lorraine Cooper-Balis Melvin Spitofsky April 16-30, 2019 Robert Forman Bertha Silverman Harry Rubenstein Mollie Friedman Lillian Biron 11-25 Nisan Bessie Sardinsky Ruth Saewitz Morton Kolber Sidney Moskoff Fred Adler Reba Cooper May 16-31, 2019 Miriam Siegel Fannie Rachman Sydney Myers Martin Barol Esther Corner 11-26 Iyar Betty Sardinsky Marilyn Silverman Myra Forman Pearl Herskovitz Lena Dillinger June 1-15, 2019 Samuel Weiner Helen Tuck Sara Glassman Baruch Herskovitz Max Fox 27 Iyar - 12 Sivan Lester Averill Herbert Zimmerman Elizabeth Klingsberg Joseph Herskovitz Ethel Grill Victor Hoffman Paul Harrison Helen Orens Samuel Mandell Louis Kabler Esther Perlin Esther Karp Rosalie Wolf Efraim Weiss Frances Levin Melvyn Radel Barbara Kendall Abe Berman Martha Haimm Flora Slipakoff George Shralow Martha Marmon Jenny Mandelbaum Lorna Carroll Albert Surden Elliot Unterberger Bruce Marmon 19
Selling of Chametz before Pesach CHAG SAMEACH – Happy Passover! A traditional part of the preparation for Pesach, is the technical sale of chametz (leavened food forbidden on Passover) to fulfill the commandment in the Torah, “No chametz shall be found in your homes.” Chametz should be removed and/or sold by the early morning of Friday, April 19, 2019, since the home should be ready for the holiday by then. The tradition of selling the chametz transfers ownership of all leaven from our homes to a non- Jewish person for the duration of the Passover holiday. The chametz should not be used until after the Passover holiday has ended plus one hour (which this year would be on Saturday night, April 27, at 9:36 PM). The form below grants full power and authority to Rabbi Eric Yanoff to serve as your agent to sell your chametz as shall be deemed fit and proper in full accordance with halachah (Jewish Law). It further grants full power and authority to Rabbi Eric Yanoff to appoint another qualified individual to act as his agent in the transfer of all chametz entrusted to him for sale, all in full accordance with halachah. Voluntary donations of any amount made in conjunction with this document will be used to help people in need at Pesach time. A minimum donation of $18 is suggested, but donations of any amount are appreciated. We provide assistance through MAZON (The Jewish Response to Hunger), Adath Israel’s Mitzvah Makers, the Jewish Welfare Board’s Chaplain Council (providing Passover meals for Jews in the U.S. Armed Forces), and the Passover League. Please return this form and donation to the synagogue (Adath Israel, 250 N. Highland Avenue, Merion Station, PA 19066) no later than noon, Wednesday, April 17, 2019. Best wishes for a joyous Pesach! Rabbi Eric Yanoff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHTAR HARSHAAH DOCUMENT OF AUTHORIZATION FOR SALE OF CHAMETZ Know all men and women by these presents, that the undersigned do hereby make, constitute and appoint Rabbi Eric Yanoff (or any appointee made by Rabbi Yanoff) to act in my place and my stead for me in my name and in my behalf to sell all chametz owned and possessed by me and to this I hereby affix my signature on this date of (today’s date)___________________________ . I understand that I must have this form in the Adath Israel Office by 12 Nisan 5779, corresponding to Wednesday, April 17, 2019. _______________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE PRINT NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ HEBREW NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS(ES) WHERE THE CHAMETZ IS LOCATED _______________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP 20
Family friendly, non-toxic and safe for all ages, professional lice treatment will give you peace of mind. Our conveniently located Lice Salon is located at: 68 W. Eagle Road, Havertown, PA 19083 (across from Rita’s) For our fellow Adath Israel members: If you have a child at Adath Preschool or Synagogue, we’ll check their heads for free! ($25 value) Call our 24/7 Lice Hot Line: (610) 325-5661 Ilene The Lice Queen Steinberg, CEO 22
LOWER MERION SYMPHONY Mark Gigliotti, Music Director and Conductor Sherman Leis, President and CEO SUMMER CONCERT Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 3:00 PM Beethoven, Violin Concerto Featured Soloist: William Polk Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 4 At Welsh Valley Middle School 325 Tower Lane, Penn Valley, PA 19076. Admission is free. Donations are appreciated. For the latest information, visit or call the office of Dr. Sherman Leis at (610) 667-1888. Follow us at Educator/Author/Counselor/Public Speaker Holocaust Survivor Michael Herskovitz Michael Herskovitz Holocaust Survivor Educational Charity 610-308-0585 [email protected] 1001 City Line Avenue Apt. ED1032 Wynnewood, PA 19096 Treasured Story of Courage and Survival 24
SCHEDULE OF SERVICES OUR OFFICERS Monday and Thursday: 7:15 AM & 6:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: 7:30 AM & 6:00 PM David Steinman President Shabbat: 9:15 AM & 5:00 PM Sunday and Legal Holidays: 9:00 AM & 5:00 PM [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Pam Lashner Monday through Thursday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM First Vice President [email protected] Friday: 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (when Makom is in session) Lenore Asbel VP Administration STAFF DIRECTORY [email protected] Rabbi Eric Yanoff: Terri Hartman 610-934-1918, [email protected] VP Programming [email protected] Rabbi Andrew Markowitz: 610-934-1927, [email protected] Howard Rosenblatt VP Education - ECLC Lauren Marks-Cabañas, Executive Director: [email protected] 610-934-1903, [email protected] Meredith Krain Barbara Sharofsky, Administrative Assistant, VP Education - Makom Early Childhood Education: [email protected] 610-934-1914, [email protected] Robert Salvin Na'ama Yarden, Director, Community Education: VP Finance 610-934-1912, [email protected] [email protected] Beth Schonberger VP Membership [email protected] Julia Campbell, Program and Marketing Coordinator: Susan Baren-Pearson 610-934-1905, [email protected] Secretary/Board Liaison Sara Beth Levine, Bookkeeper: [email protected] 610-934-1907, [email protected] Susan Neidich, Clergy Assistant: In case of an emergency, WE'RE HERE! 610-934-1906, [email protected] Marcia Schulman, Administrative Assistant: We know that, during difficult times, you 610-934-1904, [email protected] may need the support and guidance of Terri Caldas, ECLC Coordinator: your Rabbi and congregational community. 610-934-1920, [email protected] In an emergency, you may reach Rabbi Yanoff or our Executive Director: Rabbi Yanoff: 610-955-2211 Lauren Marks-Cabañas: 954-850-7250 MAIN OFFICE: 610-934-1919 SCHOOL OFFICE: 610-934-1920 FAX: 610-664-0959 EMAIL: [email protected] ASNIS JUDAICA GIFT SHOP: 610-934-1930 25
Mazal Tov to the Confirmation Class of 5779! Sharon Berman Stephen Edels Jonah Srulevich Maia Cabañas Lillian McClure Sarah Wusinich Izzy Coopersmith Ethan Rappaport Our Confirmation Class will lead Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday, May 10, 2019, followed by dinner and study. Stay tuned for details! Mazal Tov to our 2018-2019 Volunteer of the Year Award Recipients! 26
Adath Israel NON-PROFIT 250 North Highland Avenue ORGANIZATION Merion Station, PA 19066 U.S. POSTAGE PAID 610-934-1919 PERMIT #91 UPPER DARBY, PA 19082 OR CURRENT RESIDENT SERENITY NOW $5,000/10 people 10 tickets to dinner, show, and after-party $650/person Full Page Virtual Ad THE DOUBLE-DIPPER $200/person $65/person 1 ticket to dinner, show, and after-party FESTIVUS Half Page Virtual Ad FOR THE REST OF US YADA, YADA, YADA… 1 ticket to show and after-party Quarter Page Virtual Ad 1 ticket to show Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________City: ______________ State: ______ ZIP: ______ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________ Enclosed is my check payable to Adath Israel in the amount of: $_________ Name as it appears on Credit Card: _____________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number: ______________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ________ CCV: ________ For Payments by ACH: Routing Number: _______________________________ Account Number: ___________________________ Return this form with payment, sign at, or call (610) 934-1919 by Tuesday, April 23, 2019! 28
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