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Home Explore Best Dissertation Statistics Help Software

Best Dissertation Statistics Help Software

Published by Dissertation Statistics Help, 2018-01-20 08:13:32

Description: Take a look at this article and discover what is the best dissertation statistics help software and how to use it.

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Dissertation Statistics Help

Best Dissertation Statistics Help SoftwareDo you need dissertation statistics help? The following tools might just be whatyou need! Learn how MS Excel, SPSS and MATLAB, to name some, can helpin dissertation statistics now.Microsoft ExcelStatistical analysis in excel is made easy by Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheetthat is developed by M​ icrosoft for Mac OS, Windows, iOS and Android. It hasthe features for graphing tools, calculation, macro programming language andpivot tables called as visual basic for applications. With Excel, users can create,edit and view spreadsheets from anywhere. You can run it with familiarformulas and navigation, while maintaining same formatting on all devices. · Lay out the data: If you are asking how to use data analysis in Excel,you have many options. You have the chance to organize text or numeric data inworkbooks or spreadsheets. You can view the context that helps you createinformed decisions.

· Rearrange and reformat: When you look at different configurations, theExcel recognizes and learns user pattern as well as auto-completed the data thatis remaining. There are no macros or formulas required. It has Tell Me searchfeature that guides users to feature commands that users need in getting resultsthey need. Using Excel for statistical analysis allows easy task. · It does analysis: With Excel statistical analysis tools, user can performcomplex analysis. It also summarizes user data because of its pivot-table optionpreview so that they can compare and select what they need in telling the beststory.Microsoft Excel is great software for statistic analysis. It is easy to use as longas you know how to. Learn more about it here today!Pros · Effective and easy comparisons: With the statistical analysis in Excelanalytical tool, user has the ability to analyze data, discover trends as well aspatterns that influence decisions. It has graphing capabilities allowing user tosummarize his data that enhances his ability in structuring and organizing data. · Powerful analysis: With its powerful filleting, search and filtering tools,user can easily and quickly narrows down the criteria that assist user in hisdecisions. · Working together - With the ​Excel web app, users can work onspreadsheets continuously with other users. · Build great charts: Excel allows users to unlock their data potential byusing formulas. · Use conditional formatting: Users on excel can format their spreadsheetswith the use of different bolds, italics and color shades in differentiatingcolumns. This function is very useful in presenting accounting details such asbalance and pre-tax profit. · Identify trends: In presenting data in form of graphs or charts, it ishelpful to include average lines. It is helpful in demonstrating key points for

other users. Excel software allows trend lines that will be extended beyondgraph. · Bring data together: ​Excel software can be used in bringing details fromdifferent documents and files together so that it will exist in a single location.Cons of Excel Software · Learning curve: While anyone can use Excel, it takes a lot of effort andpractice to get its full benefits. Users who are not familiar with Excel syntaxfind calculations a little bit frustrating. · Calculation errors: Excel has automatic calculation functions makinglarge-scale calculations so easy. The downside of it is that it has no means ofchecking human mistakes during data entry, which means users can makemistakes in the computing results. · Time consuming: Entering data in Excel manually takes much time,especially if users have many data to type. · Cost of entry: Getting Microsoft E​ xcel is not free. Its cloud-basedversion requires subscription for Office 365 and for desktop editions, you mustpurchase for a price of more than $60. · Sometimes a bug: When it comes to accuracy, it is hard to achieve it,wherein data mistakes are inevitable with larger volumes of details. It lacksvalidating a copy-paste mistake. Also, virus or hardware failure can potentiallymess the file up. · No real time asset data: Keeping the spreadsheet up to date is a hasslebecause there is no audit trail that makes it hard to keep user actual asset countas well as data in sync, especially if there is one individual having access on it. Tips from Expert on Statistical Analysis Using Excel SoftwareStephen L. Nelson, E. C. Nelson​:The most common data analysis tool is Excel. It is used for calculatingdescriptive statistics. Here are some tips on how to use Excel for statisticalanalysis.

In calculating descriptive statistics for data set, here are steps you need tofollow: · Click data tab ‘data analysis command button’ to inform Excel tocalculate the descriptive statistics. · In dialogue box for data analysis, you need to highlight descriptivestatistics entry in list for the the analysis tools found in the Excel, and then pressOK. · In ‘Input’ found in the descriptive statistics dialog box, you need todetermine the data to describe. In identifying the data statistically, tick on theinput range text box and then input the worksheet range reference. In finding outwhether data is, arranged columns or rows, you need to choose rows or columnsradio button. Now to indicate whether the first row has the labels describingdata, you should choose Labels in first Row check box. · In Output Options area of descriptive statistics dialog box, you need todescribe how and where Excel should produce statistics. In indicating wheredescriptive statistics Excel calculates be placed, choose from 3 radio buttons:New worksheet, Output Range and new Workbook. In identifying statisticalmeasures to measure or calculate, use the Output Options in checking boxes.Choose Summary Statistics checkbox to inform Excel in calculating statisticalmeasures like mode, standard and mean deviation.There you have the details you need to know on how to use Excel for seniorthesis. Whenever you want to do statistical analysis, Excel is a great option. Itmakes the data entry easy as long as you know what to type and click next.SPSSSPSS statistical analysis software is a​ statistics software package that is meantfor ‘batched’ or ‘non-batched’ statistical analysis in the most logical way. Whenit comes to its current version, it is officially named as IBM SPSS Statistics. Itscompanion products are for text analytics, as well as deployment, collaboration,or survey authoring and deployment. The acronym stands for ‘Statisticalpackage for Social Sciences’ that reflects its main market. The software isalready popular in numerous industries, like marketing and health sciences.

SPSS statistical analysis software is widely used for social science statisticalanalysis. It is being used by data miners, market researchers, government,marketing organizations, health researchers, survey companies, educationresearchers, and more. Its original manual has been regarded as one of thesociology’s best books.The fact is that there are users who use ​SPSS thesis analysis for their data. Hereare the statistics that are in the base software: · Bivariate statistics: t-test, correlation, means, ANOVA andnon-parametric tests. · Descriptive statistics: Frequencies, cross tabulation, descriptive ratiostatistics, explore and descriptive. · Prediction for determining or identifying groups: Cluster analysis, factoranalysis and discriminant. · Prediction for numerical outcomes: Linear regression

Some of the SPSS statistics features can be accessed via the pull-down menus.There are also complex applications that can be ‘in syntax,’ but cannot beaccessed using the structure of the menu.Pros · Comprehensive data management tools: The difficult part of dataanalysis is the initial data entry. If you make a mistake entering the data, youwill not be able to analyze it properly. SPSS is here! Even though you usedifferent options for data entry, it is better to enter data to SPSS. It offers asimple spreadsheet format that is easy and intuitive to start. SPSS gives a widerange of data documentation that surely helps you to ensure consistency. · Great graphical display options: Before you begin with data analysis, itis important to understand how the data behaves. It should be done graphically.SPSS gives box plots, scatter plots as well as histograms that will surely helpyou see patterns. The graphics give you general framework so that you canunderstand your data to interpret complex inferential procedures easily. · Wide range of statistical models: ​SPSS offers wide range of flexiblestatistical models such as general linear model as well as variety of the logisticregression models. It allows you to have a single program that meets all yourdata analysis needs. SPSS is a great statistical software package you can useanytime. · Easy to learn interface: SPSS offers an easy to learn interface comparedto SAS, Stata and R programming language. Definitely, you can use thissoftware for SPSS dissertation statistical analysis.Cons · Not user friendly: In using the syntax, it is not user friendly, but if youinvest time in learning its functionality, it becomes easy to make largecalculations or changes to the data. You need enough time to complete use ofthe syntax. · Not easy integration with other systems: Downloading or uploading datasets can be difficult sometimes, but in some instances, you can find it easy.

· Aesthetics of graphics may not be easy to manipulate - The aesthetics ofthe graphics created by the SPSS are not easy to control, but it will be great ifSPSS will allow a user to export graphic to another software programs such asExcel from which colors, headings and spacing can be edited easily. · Graphics is not always accurate: In some instances, ​SPSS provides anoption in generating a graphic automatically as a part of the statistical test, butthe graphic created is not always accurate. For instance, the clustered bar chartthat is generated automatically for cross-tab mistakenly clusters aroundindependent variable not dependent variable. You can check SPSS dissertationhelp online if you are having a hard time for statistical analysis. · More programming language: For analysts and scriptwriters, it requiresthat they have more programming language knowledge. It is also better if theyhave powerful function library or perhaps user forum in sharing scripts. Tips from Expert on Statistical Analysis Using SPSS SoftwareAndrew Garth​:The layout of your data in SPSS depends on your data that you have as well asthe analysis you propose in carrying out. Regardless, here are basic principlesthat can apply for situations. · Put every case on a row: SPSS expects users to put every care on a row.This means that every research subjects should have their own row. · Categorical variables: Categorical variables are represented by numberseven if it is not ordered categories. It is essential that they should be ascribed atext label with the use of the Variables Labels option. · Variable name should appear at column top in SPSS: When it comes tovariable name, it should appear at the column top in SPSS that is limited incharacters and length. The variable label holds meaningful description of thevariable. Also, it will be used on output, such as graphics in filling in. · Two or more groups need to have their own rows: Users having two ormore subjects groups still need to have their own rows, but it is essential to

dedicate a variable, which is a column in order to allow the system whichsubject group belongs to.There you have the answers on how to use SPSS for data analysis. You can usethe software anytime you want whether for your dissertation or thesis analysis.StataStata is a powerful statistics software enabling users to manage, produce andanalyze graphical data visualizations. It is mainly used by researchers ineconomics field, biomedicine as well as political science in examining datapatterns. It has graphical and command line user interface making the softwareuse more intuitive. Stata is created in the year 1985 by StataCorp. Stata’scapabilities include statistical analysis, data management, regression,simulations, graphics as well as custom programming. It has a system indisseminating user written programs.There are four major builds of every version of Stata: · MP/Stata for computers or multiprocessor, which include multi-core anddual-core processors · SE/ Stata for large databases

· IC/Stata which is a standard version · Numerics by Stata that supports any data sizesWith Stata, users experience accurate, easy to use and fast experience. It hasboth great intuitive command syntax and point and click interface. When itcomes to analyses, it would be all documented and reproduced for review andpublication. For the version control, it makes sure that scripts for analysis willcontinue in producing the same results no matter when they are written. Userscan reshape and combine datasets, collect statistics as well as manage variablesacross replicates and groups. Stata data analysis tool has advanced tools formanagement data like duration data and survival data.Pros · Freedom to customize: ​STATA software provides users the freedom tocustomize outputs and the ability to use external packages when it comes tovaried data analysis forms. · Easy to use: Stata is easy to use because users can easily share do-filesto others. It is also well recognized and professionals in research community. Ithas add-ons, regular updates as well as new versions having features forconvenient use. · Large database version: When it comes to advanced statistics class,users can use the large database version. If your computer has enough memory,the software can take numerous quantities of data and quickly give complexgraphs. The software can analyze data across time. You can also save yourprogress while you are sorting, working, creating dummy variables, cleaningdata as well as exporting your results. · Extensive: The amount of task that STATA can do is extensive. Fromsimple mathematics operations up to multiple variables calculations and graphstypes, the software can do it all. It gives you the chance to save your workstructure so that when you go back on it, you will not need to start from scratch.

· Professional software: STATA is professional software that providesnumerous possibilities and functions. You want to use it because it is fast and insome instances, it provides you details that you need.Cons · Interface is stressful: For new users, the interface of Stata can bestressful because the error codes are not always helpful on the part of users.When it comes also to the default outputs, it is not aesthetically pleasing. · Lack of free online courses - S​ TATA lacks free online courses for users.It is expensive, but it is worth of the money. · Commands need practice and experience: Coding the commands takesextensive practice and experience. Users need 40 up to 50 hours in mastering itwithout any experience. When it comes to performing basic commands, it is asimple process because it has a guide. However, with interpreting the results, itis hard without statistics experience. · Takes time to master: Since Stata work with the use of commands thatusers write on sheet, they need enough time to remember all of it. It is not atrouble, but some individuals may not have good memorization skills and find ita big problem on their part. · Not much attractive: Aside from not being aesthetically, it is not thatattractive. It is complicated to use since you need to work on commands. If youare not a regular user, it surely bothers you because memorizing and learningtakes time. Tips from Expert on Statistical Analysis Using StataOscar Torres-ReynaWhen it comes to statistical analysis, you think of the data as a collection ofdifferent pieces of facts or information. The pieces are called as variables. Thevariable is a piece of identifiable data containing one or more values. The valuescan take the form of text or number that can be converted into number. · Data structure: For data analysis, user data should have variables asobservations and columns as rows. The first row should have column headings.

It is essential to ensure that user data has at least 1 identifier - for instance,family id, individual id and others · Data format: Here are available formats; · Delimited: Data is separated by tab, space or comma. The most commonextension is *.csv (comma-separated value). · Record form: Data is being structured by fixed blocks. It is essential tohave a codebook to write the program. When it comes to data in this format,column headings is not available. · From SPSS/SAS to Stata: Do you already have a data in the SPSSformat? If you do, you may use the ‘command use’ SPSS in reading the files inSPSS in Stata or command use as in ‘reading SAS files. ‘ · Descriptive statistics: You can use descriptive statistics by subgroupssuch as age, gender and others.Stata is great statistical package software you can use for statistical analysis. Itcan help you for data entry and analysis. If you know how to use the software, itcan be a great help for you.NvivoQualitative data analysis with NVIVO i​ s easy! Nvivo is software supportingmixed and qualitative methods research. Nvivo statistical analysis is designed tohelp users analyze, find and organize insights in qualitative or unstructured datasuch as open-ended survey responses, interviews, web content, social media andarticles. If you are working with a qualitative data, Nvivo is great to use.Essentially, completing the research without software makes it hard to discoverconnections in your data as well as insights that provide an edge. ​Nvivoprovides users a place to manage or organize material so that they can begin tofind insights in their data. It also provides tools, allowing users to ask questionsof their data in an efficient way. By using N​ vivo in qualitative research, projectusers can… · Saves time

· Works more efficiently · Rigorously backs up findings with evidence · Uncovers connections in good ways that are not possible manuallyWith Nvivo, it has the combination of powerful analysis and organization tools.Users can take advantage of its sophisticated data management and multi-userscapabilities. Their teams make informed decisions easier with effortlesscollaboration, ability in working with larger data volumes and streamliningproject administration. Anyone can experience real research collaboration forhimself or herself. Doing dissertation in Nvivo will help your task much easier.ProsSearch for large data sets: Are you looking for certain quote within your themeor you like to make a word tree with data you have? ​Nvivo software allowsusers to search large data sets. It allows also users to organize results in differentways such as mind maps, word trees and others.

· Make codes in identifying patterns: Nvivo software is primarilyemployed in data organization into themes in order to make retrieval of suchdata more efficient and quicker. By analyzing multiple codes, it is easy to findthemes across users data sets. It can be done if users’ data is sorted andorganized properly. · Import of Facebook, Tweets and YouTube comments: The good thingwith Nvivo is that it allows imports of Facebook, YouTube and Tweets postcomments to be coded and imported as part of user data. Since researchprocesses is changing, it become an important component within few years. It isgreat software having steep learning curve. · Collect and archive: Users can archive and collect any data type andconnect it with their transcribed data. People think of the software as transcribeddata tool. Over the years, it becomes a home for all collected research type data.It has the ability in collecting multimedia data from different devices and t linkit with users transcribed data to access source file that is required though Nvivo.Cons · Some of the functions of N​ vivo are not intuitive and it takes time tolearn by viewing the online tutorials or reading its manual. · Functionality is limited: One of the disadvantages of Nvivo is that thefunctionality of it is more limited. There are only some things that users can doin this software. However, it is great to use in some instances. · Expensive: Getting Nvivo software is expensive. · May not be accurate all the time - Nvivo is accurately heralded. Thesoftware is seen as more implicitly in section methods of paper with one or twosentences about data analysis, including all data analyzed using Nvivo. Youshould not worry because Nvivo it a good software, but it is not the best. · Ability to disengage: The danger of using Nvivo software, particularlynew researches, is in its ability to disengage analyst from coding. Nvivo is adata management tool wherein for new users that do not completely know howto use the software, it is easy for them to disengage their data.

· Takes a little time to learn - New users need enough time to know howto use the software. There are numerous training courses and YouTube videosthat users can check out online in gaining knowledge about Nvivo. Tips from Expert on Statistical Analysis Using Nvivo SoftwareLP Wong​:In working with Nvivo, the user needs to make a project to hold the study ordata information. The time that the project is created, Project pad appears.Nvivo has two main menus: Node browser and Document browser. In anyproject, the user can explore and make nodes and documents when the data islinked, coded and browsed.Both node and document browsers have attribute features helping researchers torefer the data characteristics like gender, age, ethnicity, marital status andothers. · Project pad having documents tab selected: Nvivo document browser isthe main workspace when it comes to coding documents. Documents in thesoftware can be created inside Nvivo project or imported from the WordPad orMS Word in rich text format. · Document browser having coding stripe and coder activated: Nvivo isdesigned allowing researcher to place Hyperlink to other files such as image,video, web pages and audio files in the documents in capturing conceptual linksthat are observed during the qualitative data analysis using Nvivo. · The second menu is the Node explorer representing categoriesthroughout user data. The codes will be saved in the Nvivo database as nodes.The nodes are created in the software that is equivalent to sticky notes that userplaces on document in indicating a particular passage that belongs to certaintopic or theme.Using Nvivo is a great choice because it gives users the chance to makestatistical analysis. If you want an easy job, then Nvivo qualitative data analysisis your answer.

MatlabMATLAB d​ ata analysis is multi-paradigm numerical computing software. It is aprogramming language that is developed by Mathworks. It allows plotting ofdata and functions as well as matrix manipulations, algorithms implementation,program interfacing and user interface creations in others languages, whichinclude C#, C, C++, Java, Python and FORTRAN. MATLAB is primarilyintended for ‘numerical computing.’ It is an optional ‘toolbox’ making use ofthe symbolic engine of MuPAD, which lets access to symbolic computingfunctions.As of this year, there are well over two million users across industries, includingacademics for the MATLAB software. These users are from differentbackgrounds of science, economics and engineering.MATLAB data analysis application is built around its scripting language. Itscommon usage application involves the use of Command Window as interactivemathematical shell that contains MATLAB code. In making MATLABfunction, the file name should match the first function name in users file.It is a valid function name that starts with alphabetic character and containsnumbers, underscores or letters. In addition, the software has structure data

types. All the MATLAB variables are arrays. Also, the software supportsdynamic field name such as field manipulations and others. MATLAB was firstadopted by practitioners and researchers in control engineering. It is popular toscientists involved in the image processing.ProsNumerous functional features: M​ ATLAB has numerous features that could besolve in complex numerical algorithms. The graphical and plots representationare helpful than excel. A good thing with it is that it iterates 1000 designssolutions for different inputs by providing one code. It is a great introduction todata analysis with MATLAB. · Works well with engineering problem types: MATLAB works well withcertain engineering problem types, like dew and iterations as well as bubblepoint calculations. It is easy to write loops. Functions and loops can be used formany times in different problems, situations and classes. There are manyspecific packages that users can get that are catered to their needs. For syntax, itis not difficult to use and it’s similar to other programming languages. · Capacities and highlights: MATLAB offers extraordinary measure ofcapacities and highlights that is incredible for doing math. The best part of thedocumentation resembles word reference definition having cases that is greatway to execute or utilize a capacity. · Complex mathematical processes: When it comes to the mathematicalprocesses, it is easy as plugging. Users will find it very easy to use after theyhave learned the syntax. There are numerous resources to continue learning thelanguage. · Standard: There are many functionality of the software. For user whodoes not code often, it is easy to remember what they need to do even thoughusers make a syntax error.Cons · Interface is not much user-friendly: M​ ATLAB is great to use, but whenit comes to its interface, it is not that user friendly. Also, the debugging mistakes

are quite hard. For the processing duration, it is a bit longer for hard fluidmechanics equation as well as optimization algorithms. · Debugging: One of the problems that you encounter with MATLAB isabout debugging. Users will have a big problem on debugging code because it ishard to understand what the mistake actually means. In some instances, usersneed to do a good search about it, but it may take time. · Small mistakes can have bad results to the user’s code: Even thoughthere are many resources, it is difficult to implement.· Interface is boring: The interface of the software looks the same after manyyears. The interface is hard to integrate with newer software. · Features: Many of its features can only be accessed if users purchasedthe perfect toolboxes. Each toolbox is expensive under the commercial license. · Help button: The help button is not that useful because some users tendto search for their issues on internet and go back to their tutorials. · Hard to integrate with other tools: MATLAB software is difficult tointegrate with existing system because it lack of enterprise integration support. Tips from Expert on Statistical Analysis Using MATLAB SoftwareJim Sizemore, John Paul Mueller:​MATLAB gives different commands that users can use in performing basicstatistics tasks. If you are working with the descriptive statistics, it described thedata collection characteristics, like smallest and largest value, items mean valueas well as average. This statistics form is used in summarizing data that makes iteasy to understand. Here are the steps that help users work through some tasks: · Type the rng(‘shuffle’, ‘twister’); then press Enter. · User use rng() function in initializing pseudo-random number generatorin order to produce sequence of pseudo-random numbers. For the older versionsof MATLAB, users use some initialization techniques, however they shouldrely on MATLAB rng () function when it comes to new applications.

· Type the w = 100 * rand (1, 100); then press Enter. · The command produces 100 pseudo-random numbers that uniformlydistributed between values zero and one. After that, numbers are beingmultiplied by 100 in bringing up to integer values. · Users Type x = 100 * randn (1, 100); then press Enter. · The command produces 100 pseudo-random numbers, which arenormally distributed. The numbers can be negative or positive. Multiplying it by100 does not ensure that numbers are between 100 and -100.It is difficult to make statistical analysis, but if you use MATLAB, you canfinish it easier provided you take some time in learning about it. For dataanalysis with MATLAB for excel users, they even find it easier to perform theirresearch statistics tasks. Refer to this guide and find the best software for dissertation statistics help today!

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